Community News - May 2016
May 22 - 28 2016: Issue 264
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 264: Nankeen Kestrel Feasting at Newport plus more
Julie Hegarty Standing as Independent Candidate for Mackellar in 2016 Federal Election
Palm Beach SLSC Out of Season Outward Bound Australia Pursuit of Mount Tennant Elevations: During Outward Bound Australia’s 60th Anniversary Year of Inspiring Australians
New Car Parks at Warriewood+Mona Vale to Support B-Line Bus Service to Commence Construction in 2016 - details and diagrams - community information session on Mona Vale on Tuesday 31 May 2016 from 6pm to 8pm
Mobile Wildlife Clinic Fundraiser for Sydney's Northern Beaches: Please Help Save Our Resident Sick and Injured Animals
Local Surfers Qualified to Compete in Ocean and Earth Junior Surfest this July: 4 events including Ocean & Earth NSW Junior State Surfing Titles (15th - 19th) and Ocean & Earth NSW Junior State School Surfing Titles (20th - 21st) - from Surfing NSW
Reflections by George Repin: A WALK ON SANTORINI
Pittwater Artists Trail Winter Exhibition 2016: at Avalon Beach SLSC - Friday June 3rd to Sunday June 5th 2016
Aquatics: SLSA' s Australian Life Saving Team for World Championships 2016 Announced - Newport SLSC has five members chosen for Youth and Open teams: Information about Worlds 2016 (Youth, Opens, Masters, Pool and Beach, Boats, IRB's) the areas of competition, plus what to see while there
Pictures: Newport Breakers Rugby - at Home Games Action, May 21st, 2016 + Ladies Day Saturday June 4th details
DIY Ideas: Early Winter Project - Build your own Shed Part 1 of 4
Park Bench Philosopher: Ships Biscuits - the At Sea Necessity that Floated William Arnott’s Success + Pittwater connections: in the 1890-1900 Australian Depression with Milk Arrowroots and Sailing - of Course!
Artist of the Month: May 2016 Lorrie Morgan: PCA's president for 10 years is also an entrepreneur and very talented Artists in many mediums
Profile: Penel Bigg One of the very talented Artists on the Pittwater Artists Trail who works in Glass, has always had a passion for the life within this ancient element - PAT's Winter Exhibition is June 3-5, 2016 at Avalon Beach SLSC
History:Early Pittwater Schools - From Provisional to Public:- Mona Vale Public school - from Village Green to Greening the Village!
Local Rural Fire Brigades - Incidences and Works this week
May 21, 2016
Ingleside + 5 Warringah & Pittwater NSWRF Brigades were part of a Strike Team deployed to Kulnura in Gosford District for a Hazard Reduction Burn. Our crews assisted in the execution of the HR burn.
Brigades involved:
Terrey Hills Rural Fire Brigade
Beacon Hill Rural Fire Brigade
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade
Davidson RFB
May 20, 2016
Ingleside Tanker & Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade NSWRFS responded to car fire, at King Rd, Ingleside just before 6am this morning.
Vehicle found by Ingleside crew on fire and extinguished using hoseline and crew in Breathing Apparatus. The vehicle had only just been driven to the scene by the owner who noticed smoke coming from his engine bay.
May 18, 2016
Ingleside RFS Tanker & Ute with Breathing Apparatus crews, Tumbledown Dick (on Flyer), West Pittwater & Scotland Island NSWRFS Brigades responded just after 2am to a house fire on Scotland Island on Pittwater.
Scotland Island Brigade arrived first and found an Electrical fire burning within the floors and walls of the house near the kitchen. RFS crews removed parts of the wall and floor to gain access and further extinguish the fire. A thermal imaging camera was used to assist in locating hot areas within the walls to assist with extinguishment.
May 15, 2016
Ingleside volunteers are today in the field assisting our Hornsby colleagues with a hazard reduction at Arcadia. Four units are assisting including Warringah / Pittwater Headquarters Rural Fire Brigade, Coal & Candle Rural Fire Brigade and Duffys Forest Rural Fire Brigade.
Beach Clean up at Avalon
Sunday May 29, 2016: 10 a.m.
Did you know that by the year 2050 there will be more Plastic in the ocean than fish?!
Its a frightening statistic but sadly it may well become a reality if we dont start to act now.
Join wanderlightly & Living Ocean for a monthly beach clean as we move along our local beaches keeping keep them Plastic Free.
For our first of many clean ups - meet at Avalon Beach SLSC.
Bring along a bucket & a pair of gloves for an hour of beach cleaning followed by a coffee and a chat at Nourish cafe.
All welcome!!
For more info email
Sign up or turn up. See Facebook Event Listing Page here
Pittwater Sailors Competing in Hobie Worlds 2016
Originating in Hawaii in 1976, the Hobie 16 World Championships is a one-design class regatta that tests the skills of the world’s best Hobie 16 catamaran sailors.
Palm Beach Sailing Club and RPAYC members are competing again this year, including World Champions of past Hobie Worlds Rod and Kerry Waterhouse and John Duchatel and Evelyn Curtis. Among the Women’s this year, Olympian Nina Curtis with the very skilful Haylee Outteridge will also compete.
Rod Waterhouse
The 2016 Hobie 16 Worlds are being held in Dapeng, China from the 29th of May to the 13th of June 2016.
Good luck to all competitors!
All Australians in Hobie 16 Worlds for 2016
Hobie® 16 Masters 30 May – 2 June
Michael Butler Patrick Buter
Raymond Cox Rhys Cox
Phillip Epps Caitlyn Epps
Richard Lacey Tristan White
Shane Norris Sam Norris
William Tardrew Nicholas King
Roderick Waterhouse Kerry Waterhouse
Beau White Kerrin White
Hobie® 16 Grand Masters & Great Grand Masters 3 June – 5 June
John Duchatel Evelyn Curtis GM
Murray Peterson Rhys Cox GM
David Renouf Rachel Renouf GM
Christopher Steilberg Wan Yi Steilberg-Liu GM
William Tardrew Nicholas King GM & GGM
Roderick Waterhouse Kerry Waterhouse GM
Hobie® 16 Women 3 June – 5 June
Haylie Andrews Amelia MacFarlane
Meagan Bursa Bonnie Butler
Nina Curtis Haylee Outteridge
Katie Peterson Natalie Gray
Krystal Weir Georgia Warren-Myers
Hobie® 16 Youth 3 June – 5 June
Will Mckenzie Patrick Butler
Central Coast Welcome IRBs
Tue 17 May 2016 – by SLS NSW
The second round of the Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB) Premiership Series heads to Terrigal on the state’s Central Coast this weekend for what promises to be an exhilarating two days of racing.
This weekend, 275 competitors from 23 clubs will take to the start-line to compete in events designed to simulate real life rescue situations involving individual ‘patients’ and mass rescues.
All events are based on honing the skills of both IRB driver and crewperson and the fast-paced nature of the competition makes it a great day out for spectators.
Opportunities to refine their racing skills ahead of next month’s State Championships at Mollymook have been few and far between for the competitors this season, and they will undoubtedly be keen to hit the waves at Terrigal.
Kiama Downs SLSC are the team to beat leading into this weekend’s event after securing the points in Round One at Caves Beach in the Hunter. Caves Beach and Queenscliff SLSCs rounded out the top three but will be hoping for a better run at Terrigal.
Round 2 of the Premiership will see three new clubs ready to race, Lower North Coast Branch will be represented by Forster SLSC, while Maroubra and Stockton SLSCs add to the contingent from the Hunter and Sydney Branches.
The Central Coast will be well represented at the event with hosts Terrigal joining Ocean Beach, Wamberal, and North Avoca on the start line.
Terrigal SLSC IRB Captain, Roger Stimson says his team will be pushing for a podium finish this weekend after their best start to the Premiership in Round One.
“Caves Beach was a great success for us as it was our best start to the Premiership in recent years and we’re very excited to continue our form into this weekend’s event on our home beach,” Roger Stimson said.
“We have some new recruits this season who have really surprised us with their ability in the boat and we’ve spent a lot of hours training so we’re building nicely.”
Competing clubs will be vying for more than just pride throughout the series with generous prizes on offer. As well as vouchers at each of the events, there will be an IRB engine up for grabs for the winner of the Premiership thanks to the support of Lakeside Marine.
Surf Life Saving NSW Sports Manager, Rob Pidgeon says with the number of entrants increasing, the weekend looks set to see some fierce competition.
“It’s great for the sport to see more clubs entered and it only means it’s going to be tougher for clubs to finish on the podium,” Rob Pidgeon says.
“The racing at Caves Beach last round was outstanding so we’re expecting crews to be at their best again this weekend.”
Round 2 of the IRB Premiership Series is scheduled to get underway at Terrigal Beach this Saturday 21 May with the start time set for 8am.
IRB Premiership Round 2 entries:
Avalon Beach, Bungan Beach, Catherine Hill Bay, Caves Beach, Coogee, Cooks Hill, Elouera, Forster, Kiama Downs, Maroubra, Newcastle, Newport, North Avoca, North Cronulla, North Curl Curl, Ocean Beach, Queenscliff, South Maroubra, Stockton, Terrigal, Thirroul, Wamberal and Woonona.
Newport Rugby Club presents “Rugby by the Sea” for the 2016 Ladies Day
With two weeks to go until we host our Ladies Day at Newport Rugby Club, we invite you to join us for an unforgettable day at Porter Reserve.
The Newport Rugby Club invites you to a day at the “Rugby by the Sea”. This year Ladies Day will be held on Saturday the 4th of June from 1pm, when the Newport Breakers take on Waverley.
With views of the ocean, you will sip champagne, dine on the local produce and catch up with friends. You will be hosted in a spectacular themed venue for 3 hours before making your way down to the VIP Marquee for some first class rugby action and for your chance to win some amazing prizes donated by our sponsors.
When: Saturday the 4th of June from 1pm
Where: Porter Reserve, Newport
Luxury gift bag upon arrival - 3 hour gourmet food and beverage package - Entrance into the VIP marquee - Raffles / lucky door prizes / special guest appearances / DJ and entertainment
Tickets: Tickets are $50 each. Please Click Here to purchase your tickets
Dress: Touch of blue and white
Contact: Nicole Warren
Event information:
If you have any questions about the event please email:
Tickets will be on sale until midnight on Wednesday the 1st of June, unless sold out prior (This event is expected to sell out – Don’t miss out!)
Church Point Ferry Services: Proposed Extra Ferry Services - Please fill in Survey
CPFS: Friday May 13, 2016
Pittwater Council will be making changes to the commuter wharf at Church Point as part of the work scheduled for the new car park. In approximately 6 weeks, work will begin and there will be a smaller wharf to tie up commuter boats to. This will lead to a loss of 20-30 spots.
The Church Point Ferry Service will provide extra services to ease expected congestion at the commuter wharf. Please take the time to fill out the survey if you feel that an extra service would enable you to leave your boat at home.

Winter Care Kits 2016
May, 2016 - Mona Vale Library
Mona Vale library will again be a drop-off point for the Winter Care Kits for the homeless people in Sydney.
The flyer itemises the 8 items which are required to be placed in a large zip lock bag.
Mona Vale library has a stock of the bags - feel free to pick up a free one next time you are in the library
In addition, we are also collecting hand knitted Winter Warmies – gloves, scarves, beanies or socks would be perfect.

So-called rate freeze will cost ratepayers
May 20, 2016: LGNSW
The Baird Government's "rate path freeze" was expected to force many ratepayers in amalgamated councils to pay more than their neighbours for council services - while others will face major rate hikes at the end of the four-year-period, LGNSW warned today.
The peak local government body has described the pledge as "an ill-conceived attempt at a politically expedient fix", and said the move would actually introduce inequities into the system.
LGNSW has raised the issue with IPART, which is currently developing recommendations to help overcome the systemic financial problems that continue to place councils under pressure, irrespective of amalgamations.
The Government also asked the Tribunal to come up with a way to implement its commitment to freeze the rate path for four years for amalgamated councils.
"The fact that the Government announced this policy and then asked IPART to figure out how it will work by next month is just another example of dodgy process," LGNSW President Keith Rhoades said today.
"This pledge is nothing but a cynical and deliberately misleading ploy that was used to try to sell the Government's unpopular council amalgamations to communities.
"Despite what a Government spokesman was quoted as saying as recently as May 17, the rate path freeze does not mean rates will stay the same as they are now for the next four years.
"Rates will still rise by the IPART-determined rate-cap, and special rate variations allowed prior to the amalgamations will continue.
"The only thing the Government has really prevented is the harmonisation of rates across the new merged council areas.
"This means that until 2020 we'll have the deeply unfair situation in which residents from one former council area will be stuck paying higher rates than residents in another former council area, even if they're getting the same service."
Clr Rhoades said those who were paying less rates would then face a major rate rise when the four years were up - and because of the rate freeze it is likely the difference would have to be made up in one big hit.
"The Government hopes that by then residents will have forgotten just who imposed this ridiculous policy, and that councils will get the blame," he said.
"But the truth is it is this Government which will have made the situation worse.
"Given the significant costs of forced amalgamations, and recognising that few if any savings are achieved in the first four years of amalgamation, it is more likely that infrastructure and service provision and financial sustainability will deteriorate at a fasterrate than would have been the case without the merger.
"Without the ability to raise council revenue by harmonising rates, new councils will be faced with the need to seek a larger and more sudden increase at the end of the 'freeze'. "It's either disingenuous or a case of deliberate deceit, and the community deserves to know which."
Nominations open for the 2016 NSW Green Globe Awards
Media release: 16 May 2016
Nominations are now open for the 17th Green Globe Awards celebrating NSW's exceptional environmental achievements.
Ian Hunter, Deputy Chief Executive, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) said the Green Globe Awards are NSW's biggest sustainability awards, with ten award categories covering a range of resource, business, community and individual sustainability initiatives.
"The Awards are a chance to showcase NSW's green game changers nationally, internationally and celebrate the people behind the successes," Mr Hunter said.
"They provide a platform for participants to showcase innovative work, initiate projects, network and reach new audiences."
Previous winner, Chris Bins of City of Sydney, said their Green Globe Award had opened further opportunities to share their experiences and give them licence to push harder into the new horizons of sustainability.
"We've offered our Green Globe experience as an open invitation for discussion and knowledge sharing," Mr Bins said.
Brookfarm, winner of the 2015 Small Business Sustainability and Premier's Award for Environmental Excellence said since winning both awards they have implemented a rainwater harvesting system and energy management initiatives to meet new environmental certification goals.
Winner of last year's Young Sustainability Champion Award, Seda Hamoud, said her award has given her school Environmental Club an even stronger cross-school component and has allowed for greater membership.
Robin Mellon, Green Globe Award judging panel chair of chairs said the judges are excited to see this year's nominations and how nominees are reducing their environmental impacts in a diverse collection of ways.
"We look forward to seeing how their initiatives are really 'leading the pack' around NSW, Australia and hopefully around the world and how their actions are having a positive effect on businesses, people and communities," Mr Mellon said.
The NSW Green Globe Award winners set the gold standard in becoming a cleaner and greener state.
The Awards will be judged by a panel of independent experts and presented at a gala night at The Art Gallery of New South Wales in late October 2016.
Nominations are open until 11 July 2016. To enter your project, program or nominate, please go to:

International Surfing Day 2016 - Surfrider Foundation Australia Annual Event
Come and join Surfrider Foundation in celebrating the annual International Surfing Day on Saturday, June 25 from 6 PM at Mounties Manly Bowling Club. The event will have a 70's theme featuring...
~ Live Music by Ziggy McNeill & 70's super-band TAMAM SHUD ~
~ Original Morning of the Earth Footage ~
~ 70's Surfing Stories from Surfing Legends ~
~ Environmental Stalls and Recognition ~
~ Auction Items & Raffles throughout the Event ~
** Limited tickets are available – grab your tickets for this intimate evening celebrating surfing here.
Surfrider Foundation Australia’s 25th anniversary
For nearly 25 years, Surfrider Foundation has been protecting beaches and waves across Australia. Help Surfrider to celebrate our successes, learn from our losses and eagerly move forward by sending through your stories and photos of your experiences with Surfrider since its foundation to
If you are not yet a member get join today its only $25 for a full year or better still give your beach YOUR Birthday present join now and renew next BIRTHDAY and pay a dollar for each year you've been surfing.

Save Scotland Island Kindy
The Scotland Island kindy is a warm and caring early childhood centre that has been in operation for more than two generations. Many children who attend this very fully accredited kindergarten return as carers or to bring their own children.
Due to the ever-increasing cost of running such a centre, the kindy and accompanying after-school care program are at risk of closure.
This simply cannot happen.
Without this very special kindergarten, the children on Scotland Island will not have the opportunity to get a head start on their education and their social development amongst their local peers. If the kindy were to close it would also be a huge blow to the families, staff and community members who have supported the beloved centre over the years.
With no chance of extra support from the government, we need to raise funds on our own to keep the kindy open. Our goal is highly reachable - but we need your help!
We'd like to invite you to make a contribution, no matter how small, to the Scotland Island kindergarten in order to keep it running for future generations.
The children thank you!!!
Fight on the Beaches Christmas in July Charity Ball 2016
Friday July 8th, 2016
Fight on the Beaches Team: May 4, 2016
Fight on the Beaches has raised over $468 000 over the past 2 years for cancer research. We hope that you will join us this year on Friday 8th July at Miramare Gardens to 'fight for a cure', and to help us to donate even more to cancer research. Having funded 3 cancer researchers over the past 2 years, we will continue to fund cancer research through our fundraising.
Fight on the Beaches is made up of local women who have all been impacted by cancer in one way or another and who want to make a positive difference in the fight against cancer. We are thankful for any contribution, big or small, that will help find a cure for cancer.
You can choose to buy a ticket to the Ball, donate a prize for the Christmas Tree Lucky Dip or Auction, take out one of our fantastic Sponsorship Packages, make a cash donation or, volunteer on the night. We look forward to having you join us in your own way to fight back and find a cure.
We are absolutely thrilled to announce that Richard Wilkins will join Fight on the Beaches as MC on the 8th July to help us in our fight for a cure! Richard is a tireless supporter of various charities and we can't wait to see him on the night!
On Channel Nine's TODAY, Richard presents daily features and interviews from right across the world of showbiz. He's interviewed the cream of the international entertainment industry - from Madonna to The Rolling Stones, and from Andrea Bocelli to Nigel Kennedy.
Richard has hosted a myriad of top rating TV specials from ‘Angelina Jolie: Unbroken and Exclusive’, the eight-hour Millennium Live, the Annual Tropfest Short Film Special and for ten years, the New Year’s Eve Festivities and Fireworks over Sydney Harbour.
In the 2014 Queen’s Birthday Honours List, Richard was appointed as a Member of the Order of Australia (AM), for “significant service to the community through a range of charities, and the entertainment industry.”
Tickets at:
Go Fishing NSW Day 2016 Grants
By NSW Govt. Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries
The inaugural Go Fishing NSW Day was run by DPI in six locations across NSW in December 2015. The Fishing Day was a celebration of recreational fishing, as a fun and healthy pastime for the entire family. A range of fun filled activities was held in each location and many kids and adults were introduced to their first ever fishing experience.
Mark the date for the next Go Fishing NSW Day which will be held on Sunday, 16 October 2016 at a range of new locations. More fun fishing activities are being planned so stay tuned for more details.
Fishing clubs – apply for funding now
Recreational fishing clubs are invited to apply for grants to help run community fishing events and activities in their own local area on the NSW Go Fishing Day - 16 October 2016.
How much can clubs apply for? Grants of up to $2,000 can be applied for.
What can the grants be spent on? Funding can be spent on items required to run a local Fishing Day event and associated activities on 16th October 2016, such as casting and fishing workshops, information sessions and other fishing activities. This includes items such as fishing gear, bait, food and drinks, equipment hire, hire or chartering of specialist fishing services etc. Activities restoring fish habitat on the Fishing Day are also eligible, such as replanting and/or weeding creek banks.
The activities must be scheduled to occur on the 16th October 2016.
How to apply
Download the funding guidelines (PDF, 53.02 KB) for more information
Complete the funding application form (DOC, 147.5 KB)
Forward the application to:
Go Fishing NSW
PO Box 4291
Coffs Harbour Jetty NSW 2450
Who can assist you?
For assistance with completing your application or to find out more about the expression of interest, phone 02 6229 7712 or
Fishing clubs also wanting to carry out fish habitat restoration activities such as replanting and/or weeding creek banks on the Fishing Day are encouraged to contact DPI Fish Habitat Rehabilitation staff to obtain advice and assistance or phone (02) 6626 1396.
Application closing date is 30 June 2016.
All documents at:

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Fundraising Dates2016
June 3: Stall, Warriewood Square. 9am to 3pm Craft, sewing, knitting
June 4: Pittwater Place, Mona Vale, 9am to 3pm
Craft, sewing knitting
June 11: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm
June 17: Mona Vale Hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm
Baking, craft, sewing, knitting.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 8/5/2016
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
2016 Pittwater Short Story Award
Berkelouw Books invite the creative writers of Pittwater aged 9 and up to enter The Pittwater Short Story Award for 2016.
To be eligible your story needs to be identifiably located in Pittwater and has to incorporate a reference to Mona Vale Road.
There are three categories and three great prizes.
Category 1: Writers 9-12 years of age, Prize: $ 100 Berkelouw Book Voucher, Length: No more than 500 words.
Category 2: Writers 13-16 years of age, Prize: $ 200 Berkelouw Book Voucher, Length: No more than 1000 words
Category 3: Open age group, Prize: $ 300 Berkelouw Book Voucher, Length: No more than 2000 words.
Entries open Tuesday April 26 and close Friday June 3, 2016.
Entries should be submitted in hard copy.
Follow this link for more information and to download the entry form.
Avalon Boomerang Bags 2016 Workshops
It was great to see some of our regular volunteers yesterday at our first workshop of the year - thanks everyone for showing up and kicking off the year in style. We look forward to seeing you all at the next workshop on Tuesdays 11:30am- 5pm.
For those of you unable to come to workshops there are many other ways to get involved, just let us know you're willing by leaving a comment or sending us a message.
Pictured is a Boomerang Bag Box as will be provided around Avalon Shopping area full of our Boomerang Bags to "Borrow and Bring Back" Workshops are every Tuesday in Avalon Rec. Centre.
Pet of the Week

Mobile Wildlife Clinic
Donate at:
When our pets get hurt or sick, we rush them to a veterinarian and are happy to pay whatever it takes to make our furry/feathery/scaly family member all better, right?
But what happens to our wildlife when they get sick? They don't have owners to rush them to the vet or pay for their treatment. Who takes care of them when they are in pain and in need of care?
We are Sydney Wildlife
We are an organisation made up purely of volunteers - and we rescue these wild animals and care for them. However, we are not veterinarians and sometimes they need treatment that can only be provided by a professional veterinary surgeon.
At the moment we are burdening our local vets with injured wildlife and they are having to bear the medical costs, while our volunteer rescuers bear all other costs. Wouldn't it be wonderful if there was a service that helped our precious wildlife, our volunteer rescuers and our wonderful vets...?
We need your help to fund a brand new, state-of-the-art Mobile Wildlife Clinic!
The Mobile Wildlife Clinic will provide first-class treatment to our injured and sick wildlife. The clinic will be staffed by veterinarians who are experienced at treating wildlife and the clinic will also provide hands-on training for veterinary students who are all desperate to learn how to treat wild animals.
Your money will be used to purchase a van, have it fitted out for first aid, consultations and medical emergencies for animals in times of natural disasters. Your money will also be used to provide training for our future veterinarians.
With so many dangers to face - vehicle-strike, entanglement, habitat loss, attack from feral and domestic animals, human interference etc - our wildlife are in desperate need of our help.
As you know, myself and many other wildlife rescuers work long and crazy hours to save our wildlife and we don't often ask for help... But this week we reached a crisis point when 10 of our local wallabies were killed on our roads - in just one week!
Please encourage your friends to share this to their pages to get us as much support as possible. We may be able to save what's left of our precious wildlife if we all help with funding a Mobile Wildlife Clinic.
Our wildlife needs your help. I need your help.
Thank you
Donate at:
In a world of problems, our Mobile Wildlife Clinic is the answer.
Thank you for saving their little hurt paws, their sore bodies and their precious little lives.

