Community News: September 2024
September 1-28, 2024: Issue 634
Issue 634.99:
Avalon Youth Hub becomes 'Beaches Hub'
Narrabeen Sports High School upgrade: Update
Increase in Pittwater Ambulance Wait Times - transfer to NBH ED: Scruby Calls for Action
Aquatics Hawkesbury Nepean River Coastal Zone Management program: Feedback Sought - community sessions at Church Point, Bayview + Palm Beach this September & October
PEP11 Update: September 2024 - Preliminary View of Minister is that applications should be Refused
Northern Beaches Hospital Audit: Now Open For Submissions (submission period closes November 15)
New Books by Local Author for Primary Students On Our Natural Environment
Byron Bay Writers Festival 2024 by Robyn McWilliam
NSW Government takes action on ticketless parking fines
Central Coast Veteran and Family Hub Now Open
NSW Government supports all recommendations of Special Commission into historical LGBTIQ+ hate crimes - and a little about Rise: The Bondi Memorial
Issue 634.77:
Local Government Election 2024: First Preference Votes Counted - the Numbers So Far (over 1.3 Million pre-poll and postal votes to be counted yet)
Georgia Ryburn to be Liberals Candidate in Pittwater By-election
Spring into Action: Safeguarding Wildlife While You Clean by Lynleigh Greig OAM - Plus: Sydney Wildlife Mobile Care Unit: Exciting Collaboration Alert - Wanda meets Matilda! and; Pittwater Animal Hospital's Cakewalk for Sydney Wildlife Rescue
Avalon Beach Historical Society's September 2024 Meeting speaker: Ray Henman ACS on 70+ years of living in Pittwater by Roger Sayers OAM
Aged Care Reforms Announced: Increases of up to 80% for self-funded retirees
Water Saving Superheroes with The Wiggles: Let's Save 8 Million Litres of Sydney's Water Every Day!
2024 National Coastal Safety Report Highlights Record Lives Saved By Volunteer Surf Lifesavers
RPAYC 157th Opening Day – A Day to Remember!
Australian Longboard Titles 2024: Results - Tully and Declan win Open Division + NSW Team are Champions!
Marine Rescue NSW volunteers complete second-busiest August on record
Cabbage Tree Road Bayview Safety improvements: Update - Works to Commence Soon
Entries OPEN for the Hansa World & International Championships 2025: to be held on Pittwater
30 years since historic discovery of ancient dinosaur trees: Wollemi Pine Trees Auction
DIY Ideas Get Ready Weekend 2024: A Warm Spring Forecast: Time To Prepare Your Home For Bushfire Season - The RFS's List + 6 Easy To Do Extras You Can Do In The Garden + Home To Be Prepared - Plus: Johnson Bros Mitre 10 Mona Vale Wins Retail Store of the Year
Davistown Putt Putt Regatta & Wooden Boat Festival set for Sunday 13 October 2024
Issue 634.33:
Jacqui Scruby Confirms Candidature for October 2024 Pittwater By-election: further Nominations by others to be confirmed
Local Rural Fires Volunteers Honoured for 570+ years of Service
Manly's Wildflower Shows: Some History
Peoples Choice Awards for the 2024 Northern Beaches Environmental Art & Design Prize
NSW Drug Summit co-chairs appointed John Brogden - Carmel Tebbutt: regional forums confirmed
NSW Government to ban the use of Alternative Care Arrangements for vulnerable children
Proposed reforms to stamp out bad councillor behaviour - increase transparency in local government: have your say until November 15
For Those Whose Home Is Among The Gum Trees: Scamps, Labor Members, Greens, Australians at Local, State + Federal Level call for a Cessation of Habitat Destruction as NSW Government touts an 'Forestry Industry Action Plan' Consultation
Local Swimming Champs Take Home Silver in Pan Pacs 2024
Pictures: Springing into Spring 2024 by Joe Mills, Adriaan van der Wallen, Selena Griffith +
Rory Amon charged with 10 alleged child sex offences - resigns from Office of MP for Pittwater
Park Bench Philosophers Issue 634.11: History week 2024: North Head Quarantine Station, Manly - how Governor Ralph Darling saved Australians; saved Australia
DIY Ideas Spring Lawn Care + How to Renew an area with New Turf - Also Johnson Brothers Mitre 10 New Concrete Store at Mona Vale is now open
Aquatics: Issue 634.99 Aquatics: Hawkesbury Nepean River Coastal Zone Management program: Feedback Sought - community sessions at Church Point, Bayview + Palm Beach this September & October
Environment PEP11 Update: September 2024 - preliminary view of Minister is that applications should be refused, NSW's Right Whale ID Program, Mona Vale Road East Fauna Crossing: A bridge to …where?, Catherine Park, Scotland Island Landscape improvements plan: Have Your Say, New Books by local author for Primary students On our natural environment, PNHA AGM 2024 + 30th Anniversary picnic lunch, Katandra Bushland Sanctuary By Night, Katandra Bushland Sanctuary Open Season 2024, Bureau of Meteorology's 2024 Spring Long-Range Forecast, Eastern grey kangaroos may foster long-term relationships say UNSW scientists, It’s magpie swooping season: how to avoid that click near your ear, Select Committee on PFAS (per and polyfluoroalkyl substances) opens for submissions, Permaculture NB Upcoming Events, Aussie Bird Count 2024, Barrenjoey access trail closed on weekdays until November, NSW community's opinion sought on coal mine regulation, Echidna Love Season, Plastic Bread Ties For Wheelchairs, Stay Safe From Mosquitoes, Volunteers for Barrenjoey Lighthouse Tours needed, Mountain Bike Incidents On Public Land: Survey, Report fox sightings, marine wildlife rescue group on the Central Coast, Watch out - shorebirds about, Possums In Your Roof?: do the right thing, Aviaries + Possum Release Sites Needed, Bushcare in Pittwater: where + when, Friends Of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Activities, Gardens and Environment Groups and Organisations in Pittwater, Ringtail Posses 2023, Australia desperately needs a strong federal environmental protection agency. Our chances aren’t looking good, Get set for more extreme weather across Australia this Spring and Summer, ‘Pirate birds’ force other seabirds to regurgitate fish meals; Their thieving ways could spread lethal avian flu, High-speed rail plans may finally end Australia’s 40-year wait to get on board, Warm winters are waking snakes early; Here’s what that means for them and us, Methane emissions are at new highs; It could put us on a dangerous climate path, It’s a big deal if Australia and the Pacific are chosen to host UN climate talks; Here’s why, Biochar doesn’t just store carbon – it stores water and boosts farmers’ drought resilience, With a million home batteries, we could build far fewer power lines; We just need the right incentives, Farm fences trouble turtles in search of water; Here’s how to help, National parks and other protected areas often fail to conserve Earth’s forests, We found 1 in 6 Australian reptile species traded as pets overseas despite the export ban,Urgent interim action needed as NSW clears 570 football fields of habitat each day, Update: Government rejects "Increase Penalties for Urban Forest Tree Vandalism and Recognise Trees as Natural Assets in the IP&R Framework of The Local Government Act" petition - hundreds of trees lost in one fell swoop at Lane Cove or in Pittwater count for nothing, Federal Labor and Coalition Block Bill to End Native Forest Logging, $29.7 billion per year by 2030: Confusion, overlaps and gaps in NSW invasive species plan, Our cities are losing the small colourful songbirds that give us the most joy, We found one in six Australian reptile species traded as pets overseas despite the export ban, Bunyip birds and brolgas: how can we better protect species important to Indigenous people?, Whales are recovering from near extinction, but industrial fishing around Antarctica competes for their sole food source, It’s a big deal if Australia and the Pacific are chosen to host UN climate talks; Here’s why, Methane emissions are at new highs. It could put us on a dangerous climate path, 20 more added to Australia's list of threatened with extinction, Australian Conservation Foundation's march for nature: Raise your voice Sydney on October 5, NSW Invasive Species Management Review released, Watch out, shorebirds are about - a few notes on our local Endangered and Vulnerable listed ground-dwelling beach and bush residents and visitor Birds, War on feral cats: report from the battlefield - Update + New NPWS shooting team to boost feral cat control: New Positions Available - apply now, Jimbles in local waters, Bureau of Meteorology's 2024 Spring Long-Range Forecast, Damaging Chaelundi State Conservation Area results in fine and restoration orders, Can we really reach net zero by 2050? A new report maps out Australia’s path in more detail than ever before, Worried about your trees after the windstorms?; Here are 7 signs you might be at risk, Up early for a critically endangered bird - Saving our Species: Field Notes, It’s magpie swooping season: how to avoid that click near your ear, Select Committee on PFAS (per and polyfluoroalkyl substances) opens for submissions, Permaculture NB Upcoming Events, Aussie Bird Count 2024, Fish on Prozac: chemical residues in wastewater mess with bodies, behaviour and sperm, 40°C in August? A climate expert explains why Australia is ridiculously hot right now, Coral bleaching is not only heart-breaking, it’s also bad economics, ‘Humanity is failing’: official report warns our chance to save the Great Barrier Reef is fast closing, Which future? Japan’s net zero vision for the region boosts gas and threatens green exports in Australia, Does Australia face a gas shortage? No – just Victoria, where empty wells meet a lack of planning, Sydney’s shiny new Metro service is great – now can we fix the city’s busted bus stops?, Researchers analysed 1,500 climate policies to find what works; These are the lessons for Australia, Solar above, batteries below: here’s how warehouses and shopping centres could produce 25% of Australia’s power, Huge gas fields – under a coral reef. Will a rejection on environmental grounds stop Woodside’s Browse project?, Chemical industry failing to stop emissions of super-strong greenhouse gas HFC-23 – new research, From rhino horn snuff to pangolin livestock feed: we analysed half a century of patents to track the wildlife trade’s evolution, US has its first national strategy to reduce plastic pollution − here are 3 strong points and a key issue to watch, Ancient Rome had ways to counter the urban heat island effect – how history’s lessons apply to cities today, Thwaites Glacier won’t collapse like dominoes as feared, study finds, but that doesn’t mean the ‘Doomsday Glacier’ is stable, As human population grows, people and wildlife will share more living spaces around the world, Urban wildfires disrupt streams and their tiny inhabitants − losing these insects is a warning of bigger water problems, Echidna Love Season Commences, Plastic Bread Ties For Wheelchairs, Volunteers for Barrenjoey Lighthouse Tours needed, Stay Safe From Mosquitoes, Mountain Bike Incidents On Public Land: Survey, Report fox sightings, marine wildlife rescue group on the Central Coast, Watch out - shorebirds about, Possums In Your Roof?: do the right thing, Aviaries + Possum Release Sites Needed, Bushcare in Pittwater: where + when, Friends Of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Activities, Gardens and Environment Groups and Organisations in Pittwater, Ringtail Posses 2023, Plastic Bread Ties For Wheelchairs Mona Vale collection point, Volunteers For Barrenjoey Lighthouse Tours Needed, Mountain Bike Incidents On Public Land: Survey, Report Fox Sightings, Watch Out - Shorebirds About, Possums In Your Roof?: Do The Right Thing, Aviaries + Possum Release Sites Needed, Bushcare In Pittwater: Where + When, Friends Of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Activities, Gardens and Environment Groups and Organisations In Pittwater, Ringtail Posses, Pittwater Reserves, Histories, Pictorial Walks, + more
Inbox News Avalon Youth hub becomes 'Beaches Hub', Narrabeen Sports High School upgrade: Update, HSC Online Help Guide, Performance and Languages oral exams jumpstart HSC, Young Australians embrace national online gambling self-exclusion register, Miniature Train Ride at Manly: a few history notes about having fun as a youngster, TAFE NSW to provide free professional learning for early childhood educators, Newport SLSC's Surf Rowers Youth Development Programme: opportunity, Children’s Week Art Competition 2024, Whale Beach SLSC: New Members Needed, Avalon Bilgola Amateur Swimming Club: 2024/2025 Season, Season 3 of She’s Electric competition now open for female surfers, Your Voice Our Future: have your say, Word Of The Week: Linen, What is a trained clown and what does the training look like?, From cauldrons to cardigans - the lurking prejudices behind the name ‘Granny', ‘I don’t believe I would have gotten into university’: how early entry schemes help Year 12 students experiencing disadvantage, Gen Z’s language might seem incomprehensible but slang has always sounded that way – just look at these five Victorian sayings, Astronomers just detected the biggest black hole jets ever seen – and named them Porphyrion, Why do dogs have different coats? Experts explain – and give grooming tips for different types, Exceptional new fish fossil sparks rethink of how Earth’s geology drives evolution, Australians are flocking to play futsal, a sport that helped launch many elite soccer careers, The internet is worse than it used to be. How did we get here, and can we go back?, Have you heard of the open source internet? The antidote to a capitalist web already exists, What’s the point of drama class? It teaches the workplace skills employers want, for a start, ‘Side job, self-employed, high-paid’: behind the AI slop flooding TikTok and Facebook, How can you support your Year 12 student during their final exams?, Kids under 13 use social media; How can parents help keep them safe online?, Instagram has announced it will be removing beauty filters – but the damage is done, New teen accounts on Instagram are a welcome step but real ‘peace of mind’ requires more, AFP Operation Kraken charges alleged head of global organised crime app., Unemployment of 4.2% is a sign of RBA success, but it might not last. Here’s why, The death of printed newspapers has long been predicted – but there are still some pleasing signs of life, Grattan on Friday: US rate cut puts pressure on RBA - and things could get heated, Tough new strata laws pass NSW Parliament, Young Australians embrace national online gambling self-exclusion register, ACMA blocks more illegal offshore gambling websites, Police decommission 'The Commission' crime network allegedly supplying $1.8 billion of cocaine to Sydney, New research highlights prevalence of family and domestic violence offending dealt with by police, Afghan women have been robbed of health care, education and now their voices; But they won’t remain silent, I think my child is having panic attacks; What should we do?, XEC: what you need to know about the new COVID variant, More than half of people who use party drugs take ADHD medicines without a prescription, Why is pain so exhausting?, Many people in the Pacific lack access to adequate toilets – and climate change makes things worse, AMA calls for swift action on commercial foods for infants and young children, AMA welcomes ban on use of genetic tests to refuse insurance cover, September 2024 reports for you, so far: Avalon Beach Historical Society's September 2024 Meeting speaker: Ray Henman ACS on 70+ years of living in Pittwater by Roger Sayers OAM, Aged Care Reforms Announced: Increases of up to 80% for self-funded retirees, RPAYC 157th Opening Day – A Day to Remember!, Australian Longboard Titles 2024: Results - Tully and Declan win Open Division + NSW Team are Champions!, Increase in Pittwater Ambulance Wait Times - transfer to NBH ED: Scruby Calls for Action, New Books by Local Author for Primary Students On Our Natural Environment, Davistown Putt Putt Regatta & Wooden Boat Festival set for Sunday 13 October 2024, For Those Whose Home Is Among The Gum Trees, Health services used for managing dementia have increased over the past decade, Runt is a gentle, beautifully shot, and warmly humorous small town Australian story, The government has a new plan for residential aged care. Here’s what’s changing, What the government’s home care changes mean for ageing Australians, Registration for Walking Netball Open, Research shows diabetes drug could reduce dementia risk. Here’s how the two diseases may be linked, What causes food cravings and what can we do about them?, Thinking of trying a new diet?; 4 questions to ask yourself before you do, Boost for pensioners’ pockets this September, Construction starts at Ryde's Macquarie University on RNA research and manufacturing facility for NSW, Role of pharmacists to expand to ear infections, nausea, acid reflux, acne, and muscle and joint pain, Social media – young people need education not unrealistic bans, Sydney Gateway to open Sunday September 1 2024, More homes for the Northern Rivers: another relocation site released, NSW Government announces $200 million to improve regional road safety, How can you help your child tidy up their room (without having a massive fight every time)?, ‘Doing nothing is not an option’ – top economists back planning reform and public housing as fixes for Australia’s housing crisis, Climate justice is a critical issue for the tourism industry, Stand by for interest rate cuts: the US is about to start, so expect Australia to follow, Even with astronauts stuck in space until next year NASA’s pushing human flights harder than ever, 85% of the matter in the universe is missing; But we’re getting closer to finding it, The internet makes it too easy to ‘fall down a rabbit hole of hate’; So what works to curb online extremism?, Could the Muswellbrook earthquakes be caused by coal mining?; Geoscientists explain, Gareth Evans: AUKUS is terrible for Australian national interests – but we’re probably stuck with it, Airline ‘customer rights charter’ to specify when cash refunds required, Government faces likely High Court challenge to its CFMEU legislation, Australia’s new chief cyber spy inherits a massive $10 billion war chest – and an urgent mission, Jokowi wants to build a political dynasty in Indonesia; A once-pliant court and angry public are standing in the way, I’m iron deficient; Which supplements will work best for me and how should I take them?, What is type 1.5 diabetes?; It’s a bit like type 1 and a bit like type 2 – but it’s often misdiagnosed, RSV is linked to asthma in children – but we can’t say one causes the other yet, Being a ‘weekend warrior’ could be as good for brain health as exercising throughout the week new study shows, A book talk at Mona Vale Library by Kevin Murray: September 13, Boost for pensioners’ pockets this September, September 2024 Meeting of ABHS, Allied Health in Aged care workforce has almost halved since 2020, Miniature Train Ride at Manly: a few history notes about having fun as a youngster, Australian Butter in 1933: one of the Cinema Branch’s earliest sound films, COTA Australia statement on aged-care star-rating system, What links aging and disease?; A growing body of research says it’s a faulty metabolism, “Stop dithering on older people’s rights”: Older Australians urge MPs to stop delaying action on aged care reform, ‘Expert’ wine reviews are often paid for; So should you trust them?, Why eating seaweed might help prevent Parkinson’s disease, Pittwater-Narrabeen Parkinson’s Support Group, AvPals Classes, Avalon Learning Expo (Open Day) - Avalon Public School biggest flash mob in Pittwater?, Narrabeen Sports High School: Spotlight on Narrabeen Academy Surfers, Avalon Bilgola Amateur Swimming Club: 2024/2025 Season, TriTag at Newport Rugby, Sailing at Narrabeen, TAFE NSW to provide free professional learning for early childhood educators, Local Swimming Champs Take Home Silver in Pan Pacs 2024, Performance and Languages oral exams jumpstart HSC, Seismic echoes reveal a mysterious ‘donut’ inside Earth’s core, AI was born at a US summer camp 68 years ago; Here’s why that event still matters today, Australian Butter: 1933, Children’s Week Art Competition 2024, Whale Beach SLSC: New Members Needed, Warriewood SLSC Open Day, Word Of The Week: Atmosphere, What is mental imagery? Brain researchers explain the pictures in your mind and why they’re useful, Uni is not just about lectures; When choosing a degree, ask what supports are available to you, ‘Will this degree lead to a job?’ is the wrong question; Here’s what you should ask instead, ‘She’s just hitting a triangle?’ Why being a percussionist is harder – and more crucial – than you may think, A third of the world’s population lacks internet connectivity − airborne communications stations could change that, Polaris Dawn: the first spacewalk by commercial astronauts will be historic, but the mission carries risks, How Henry VIII accidentally changed the way we write history, Quantum tech is a high-stakes gamble; Here’s how Australia can find a way forward, Ecological art can bring us closer to understanding nature; How does this look in the era of climate change?,The band is getting back together: 10 Oasis songs you should know, beyond Wonderwall, Who was Hannibal? How one brilliant general almost brought Ancient Rome to its knees, Book of the Month - September 2024: The useful native plants of Australia, (including Tasmania) by Maiden, J. H. (Joseph Henry)published 1889, Services for you +