Wildlife Mobile Clinic from Lynleigh Greig on Vimeo.
Vale - Michael Stringer AM ESM
16 May 2016
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today paid tribute to passionate Marine Rescue volunteer Michael Stringer AM ESM.
Mr Stringer was a life-long Narrabeen resident and founding Director of NSW Marine Rescue. He was farewelled today by an honour guard of Marine Rescue volunteers and other emergency service representatives.
“Mike was one of those extraordinary volunteers who never sought any praise or appreciation,” Rob Stokes said today.
“There aren’t many positions within our coastal rescue services which Mike didn’t fulfil over the past 40 years – he was a real servant of our community.
“Mike exuded reliability, knowledge, friendship and passion – an incredible set of traits that are far too rare.
“Whether it was rescuing people from the ocean or supporting a fundraiser – Mike would always get involved and assist without question.
“Mike’s heart was as large as his contribution and he’ll be widely missed,” Rob Stokes said.
Picture: As Flag Officer Commanding Royal Volunteer Coastal Patrol - 1998
Pittwater Online was fortunate to interview Mr. Stringer for a Profile in 2015 - you can read about his many contributions to us all here
Children's Panadol 5-12 years suspension 200 mL bottle Recall
19 May 2016: Australian Government _ Dept of Health TGA
Recall - risk of allergic reaction due to potential contamination
Consumers and health professionals are advised that GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Australia, in consultation with the TGA, is in the process of recalling three batches of Children's Panadol 5-12 years suspension, supplied in 200 mL bottles.
It has been identified that an ingredient used in the manufacture of these medicines may have been contaminated with small particles that could contain trace minerals and inert fibres. The quantity of these particles would be small and they may not be visible in the product. If this occurs, there is a very low risk of allergic reaction and there is also potential for the medicine to be less effective over time.
The affected batch numbers are:
136418 (strawberry flavour)
136444 (strawberry flavour)
136443 (orange flavour)
The expiry date for each of the recalled products is February 2018.
The batch number and expiry date are located at the bottom of the bottle label and embossed on the base of the outer box.
No other batches, bottle sizes or products are affected by this recall.
Information for consumers
If you have a bottle of Children's Panadol 5-12 years suspension, check the bottle label and/or the base of the outer box to see if it is from batch numbers 136418 (strawberry flavour), 136444 (strawberry flavour) or 136443 (orange flavour).
If you have a bottle from one of the affected batches, do not use it.
Return it to the place of purchase for a refund.
If you have any questions or concerns about this issue, speak to your health professional, or call GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Australia on 1800 028 533.
Friends of Narrabeen Laggon Catchment May Forum:Aboriginal Arts and Crafts - 7pm Monday May 23, 2016
Come! Have fun! Participate!
Coastal Environment Centre Pelican Path, Lake Park Road, Narrabeen
Well known Aboriginal artist, Jessica Birk, will lead the activities. Michael Birk will play Aboriginal music. Lois Birk will help organise the activities.
It will be fun and worthwhile and suitable for children.
Free entry but book your tickets now. Phone: 9905 2135
Narrabeen Spring 2016 Celebration: Our catchment comes alive!
The reopening of the lagoon trail has resulted in a big increase in the number of people coming to Narrabeen for recreational purposes. That’s great, but Friends believes there’s an urgent need to remind everyone of the environmental values of the catchment and the need for protection of what remains of the bushland.
Time for a big initiative. Your committee has decided to mount a major campaign in spring that will convey these important messages while at the same time promote the many community groups that do such good work in our Catchment. It will be an exciting and fun time and we invite all members and supporters to get involved.
For two weeks in September and October, we are going to stage the first Narrabeen Spring Celebration, which will focus on our glorious natural attractions and a host of special events that will take place.
The Celebration will start on Saturday September 24 and finish on Sunday October 9, coinciding with school holidays. We have identified over 70 significant groups that offer recreational, sporting and hobby activities on the lagoon or in the catchment and have invited them to stage special events for the public over this period. It will be an exciting time for families who live in the catchment and further afield. They’ll be keen to get involved.
We have had an enthusiastic response to date and have a number of activities already planned for Sept/Oct.
Friends has been conducting bushwalks and Eco-Paddles since 2007 and these will be expanded over the two weeks.
We also propose to invite commercial companies to take part and will engage with the media to ensure the event is well promoted.
Built into these activities will be responsible environmental messages that will encourage the public to protect the catchment. While there will be an educational component to the events, our emphasis will very much be on family fun and entertainment. We have the enthusiastic support of both Warringah and Pittwater Councils – they will be assisting us and also participating in the Celebration.
We think this is a terrific opportunity to demonstrate that Narrabeen Lagoon and its catchment is a vibrant and growing part of Sydney with a unique environment and facilities to attract families.
We would appreciate some help in the lead up to the Celebration or for some of the events. This will be fun!
If you can help before Sept 24 or at one of the events during the Celebration or if you belong to an organisation that would like to participate, please email
The Countdown is on for the Youth Match Racing World Championships in New Caledonia
May 20, 2016: RPAYC
RPAYC's Will Dargaville and his team of Josh Dawson, Sarah Parker and James Farquarson will be travelling to New Caledonia to compete in the Youth Match Racing World Championships in Noumea. He won the Youth Match Racing Championships in New Caledonia last October and along with that win also won the Hardy Cup. These strong wins brought Will into the top 50 in the Open Mens Match Racing World Rankins which resulted in Will being selected to take one of the two spots to represent Australia. Harry Price from the CYCA is the other Australian selected.
This June, Will and the team will be facing competitors from New Zealand, Denmark, America, Japan and France.
The Nouméa Yacht Club (CNC) will host the competition on an isolated Island in front of Noumea, the main city. Competitors from six nations will sail in paradise, in the biggest lagoon of the world, surrounded by turtles, tropical fishes and dugongs.
Will competing in the 2015 HARKEN Youth Match Racing Champs.
Surf Life Saving NSW Welcomes New President
Friday 20 May 2016: SLS NSW
Surf Life Saving NSW has welcomed two new faces to its Board and has paid tribute to outgoing President Tony Haven AM and Surf Sports Director Michael Bate for their contribution to the organisation over many years.
David Murray (Nth Curl Curl SLSC) has been elected the new President of Surf Life Saving NSW and Don van Keimpema (Shelly Beach SLSC) will take over the reins as Director of Surf Sport. Incoming SLSNSW President, David Murray has acknowledged his predecessor, Tony Haven AM for his hard work and dedication during the last eight years in the role.
“The organisation has been run very well, and I hope to continue to see whether we can improve it like any organisation,” said David Murray, former president of Sydney Northern Beaches Branch.
“Tony has done an outstanding job, he’s a good friend of mine and through his stewardship I’ve got to where I am under his direction.”
David Murray says he would like to continue to evolve the organisation.
“My main goal is to bring everyone together so we’re one cohesive unit, that’s the most important thing for me as we grow as an organisation which has been run phenomenally well,” David Murray said.
David became a member of North Curl Curl SLSC in 1994 and has held a variety of volunteer positions at club and branch level. A successful business owner in the computer industry, David retired from running his own company in 2015 after 30 years to focus on pursuing other interests, including the further development of Surf Life Saving.
Tony Haven AM was elected President of SLSNSW in 2008. He is a Life Member of SLSNSW and SLSA. Michael Bate held the position of Director of Surf Sports for six years and is a Life Member of SLSNSW.
Photo: Newly elected SLSNSW President, David Murray.
Guardianship Regulation 2016
NSW Government: Review of proposed regulation under the Guardianship Act 1987
What's this about?
The Department of Justice invites people who are interested in the proposed change to the Guardianship Regulation 2016 to tell us what they think.
The Guardianship Regulation is under the Guardianship Act 1987.
There are three documents that you can read to understand the proposed changes. They are all available to download on the right-hand side of this page.
Proposed Guardianship Regulation 2016 [PDF, 225kb]
Regulatory Impact Statement [PDF, 166kb]
Easy Read Guide to the Guardianship Regulation changes [PDF, 3.7MB]
Have your say
Submit your feedback by 5pm 14 June 2016 via or write to:
Guardianship Regulation Public Consultation
Executive Director, Justice Strategy & Policy
Department of Justice, GPO Box 31. Sydney NSW 2001
Please note that all submissions and comments will be treated as public, and may be published, unless the author indicates that it is to be treated as confidential.
Formal Submission - Date: May. 18 - Jun. 14, 2016
Consultation website with above documents here
Pedestrian and road safety improvements in Cremorne
17 MAY 2016: Roads & Maritime Dept. NSW Media Release
Several improvement and safety projects will be completed in Cremorne in coming weeks which will benefit pedestrians and road users.
“Night work will be carried out on Military Road at Cremorne to reduce flooding and improve road safety on this major arterial road which links the North Shore to the Sydney metropolitan area and carries about 46,000 vehicles per day,” a Roads and Maritime Services spokesperson said.
“The section of road between Waters Road and Winnie Street has a history of water ponding after rainfall, which impacts pedestrians and motorists as well as the bus stops along this section of road.
“Work to be carried out includes building new kerbs and guttering along Military Road, surveying and adjusting utilities and rebuilding footpaths.
“It is expected this work will improve stormwater runoff and safety for all road users.
“Three trees will be removed to provide access during work and replaced once the essential maintenance project is complete.
“Safety improvements will also be made to the pedestrian bridge across Military Road.
“The bridge to Hampden Avenue between Waters Road and Winnie Street provides an important connection for pedestrians accessing the local shopping strips as well as the SCEGGS Redlands Senior Campus.”
Following community consultation in April, work will be carried out on both projects for up to five nights a week from Monday 16 May for four months, weather permitting.
Work hours will be from 8pm to 5am between Sundays and Fridays with some 24 hour work on weekends.
Changed traffic conditions including reduced speed limits and lane closures may be in place during night work and road users should follow the direction of traffic control and allow extra travel time.
The spokesperson said work would also be carried out at the intersection of Rangers Road and Murdoch Street at Cremorne to improve pedestrian safety.
“A new pedestrian crossing will be built on the southern approach of Murdoch Street with new kerb ramps.
“An additional traffic light will also be installed on the south east corner of the intersection and a taller traffic light post provided in the north east corner to improve visibility for motorists.
“This work is being funded through the Walking Communities Program and will take three shifts to complete between Friday 20 May and Friday 17 June, weather permitting.
“Work hours will be from 7am to 5pm and from 9pm to 5am, weather permitting.”
For the latest traffic information call 132 701, download the Live Traffic NSW App or visit
Kincumber Intersection Upgrade
RMS - Have your Say - NSW Government
Empire Bay Drive, The Scenic Road and Cochrone Street
What's this about?
Empire Bay Drive is a critical link between the Central Coast suburbs of Woy Woy, Ettalong and Umina in the south and Terrigal, Kincumber and Erina in the north.
Empire Bay Drive is currently one lane in each direction and is a pinch point for the 25,000 motorists travelling each day between Kerta Road and Avoca Drive at Kincumber.
The existing roundabout at Empire Bay Drive, The Scenic Road and Cochrone Street has one circulating lane. During peak hours, motorists are required to wait for long periods at the roundabout which has a substantial impact on traffic flow.
The proposal involves replacing the existing roundabout with traffic lights and road widening to provide additional lanes at the intersection.
Have your say
Submit your feedback by Friday 27 May 2016 via phone 02 4924 0676 or write to:
Roads and Maritime Services, Locked Bag 2030. Newcastle NSW 2300
Formal Submission - Date: May. 16 - 27, 2016 Time: 9:00am — 5:00pm
Terrigal Drive Update
What's this about?
Roads and Maritime Services is inviting the community to have their say on plans for a future upgrade of Terrigal Drive between Chetwynd Road and Duffys Road. The proposed design includes widening the road to provide two lanes in each direction, and installing a central median and upgrading intersections.
Have your say
Submit your feedback by Friday 10 June 2016 via, online survey, phone (02) 4379 7015 (business hours) or write to:
Theodoros Stephanou, Roads and Maritime Services, Locked Bag 2030. Newcastle NSW 2300
Formal Submission - Date: May. 16 - Jun. 10, 2016 Time: 9:00am — 5:00pm
North Bondi Win NSW Award
Friday 20 May 2016: SLS NSW
North Bondi SLSC has won their second NSW Rescue of the Month award in as many seasons after successfully rescuing a group of ocean swimmers in April.
On Saturday 23 April at 9:15am, North Bondi surf lifesavers rescued multiple swimmers from the permanent rip at the northern end of Bondi Beach, which was closed due to hazardous conditions.
“It was a pretty miserable day, the beach was closed so we had no flags up and we weren’t really expecting much to happen to be honest. I briefed the patrol and we decided to have a skeleton of lifesavers on the beach,” said Patrol Captain Karen Sheppard.
A group of 15 ocean swimmers were advised not to enter the water by members of Patrol 14 from North Bondi SLSC as the beach was closed due to rough conditions with 2-3 metre swell. Despite the warning, they entered the water. Unfortunately, the swimmers found themselves in trouble 50 metres offshore and a number of them were washed against the rocks.
“It was a pretty miserable day, the beach was closed so we had no flags up, so we weren’t really expecting much to happen to be honest. I briefed the patrol and we decided to have a skeleton of lifesavers on the beach,” Karen Sheppard said.
“As I was briefing the patrol, we could see a group of ocean swimmers going down towards the water’s edge at North Bondi where the rip was running.”
Immediately, Patrol Captains Simon King and Karen Sheppard launched a rescue effort while Gary Pendergast headed out and assisted one of the swimmers who had been washed onto rocks. As the conditions were very rough Patrick Kerr and Paul Parks (rescue board), David Tinworth and Jake Hilton (IRB), John Rohl and Lisa Croudace (rescue tube) all headed out to provide support under the direction of Simon and Karen.
Once on scene, Patrick supported two swimmers on his board until Paul arrived and was able to transfer one of the exhausted swimmers onto his board and paddle back to shore. Due to the conditions, Patrick transferred the remaining swimmer into the IRB to be taken back to shore by Dave and Jake.
Meanwhile, Lisa directed the remaining struggling swimmers back to shore with one of the swimmers attempting to swim against the rip. Lisa offered the rescue tube but the swimmer refused until John arrived with fins a few minutes later. John helped the swimmer negotiate their way through the large swell safely to shore.
By this time all 15 swimmers had been returned to shore and were administered first aid. Several swimmers suffered serious injury from being washed against the rocks.
“It’s very unexpected to receive NSW Rescue of the Month award but we’re extremely grateful. We were just doing what we do as surf lifesavers on the day,” Karen Sheppard added.
“We’ve had a couple of mass rescues this season so on this occasion, we all knew what to do and we showed great teamwork in difficult conditions.”
The SLSNSW Rescue of the Month aims to recognise excellence in lifesaving. Each month a ‘Rescue of the Month’ is awarded at State level for the most outstanding rescue performance for that period. Monthly winners have the chance to win the Australian Rescue of the Month and become finalists for the SLSNSW Rescue of the Year which is presented at the annual Awards of Excellence.
For official citations and past recipients please visit the Rescue of the Month Recognition Page.
Mosman Art Gallery Seeking White Pillowcases
Call out for 1,942 white pillowcases and memories of the Japanese attack on Sydney. 2017 will mark the 75th anniversary of the Japanese submarine attack on Sydney Harbour in 1942. To commemorate this event Mosman Art Gallery are working with a group of Australian and Japanese artists to develop an exhibition to be shown in mid 2017.
Participating artist, Sue Pedley, is calling out for donations of white pillowcases and memories of the event to help realize a new artwork. Donated White Pillowcases can be in any condition: off - white, stained, starched, patched, threadbare. Where possible the artist requests that donors include a written note of either a living memory or passed on memory of the Japanese attack.
Please deliver laundered pillowcases to Mosman Art Gallery during opening hours in a bag (with your name clearly written if you wish to be acknowledged). Pillowcases will be accepted from 1st May –until 31st July, 2016.
Mosman Art Gallery, Cnr Art Gallery Way & Myahgah Road. Open 7 days, 10am-5pm. Phone 99784178.
World Sailing team up with Bart's Bash
Monday May 16, 2016
In 2016 Bart's Bash will be raising awareness and funds to support grassroots disabled sailing globally.
World Sailing, the governing body of the sport, has joined forces with the Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation, offering official support and promotion to Bart's Bash.
Launched in 2014, Bart's Bash is the world's largest sailing event that is run by sailing clubs, community sailing programmes, sail training centres, yacht clubs, scout groups, sea cadets and even groups of sailors, all around the world.
Since its inception, Bart's Bash has inspired thousands of new and seasoned sailors to participate in sailing whilst raising funds to improve the lives of young people around the world.
The Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation continues to encourage more people to get on the water and promote the benefits it brings people of all abilities. In 2016 Bart's Bash will be raising awareness and funds to support grassroots disabled sailing globally.
The 2016 edition of Bart's Bash is scheduled for 17-18 September, falling at the same time as the conclusion of the Rio 2016 Paralympic Sailing Competition.
Rio 2016 will welcome 80 sailors from 23 nations, racing across three disciplines. Sailing will not be on the Tokyo 2020 programme after the International Paralympic Committee made a decision to remove the sport. Since its removal, World Sailing has been working closely with its members and the IPC to ensure reintroduction for 2024.
The sailing journey for Paralympic athletes will continue after the final boat crosses the finish line in Rio and the Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation will act as a valuable partner.
World Sailing will encourage its Member National Authorities across the globe to promote Bart's Bash to their members as participants, volunteers or supporters of the event.
World Sailing Chief Executive Officer, Andy Hunt, said, "World Sailing is working tirelessly to ensure sailing is returned into the Paralympic program of sports. Once the competition ends at Rio 2016, it is vital that World Sailing maintain the momentum for inclusion back into the Paralympic Games.
"The Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation and Bart's Bash continues to inspire the world with their efforts and we are delighted that this year's event will be raising funds for Para Sailing around the world.
"I, along with the rest of the World Sailing team, will be taking to the water this September as a show of support during the Paralympic Games.”
Sir Ben Ainslie, trustee of the ASSF and skipper of America's Cup team, Land Rover BAR, added, "People know how close the Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation is to my heart, and it was fantastic to see so many people supporting the charity at the last Bart's Bash. It's really good to see World Sailing now getting behind the event, and let's hope we can get even more people out on the water this year in memory of Bart."
Bart's Bash website:
By Daniel Smith, World Sailing
The Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation
The Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation was founded in memory of, and inspired by, Olympic Gold medallist, sailor Andrew 'Bart' Simpson. The Founding trustees are Sir Ben Ainslie, Iain Percy OBE and Andrew's wife Leah.
The Foundation honours the life and legacy of a sailor who was passionate about encouraging and helping others fulfil their aims. Its simple objective it to "inspire the next generation” by using sailing to improve the lives of young people across the world.
The Foundation is providing the challenges of a sailing environment to promote health and wellbeing, and to develop personal skills that will improve a young person's ability to succeed in life and work. They recognise sailing as a sport and as a recreation that is not always accessible to all owing to lack of finance, a physical or learning disability, mental health or social barriers.
Bart's Bash is an annual fundraising and participation campaign promoted by the Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation. Each individual event is organised by a venue which is the organising authority for all activities at their site.
The event was founded in 2014 and was verified By Guinness World Record as The Largest Sailing Race in the World. Bart's Bash has seen more than 45,000 sailors participate in the event in 62 Countries across the 2 years.
About World Sailing
World Sailing is the world governing body for the sport of sailing.
World Sailing is made up of 141 Member National Authorities (MNAs), who are its principal members, and responsible for the decision making process that governs the sailing world.
There are currently more than 100 World Sailing classes, ranging from the small dinghy classes for young people up to 60 foot ocean racers.
Time to replace smoke alarms
Fire and Rescue NSW is urging all NSW residents to replace their smoke alarms and check their friends and family do so too.
Fire and Rescue NSW recommends that every house in NSW be fitted with the latest photoelectric smoke alarm.
It’s been a decade since NSW mandatory smoke alarm legislation was passed, which means millions of smoke alarms across NSW are now reaching their ‘best before’ date and are due to be replaced.
As part of Fire and Rescue NSW’s ‘ReAlarm your home against fire’ awareness campaign, throughout the month of May NSW Fire and Rescue is asking all NSW residents to replace their smoke alarms, and take the time to check in on 10 friends or family members to ensure they update their smoke alarms too.
For more information visit:

GOOD NEWS! Thanks to the Farrell Family Foundation, we have been successful with our grant proposal for $40,000 towards Soibada Senior High School. Nicolau Lobato Senior High School.
THE CHALLENGE! Before we can use that money we need to match that with our fundraising! We can do it - with your help! We have the movie night coming up on 30 March, the Buy a Brick project, a new Chuffed Campaign about to launch. We are getting lots of support from Rotary Clubs too. Spread the word - the sooner we raise $40,000 the sooner we start construction. If you have any good ideas, are willing to host or organise an event please let us know.
Can you help us raise the matching funds?
Tell your friends about our Chuffed Crowd funding Campaign; it is easy to donate by going to the website:
Buy a Brick for the
Last year Youth for Soibada interviewed the young people in Soibada to find out how THEY would like us to assist them. Everybody asked for a real school! A school with desks, chairs, computers, music and sports equipment! Not a fancy building – but something more substantial than what you see in the picture above!
Contact for details Email:
Find out more at:
Tamara Sloper Harding OAM
Chairperson, Pittwater Friends of Soibada Inc
Closed areas: Smugglers track
Applies from Mon 11 Jan 2016, 7.00am to Fri 27 May 2016, 4.00pm.
Smugglers track is closed due to track upgrade works. Access to Barrenjoey Head is via the management trail. This closure may be extended and any extension will be posted as soon as possible. Penalties apply for non-compliance. For more information, please contact NPWS Ku-ring-gai Chase area office on (02) 9451 3479 or visit the NSW National Parks safety page for park safety guidelines.
See list of affected locations on park alerts page at:
Have your say on a new exhibit and accommodation at Taronga Zoo
07.04.2016 : Department of Planning and Environment
A proposal for a new habitat exhibit and eco-tourist facility at Taronga Zoo in Mosman will be on exhibition from today for community feedback.
The Department of Planning and Environment is keen to hear the community’s views on the proposal which seeks to:
• demolish existing structures, including the Harbourview Garden Court and terrace, a toilet block, some animal breeding and holding areas, part of a garden bed wall, pathways and landscaping and relocate the Circular Kiosk
• construct five connected accommodation ‘pods’ between two and four storeys in height, with 58 rooms and four suites
• construct a four storey addition to the existing Taronga Centre for a new kitchen and dining facility
• construct a one storey guest lodge for reception, bar and storage facilities and an adjacent platypus exhibition
• construct a new native Australian wildlife exhibit including a kangaroo habitat, new aviaries and a walkthrough exhibition
• make alterations to the existing Taronga Centre to include stairs and lift access and enclosing the roof and lobby space
• conduct landscaping, tree removal and roadworks, and build loading docks.
A spokesperson for the Department of Planning and Environment said the local community always has an opportunity to share their views.
“Community consultation is an integral part of the planning process and the applicant will have to respond to the feedback we receive,” the spokesperson said.
“This feedback is taken into consideration when we develop our recommendations.
“It’s easy to participate by going online and we encourage everyone to take a look and have their say.”
To make a submission or view the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), visit
Submissions can be made from Thursday, 7 April until Monday, 23 May 2016.
Written submissions can also be made to:
Department of Planning and Environment
Attn: Director – Key Sites Assessments
GPO Box 39
Sydney NSW 2001
The application and EIS are also available to view in person at:
• Department of Planning and Environment, 23-33 Bridge Street, Sydney
• Mosman Council, Mosman Square, Spit Junction, 573 Military Road, Mosman
Australian Habitat and Taronga Wildlife Retreat
Development of a new Australian habitat exhibit and eco-tourist facility to be known as the 'Australia Habitat and Taronga Wildlife Retreat' at Taronga Zoo.
Below: An Artists Illustration of a new Taronga zoo

May 15 - 21 2016: Issue 263
Articles This Week
Pittwater is STILL Pittwater: Residents - Sacked Councillors Discuss Options
Funds To Improve Disabled Sailing Opportunities at RPAYC: at Crystal Bay Sailability through NSW Government’s Local Sport Grant Program
Bayview Days (1950's) by Andrew Amos
Pittwater Artists Trail Winter Exhibition 2016: at Avalon Beach SLSC - Friday June 3rd to Sunday June 5th 2016
Aquatics: IRB Season 2016 Takes Flight - SLS NSW Report, pictures and Progressive Point Score after Round One
Maserati back to menace MC38 fleet - Ginger ninjas lead MC38 fleet after Day 1 - Autumn Regatta hosted by Middle Harbour Yacht Club on Sydney Harbour, May 14-15, 2016 by Lisa Ratcliff
Pictures: West Head Soldiers Track Opened - May 14th, 2016
Collector's Corner: Marvellous Marbles: An All Ages Preoccupation for Collectors
Artist of the Month: May 2016 Lorrie Morgan: PCA's president for 10 years is also an entrepreneur and very talented Artists in many mediums
Profile: Cottage Point Rural Fire Brigade - Joining a Rural Fire Brigade is about community looking after community. Our Rural Fire Brigades respond to the outbreak of fires within their local area and in surrounding areas. A small insight, courtesy of Jon Russell, Captain at the Cottage Point Brigade, on one of the best in one of the most beautiful places.
History: Early Pittwater Schools - From Provisional to Public:- Church Point and Bayview: A Pittwater Public School Set on the Estuary, 1880 to 2016 - from a church to a schoolhouse, by water and bush track - how children in offshore bays were given access to growing their minds and music, music, music!
Church Point Ferry Services: Proposed Extra Ferry Services - Please fill in Survey
CPFS: Friday May 13, 2016
Pittwater Council will be making changes to the commuter wharf at Church Point as part of the work scheduled for the new car park. In approximately 6 weeks, work will begin and there will be a smaller wharf to tie up commuter boats to. This will lead to a loss of 20-30 spots.
The Church Point Ferry Service will provide extra services to ease expected congestion at the commuter wharf. Please take the time to fill out the survey if you feel that an extra service would enable you to leave your boat at home.

Winter Care Kits 2016
May 10, 2016 - Mona Vale Library
Mona Vale library will again be a drop-off point for the Winter Care Kits for the homeless people in Sydney.
The flyer itemises the 8 items which are required to be placed in a large zip lock bag.
Mona Vale library has a stock of the bags - feel free to pick up a free one next time you are in the library
In addition, we are also collecting hand knitted Winter Warmies – gloves, scarves, beanies or socks would be perfect.

Extra Funding For Northern Beaches Indoor Sports Centre
12 May 2016
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today announced $17,000 in NSW Government funding to support the expansion of the Northern Beaches Indoor Sports Centre at Warriewood.
The funding will assist with the fit-out of the centre, including new scoreboards, equipment and flooring, once the current expansion project is completed.
Over recent years the NSW Government has contributed more than $150,000 towards the highly-anticipated project which will see extra court space provided to help cater for growing demand from local schools and sporting groups.
“This is one of the most frequently used community facilities in Pittwater,” Rob Stokes said today.
“There are countless local groups who will benefit from the expansion project and the provision of new equipment.
“The Manly Warringah Basketball Association has helped spearhead this initiative which aims to ensure the demands on the centre can be met into the future.
“The centre has served our community incredibly well since it opened in 2001 but it’s now become a victim of its own success.
“I congratulate all those involved in this project and look forward to it progressing,” Rob Stokes said.
Pedestrian Improvements For Palm Beach Commercial Area
11 May, 2016
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today announced $194,000 in NSW Government funding to help improve pedestrian safety at Palm Beach.
The NSW Government is supporting Pittwater Council to introduce a new 40 km/h High Pedestrian Area in the vicinity of the main commercial precinct on Barrenjoey Road.
The project will involve new signage and road changes to help alert motorists to pedestrian activity and assist with speed management throughout the area.
“Palm Beach is becoming increasingly popular and changes are needed to help improve pedestrian safety around the commercial precinct,” Rob Stokes said today.
“The major upgrade of the Palm Beach Ferry Wharf last year means more and more people are visiting this incredible part of our community.
“Additional measures are needed to encourage motorists to slow down, watch out for pedestrians and help improve safety throughout the area.
“I’m pleased the NSW Government is supporting Pittwater Council with this project and look forward to it getting underway over coming weeks,” Rob Stokes said.
Funds To Improve Disabled Sailing Opportunities
11 May, 2016
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes has announced $25,000 to support the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club’s disabled sailing program.
The funds have been provided under the NSW Government’s Local Sport Grant Program and come as Sailability NSW is celebrating its 20th anniversary in Pittwater.
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club is a long-term supporter of disabled sailing opportunities and is currently working towards the introduction of new pontoons and an accessible ramp.
“This is a fantastic project that will help get more sailors out on the water,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Along with Sailability the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club has done an outstanding job breaking down the barriers to sailing and ensuring people of all abilities can get involved.
“There’s no better place to learn to sail than Pittwater – so it’s great that new opportunities are being created for those who require extra assistance.
“Over the past twenty years we’ve seen huge improvements in disabled sailing opportunities throughout our community and it’s largely thanks to Sailability and its strong relationships with our local clubs and community groups.
“This project will be a great addition to our community and I’m delighted the NSW Government is getting behind it,” Rob Stokes said.

The 2016 'Barrenjoey Plan' - Good News May Be Imminent
For those in Pittwater, New South Wales, across Australia, and around the world, who have expressed their overwhelming and in mass opposition to the renewed plan to develop anything commercial, or restrict the public's access to Barrenjoey Headland, be it for a jog up the hill to greet the sun, a midnight 'skytrails' photographic exercise, or a simple family outing to enjoy the beautiful bush and historic site and structures, news from several sources on Friday May 13th indicates this 'jewel in the crown' will be Kept for the people, all of them, all of the time.
In deference to those entrusted to do this 21st Century Keeping we await official confirmation of this and shall run that as and when received.
The sources this information has come from, while numerous, are also a clear reminder that Pittwater remains Pittwater, and that residents should not be too hasty to divest themselves of yet more firm and loyal representatives of all things Pittwater at a time when we have lost so many so quickly.
Congratulations Dr. Richard West AM
A/Prof. Dr. Richard West AM has been reelected as President on the Palm Beach Whale Beach Residents Association.
At the 98th PBWBA Annual General Meeting on Tuesday May 10th Dr. West gave his inaugural report, touching upon matters that had been before the community during the past year, including the 'very undemocratic process of forced amalgamations', the progress of ensuring the safety f visitors to Palm Beach with the advancement of plans to install a walkway between the ferry wharf and Governor Philip Park, advisement from then still intact Pittwater Council that a new study, atop the 2004 Study on parking at Pittwater Park will proceed and a plan, unanimously agreed to by all present, to reactivate the 'Save Barrenjoey' campaign which ran in 2013.
News received on Friday, referred to above but not official as yet, means this may not be necessary.
Dr. West thanked all who had assisted him during his first term as President of the PBWBA and expressed an enthusiasm for his next term serving as the residents representative. His acceptance of the role was greeted with resounding applause.
Congratulations Sir!
About The Palm Beach & Whale Beach Association
The Palm Beach & Whale Beach Association is a not-for-profit, non-political organisation of volunteer owners and residents who are passionate about keeping our area unique, and keeping the local council and state government honest. Our main function is to preserve and enhance the natural beauty of the area and protect its residential amenity. We do this through communication with Pittwater Council regarding development and building applications, making submissions on relevant issues and being represented on various local government and other committees.
We encourage members of the community to become involved in helping to preserve our beautiful peninsula, and sign up for association membership. Click here to become a member of the Association or find out about membership.
The Committee meets every first Monday of each month from 7 p.m. at the Pacific Club. All members of the Association are welcome to attend any meeting of the Committee.
Below: Mrs. Susie Kennedy with Dr West.

Re: May 8-14, Issue 262
I found the above issue of the Pittwater Online News very interesting – especially the articles about the Church Point RFS training, thePittwater schools and the Front Page story about Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club.
It brought back memories from my childhood at Bayview in the 1950s. My father was in the Church Point Bushfire brigade as it was then with his great friend Dr Walter Wearn from Scotland Island. I believe John Goffage (Chips Rafferty) was also a member at the time. The Pittwater schools articles included Loquat Valley School which I attended between 1954 and 1956 and my father was also a member of the RPA yacht club.
Some time ago, my daughter asked me to write my childhood memories and I included memories of the yacht club and Loquat Valley school. I have just done a quick cut and paste of those sections into the attached document which you may find interesting.
Thanks for a very interesting publication.
Andrew Amos – May 9, 2016
Thank you Sir!
Mr. Amos' has generously shared some wonderful memories and pictures in - Bayview Days - by Andrew Amos.
A Guesdon.Editor, Pittwater Online News.
The Parkview Restaurant Renovations: Avalon Beach RSL Club
Important notice: The Parkview Restaurant located in Avalon Beach RSL Club will be CLOSED, due to some exciting renovations, from Monday 9th May. Limited menu selections will be available during this time and the renovations are expected to be completed by 23rd May.
Restaurant promotions will not be available during the renovation period, this includes; $15 Dinner Specials, $12 Lunch Specials & Kids Eat Free Days. We appreciate your patience during the renovations & apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Manly Rotary Fun Run & Walk - Sunday 22 May - Earlybird registration
The annual Manly Scenic Fun Run & Walk is a 2, 5 or 10 kilometre scenic course starting and finishing on the beachfront opposite The Corso. A great healthy way to spend your Sunday, and for a good cause too, with proceeds helping local charities.
Earlybird Registration can be completed online until Saturday 21 May, or register on the day (May 22) between 6.30 - 7.30 am outside the Steyne.
Register at:
Friends of Narrabeen Laggon Catchment May Forum: Aboriginal Arts and Crafts - 7pm Monday May 23, 2016
Come! Have fun! Participate!
Coastal Environment Centre Pelican Path, Lake Park Road, Narrabeen
Well known Aboriginal artist, Jessica Birk, will lead the activities. Michael Birk will play Aboriginal music. Lois Birk will help organise the activities.
It will be fun and worthwhile and suitable for children.
Free entry but book your tickets now. Phone: 9905 2135
Narrabeen Spring 2016 Celebration: Our catchment comes alive!
The reopening of the lagoon trail has resulted in a big increase in the number of people coming to Narrabeen for recreational purposes. That’s great, but Friends believes there’s an urgent need to remind everyone of the environmental values of the catchment and the need for protection of what remains of the bushland.
Time for a big initiative. Your committee has decided to mount a major campaign in spring that will convey these important messages while at the same time promote the many community groups that do such good work in our Catchment. It will be an exciting and fun time and we invite all members and supporters to get involved.
For two weeks in September and October, we are going to stage the first Narrabeen Spring Celebration, which will focus on our glorious natural attractions and a host of special events that will take place.
The Celebration will start on Saturday September 24 and finish on Sunday October 9, coinciding with school holidays. We have identified over 70 significant groups that offer recreational, sporting and hobby activities on the lagoon or in the catchment and have invited them to stage special events for the public over this period. It will be an exciting time for families who live in the catchment and further afield. They’ll be keen to get involved.
We have had an enthusiastic response to date and have a number of activities already planned for Sept/Oct.
Friends has been conducting bushwalks and Eco-Paddles since 2007 and these will be expanded over the two weeks.
We also propose to invite commercial companies to take part and will engage with the media to ensure the event is well promoted.
Built into these activities will be responsible environmental messages that will encourage the public to protect the catchment. While there will be an educational component to the events, our emphasis will very much be on family fun and entertainment. We have the enthusiastic support of both Warringah and Pittwater Councils – they will be assisting us and also participating in the Celebration.
We think this is a terrific opportunity to demonstrate that Narrabeen Lagoon and its catchment is a vibrant and growing part of Sydney with a unique environment and facilities to attract families.
We would appreciate some help in the lead up to the Celebration or for some of the events. This will be fun!
If you can help before Sept 24 or at one of the events during the Celebration or if you belong to an organisation that would like to participate, please email
Planning Information Day for Middle Head
Media release: 11 May 2016 - NSW Dept. of Environment and Heritage
The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust (Harbour Trust) will be hosting a Planning Information Day on the future of Middle Head on Sydney Harbour, which the public are invited to attend on Sunday 22 May from 10am-2pm.
NPWS Deputy Chief Executive Michael Wright and Harbour Trust Acting Executive Director Susan Culverston said that the two separate agencies are aiming to manage Middle Head as one landscape.
"In recognising that the headland is one landscape, NPWS and the Harbour Trust are working together to coordinate planning for the future of this important part of Sydney," Mr Wright said.
"This is NPWS's first step in the process of creating a master plan for the Middle Head precinct in Sydney Harbour National Park that will guide its management over the next 20 to 30 years.
"In considering what our vision for this area should be, we first want to hear what the community's views are on safe and sustainable ways to enhance visitor enjoyment and protect the area's outstanding natural features.
"The Planning Information Day is about hearing what is important to the community about the parkland and how we can continue to make the area an attractive public space for the enjoyment of everyone."
Harbour Trust Acting Executive Director, Dr Culverston said at Middle Head, both agencies are striving to create a unified urban parkland experience.
"We rely heavily on public input to inform our planning for sites like Middle Head," Dr Culverston said.
"The Planning Information Day is an opportunity to hear about our respective planning processes and get a good understanding of what happens in the park now, how we will work together in the future and what themes will be covered in our planning.
"In planning for the site we will consider matters such as current activities, access and circulation, operational requirements, uses for buildings and opportunities for improved public access and interpretation.
"Our planning outcomes will be coordinated to maximise public access and protect the environmental and heritage values of the site so the community can continue to enjoy it well into the future," she said.
Both agencies are preparing planning documents for the land they are responsible for, and are seeking to ensure they effectively integrate their site planning with each other. The feedback from the Planning Information Day will help to inform the drafting of these plans. Once written, these plans will be formally exhibited for public comment.
The Planning Information Day will be held at Middle Head, Mosman.
Fire Station Open Day 2016
Where: At your local participating fire station
When: 21st May 2016 Time: 10am to 2pm
Fire & Rescue NSW (FRNSW) will hold its annual Open Day on 21 May 2016 with fire stations across the State giving visitors a personal glimpse into Australia's busiest fire and rescue service. Open Day coincides with the FRNSW Winter Fire Safety Campaign.
More than 80,000 people will attend Open Day at their local fire station. Open Day includes safety demonstrations, fire station tours and the chance to inspect firefighting equipment and trucks used by our firefighters when responding to fires and other emergencies. There is also an array of activities for kids.
Visitors can also speak to firefighters first-hand about fire safety in the home, including how to install and maintain smoke alarms and how to develop a home escape plan to ensure they can quickly and safely escape a fire.
Mosman Art Gallery Seeking White Pillowcases
Call out for 1,942 white pillowcases and memories of the Japanese attack on Sydney. 2017 will mark the 75th anniversary of the Japanese submarine attack on Sydney Harbour in 1942. To commemorate this event Mosman Art Gallery are working with a group of Australian and Japanese artists to develop an exhibition to be shown in mid 2017.
Participating artist, Sue Pedley, is calling out for donations of white pillowcases and memories of the event to help realize a new artwork. Donated White Pillowcases can be in any condition: off - white, stained, starched, patched, threadbare. Where possible the artist requests that donors include a written note of either a living memory or passed on memory of the Japanese attack.
Please deliver laundered pillowcases to Mosman Art Gallery during opening hours in a bag (with your name clearly written if you wish to be acknowledged). Pillowcases will be accepted from 1st May –until 31st July, 2016.
Mosman Art Gallery, Cnr Art Gallery Way & Myahgah Road. Open 7 days, 10am-5pm. Phone 99784178.
Voting is different this election
Published on 25 Apr 2016 by AEC
You can either: number at least six boxes above the line for the parties or groups of your choice, or number at least 12 boxes below the line for individual candidates of your choice.
Senate voting changes for the next federal election. Visit for more information.
Time to replace smoke alarms
Fire and Rescue NSW is urging all NSW residents to replace their smoke alarms and check their friends and family do so too.
Fire and Rescue NSW recommends that every house in NSW be fitted with the latest photoelectric smoke alarm.
It’s been a decade since NSW mandatory smoke alarm legislation was passed, which means millions of smoke alarms across NSW are now reaching their ‘best before’ date and are due to be replaced.
As part of Fire and Rescue NSW’s ‘ReAlarm your home against fire’ awareness campaign, throughout the month of May NSW Fire and Rescue is asking all NSW residents to replace their smoke alarms, and take the time to check in on 10 friends or family members to ensure they update their smoke alarms too.
For more information visit:
Comment on proposed strata regulation by 27 May 2016
By NSW Department of Fair Trading
What is this about?
To modernise strata laws, more than 90 law changes were passed by the NSW Parliament in 2015 and have not yet commenced. These laws will be administered by NSW Fair Trading with NSW Land and Property Information (LPI). For information on the changes, refer to our Major changes to strata laws page.
NSW has more than 75,000 strata schemes worth $350 billion in assets. The reforms will affect some 2 million industry professionals, strata owners, and residents in strata-titled townhouses and units.
What's happening now?
Fair Trading has now released the draft Strata Schemes Management Regulation 2016 (PDF size: 357kb) and LPI has released the draft Strata Schemes Development Regulation 2016 (PDF size: 259kb). These Regulations set out the detail for how the laws will operate.
To thoroughly consider the Regulations and questions about how they will work, refer also to the following documents:
• Regulatory Impact Statement - Strata Schemes Management Regulation 2016 (PDF size: 940kb)
• Regulatory Impact Statement - Strata Schemes Development Regulation 2016 (PDF size: 1.1mb).
This consultation closes on 27 May 2016. Please comment on any improvements needed to help the Regulations operate effectively. To find out how, refer to the Have your say section below.
Overview of the proposed changes
Draft Strata Schemes Development Regulation 2016
This draft Regulation supports the Strata Schemes Development Act 2015, which has not yet commenced.
The Regulation sets standards for the preparation of strata plans. This includes the form and content of location plans, floor plans, administration sheets and schedules of unit entitlement.
New provisions added to the Regulation
The draft Regulation provides necessary detail to support the new collective sale and renewal process, which was part of the law package passed last year. The Regulation includes:
• the information that must be addressed in a strata renewal proposal
• how a returning officer is to be appointed
• how the market value of a building and its site is to be determined
• the supporting documents that must be sent to owners with a strata renewal plan.
Changes of by-laws are to be lodged for registration as a consolidated version of the by-laws.
The proposed Regulation also defines the market valuation basis that a valuer must use to determine the unit entitlements and provides the date by which the valuation must be made.
LPI will administer this Regulation and the Act that it supports.
Draft Strata Schemes Management Regulation 2016
This Regulation supports the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015. These laws will be administered by Fair Trading.
The Regulation includes details such as:
• accountabilities to prevent financial mismanagement, and continued provisions allowing lot owners and prospective purchasers to inspect financial and other records
• requirements to ensure that building assets are better maintained
• the approval process for owners seeking to make changes to their lot
• the use of electronic voting and communication methods to support more informed and inclusive strata communities.
For further information, you can also refer to the Draft Strata Schemes Management Regulation 2016 section.
See more information, documents and how to have your say HERE

GOOD NEWS! Thanks to the Farrell Family Foundation, we have been successful with our grant proposal for $40,000 towards Soibada Senior High School. Nicolau Lobato Senior High School.
THE CHALLENGE! Before we can use that money we need to match that with our fundraising! We can do it - with your help! We have the movie night coming up on 30 March, the Buy a Brick project, a new Chuffed Campaign about to launch. We are getting lots of support from Rotary Clubs too. Spread the word - the sooner we raise $40,000 the sooner we start construction. If you have any good ideas, are willing to host or organise an event please let us know.
Can you help us raise the matching funds?
Tell your friends about our Chuffed Crowd funding Campaign; it is easy to donate by going to the website:
Buy a Brick for the
Last year Youth for Soibada interviewed the young people in Soibada to find out how THEY would like us to assist them. Everybody asked for a real school! A school with desks, chairs, computers, music and sports equipment! Not a fancy building – but something more substantial than what you see in the picture above!
Contact for details Email:
Find out more at:
Tamara Sloper Harding OAM
Chairperson, Pittwater Friends of Soibada Inc
Closed areas: Smugglers track
Applies from Mon 11 Jan 2016, 7.00am to Fri 27 May 2016, 4.00pm.
Smugglers track is closed due to track upgrade works. Access to Barrenjoey Head is via the management trail. This closure may be extended and any extension will be posted as soon as possible. Penalties apply for non-compliance. For more information, please contact NPWS Ku-ring-gai Chase area office on (02) 9451 3479 or visit the NSW National Parks safety page for park safety guidelines.
See list of affected locations on park alerts page at:
Have your say on a new exhibit and accommodation at Taronga Zoo
07.04.2016 : Department of Planning and Environment
A proposal for a new habitat exhibit and eco-tourist facility at Taronga Zoo in Mosman will be on exhibition from today for community feedback.
The Department of Planning and Environment is keen to hear the community’s views on the proposal which seeks to:
• demolish existing structures, including the Harbourview Garden Court and terrace, a toilet block, some animal breeding and holding areas, part of a garden bed wall, pathways and landscaping and relocate the Circular Kiosk
• construct five connected accommodation ‘pods’ between two and four storeys in height, with 58 rooms and four suites
• construct a four storey addition to the existing Taronga Centre for a new kitchen and dining facility
• construct a one storey guest lodge for reception, bar and storage facilities and an adjacent platypus exhibition
• construct a new native Australian wildlife exhibit including a kangaroo habitat, new aviaries and a walkthrough exhibition
• make alterations to the existing Taronga Centre to include stairs and lift access and enclosing the roof and lobby space
• conduct landscaping, tree removal and roadworks, and build loading docks.
A spokesperson for the Department of Planning and Environment said the local community always has an opportunity to share their views.
“Community consultation is an integral part of the planning process and the applicant will have to respond to the feedback we receive,” the spokesperson said.
“This feedback is taken into consideration when we develop our recommendations.
“It’s easy to participate by going online and we encourage everyone to take a look and have their say.”
To make a submission or view the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), visit
Submissions can be made from Thursday, 7 April until Monday, 23 May 2016.
Written submissions can also be made to:
Department of Planning and Environment
Attn: Director – Key Sites Assessments
GPO Box 39
Sydney NSW 2001
The application and EIS are also available to view in person at:
• Department of Planning and Environment, 23-33 Bridge Street, Sydney
• Mosman Council, Mosman Square, Spit Junction, 573 Military Road, Mosman
Australian Habitat and Taronga Wildlife Retreat
Development of a new Australian habitat exhibit and eco-tourist facility to be known as the 'Australia Habitat and Taronga Wildlife Retreat' at Taronga Zoo.
Below: An Artists Illustration of a new Taronga zoo

Critter of the Month - May 2016
How many Australian marsupials can you name?
Marsupials are a class of mammals living primarily in Australasia (although the Americas have a few). A distinctive characteristic of marsupials is that most of the young are carried in a pouch. Some well-known Australian marsupials include kangaroos, wallabies, koalas, possums, wombats, bandicoots and Tasmanian devils. Other marsupials include numbats, bettongs, bilbies, quolls, and quokkas. The young are often referred to as joeys.

To perform a pouch-check, you will need the following items:

Seniors Toy Repair Group needs your help
Volunteers are sought to help out on Wednesday mornings (7.30am to midday) at the group's workshed in Ingleside. Volunteers need their own transport and be willing to sort and clean toys that are picked up at different collection points on the Northern Beaches.
Prospective volunteers can email Mary Kitchen to arrange a visit to the workshed. To arrange a donation pickup please call Terry Cook on 0410 597 327 or email him. Find out more about this great community group HERE
The purpose of - is best defined by the vision of the West Pittwater Community Association.
To be a supportive community, encouraging and promoting civic pride, interest in community affairs and goodwill amongst residents.
To protect local fauna and flora and generally preserve West Pittwater and its environs.
To secure essential facilities including public wharves and reserves and to protect private and public property.
To speak with one voice and represent the interests of the Western Foreshore community when in discussion with Pittwater Council and other relevant government bodies. The WPCA website provides a forum for the better realisation of these objectives. Visit:

Save Scotland Island Kindy
The Scotland Island kindy is a warm and caring early childhood centre that has been in operation for more than two generations. Many children who attend this very fully accredited kindergarten return as carers or to bring their own children.
Due to the ever-increasing cost of running such a centre, the kindy and accompanying after-school care program are at risk of closure.
This simply cannot happen.
Without this very special kindergarten, the children on Scotland Island will not have the opportunity to get a head start on their education and their social development amongst their local peers. If the kindy were to close it would also be a huge blow to the families, staff and community members who have supported the beloved centre over the years.
With no chance of extra support from the government, we need to raise funds on our own to keep the kindy open. Our goal is highly reachable - but we need your help!
We'd like to invite you to make a contribution, no matter how small, to the Scotland Island kindergarten in order to keep it running for future generations.
The children thank you!!!
Fight on the Beaches Christmas in July Charity Ball 2016
Friday July 8th, 2016
Fight on the Beaches Team: May 4, 2016
Fight on the Beaches has raised over $468 000 over the past 2 years for cancer research. We hope that you will join us this year on Friday 8th July at Miramare Gardens to 'fight for a cure', and to help us to donate even more to cancer research. Having funded 3 cancer researchers over the past 2 years, we will continue to fund cancer research through our fundraising.
Fight on the Beaches is made up of local women who have all been impacted by cancer in one way or another and who want to make a positive difference in the fight against cancer. We are thankful for any contribution, big or small, that will help find a cure for cancer.
You can choose to buy a ticket to the Ball, donate a prize for the Christmas Tree Lucky Dip or Auction, take out one of our fantastic Sponsorship Packages, make a cash donation or, volunteer on the night. We look forward to having you join us in your own way to fight back and find a cure.
We are absolutely thrilled to announce that Richard Wilkins will join Fight on the Beaches as MC on the 8th July to help us in our fight for a cure! Richard is a tireless supporter of various charities and we can't wait to see him on the night!
On Channel Nine's TODAY, Richard presents daily features and interviews from right across the world of showbiz. He's interviewed the cream of the international entertainment industry - from Madonna to The Rolling Stones, and from Andrea Bocelli to Nigel Kennedy.
Richard has hosted a myriad of top rating TV specials from ‘Angelina Jolie: Unbroken and Exclusive’, the eight-hour Millennium Live, the Annual Tropfest Short Film Special and for ten years, the New Year’s Eve Festivities and Fireworks over Sydney Harbour.
In the 2014 Queen’s Birthday Honours List, Richard was appointed as a Member of the Order of Australia (AM), for “significant service to the community through a range of charities, and the entertainment industry.”
Tickets at:
Go Fishing NSW Day 2016 Grants
By NSW Govt. Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries
The inaugural Go Fishing NSW Day was run by DPI in six locations across NSW in December 2015. The Fishing Day was a celebration of recreational fishing, as a fun and healthy pastime for the entire family. A range of fun filled activities was held in each location and many kids and adults were introduced to their first ever fishing experience.
Mark the date for the next Go Fishing NSW Day which will be held on Sunday, 16 October 2016 at a range of new locations. More fun fishing activities are being planned so stay tuned for more details.
Fishing clubs – apply for funding now
Recreational fishing clubs are invited to apply for grants to help run community fishing events and activities in their own local area on the NSW Go Fishing Day - 16 October 2016.
How much can clubs apply for? Grants of up to $2,000 can be applied for.
What can the grants be spent on? Funding can be spent on items required to run a local Fishing Day event and associated activities on 16th October 2016, such as casting and fishing workshops, information sessions and other fishing activities. This includes items such as fishing gear, bait, food and drinks, equipment hire, hire or chartering of specialist fishing services etc. Activities restoring fish habitat on the Fishing Day are also eligible, such as replanting and/or weeding creek banks.
The activities must be scheduled to occur on the 16th October 2016.
How to apply
Download the funding guidelines (PDF, 53.02 KB) for more information
Complete the funding application form (DOC, 147.5 KB)
Forward the application to:
Go Fishing NSW
PO Box 4291
Coffs Harbour Jetty NSW 2450
Who can assist you?
For assistance with completing your application or to find out more about the expression of interest, phone 02 6229 7712 or
Fishing clubs also wanting to carry out fish habitat restoration activities such as replanting and/or weeding creek banks on the Fishing Day are encouraged to contact DPI Fish Habitat Rehabilitation staff to obtain advice and assistance or phone (02) 6626 1396.
Application closing date is 30 June 2016.
All documents at:

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Fundraising Dates2016
May 20: Mona Vale Hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm
Baking, craft, sewing, knitting
June 3: Stall, Warriewood Square. 9am to 3pm Craft, sewing, knitting
June 4: Pittwater Place, Mona Vale, 9am to 3pm
Craft, sewing knitting
June 11: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm
June 17: Mona Vale Hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm
Baking, craft, sewing, knitting.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 8/5/2016
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Program helps veterans find jobs
May 4, 2016: NSW Govt.
The NSW Government Veterans Employment Program offers practical guidance to military personnel who want to change careers and helps them match their rank to NSW public sector grades.
Former Army Major Garth Callender, who has served multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, leads the program.
Mr Callender said that former military personnel often struggle to have their skills understood by potential employees, resulting in unemployment and underemployment.
“This program recognises that the community has already invested significantly in military personnel and their wealth of skills and experience can be of enormous value to employers,” Mr Callender said.
The program aims to transition 200 veterans into the public sector by 2019.
Minister for Veterans Affairs David Elliott said that he hoped similar programs would roll out across Australia.
Third party claims on insurance money: Have Your Say (NSW Govt.)
Review of section 6 of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1946 (NSW)
What's this about?
Pursuant to section 10 of the Law Reform Commission Act 1967, the NSW Law Reform Commission is asked to review and report on section 6 of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1946 (NSW), which provides a mechanism enabling third parties to assert and enforce a statutory charge over insurance moneys payable to an insured person in circumstances where the insured's solvency is in question.
The Commission is asked to consider whether the section should be repealed or amended, and in this context consider whether the policy objectives remain valid and, if so, whether those objectives could be better achieved.
The Law Reform Commission is to have regard to specific items in undertaking this review. Details of those items are available on review's webpage on the Department of Justice website.
On 19 April 2016 the Law Reform Commission released Consultation Paper 17: Third party claims on insurance money: review of s6 of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1946 [PDF, 270kb]. Consultation Paper 17
The consultation paper provides an overview of the law relating to section 6 and sets out a number of options for reform.
Have your say
Submit your feedback by Friday 20 May 2016 via or write to:
NSW Law Reform Commission
GPO Box 31
Sydney NSW 2001
2016 Pittwater Short Story Award
Berkelouw Books invite the creative writers of Pittwater aged 9 and up to enter The Pittwater Short Story Award for 2016.
To be eligible your story needs to be identifiably located in Pittwater and has to incorporate a reference to Mona Vale Road.
There are three categories and three great prizes.
Category 1: Writers 9-12 years of age, Prize: $ 100 Berkelouw Book Voucher, Length: No more than 500 words.
Category 2: Writers 13-16 years of age, Prize: $ 200 Berkelouw Book Voucher, Length: No more than 1000 words
Category 3: Open age group, Prize: $ 300 Berkelouw Book Voucher, Length: No more than 2000 words.
Entries open Tuesday April 26 and close Friday June 3, 2016.
Entries should be submitted in hard copy.
Follow this link for more information and to download the entry form.
Avalon Boomerang Bags 2016 Workshops
It was great to see some of our regular volunteers yesterday at our first workshop of the year - thanks everyone for showing up and kicking off the year in style. We look forward to seeing you all at the next workshop on Tuesdays 11:30am- 5pm.
For those of you unable to come to workshops there are many other ways to get involved, just let us know you're willing by leaving a comment or sending us a message.
Pictured is a Boomerang Bag Box as will be provided around Avalon Shopping area full of our Boomerang Bags to "Borrow and Bring Back" Workshops are every Tuesday in Avalon Rec. Centre.