The group has been meeting in Avalon Community Centre every Tuesday, apart from school holidays, ever since. On Saturday June 25 2016 Avalon Boomerang Bags was officially launched, complete with educational displays in Dunbar Park, a Surfrider Northern Beaches organised beach clean of Avalon Beach and some great music from The Big Sing.
Angie Barlow, one of the Avalon Boomerang Bags volunteers, brings us up to date for 2024, where members recently recreated those first sewing session photos.
NB: the Avalon Boomerang Bags group has some terrific Christmas themed fabric bags available, which is a great environmentally friendly alternative to wrapping paper.
Pittwater Online's 2024 Local Government Elections Candidates Profile lists the Lead Candidate, in the Ballot Paper draw sequence, from Barrenjoey to Manly. In wards where only 2 Lead Candidates are listed but 3 must be voted in, more information about those standing with a Lead Candidate in a Group are included.
NSW Electoral Commission Notices regarding Postal Votes and Pre-polling are included.
All responses are run as sent in by Candidates. This Profile will remain up until Sunday September 15.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter: September 2024
Click on Logo to access the latest PON:
Contents: Volunteer Drivers Required; The Tuesday Discussion Group; Island Café; Newcomers' Welcome; Whisky Tasting; International Folk Dancing
To contact Roy:
Dedicated to 'Joey'
This Issue of Pittwater Online News is dedicated to 'Joey' - it is the only way we could stop sobbing and get the work done to keep going.
Joey, a baby koala, was killed on Appin road on Friday evening, September 20 2024.
Appin Road, between Rosemeadow and Gilead, is being expanded to facilitate housing in the ''Greater Macarthur Growth Area''.
A baby boy, he is the 38th koala killed on this road since DA’s for around 18 thousand houses to be built in that area have been approved.
This last population of Sydney Koalas are being lost to their habitat being destroyed and a horse before the cart policy approach by the incumbent and prior state government.
This is allowing roads to be run through their habitat and for trees, that are wildlife houses and food sources, to be removed prior to any trees being replanted and allowed to grow tall, or wildlife corridors, wildlife safety fencing and wildlife underpasses and overpasses are in place.
‘Joey’ was hit at Noorumba Reserve. The pair moved through a gate with large gaps, even though the area is supposedly fenced. And still no date for an underpass. A disaster. – Sydney Basin Koala Network
No word yet on his mother, who also would have been struck.

That’s 38 koalas killed just on the Appin road.
In May 2024 that number was 32 – now a few weeks later, with habitat removed, no fauna fences or fauna under or overpasses in place, koalas across the three council areas of Campbelltown, Wollondilly and Camden are being killed on a daily basis – not just on Appin road.
Koalas are currently in their breeding season, so many males are on the move across their historical and multi-generational ranges looking for other koalas.
Mothers move bubs in search of food trees and safety.
A ‘plan for Sydney’s koalas’, including what may have kept these two safe, has been discussed for almost a decade now. Despite the early recommendations to install fauna safety measures, none are as yet in place, although the razing of their habitat has been approved to precede.
As in other places, including here, wildlife and environment comes 2nd behind money, especially when it comes to ‘improving roads’ to access proposed housing.
In the Northern Beaches Council Meetings Held August 6 + 13 2024: Report in Lieu of 'From the Chamber' updates it was revealed in a response to a call for traffic calming measures for Morgan Road, Belrose and Oxford Falls Road, Oxford Falls to protect wildlife will not occur as wildlife is not counted here either when these projects are undertaken at a local government level.
It was RESOLVED via Cr Heins / Cr Ryburn: That Council note the findings of the report. And then that was RESOLVED BY EXCEPTION
Council’s Background report stated:
The community feedback received over the past few years anecdotally indicates an increase in wildlife being impacted by the vehicles travelling along the route. Staff note that this data may exist, however Council does not keep this information as a part of the broader traffic and transport data set used to evaluate traffic projects.
Wildlife does not count? These residents are not included ‘to evaluate traffic projects’?
The data collected by wildlife rescuers and organisations is 'anecdotal'? and 'may exist'?It certainly is not.
More from Council’s Background report:
The request for traffic calming to be installed has been considered and, whilst this would address the broader issues of traffic speeds, the additional street lighting that would need to be installed to meet the safety requirements for traffic calming devices may have a negative impact on the amenity of the rural area as well as the impact on nocturnal wildlife. The Transport Network Team reviewed the data and the potential options including speed humps, chicanes and other traffic calming measures to address the higher than posted speed limit driver behaviour. These options are seen as medium-term options and will be included for further consideration in Council’s future traffic facility program.
What does that state?:Money comes before environment and all that lives in these places across the NBC LGA too. Babies, mums and dads are being killed here too and that fact is not used when 'evaluating' turning more roads into higher volume killing fields.
More details of what is happening just south of here in a July 2024 PON report;
And in 2021 report:Koala extinction in NSW: the facts and directions for action - Community Forum at Warriewood
And in 2022 report:Finalised Cumberland Plain Plan released: 'A Developers Plan that will facilitate extinction of Sydney's koalas' locals state - a 'tree museum plan' for Critically Endangered Woodplain
And several others by now.... use search function to find them.
NB: Pittwater Online has been the subject of a sustained attack to try and stop the sharing of the above facts. It is not the first time others have tried to stop Pittwater Online News running reports on a range of subjects impacting our communities that do not suit their agendas.
However, and just as a heads up; if this news service 'disappears' from here, and from being active on a daily basis on other platforms, you will know why and that those working to end access to Pittwater Online News have succeeded.
Hopefully the news service wins and persists.If it doesn't, 'Joey' will be the marker left in place.
And Justin Case:Our thanks for all your support over the past decade and a half. Sorry we won't be in a position to funnel hundreds of thousands of dollars into the community annually in goods, free services and promotions, and actual money, to support your own good works.
‘Joey’ was hit at Noorumba Reserve. The pair moved through a gate with large gaps, even though the area is supposedly fenced. And still no date for an underpass. A disaster. – Sydney Basin Koala Network