Palm Beach Ferry Wharf Car Park Too Full Too Often
We have had persistent emails and phone calls from residents regarding the unavailability of parking spaces at Palm Beach (Pittwater Park) car park in recent months.
A report has been forwarded and an article will be run in Issue 255 or 256 once all information has been compiled.
We would appreciate feedback from anyone who has a comment to make regarding this matter in the meantime.
Contact us via email HERE - please make the subject line 'PB Car Park'.
Top and below: 5.30 Friday afternoon March 11, 2016: both car parks at Pittwater Park are full and cars are parked either side of the road leading to car park. Above shows cars doing laps or sitting waiitng for a car park that won't come.

Pet of the Week

For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs.
Applications open for new Green Army local environment projects
Media release: 6 May 2016 - The Hon. Greg Hunt MP, Minister for the Environment
Applications for Round Five of the Australian Government’s Green Army programme are now open.
The Green Army is a hands-on, practical environmental action programme that supports local communities to undertake environment and heritage conservation projects across Australia while offering participants valuable skills and practical experience.
The Green Army has been a huge success with 1145 projects announced and more than 700 projects already rolled out across the country in urban, rural and remote areas.
Under Round Five, organisations are invited to submit multi-project proposals for between three and 15 Green Army teams over a two to three year period.
These proposals offer organisations an opportunity to develop large-scale programmes of work that will use multiple Green Army teams over an extended period.
A multi-project proposal could focus on a single environmental or heritage asset (such as a threatened species) across multiple regions or states, or it could focus on multiple environmental and/or heritage assets in a more specific area.
This a unique opportunity for community organisations, Landcare groups, natural resource management organisations, environment groups, Indigenous organisations, local councils and others to develop longer term, large-scale projects with a whole of landscape approach.
Organisations interested in submitting an application for one or two projects will also be able to apply under this round.
A variety of community and environment organisations can apply to become Green Army Project Hosts including Landcare groups, natural resource management organisations, Indigenous organisations and local councils.
Further information about Round Five will be available at community information sessions being held in every capital city from May 23rd.
I encourage all interested local community groups to attend to find out more about how you can apply.
More information about Round Five including the guidelines, application forms and details about the community information sessions are available at:
Round Five Information Sessions and Webinar
The Department is hosting information sessions for prospective applicants in all capital cities in the week beginning 23 May 2016. For those unable to attend an information session, a webinar will be held on 19 May 2016 from 2:30pm – 3:30pm (AEST). Further details on accessing the webinar will be posted on this webpage closer to the date.
A copy of the presentation and other resources provided at these sessions will also be made available on the Green Army website for anyone who is not able to attend the webinar or a session in a capital city.
Community organisations, Landcare groups, natural resource management organisations, environment groups, Indigenous organisations, local councils and others can apply to host a Green Army project.
Join the Green Army: Participants
Are you aged between 17 and 24 and interested in gaining practical training and experience while being paid to work in your local environment?
Register your interest here:

Pittwater Councils Environment Newsletter - CooeeMay/June 2016
A Compilation of current local Environment News and upcoming Events issued bi-monthly
Where we work Which day What time
Angophora Reserve 3rd Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Avalon Dunes 1st Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Avalon Golf Course 2nd Wednesday 3 - 5:30pm
Careel Creek 4th Saturday 8:30 - 11:30am
Toongari Reserve 3rd Saturday 9 - 12noon (8 - 11am in summer)
Bangalley Headland 2nd Sunday 9 to 12noon
Winnererremy Bay 4th Sunday 9 to 12noon
North Bilgola Beach 3rd Monday 9 - 12noon
Algona Reserve 1st Saturday 9 - 12noon
Plateau Park 1st Friday 8:30 - 11:30am
Church Point
Browns Bay Reserve 1st Tuesday 9 - 12noon
McCarrs Creek Reserve Contact Bushcare Officer To be confirmed
Old Wharf Reserve 3rd Saturday 8 - 11am
Kundibah Reserve 4th Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Mona Vale
Mona Vale Beach Basin 1st Saturday 8 - 11am
Mona Vale Dunes 2nd Saturday+3rd Thursday 8:30 - 11:30am
Bungan Beach 4th Sunday 9 - 12noon
Crescent Reserve 3rd Sunday 9 - 12noon
North Newport Beach 4th Saturday 8:30 - 11:30am
Porter Reserve 2nd Saturday 8 - 11am
North Narrabeen
Irrawong Reserve 3rd Saturday 2 - 5pm
Palm Beach
North Palm Beach Dunes 3rd Saturday 9 - 12noon
Scotland Island
Catherine Park 2nd Sunday 10 - 12:30pm
Elizabeth Park 1st Saturday 9 - 12noon
Pathilda Reserve 3rd Saturday 9 - 12noon
Warriewood Wetlands 1st Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Whale Beach
Norma Park 1st Friday 9 - 12noon
Western Foreshores
Coopers Point, Elvina Bay 2nd Sunday 10 - 1pm
Rocky Point, Elvina Bay 1st Monday 9 - 12noon
Independent review of liquor law reforms
The Deputy Premier has appointed the Hon. Ian Callinan AC QC to chair an independent, evidence-based review of the effectiveness of the 1.30am lockouts, 3am last drinks, 10pm take-away liquor laws and the periodic licence fee system.
Mr Callinan is a retired Justice of the High Court of Australia with experience conducting complex inquiries across a range of issues affecting the community.
The review will consider the impact of the 1.30am lock out and 3am last drinks laws on alcohol-related violence and other harms, on businesses and their patrons, and on the community.
The review will consider the impacts of the state-wide 10pm restriction on take-away liquor sales and the periodic licence fee system.
The review will also be informed by data from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research relating to alcohol-related violence and anti-social behaviour, and information provided by community and business stakeholders.
A review report will be submitted to the government in August 2016.
Have your say
The release of an issues paper and a call for formal submissions will occur shortly, however in the meantime you can send your feedback on the 1.30am lock out, 3am last drinks, 10pm take away liquor restrictions and periodic licence fee system via email
Submit your feedback by 31 July 2016 via post to:
Liquor Law Review Team, GPO Box 7060, Sydney NSW 2001
Formal Submission: Date: Feb. 11 - Jul. 31, 2016
More Information:
02 9995 0300

Gone Fishing Gallery at Waterfront Store Church Point
Open again TODAY in the top room Waterfront Store. Open mainly weekends as an addition to the waterfront cafe. Keep up to date on their Facebook page
The NSW Government Gazette
The New South Wales Government Gazette is the official channel for the circulation of Proclamations, Regulations, Government Notices, Private Legal Advertisements andther matters required to be published in the Government Gazette under the Statutes of New South Wales Government. The NSW Government Gazette contains: New South Wales Legislation, Notices (public and official announcements), and Official Government Notices from the New South Wales Government and Local Government Agencies, Cities and Shires. The NSW Government Gazette is available online on theN.S.W. Government website from 2pm each Friday.
New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport.
We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. Visit our website for more information at or call John on 9982 5656
May 8 - 14 2016: Issue 262
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 262: Wonderful News x 6! + 14 pictures...
Great News!: Mona Vale Hospital's New Community Health Centre is OPEN!!
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club Wins the 2016 Clubs NSW ‘Disability, Welfare & Social Inclusion' Award by Mark Bernardo
Palm Beach Sailing Club's May 2016 Fish and Chip Run to Patonga by Trevor Gourlay
Pittwater Rural Fire Brigades Bush, Boats and Boatsheds Training Exercise + St Florian's Day 2016 - Photos courtesy Ingleside Brigade Captain Sean McLoughlin
Pouch-Checking Our Marsupials by Lynleigh Greig
Aquatics: The Basin, Pittwater: A Reprise - recent research helped find photos of The Basin and early residents from 1903- which we'd like to share with you + a few other Basin mentions!
Pictures: Native Bush Flowers from us (pictures taken in Angophora Reserve this week) and Poems for our Mums for Mother's Day 2016 - from Australian wordsmiths! - 1848 to 1937.
Reflections by George Repin: WIELICZKA SALT MINE
Park Bench Philosopher: Lighthouse Keepers Cottages You Can Rent in NSW: Six Towers By or Inspired by Colonial Architect James Barnet, and GA200+ ; the Department of Planning and Environment Celebrating 200 years of public architecture in NSW
Artist of the Month: May 2016 Lorrie Morgan: PCA's president for 10 years is also an entrepreneur and very talented Artists in many mediums
Profile: Permaculture Northern Beaches Permaculture, the bringing together of the two words ‘permanent + agriculture’ is a term coined by Australians Bill Mollison and David Holmgren.
Permaculture is a design system for creating sustainable human environments. A major focus is the sustainable and harmonious use of resources for safe food production.All Permaculture actions are consistent with three Ethics:
• Care for the Earth - provision for all life systems to continue
• Care for People - provision for all people to access those resources necessary to their existence
• Fair Share – set sustainable limits to Population and Consumption and redistribute surplus resources to further the first two Ethics
History: Early Pittwater Schools - From Provisional to Public:- Church Point and Bayview: A Pittwater Public School Set on the Estuary, 1880 to 2016 - from a church to a schoolhouse, by water and bush track - how children in offshore bays were given access to growing their minds and music, music, music!
Pedestrian Safety Improvements At Avalon Beach
In early April Pittwater Rob Stokes today said work had begun on a $147,000 project to improve safety at the intersection of Barrenjoey Road and Avalon Parade at Avalon Beach.
The project, part of the NSW Government’s Black Spot Program, aims to reduce the risk and severity of incidents across the road network.
Various improvements introduced include enlarged signage, new pedestrian fencing, reconfigured traffic lights and upgraded kerb ramps.
“The project involves installing a 15 metre pedestrian fence at the intersection to encourage pedestrians to cross at the traffic lights instead of trying to weave through traffic,” Rob Stokes said

Pedestrian safety fence at Avalon Beach - photo taken this week.

Palm Beach Walkway Project Update
Residents attending the Pittwater Council Meeting of Monday May 2nd were pleased to hear a unanimous vote to go ahead with a plan to ensure the safety of pedestrians disembarking at Palm Beach Ferry wharf who frequently will walk to enjoy the beach, particularly towards Governor Philip Park
from the Minutes:
RECOMMENDATION 1. That Council endorse as a priority the proposed Palm Beach Walkway connecting Palm Beach Wharf and Governor Phillip Park and note the draft designs. 2. That Council note the estimated funding required for the project based on the concept designs is $1.638 million. 3. That in addition to directly seeking funding from the NSW Government for the construction of the project, Council works closely with and supports the Palm Beach Walkway Working Group, the Palm Beach & Whale Beach Association and interested residents to advocate for project funding.
Mayoral Minutes
Also under the May 2nd Council Meeting papers available on Council's website is a Mayoral Minute regarding a 'Thank You Celebration for Volunteers, Reference Group Members and Resident Associations'.
The text of the Mayoral Minute reads:
Date: 2 May 2016
This week Pittwater celebrates its 24th birthday. Pittwater has been a leading example of local government in the policy, sustainability and service delivery area. The success of Pittwater Council has in part come about from the connection it has with its community through our volunteers, reference group members and resident associations. To ensure council acknowledges their contribution and also to celebrate the success of Pittwater Council, I seek Council’s support to hold a thank you celebration (on a date to be notified).
It is timely for this to occur as the community worked so hard with Council during this proposal public inquiry process. Also, there is a strong likelihood that the government will seek to dissolve councils that have been through the merger proposal process. Therefore it may be the last opportunity council has to acknowledge those groups or individuals. Funding is available for the event within existing budgets. Motion That a celebration of Pittwater be held on a date to be notified.
The Parkview Restaurant Renovations: Avalon Beach RSL Club
Important notice: The Parkview Restaurant located in Avalon Beach RSL Club will be CLOSED, due to some exciting renovations, from Monday 9th May. Limited menu selections will be available during this time and the renovations are expected to be completed by 23rd May.
Restaurant promotions will not be available during the renovation period, this includes; $15 Dinner Specials, $12 Lunch Specials & Kids Eat Free Days. We appreciate your patience during the renovations & apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Pittwater Mens Probus Club: May 2016 Speaker
Tuesday 10th May 2015 at 11AM
What you need to do to make your boat sail faster
Speaker: Michael Coxon, Managing Director of North Sails Australia.
Norths (parent coy in US) are probably the largest supplier of sails for racing and cruising yachts in the world. In particular, they are regarded as the world leader in high tech racing sails with their product being used on top racers world wide
Norths Australia is, of course, based in Mona Vale and are an important local business and employer.
Michael is one of the princes of Australian Yachting. He has some 28 Sydney Hobart’s to his credit (mainly as helmsman/tactician on some of the well-known big boats (Wild Oats X1, Investec Loyal, Ich Ban and Ragamuffin to name a few).
He has represented Australia in the Admirals Cup and Americas cup; had responsibility for Alfa Romeo when she won the Maxi Word Championships and had a distinguished career in small boat racing claiming Australian, World and interdominion titles in Skiffs, Etchells and Farr 40s.
Michael is going to talk about sail making technology and what it is like to sail in world class competition.
Pittwater Mens Probus Meetings
10am 2nd Tuesday every Month
Venue: Mona Vale Golf Club
Partners Welcome
Find out more here:
Manly Rotary Fun Run & Walk - Sunday 22 May - Earlybird registration
The annual Manly Scenic Fun Run & Walk is a 2, 5 or 10 kilometre scenic course starting and finishing on the beachfront opposite The Corso. A great healthy way to spend your Sunday, and for a good cause too, with proceeds helping local charities.
Earlybird Registration can be completed online until Saturday 21 May, or register on the day (May 22) between 6.30 - 7.30 am outside the Steyne.
Register at:
Friends of Narrabeen Laggon Catchment May Forum: Aboriginal Arts and Crafts - 7pm Monday May 23, 2016
Come! Have fun! Participate!
Coastal Environment Centre Pelican Path, Lake Park Road, Narrabeen
Well known Aboriginal artist, Jessica Birk, will lead the activities. Michael Birk will play Aboriginal music. Lois Birk will help organise the activities.
It will be fun and worthwhile and suitable for children.
Free entry but book your tickets now. Phone: 9905 2135
Narrabeen Spring 2016 Celebration: Our catchment comes alive!
The reopening of the lagoon trail has resulted in a big increase in the number of people coming to Narrabeen for recreational purposes. That’s great, but Friends believes there’s an urgent need to remind everyone of the environmental values of the catchment and the need for protection of what remains of the bushland.
Time for a big initiative. Your committee has decided to mount a major campaign in spring that will convey these important messages while at the same time promote the many community groups that do such good work in our Catchment. It will be an exciting and fun time and we invite all members and supporters to get involved.
For two weeks in September and October, we are going to stage the first Narrabeen Spring Celebration, which will focus on our glorious natural attractions and a host of special events that will take place.
The Celebration will start on Saturday September 24 and finish on Sunday October 9, coinciding with school holidays. We have identified over 70 significant groups that offer recreational, sporting and hobby activities on the lagoon or in the catchment and have invited them to stage special events for the public over this period. It will be an exciting time for families who live in the catchment and further afield. They’ll be keen to get involved.
We have had an enthusiastic response to date and have a number of activities already planned for Sept/Oct.
Friends has been conducting bushwalks and Eco-Paddles since 2007 and these will be expanded over the two weeks.
We also propose to invite commercial companies to take part and will engage with the media to ensure the event is well promoted.
Built into these activities will be responsible environmental messages that will encourage the public to protect the catchment. While there will be an educational component to the events, our emphasis will very much be on family fun and entertainment. We have the enthusiastic support of both Warringah and Pittwater Councils – they will be assisting us and also participating in the Celebration.
We think this is a terrific opportunity to demonstrate that Narrabeen Lagoon and its catchment is a vibrant and growing part of Sydney with a unique environment and facilities to attract families.
We would appreciate some help in the lead up to the Celebration or for some of the events. This will be fun!
If you can help before Sept 24 or at one of the events during the Celebration or if you belong to an organisation that would like to participate, please email
Grants To Help Preserve Local Military History
8 April 2016
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today welcomed an important opportunity for local veterans groups to apply for funds to preserve and showcase local military history.
The NSW Government has announced a $1 million fund has been established, from uncollected gaming prize money, which will be used to refurbish and install war memorial plaques and honour rolls and upgrade community halls used by veterans groups.
Applications for grants up to $60,000 will open next month and will be assessed by an independent panel on behalf of the NSW Government.
“This is an important initiative aimed at ensuring perpetual recognition for Australia’s war veterans,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Unfortunately there are many examples where honour rolls, plaques and other memorials have deteriorated and are no longer able to be displayed.
“These memorials help tell the story of our veterans, bind communities and generations together and ensure the events and sacrifices of the past are never forgotten.
“Often funding is a major barrier for sub-branches and veterans groups looking to undertake restoration projects and this is where the NSW Government is aiming to assist.
“Details on how groups can lodge expressions of interest will shortly be published on the Liquor and Gaming NSW
“This is an important opportunity which I’m encouraging all our local veterans groups to explore,” Rob Stokes said.
Avalon Craft Cottage at Warriewood Square
Monday 9th May, for one week going through to the Sunday 15th May.
The stall will be situated right outside K-Mart …. very easy to find .. and will be open all week during normal business hours, including Thursday night, and until Sunday 4pm.
There'll be a little bit of everything at this show...something for everyone.
Obviously, with the colder weather coming (it has to come soon) the focus will be on winter woolies.... wonderfully warm woolly hand-knitted scarves, hats, gloves, socks, and bed socks ... even knitted mens' scarves (these are very popular) and pure wool knitted socks for kids and adults.
And for the little ones... jackets, little jumpers, gorgeous bootees, tiny little beanies for new-born bubs, really cute hats for the toddlers, and pretty little blankets for bassinets or car capsules. Beautiful hand-knitted shawls & knee rugs or ‘throws’; colourful microwave pot-holders; appliqued hand-towels; jewellery; knitted tea-cosies; very trendy bunting for the kids rooms; wonderful hand turned timber bowls ; very pretty folk art ; beautiful patchwork quilts; and hundreds of handcrafted greeting cards.
Too many members, and too many beautiful things to itemise. So do check out the photos on our Facebook page and please LIKE & SHARE our page; tell your friends about the Avalon Craft Cottage.
For any further information please call Maureen 9993703
Fire Station Open Day 2016
Where: At your local participating fire station
When: 21st May 2016
Time: 10am to 2pm
Fire & Rescue NSW (FRNSW) will hold its annual Open Day on 21 May 2016 with fire stations across the State giving visitors a personal glimpse into Australia's busiest fire and rescue service. Open Day coincides with the FRNSW Winter Fire Safety Campaign.
More than 80,000 people will attend Open Day at their local fire station.
Open Day includes safety demonstrations, fire station tours and the chance to inspect firefighting equipment and trucks used by our firefighters when responding to fires and other emergencies. There is also an array of activities for kids.
Visitors can also speak to firefighters first-hand about fire safety in the home, including how to install and maintain smoke alarms and how to develop a home escape plan to ensure they can quickly and safely escape a fire.
Mosman Art Gallery Seeking White Pillowcases
Call out for 1,942 white pillowcases and memories of the Japanese attack on Sydney.
2017 will mark the 75th anniversary of the Japanese submarine attack on Sydney Harbour in 1942. To commemorate this event Mosman Art Gallery are working with a group of Australian and Japanese artists to develop an exhibition to be shown in mid 2017.
Participating artist, Sue Pedley, is calling out for donations of white pillowcases and memories of the event to help realize a new artwork.
Donated White Pillowcases can be in any condition: off - white, stained, starched, patched, threadbare.
Where possible the artist requests that donors include a written note of either a living memory or passed on memory of the Japanese attack.
Please deliver laundered pillowcases to Mosman Art Gallery during opening hours in a bag (with your name clearly written if you wish to be acknowledged). Pillowcases will be accepted from 1st May –until 31st July, 2016.
Mosman Art Gallery, Cnr Art Gallery Way & Myahgah Road. Open 7 days, 10am-5pm. Phone 99784178.
Voting is different this election
Published on 25 Apr 2016 by AEC
You can either:
number at least six boxes above the line for the parties or groups of your choice, or
number at least 12 boxes below the line for individual candidates of your choice.
Senate voting changes for the next federal election. Visit for more information.
Time to replace smoke alarms
Fire and Rescue NSW is urging all NSW residents to replace their smoke alarms and check their friends and family do so too.
Fire and Rescue NSW recommends that every house in NSW be fitted with the latest photoelectric smoke alarm.
It’s been a decade since NSW mandatory smoke alarm legislation was passed, which means millions of smoke alarms across NSW are now reaching their ‘best before’ date and are due to be replaced.
As part of Fire and Rescue NSW’s ‘ReAlarm your home against fire’ awareness campaign, throughout the month of May NSW Fire and Rescue is asking all NSW residents to replace their smoke alarms, and take the time to check in on 10 friends or family members to ensure they update their smoke alarms too.
For more information visit:
$8 Million In Local Heritage Grants
Saturday 16 April 2016
Heritage Minister Mark Speakman today marked Heritage Week by launching the opening of applications under the NSW Government’s $8 million local Heritage Activation Grant program to rejuvenate local heritage places. Mr Speakman said $2.67 million of funding would be available each financial year for three years to owners and managers of local heritage items through the grant program.
“This program is about helping local communities protect their local built environment. It will breathe life into the places loved by communities,” Mr Speakman said. “The purpose of the program is for local government, businesses and community organisations to reactivate local heritage spaces and precincts, while preserving their heritage significance.”
The grants program, which is part of the Heritage Near Me program, will open more heritage spaces to communities across the state. Under the Heritage Near Me program, the government will also fund a heritage roadshow team of experts and a series of grants, including the Heritage Activation Grants program, the Local Heritage Grants program and the Heritage Green Energy Grants program.
“Communities know their local heritage better than anyone,” Mr Speakman said. “This program will support communities in their efforts to conserve and celebrate their stories, places and values.”
Heritage Week is an annual national celebration of Australia’s heritage. It runs from Saturday 16 April until Sunday 24 April.
Applications close on Monday, 27 June. For more information on the Heritage Near Me and Heritage Activation Grant programs,
The Palm Beach & Whale Beach Association Inc.98th AGM
Tuesday 10th May, 2016 at 7.00 pm at Club Palm Beach
Renewal of membership will be accepted at the AGM.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 8/5/2016
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Avalon Boomerang Bags 2016 Workshops
It was great to see some of our regular volunteers yesterday at our first workshop of the year - thanks everyone for showing up and kicking off the year in style. We look forward to seeing you all at the next workshop on Tuesdays 11:30am- 5pm.
For those of you unable to come to workshops there are many other ways to get involved, just let us know you're willing by leaving a comment or sending us a message.
Pictured is a Boomerang Bag Box as will be provided around Avalon Shopping area full of our Boomerang Bags to "Borrow and Bring Back" Workshops are every Tuesday in Avalon Rec. Centre.
Listening Stations Sound out Sharks
Published on 4 May 2016: by DPI Fisheries
Satellite linked (VR4G) listening stations along the NSW coast detect tagged sharks and other marine animals. When a tagged shark swims within 500m of these receivers, captured information goes straight to a satellite and is then sent to the public and beach authorities. Installing 20 listening stations along the NSW coast is a part of the NSW Shark Management Strategy.
To receive live tweets from tagged sharks, follow @NSWSharkSmart on Twitter or download the SharkSmart app.
Peter Macinnis Talk at North Head Sanctuary Foundation May 2016
Peter Macinnis is a compulsive writer, with around 50 books to his credit, some for children, others written for adults. Six of his children’s books have been given the accolade of “Notable” by the Children’s Book Council of Australia, with one of those winning the runner-up “Honour Book” status, and another being “Book of the Year” in 2010.
In 2013, another of his books, Australian Backyard Naturalist, won the Children's Literature category in the WA Premier's Book Awards, and that book is the basis of his talk at North Head Sanctuary, 33 Scenic Drive Manly, Building 20 on 11 May 2016 at 7pm.
His theme is about giving youngsters a sense of wonder. “No curriculum that I know of,” says the one-time teacher, “mentions anything about wonder, and that’s criminal. I got my sense of wonder, not from school, but from Dave Himsley, a local Scout leader and from Harry Woodward, a local radio and TV seller and repairman, nearly 60 years back. They had the gift of wonder and shared it with me, and still had it themselves.”
“Now,” he said, grinning a shark-banishing grin, “it’s payback time — well, it has been for nearly 50 years, as I tried to give other youngsters that simple gift. But now, as I approach advanced middle age, I am concentrating on sharing another simple gift: the art of infecting kids with wonder.”
It’s a theme that he has been working on for years in his blog, Old Writer on the Block, but he really hit his stride when he gave the Mary White Address at the Dorrigo Rainforest Centre in 2015, and then shaped that into an Ockham’s Razor talk on ABC Radio National.
“The trouble with radio,” he says, “is that you can’t do hands-on show-and-tell. For this talk, I’ll be bringing my full road warrior kit, so people can take away all my tools and adopt or adapt them. I call it the art of two drinking straws and a rubber band, and if that makes no sense, it will — but only if you come along.”
Biography: Peter Macinnis lived most of his life in Balgowlah, and now lives in Fairlight. He attended Manly West and Manly Boys’ High, North Harbour and Dobroyd were his playgrounds, and he did a biology degree so he could spend his life bothering plants and animals. (“And rocks”, he adds — “my next book is Not Your Usual Rocks).
Web resources:
Some of his books:
Contact details:, 0414-271828
North Head Sanctuary Foundation:

GOOD NEWS! Thanks to the Farrell Family Foundation, we have been successful with our grant proposal for $40,000 towards Soibada Senior High School. Nicolau Lobato Senior High School.
THE CHALLENGE! Before we can use that money we need to match that with our fundraising! We can do it - with your help! We have the movie night coming up on 30 March, the Buy a Brick project, a new Chuffed Campaign about to launch. We are getting lots of support from Rotary Clubs too. Spread the word - the sooner we raise $40,000 the sooner we start construction. If you have any good ideas, are willing to host or organise an event please let us know.
Can you help us raise the matching funds?
Tell your friends about our Chuffed Crowd funding Campaign; it is easy to donate by going to the website:
Buy a Brick for the
Last year Youth for Soibada interviewed the young people in Soibada to find out how THEY would like us to assist them. Everybody asked for a real school! A school with desks, chairs, computers, music and sports equipment! Not a fancy building – but something more substantial than what you see in the picture above!
Contact for details Email:
Find out more at:
Tamara Sloper Harding OAM
Chairperson, Pittwater Friends of Soibada Inc
Review underway for Warnervale Airport Act
27.04.2016 -Departmental Media Release: Department of Planning and Environment
The Department of Planning and Environment has announced a review of the Warnervale Airport (Restrictions) Act 1996.
The purpose of the review is to determine whether the Act remains the most appropriate way to regulate activities at the Warnervale airport.
This review is being undertaken as a provision of the Act.
Since the introduction of the Act, a number of new planning tools and regulations have been created for the assessment and regulation of airports, aviation and related activities.
“Community consultation is an integral part of the planning process and the local community is encouraged to provide feedback on the review,” the spokesperson said.
“The feedback will be incorporated into a report that the Planning Minister will consider, with recommendations from the Department on whether the Act should continue in its current form, be amended or be repealed.”
“It’s easy to participate by going online and I encourage everyone to have their say.”
To make a submission or view the associated documents, visit
Submissions can be made from Wednesday, 27 April until Friday, 27 May 2016.
Written submissions can also be made to:
Department of Planning and Environment
Attn: Director – Regions, Hunter and Central Coast
PO Box 1148
Gosford NSW 2250
Have your say on a new exhibit and accommodation at Taronga Zoo
07.04.2016 : Department of Planning and Environment
A proposal for a new habitat exhibit and eco-tourist facility at Taronga Zoo in Mosman will be on exhibition from today for community feedback.
The Department of Planning and Environment is keen to hear the community’s views on the proposal which seeks to:
• demolish existing structures, including the Harbourview Garden Court and terrace, a toilet block, some animal breeding and holding areas, part of a garden bed wall, pathways and landscaping and relocate the Circular Kiosk
• construct five connected accommodation ‘pods’ between two and four storeys in height, with 58 rooms and four suites
• construct a four storey addition to the existing Taronga Centre for a new kitchen and dining facility
• construct a one storey guest lodge for reception, bar and storage facilities and an adjacent platypus exhibition
• construct a new native Australian wildlife exhibit including a kangaroo habitat, new aviaries and a walkthrough exhibition
• make alterations to the existing Taronga Centre to include stairs and lift access and enclosing the roof and lobby space
• conduct landscaping, tree removal and roadworks, and build loading docks.
A spokesperson for the Department of Planning and Environment said the local community always has an opportunity to share their views.
“Community consultation is an integral part of the planning process and the applicant will have to respond to the feedback we receive,” the spokesperson said.
“This feedback is taken into consideration when we develop our recommendations.
“It’s easy to participate by going online and we encourage everyone to take a look and have their say.”
To make a submission or view the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), visit
Submissions can be made from Thursday, 7 April until Monday, 23 May 2016.
Written submissions can also be made to:
Department of Planning and Environment
Attn: Director – Key Sites Assessments
GPO Box 39
Sydney NSW 2001
The application and EIS are also available to view in person at:
• Department of Planning and Environment, 23-33 Bridge Street, Sydney
• Mosman Council, Mosman Square, Spit Junction, 573 Military Road, Mosman
Australian Habitat and Taronga Wildlife Retreat
Development of a new Australian habitat exhibit and eco-tourist facility to be known as the 'Australia Habitat and Taronga Wildlife Retreat' at Taronga Zoo.
Below: An Artists Illustration of a new Taronga zoo

Critter of the Month - May 2016
How many Australian marsupials can you name?
Marsupials are a class of mammals living primarily in Australasia (although the Americas have a few). A distinctive characteristic of marsupials is that most of the young are carried in a pouch. Some well-known Australian marsupials include kangaroos, wallabies, koalas, possums, wombats, bandicoots and Tasmanian devils. Other marsupials include numbats, bettongs, bilbies, quolls, and quokkas. The young are often referred to as joeys.

To perform a pouch-check, you will need the following items:

NORTHERN BEACHES CONCERT BANDencourages new adult players who are learning brass or woodwind instruments to come and join us. We are particularly looking for tuba, euphonium, trombones, clarinets and flutes.
NBCB offers a fun, supportive and social environment with rehearsals each Wednesday during term times at Pittwater High School, Mona Street, Mona Vale at 7.30pm.
NBCB has a new director this year, Ms Sarah Shaw, and we have an exciting new repertoire. The band has 3-4 gigs a year and a 2-day workshop in May.
Dust off that old instrument and come and make music with us!
For more information, please call Denise 0414 560 263

By Davidson Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade
Davidson Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade is an entirely volunteer NSW Rural Fire Service station located on Sydney's northern beaches.
We are responsible for protecting people and property from bushfire in the Davidson, French Forest, Forestville and Killarney Heights area, which includes over 10,000 homes. We also assist in search and rescues, storm damage and other incidents whenever called upon.
Our Brigade has more than 100 volunteers who commit thousands of hours every year to the service of our community. Our volunteers are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Last year the Brigade contributed over 9,500 hours in service of the community.
Why We Need Your Help
In recent years, the Brigade has outgrown the current station, which is unable to adequately accommodate our volunteers, vehicles and equipment. As such, we are embarking on a building project, which will:
• Add two additional fire truck garages (doubling our firefighting capacity),
• Provide a dedicated education room for the public and a training facility to ensure our volunteers receive the best training to help better serve the community.
We need your help to raise a further $150,000. The State government has committed substantial funding to the building project. However, there is a shortfall of $150,000 we need to raise to ensure our project is undertaken and ready for Fire Season 2016/17. We hold deductible gift recipient status. Any donation you make to us is tax deductible and we will issue you a receipt which indicates this. You can give a tax deductible donation:
1. Online through Chuffed:
2. By EFT by direct deposit to: Account Name - Davidson Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade Gift Fund Account, BSB: 032-299 Account number: 111245,
3. By Cheque made payable to the Davidson Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade, or Cash, posted to PO Box 128, Belrose West NSW 2085. Your help in raising $150,000 is greatly appreciated and will help us better serve and protect.
Thank you!
Davidson Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade.
New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport.
We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. Visit our website for more information at or call John on 9982 5656
Another major project underway as tenders called for Macpherson St bridge
03 May 2016
Pittwater Council is seeking tenders for the construction of a road bridge on Macpherson Street between Boondah Road and Warriewood Road as well as upgrades to Warriewood Road.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqueline Townsend said that she was delighted that the construction of this major project in the Warriewood Valley will soon come to fruition.
“These major works will see a solution to a road that is frequently covered with flood waters due to its low lying aspect,” Cr Townsend said.
The works will also include a roundabout at the intersection of Warriewood Road and Macpherson Street, along with an upgrade to Warriewood Road from Macpherson Street to Vuko Place with kerb and guttering, shared path and drainage.
It will also see electricity powerlines placed underground along the Macpherson Street section of the project.
“These major roadworks are the next important step in Council’s Section 94 Plan for the Warriewood Valley, following on from the works that have already commenced at the Macpherson and Garden Street intersection.
“The work will not only result in improved traffic flow but will enhance safety for pedestrians and cyclists.
“This is another great project being delivered by Pittwater Council, demonstrating the strength of our team and what can be achieved by a strong successful Council,” she added.
Construction companies are invited to put forward a tender for the approved works by 23 May 2016.
Tender documents are available at and at Council’s customer service center at Mona Vale.
NSW IRB Racing Returns
It's racing season again as the 2016 NSW Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB) Premiership Series is set to kick off this weekend at Caves Beach in the Hunter.
The first of four Premiership rounds will see a strong field take to the water with 255 competitors from 21 surf clubs lining up to do battle over two days of thrilling competition.
Defending Premiership champions, Kiama Downs SLSC and NSW champions, Caves Beach SLSC, will be the teams to beat again after their dominant performances in 2015.
Caves Beach IRB Captain, Scott Bryant believes it’s essential to start the Premiership well especially on their home beach.
“We have lots of young crews coming through who are just starting to realise their potential so we’re looking forwarding to starting the Premiership Series well,” said Scott Bryant, a veteran of the sport.
“We’ll be at our home beach, which adds a bit of pressure for us but we’ll certainly be giving it our best.”
The clubs looking to spoil Caves Beach’s reign include Catherine Hill Bay, Queenscliff, South Maroubra and Thirroul SLSCs, so there are sure to be many more surprises as the action unfolds.
“It’s always very hard to gauge which clubs will be strong each year but you can always count on Kiama Downs being up there, especially with all their stalwart competitors who are exceptional,” Scott Bryant said.
The sport showcases real life rescues and highlights the skill and speed used when protecting beachgoers and ultimately making them better surf lifesavers.
IRB racing very much appeals to the younger members of Surf Life Saving, however there are a number of experienced competitors who can match it with the rookies around the cans.
Being one of the older members of the Caves Beach IRB team, 28 year-old Scott Bryant says it’s great to have the younger surf lifesavers coming through.
“The youngsters all thrive on the racing and there’s such a comradery between them and they support each other and have a great time together,” Scott Bryant said.
“We help them in the right direction and it’s positive for the sport.”
SLSNSW Sports Manager, Rob Pidgeon, says there is a lot of excitement around the launch of the Premiership this year.
“We’re really excited to be kicking off the season at Caves Beach. The competitors have had a long off-season and have been training hard with many attending development clinics around the state in the lead up to the Premiership Series.
“This year the series will showcase some of the best IRB drivers and crew across the state and winning the series is as big as winning the State Championships,” said Rob Pidgeon.
The IRB Premiership Series will head to Terrigal, Birubi Point and South Maroubra for the next three rounds of competition with the State Championships being held at Mollymook on 2 – 3 July.
Clubs entered in the NSW IRB Premiership Round 1:
Avalon Beach, Bungan Beach, Catherine Hill Bay, Caves Beach, Coogee, Cooks Hill, Elouera, Kiama Downs, Newcastle, Newport, Nobbys, North Avoca, North Cronulla, North Curl Curl, Ocean Beach, Queenscliff, South Maroubra, Terrigal, Thirroul, Wamberal and Woonona.
Save Scotland Island Kindy
The Scotland Island kindy is a warm and caring early childhood centre that has been in operation for more than two generations. Many children who attend this very fully accredited kindergarten return as carers or to bring their own children.
Due to the ever-increasing cost of running such a centre, the kindy and accompanying after-school care program are at risk of closure.
This simply cannot happen.
Without this very special kindergarten, the children on Scotland Island will not have the opportunity to get a head start on their education and their social development amongst their local peers. If the kindy were to close it would also be a huge blow to the families, staff and community members who have supported the beloved centre over the years.
With no chance of extra support from the government, we need to raise funds on our own to keep the kindy open. Our goal is highly reachable - but we need your help!
We'd like to invite you to make a contribution, no matter how small, to the Scotland Island kindergarten in order to keep it running for future generations.
The children thank you!!!
Fight on the Beaches Christmas in July Charity Ball 2016
Friday July 8th, 2016
Fight on the Beaches Team: May 4, 2016
Fight on the Beaches has raised over $468 000 over the past 2 years for cancer research. We hope that you will join us this year on Friday 8th July at Miramare Gardens to 'fight for a cure', and to help us to donate even more to cancer research. Having funded 3 cancer researchers over the past 2 years, we will continue to fund cancer research through our fundraising.
Fight on the Beaches is made up of local women who have all been impacted by cancer in one way or another and who want to make a positive difference in the fight against cancer. We are thankful for any contribution, big or small, that will help find a cure for cancer.
You can choose to buy a ticket to the Ball, donate a prize for the Christmas Tree Lucky Dip or Auction, take out one of our fantastic Sponsorship Packages, make a cash donation or, volunteer on the night. We look forward to having you join us in your own way to fight back and find a cure.
We are absolutely thrilled to announce that Richard Wilkins will join Fight on the Beaches as MC on the 8th July to help us in our fight for a cure! Richard is a tireless supporter of various charities and we can't wait to see him on the night!
On Channel Nine's TODAY, Richard presents daily features and interviews from right across the world of showbiz. He's interviewed the cream of the international entertainment industry - from Madonna to The Rolling Stones, and from Andrea Bocelli to Nigel Kennedy.
Richard has hosted a myriad of top rating TV specials from ‘Angelina Jolie: Unbroken and Exclusive’, the eight-hour Millennium Live, the Annual Tropfest Short Film Special and for ten years, the New Year’s Eve Festivities and Fireworks over Sydney Harbour.
In the 2014 Queen’s Birthday Honours List, Richard was appointed as a Member of the Order of Australia (AM), for “significant service to the community through a range of charities, and the entertainment industry.”
Tickets at:
Nominate now for Northern Beaches Local Business Awards
28 April, 2016
Nominations are now open for the 2016 Northern Beaches Local Business Awards.
Pittwater Council is once again a proud sponsor of the awards that celebrate business excellence, local talent and entrepreneurial spirit.
You can register your own business to be in the running to win or you can vote for your favourite business by Friday 18 May at
Mayor Jacqui Townsend said the awards are a great way to recognise our dynamic and sustainable business community.
“We have over 8,500 businesses in Pittwater that are the engine room of our local economy - driving growth, building talent, skills and generating jobs. We know too the challenges they face, and the level of commitment required to achieve success.
Mayor Townsend said that the awards are open to all small businesses within the retail, service and manufacturing sectors and new businesses are especially encouraged to nominate!
“Participation in the awards is the easiest way to show your customers that the service and experience you provide is worth being recognised,” she said.
Celebrating its 11th year, the awards have grown into a defining symbol of business excellence, added Mayor Townsend.
In 2015 there were over 11,000 public nominations for favourite businesses.
Finalists are selected based on the number of online and printed nominations they receive in their specific category; the most popular businesses being selected.
All winners are announced at the prestigious Local Business Awards Gala Presentation Evening held on 16 July.
For further information on the Northern Beaches Local Business Awards visit call Paul William-Smith on 9970 1187.
Go Fishing NSW Day 2016 Grants
By NSW Govt. Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries
The inaugural Go Fishing NSW Day was run by DPI in six locations across NSW in December 2015. The Fishing Day was a celebration of recreational fishing, as a fun and healthy pastime for the entire family. A range of fun filled activities was held in each location and many kids and adults were introduced to their first ever fishing experience.
Mark the date for the next Go Fishing NSW Day which will be held on Sunday, 16 October 2016 at a range of new locations. More fun fishing activities are being planned so stay tuned for more details.
Fishing clubs – apply for funding now
Recreational fishing clubs are invited to apply for grants to help run community fishing events and activities in their own local area on the NSW Go Fishing Day - 16 October 2016.
How much can clubs apply for? Grants of up to $2,000 can be applied for.
What can the grants be spent on? Funding can be spent on items required to run a local Fishing Day event and associated activities on 16th October 2016, such as casting and fishing workshops, information sessions and other fishing activities. This includes items such as fishing gear, bait, food and drinks, equipment hire, hire or chartering of specialist fishing services etc. Activities restoring fish habitat on the Fishing Day are also eligible, such as replanting and/or weeding creek banks.
The activities must be scheduled to occur on the 16th October 2016.
How to apply
Download the funding guidelines (PDF, 53.02 KB) for more information
Complete the funding application form (DOC, 147.5 KB)
Forward the application to:
Go Fishing NSW
PO Box 4291
Coffs Harbour Jetty NSW 2450
Who can assist you?
For assistance with completing your application or to find out more about the expression of interest, phone 02 6229 7712 or
Fishing clubs also wanting to carry out fish habitat restoration activities such as replanting and/or weeding creek banks on the Fishing Day are encouraged to contact DPI Fish Habitat Rehabilitation staff to obtain advice and assistance or phone (02) 6626 1396.
Application closing date is 30 June 2016.
All documents at:
Have a say on Delivery Plan and Budget
22 April 2016
Pittwater’s Draft Delivery Program and Budget 2016-17 outlining a proposed $44M program of works is now on exhibition until 22 May.
Mayor of Pittwater, Jacqueline Townsend said the 12-month delivery program has been built around a number of priority areas as identified by the community including a focus on youth and family services, activating public space, improving access to public transport and traffic infrastructure and preserving and sustaining its environment.
“The program outlines Council’s key priorities, capital improvement projects and fees and charges and I am proud of the way Pittwater continues to strengthen its position as a council that embodies the needs of its community.”
Council will generate revenues and spend approximately $119M in the 2016-17 financial year with an increased focus on a wide range of capital works programs. Highlights include:
• $7.6M for Church Point precinct improvements
• $9M for roadworks and bridge at Macpherson Street
• $4.3M for reserves
• $2.6M for streetscape improvements
• $4.5M for building improvements
• $1.7M for active travel footpaths and walkways
• $1.3M for bushland protection and additional funding for coastal and flood protection
• Plans to seek $1M funding from the NSW Government for construction of an iconic Palm Beach Walkway from the Ferry Wharf to Governor Phillip Park
In addition, the proposed budget for the 2016-17 year involves a major works program of $43.848M with $31.588M on capital works and $12.260M on recurrent maintenance programs.
“There is much to achieve and much to be proud of in terms of what we can deliver for Pittwater. We have continued our commitment to be responsive to the needs and expectations of our community and we believe this program delivers on our commitment,” Mayor Townsend said.
Pittwater Council General Manager, Mark Ferguson said all of Council’s financial indicators demonstrate that it exceeds the Local Government industry benchmarks.
“Council’s budget forecast for the period 2016-2017 is projecting an operating profit of $1.8M for the coming financial year, excluding any capital investments.
“This demonstrates Council’s ability to undertake major infrastructure programs within a financially sustainable budget framework,” said Mr Ferguson.
The Draft Delivery Program and Budget outlines Council’s key priorities, capital improvement projects and fees and charges and ison exhibition for comment until 22 May.
The document is available on the Council’s website or at Council offices and libraries at Avalon and Mona Vale.
Macpherson Street Warriewood Road Upgrade
Pittwater Council is upgrading and raising Macpherson Street Warriewood between Boondah and Warriewood Roads. The upgrade is part of our strategic planning for the Warriewood Valley Urban Release Area as the section of Macpherson Street that passes over Narrabeen Creek has been identified to function as a flood evacuation route.
The Warriewood Valley Roads Masterplan (2006 Review) also identifies a range of roadworks that are required to cater for the predicted increased traffic volumes generated by land releases in the Warriewood Valley. These roadworks include the widening of Macpherson Street, the installation of a bridge crossing over Narrabeen Creek between Boondah Road and Warriewood Road, shared user paths and the undergrounding of power lines, as well as the provision of access driveways, kerb and gutter and associated stormwater drainage along Macpherson Street.
Public exhibition
Notification is now being given under Section 29 of the Roads Act 1993, Fixing the Levels of a Public Road, the Upgrading of Macpherson Street, Warriewood. The Macpherson Street Upgrade plans can be viewed at:
Mona Vale Customer Service, Village Park, 1 Park Street Mona Vale - Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm
Avalon Customer Service, 59A Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon - Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm
Adjoining landowners are entitled to make submissions to Council until 5pm, Friday 20 May 2016. Please note that submissions may be made public (with personal details removed). Please send your written submissions addressed to the General Manager and marked Macpherson Street Warriewood Road Upgrade to one of the following addresses:
Online: Online submission
Phone: 9970 1111
In writing: The General Manager - Pittwater Council PO Box 882 Mona Vale NSW 1660
For more information regarding the Macpherson Street Road Upgrade please visit our Major Projects page or contact Pittwater Council on 9970 1111.
Celebrating 200 years of public architecture in NSW
04.05.2016: Featured Article - Department of Planning and Environment
In 1816, Governor Lachlan Macquarie appointed architect, stonemason and convicted forger Francis Greenway as civil architect and assistant engineer to the colony of NSW. The appointment established the role of NSW Government Architect (GA) which has endured unbroken for 200 years.
The GA bicentenary takes place at a time of momentous change as NSW, like the rest of Australia and indeed the world, faces the challenge of creating a sustainable future, particularly in the cities and towns where most of us work, live, learn and play. What sort of places do we want our cities and towns to be? How can we achieve that?
Recent research shows that Australians want good design and understand the consequences of a poorly designed built environment. How do we honour this ambition?
NSW Government Architect No.5 Mortimer Lewis circa 1860 and current NSW Government Architect Peter Poulet
To give shape to this debate, the NSW Office of the Government Architect (NSW OGA) is launching GA200+, a program of forums, discussions and keynotes in Sydney and regional NSW for government, industry, researchers and the public about how we can collectively deliver a great built environment for the public good in the years ahead.
GA200+ commences Wednesday 4 May 2016 with a symposium at the State Library of NSW, coinciding with the final week of the Library’s exhibition Imagine a City: 200 Years of Public Architecture in NSW. Keynote speakers are Vicente Guallart of Guallart Architects, former Chief Architect, Barcelona, 2011-2015, and Jeffrey Schumaker, Chief Urban Designer and Director of Urban Design, New York City.
Strategic themes brought to light at GA200+ will be presented in discussion papers to inform an inaugural, draft Policy for Architecture and Urban Design in NSW.
More information about the GA200+ program will be available shortly.

Program helps veterans find jobs
May 4, 2016: NSW Govt.
The NSW Government Veterans Employment Program offers practical guidance to military personnel who want to change careers and helps them match their rank to NSW public sector grades.
Former Army Major Garth Callender, who has served multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, leads the program.
Mr Callender said that former military personnel often struggle to have their skills understood by potential employees, resulting in unemployment and underemployment.
“This program recognises that the community has already invested significantly in military personnel and their wealth of skills and experience can be of enormous value to employers,” Mr Callender said.
The program aims to transition 200 veterans into the public sector by 2019.
Minister for Veterans Affairs David Elliott said that he hoped similar programs would roll out across Australia.
Third party claims on insurance money: Have Your Say (NSW Govt.)
Review of section 6 of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1946 (NSW)
What's this about?
Pursuant to section 10 of the Law Reform Commission Act 1967, the NSW Law Reform Commission is asked to review and report on section 6 of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1946 (NSW), which provides a mechanism enabling third parties to assert and enforce a statutory charge over insurance moneys payable to an insured person in circumstances where the insured's solvency is in question.
The Commission is asked to consider whether the section should be repealed or amended, and in this context consider whether the policy objectives remain valid and, if so, whether those objectives could be better achieved.
The Law Reform Commission is to have regard to specific items in undertaking this review. Details of those items are available on review's webpage on the Department of Justice website.
On 19 April 2016 the Law Reform Commission released Consultation Paper 17: Third party claims on insurance money: review of s6 of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1946 [PDF, 270kb]. Consultation Paper 17
The consultation paper provides an overview of the law relating to section 6 and sets out a number of options for reform.
Have your say
Submit your feedback by Friday 20 May 2016 via or write to:
NSW Law Reform Commission
GPO Box 31
Sydney NSW 2001
2016 Pittwater Short Story Award
Berkelouw Books invite the creative writers of Pittwater aged 9 and up to enter The Pittwater Short Story Award for 2016.
To be eligible your story needs to be identifiably located in Pittwater and has to incorporate a reference to Mona Vale Road.
There are three categories and three great prizes.
Category 1: Writers 9-12 years of age, Prize: $ 100 Berkelouw Book Voucher, Length: No more than 500 words.
Category 2: Writers 13-16 years of age, Prize: $ 200 Berkelouw Book Voucher, Length: No more than 1000 words
Category 3: Open age group, Prize: $ 300 Berkelouw Book Voucher, Length: No more than 2000 words.
Entries open Tuesday April 26 and close Friday June 3, 2016.
Entries should be submitted in hard copy.
Follow this link for more information and to download the entry form.
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Fundraising Dates2016
May 14: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm
May 20: Mona Vale Hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm
Baking, craft, sewing, knitting
June 3: Stall, Warriewood Square. 9am to 3pm Craft, sewing, knitting
June 4: Pittwater Place, Mona Vale, 9am to 3pm
Craft, sewing knitting
June 11: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm
June 17: Mona Vale Hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm
Baking, craft, sewing, knitting.
Closed areas: Smugglers track
Applies from Mon 11 Jan 2016, 7.00am to Fri 27 May 2016, 4.00pm.
Smugglers track is closed due to track upgrade works. Access to Barrenjoey Head is via the management trail. This closure may be extended and any extension will be posted as soon as possible. Penalties apply for non-compliance. For more information, please contact NPWS Ku-ring-gai Chase area office on (02) 9451 3479 or visit the NSW National Parks safety page for park safety guidelines.
See list of affected locations on park alerts page at:

Palm Beach Ferry Wharf Car Park Too Full Too Often
We have had persistent emails and phone calls from residents regarding the unavailability of parking spaces at Palm Beach (Pittwater Park) car park in recent months.
A report has been forwarded and an article will be run in Issue 255 or 256 once all information has been compiled.
We would appreciate feedback from anyone who has a comment to make regarding this matter in the meantime.
Contact us via email HERE - please make the subject line 'PB Car Park'.
Top and below: 5.30 Friday afternoon March 11, 2016: both car parks at Pittwater Park are full and cars are parked either side of the road leading to car park. Above shows cars doing laps or sitting waiitng for a car park that won't come.