The community feedback received over the past few years anecdotally indicates an increase in wildlife being impacted by the vehicles travelling along the route.Staff note that this data may exist, however Council does not keep this information as a part of the broader traffic and transport data set used to evaluate traffic projects.
The request for traffic calming to be installed has been considered and, whilst this would address the broader issues of traffic speeds, the additional street lighting that would need to be installed to meet the safety requirements for traffic calming devices may have a negative impact on the amenity of the rural area as well as the impact on nocturnal wildlife. The Transport Network Team reviewed the data and the potential options including speed humps, chicanes and other traffic calming measures to address the higher than posted speed limit driver behaviour.These options are seen as medium-term options and will be included for further consideration in Council’s future traffic facility program.
Koala extinction in NSW: the facts and directions for action - Community Forum at Warriewood
Finalised Cumberland Plain Plan released: 'A Developers Plan that will facilitate extinction of Sydney's koalas' locals state - a 'tree museum plan' for Critically Endangered Woodplain
24 Hour Row 2024: thank you for great results
Over 70 surf lifesaving clubs, schools, and gyms across Australia united for the 2024 Gotcha4Life 24hr Row, raising an incredible $300,000 for Gotcha4Life. This event also shone a powerful light on the importance of mental fitness within our communities.
What began in 2018 as a vision by Avalon Beach SLSC members Nathan and Mel Wellings, supported by passionate boat crews, has now become a movement.
Driven by the desire to combat the heartbreak of suicide on the Northern Beaches, the 24hr Row has raised over $1,000,000 since its inception. The funds have been channelled back into local communities, empowering them through life-changing programs like Tomorrow Man and Tomorrow Woman, and other vital support services delivered by Gotcha4Life.
We loved coming and meeting some of you at your row venues and watching your awesome fancy dress-ups and dance moves on Zoom through the late/early shifts. Not to mention the retro Gotcha budgy smugglers making a cheeky appearance too (amongst other antics - you know who you are)!
Your hard work, support, and commitment have made a real difference in the fight for mental fitness. Together, we've taken powerful steps towards a suicide-free future, and we couldn't be more grateful.
The current fundraising tally will give another 6,640 people the chance to attend a Mental Fitness workshop to learn how to speak up, reach out and connect, so they never worry alone. And there's more to come!
Thank you for being part of this journey...for every stroke...every km rowed, every dollar raised, and every bit of energy and enthusiasm you put towards building a stronger, more mentally fit community.
Congratulations to Mel and Nathan Wellings of Avalon Beach Surf Life Saving Club for coming up with the idea and initiating the 24 hour row for mental health.

The ripple effect of this event continues, and it’s not too late to make a difference by donating and being a part of this movement for mental health.
Roger Sayers OAMLife Member, Avalon Beach SLSC

Future issues of Pittwater Online News
Please note the news service will continue in a 'dynamic' or 'instant publishing' format rather than a weekly Issue from October 2024 onwards.
Issue Notices will continue to be sent out once 8-10+ new reports have amassed each week on each page, along with stand alone reports - as happened first in August 2024.
Each report will continue to be archived, monthly. These archives may be accessed via the links at the base of this page.
Update Notices and reports added in will be on the PON social media platforms as well. You can access those at:- Pittwater Online News on Facebook - for daily updates
- Pittwater Online News on Instagram
- Pittwater Online News on X (formerly Twitter)
- Pittwater Online News on Facebook - for daily updates
- Pittwater Online News on Instagram
- Pittwater Online News on X (formerly Twitter)
Naming proposal: Ronda Alterator Reserve, Warriewood
Closes: Sun 13 Oct 2024 - Provide feedback HEREThis proposal aims to recognise Ronda Alterator OAM for her outstanding contribution to the local community for over 42 years by naming the Reserve located at 3 Boondah Road, Warriewood the Ronda Alterator Reserve.
This Reserve includes four multi-use sports courts, a 1/3 basketball court, an outdoor workout area, undercover picnic table, public toilets, car park, drinking station, seating, lighting and gardens. It is well used by the community for organised sports training and games as well as being very popular for casual use.
The naming proposal is consistent with Council’s Policy for the Naming of our Reserves, Facilities and Roads.
Should the proposal be supported by the community and adopted by Council, we will lodge a proposal to Geographical Names Board of NSW (GNB) seeking formal approval to have the name officially assigned.
Mrs Alterator was a dedicated and valued member of the Narrabeen Youth Club (NYC) for over 42 years, including nine years as the Director. She was honoured with NYC life membership to recognise her commitment and passion to the NYC. Her volunteering contributions to NYC Netball also included President, Vice President, Coach, Net Set Go Coordinator, Umpires Convener and being on the grading committee. Mrs Alterator also volunteered on various Manly Warringah Netball Association committees including grading, competition and coaching committees.
Mrs Alterator’s contributions were recognised with multiple awards, including an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) in the General Division on 26 January 2020 for ‘service to netball’.
Mrs Alterator's community service was not just limited to Netball. Rhonda volunteered on various local P&Cs raising much needed funds for local schools as well as being involved in senior citizen programs. Mrs Alterator passed away on 10 April 2024 aged 82.
Computer Pals NB needs Volunteers
We encourage seniors to explore the benefits and satisfaction of using technology. We teach mostly one-on-one. Our Committee & Instructors are volunteers.
Right now we need more volunteers. Please help if you can:

Coast Walk: Tender for Newport to Bilgola
September 2, 2024Council states:''Our investigations into the works have continued and adjustments made based on feedback, the funds available for the Coast Walk project are no longer sufficient to deliver the remaining sections.
We have now prioritised works, based on funding availability and safety, as follows:- Shared path from Newport Beach to The Serpentine
- Bilgola Foreshore Link – improved pedestrian connection from Bilgola carpark to Allen Avenue
- Pedestrian safety upgrade at the top of Allen Avenue stairs – improved pedestrian connection on The Serpentine
A tender for these priority sections has been released. The tender, along with a report detailing results and engagement activities since 2018, will be presented at a Council meeting in late 2024. Following this presentation, we will engage with the community to gather feedback on the detailed design.
Additional funding opportunities will be sought in order to complete the wider program of works in future years.''
The Tender information states:
'The works include the design and construction of the Newport Beach to Bilgola Beach Coast Walk. A concept design has been prepared for a shared user path from the northern end of Newport Beach Car Park, along Barrenjoey Road to The Serpentine, Bilgola Beach.
It is anticipated that the shared path will comprise a combination of concrete path and elevated structures due to the topography of the area. In addition to the shared user path, works to road side barriers and landscaping will be required.'
Map of prioritised works:

- Shared path from Newport Beach to The Serpentine
- Bilgola Foreshore Link – improved pedestrian connection from Bilgola carpark to Allen Avenue
- Pedestrian safety upgrade at the top of Allen Avenue stairs – improved pedestrian connection on The Serpentine

Exhibition Notice: 1 Careel Head Road
DA2024/1091Exhibition Start Date: 18 September 2024Exhibition End Date: 16 October 2024Cost of Work:$ 7,246,888
The proposed development consists of the construction of a new three (3) storey mixed use building containing 1 level of early childcare centre, retail/commercial tenancies on the ground floor and a single storey basement carparking located at 1-3 Careel Head Road Avalon Beach.
The proposal will require excavation to a depth of approximately 2.3 meters to enable the construction of a basement car parking.
Documents - reports - plans on this page: HEREMake a submission/provide feedback - on this page: HERE

Whale Beach Storm Outlets
The Palm Beach & Whale Beach Association (PBWBA) advises the stormwater drains which empty onto the beach at Whale Beach will be improved this financial year.
The ‘rock bags’ in the centre drain will be formalised and the pipe enlarged to cope with greater stormwater runoff.
The drain at the southern end near the amenities block will be investigated and hopefully improvements made at the same time as the main drain.

Stormwater drain – middle of beach. Pic: PBWBA

Stormwater drain – southern end. Pic: PBWBA

Cabbage Tree Road Bayview Safety: Update
Council's Local Traffic Committee have endorsed the final plan in August 2024. Council states works will commence soon to install the safety devices.
In response to residents’ concerns raised during community consultation and to improve safety and reduce the likelihood and severity of accidents at the location of the recent fatality, we proposed additional traffic calming solutions.
The recommended improvements supported by the Local Traffic Committee are:- Installation of a raised threshold with marked cycle ways, warning, and speed advisory signs on Pittwater Road near the intersection with Cabbage Tree Road
- Installation of a raised threshold with warning, and speed advisory signs on Cabbage Tree Road in front of No.12 and Bayview Golf Club, between Beaumont Crescent and Binnowee Place.
- Installation of a raised threshold with warning, and speed advisory signs on Cabbage Tree Road near Annam Road in front of Bayview Golf Club and Bayview Gardens Retirement Living.
- Installation of a safety Guard rail (25m) in front of Bayview Golf Club at the intersection of Cabbage Tree Road with Beaumont Crescent.
- Installation of Reflective Pavement Markers (approximately 50m) on centrelines on Cabbage Tree Road between House No.6 Cabbage Tree Road and No.6 Binnowee Place and
- Installation of Reflective Pavement Markers (approximately 35m) on centrelines on Cabbage Tree Road south of Annam Road in front of Bayview Golf Club and Bayview Gardens Retirement Living.
- Installation of a raised median on Cabbage Tree Road near the intersection with Annam Road.
- Installation of curve warning and advisory speed signs on Cabbage Tree Road between No. 24 Cabbage Tree Road and Bayview Gardens Retirement Living
- Installation of street lighting in front of No.14A Cabbage Tree Road
- Installation of Profile line marking (Audio Tactile) – Type A and retro reflective pavement markers (RRPMs) for centrelines around the bend near Annam Road south - Approx 190m
- Installation of Steel Rail Safety Barrier around the tree opposite Bayview Gardens Retirement living – approximately 20 m (location of recent fatality)
Council states ''the changes will improve the speed at which motorists travel, keep motorists within their own lane and improve overall road safety for both motorists and pedestrians.
The installation of a cycle way on either side of the proposed raised threshold on Pittwater Road near Cabbage Tree Road will facilitate safe passage for cyclists on the popular road cycling route.''

- Installation of a raised threshold with marked cycle ways, warning, and speed advisory signs on Pittwater Road near the intersection with Cabbage Tree Road
- Installation of a raised threshold with warning, and speed advisory signs on Cabbage Tree Road in front of No.12 and Bayview Golf Club, between Beaumont Crescent and Binnowee Place.
- Installation of a raised threshold with warning, and speed advisory signs on Cabbage Tree Road near Annam Road in front of Bayview Golf Club and Bayview Gardens Retirement Living.
- Installation of a safety Guard rail (25m) in front of Bayview Golf Club at the intersection of Cabbage Tree Road with Beaumont Crescent.
- Installation of Reflective Pavement Markers (approximately 50m) on centrelines on Cabbage Tree Road between House No.6 Cabbage Tree Road and No.6 Binnowee Place and
- Installation of Reflective Pavement Markers (approximately 35m) on centrelines on Cabbage Tree Road south of Annam Road in front of Bayview Golf Club and Bayview Gardens Retirement Living.
- Installation of a raised median on Cabbage Tree Road near the intersection with Annam Road.
- Installation of curve warning and advisory speed signs on Cabbage Tree Road between No. 24 Cabbage Tree Road and Bayview Gardens Retirement Living
- Installation of street lighting in front of No.14A Cabbage Tree Road
- Installation of Profile line marking (Audio Tactile) – Type A and retro reflective pavement markers (RRPMs) for centrelines around the bend near Annam Road south - Approx 190m
- Installation of Steel Rail Safety Barrier around the tree opposite Bayview Gardens Retirement living – approximately 20 m (location of recent fatality)

NSW government's response to procurement inquiry
September 20, 2024The Minns Labor Government will support all nine recommendations from the NSW Parliament’s inquiry into government procurement, paving the way for more transparent, fair and effective practices.
Minister for Domestic Manufacturing and Government Procurement Courtney Houssos referred the matter to the parliamentary inquiry in response to concerns about the decline in local manufacturing and a lack of local content policies under the previous Liberal-National Government.
The NSW Government welcomes all of the report’s recommendations which will see:- An expanded definition of 'value for money' so that opportunities for job creation and local industry support can be factored into government spend,
- The amending or removal of obstacles to opportunities for small and medium size enterprises to bid for government contracts,
- Improved compliance and assurance with procurement policies and directions,
- New measures to ensure timely feedback is offered to all parties involved in a competitive tender bid.
Under the previous Liberal-National Government, thousands of jobs and billions of dollars of major contracts were sent abroad. What came back were delays, cost blowouts and, ultimately, inferior products.
The current NSW Government states is committed to reforming government procurement to encourage the development of local industries and remove barriers to local growth.
The inquiry’s recommendations complement the suite of reforms already commenced by the NSW Government, including:- Mandating that agencies engage with local NSW suppliers before tendering for contracts worth more than $7.5 million, and if the contract is awarded to a supplier outside NSW, to undergo a ‘please explain’ outlining why it wasn’t,
- Revoking rules which made it unlawful for NSW government agencies to seek, or even consider, local employment and business growth opportunities at any stage of the procurement process,
- Slashing red tape for small and medium enterprises who contract with the NSW Government, and increasing the threshold for direct engagement to $250,000,
- Announcing plans to legislate a Jobs First Commission which will mandate local tender weightings and minimum skills requirements, and monitor their implementation,
- Announcing plans to create a debarment scheme to ban dodgy suppliers from engaging with the NSW Government.
Last year the NSW Government spent approximately $42 billion on goods and services.
Chaired by the Hon Dr Sarah Kaine MLC, the inquiry received 64 submissions from a range of stakeholders including industry, unions, associations and councils, academics and members of the public. It held a series of public hearings to hear first-hand from industry professionals, key stakeholders and government agencies.
The inquiry’s first report, and the full NSW Government response are available on the NSW Parliament website HERE.
- An expanded definition of 'value for money' so that opportunities for job creation and local industry support can be factored into government spend,
- The amending or removal of obstacles to opportunities for small and medium size enterprises to bid for government contracts,
- Improved compliance and assurance with procurement policies and directions,
- New measures to ensure timely feedback is offered to all parties involved in a competitive tender bid.
- Mandating that agencies engage with local NSW suppliers before tendering for contracts worth more than $7.5 million, and if the contract is awarded to a supplier outside NSW, to undergo a ‘please explain’ outlining why it wasn’t,
- Revoking rules which made it unlawful for NSW government agencies to seek, or even consider, local employment and business growth opportunities at any stage of the procurement process,
- Slashing red tape for small and medium enterprises who contract with the NSW Government, and increasing the threshold for direct engagement to $250,000,
- Announcing plans to legislate a Jobs First Commission which will mandate local tender weightings and minimum skills requirements, and monitor their implementation,
- Announcing plans to create a debarment scheme to ban dodgy suppliers from engaging with the NSW Government.
2024/25 SLS volunteer Patrol Season start
The 2024/25 NSW beach patrol season starts on Saturday 28 September 2024 and finishes on Sunday 27 April 2025.
Volunteer surf lifesavers patrol 129 NSW beaches throughout this period on the weekends and public holidays. Find a patrolled beach via
Some local surf clubs will be hosting Open Days during the coming weeks so residents can find out how their family members can join Nippers, become a Patrol Member or help out in one of the numerous other roles every surf club fulfils all year long.
Well worth a visit!

Catherine Park, Scotland Island Landscape improvements plan: Have Your Say
Closes: Sunday 13 Oct. 2024
Council have now modified the original concept plans (excluding vehicle access and parking) and are seeking community feedback on the modified design.
Note: Vehicle management will be resolved as part of the Scotland Island Traffic Management Plan review following the recent decision by Transport for NSW.
Community feedback will help council clarify what is important to local residents and park users. Have your say by completing the comment form here:

Modified plans: NBC

Closes: Sunday 13 Oct. 2024
Council have now modified the original concept plans (excluding vehicle access and parking) and are seeking community feedback on the modified design.
Note: Vehicle management will be resolved as part of the Scotland Island Traffic Management Plan review following the recent decision by Transport for NSW.
Community feedback will help council clarify what is important to local residents and park users. Have your say by completing the comment form here:
Modified plans: NBC
Michael Antrum appointed Deputy Chief Magistrate of NSW Local Court
September 18, 2024Magistrate Michael Antrum has been appointed a Deputy Chief Magistrate of the Local Court, an expanded role which recognises his extensive experience and leadership.
Magistrate Antrum was appointed to the Local Court in 2011 and has presided over a variety of matters at courts throughout NSW including Wagga, Queanbeyan, Gosford and the Downing Centre in Sydney.
Since 2022, he has been a Deputy President of the Forensic Division of the Mental Health Review Tribunal, and he has served on the boards of not-for-profits including Anglicare.
Magistrate Antrum completed a Bachelor of Arts (Communications) at the University of Technology Sydney in 1988, followed by a Bachelor of Laws and a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at UTS in 1993, and a Graduate Diploma in Military Law from Australian National University in 2010.
He worked briefly as a journalist before working as a solicitor at RJ Nolan & Co in Dubbo, Sweeney Waterford Lawyers in Narrabri, and North & Badgery in Sydney between 1994 and 2001. He was the Director and Principal Solicitor for the National Children’s & Youth Law Centre from 1997 to 1999.
Magistrate Antrum established the Office of University Legal Counsel at the University of Western Sydney, before leaving the role in 2004 to practise as a mediator and arbitrator.
In 2006, he was appointed general counsel at the NSW Police Force, a role he held until 2010. He was also a legal counsel for the Transport Construction Authority until he was appointed to the bench.
Since 2005, Magistrate Antrum has been an Officer in the Australian Army Legal Corps, a role with many aspects including offering training in administrative law and international humanitarian law. He has also been a volunteer firefighter for the Rural Fire Service.
Magistrate Antrum will commence as a Deputy Chief Magistrate on October 28.
Attorney General Michael Daley said:“Magistrate Michael Antrum has more than three decades of experience in the law, including as a mediator, arbitrator, litigation lawyer, general counsel, and military lawyer.
“He has already been a leader in the Local Court, as a member of its Education Committee and the orientation team for new Magistrates, in addition to his leadership role at the Mental Health Review Tribunal.
“This appointment to Deputy Chief Magistrate recognises Magistrate Antrum’s outstanding contribution to the law, and to the community more generally.
“I congratulate Magistrate Antrum on his well-deserved appointment.”
Gregory Sarginson appointed NCAT deputy president and division head
September 17, 2024Gregory Sarginson has been appointed the new Deputy President of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) and head of its Consumer and Commercial Division.
Mr Sarginson brings three decades of legal experience to his new role and is currently an Acting Principal Member at NCAT.
He started his legal career in 1994 as a solicitor at Rankin & Nathan, after completing a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws at the University of Sydney.
In 1997 he became a Senior Associate at Dunhill Madden Butler, and in 2000 he was appointed National Litigation Manager of Workers Compensation at QBE Insurance.
Mr Sarginson became a barrister in 2003 and was a barrister between 2003 and 2021. Since 2012 he has worked in tribunals, alongside his work as a barrister and as a lecturer and subject examiner for the Legal Profession Admission Board’s Diploma in Law, taught at the University of Sydney.
From 2004 to 2013, he was a member of the Federal Court Panel for advising applicants in appeals from the former Refugee Review Tribunal. He was a part-time member of the former Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal from 2012 to 2013.
Mr Sarginson was a part-time general member at NCAT from 2014 to 2016, and a part-time senior member between August 2016 and December 2021. He was appointed a full-time senior member in December 2021.
Since 2024, he has been an Acting Principal Member, having relieved in that capacity in 2023. He has authored a large number of decisions in the consumer and commercial division and Appeal Panel of NCAT.
He was also a part-time sessional member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal from 2018 to 2020. Mr Sarginson took up his new position at NCAT on 16 September.
Attorney General Michael Daley said:“Gregory Sarginson brings a wealth of knowledge to his new role.
“Aside from his years of experience at NCAT, Mr Sarginson previously heard cases at the former Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal, and at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
“The Consumer and Commercial Division is one of NCAT’s busiest functions and Mr Sarginson is well-placed to be its leader.
“I congratulate Mr Sarginson on his well-deserved appointment.”
Marine Rescue Broken Bay: Christmas Raffle 2024
HELP SAVE A LIFE ON THE WATER!Providing critical rescue services to boaters in Pittwater, Broken Bay and offshore, our unit is manned 100% by volunteers and needs to fundraise >60% of all operating costs.
So, please SUPPORT our great XMAS Raffle 2024 🎄🎄
Top prize - $5000 of Woollies vouchers! (that's a lot of lobster!)If you feel you can spare the cost of a coffee and cake, glass of wine or whatever your preferred treat, BUY YOUR TICKETS via the QR code or URL below.

Avalon Preservation Association AGM 2024 + Help needed
Speaker: John Dengate – environmentalist, media naturalist, author and TV personality, never happier than when talking about plants and animals and the environment.
A long-term Avalon resident, John will give an illustrated talk on the fascinating wildlife of the Northern Beaches—and his chequered media career. He loves questions.
Date: 7pm, Thursday 7th November: John’s presentation, followed by a short AGM.Place: Avalon Beach Surf Life Saving club in the Bangalley Bar. Enter via stairs on beach side. Lift access also available via front entrance.
CAN YOU HELP?APA Committee members:We have two members retiring and so we have room for more committee members. We are a friendly committee of engaged residents. We meet six times a year, plus an AGM. The NBC sends a representative to part of our meetings to keep us informed of council projects and respond to issues we’ve raised with council. We engage with sister organisations, residents who contact us for help and with government (mainly local government) to represent the Avalon community’s interests.
We particularly need someone to take the Honorary Treasurer position in time for our AGM in November. APA has a bookkeeper.
Our main transaction type is member contributions which are administered together with the membership secretary. The Honorary Treasurer oversees APA finances and provides a report to the committee at our meetings. Our current Honorary Treasurer Ken Roberts will support the transition. We have a modest ‘fighting fund’, built from member contributions. We have very limited outgoings (printing, gifts).
Graphic Designer:We urgently need someone for one specific task, to assist with designing a new APA Flyer. We have the content (images and text) but need someone to knock it into a suitable electronic file to be handled by a printer (A4 double fold to DL).
The aims of APA are to- Preserve the natural beauty of the area through promoting proper planning of all future development
- Express positively and in appropriate quarters the point of view of residents with regards to any proposed development and to protect the residential amenity of the area
- Work with and assist local government in any efforts to improve and beautify the locality and where appropriate instigate such improvements
APA depends on your support. Donations of time, money and expertise always welcomePO Box 1 Avalon Beach 2107 and on Facebook

- Preserve the natural beauty of the area through promoting proper planning of all future development
- Express positively and in appropriate quarters the point of view of residents with regards to any proposed development and to protect the residential amenity of the area
- Work with and assist local government in any efforts to improve and beautify the locality and where appropriate instigate such improvements

1102 Barrenjoey Rd (former fish & chip shop site) - New LEC Plans uploaded to council's webpage
L & E Court hearing 23 (on-site) & 24 October 2024
Council advised on July 24 2024 that it is re-notifying this application due to the applicant listed in the previous notification being incorrect. The applicant is Asia Digital Investments Pty Ltd. The Land and Environment Court of NSW is the consent authority for this application, Council states.
LEC Plans and Documents dated July 17 2024 have been uploaded to Council's DA webpage for this application.Visit: DA2022/0469
The applicant was granted leave to rely on these amended plans on July 12 2024.
The Proponents amended documents state:
''The street facing dormer elements breach the 8.5 metre height of buildings standard by 1.8 metres or 21.1% with the street facing parapet breaching the standard by 2.65 metres or 31.1%. The clerestory windows and adjacent roof top plant enclosure breach the height by a 2.5 metres (29.4%) and 2.3 metres (27%).''