Pet of the Week

For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs.
Applications open for new Green Army local environment projects
Media release: 6 May 2016 - The Hon. Greg Hunt MP, Minister for the Environment
Applications for Round Five of the Australian Government’s Green Army programme are now open.
The Green Army is a hands-on, practical environmental action programme that supports local communities to undertake environment and heritage conservation projects across Australia while offering participants valuable skills and practical experience.
The Green Army has been a huge success with 1145 projects announced and more than 700 projects already rolled out across the country in urban, rural and remote areas.
Under Round Five, organisations are invited to submit multi-project proposals for between three and 15 Green Army teams over a two to three year period.
These proposals offer organisations an opportunity to develop large-scale programmes of work that will use multiple Green Army teams over an extended period.
A multi-project proposal could focus on a single environmental or heritage asset (such as a threatened species) across multiple regions or states, or it could focus on multiple environmental and/or heritage assets in a more specific area.
This a unique opportunity for community organisations, Landcare groups, natural resource management organisations, environment groups, Indigenous organisations, local councils and others to develop longer term, large-scale projects with a whole of landscape approach.
Organisations interested in submitting an application for one or two projects will also be able to apply under this round.
A variety of community and environment organisations can apply to become Green Army Project Hosts including Landcare groups, natural resource management organisations, Indigenous organisations and local councils.
Further information about Round Five will be available at community information sessions being held in every capital city from May 23rd.
I encourage all interested local community groups to attend to find out more about how you can apply.
More information about Round Five including the guidelines, application forms and details about the community information sessions are available at:
Round Five Information Sessions and Webinar
The Department is hosting information sessions for prospective applicants in all capital cities in the week beginning 23 May 2016. For those unable to attend an information session, a webinar will be held on 19 May 2016 from 2:30pm – 3:30pm (AEST). Further details on accessing the webinar will be posted on this webpage closer to the date.
A copy of the presentation and other resources provided at these sessions will also be made available on the Green Army website for anyone who is not able to attend the webinar or a session in a capital city.
Community organisations, Landcare groups, natural resource management organisations, environment groups, Indigenous organisations, local councils and others can apply to host a Green Army project.
Join the Green Army: Participants
Are you aged between 17 and 24 and interested in gaining practical training and experience while being paid to work in your local environment?
Register your interest here:

Pittwater Councils Environment Newsletter - CooeeMay/June 2016
A Compilation of current local Environment News and upcoming Events issued bi-monthly
Where we work Which day What time
Angophora Reserve 3rd Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Avalon Dunes 1st Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Avalon Golf Course 2nd Wednesday 3 - 5:30pm
Careel Creek 4th Saturday 8:30 - 11:30am
Toongari Reserve 3rd Saturday 9 - 12noon (8 - 11am in summer)
Bangalley Headland 2nd Sunday 9 to 12noon
Winnererremy Bay 4th Sunday 9 to 12noon
North Bilgola Beach 3rd Monday 9 - 12noon
Algona Reserve 1st Saturday 9 - 12noon
Plateau Park 1st Friday 8:30 - 11:30am
Church Point
Browns Bay Reserve 1st Tuesday 9 - 12noon
McCarrs Creek Reserve Contact Bushcare Officer To be confirmed
Old Wharf Reserve 3rd Saturday 8 - 11am
Kundibah Reserve 4th Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Mona Vale
Mona Vale Beach Basin 1st Saturday 8 - 11am
Mona Vale Dunes 2nd Saturday+3rd Thursday 8:30 - 11:30am
Bungan Beach 4th Sunday 9 - 12noon
Crescent Reserve 3rd Sunday 9 - 12noon
North Newport Beach 4th Saturday 8:30 - 11:30am
Porter Reserve 2nd Saturday 8 - 11am
North Narrabeen
Irrawong Reserve 3rd Saturday 2 - 5pm
Palm Beach
North Palm Beach Dunes 3rd Saturday 9 - 12noon
Scotland Island
Catherine Park 2nd Sunday 10 - 12:30pm
Elizabeth Park 1st Saturday 9 - 12noon
Pathilda Reserve 3rd Saturday 9 - 12noon
Warriewood Wetlands 1st Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Whale Beach
Norma Park 1st Friday 9 - 12noon
Western Foreshores
Coopers Point, Elvina Bay 2nd Sunday 10 - 1pm
Rocky Point, Elvina Bay 1st Monday 9 - 12noon
Independent review of liquor law reforms
The Deputy Premier has appointed the Hon. Ian Callinan AC QC to chair an independent, evidence-based review of the effectiveness of the 1.30am lockouts, 3am last drinks, 10pm take-away liquor laws and the periodic licence fee system.
Mr Callinan is a retired Justice of the High Court of Australia with experience conducting complex inquiries across a range of issues affecting the community.
The review will consider the impact of the 1.30am lock out and 3am last drinks laws on alcohol-related violence and other harms, on businesses and their patrons, and on the community.
The review will consider the impacts of the state-wide 10pm restriction on take-away liquor sales and the periodic licence fee system.
The review will also be informed by data from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research relating to alcohol-related violence and anti-social behaviour, and information provided by community and business stakeholders.
A review report will be submitted to the government in August 2016.
Have your say
The release of an issues paper and a call for formal submissions will occur shortly, however in the meantime you can send your feedback on the 1.30am lock out, 3am last drinks, 10pm take away liquor restrictions and periodic licence fee system via email
Submit your feedback by 31 July 2016 via post to:
Liquor Law Review Team, GPO Box 7060, Sydney NSW 2001
Formal Submission: Date: Feb. 11 - Jul. 31, 2016
More Information:
02 9995 0300

Seniors Toy Repair Group needs your help
Volunteers are sought to help out on Wednesday mornings (7.30am to midday) at the group's workshed in Ingleside. Volunteers need their own transport and be willing to sort and clean toys that are picked up at different collection points on the Northern Beaches.
Prospective volunteers can email Mary Kitchen to arrange a visit to the workshed. To arrange a donation pickup please call Terry Cook on 0410 597 327 or email him. Find out more about this great community group HERE
2016 Community Heritage Grants Open
Grants of up to $15,000 are available to community groups around the country to help preserve and manage locally held, nationally significant cultural heritage collections of documents and objects for future generations. Eligible projects include significance assessments, preservation needs assessments, conservation activities and collection management.
The National Library manages the Community Heritage Grants Program—which is funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Communication and the Arts—with the National Archives of Australia, the National Film and Sound Archive and the National Museum of Australia.
The Director-General of the National Library of Australia, Ms Anne-Marie Schwirtlich AM, said the program, which began in 1994, had provided more than $5.7 million for a total of 1,192 projects around Australia—from cities to the remotest of regions.
‘We invite everyone from historical societies, museums, libraries, Indigenous groups, migrant community groups—everyone who believes they have a special collection in their local community, to apply for this year’s CHG,’ Ms Schwirtlich said. ‘Through these grants, you will receive expert guidance to assess the significance of such collections and financial help to carry out the work required to preserve and document them.’
First-time recipients are invited to Canberra to receive their grant and enhance their skills through the expertise of institutions like the National Library—and take that knowledge back to their communities.
Applications, which should be submitted online, close on Monday 9 May 2016.

Gone Fishing Gallery at Waterfront Store Church Point
Open again TODAY in the top room Waterfront Store. Open mainly weekends as an addition to the waterfront cafe. Keep up to date on their Facebook page
The NSW Government Gazette
The New South Wales Government Gazette is the official channel for the circulation of Proclamations, Regulations, Government Notices, Private Legal Advertisements andther matters required to be published in the Government Gazette under the Statutes of New South Wales Government. The NSW Government Gazette contains: New South Wales Legislation, Notices (public and official announcements), and Official Government Notices from the New South Wales Government and Local Government Agencies, Cities and Shires. The NSW Government Gazette is available online on theN.S.W. Government website from 2pm each Friday.
The purpose of - is best defined by the vision of the West Pittwater Community Association.
To be a supportive community, encouraging and promoting civic pride, interest in community affairs and goodwill amongst residents.
To protect local fauna and flora and generally preserve West Pittwater and its environs.
To secure essential facilities including public wharves and reserves and to protect private and public property.
To speak with one voice and represent the interests of the Western Foreshore community when in discussion with Pittwater Council and other relevant government bodies. The WPCA website provides a forum for the better realisation of these objectives. Visit:
May 1 - 7 2016: Issue 261
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 261: Beautiful Beach Surf Regeneration Autumn
Competitors Blaze Through Opening Rounds of Subway Surf Series Pro Junior at Cronulla - by Ethan Smith/Surfing NSW
Aquatics: Australia's New Ice-breaker and the Australian Antarctic Strategy and 20 Year Plan
Pictures: ANZAC Day Commemorations and Services 2016
Bushwalkers at Hawks Nest by Robyn McWilliam
DIY Ideas: Garden Preparation to Stop Winter Rain Lawn Loss and Soil Erosion on Slopes
Reflections by George Repin: ORTHODOX EASTER: This year, for members of Orthodox churches in twenty-four countries, Easter Sunday will be on May 1. Believers will flock to churches in countries such as Russia, Greece, the Ukraine, Cyprus and Bulgaria to demonstrate their faith in the Resurrection of Jesus.
Pittwater Food and Wine Fair 2016 at Beautiful Winnererremy Bay: May 1st 10am to 4pm
UNSW Island Innovation Lab supporting Kiribati: You Can Help Too! Cr. Selena Grifith, Art & Design Senior Lecturer at UNSW and her students need pencils and books for schools and cotton clothing and fisherman's gear - old yachties equipment welcome!
Artist of the Month: May 2016 Lorrie Morgan: PCA's president for 10 years is also an entrepreneur and very talented Artists in many mediums
Profile: Lorrie Morgan has a strong affinity with her Russian cultural background - PCA President and Artist of the Month for May 2016, this lady has been growing all Arts in Pittwater and Northern Sydney for decades...Lorrie May is also a very fine artist, even if she won't own up to that fact.
History: Early Pittwater Schools - From Provisional to Public:- Church Point and Bayview: A Pittwater Public School Set on the Estuary, 1880 to 2016 - from a church to a schoolhouse, by water and bush track - how children in offshore bays were given access to growing their minds and music, music, music!