Other aspects of the application remain unchanged, scrutineers of the amended documents have stated, but those who support or object to the application must do so again.
If you would like to make a submission/provide feedback on the July 2024 amended plans, doing so online is best at the DA webpage. Visit: DA2022/0469
Alternatively you may email Clearly identify the DA or address: 1102 Barrenjoey Road PALM BEACH NSW 2108
Background - courtesy Palm Beach Whale Beach AssociationThe Section 34 Conference held in March 2024 was terminated by Commissioner Dickson and the appeal has been listed for hearing on 23-24 October 2024.
The hearing will commence on-site on 23 October 2024 at 9:30am to enable the Commissioner (who may be a new Commissioner) to view the site and surrounds and to hear from any person who wishes to address the Court. The hearing will then proceed in Court.
The applicant submitted amended plans for consideration by the Council and objectors on March 28. While the amended plans were considered to address the contentions raised by Council’s experts, advice from Geotechnical Experts retained by objectors raised issues that are of concern to Council.
As a result of these concerns, the applicant was advised that as the amended plans propose changes to the location of the building on the land and the extent of excavation, full construction plans for the excavation and basement are required.
The applicant agreed to provide the required plans however the Court would not grant the 8 week extension of the s34 conference needed for the plans to be prepared and considered by both Council and the objectors’ consultants.
As a result the s34 conference was terminated.
Council was informed by the applicant that the required plans will be provided and that they intend to amend their application to include the amended plans that were sent to interested persons on 28 March 2024.
When the requested plans are received, Council’s lawyers are instructed to make them available to the objectors’ consultants for comment.
If you wish to address the Court on the first day of the hearing (23 October on-site) would you please advise Council’s lawyers. Chris Gough of Storey & Gough LawyersEmail:

Monika's Doggie Rescue Pets of the Week
2yo Spitz

Elvis is a very handsome boy, who was rehoused a couple of times from the pound. He is very affectionate and sweet with women, but we hear he has nipped men in the past. He is social with other small dogs and well-behaved in the bath. He is easy to handle and pick up. He has a fluffy coat and weighs 8.3kg. Whilst he is chipped as a Pom X he looks more like a German Spitz. He suits apartment living and copes being left alone. He is desexed, vaccinated, heartworm free and chipped. His adoption cost is $700.
Mrs Darbus
3yo Domestic Short Hair

Mrs Darbus came pregnant from a deceased estate. She had 5 kittens at our clinic on 3 May 24. She was pretty scared and worried when she arrived but she was a good Mum. She might be related to Marco and Pollo.
She is very social with other cats but can be a bit worried about people she does not know. She needs an experienced rescuer who has the time and patience to win her trust. She has a short coat and weighs 3.8kg. All our cats come desexed, wormed, F3 vaccinated, FIV/FeLV tested and microchipped. Her adoption fee is $220.
For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
2yo Spitz
Elvis is a very handsome boy, who was rehoused a couple of times from the pound. He is very affectionate and sweet with women, but we hear he has nipped men in the past. He is social with other small dogs and well-behaved in the bath. He is easy to handle and pick up. He has a fluffy coat and weighs 8.3kg. Whilst he is chipped as a Pom X he looks more like a German Spitz. He suits apartment living and copes being left alone. He is desexed, vaccinated, heartworm free and chipped. His adoption cost is $700.
Mrs Darbus
3yo Domestic Short Hair
Mrs Darbus came pregnant from a deceased estate. She had 5 kittens at our clinic on 3 May 24. She was pretty scared and worried when she arrived but she was a good Mum. She might be related to Marco and Pollo.
She is very social with other cats but can be a bit worried about people she does not know. She needs an experienced rescuer who has the time and patience to win her trust. She has a short coat and weighs 3.8kg. All our cats come desexed, wormed, F3 vaccinated, FIV/FeLV tested and microchipped. Her adoption fee is $220.
For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
Newport Spring into Summer Festival: Stall Applications Open
The Newport Chamber of Commerce invites passionate local artisans, designers, and creatives to share their unique products with our vibrant community at the Spring into Summer market.
Showcase your creativity with fashion, handmade accessories, beautifully scented soaps, candles, and a diverse range of crafts. From jewellery and art to vintage clothing, photography, and re-purposed treasures, there’s space for all that inspires. The possibilities are endless!
This is your opportunity to connect with locals in a lively, festive atmosphere, with live music, family-friendly activities, and a lively crowd, this festival offers the perfect platform to grow your business and engage with the community.
Don’t miss out—spaces are limited and filling up fast! Let’s come together to celebrate the season in style. Apply now to reserve your spot and help make this festival an unforgettable celebration.

Have your say about the draft autism health roadmap
The Australian Department of Health are seeking your views on their draft National Roadmap to Improve the Health and Mental Health of Autistic People.
The Department states:We are developing an autism health roadmap to address serious health inequities faced by autistic people in Australia. Following a national co-design process, led by Autism CRC, we have now released the draft autism health roadmap for consultation.
This consultation draft of the National Roadmap to Improve the Health and Mental Health of Autistic People is available for comment until 27 September 2024.
To have your say: - take the full survey – this asks for views on the exact draft wording in the roadmap, using technical language that is more familiar to health professionals and policy makers
- take the short survey, either in writing, or by audio or video recordings – this is aimed at people less familiar with technical language, and might be more suitable for people who need support
- take the Easy Read survey – this uses simple words and visuals to tell you about the roadmap so that you can tell us what you think about it
- email your feedback directly to us.
Consultation is open until 27 September 2024, 11:59 pm AEST. We will not be able to accept late submissions.
- take the full survey – this asks for views on the exact draft wording in the roadmap, using technical language that is more familiar to health professionals and policy makers
- take the short survey, either in writing, or by audio or video recordings – this is aimed at people less familiar with technical language, and might be more suitable for people who need support
- take the Easy Read survey – this uses simple words and visuals to tell you about the roadmap so that you can tell us what you think about it
- email your feedback directly to us.
Barrenjoey Headland Amenities
The National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS) has developed plans to provide permanent toilets and a water refill station in the Barrenjoey Lighthouse precinct. Designed by Aileen Sage Architects, these new amenities have considered heritage constraints, visual impacts, environmental impact, visitor and access requirements, construction constraints and services provision.
Construction commenced on 8 July 2024 and is expected to be completed in November 2024 (pending weather or other adverse conditions).
Maintenance and upgrades to the access trail will also be carried out as part of these works to improve public access and safety and will include Indigenous interpretation elements along the access track.
Artist’s sketch of new amenities proposed for Barrenjoey Credit: Aileen Sage Architects
Access to Barrenjoey Headland and the lighthouse will remain open during the construction period and access trail upgrade works. However visitors may experience changes and/or restrictions to access including:- increased vehicle movements to the headland and the lighthouse via the beach and service road
- pedestrian access will be retained throughout construction via Smugglers Track
- the Barrenjoey access trail will be closed Monday to Friday to allow contractors to access the site and undertake maintenance work
- no visitor access around the south-eastern part of the lighthouse and below the Head Lightkeepers Cottage, this area will be fenced for construction and storage of materials
- the headland or parts thereof may have temporary closures during helicopter operations to deliver materials (necessary to manage load limits on the access trail).
During construction, visitors can continue to use the temporary amenities which will be decommissioned and removed when the permanent amenities are operational.
National Parks and Wildlife Service worked with Aileen Sage Architects to design the amenities that considered heritage constraints, visual impacts, environmental impact, visitor and access requirements, construction constraints, and services provision.
The proposed amenities include the following features:- the building will be set into the landscape, concealed by the landform and native heath
- screened walls to the front of the building will allow for natural light and ventilation
- battened screens will be painted in alternating colours to reference the surrounding natural landscape and heritage buildings
- unisex cubicles will be provided, including baby change facilities
- drinking water will be provided, including a water bottle drink fountain.
This will provide much-needed facilities for visitors, including those with personal/health requirements, young families and others.
Further details here: Barrenjoey Headland amenities
- increased vehicle movements to the headland and the lighthouse via the beach and service road
- pedestrian access will be retained throughout construction via Smugglers Track
- the Barrenjoey access trail will be closed Monday to Friday to allow contractors to access the site and undertake maintenance work
- no visitor access around the south-eastern part of the lighthouse and below the Head Lightkeepers Cottage, this area will be fenced for construction and storage of materials
- the headland or parts thereof may have temporary closures during helicopter operations to deliver materials (necessary to manage load limits on the access trail).
- the building will be set into the landscape, concealed by the landform and native heath
- screened walls to the front of the building will allow for natural light and ventilation
- battened screens will be painted in alternating colours to reference the surrounding natural landscape and heritage buildings
- unisex cubicles will be provided, including baby change facilities
- drinking water will be provided, including a water bottle drink fountain.
Mona Vale Place Plan: Update
The Mona Vale Place Plan has been placed on hold pending further direction from the State Government in relation to its current housing reforms.
In December 2023, the State Government released proposed reforms to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021, as outlined in the ‘Explanation of Intended Effect: Changes to create low and mid-rise housing’.
The low-rise and mid-rise housing reforms have the potential to significantly increase housing numbers above those anticipated by Council during the initial phases of the Mona Vale Place Plan. The anticipated increase in dwelling uplift will have a significant impact on the traffic modelling as well as the actions and design concepts proposed in the draft Mona Vale Place Plan.
Council considers it prudent to place the Mona Vale Place Plan on hold until such time the State Government release Stage 2 of the housing reforms.
Council anticipate an announcement will be made in the latter part of 2024.Previously
Trees poisoned in Careel Bay reserve replaced
Council has advised that water gums have been planted to replace the casuarina trees which were poisoned last year in the reserve at 877a Barrenjoey Road, Careel Bay.
Tristaniopsis laurina, the water gum, or Kanooka, is a native large shrub to small tree, from 5 to 15 metres tall. It bears profuse yellow flowers in late Spring and during Summer and will attract native bees.
This is an attractive and compact and is a low maintenance plant. The water gum does well in most soils. It likes moderate levels of watering and likes a sunny position.
It usually grows near the eastern coastline and along the banks of streams, where the trunks and branches tend to be shaped in the direction of the current and give an indication of the flood height.



Osprey nesting platform at Careel Bay: Update
Council asked for feedback on a proposal to build an artificial nesting platform for Ospreys in Hitchcock Park, Careel Bay. The concept plans were exhibited between 29 May and 26 June 2024 and we received over 164 comments.
Council states the feedback showed strong support for the nesting platform.
Construction is expected to begin later this year.

Example nest design

Red quadrant is estimated location

Tough new strata laws pass NSW Parliament
September 20, 2024Strata managing agents face tough new laws that crack down on secret kickbacks through greater transparency and higher penalties for agents doing the wrong thing.
Strata laws put owners’ corporations in charge of making key decisions on the buildings and common property of townhouses and apartments, usually with the assistance of a strata managing agent.
The new laws will ensure tough action against agents who don’t properly declare conflicts of interest.
Key changes include: - increasing the maximum penalties and penalty infringement notice amounts for existing agent obligations to disclose information about commissions
- strengthening the conflict-of-interest disclosure requirements
- banning agents from receiving a commission on insurance products when they don’t play a role in finding the best deal for residents
- strengthening NSW Fair Trading’s enforcement and compliance powers.
The higher penalties, greater transparency and new enforcement powers follow an $8.4 million investment in more resources for NSW Fair Trading to tackle issues in strata and property services in this year’s budget.
Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading Anoulack Chanthivong said:
“Building more high quality, higher density housing is a key pillar of the Government’s comprehensive plan to build a better NSW so we need people to have confidence to invest and live in strata schemes.
“The Government has wasted no time in tightening controls to respond to community concerns about accountability and conflicts of interest in the strata industry.
“These changes will help to restore the confidence of the 1.2 million people already living in strata schemes and change the perception that strata managing agents can take advantage of owners without consequences.”
- increasing the maximum penalties and penalty infringement notice amounts for existing agent obligations to disclose information about commissions
- strengthening the conflict-of-interest disclosure requirements
- banning agents from receiving a commission on insurance products when they don’t play a role in finding the best deal for residents
- strengthening NSW Fair Trading’s enforcement and compliance powers.
PNHA AGM 2024 + 30th Anniversary picnic lunch
When: October 13 Sunday 11.30-2.00
Where: at Katandra Bushland Sanctuary, Lane Cove Rd Ingleside.
David Seymour, chairman of Katandra Bushland Sanctuary – a Crown Reserve - will lead us on a bushwalk through this wonderful wild place. We can choose to follow a short walk of about 1 km or the more challenging 2 km track through rainforest remnants with creeks and fern-fringed pools.
Our famous PNHA cards will be available, still a bargain at $2.00 each.
This is also a chance to renew your PNHA membership if needed. No need to bring cash as we now can accept credit cards.
Thank you very much to all those who have already renewed PNHA memberships and made donations.
October 26 Saturday 7pm to about 9pm: Katandra Bushland Sanctuary By Night.
We will check out nocturnal activity in Katandra’s forest.
Will we see fire-flies as we did last year? Be sure to bring a torch and wear boots.
Please RSVP for these activities to including your mobile number for catering purposes and so we can contact you in case of doubtful weather.

When: October 13 Sunday 11.30-2.00
Where: at Katandra Bushland Sanctuary, Lane Cove Rd Ingleside.
David Seymour, chairman of Katandra Bushland Sanctuary – a Crown Reserve - will lead us on a bushwalk through this wonderful wild place. We can choose to follow a short walk of about 1 km or the more challenging 2 km track through rainforest remnants with creeks and fern-fringed pools.
Our famous PNHA cards will be available, still a bargain at $2.00 each.
This is also a chance to renew your PNHA membership if needed. No need to bring cash as we now can accept credit cards.
Thank you very much to all those who have already renewed PNHA memberships and made donations.
October 26 Saturday 7pm to about 9pm: Katandra Bushland Sanctuary By Night.
We will check out nocturnal activity in Katandra’s forest.
Will we see fire-flies as we did last year? Be sure to bring a torch and wear boots.
Please RSVP for these activities to including your mobile number for catering purposes and so we can contact you in case of doubtful weather.
Avalon Bilgola Amateur Swimming Club: 2024/2025 Season
We swim down at Bilgola Rock Pool during the summer months on Saturday mornings.Races start at 9:00 am, entries close 8:45 am, with events for all the family.
We have a 100/200/400m event then 3 handicap (15/25/50m) events in Freestyle and 2 of the other strokes or 2x50m Relay each morning.
Join in here: www.avalonbilgolaswimming./online-registration

Narrabeen Amateur Swimming Club Season
Narrabeen Amateur Swimming Club (NASC) - Profile
The 2023-24 season will start on in October and runs until April 2025.
Narrabeen Lakes Amateur Swimming Club is a friendly swimming club that aims to encourage swimming in a non competitive manner. Family togetherness is something the entire club treasures and actively fosters.
Come and see us at 1:30ish on any Saturday afternoon between October and April at our beloved rock pool at North Narrabeen.
Everyone is welcome at our club - we have a range of swimming abilities and distances, as well as a diverse group of club members that are fun to be around. North Narrabeen rock pool is a glorious sand bottom and we often swim beside fish, and see whales and dolphins off the point.
Come and give us a try and see if we're the right fit for you!
To find out more visit:

Life-saving defibrillators available for NSW sports facilities
NSW sporting clubs and organisations have the opportunity to apply for their share of $500,000 in funding from the NSW Government for new life-saving defibrillators.
The equipment is funded under the NSW Government’s Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program which provides up to $3,000 to eligible sporting organisations for the purchase of automated external defibrillators at sports facilities.
Since the Program commenced, more than 2,000 defibrillators have been installed at sports facilities across NSW.
Applications close 27 November 2024 or when funding is exhausted.
For further information, including expanded eligibility criteria, please see the Program guidelines at:
$5 million available for NSW Surf Clubs
NSW Surf Life Saving Clubs are set to receive a boost with the NSW Government opening the latest round of its Surf Club Facility Program.
Surf live saving clubs can apply for $5.4 million in funding for new and upgraded facilities with grants up to $1 million available.
The Program aims to keep surf life saving clubs modern and accessible, helping surf life savers to better protect beachgoers.
Projects that encourage the participation of women and girls, people with disability, First Nations peoples, people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities, and LGBTQIA+ are a priority of the Program.
Grants will be awarded across three categories for projects that involve the upgrade, restoration or construction of new surf life saving facilities.- Category 1 offers grants up to $100,000 for facility improvement projects and closes on 14 October 2024.
- Category 2 offers grants up to $400,000 for small-medium construction projects and
- Category 3 offers grants up to $1 million for large construction projects with both closing on 11 November 2024.
Minister for Sport Steve Kamper said:“With the surf life saving season just a few weeks away, we’re providing an additional $5.4 million to our surf life saving clubs to help them protect swimmers and keep people safe at the beach.”
“This is part of a four-year $16 million commitment from the NSW Government to ensure NSW Surf Life Saving Clubs continue to deliver a world-class service.
“This program is making a real difference with more people from all sections of the community now participating in surf life saving.”
Minister for Emergency Services Jihad Dib said:“As the weather warms up we know that the red and yellow flags on our beaches will be a welcome sight and this investment will support our volunteers by providing them with club facilities they need to support communities.
“The NSW Government is investing in new equipment, safety campaigns and upgraded facilities to support surf lifesaving volunteers and the work they do to keep swimmers safe.”
President of Surf Life Saving NSW Peter Agnew said:“We are pleased to see the NSW Government acknowledge and support the amazing contribution made by our volunteer lifesavers and surf clubs in NSW.”
“Our lifesavers and Nippers deserve safe, secure, and accessible facilities. We have 129 clubs across the state, with over 78,000 members, and this program allows those members, who do such important work volunteering at our beaches, to focus on saving lives.”

- Category 1 offers grants up to $100,000 for facility improvement projects and closes on 14 October 2024.
- Category 2 offers grants up to $400,000 for small-medium construction projects and
- Category 3 offers grants up to $1 million for large construction projects with both closing on 11 November 2024.

2024 Anzac Community Grants applications open
Applications are now open for the 2024 Anzac Community Grants Program.
Grants of up to $3,000 are available for projects that commemorate and educate local communities on the service and sacrifices of current and former military service personnel.
Activities that support the wellbeing of veterans in New South Wales are also eligible for funding.
The $100,000 program is open to individuals and not-for-profit organisations, including local government authorities, ex-service and non-governmental organisations, educational institutions, and Local Aboriginal Land Councils.
Grants cover four categories: local community historical research and education; preservation or display of war memorabilia; public commemorative events; and support the members of the NSW veteran community.
The program has delivered more than over $560,000 in grants funding. since its establishment in 2015.
Last year the program funded a record 91 projects, including:- The NSW Soldier On Veteran Community Program, which provides training and resources to veteran volunteers to deliver socially engaged activities and events in the Hunter, Sydney, and Shoalhaven.
- A brass memorial commemorating Aboriginal war-time service at the Blue Mountains Aboriginal Culture and Resource Centre.
- An upgrade of the war room at the Woolpack Inn Museum at Holbrook for the preservation and display of war uniforms.
- A memorial mural for Mount Warrigal Public School.
More information and details on how to apply can be found on
The 2024 grant round closes at 5pm on Monday 11 November 2024.
Minister for Veterans David Harris said:“I am pleased to announce the opening of the next round of the Anzac Community Grants Program.
“Honouring and commemorating the service and sacrifice of our ex-serving military personnel is a key component of the NSW Veterans Strategy.
“The Anzac Community Grants Program supports initiatives that recognise veterans’ service, educate the local community on our military history or make a positive impact to the welfare of veterans.
“There are so many incredible organisations honouring veterans through their passionate and dedicated work and I encourage them to apply.”
Ms Leisa Mooney from Mount Warrigal Public School said:“Thanks to the funding from NSW Government, our school was able to create a remembrance mural, which has helped our school honour the strength, courage, and sacrifice of our service men and women.
“The mural will encourage rich discussion about Australia's involvement in peacekeeping operations and war service throughout history within our classrooms and school community.”

Photo: 2024 Anzac Day 11am March at Avalon Beach led by the 201 Army Cadet Unit
- The NSW Soldier On Veteran Community Program, which provides training and resources to veteran volunteers to deliver socially engaged activities and events in the Hunter, Sydney, and Shoalhaven.
- A brass memorial commemorating Aboriginal war-time service at the Blue Mountains Aboriginal Culture and Resource Centre.
- An upgrade of the war room at the Woolpack Inn Museum at Holbrook for the preservation and display of war uniforms.
- A memorial mural for Mount Warrigal Public School.
Northern Beaches Para Surfer Boardriders Inc. First Annual General Meeting
Date: 10th October, 2024Time: 6.30pmLocation: Pittwater RSL Club
Join us for our inaugural Annual General Meeting (AGM) to celebrate the achievements of our club and shape its future.
As a newly established association, this is a crucial opportunity for members to:- Learn about the club's progress and financial performance.
- Elect new office-bearers.
- Discuss important matters and propose changes.
- Shape the direction of our club.
All members are encouraged to attend and we welcome anyone who’s interested in providing expertise and feedback to help this club thrive in "25 🤘🏼🤙🏼
For more information or to RSVP, please email: Em Dieters on
Let's come together as a community and make a positive impact on surfing and disability inclusion.

- Learn about the club's progress and financial performance.
- Elect new office-bearers.
- Discuss important matters and propose changes.
- Shape the direction of our club.

NSW Government announces Business case overhaul to fast-track key infrastructure proposals
'An overhaul of how major infrastructure proposals are assessed will help to speed up decision making in the middle of a housing crisis', the government stated on 13 September 2024.
'A new framework governing the business case system will cut red tape, save money and get potential projects out of a clogged system and built faster.'
'NSW Treasurer Daniel Mookhey will today announce new rules which include:- Developing a fast track for significant proposals in the fields of housing, health and energy infrastructure.
- Relaxing the criteria for when a business case is required, including:
- Increasing the threshold for a business case on recurrent proposals from $10 million to $20 million.
- Allowing lower-risk, lower-cost proposals (Tier 3 and 4) to have a lean business case or short-form assessment.
- Sharpening the purpose and content required in business cases.
- Supporting more work in-house to reduce overreliance on consultants.
'These changes, if enacted five years ago, would have avoided the requirement to prepare more than 1,200 business cases.
The changes will return business cases to their primary purpose, which is to set out the evidence needed to inform government investment decisions.
'For major projects, expensive and time-consuming work including detailed procurement plans, management plans and technical investigations will now be conducted following government approval for projects to proceed to this stage – instead of before, which could be a waste of money if the project is not approved.
'In some of the worst examples of waste, the former government spent a combined $134 million on business cases to support buildings dams at Dungowan and Wyangala, which never stacked up from the earliest stages and were never built.
And in NSW schools, business cases for new school investment had been outsourced on a rolling contract, instead of the same straightforward analysis being done in-house.' the Government stated
'In the middle of a housing crisis and an energy transition, there is no time to waste.
These changes will help to streamline the business case system and ensure government can make timely decisions on projects that NSW needs into the future.'
Treasurer Daniel Mookhey said:“These reforms will see us continue to rely on thorough business cases for government decision making. But they’ll be adjusted to ensure that we make the cases that need to be made.
“If these changes were in place 5 years ago, we could have avoided the requirement to create more than 1,200 business cases.
“Overall, these new rules should improve the efficiency, quality and cost of our decision making and ensure NSW builds the future people need.”
- Developing a fast track for significant proposals in the fields of housing, health and energy infrastructure.
- Relaxing the criteria for when a business case is required, including:
- Increasing the threshold for a business case on recurrent proposals from $10 million to $20 million.
- Allowing lower-risk, lower-cost proposals (Tier 3 and 4) to have a lean business case or short-form assessment.
- Sharpening the purpose and content required in business cases.
- Supporting more work in-house to reduce overreliance on consultants.
Entries OPEN for the Hansa World & International Championships 2025: to be held on pittwater
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club together with International Hansa Class Association is excited to announce the opening of entries for the 2025 Hansa World and International Championships, for both competitors and coaches.
The event will take place from 23 – 30 March 2025 offering sailors from around the world the opportunity to compete on an international stage.
The 2025 Hansa World and International Championships will bring together sailors, competing in a variety of Hansa classes, including the Hansa 2.3, Hansa 303 (one-person and two-person), SKUD 18 and Liberty class. The event promises thrilling competition while promoting the core values of inclusivity, accessibility, and participation.
Sailors and coaches are encouraged to submit their entries early to secure their spot in this premier sailing event. To enter, visit the official event website at
The NOR can be found on the event website at -
Want to be a volunteer at next year's Hansa Worlds? See the sign up information below:
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club together with International Hansa Class Association is excited to announce the opening of entries for the 2025 Hansa World and International Championships, for both competitors and coaches.
The event will take place from 23 – 30 March 2025 offering sailors from around the world the opportunity to compete on an international stage.
The 2025 Hansa World and International Championships will bring together sailors, competing in a variety of Hansa classes, including the Hansa 2.3, Hansa 303 (one-person and two-person), SKUD 18 and Liberty class. The event promises thrilling competition while promoting the core values of inclusivity, accessibility, and participation.
Sailors and coaches are encouraged to submit their entries early to secure their spot in this premier sailing event. To enter, visit the official event website at
The NOR can be found on the event website at -
Want to be a volunteer at next year's Hansa Worlds? See the sign up information below:
September 2024 Issues
- Pittwater Online News on Facebook - for daily updates
- Pittwater Online News on Instagram
- Pittwater Online News on X (formerly Twitter)
Statement By Australian Liberal Party
Georgia Ryburn to be Liberals Candidate in Pittwater By-election
Computer Pals NB needs Volunteers