New ATV for Bungan Beach SLSC
April 26, 2016
The club would like to thank Surf Life Saving Australia and Bombardier Recreational Products, Inc. for the purchase of a heavily subsided new ATV for the surf club.
Avalon Tattoo Postponed Until 2017
I am writing on behalf of the Avalon Beach RSL Sub Branch Tattoo Committee to advise that the Avalon Tattoo 2016 has been cancelled. The cancellation of this year’s tattoo was very unfortunate, but necessary in the circumstances.
The Tattoo Committee will meet again shortly to decide the format and timing of next year’s Avalon Tattoo. We will advise you as soon as these details have been decided.
It is certainly the intention of our committee to run a bigger and brighter tattoo in 2017 and beyond. I do hope you are able to participate in it with us.
Rob Murray, for the Avalon Tattoo Committee
Avalon Beach RSL Sub Branch
Save Scotland Island Kindy
The Scotland Island kindy is a warm and caring early childhood centre that has been in operation for more than two generations. Many children who attend this very fully accredited kindergarten return as carers or to bring their own children.
Due to the ever-increasing cost of running such a centre, the kindy and accompanying after-school care program are at risk of closure.
This simply cannot happen.
Without this very special kindergarten, the children on Scotland Island will not have the opportunity to get a head start on their education and their social development amongst their local peers. If the kindy were to close it would also be a huge blow to the families, staff and community members who have supported the beloved centre over the years.
With no chance of extra support from the government, we need to raise funds on our own to keep the kindy open. Our goal is highly reachable - but we need your help!
We'd like to invite you to make a contribution, no matter how small, to the Scotland Island kindergarten in order to keep it running for future generations.
The children thank you!!!
Ludlites Love History
The Head On Photo Festival Launches this weekend - Pittwater photographer Tim Hixson will be part of this again in 2016
The Ludlites: Ludlites Love History
30 Apr - 08 May: Festival Hub Central
Level 3, Central Park, 28 Broadway
2008 Chippendale , NSW
Artist Talk: 08 May
This show looks at how we interpret history using pinhole and plastic cameras. We have opened participation to the public and six new Ludlites have joined us including one from Canada and one from U.K. This is our 13th exhibition and a total of 18 members are exhibiting for this show: Vanessa Power, Sally Mayman, Tim Hixson, Lucas Brown, Tim Gibbs, Patrick Boland, Trevor Ydreos, Jessica Bee, Hykie Kwong, Craig Proudford, Anika Luzzeman, Katrina Crook, Natalie Blom, John Wallace, Yvette Worboys, Bradley Shaw, Riaan Cilliers and Carolinna Lee.
Being a Plastic camera collective we shoot film and constantly reference the past for inspiration. However there is always great diversity in subject matter and technique. From the ethereal pinhole Hawkesbury landscapes of Tim Gibbs, Yvette Worboys' very personal childhood memories, Tim Hixson's 'The feeling of History' to the pieced together 35mm film strips Natalie Blom assembles and Sally Mayman's multiple exposed indigenous coastal portraits. Work started on this show 12 months ago and while some pieces have that snapshot quirky plastic camera feel others are very considered works.
See more at:
Nominate now for Northern Beaches Local Business Awards
28 April, 2016
Nominations are now open for the 2016 Northern Beaches Local Business Awards.
Pittwater Council is once again a proud sponsor of the awards that celebrate business excellence, local talent and entrepreneurial spirit.
You can register your own business to be in the running to win or you can vote for your favourite business by Friday 18 May at
Mayor Jacqui Townsend said the awards are a great way to recognise our dynamic and sustainable business community.
“We have over 8,500 businesses in Pittwater that are the engine room of our local economy - driving growth, building talent, skills and generating jobs. We know too the challenges they face, and the level of commitment required to achieve success.
Mayor Townsend said that the awards are open to all small businesses within the retail, service and manufacturing sectors and new businesses are especially encouraged to nominate!
“Participation in the awards is the easiest way to show your customers that the service and experience you provide is worth being recognised,” she said.
Celebrating its 11th year, the awards have grown into a defining symbol of business excellence, added Mayor Townsend.
In 2015 there were over 11,000 public nominations for favourite businesses.
Finalists are selected based on the number of online and printed nominations they receive in their specific category; the most popular businesses being selected.
All winners are announced at the prestigious Local Business Awards Gala Presentation Evening held on 16 July.
For further information on the Northern Beaches Local Business Awards visit call Paul William-Smith on 9970 1187.
Thursday April 28, 2016
The 2015/16 Patrol Season ended on Monday with lifesavers taking the opportunity to reflect on the season that was.
The season began back in September with a stunning Raising of the Flags ceremony at Sydney’s Coogee Beach.
Since that first day of patrols, our frontline volunteers have performed over 6000 rescues, faced a near doubling of first aid treatments to 16,000, and initiated over 150,000 preventative actions.
They’ve battled searing heat, large crowds, and call outs to a variety of emergency situations. Through their volunteer efforts they have cemented their reputation in the public eye as a respected icon of the Australian summer.
Over 6 million people have attended a NSW beach this season – a figure slightly down on last year but it is expected to rise as the data is finalised. There was, however, a significant increase in crowds throughout the December – January holiday period.
Consecutive hot days and the annual influx of tourists to popular holiday destinations along with an unusually warm autumn has guaranteed a busy time for our members.
NSW Director of Lifesaving John Restuccia said many lifesavers have gone beyond the call of duty this season.
“Our volunteers have done a sensational job not only on patrol, but also spreading the message of surf safety to visitors to their beach. Everyone who wears the red and yellow uniform is an ambassador for the movement, and our 21,000 active patrolling members are a credit to their clubs and families,” said John Restuccia.
“Winter is a great time for our volunteers to enjoy some well-deserved time off, but as is always the way our clubs and branches will be putting in place plans for next season with many opportunities for our members to upskill being offered over the coming months.
“On behalf of the Board of Directors of Surf Life Saving NSW, I would like to thank everyone for their efforts throughout the year,” Mr Restuccia said.
Lifesaving Manager Andy Kent agreed.
“The 2015/16 season has been a successful but busy season for our members who have coped with a variety of challenges.
“I hope everyone uses the opportunity to recharge over the winter break and for those involved with our callout teams, we thank you for your ongoing efforts. Our Emergency Response network plays an integral part in keeping the public safe even when there are no patrols on the beach.”
Unfortunately there have been 43 coastal drownings so far this financial year, which is significantly higher than the last few years.
This can be attributed to a variety of factors including a doubling of diving-related incidents, but overall the highest incidence of drowning involves those who get into difficulty while swimming with males still being overwhelmingly represented.
The majority of these fatalities occurred outside regular patrol times at beaches where there were no lifesavers present. Surf Life Saving NSW will continue to push vital safety messages to the public throughout the year with a particular emphasis on the dangers of swimming at an unpatrolled beach.
2015/16 Season Stats:
Rescues: 6,370
First Aid: 16,708
Preventative Actions: 151,324
Beach Attendance: 6,643,347
• Please note statistics are interim as at Wednesday 27 April 2016 and are expected to rise. Final data from the 2015/16 season will be published in the Surf Life Saving NSW Annual Report.
To Read the full message from the SLSNSW Board of Directors please Click Here
Newsletter from SIRFB
Dear residents
On behalf of Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade, we would like to thank you for your continued support and tell you about some of the things we are doing.
As you know we have several events throughout the year in which we raise funds. This has enabled us to purchase things like a new washing machine, a compressor, a battery booster and items for our kitchen (including mats for the leg weary caterers to stand on).
We have plans to improve our equipment on the boat, as well as equipment for our community first responders (Volunteer Ambulance Officers) and a proposed upgrade to our PC (Personal Carrier, Ambulance Transport Vehicle).
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade would like to congratulate & thank those 9 members as mentioned at the AGM that attended CFR training recently at Ambulance Training Centre Point Clair.
Thank you to those CFR members that attended to Ambulance Extreme Exercise & Conference at Coffs Harbour weekend
Another thing we've been able to do along with our general monthly costs is install a secondary pager system called Rover. This has proved to be invaluable to our call out procedures (getting to the job quicker). As I'm sure you can imagine time is a critical factor in what we do.
We thank you again ....
Please be aware & sorry for any inconvenience while a District Field Day Exercise (see below) will take place on the 1st May from Church Point, Cargo Wharf, Elvina Wharf to sharpen the skills of Mainland Brigades
RFS Training Exercise: Church Point – Scotland Island- Elvina Bay
8am to 5pm Sunday 1st May 2016
The Rural Fire Service are conducting a training exercise in the Church Point, Scotland Island and Elvina Bay areas this Sunday 1st May.
The exercise will begin around 8am and conclude by 5pm. During the exercises there will be numerous Rural Fire Service, Fire & Rescue, Police, Marine Rescue and SES crews, boats and vehicles in the area.
Please be aware that the exercises will make use of live fire, smoke and flares. In particular there will be small fires used in a number of areas within Elvina Bay, around and just off Cargo Wharf Scotland Island.
Please proceed with caution in and around these areas and assist our emergency services by staying clear of any exercises.
Peter Lalor
Deputy Captain – Scotland Island Rural Fire Service
Seven New Police Graduates For The Northern Beaches
29 April 2016
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today welcomed the NSW Government’s allocation of 7 new police graduates to the northern beaches.
The new Probationary Constables are part of a graduating class of 109 recruits who were officially sworn in at today’s attestation ceremony at the NSW Police Academy in Goulburn.
“It’s fantastic these highly skilled recruits have been allocated to our community,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Our local police do an outstanding job and help make our community such a great place to live.
“These new officers will bring with them extra skills and enthusiasm and add to the strength of our local police force.
“The northern beaches has many of our State’s most experienced and talented senior police officers – so these new recruits are in great hands.
“I’m looking forward to welcoming these new officers to our community and thanking them for choosing such an important and rewarding career,” Rob Stokes said.
NSW Police Force
29 April 2016
One hundred and nine (109) new police recruits took their oath of office at an attestation ceremony in Goulburn today (Friday 29 April 2016).
Today’s ceremony was hosted by NSW Police Force Commissioner Andrew Scipione APM. He was joined by Reviewing Officer – His Excellency General The Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Ret’d), Governor of New South Wales – and special guest, Deputy Premier and Minister for Justice and Police, Troy Grant.
The new probationary constables from Class 327 come from diverse backgrounds.
Several of the recruits are from a non-English speaking background, while a number were born overseas in countries including South Korea, Wales, Belgium, Brazil, Lebanon and India.
Six of the probationary constables identify as being from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background.
The youngest probationary constable from this attesting class is 20 years old, while the oldest is aged 51.
For some, it is their first career; others left established professional careers and trades to join the NSW Police Force.
Commissioner Scipione officially welcomed the 80 new policemen and 29 policewomen at today’s attestation ceremony.
“As I look to the future of policing in NSW, I am confident the officers joining our ranks today will bring the vigour, enthusiasm and diversity,” Commissioner Scipione said.
“In return for their dedicated and ethical service, these new officers can expect experiences and memories that make policing more than just a career.
“To all the students attesting today, I extend my best wishes for their policing futures,” Commissioner Scipione said.
The probationary constables from Class 327 will begin work in their local area commands from next Monday (2 May 2016).
They will then complete 12 months’ on-the-job training and study by distance education with Charles Sturt University before they officially graduate with an Associate Degree in Policing Practice, and be confirmed in the rank of constable.
Grants To Help Preserve Local Military History
8 April 2016
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today welcomed an important opportunity for local veterans groups to apply for funds to preserve and showcase local military history.
The NSW Government has announced a $1 million fund has been established, from uncollected gaming prize money, which will be used to refurbish and install war memorial plaques and honour rolls and upgrade community halls used by veterans groups.
Applications for grants up to $60,000 will open next month and will be assessed by an independent panel on behalf of the NSW Government.
“This is an important initiative aimed at ensuring perpetual recognition for Australia’s war veterans,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Unfortunately there are many examples where honour rolls, plaques and other memorials have deteriorated and are no longer able to be displayed.
“These memorials help tell the story of our veterans, bind communities and generations together and ensure the events and sacrifices of the past are never forgotten.
“Often funding is a major barrier for sub-branches and veterans groups looking to undertake restoration projects and this is where the NSW Government is aiming to assist.
“Details on how groups can lodge expressions of interest will shortly be published on the Liquor and Gaming NSW
“This is an important opportunity which I’m encouraging all our local veterans groups to explore,” Rob Stokes said.
Extra Funding For Cycling And Pedestrian Initiatives
28 April 2016
Member for Pittwater Rob stokes today announced additional funding has been allocated to Pittwater Council to support local cycling and pedestrian initiatives.
Pittwater Council will receive $41,500 under the NSW Government’s Walking and Cycling Program for a variety of projects aimed at encouraging safe cycling and improving pedestrian access and mobility.
This funding is in addition to the $595,000 Pittwater Council received last year to support the introduction of new pedestrian and cycling pathways currently under construction in Warriewood and North Narrabeen.
“This funding will directly support Pittwater Council’s efforts to improve cycling and pedestrian opportunities throughout our community,” Rob Stokes said today.
“The NSW Government is currently investing millions of dollars across the State to support local projects which encourage responsible cycling and regular physical activity.
“With cycling becoming increasingly popular throughout our community – Pittwater Council is looking at innovative ways to help support and facilitate this.
“There’s a variety of plans and strategies being developed and this funding will enable these to be implemented.
“Our community has an incredible environment to get active in – so it’s fantastic the NSW Government is continuing to support Pittwater Council with its initiatives,” Rob Stokes said.
For more information visit:
Avalon Craft Cottage at Warriewood Square
Monday 9th May, for one week going through to the Sunday 15th May.
The stall will be situated right outside K-Mart …. very easy to find .. and will be open all week during normal business hours, including Thursday night, and until Sunday 4pm.
There'll be a little bit of everything at this show...something for everyone.
Obviously, with the colder weather coming (it has to come soon) the focus will be on winter woolies.... wonderfully warm woolly hand-knitted scarves, hats, gloves, socks, and bed socks ... even knitted mens' scarves (these are very popular) and pure wool knitted socks for kids and adults.
And for the little ones... jackets, little jumpers, gorgeous bootees, tiny little beanies for new-born bubs, really cute hats for the toddlers, and pretty little blankets for bassinets or car capsules. Beautiful hand-knitted shawls & knee rugs or ‘throws’; colourful microwave pot-holders; appliqued hand-towels; jewellery; knitted tea-cosies; very trendy bunting for the kids rooms; wonderful hand turned timber bowls ; very pretty folk art ; beautiful patchwork quilts; and hundreds of handcrafted greeting cards.
Too many members, and too many beautiful things to itemise. So do check out the photos on our Facebook page and please LIKE & SHARE our page; tell your friends about the Avalon Craft Cottage.
For any further information please call Maureen 9993703
Wednesday April 27, 2016: SLS NSW
A golden run at the 2016 Aussies continued for NSW athletes at the recently completed Open Championships on the Sunshine Coast.
Athletes from the “blue state” finished with an outstanding haul of medals (57 gold, 49 silver and 51 bronze) while Newport SLSC (3rd), Manly LSC (7th), and Umina Beach SLSC (10th) all finished in the coveted top 10 on the overall point score.
On the beach NSW clubbies enjoyed plenty of success. Collaroy’s Dean Scarff claimed bronze in the Open Male Sprint, while defending sprint champion Elly Graf (Elouera) picked up silver in the women’s race. Ngaire Hadfield (Cronulla) and Kristie Edwards (Newport) finished one-two in the U17 Female Sprint.
Wanda’s Ali Najeem blitzed the field to win his maiden Open 2km Beach Run Australian Title with Oliver Hoare also picking up a gold medal in the Male U19 race.
In the Flags Charlie Gluskie (Cronulla) picked up bronze in the U17 Male event, Jake Lynch (Newport) finished with silver in the Open Men, while Jazmine Yew (Helensburgh-Stanwell Park) earned gold in the U17s finishing ahead of Cronulla’s Ngaire Hadfield. Coledale’s Davina Straus who finished with a silver in the Open Female Flags and Avalon Punch (Helensburgh-Stanwell Park) U19 Female also medalled.
Umina’s Jemma Smith season to remember continued in sensational fashion after she was crowned the Female Athlete of the championship. Smith finished with a haul of 6 gold medals after winning the Open Female Champion Lifesaver, Open and U19 Rescue Tube Rescue, and U17 Board, Taplin and Single Ski events to go along with silver in the U17 Board and Surf Teams, and bronze in the Open Ironwoman.
In the Ironman events Dane Farrell (Newport) picked up silver in the Open event while Callum Lowe-Griffiths (Queenscliff) won the U17 race. Daniel Collins (Redhead) again performed strongly on his way to gold in the Board Rescue and silver medals in the U19 Ironman, Surf Ski Relay, Surf Belt, and Taplin Relay events.
Lizzie Welborn (North Bondi) claimed the honours in the U17 Ironwoman as did Cronulla’s Carla Papac in the U19s.
Newport continued their quest to become the powerhouse of Australian Surf Sport on the back of a number of strong performances. The all-conquering Open Male Taplin team was once more first past the post with Max and Charlie Brooks, Kendrick Louis, Dane Farrell, Luke Morrison and Mitchell Trim all combining in their gold-medal performance. Trim went on to win gold in the Open Male Lifesaver Relay and Single Ski Relay, and bronze in Ski Final.
The Newport women had plenty to celebrate too. Georgia Miller fresh from her debut season on the professional Iron circuit finished with gold in the Open Female Surf Race – her third straight win in the event, gold in the Surf Belt and Board Rescue, silver in the Open Ironwoman, Bronze in the Surf Teams, as well as teaming up with Lara Moses and Hannah Minogue to win the Open Female Taplin race.
Moses picked up three medals in the team events, while Minogue won three gold medals throughout the event enjoying success in both the teams events and individually in the female Open Ski.
Manly’s ageless Nathan Smith continued to wind back the clock in the Sunshine Coast surf finishing the championships with a gold medal in the Restricted Surf Race, silver in the Open Surf Race, and bronze in both the Open Surf Belt and Board Rescue events.
Fresh from their efforts at the Best of the Best Final earlier this month the NSW contingent of surf boat crews travelled north with high expectations. They didn't disappoint coming away with a swag of medals.
It was raining gold, silver and bronze for the Open Men with Bulli surging home to take the title ahead of Mona Vale and Coogee. Palm Beach took out the U23 Male Race with Avoca Beach doing enough to claim the Bronze.
In the women's divisions South Curl Curl (silver) and North Cronulla (bronze) medalled in the Open Race, while Palm Beach had even more to celebrate finishing with gold in the U23s and silver in the Reserves.
North Cronulla and Austinmer completed the medal rout in the U19s finishing with a silver and bronze medal respectively, while in the relay events there was more joy for both North Cronulla and Palm Beach who medalled.
The traditional lifesaving events also proved to be a happy hunting ground for NSW Clubs. Katie Dixon and Jordan Smith (Ocean Beach) teamed up to win the First Aid competition, while club mates Jade Oakes and Jayda Bryant (U17s), and Jade Heber and Matt Calbert (U19s) both ended up in fourth spot.
It was a clean sweep for NSW in the Open Male 5 person R & R with Wanda, Coogee, and Freshwater finishing with the medals, while Bondi Surf Bathers and Collaroy also earned gold in the U19 and U17 events respectively.
NSW Surf Sports Manager Rob Pidgeon said it was an impressive end to the season for the athletes.
“I would like to congratulate all the NSW based athletes who made the journey to Aussies 2016. There were a number of outstanding performances, and by all reports everyone who made the journey enjoyed the occasion,” Mr Pidgeon said.
“A number of our high performance athletes are still in contention for the Aussie team that will travel to the Worlds later this year, and we wish them well as they strive for selection. “It’s been a fantastic summer of surf sports and now everyone can relax and enjoy some well-deserved time off as we look ahead to another bumper season,” he concluded.
For a full list of NSW Medal Winners, please Click Here
Club Points
Northcliffe SLSC 341
Currumbin SLSC 255
Newport SLSC 215
Alexandra Headland SLSC 175
Maroochydore SLSC 149
Kurrawa SLSC 129
Manly LSC 112
Noosa Heads SLSC 98
Burleigh Heads Mowbray Park SLSC 85
Umina SLSC Inc 67
Wanda SLSC Inc 65
North Bondi SLSC 58
Redhead SLSC 56
North Cronulla SLSC 55
Collaroy SLSC 51
City of Perth SLSC 43
Cronulla SLSC 41
Avoca Beach SLSC 39
Freshwater SLSC 38
Sunshine Beach SLSC 35
Anglesea SLSC 34
Helensburgh-Stanwell Park SLSC 33
Sorrento SLSC (Inc) (WA) 31
Palm Beach SLSC (NSW) 30
North Burleigh SLSC 28
Coogee SLSC (NSW) 25
Elouera SLSC 24
Queenscliff SLSC 23
Seacliff SLSC 23
Bronte SLSC 21
Mosman Art Gallery Seeking White Pillowcases
Call out for 1,942 white pillowcases and memories of the Japanese attack on Sydney.
2017 will mark the 75th anniversary of the Japanese submarine attack on Sydney Harbour in 1942. To commemorate this event Mosman Art Gallery are working with a group of Australian and Japanese artists to develop an exhibition to be shown in mid 2017.
Participating artist, Sue Pedley, is calling out for donations of white pillowcases and memories of the event to help realize a new artwork.
Donated White Pillowcases can be in any condition: off - white, stained, starched, patched, threadbare.
Where possible the artist requests that donors include a written note of either a living memory or passed on memory of the Japanese attack.
Please deliver laundered pillowcases to Mosman Art Gallery during opening hours in a bag (with your name clearly written if you wish to be acknowledged). Pillowcases will be accepted from 1st May –until 31st July, 2016.
Mosman Art Gallery, Cnr Art Gallery Way & Myahgah Road. Open 7 days, 10am-5pm. Phone 99784178.
Voting is different this election
Published on 25 Apr 2016 by AEC
You can either:
number at least six boxes above the line for the parties or groups of your choice, or
number at least 12 boxes below the line for individual candidates of your choice.
Senate voting changes for the next federal election. Visit for more information.
International Composting Awareness week: May 2 to 8
Kick off International Composting Awareness Week (ICAW) at Sustainability Lane at the Pittwater Food and Wine Fair. Visit our Waste Less Recycle More stall and see how you can make your own compost at home with your kitchen veggie scraps. Turn them into a valuable organic resource your own rich fertiliser for your garden. Composting can help to lower carbon pollution by avoiding landfilling organic materials and helping to build healthier soils.
Be part of the Pittwater Loves Less Waste revolution.
For your FREE or discounted compost bin or worm farm contact our Waste Education Team for more information at ECEducation_Team@ or phone 9970 1194.
More information about ICAW at
Pittwater Council is seeking volunteers interested in joining our cemetery gardening group, meeting the first and third Tuesday of every month, from 8:30 - 11:30am (weather permitting). It often gets more difficult for relatives who may have previously tended a grave to visit. Our volunteers carry out gentle weeding on these graves in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Please register your interest and availability by contacting Cemetery Administration on 9970 1341 or email
Well….. we love it in the right places and the best place is a pet poo compost bin. The Waste Education Team is seeking Pittwater puppy owners who would like to participate in a trial of pet poo composters in their very own back yard. You can convert your pets waste into rich organic fertiliser and reduce landfill, single use plastic bags and greenhouse gases.
This project is a NSW Environment Protection Authority Waste Less Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy. We have six Pet Poo Composters to be trialled. If you would like to participate contact Tanya Leishman, Education Officer for more information on or phone 9970 1226
Opportunity To Comment On Pittwater Estuary’s Future Extended
April 22nd, 2016
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes is reminding all users of the Pittwater estuary that submissions are currently being received on the future of commercial net fishing within the waterway.
The NSW Marine Estate Management Authority has identified evidence of resource-use conflict between commercial net fishing and other user groups and has raised concerns about the threats posed to the estuary’s long-term sustainability.
The deadline for submissions has been extended until Sunday 8 May, 2016.
“This is an opportunity to comment on the future of our community’s most precious environmental asset,” Rob Stokes said today.
“There are countless local businesses, community associations and recreational groups that all depend on the estuary’s long-term health, attractiveness and sustainability.
“There’s real concern that the estuary is under pressure and that further precautionary measures are needed to help uphold its enormous environmental and social value.
“This process is looking closely at the impacts of commercial net fishing and the best ways forward.
“Community feedback will help inform further evaluation of the management responses and the final recommendations to the NSW Government later this year.
“Copies of the report, and details on how to provide feedback, are available by visiting .
Submissions can be made in various ways – either;
• Online at:
• Via email at:
• By post: Hawkesbury Bioregion Initiative, NSW DPI, Locked Bag 1, Nelson Bay NSW 2315
“Submissions have been extended until 8 May, so I encourage everyone who uses the Pittwater to have their say,” Rob Stokes said.
Time to replace smoke alarms
Fire and Rescue NSW is urging all NSW residents to replace their smoke alarms and check their friends and family do so too.
Fire and Rescue NSW recommends that every house in NSW be fitted with the latest photoelectric smoke alarm.
It’s been a decade since NSW mandatory smoke alarm legislation was passed, which means millions of smoke alarms across NSW are now reaching their ‘best before’ date and are due to be replaced.
As part of Fire and Rescue NSW’s ‘ReAlarm your home against fire’ awareness campaign, throughout the month of May NSW Fire and Rescue is asking all NSW residents to replace their smoke alarms, and take the time to check in on 10 friends or family members to ensure they update their smoke alarms too.
For more information visit:
$8 Million In Local Heritage Grants
Saturday 16 April 2016
Heritage Minister Mark Speakman today marked Heritage Week by launching the opening of applications under the NSW Government’s $8 million local Heritage Activation Grant program to rejuvenate local heritage places. Mr Speakman said $2.67 million of funding would be available each financial year for three years to owners and managers of local heritage items through the grant program.
“This program is about helping local communities protect their local built environment. It will breathe life into the places loved by communities,” Mr Speakman said. “The purpose of the program is for local government, businesses and community organisations to reactivate local heritage spaces and precincts, while preserving their heritage significance.”
The grants program, which is part of the Heritage Near Me program, will open more heritage spaces to communities across the state. Under the Heritage Near Me program, the government will also fund a heritage roadshow team of experts and a series of grants, including the Heritage Activation Grants program, the Local Heritage Grants program and the Heritage Green Energy Grants program.
“Communities know their local heritage better than anyone,” Mr Speakman said. “This program will support communities in their efforts to conserve and celebrate their stories, places and values.”
Heritage Week is an annual national celebration of Australia’s heritage. It runs from Saturday 16 April until Sunday 24 April.
Applications close on Monday, 27 June. For more information on the Heritage Near Me and Heritage Activation Grant programs,
Mona Vale Library ANZAC’s Display
In commemoration of Anzac Day we are displaying a small exhibition focusing on some of the Australian soldiers who served in WWI who were born locally or moved to the Northern Beaches as returned servicemen.
Come and have a look at the exhibition along the Library ramp over the next two weeks.
2016 Eco School Grants Program open for applications
Media release: 26 April 2016 - NSW Office of Environment and Heritage
Eighty grants of $3,500 each are available to support a range of environmental projects and learning opportunities for students, teachers and school communities under the NSW Environmental Trust's Eco Schools Grants Program.
Terry Bailey, Chief Executive, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage and Trust Secretary said the grants will help provide curriculum-based environmental education, awareness and knowledge to children.
"This Government investment aims to develop students' passion and commitment to protecting the environment," Mr Bailey said.
"The program recognises the important work of the community, no matter how old or young, in environmental conservation projects and I encourage educators and school communities to apply for one of the eighty grants.
"Twenty-five of the grants will be awarded to projects that work primarily with students with special needs.
"Seventy-eight schools were awarded Eco School grants last year and their projects help enhance the environment of NSW. Pennant Hills Public School used their grant funds to plant more small shrubs for their Small Bird Haven project.
"The additional shrubs provide much needed sanctuary for small birds to nest, feed and take shelter from predators. The project also taught students about environmental monitoring," Mr Bailey said.
All NSW primary and high schools, registered with the Sustainable Schools NSW program, can apply for funding, however please see the Program Guidelines for specific eligibility requirements.
Grant applications can be submitted until Friday 17 June, 2016.
Visit the Environmental Trust's website for further information:
The Palm Beach & Whale Beach Association Inc.98th AGM
Tuesday 10th May, 2016 at 7.00 pm at Club Palm Beach
Renewal of membership will be accepted at the AGM.
Avalon Market Day 2016
Avalon Palm Beach Business Chamber Inc.: March 15
The Avalon Market Day will be held on Sunday 20 November 2016. Exciting new features involving local businesses are planned. As we progress more information will appear regularly on our facebook pages and the Business Chamber website:
Business Networking Breakfast
Avalon Palm Beach Business Chamber Inc.: April 14 at 2:50pm
Following the success of the April breakfast meeting, we will be continuing with meetings on the first Tuesday of every month for the indefinite future.
Feedback from the April meeting was very good, with positive comments about the format, venue and food. The only negative comment was that while the sound of the surf is beautiful it interfered with the acoustics of the meeting. We have taken steps to address this for the next meeting.
Where: The Avalon on the Beach (Avalon Surf Club)
Time & Date: 7.15AM on Tuesday 3rd May
Cost: $30 Per Person
Menu: Full Breakfast will be served
What to expect:
This is your opportunity to showcase your business to other members of the Chamber.
We will have a guest speaker, local business presentations and everyone attending will have an opportunity to introduce themselves and their business.
What to Bring: Yourself, Business Cards and a 60 second introduction or "pitch" about your business.
Pre Registration is essential, pay and register online HERE
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 1/5/2016
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Avalon Boomerang Bags 2016 Workshops
It was great to see some of our regular volunteers yesterday at our first workshop of the year - thanks everyone for showing up and kicking off the year in style. We look forward to seeing you all at the next workshop on Tuesdays 11:30am- 5pm.
For those of you unable to come to workshops there are many other ways to get involved, just let us know you're willing by leaving a comment or sending us a message.
Pictured is a Boomerang Bag Box as will be provided around Avalon Shopping area full of our Boomerang Bags to "Borrow and Bring Back" Workshops are every Tuesday in Avalon Rec. Centre.
Peter Macinnis Talk at North Head Sanctuary Foundation May 2016
Peter Macinnis is a compulsive writer, with around 50 books to his credit, some for children, others written for adults. Six of his children’s books have been given the accolade of “Notable” by the Children’s Book Council of Australia, with one of those winning the runner-up “Honour Book” status, and another being “Book of the Year” in 2010.
In 2013, another of his books, Australian Backyard Naturalist, won the Children's Literature category in the WA Premier's Book Awards, and that book is the basis of his talk at North Head Sanctuary, 33 Scenic Drive Manly, Building 20 on 11 May 2016 at 7pm.
His theme is about giving youngsters a sense of wonder. “No curriculum that I know of,” says the one-time teacher, “mentions anything about wonder, and that’s criminal. I got my sense of wonder, not from school, but from Dave Himsley, a local Scout leader and from Harry Woodward, a local radio and TV seller and repairman, nearly 60 years back. They had the gift of wonder and shared it with me, and still had it themselves.”
“Now,” he said, grinning a shark-banishing grin, “it’s payback time — well, it has been for nearly 50 years, as I tried to give other youngsters that simple gift. But now, as I approach advanced middle age, I am concentrating on sharing another simple gift: the art of infecting kids with wonder.”
It’s a theme that he has been working on for years in his blog, Old Writer on the Block, but he really hit his stride when he gave the Mary White Address at the Dorrigo Rainforest Centre in 2015, and then shaped that into an Ockham’s Razor talk on ABC Radio National.
“The trouble with radio,” he says, “is that you can’t do hands-on show-and-tell. For this talk, I’ll be bringing my full road warrior kit, so people can take away all my tools and adopt or adapt them. I call it the art of two drinking straws and a rubber band, and if that makes no sense, it will — but only if you come along.”
Biography: Peter Macinnis lived most of his life in Balgowlah, and now lives in Fairlight. He attended Manly West and Manly Boys’ High, North Harbour and Dobroyd were his playgrounds, and he did a biology degree so he could spend his life bothering plants and animals. (“And rocks”, he adds — “my next book is Not Your Usual Rocks).
Web resources:
Some of his books:
Contact details:, 0414-271828
North Head Sanctuary Foundation:

GOOD NEWS! Thanks to the Farrell Family Foundation, we have been successful with our grant proposal for $40,000 towards Soibada Senior High School. Nicolau Lobato Senior High School.
THE CHALLENGE! Before we can use that money we need to match that with our fundraising! We can do it - with your help! We have the movie night coming up on 30 March, the Buy a Brick project, a new Chuffed Campaign about to launch. We are getting lots of support from Rotary Clubs too. Spread the word - the sooner we raise $40,000 the sooner we start construction. If you have any good ideas, are willing to host or organise an event please let us know.
Can you help us raise the matching funds?
Tell your friends about our Chuffed Crowd funding Campaign; it is easy to donate by going to the website:
Buy a Brick for the
Last year Youth for Soibada interviewed the young people in Soibada to find out how THEY would like us to assist them. Everybody asked for a real school! A school with desks, chairs, computers, music and sports equipment! Not a fancy building – but something more substantial than what you see in the picture above!
Contact for details Email:
Find out more at:
Tamara Sloper Harding OAM
Chairperson, Pittwater Friends of Soibada Inc
Work starts on $1.6 million maintenance project for Spit Bridge
13 APRIL 2016: NSW Roads and Maritime
Work will start on a $1.6 million essential maintenance project for the Spit Bridge at Mosman on Monday 18 April.
A Roads and Maritime Services spokesperson said the work involves repairing beams which support the concrete shared path and waterproofing the path to provide a stronger and safer surface for pedestrians and cyclists.
“The Spit Bridge was built in 1958 and provides an essential crossing of Middle Harbour for Northern Beaches residents.
“About 70,000 motorists and 60,000 bus commuters use the bridge daily.
“To ensure the structure remains strong and in good working condition, maintenance work will be carried out on the shared concrete path.
“This will involve strengthening and painting the metal support beams and waterproofing the path.
“Work will be carried out on weekdays from 7am to 6pm and Saturdays from 8am to 1pm, with the project expected to take five months to complete, weather permitting.
“Minimal traffic impacts are expected as most of the work will be carried out beneath the bridge from scaffolding.
“There will be no changes to bridge opening times as there will be no work on the lifting mechanism of the bridge.
“Temporary closures to some areas of the waterway may be required and boaters will be kept informed of planned closures and alternate open channels.”
For the latest traffic information call 132 701, download the Live Traffic NSW App or visit
Review underway for Warnervale Airport Act
27.04.2016 -Departmental Media Release: Department of Planning and Environment
The Department of Planning and Environment has announced a review of the Warnervale Airport (Restrictions) Act 1996.
The purpose of the review is to determine whether the Act remains the most appropriate way to regulate activities at the Warnervale airport.
This review is being undertaken as a provision of the Act.
Since the introduction of the Act, a number of new planning tools and regulations have been created for the assessment and regulation of airports, aviation and related activities.
“Community consultation is an integral part of the planning process and the local community is encouraged to provide feedback on the review,” the spokesperson said.
“The feedback will be incorporated into a report that the Planning Minister will consider, with recommendations from the Department on whether the Act should continue in its current form, be amended or be repealed.”
“It’s easy to participate by going online and I encourage everyone to have their say.”
To make a submission or view the associated documents, visit
Submissions can be made from Wednesday, 27 April until Friday, 27 May 2016.
Written submissions can also be made to:
Department of Planning and Environment
Attn: Director – Regions, Hunter and Central Coast
PO Box 1148
Gosford NSW 2250
Have your say on a new exhibit and accommodation at Taronga Zoo
07.04.2016 : Department of Planning and Environment
A proposal for a new habitat exhibit and eco-tourist facility at Taronga Zoo in Mosman will be on exhibition from today for community feedback.
The Department of Planning and Environment is keen to hear the community’s views on the proposal which seeks to:
• demolish existing structures, including the Harbourview Garden Court and terrace, a toilet block, some animal breeding and holding areas, part of a garden bed wall, pathways and landscaping and relocate the Circular Kiosk
• construct five connected accommodation ‘pods’ between two and four storeys in height, with 58 rooms and four suites
• construct a four storey addition to the existing Taronga Centre for a new kitchen and dining facility
• construct a one storey guest lodge for reception, bar and storage facilities and an adjacent platypus exhibition
• construct a new native Australian wildlife exhibit including a kangaroo habitat, new aviaries and a walkthrough exhibition
• make alterations to the existing Taronga Centre to include stairs and lift access and enclosing the roof and lobby space
• conduct landscaping, tree removal and roadworks, and build loading docks.
A spokesperson for the Department of Planning and Environment said the local community always has an opportunity to share their views.
“Community consultation is an integral part of the planning process and the applicant will have to respond to the feedback we receive,” the spokesperson said.
“This feedback is taken into consideration when we develop our recommendations.
“It’s easy to participate by going online and we encourage everyone to take a look and have their say.”
To make a submission or view the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), visit
Submissions can be made from Thursday, 7 April until Monday, 23 May 2016.
Written submissions can also be made to:
Department of Planning and Environment
Attn: Director – Key Sites Assessments
GPO Box 39
Sydney NSW 2001
The application and EIS are also available to view in person at:
• Department of Planning and Environment, 23-33 Bridge Street, Sydney
• Mosman Council, Mosman Square, Spit Junction, 573 Military Road, Mosman
Australian Habitat and Taronga Wildlife Retreat
Development of a new Australian habitat exhibit and eco-tourist facility to be known as the 'Australia Habitat and Taronga Wildlife Retreat' at Taronga Zoo.
Below: An Artists Illustration of a new Taronga zoo

Critter of the Month - April 2016

NORTHERN BEACHES CONCERT BANDencourages new adult players who are learning brass or woodwind instruments to come and join us. We are particularly looking for tuba, euphonium, trombones, clarinets and flutes.
NBCB offers a fun, supportive and social environment with rehearsals each Wednesday during term times at Pittwater High School, Mona Street, Mona Vale at 7.30pm.
NBCB has a new director this year, Ms Sarah Shaw, and we have an exciting new repertoire. The band has 3-4 gigs a year and a 2-day workshop in May.
Dust off that old instrument and come and make music with us!
For more information, please call Denise 0414 560 263