Coast Walk: Tender for Newport to Bilgola
- Shared path from Newport Beach to The Serpentine
- Bilgola Foreshore Link – improved pedestrian connection from Bilgola carpark to Allen Avenue
- Pedestrian safety upgrade at the top of Allen Avenue stairs – improved pedestrian connection on The Serpentine

B-line Breakdowns

State Liberal Party Announcement signals more of the same
‘’Georgia Ryburn selected as the Pittwater Liberal candidate‘Northern Beaches Deputy Mayor and management consultant Georgia Ryburn has been selected by the NSW Liberals to contest the Pittwater by-election on 19 October.Georgia is a fourth-generation Northern Beaches local, raising her two kids here with her husband, and she knows firsthand the challenges that local families are facing with the rising costs of everyday essentials.“My family has called the Northern Beaches home for four generations. I had the incredible privilege to serve as Deputy Mayor, and I want to keep delivering and serving the community of Pittwater. Here, we’ve got some of the most incredible beaches, bushland and community villages, from Narrabeen to Palmy, and out to Terrey Hills; I’m proud to be raising my own family here.”“As a working mum, I know how hard it has been to balance the household budget, pay for daycare, kids’ activities, groceries, and all the bills. This is what it’s been like for families all across Pittwater who are being left behind during this cost-of-living crisis, and I am here to fight for them,” said Mrs Ryburn.“Only the Liberals have the track record of fighting for and delivering for Pittwater. There is a lot at stake at this by-election, and people need to use their vote to send a message to Labor that they won’t stand by while funding is cut to critical road upgrades, cost of living support and our local public schools.”“Our community needs someone who’ll stand up for our unique character and heritage and put local and community decision-making first.”“The Independents in the NSW Parliament have failed to do this, they won’t stand up to Labor, allowing Chris Minns to impose his one-size-fits-all planning changes which will see our communities voiceless when it comes to planning and development decisions.”“A vote for anyone other than the Liberals is a vote for Labor, and their inaction and disregard for the Northern Beaches. We’ve seen funding cancelled for the half-finished Mona Vale Road West widening, and Labor has no plans to fix Wakehurst Parkway.”“I know this election will be close, but I’m here to win to make sure that our local community can have its voice heard loudly in the NSW Parliament.”“NSW has a bad government and needs a strong opposition to make sure that families, households and small businesses don’t fall further behind,” Mrs Ryburn concluded.’
On November 8 2023 Infrastructure NSW released the updated NSW Major Infrastructure Pipeline and the 2023-2024 State Infrastructure Plan. The 2023-2024 State Infrastructure Plan outlines drivers and market context for the NSW Government’s infrastructure program over the next five years. It provides project specific information to support transparency to industry via the NSW Major Infrastructure Pipeline.
The Mona Vale Road West upgrade project was deferred for two years following the 2023 NSW Independent Strategic Infrastructure Review.
Listed on page 21 of the 2023-2024 State Infrastructure Plan document is the Mona Vale Road West upgrade, McCarrs Creek Road to Powder Works Road showing Procurement will commence in the final Quarter of 2025 and be completed in the first Quarter of 2026, with Construction of the works to commence in the second Quarter of 2026 and be completed by the second Quarter of 2029 (estimated completion dates).
The NSW Major Infrastructure Pipeline was updated to reflect relevant projects provided for in the 2023-24 Budget, which includes a $116.5 billion infrastructure commitment over four years with a focus on delivering more schools, hospitals and public transport for the people of NSW, Infrastructure NSW (INSW) stated in a release.
- $72.4 million for Wakehurst Parkway with 2024-24 allocation being $7.903 million
- Warringah Freeway Upgrade - Continuing upgrades of the Warringah Freeway for surface roads, bridges and interchanges along 4 kilometres of the freeway corridor, which started in early 2022. Estimated total cost: $2.0 billion. Expenditure over four years to 2027-28; $788.0 million
Cabbage Tree Road Bayview Safety: Update
- Installation of a raised threshold with marked cycle ways, warning, and speed advisory signs on Pittwater Road near the intersection with Cabbage Tree Road
- Installation of a raised threshold with warning, and speed advisory signs on Cabbage Tree Road in front of No.12 and Bayview Golf Club, between Beaumont Crescent and Binnowee Place.
- Installation of a raised threshold with warning, and speed advisory signs on Cabbage Tree Road near Annam Road in front of Bayview Golf Club and Bayview Gardens Retirement Living.
- Installation of a safety Guard rail (25m) in front of Bayview Golf Club at the intersection of Cabbage Tree Road with Beaumont Crescent.
- Installation of Reflective Pavement Markers (approximately 50m) on centrelines on Cabbage Tree Road between House No.6 Cabbage Tree Road and No.6 Binnowee Place and
- Installation of Reflective Pavement Markers (approximately 35m) on centrelines on Cabbage Tree Road south of Annam Road in front of Bayview Golf Club and Bayview Gardens Retirement Living.
- Installation of a raised median on Cabbage Tree Road near the intersection with Annam Road.
- Installation of curve warning and advisory speed signs on Cabbage Tree Road between No. 24 Cabbage Tree Road and Bayview Gardens Retirement Living
- Installation of street lighting in front of No.14A Cabbage Tree Road
- Installation of Profile line marking (Audio Tactile) – Type A and retro reflective pavement markers (RRPMs) for centrelines around the bend near Annam Road south - Approx 190m
- Installation of Steel Rail Safety Barrier around the tree opposite Bayview Gardens Retirement living – approximately 20 m (location of recent fatality)

Avalon Learning Expo (Open Day) - Avalon Public School biggest flash mob in Pittwater?
Narrabeen Sports High School: Spotlight on Narrabeen Academy Surfers

Johnson Bros Mitre 10 - Mona Vale Wins Retail Store of the Year
Saturday September 14, 2024
Last night turned out to be quit a night!!! Thanks to our amazing customers. 🏆
The National Timber & Hardware Association (NTHA) is proud to represent over 700 members across Australia from the timber, hardware, and building materials industries. The Association was created after the successful merger of the Timber and Building Materials Association (TABMA) and Hardware Australia in March 2023.
On Friday September 13 2024 NTHA held their 2024 New South Wales & ACT Timber & Hardware Industry Awards at the Hilton in George Street, Sydney.
The New South Wales & ACT Timber & Hardware Industry Awards holds a prestigious status as the leading event within the timber & hardware industry, where excellence and achievements are acknowledged.
This platform offers a valuable opportunity to appreciate timber merchants, hardware stores, suppliers, manufacturers and individuals who consistently go above and beyond, contributing significantly to the success of either your business or the industry as a whole.
Categories include:
- NTHA Trainee/Apprentice of the Year
- NTHA Student of the Year
- NTHA Host Employer of the Year
- The REAL Difference Award
- 30+ Years Industry Service
- Trade Store of the Year
- Retail Store of the Year Under 2500sqm
- Retail Store of the Year Over 2500sqm
- Garden Department of the Year
- Best Frame & Truss Operation
- Trade Supplier of the Year
- Retail Supplier of the Year
- Garden & Outdoor Supplier of the Year
- Safety Culture Award
- Supplier Sales Representative of the Year
Osprey nesting platform at Careel Bay: Update

Pittwater Animal Hospital's Cakewalk for sydney wildlife rescue
Just when you thought vets couldn’t get any cooler… 🩺
And just when you thought Pittwater Animal Hospital couldn’t get any more awe-inspiring… 🐾 🏥
They go ahead and pull out all the stops to make all of August an unbelievable fundraising extravaganza for Sydney Wildlife Rescue!
Their dedicated vets and staff baked up a storm every Thursday for their fabulous Friday Bake Sale Days 🎂 They organised a gigantic raffle AND tackled an impressive 50km “Walking for Wildlife” trek to raise funds for our beloved wildlife 🦅🦉🦇🦎🐢🐍🦘
A very special shout out to Dr. Juliet, who selflessly volunteers in the Mobile Care Unit whenever she can. Her passion for wildlife is truly inspiring, and we can’t thank her enough!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! 🙌 Your incredible donation will help us secure life-saving equipment for the Mobile Care Unit and provide food and housing for many wild babies coming into care this Spring.
Dr Steph, Dr Sang, Dr Margot, Susan, Lynleigh, Dr Juliet, Dr Heidi and the awesome Pittwater Animal Hospital team.
Also running this Issue: Spring into Action: Safeguarding Wildlife While You Clean by Lynleigh Greig OAM
Sydney Wildlife Rescue does not receive any government funding to support the rescue, care, supply of medical services, medicines or transport of wildlife rescue.
If you can support their work, please make a donation at:
If you'd rather donate via bank deposit, their Public Gift Fund bank account details are:
Name: Sydney Wildlife
BSB: 062 028
You'll automatically get a tax receipt if you use paypal or credit card. If you make a bank deposit, please email our treasurer ( so that a tax receipt can be sent to you. All donations over $2 are tax deductible.
Avalon Bilgola Amateur Swimming Club: 2024/2025 Season

$5 million available for NSW Surf Clubs
- Category 1 offers grants up to $100,000 for facility improvement projects and closes on 14 October 2024.
- Category 2 offers grants up to $400,000 for small-medium construction projects and
- Category 3 offers grants up to $1 million for large construction projects with both closing on 11 November 2024.

2024 Anzac Community Grants applications open
- The NSW Soldier On Veteran Community Program, which provides training and resources to veteran volunteers to deliver socially engaged activities and events in the Hunter, Sydney, and Shoalhaven.
- A brass memorial commemorating Aboriginal war-time service at the Blue Mountains Aboriginal Culture and Resource Centre.
- An upgrade of the war room at the Woolpack Inn Museum at Holbrook for the preservation and display of war uniforms.
- A memorial mural for Mount Warrigal Public School.
Northern Beaches Para Surfer Boardriders Inc. First Annual General Meeting
- Learn about the club's progress and financial performance.
- Elect new office-bearers.
- Discuss important matters and propose changes.
- Shape the direction of our club.

NSW Government announces Business case overhaul to fast-track key infrastructure proposals
- Developing a fast track for significant proposals in the fields of housing, health and energy infrastructure.
- Relaxing the criteria for when a business case is required, including:
- Increasing the threshold for a business case on recurrent proposals from $10 million to $20 million.
- Allowing lower-risk, lower-cost proposals (Tier 3 and 4) to have a lean business case or short-form assessment.
- Sharpening the purpose and content required in business cases.
- Supporting more work in-house to reduce overreliance on consultants.
Entries OPEN for the Hansa World & International Championships 2025: to be held on pittwater
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club together with International Hansa Class Association is excited to announce the opening of entries for the 2025 Hansa World and International Championships, for both competitors and coaches.
The event will take place from 23 – 30 March 2025 offering sailors from around the world the opportunity to compete on an international stage.
The 2025 Hansa World and International Championships will bring together sailors, competing in a variety of Hansa classes, including the Hansa 2.3, Hansa 303 (one-person and two-person), SKUD 18 and Liberty class. The event promises thrilling competition while promoting the core values of inclusivity, accessibility, and participation.
Sailors and coaches are encouraged to submit their entries early to secure their spot in this premier sailing event. To enter, visit the official event website at
The NOR can be found on the event website at -
Want to be a volunteer at next year's Hansa Worlds? See the sign up information below:
“We are thrilled to welcome sailors from across the globe to the 2025 Hansa World and International Championships. The Hansa class epitomises inclusivity, and the 2025 event promises to be a fantastic showcase of talent and sportsmanship,” said Robert McClelland, Commodore of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club.
“The Hansa Class continues to grow around the world and the standard of competitive sailing has increased significantly in recent years,” said International Hansa Class Association Technical Delegate David Staley.
“A number of Para World Sailing Championships will be held in conjunction with the 2025 Hansa Worlds, with results for the para classified sailors extracted from the open fleet competition,” he said.
The Australian Hansa Association advisor’s competitors wishing to charter a boat for the championship should complete the charter boat form available on the event website.
Key Details:
- Event: 2025 Hansa World and International Championships
- Date: 23-30 March 2025
- Location: Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, Sydney AUSTRALIA
- Classes: Hansa 2.3, Hansa 303 (one-person and two-person), Liberty and SKUD 18
- Entry Deadline: 30 November 2024
For more details and to stay updated on all aspects of the Hansa World and International Championships 2025, visit our official event website at
Follow the International Hansa Class Association on Facebook @hansaworlds
Newport Spring into Summer Festival: Stall Applications Open

Friends Of Soibada: October 2024 Visit
- Dentists or medical;
- photographer;
- teachers;
- veterans;
- and crafty people who can do one of the following;
- crochet, embroidery, beading, jewellery making, Lino printing, sewing with machines, dress making and more!

Marine Rescue Broken Bay: New Crew!

Stronger Together Project Grants Now Open
Have your say about the draft autism health roadmap
- take the full survey – this asks for views on the exact draft wording in the roadmap, using technical language that is more familiar to health professionals and policy makers
- take the short survey, either in writing, or by audio or video recordings – this is aimed at people less familiar with technical language, and might be more suitable for people who need support
- take the Easy Read survey – this uses simple words and visuals to tell you about the roadmap so that you can tell us what you think about it
- email your feedback directly to us.
Monika's Doggie Rescue Pets of the Week
12mths Maltese X
Millie is a sweet affectionate but high energy girl, who needs time to get to know you. She needs a very experienced owner. She will bark at strangers especially near doorways. We have found Millie is good to groom with an experienced groomer and no muzzle is needed. She falls asleep on the grooming table! She loves her baths in the hydro bath now. Millie is looking for a quite adult home with only few visitors. The quieter the household, the calmer Millie is. She needs to be introduced to visitors a few times. She is fast through doorways. She would also do well with another active small doggy pal to play with. She is very social with other small dogs and she walks well on lead. For her breed she is incredibly active and bouncy. She likes to sleep on furniture, a bit like a cat, rather than on the ground in a bed. She loves toys to play with and enjoys attention and affection from people she trusts. She is in that teenage stage so she can be quite chewy. She has a low-shedding coat and weighs 7.9kg.
She was apparently given to a gentleman on a walker at 6 weeks of age. She was used to being locked in a bathroom daily without any socialization, engagement or training. His grandkids scalded her when giving her first bath so she was terrified of baths. She used to always jump up a doorhandle in the bathroom and this behaviour has continued on doors. She does not trust people easily and barks at new people and any noise she heard. By 8 months of age, she was given up. A compassionate person who knew of her, took Millie into her family but soon found that Millie could not cope with usual domestic sounds in a busy household with older kids. She suits apartment living and PT hours alone. She is desexed, vaccinated, heartworm free and chipped. Her adoption cost is $600.
Dwarf Rabbit
Banana was born at our vet clinic. His litter mates have all been adopted and Banana is still waiting. He is easy to handle and weighs 1.16kg. He comes with 2 vaccinations, chipping and desexing and the adoption fee is $195.
For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
Whale Beach SLSC: New Members Needed
- - Year round access to the beachfront club house, including gym and accommodation
- - Lifesavers get a Northern Beaches parking sticker
- - Free courses to learn practical life saving skills
- - Be part of the welcoming community and give back
- - Get fit & make new friends
- - It looks great on your CV

24 Hour row 2024
Rowing 40k in the early am in 2023 - Zac (left, looking a tad weary) and Todd, ready to do 40k more!
National Child Protection Week: 1-7 September -'Every Conversation Matters'
- children and their caregivers matter (from the very earliest days)
- children and their peers matter
- families with teachers, doctors, and other professionals matter
- friends or neighbours matter
- decision-makers and the communities they serve matter.
- And, of course, conversations in the public realm and media matter
- engage in important conversations,
- promote the value of conversations, and
- equip us to have conversations that keep kids safe.''

Elanora Heights Village Christmas Market Stalls

2024/25 SLS Patrol Season start

Avalon Sailing Club: Opening Day Sunday 8th

Prepare for Bush Fire Season with Get Ready Weekend 2024

Marine Rescue Broken Bay: Christmas Raffle 2024

Avalon Youth Hub: A New Wave, Introducing Beaches Youth Hub

Avalon Preservation Association AGM 2024 + Help needed
- Preserve the natural beauty of the area through promoting proper planning of all future development
- Express positively and in appropriate quarters the point of view of residents with regards to any proposed development and to protect the residential amenity of the area
- Work with and assist local government in any efforts to improve and beautify the locality and where appropriate instigate such improvements

Have your say about the draft autism health roadmap
- take the full survey – this asks for views on the exact draft wording in the roadmap, using technical language that is more familiar to health professionals and policy makers
- take the short survey, either in writing, or by audio or video recordings – this is aimed at people less familiar with technical language, and might be more suitable for people who need support
- take the Easy Read survey – this uses simple words and visuals to tell you about the roadmap so that you can tell us what you think about it
- email your feedback directly to us.
Code of Meeting Practice (2024) Proposed amendments: Have your say

Electric vehicle charging stations Proposed locations: Have your say
- Avalon Beach Carpark - 558A Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Beach
- Balgowlah Shops Carpark - 187 Condamine Street, Balgowlah
- Outside 19 Sydenham Road, Brookvale
- Outside 27 Mitchell Road, Brookvale
- Outside 16 Fisher Road, Dee Why
- Fairlight Shops - Sydney Road, Fairlight (at Hilltop Crescent)
- Forestville Seniors Centre Carpark 1 - Starkey Street (corner of Warringah Road), Forestville
- Forestville Seniors Centre Carpark 2 - Starkey Street (corner of Warringah Road), Forestville
- West Esplanade - opposite 75 West Esplanade, Manly
- Victoria Parade - outside 29 East Esplanade, Manly
- Narraweena Shops Carpark - 52 May Road, Narraweena
- Outside 327 Barrenjoey Road, Newport
- Battle Boulevarde (Spit Bridge) Carpark, Seaforth
- Sturdee Parade, Dee Why - replacing Oaks Avenue (cnr The Strand), Dee Why**
- South Steyne, Manly - opposite side of the street from the previous proposal**.
1102 Barrenjoey Rd (former fish & chip shop site) - New LEC Plans uploaded to council's webpage

Monika's Doggie Rescue Pets of the Week
10yo Maltese X Poodle
Merlin is a sweet gentle cuddly boy. He is easy to handle with slow hand movements. He is very social with other small dogs. Merlin has had a dental and has a low-grade heart murmur. He is a very calm gentle soul. He has a low shedding coat and weighs 6.9kg. All our dogs come with desexed, fully vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DoggieRescue Vet. His adoption fee is $600.
Domestic Short Haired 3yo
Pollo is a super handsome very chilled boy. He is very gentle and affectionate. He is very comfortable around other cats and is happy to be left alone for longer periods. He came from a deceased estate with Marco. Pollo might be Dad, though we are not sure. Pollo is very possessed about food and will attempt to steal food, even from plastic containers! Pollo has a short coat and weighs 4.3kg. All our cats come desexed, wormed, F3 vaccinated, FIV/FeLV tested if over 6 months old and microchipped. His adoption fee is $220.
For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
$2.5 million to support rehoming for research animals
- improve outcomes for animals at the end of their involvement in research including increasing the number of animals rehomed
- make it easier for these animals to be rehomed by preparing them for life with families and others in ‘forever homes’ and
- help rehoming organisations as they manage animals into the next phase of their lives.
- repairs, maintenance and building new animal care facilities
- purchase of equipment, such as crates and bedding
- access to veterinary services, including desexing and vaccinations
- services to the deliver training or rehabilitation and
- awareness programs to increase knowledge and awareness of animal rehoming practices.

Newport Breakers Rugby Club: Cowboy Cup Champs for 2024

Avalon Bilgola Amateur Swimming Club: 2024/2025 Season

2024 Anzac Community Grants applications open
- The NSW Soldier On Veteran Community Program, which provides training and resources to veteran volunteers to deliver socially engaged activities and events in the Hunter, Sydney, and Shoalhaven.
- A brass memorial commemorating Aboriginal war-time service at the Blue Mountains Aboriginal Culture and Resource Centre.
- An upgrade of the war room at the Woolpack Inn Museum at Holbrook for the preservation and display of war uniforms.
- A memorial mural for Mount Warrigal Public School.
Northern Beaches Para Surfer Boardriders Inc. First Annual General Meeting
- Learn about the club's progress and financial performance.
- Elect new office-bearers.
- Discuss important matters and propose changes.
- Shape the direction of our club.

Local Government Election 2024: Meet the Candidates

Market Sounding: Use of Facilities at the Sydney Academy of Sport Narrabeen
- a) use of existing facilities as is
- b) repurposing existing facilities
- c) development of new facilities
- d) a combination of the above

Newport Spring into Summer Festival: Stall Applications Open

September 2024 Meeting of ABHS
The Palm Beach Cinema - 1953

Friends Of Soibada: October 2024 Visit
- Dentists or medical;
- photographer;
- teachers;
- veterans;
- and crafty people who can do one of the following;
- crochet, embroidery, beading, jewellery making, Lino printing, sewing with machines, dress making and more!

Marine Rescue Broken Bay: New Crew!

Pre-poll voting: Local Government elections
- >will be outside your ward or council area on election day
- >will be more than 8km from a voting centre (polling place) in your ward or council area on election day
- >will be travelling and unable to attend a voting centre on election day
- >are seriously ill or infirm, and due to such illness or infirmity will be unable to attend a voting centre
- >are approaching maternity
- >have religious membership or beliefs that prevent you from attending a voting centre on election day
- >are in a correctional centre and prevented from attending a voting centre on election day
- >are caring for a person outside of a hospital setting, which prevents you from attending a voting centre on election day
- >will be working on election day
- >are a silent elector
- >are a person with a disability
- >believe that attending a voting centre on election day will place your personal safety or the safety of your family at risk.

Stronger Together Project Grants Now Open
Manly, Warringah and Pittwater Historical Society Centenary

Whale Beach SLSC: New Members Needed
- - Year round access to the beachfront club house, including gym and accommodation
- - Lifesavers get a Northern Beaches parking sticker
- - Free courses to learn practical life saving skills
- - Be part of the welcoming community and give back
- - Get fit & make new friends
- - It looks great on your CV

Warriewood SLSC Open Day 2024

- WSLSC Membership Information: HERE
- Renew Membership Via the members portal: Renew Membership
- Join WSLSC as a new member Join WSLSC
Pittwater Community Groups:
Mona Vale Residents Association

Speed humps on McCarrs Creek Rd: share Wildlife Data
- The position via GPS or road and suburb
- The date
- The animal
Report Hate Crimes
Community News + what ran in each Issue
Community News Pages list articles that ran each week as well as reports run in other pages: Inbox and Environment News archives etc.
March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 December 2013
January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014
January 2015 February 2015 March 2015 April 2015 May 2015 June 2015 July 2015 August 2015 September 2015 October 2015 November 2015 December 2015
January 2016 February 2016 March 2016 April 2016 May 2016 June 2016 July 2016 August 2016 September 2016 October 2016 November 2016 December 2016
January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 May 2017 June 2017 July 2017 August 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017
January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018
January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 May 2019 June 2019 July 2019 August 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 December 2019
January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020
January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021
January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022 November 2022 December 2022
January 2023 February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 September 2023 October 2023 November 2023 December 2023
January 2024 February 2024 March 2024 April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024