By Davidson Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade
Davidson Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade is an entirely volunteer NSW Rural Fire Service station located on Sydney's northern beaches.
We are responsible for protecting people and property from bushfire in the Davidson, French Forest, Forestville and Killarney Heights area, which includes over 10,000 homes. We also assist in search and rescues, storm damage and other incidents whenever called upon.
Our Brigade has more than 100 volunteers who commit thousands of hours every year to the service of our community. Our volunteers are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Last year the Brigade contributed over 9,500 hours in service of the community.
Why We Need Your Help
In recent years, the Brigade has outgrown the current station, which is unable to adequately accommodate our volunteers, vehicles and equipment. As such, we are embarking on a building project, which will:
• Add two additional fire truck garages (doubling our firefighting capacity),
• Provide a dedicated education room for the public and a training facility to ensure our volunteers receive the best training to help better serve the community.
We need your help to raise a further $150,000. The State government has committed substantial funding to the building project. However, there is a shortfall of $150,000 we need to raise to ensure our project is undertaken and ready for Fire Season 2016/17. We hold deductible gift recipient status. Any donation you make to us is tax deductible and we will issue you a receipt which indicates this. You can give a tax deductible donation:
1. Online through Chuffed:
2. By EFT by direct deposit to: Account Name - Davidson Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade Gift Fund Account, BSB: 032-299 Account number: 111245,
3. By Cheque made payable to the Davidson Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade, or Cash, posted to PO Box 128, Belrose West NSW 2085. Your help in raising $150,000 is greatly appreciated and will help us better serve and protect.
Thank you!
Davidson Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade.
New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport.
We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. Visit our website for more information at or call John on 9982 5656
Australian Water Safety Strategy 2016-2020: Towards a Nation Free From Drowning
April 28, 2016
The Australian Water Safety Strategy 2016-2020 has been launched by the Hon. Sussan Ley MP, Minister for Health, Aged Care and Sport in conjunction with the Australian Water Safety Council (AWSC) at Coffs Harbour Surf Life Saving Club.
The Strategy continues the AWSC’s goal of reducing fatal drowning by 50% by the year 2020. It outlines priority areas in which Australian peak water safety bodies Royal Life Saving, Surf Life Saving and AUSTSWIM, AWSC Members and Federal, State/Territory and Local Governments must work together to prevent drowning.
Drowning data in the report shows that 3,116 lives were lost to drowning in the eleven years from 2004/05 to 2014/15, or an average of 283 deaths per year. Drowning impact is greatest in:
:children under five,
:coastal and inland waterways,
:and those from Cultural Linguistically Diverse Communities and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds.
Alcohol and/or drugs is known to be a factor in 34% of drowning deaths.
Males are four times more likely to drown than females.
In launching the Strategy, AWSC Convenor Justin Scarr said “Strong progress is being made in reducing drowning risk, particularly among children, as well as increased emphasis on eliminating factors that contribute to drowning deaths in coastal locations and inland waterways. The new Strategy calls for an increased focus on men who drown at rates four times higher than women, often whilst under the influence of alcohol and other drugs.”
The Strategy identifies 11 goals across three priority areas where action is required in order to achieve a 50% reduction in drowning by the year 2020.
Success has been seen in the reduction of fatal drowning among children under five, development of drowning prevention plans targeting known drowning blackspots in coastal and inland waterways, and in focusing attention on the reduction of drowning, with all water safety organisations and most State/Territory Governments aligning actions to the Strategy.
Support from the Australian Government is invaluable in the efforts to prevent drowning across Australia. This support is critical in achieving many elements including, the conduct of research, the delivery of programs and services through to the implementation of initiatives aimed at increasing awareness and skills to both the general community and those at risk. Lifeguard, lifesaving and other water safety services and programs all contribute to the saving of lives and reduction in drowning through active service delivery as well as training and education.
“We are lucky to have access to some of the world’s most beautiful waterways and beaches here in Australia. But sadly, around 300 people lose their lives to drowning each year,” the Minister for Health, Aged Care and Sport the Hon. Sussan Ley MP said.
“We must continue efforts to promote and improve water safety, and do all we can to educate Australians – as well as our overseas visitors – about the risks involved.”
“We are absolutely committed to achieving the Australian Water Safety Council’s target of reducing drowning by 50 per cent by 2020.”
“That’s why we are working with Australia’s key water safety agencies to identify priority areas we need to address to reduce drowning,” Ms Ley said.
Drowning as a result of alcohol and drugs is a major concern. An average of 94 drowning deaths every year are known to involve alcohol and/or drugs, with 46% of these occurring in rivers, creeks and streams. The AWSC is calling for a coordinated approach and consistent messaging to highlight the risks of consuming alcohol during or prior to aquatic activity, including partnering with boating and fishing groups.
The Strategy recognises that drowning is often non-fatal, with many people and families impacted by drowning incidents that leave lifelong impacts on a person’s health, social and economic outcomes.
“Recent studies in children 0-19 years show that for every one drowning death, a further nine children are hospitalised as a result of a drowning event and survive, often with lifelong consequences,” Mr Scarr said.
An average of 30 children aged 0-4 years drown every year, with 78% of deaths occurring following a fall into water. The AWSC is calling for the strengthening of child drowning prevention programs that reinforce the importance of supervision, pool fencing, water familiarisation and CPR education.
The Strategy calls on local and state/territory governments to strengthen compliance and enforcement of four sided pool fencing.
“Evidence shows that drowning in children can be significantly reduced by four sided pool fencing, effective inspection and compliance programs coupled with education programs that promote effective adult supervision,” Mr Scarr said.
The AWSC reports that an average of 108 people drown in coastal waters (beaches, oceans, harbours and coastal rocks) every year, with males accounting for 87% of those deaths.
“The AWSC is recommending the implementation of coastal safety campaigns and programs to address the root causes of drowning, targeted towards high risk populations, as well as expansion of the coastal black spot identification program,” Mr Scarr said.
The AWSC reports an average of 105 people drown in inland waterways (rivers, creeks, streams, lakes, dams and lagoons) every year, with males accounting for 82% of these deaths.
“The AWSC is recommending the expansion of community focused drowning prevention plans in known inland waterway drowning blackspots,” Mr Scarr said.
The Australian Water Safety Council was formed in 1998, and provides a forum for collaboration among peak water safety organisations, conducts annual conferences, workshops and symposiums, and develops, monitors, evaluates progress of the Australian Water Safety Strategy.
Download Strategy: To download a copy of the Australian Water Safety Strategy 2016-2020 click here. (PDF: 3.17MB)
Have a say on Delivery Plan and Budget
22 April 2016
Pittwater’s Draft Delivery Program and Budget 2016-17 outlining a proposed $44M program of works is now on exhibition until 22 May.
Mayor of Pittwater, Jacqueline Townsend said the 12-month delivery program has been built around a number of priority areas as identified by the community including a focus on youth and family services, activating public space, improving access to public transport and traffic infrastructure and preserving and sustaining its environment.
“The program outlines Council’s key priorities, capital improvement projects and fees and charges and I am proud of the way Pittwater continues to strengthen its position as a council that embodies the needs of its community.”
Council will generate revenues and spend approximately $119M in the 2016-17 financial year with an increased focus on a wide range of capital works programs. Highlights include:
• $7.6M for Church Point precinct improvements
• $9M for roadworks and bridge at Macpherson Street
• $4.3M for reserves
• $2.6M for streetscape improvements
• $4.5M for building improvements
• $1.7M for active travel footpaths and walkways
• $1.3M for bushland protection and additional funding for coastal and flood protection
• Plans to seek $1M funding from the NSW Government for construction of an iconic Palm Beach Walkway from the Ferry Wharf to Governor Phillip Park
In addition, the proposed budget for the 2016-17 year involves a major works program of $43.848M with $31.588M on capital works and $12.260M on recurrent maintenance programs.
“There is much to achieve and much to be proud of in terms of what we can deliver for Pittwater. We have continued our commitment to be responsive to the needs and expectations of our community and we believe this program delivers on our commitment,” Mayor Townsend said.
Pittwater Council General Manager, Mark Ferguson said all of Council’s financial indicators demonstrate that it exceeds the Local Government industry benchmarks.
“Council’s budget forecast for the period 2016-2017 is projecting an operating profit of $1.8M for the coming financial year, excluding any capital investments.
“This demonstrates Council’s ability to undertake major infrastructure programs within a financially sustainable budget framework,” said Mr Ferguson.
The Draft Delivery Program and Budget outlines Council’s key priorities, capital improvement projects and fees and charges and ison exhibition for comment until 22 May.
The document is available on the Council’s website or at Council offices and libraries at Avalon and Mona Vale.
Pittwater Online made an inquiry this week regarding 'Draft Delivery Program and Budget 2016-2017 2016-2017 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - page 91: 'Community Facility Warriewood Valley'
The response from Council on Friday:
"The $542,000 allocation for 2016/2017 is to continue detailed design and feasibility (to determine proposed designs and full funding package required) for a future community facility for the incoming Warriewood Valley community. Should funding be sought in addition to the amount within the Section 94 Plan, Council may then allow for a more enhanced community facility in the southern part of Pittwater."
The Draft Delivery Program and Budget 2016-17 document made be downloaded in full here (PDF: 5MB)
Construction at Church Point to start
Pittwater Council will begin works to realign McCarrs Creek Road and build a new car park at Church Point within the coming weeks, with the appointment of a civil engineering contractor and new project manager earlier this week.
General Manager Mark Ferguson said the $10 million project was expected to take approximately 18 months to complete, with completion expected in November 2017.
“With the green light to start works, we are thrilled to be starting construction at Church Point,” Mr Ferguson said.
“The new parking and amenity solutions will be well-used and highly valued by Pittwater’s onshore and offshore residents, as well as those visiting Pittwater,” Mr Ferguson said.
The new car park will deliver 120 new parking spots—providing both spaces for general access via pay and display and premium (guaranteed) spaces.
In addition to the increased parking, other major improvements to the area will offer significant improvements to the safety and amenity for pedestrians and road users; including a new piered seawall with suspended timber pedestrian boardwalk; the realignment of McCarrs Creek Road between the Commuter Wharf and Rosstrevor Reserve and landscaping around the area.
“Having carried out a thorough assessment of tender applicants, we are delighted to have appointed Ward Civil and Environmental Engineering, specialist civil engineers, to carry out the various stages of works at Church Point,” he said.
Council has also appointed an expert project manager to oversee the project from Council’s perspective, commencing in May 2016.
Mr Ferguson says during the construction period, Council will work closely with the contractor and all involved will do their best to minimise disruptions to local residents and users of the wharf.
“We have worked closely with both the onshore and offshore community to get to this point, and we remain committed to keeping our residents and other stakeholders well informed on the project’s progress,” he said.
Mr Ferguson said that Council appreciated the support and patience from the community around the project’s construction.
Geotechnical ground investigation will take place during the week of 2 May 2016, ahead of construction commencing. A barge containing necessary equipment will be located by the commuter wharf for approximately seven days and commuter boats will be temporarily displaced during this time. The works will be staged to minimise disruption as much as possible.
For more information and regular updates please
Macpherson Street Warriewood Road Upgrade
Pittwater Council is upgrading and raising Macpherson Street Warriewood between Boondah and Warriewood Roads. The upgrade is part of our strategic planning for the Warriewood Valley Urban Release Area as the section of Macpherson Street that passes over Narrabeen Creek has been identified to function as a flood evacuation route.
The Warriewood Valley Roads Masterplan (2006 Review) also identifies a range of roadworks that are required to cater for the predicted increased traffic volumes generated by land releases in the Warriewood Valley. These roadworks include the widening of Macpherson Street, the installation of a bridge crossing over Narrabeen Creek between Boondah Road and Warriewood Road, shared user paths and the undergrounding of power lines, as well as the provision of access driveways, kerb and gutter and associated stormwater drainage along Macpherson Street.
Public exhibition
Notification is now being given under Section 29 of the Roads Act 1993, Fixing the Levels of a Public Road, the Upgrading of Macpherson Street, Warriewood. The Macpherson Street Upgrade plans can be viewed at:
Mona Vale Customer Service, Village Park, 1 Park Street Mona Vale - Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm
Avalon Customer Service, 59A Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon - Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm
Adjoining landowners are entitled to make submissions to Council until 5pm, Friday 20 May 2016. Please note that submissions may be made public (with personal details removed). Please send your written submissions addressed to the General Manager and marked Macpherson Street Warriewood Road Upgrade to one of the following addresses:
Online: Online submission
Phone: 9970 1111
In writing: The General Manager - Pittwater Council PO Box 882 Mona Vale NSW 1660
For more information regarding the Macpherson Street Road Upgrade please visit our Major Projects page or contact Pittwater Council on 9970 1111.
West Head WWII Battery and West Head Soldiers Track to the Battery Opening
The Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes will officially unveil the models of the West Head WWII Battery and officially open the West Head Soldiers Track to the Battery within Ku-ring-gai Chase National Parkon Saturday 14 May at 10am. The Battery was constructed to protect Sydney from landing craft entering the Hawkesbury River and Pittwater during WWII.
The track and model project was made possible by the work of dedicated volunteers, including the West Head Awareness Team, 4HResearch Group (History and Heritage, Hunter to Hawkesbury Research), National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) staff and funding support from the NSW Government.
The event is being held at the West Head Lookout, which is at the end of West Head Road. Access to this road is via McCarrs Creek Road, from either Terrey Hills or Church Point. Park use fees of $12 per vehicle apply.
Anyone planning to attend the event should plan to arrive at 9:30am for a 10am start. For more information contact the NPWS Bobbin Head Office on 9472 8940 , or the day the Bobbin Head Information Centre on 9472 8949.
Get your skates on at this year’s Festival on the Green!
April 22, 2016: Ku-ring-gai Council
An ice rink will be the star attraction of Ku-ring-gai Council’s free Festival on St Ives Village Green on Sunday 1 May.
The large outdoor ice rink will be set up in the centre of the Green next to St Ives Shopping Village for festival-goers to try their hand at ice skating. No experience is needed and a 20 minute session on the ice costs just $5 per person, which includes the hire of skates.
The Festival is on Sunday 1 May between 10am and 4pm. Free activities will keep the kids entertained all day, including an animal farm, jumping castles, mini-train rides and Savills circus workshop in a huge colourful tent where children can learn to hoola-hoop, walk on stilts and juggle.
The community will also have the chance to let their imagination run wild at a unique nine-dimensional mobile cinema, with a selection of short films available to view in a virtual reality experience.
This year’s live stage show will have community groups performing musical theatre and drama, as well as vocal groups, bands and dance groups. The headline act will be an adaptation of Peter Pan, taking the audience on a trip to Neverland and the Fairytale Island where all children’s dreams come true. In a new adventure, Peter Pan and Tinkerbell save Neverland from the clutches of Hook and his goofy pirate sidekick.
Other attractions include multicultural food stalls and over 90 market stalls, featuring community groups, art and craft, health and fitness and children's activities.
Mayor Cheryl Szatow said this year’s Festival would appeal to all ages. “It’s a fantastic day out for the family, with new attractions such as the ice rink and Peter Pan sure to please.”
Festival on the Green is proudly presented and coordinated by Ku-ring-gai Council, with major sponsor Crystal Productions, corporate sponsor Savills Cordeau Marshall, event partners St Ives Shopping Village and YMCA and media partners North Shore Times, Vision China Times, North Shore Mums and Northside Radio (99.3FM). For more information, visit or call 9424 0000.
Event details: Festival on the Green
When: Sunday 1 May, 10am – 4pm
Where: St Ives Village Green, Memorial Avenue, St Ives
Cost: Free entry. Ice skating $5 per person per session. Food and drinks on sale at the event. Free shuttle bus to and from Gordon Station.

Third party claims on insurance money: Have Your Say (NSW Govt.)
Review of section 6 of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1946 (NSW)
What's this about?
Pursuant to section 10 of the Law Reform Commission Act 1967, the NSW Law Reform Commission is asked to review and report on section 6 of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1946 (NSW), which provides a mechanism enabling third parties to assert and enforce a statutory charge over insurance moneys payable to an insured person in circumstances where the insured's solvency is in question.
The Commission is asked to consider whether the section should be repealed or amended, and in this context consider whether the policy objectives remain valid and, if so, whether those objectives could be better achieved.
The Law Reform Commission is to have regard to specific items in undertaking this review. Details of those items are available on review's webpage on the Department of Justice website.
On 19 April 2016 the Law Reform Commission released Consultation Paper 17: Third party claims on insurance money: review of s6 of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1946 [PDF, 270kb]. Consultation Paper 17
The consultation paper provides an overview of the law relating to section 6 and sets out a number of options for reform.
Have your say
Submit your feedback by Friday 20 May 2016 via or write to:
NSW Law Reform Commission
GPO Box 31
Sydney NSW 2001
2016 Pittwater Short Story Award
Berkelouw Books invite the creative writers of Pittwater aged 9 and up to enter The Pittwater Short Story Award for 2016.
To be eligible your story needs to be identifiably located in Pittwater and has to incorporate a reference to Mona Vale Road.
There are three categories and three great prizes.
Category 1: Writers 9-12 years of age, Prize: $ 100 Berkelouw Book Voucher, Length: No more than 500 words.
Category 2: Writers 13-16 years of age, Prize: $ 200 Berkelouw Book Voucher, Length: No more than 1000 words
Category 3: Open age group, Prize: $ 300 Berkelouw Book Voucher, Length: No more than 2000 words.
Entries open Tuesday April 26 and close Friday June 3, 2016.
Entries should be submitted in hard copy.
Follow this link for more information and to download the entry form.
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Fundraising Dates2016
May 6: Outside ANZ Bank, Avalon parade, Avalon, 8am to 4pm - Craft, sewing, knitting
May 7: Pittwater Place, Mona Vale, 9am to 3pm Craft, sewing, knitting
May 14: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm
May 20: Mona Vale Hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm
Baking, craft, sewing, knitting
June 3: Stall, Warriewood Square. 9am to 3pm Craft, sewing, knitting
June 4: Pittwater Place, Mona Vale, 9am to 3pm
Craft, sewing knitting
June 11: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm
June 17: Mona Vale Hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm
Baking, craft, sewing, knitting.
Closed areas: Smugglers track
Applies from Mon 11 Jan 2016, 7.00am to Fri 27 May 2016, 4.00pm.
Smugglers track is closed due to track upgrade works. Access to Barrenjoey Head is via the management trail. This closure may be extended and any extension will be posted as soon as possible. Penalties apply for non-compliance. For more information, please contact NPWS Ku-ring-gai Chase area office on (02) 9451 3479 or visit the NSW National Parks safety page for park safety guidelines.
See list of affected locations on park alerts page at:

Palm Beach Ferry Wharf Car Park Too Full Too Often
We have had persistent emails and phone calls from residents regarding the unavailability of parking spaces at Palm Beach (Pittwater Park) car park in recent months.
A report has been forwarded and an article will be run in Issue 255 or 256 once all information has been compiled.
We would appreciate feedback from anyone who has a comment to make regarding this matter in the meantime.
Contact us via email HERE - please make the subject line 'PB Car Park'.
Top and below: 5.30 Friday afternoon March 11, 2016: both car parks at Pittwater Park are full and cars are parked either side of the road leading to car park. Above shows cars doing laps or sitting waiitng for a car park that won't come.

Pet of the Week

For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs.

Pittwater Councils Environment Newsletter - CooeeMay/June 2016
A Compilation of current local Environment News and upcoming Events issued bi-monthly
Where we work Which day What time
Angophora Reserve 3rd Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Avalon Dunes 1st Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Avalon Golf Course 2nd Wednesday 3 - 5:30pm
Careel Creek 4th Saturday 8:30 - 11:30am
Toongari Reserve 3rd Saturday 9 - 12noon (8 - 11am in summer)
Bangalley Headland 2nd Sunday 9 to 12noon
Winnererremy Bay 4th Sunday 9 to 12noon
North Bilgola Beach 3rd Monday 9 - 12noon
Algona Reserve 1st Saturday 9 - 12noon
Plateau Park 1st Friday 8:30 - 11:30am
Church Point
Browns Bay Reserve 1st Tuesday 9 - 12noon
McCarrs Creek Reserve Contact Bushcare Officer To be confirmed
Old Wharf Reserve 3rd Saturday 8 - 11am
Kundibah Reserve 4th Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Mona Vale
Mona Vale Beach Basin 1st Saturday 8 - 11am
Mona Vale Dunes 2nd Saturday+3rd Thursday 8:30 - 11:30am
Bungan Beach 4th Sunday 9 - 12noon
Crescent Reserve 3rd Sunday 9 - 12noon
North Newport Beach 4th Saturday 8:30 - 11:30am
Porter Reserve 2nd Saturday 8 - 11am
North Narrabeen
Irrawong Reserve 3rd Saturday 2 - 5pm
Palm Beach
North Palm Beach Dunes 3rd Saturday 9 - 12noon
Scotland Island
Catherine Park 2nd Sunday 10 - 12:30pm
Elizabeth Park 1st Saturday 9 - 12noon
Pathilda Reserve 3rd Saturday 9 - 12noon
Warriewood Wetlands 1st Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Whale Beach
Norma Park 1st Friday 9 - 12noon
Western Foreshores
Coopers Point, Elvina Bay 2nd Sunday 10 - 1pm
Rocky Point, Elvina Bay 1st Monday 9 - 12noon
Australia to host 2016 Sailing World Cup Final
Friday 29 April 2016
Melbourne is to host the 2016 Sailing World Cup Final from 4-11 December out of the St Kilda Sailing Precinct.
The Sailing World Cup Final will bring together the world's best sailors in the aftermath of the Rio 2016 Sailing Competitions as they seek to end the year on a high heading into the Tokyo 2020 quadrennial.
With a grandstand for sailing like no other, the Sailing World Cup Final in St Kilda Sailing Precinct, made out of the Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron (RMYS), St Kilda Baths, St Kilda Beach and Catani Gardens, will put the sport front and centre of the public.
Racing alongside the St Kilda Pier and beach, a bustling metropolitan atmosphere will ensure a fusion of sport and leisure. Olympic and World Champions will race across the ten Olympic fleets and the 2.4 Norlin One Design in a bid to be crowned 2016 Sailing World Cup Champion and those on-shore will be able to enjoy the show in the race village.
Andy Hunt, World Sailing CEO commented, "Melbourne's sporting heritage is one of the finest in the world. World Sailing are delighted to be taking the centrepiece of the Sailing World Cup to the Australian city.
"Following Rio 2016, sailing will have a new crop of heroes. Welcoming them to the 2016 Sailing World Cup Final will be the start of inspiring the next generation of sailing talent. St Kilda's thriving foreshore, Melbourne's famous breeze and the organising authorities exceptional track record of event delivery will enable World Sailing to showcase Olympic sailing and our athletes to the wider public.”
Event Chairman, Mark Klemens said, "Last year's World Cup held in the vibrant and cosmopolitan St Kilda sailing precinct proved itself to be an outstanding location to compete and experience. I am delighted to be Chairman of this year event and so delighted we have been chosen as the venue for the finals particularly in an Olympic year. I promise to all, a magnificently staged event with Melbourne as its back drop. I promise to competitors and spectators alike a memorable week of the highest competition on the perfect waters of Port Philip. I encourage all the finalists to come to Melbourne and experience something special."
The 2016 Sailing World Cup Final will be the climax of a yearlong series. The first event took place in Melbourne before a stop in Miami, USA at the end of January. Two stops in Europe in Hyères, France and Weymouth & Portland, Great Britain lead into Sailing World Cup Qingdao in September before December's showcase.
The St Kilda Sailing Precinct and the Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron have welcomed Olympic sailors before, playing host to the Melbourne 1956 Olympic Sailing Competition. The legacy of the Olympiad remains and the stars who won medals on Melbourne waters then, Paul Elvstrom (DEN) and Durward Knowles (BAH) to name but a few, remain household names now.
The Rio 2016 heroes are to be crowned in just 98 days' time and the new breed of heroes will follow in the legends footsteps on the waters they became king at the 2016 Sailing World Cup Final.
By Daniel Smith, World Sailing
Sailing World Cup
The Sailing World Cup is a World-class, annual series of Olympic sailing for elite and professional sailors. It is open to the sailing classes chosen for the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Sailing Competitions in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The series moves around the world to be as inclusive as possible to the top 40 boats in each class. Over 2,000 of the World's leading sailors, representing over 75 nations compete in the Sailing World Cup which offers a definitive guide to the best-of-the-best in the Olympic sailing world.
2016 Sailing World Cup
Melbourne - 7-13 December 2015
Miami – 23-30 January 2016
Hyères – 25 April – 1 May 2016
Weymouth and Portland – 6-12 June 2016
Qingdao – 19 - 25 September
Sailing World Cup Final, Melbourne - 4 - 11 December 2016
About World Sailing
World Sailing is the world governing body for the sport of sailing.
World Sailing is made up of 141 Member National Authorities (MNAs), who are its principal members, and responsible for the decision making process that governs the sailing world.
There are currently more than 100 World Sailing classes, ranging from the small dinghy classes for young people up to 60 foot ocean racers.
Independent review of liquor law reforms
The Deputy Premier has appointed the Hon. Ian Callinan AC QC to chair an independent, evidence-based review of the effectiveness of the 1.30am lockouts, 3am last drinks, 10pm take-away liquor laws and the periodic licence fee system.
Mr Callinan is a retired Justice of the High Court of Australia with experience conducting complex inquiries across a range of issues affecting the community.
The review will consider the impact of the 1.30am lock out and 3am last drinks laws on alcohol-related violence and other harms, on businesses and their patrons, and on the community.
The review will consider the impacts of the state-wide 10pm restriction on take-away liquor sales and the periodic licence fee system.
The review will also be informed by data from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research relating to alcohol-related violence and anti-social behaviour, and information provided by community and business stakeholders.
A review report will be submitted to the government in August 2016.
Have your say
The release of an issues paper and a call for formal submissions will occur shortly, however in the meantime you can send your feedback on the 1.30am lock out, 3am last drinks, 10pm take away liquor restrictions and periodic licence fee system via email
Submit your feedback by 31 July 2016 via post to:
Liquor Law Review Team, GPO Box 7060, Sydney NSW 2001
Formal Submission: Date: Feb. 11 - Jul. 31, 2016
More Information:
02 9995 0300

Seniors Toy Repair Group needs your help
Volunteers are sought to help out on Wednesday mornings (7.30am to midday) at the group's workshed in Ingleside. Volunteers need their own transport and be willing to sort and clean toys that are picked up at different collection points on the Northern Beaches.
Prospective volunteers can email Mary Kitchen to arrange a visit to the workshed. To arrange a donation pickup please call Terry Cook on 0410 597 327 or email him. Find out more about this great community group HERE
2016 Community Heritage Grants Open
8 March, 2016
Grants of up to $15,000 are available to community groups around the country to help preserve and manage locally held, nationally significant cultural heritage collections of documents and objects for future generations. Eligible projects include significance assessments, preservation needs assessments, conservation activities and collection management.
The National Library manages the Community Heritage Grants Program—which is funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Communication and the Arts—with the National Archives of Australia, the National Film and Sound Archive and the National Museum of Australia.
The Director-General of the National Library of Australia, Ms Anne-Marie Schwirtlich AM, said the program, which began in 1994, had provided more than $5.7 million for a total of 1,192 projects around Australia—from cities to the remotest of regions.
‘We invite everyone from historical societies, museums, libraries, Indigenous groups, migrant community groups—everyone who believes they have a special collection in their local community, to apply for this year’s CHG,’ Ms Schwirtlich said. ‘Through these grants, you will receive expert guidance to assess the significance of such collections and financial help to carry out the work required to preserve and document them.’
First-time recipients are invited to Canberra to receive their grant and enhance their skills through the expertise of institutions like the National Library—and take that knowledge back to their communities.
Applications, which should be submitted online, close on Monday 9 May 2016.

Gone Fishing Gallery at Waterfront Store Church Point
Open again TODAY in the top room Waterfront Store. Open mainly weekends as an addition to the waterfront cafe. Keep up to date on their Facebook page
Help to Build Barrenjoey High School's Future
BHS are now in full swing with their latest fundraising project which is the building of The Barrenjoey Community Performance Space!Designed by renowned local architect Richard Cole - this acoustically designed purpose built space will seat an audience of 200, and will play host to many Community and School performing arts programs such as dance, drama, musical concerts, film nights, lectures and so much more!
BHS need your support Community! If you think you can help, please call Barrenjoey High School 02 99188811 or visit their website Or leave a message here and we'll get in touch! Below; external front of the Barrenjoey Community Performance Space - end of phase 3 – completion

The NSW Government Gazette
The New South Wales Government Gazette is the official channel for the circulation of Proclamations, Regulations, Government Notices, Private Legal Advertisements andther matters required to be published in the Government Gazette under the Statutes of New South Wales Government. The NSW Government Gazette contains: New South Wales Legislation, Notices (public and official announcements), and Official Government Notices from the New South Wales Government and Local Government Agencies, Cities and Shires. The NSW Government Gazette is available online on theN.S.W. Government website from 2pm each Friday.
The purpose of - is best defined by the vision of the West Pittwater Community Association.
To be a supportive community, encouraging and promoting civic pride, interest in community affairs and goodwill amongst residents.
To protect local fauna and flora and generally preserve West Pittwater and its environs.
To secure essential facilities including public wharves and reserves and to protect private and public property.
To speak with one voice and represent the interests of the Western Foreshore community when in discussion with Pittwater Council and other relevant government bodies. The WPCA website provides a forum for the better realisation of these objectives. Visit: