November 22 - 28, 2015: Issue 241
Early Pittwater Paddlers, Oarsmen, Rowers and Scullers: The Green Family

Pittwater Basin, New South Wales - by Charles Bayliss circa 188?, Image No.: PIC/11549/1-60 LOC PIC Album 85, courtesy National Library of Australia.
Early Pittwater Paddlers, Oarsmen, Rowers and Scullers:
The Green Family
At Bayview Pittwater Outriggers, Pittwater Dragon Boat Club and Bei Loon members gather to do regular rowing training. Events such as the NBI Pittwater Paddle, the Lion Island Challenge and the Sydney Northern Beaches support of the Surf Boat Premiership each year are also bringing forward a tradition as old as people going to sea itself.
In Careel Bay, Clareville and Bayview some of these early rowers, all from families who also rowed and were boatbuilders, fishermen and sailors, bridged the gap between the early boatmen, who would supplement their incomes as 'boatmen' by racing.
George Mulhull, in being called the “first Australian Champion’, in the field of rowing when this was used by Sydney Harbour watermen to eke out a living through races that grew and grew in popularity, would be an early Pittwater Rower who succeeded in the sport aspect.
Some of these purses were large, enabled the ‘rowers’ to purchase property and hotels and have a good life, although threaded through many of these ‘lives’, is a tendency to be overly generous in building edifices or supporting causes so much so that fortunes won were also squandered and those who had once been lauded and applauded needed to be looked after as time wore on.
Most had a wonderful passion for their new country and the opportunities it provided.
From the same generation as the Mulhull's, and a family who raced against him, and with a connection to the same place, are the Greens. They are also where some of the first 'four -oared' races, with coxswain, in whale boats, alike our contemporary surf boats, are first read about - certainly these whalers were raced prior to this - but there are a few unique threads to this early Greenwich, Mossmans Bay, Milsom's Point and Pittwater family.
‘Long lived’ could be an epigram for the Green family – boatbuilders and rowers, the lifestyle of the saltwater developers of early races and racers, seemed to mean they would have long and fruitful lives. Born on July 25, 1810 in St Giles, Camberwell, England the son of Amaziah John Green and Mary Ann Chappel.
George Green at the age of 12 was not the first of the Green family to arrive in Australia. His father Amaziah’s sister, Charlotte Green was sentenced to penal service and came to Australia aboard the H.M.S. “Glatton” in 1803. On board she met prisoner Thomas Hyndes who she later married at St. Phillip’s, Sydney, they were wed by Rev. Samuel Marsden in 1806. They were both granted a full pardon by Governor Macquarie, Thomas in 1812 and Charlotte in 1814. Thomas acquired land and became a timber merchant setting up a timber yard and mill in Sussex Street. Being well established and childless, Charlotte wrote her brother Amaziah in England who now had five children to send out his son George and they would become his guardian, help and care for him and get him an apprenticeship.
Amaziah petitioned the Secretary of State, the Right Hon. Lord Bathurst to send his son George aged 12 and his brother James Green aged 37 years to settle in Sydney with Thomas and Charlotte Hyndes. This came to pass and they sailed on the “Eliza” in July 1822 as seamen. The voyage took 125 days arriving in Port Jackson on 22nd November, 1822. True to his word Thomas found George an apprenticeship with a boat builder and his uncle James Green was appointed overseer of one of Thomas’ timber properties.
Bob Chapman, a relative of George's, advises: 'George Green was apprenticed to boat builder Thomas Day (ie probably some connection with Day Street down that part of Sydney in earlier times). No doubt the connection to Thomas Day would have been through his uncle (and sponsor) Thomas Hyndes.'
On 19 Apr 1830 at St Phillip's Sydney NSW, aged 20 years George married Maria Bates with his guardians’ consent. The ceremony was performed by William Cowper.
George and Maria had eleven children, George Amaziah Green (1830–1906), Mary Ann Maria Green (1832– ), Henry Thomas Green (1834–1909 ), Richard Augustus Willoughby "Dick" Green (1836–1921), Robert Green (1838–1867 ) James Absolom Green (1840– 1912), Agnes Martha Green (1842– ), Sarah Alice Green (1844–1928 )Charlotte Lydia Green (1847– 1918), William Charles Green (1849– )Charles John Green (1852– 1919)
Five of George’s sons followed boat building careers and all were accomplished rowers and sailors. George had other business interests in farming, hotels and land development in NZ. He died in 1872 in New Zealand. Maria died in 1896.
POLICE INCIDENTS. George Green, who is apprenticed to a boatbuilder, in Sydney, was charged by his employer, with telling him to "hold his jaw" - threatening to “drive his head off," and divers other matters of a like important and weighty nature. A female assigned servant deposed that the defendant used certain violent language calculated to disturb the peace of our Sovereign Lord the King, and put himself in a fighting attitude towards his master, and the better to illustrate her observations, assumed a position a la Cribb, greatly to the amusement of the spectators. The allegations not being fully proved, His Worship dismissed the case. Police Incidents. (1830, August 17). The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), p. 3. Retrieved from
BOATS FOUND. FOUND, off Nelson's Point, a WHALE-BOAT, much the worse for wear, having part of her starboard gunwale stove in and her stem off; also a WOOD-BOAT, having on her stern a board with the name, George Green. The owners may have them, by paying expenses, on application to Patric Connell, at Mr. Cunningham's, boatbuilder, George-street. Classified Advertising. (1832, June 26). The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), p. 3. Retrieved from
Maria's father, Thomas Bates was a transported convict, her mother, Ann Griffin, the daughter of a soldier. She was born in Hobart Tasmania in 1808, only 19 when she married George in 1830, and her father may have been the boatbuilder to whom George was apprenticed:
An inquest was taken at the Brick- layer's Arms, Market-street, on Thursday last, on the body of an aboriginal native, named Maapple, who was deliberately put to death on the previous evening, at the southern gate of the Domain, opposite the Roman Catholic Chapel, by two other natives, named Quart Pot and Numbo. It appeared from the testimony of an assigned servant of Mr. Macdonald, of the Globe Tavern, Castlereagh-street, that on the evening in question, the two prisoners led the deceased into the Domain, and then deliberately killed him. Quart Pot felling him to the ground with his yarrowee or waddie, and Numbo, jumping on the body as it lay on the ground. The prisoners then, with a female native, danced round the corpse, exhibiting their customary gesticulations. Another native, named Moses, had been taken into custody on suspicion of being implicated in the deed, but there being no evidence to incriminate him he was liberated, and his evidence was taken through the sworn interpretation of Mr. Thomas Bates, a boatbuilder, residing in Kent-street. Moses stated that he was aware of the circumstances of the deceased having been killed by the prisoners, though he was not accessory either before or at the fact. A surgeon examined the body, and proved that the deceased had received two mortal blows on the head, both of which had extensively fractured the skull, leaving considerable portions of it indented and resting on the surface of the brain. The Jury returned a verdict of "Wilful murder against Quart Pot and Numbo," and the Coroner issued his warrant for their commitment to gaol, for trial before the Supreme Court.
We by no means agree with the result of this verdict. We believe the Supreme Court has already decided, that natives of the colony, living in a savage state, cannot be held amenable to the laws of civilised society, for acts, however atrocious, committed among themselves. They have customs and regulations, by which the Government of their own rude circle is guided ; and until their civilization is effected, we have no right to impose upon them laws, which they neither reverence, nor understand. When the natives commit hostile acts upon our community, the case is widely different ; we have no appeal for justice to their tribunals, and our Courts are, of necessity, applied to, for punishment of their delinquency. But the extreme punishment is seldom re-sorted to, even in this event, except in cases of murder, where the laws of God and man unite in the common declaration, that "who so sheddeth man's blood, by man also shall his blood be shed." In any other respect, the rendering men in a state of savage barbarity liable to the visitation of laws expressly framed for a more enlightened state, is unjust in the extreme ; and we feel satisfied, that our Law Officers of the Crown, acting as well upon the ex-pressed opinion of the Supreme Court, as on the dictates of common justice, will refer to the tribes to which these men belong, the penalty they may feel disposed to award for the slaying of Maaple, who, for aught we know to the contrary, may have been summarily disposed of for an infringement of some sanguinary custom recognised by the sable race to which they belong, and upon which our Courts have certainly no right to abjudicate. EXTRAORDINARY INQUEST. (1834, January 4). The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), p. 2. Retrieved from
When George had been in Australia for 12 years he sent for his parents who arrived at the same time he applied for land near what is now called 'Greenwich' - he was unsuccessful in gaining this land but his father did - the family also had 40 acres at Great Mackeral:
James Kirby’s father was a marine with the First Fleet. On 9 March 1831, aged 34, he petitioned Governor Ralph Darling for a grant of land, saying that he was the only support of his 63 year old mother; he possessed 20 head of cattle but no land for their pasture. He selected land at Great Mackerel Beach and received his grant of 40 acres on 18 October 1831. [LTO Vol.1163 Fol.47] On 16 April 1832 James Kirby of York Street, mariner, conveyed the land to George Green of Sussex Street, shipwright, for £9. [LTO Book E No.9] It was sold to James Marks on 16 March 1836. [LTO Book K No.124] - PROFILES OF THE PIONEERS IN MANLY, WARRINGAH AND PITTWATER by Shelagh Champion, OAM, B.A.(Lib.Sc.) and George Champion, OAM, Dip.Ed.Admin. 1996
15. Cumberland, 5 acres, parish of Willoughby, at Ball's Head Bay ; bounded on the north by the reserve at Gore's Wharf; on the east by Ball's Head Bay. Applied for by George Green. Price 10s. per acre. Classified Advertising. (1834, June 21). The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), p. 4. Retrieved from
SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS. From Portsmouth, on Thursday last, having sailed from thence the 9th of Feb., the ship Minerva, Captain Robertson, with merchandize. Passengers.-Mr. Amaziah Green, Mrs. Green, Mary, Sarah, Charlotte, and Thomas Green, Mr. Coster, and Mariah Coster. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. (1834, June 23). The Sydney Herald (NSW : 1831 - 1842), p. 2. Retrieved from
Unfortunately Mr. Green senior passed away soon after arriving:
In the Goods of Amaziah Green, LATE OF SYDNEY, DECEASED. ADMINISTRATION of the Goods of the late AMAZIAH GREEN having been granted to the undersigned, all persons having any claims upon the Estate; are requested to send the same for settlement, and all persons indebted to the Estate are requested to pay the amount of their respective debts, to the undersigned, at the Counting-house of Messrs Costin and Green, Pitt-street, Sydney. G. GREEN. Sydney, March 18, 1839 Advertising. (1839, March 20).The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (NSW : 1838 - 1841), p. 2 Edition: MORNING. Retrieved from
George Green was also a rower in races, some with purses of 20 pounds or more, a fortune for whoever won if their original stake was only one tenth of that prize. He was an early member of Anniversary Day Committees and also in among the early residents who put Pyrmont Regattas together to celebrate the birthday of Queen Victoria.
SAILING MATCH.-On Monday, a boat race for £5, came off between a boat of Green's, the boatbuilder, and Ferriers. The distance from a boat moored off Soldier's Point, Darling Harbour, round the Sow and Pigs and back, which was won by Green's boat, having only six minutes to spare. MR. ROGER THERRY. (1835, November 19). The Sydney Herald (NSW : 1831 - 1842), p. 3. Retrieved from
Some of the animosity between these racing teams may be intimated, as well as the then prevalent English-Irish animosities, in this item of winners crowing and losers fuming - and some of the fire in the bellies of the Green family and their associates through sport or marriage:
A Regatta took place on Saturday last, Saint Patrick’s Day. The prizes were of more value than those usually given in Sydney, being two handsome silver cups, and a new skiff. The day was remarkably fine, and there were great numbers of persons on the shore, but being Saturday there were not so many as we have seen on former occasions, but the steamers Australia and Rapid were plying about the harbour, crowded with well dressed company.
The first race was between whale boats, for a silver cup, the second boat to receive £5 For this prize there were five boats entered. Thefirst boat was Mr. Howard's Paul Pry, and the second Mr. Jenkins's James Stewart.
The second race was between sailing-boats of all classes, for a handsome silver cup and cover. Eighteen boats started for this race, which was beautifully contested. Mr. Wealand's Ariel came in first, Mr. Green's Victoria second, and Mr. Jenkins' Mary Ann third.
The third and last race was between licensed watermen, in boats usually plied at the stairs ;prize, a new skiff. Four boats entered for this which, which was won by Sutton and King, in the Flying Fish. The victors in this race are the oldest men at the stairs, both of them upwards of sixty years of age. We understand that it is intended to form a Regatta Club immediately. THE REGATTA. (1838, March 19). The Sydney Herald (NSW : 1831 - 1842), p. 2. Retrieved from
ST. PATRICK's DAY:--Andrew Melville, and James Henry Harding were charged with assaulting Mr George Green of the North Shore, boat-builder. Mr. Green deposed, that on Saturday evening he was in Kent-street, and saw the prisoners and their brothers about to strike Mr. John Stewart, his brother in law. Stewart being a very little man, witness interfered in his behalf and was knocked down, by two persons striking him on the head. While down he was kicked by Harding. He added, that he subsequently ascertained that the reason why Stewart had been set upon, was upon account of a man named Redgraves having been knocked down by the defendants and rendered senseless. Stewart seeing him in this state, observed, that whoever had served the man so, was a coward and a scoundrel. The prisoners and their brothers then remarked, they would serve any one in the same way who took Redgrave’s' part. Stewart repeated the observation, and the brothers were about to strike him, when witness interfered. The previous evidence was corroborated by Stewart and James Bates, both brothers in law of Green, "the prisoners endeavoured to show that the assault originated in what they called an " burra row an Irishman's fight, where every one was fighting his own way."'
They asserted that they formed part of the crew of the whale boat Paul Pry, belonging to Mr. Howard, and which boat won the cup at the Regatta. After the boats came in, the crews of two other boats, among whom was Redgrave, jumped into the Paul Pry and assaulted them and tore down their colours. In the evening the crew of the winning boat met with some of the family of Mr. Howard, and among them Green, Stewart, and Bates. While they were amicably employed discussing the merit of the various boats and of the grog before them, Redgraves, accompanied by a mob arrived, defendants went out of the house and were immediately assaulted, it was then Redgraves was knocked down. They also attempted to prove that previously to Green having been assaulted, he had struck the defendants. They called three witnesses in support of their version of the story. These witnesses appeared to know nothing of the transaction which occurred outside the house; they merely proved their having seen Stewart (the little man previously mentioned) mounted on a table inside the house, and challenging the Melvilles and Hardings to fight him. One of the witnesses described Stewart’s mode of challenge to be similar to the war of savage nations. The evidence against Harding being slight, the Bench discharged him. Melville was fined twenty shillings, which he paid. He subsequently applied to the Bench to have a charge of assault preferred by him against the other party, gone into. He was desired to make affidavit of the facts. POLICE. (1838, March 21). The Sydney Monitor (NSW : 1828 - 1838), p. 2 Edition: EVENING. Retrieved from
Despite giving the gentleman who made him a boatbuilder and shipwright the sharp edge of his then 19-20 year old tongue. George Green had little sympathy for thos who wished to leave his employment prior to their indenture being served. This is one of two incidents we find among old records:
A case of considerable importance came before Messrs. Windeyer and Brenan on Saturday. A young man named Mackintosh, was brought up by warrant, charged by Mr. Green, the boatbuilder, with absconding from his indented service. The defendant was apprenticed to MrGreen, and about two years before the expiration of his indentures left the Colony and went to Launceston, where he has been working at his trade. He has lately returned to the Colony, thinking that as he was of age, he could not be troubled. In this he was mistaken, for by an Act of Parliament passed in the early part of the reign of George III, an apprentice who absconds if taken within seven years, is to be compelled to serve the time he has been absent, or to make compensation to the master for the loss occasioned by his absence, and in the event of refusing to do either, he can be sent to the House of Correction for different periods of three months, until he complies with the order of the Court. Under this statute Mr. Green applied to the Bench and a warrant was granted, Mr. Green claimed £ 100 in compensation, or offered to take the defendant into his service for the two years. The defendant offered £25, and their worships were called upon to decide what was is proper remuneration. At the suggestion of Mr Green, the matter was referred to Messrs Day and Farris, and the case was postponed for a fortnight for their award to be made. DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. (1838, April 9). The Sydney Herald (NSW : 1831 - 1842), p. 2. Retrieved from
GEORGE GREEN, SHIPWRIGHT AND BOATBUILDER . BALLS HEAD, NORTH SHORE, SYDNEY, BEGS leave most respectfully to return thanks to his Patrons, his Friends, and the Public, for the liberal patronage he has received at their hands for the eight years last past, and to inform them that he is now conducting business on a far more extended scale than heretofore. They can be supplied with WHALE BOATS at the same price, as charged by other builders, which has not hitherto been the case.'
A SUPPLY ALWAYS ON HAND, AND ORDERS COMPLETED WITH THE UTMOST DISPATCH. The " MAID of AUSTRALIA"' sailing boat for sale; this clipper was a few days since offered to be backed against Mr, Wealand's " Ariel," but it was declined on the ground that he wished to dispose of his own boat, Mr. GREEN is anxious to make a match with any First or Second Class Boats. And any parties wishing to have boats built for the ensuing season, should call upon Mr. G., and they will find that every satisfaction can and will be given. What Mr. G. has already turned out of hand he leaves to speak for themselves. Balls Head; July 6, 1838. Advertising. (1838, July 13). The Sydney Monitor (NSW : 1828 - 1838), p. 3 Edition: MORNING. Retrieved from
This item is interesting as it lists many of the shipwright/boatbuilders of this time and perhaps even inkles some of the competition or opinions of each other's 'work' and also may indicate why it is so difficult for early boatbuilders to stay out of the bankruptcy court - how do you get paid for works already done?:
THRUM v. McMILLAN —This was an action for work and labour in repairing a boat for defendant, and materials found, to the value of £58.Wm. Simpkins, deposed that the boat was lengthened and deepened ; was at the finishing of the alterations, and is of opinion the value of such alterations and repairs to be about £60. She is a large boat; soft white cedar, was not proper to lengthen the boat, but did not know of any having been used in this instance. William Jenkins, boatbuilder, deposed to the same effect with the last witness, and that the work was done in a mechanical manner, and valued it at £50 ; the usual woods were used, white cedar had been lately substituted for red cedar. Charles Barnes, boatbuilder, gave similar testimony to the two last witnesses as to the work and value the same at between £50 and £60.Witness was never apprenticed to any person, but worked with Thrum and his partner. Mr. Foster for the defendant addressed the Court at some length and maintained that the work had not been performed with proper materials, or in a workman-like manner, and said that white cedar was the most unfit kind of wood. That red gum should have been used, and that the boat had actually been useless since the alterations. Thomas Griffiths, Waterman, deposed that defendant gave witness charge of the boat in question about 8 or 9 Tons. That defendant had employed plaintiff to lengthen her for the coasting trade. That witness saw the work and as it was going on and objected to the work the materials ; plaintiff said what was bad should be taken, the agreement was, that hard wood should be used ; such as had been used at both ends ; there were two surveys taken of the boat, and she was declared not seaworthy on both occasions ; she made twelve inches of water in 24 hours without ballast. The repairs done her more harm than good ; she had not been of the least service since ; no property could safely be put on board her, since the alterations. Michael M'Guire, deposed that he saw the said boat going ashore and sent Griffiths word, who in about 15 minutes arrived, she went against the rocks about four times before she reached the shore. Plaintiff was aware that the boat was intended for the coasting trade. Mr. George Green, Shipwright and Boat Builder, deposed that he surveyed the said boat, and was of opinion the work had not been done in work-like manner ; inspected the Bill for alterations, and thought it should be reduced £18, leaving a balance of £40 ; white cedar was not fit for a coasting trade boat; would not send the boat out in her then condition to carry grain on the coasting trade. Witness would not send her outside the Heads ; did witness make the repairs and alterations which had been made by plaintiff, knowing that she was intended for the coast trade, he ought to have paid the original value of the boat instead of receiving any compensation, she might fetch peaches from Concord. Mr. James Munn, Ship Builder for 45 years deposed that he held a survey on said boat, the Mary Ann. The work was not done in a work-manlike manner, and the wood used was partly unfit; would not like to send her outside the Heads with any cargo ; she could with proper materials have been made to answer for the coasting trade. Had witness done such work he would have done no benefit to the owner; saw no damage from her running ashore. Mr. Broadburst, in a short and able speech, addressed the Court on behalf of the plaintiff—after which. His Honor summed up, and read the particular parts of the evidence, and then left it to the assesors to use their judgment, (from all the facts of the case) and return their verdict accordingly ; Verdict for the defendant. FRIDAY, JUNE 18. (1840, June 22). The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (NSW : 1838 - 1841), p. 5 Edition: MORNING. Retrieved from
George Green subdivided his growing holdings at Greenwich, naming the surrounding streets after his sons: George, Henry, Richard, Robert and James. The allotments did not sell well however, and four months later only 22 blocks had been sold. This advertisement was the first mention of the name 'Greenwich' and also describes Greenwich House - which still stands today:
To be sold by public auction, on the 25th day of September, 1840. The Marine Estate of "GREENWICH," forming an important portion of that beautiful neck of land at Gore's Bay, immediately opposite to the estate of the fosinrable Alexander Plerry, together with a genteel stone-built residence, and an improving orchard and garden of four acres.
MR. STUBIBS is instructed by the proprietor, Mr. George Green, shipwright and boatbuilder, (who is about leaving the colony for New Zealand,) to sell by public auction, at his Auction Mart, tomorrow, the 25th day of September. 1840, at Twelve o'clock precisely, without reserve, T HE whole of the above ESTATE, which has been divided into eighty allotments to suit respectable citizens and mechanics, but more especially for shipwrights, &c.
Greenwich is situate on the North Shore, about a mile west from the town of St. Leonards, in Gore's Bay, and opposite to the extensive domain of the Honorable Alexander Berry ; it possesses deep water frontage to the latter as well as to the outer waters of Port Jackson leading up to the Parramatta River, averaging from three to five fathoms. Ships can lay along-side with the utmost security and it is impossible to improve upon the selection of a situation more favourable for the establishment of ship-yards and heaving-down places, &c.
The estate is further bounded on the west by the high-road leading to Parramatta, and on the east by the property of Mr. W. Roberts. It contains an area of about twenty acres, and on the opposite side of the road are the adjoining suburban lands of Mr. Francis Mitchell, and Mr. Lee.
The domestic part of the estate is described thus :
The house is built of freestone of the best quality, the dimensions of which cover a surface of thirty-six feet in length by twenty-six feet In breadth ; the internal accommodation comprises a full suite of rooms, distinguished by the proprietor as one drawing room, one dining room, one parlour, and three bed-rooms, with a very comfortable kitchen detached.
There is also a well of excellent water, and a neat little garden-besides which, an orchard has been founded at considerable expense, consisting principally of oranges, and other choice fruits, preferable for market and table, the whole surrounded by a fence.
The business part of the premises consists of two large boat sheds, conveniently erected, and built expressly for carrying on the art of boat building on an extensive scale. Separated from the contamination of the town, artszans and labourers at Greenwich are regular in attendance to their work; ship owners, therefore, (especially whalers) would
be consulting their best interests by becoming the purchasers of these allotments; upon which there is also erected a foreman's house, stone built, eighteen by twelve, and a slab house for journeymen. There are other buildings upon the property, including a school house, and a tenement let to two sober ballastmen at five shillings per week.
Whilst this estate cannot boast of its handsome hospital or park, it certainly stands in point of comparison with its veteran prototype for the healthiness of its situation, and the romantic beauty of its views. The latter, partaking of the scenery of the lakes, present landscapes innumerable, and the mountain cottage lurking divinely amidst their shy retreats upon all sides, produce a very pretty effect. The title is freehold, and the terms will be liberal. 2945 Advertising. (1840, September 24). Australasian Chronicle(Sydney, NSW : 1839 - 1843), p. 4. Retrieved from
The Green property at 'Greenwich' was not sold in total - son Richard lived there until his passing away in 1921. The above description describing the 'house'
Greenwich House, George Street Greenwich, Sydney
Greenwich House—a two-storey Georgian home made from sandstone blocks—was built on the 20-acre (8.1 ha) estate of George Green in 1836 and still stands on the corner of George and St Lawrence Streets. The house was eventually sold, by the mortgage holders, to Gother Kerr Mann in the early 1850s, and remained in that family until 1949. Photo courtesy Sardaka September 2012 – via Wikipedia
We are requested by Mr George Green, boatbuilder, to state that parties desirous of accepting his challenge with the boat' Friendship,' must do so 'prior to Wednesday, two o'clock p. m, as the owner of the boat (Mr Milsom), purposes employing it in the usual trade. WOOL MARKETS. (1841, February 9). The Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848), p. 3. Retrieved from
George Green in protest about one of the races, lets thieves know about valuable pieces worth stealing, which neighbouring 'convicts' are later found guilty of - this also allows us a small insight on how his plans to expand were supported by winning races:
To the Editor of the Australian. Sir — Permit me, through the medium of your popular journal, to express my dis-satisfaction at the treatment I received at the last Regatta.
I had entered my boat, the Queen Victoria, agreeable to the regulations, and paid the necessary entrance in the first and second class sailing matches. On the firing of the first gun in the first class race, I brought my boat to the warp, but was not successful in getting my station at the first trial; and before I could get up to the warp a second time, the boats, seven in number, were started without a gun, and contrary to the regulations. I proceeded after the rest, and soon placed myself third boat; but from the heavy sea and the smallness of my boat, I was obliged to stand in under the lee of Bradley Head to reef. Myself and three others were the only boats who dared to face the sea that was running at the Sow and Pigs ; consequently I was fourth boat in, and found, on my arrival, that although the printed regulations stated that the second class sailing race was not to start for a quarter of an hour after the first class, yet they had been started by Mr. Watson and others, who had no authority from the Committee for that purpose, but without coming to the warp, or firing a gun, and against the wishes and without the sanction of the other umpire. Having no doubt of winning, I started, and at Bradley’s Head was but a short distance from the winning boat, when a sudden squall of wind came on while I was to windward of Shark Island, the winning boats were able to run free; but had I had two minutes more, I could have rounded the island, and the race would have been mine. I therefore consider myself not only unfairly used in the first race, in not having had a fair start, but actually robbed of the last. It is well known that my boat has already won two silver cups— one first class prize on 17th March, 1838, beating sixteen first class boats; and one second class cup, and seven other prizes. She also lost her race in endeavouring to save the lives or Mr Cavendish and his sister but went and won the second class prize with only two of her crew, the rest returning on shore endeavoring restore Mr and Miss Cavendish.-Her sailing qualities were therefore unfortunately too well known; and the treatment I received in these two races, oblige me to appeal to a judicious public, and more particularly to those whose munificently contributed towards the Regatta funds, as to whether such treatment was either honourable or gentlemanly, or such as would induce any disinterested persons to countenance and support the Regatta for the further. I have the honour to be, Mr Editor, Your most obedient Servant, GEO. AMAZIAH GREEN. Greenwich, Jan. 28, 1842. ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE. (1842, February 3). The Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848), p. 4. Retrieved from
CHALLENGE - IT having been reported that the new boat ROVER was kept from running in the last Regatta, because it was found that she would not sail, I beg, therefore, to offer to run the Rover against any second-class boat, for any sum that may be agreed on, not less than £20. N.B. Apply to George Green, North Shore. January 30th 1843. Advertising. (1843, January 31). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from
THE ELECTION RIOTS.-Mr. George Green, boatbuilder, of Balmain, was brought before Thomas Sterling, Esq., J.P., at the police-office, on Thursday last, upon the charge of having excited and encouraged a mob of disorderly persons to the commission of a breach of the peace on the forenoon of the Thursday preceding. The evidence- adduced on the behalf of the prosecution was to the following effects Mr. John Pearce, inspector of city police, deposed that be saw the defendant come upon the racecourse at about half past eleven on the morning of Thursday, the 16th instant, followed by a mob of disorderly persons, by whom a disturbance was immediately commenced, and a number of persons struck, Mr. B. Smith, of Pitt-street, gave evidence to a similar effect, and stated positively that he had seen the defendant and several others in the act of exciting and cheering on the mob, by whom several persons, whom he knew by their accent to be Irish, were beaten; but it appeared from this witness, as well as from all the others examined during the progress of this case, that the defendant did not at anytime carry a stick in his hand, although at one period of the day he carried one of Messrs. Wentworth and Bland’s flags. Serjeant Adams, of the city police, corroborated the testimony of the two former witnesses as to the leading part which the defendant had borne in the first affray upon the racecourse. This closed the case for the prosecution, and the further examination of the defendant was adjourned till the following day, in order that he might have an opportunity of calling witnesses in defence. It was accordingly called on again yesterday afternoon previous to the summons last being gone into, when two witnesses (Messrs. Joseph Simes and Patrick Byrnes) were severally called on, and testified as to their having seen the defendant endeavour rather to prevent then to create hostilities during the progress of the affray upon the racecourse alluded to by the witnesses for the prosecution.. Mr. G. R. Nichols, by whom the defence had been conducted, stated his readiness to call several other witnesses if deemed necessary by the bench, but Mr. Sterling, who presided on this occasion as he had done on the previous day, directed the defendant to be discharged without entering into his defence any further.THURSDAY, JUNE 22. (1843, June 24). Australasian Chronicle(Sydney, NSW : 1839 - 1843), p. 2. Retrieved from
Like many a successful waterman, Mr. Green went into the hotel business or a little while until 'business' and apparent losses caused him to relinquish this:
Transfer of Licences - The Sarcen's Head, Sussex and King streets, from Joseph Smith to George Green. BIRTH OF A PRINCESS. (1843, September 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
The Saracen's Head, Sussex and King streets, from George Green to Philip Joshua Cohen. LICENSED VICTUALLERS. (1844, July 8). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
George Green was also a man with backbone in other ways, and would forfeit a 'prize' in order to save a life - one of several incidents where he put people before dollars - it should also be noted that the 'sons' referred to in the boat during this incident were eldest boys George A and Richard, who would later go on to try and develop lifeboats - further on that below:
A Coroner's inquest was held yesterday afternoon, at the Blue Bell public-house, Erskine-street, on the body of Mr. John Robert Batten, one of the unfortunate gentle-men who were drowned on the previous day, by the upsetting of the sailing yacht Breeze. From the evidence adduced during the investigation, the following appeared to be the circumstances of the case :-A party, consisting of the deceased, Mr. Curtis, of the Union Bank, (also drowned), Mr. Fowles, (the owner of the yacht,) and Mr. Goddard, of Pyrmont, left Darling Harbour at four o'clock in the afternoon of Wednesday, for the purpose of going down the harbour to witness a sailing match, which came off that day between the Corsair and the Dodger: and although a pretty strong westerly wind was blowing, everything for some time went off very well ;on running up the harbour, however, the weather became more squally, and it was judged prudent to take in a reef before proceeding ; this was immediately off Taylor's Bay, a little below Bradley's Head, and while they were in the act of reducing their canvass at this place, a squall from the westward struck them with such force as immediately caused the boat to heel over and fill with water, when she of course immediately sunk. At the time this happened, Mr. Fowles was steering, and he took the precaution of putting the helm haul down; but the deceased, who was at that time stationed at the jib sheet, did not, it is presumed, let go in time, and was thus the means of preventing the yacht from coming up into the wind, which might otherwise have saved her. When the yacht sank, Mr. Green was about a quarter of a mile ahead, in his sailing-boat, and the Bright Planet was to windward, in the act of reefing, but both these boats immediately bore down to the relief of the unfortunate individuals who were then struggling in the water. Messrs. Foster, Goddard, and Curtis, were all swimming towards the Bright Planet, and Mr. Batten was at some distance, being altogether unable to swim. The Bright Planet came up in such a manner as to be very close to Mr. Curtis, but a puff of wind striking her, the persons on board were compelled to ease her off the wind, in consequence of which, they were unable to pick up Mr. Curtis, and that unhappy gentleman almost immediately sunk. Mr. Goddard, however, was preserved, by being supported by one of the boat's thwarts, which was thrown overboard to him, until he could be taken on board, and Mr. Fowles saved himself by getting hold of the Bright Planet's bobstay, and thus getting in at her bows. In the mean time Mr. Green had run his boat to the spot with the most praiseworthy alacrity, but being short-handed, he found himself unable to pick up the deceased, and accordingly ran alongside the Bright Planet for another man, with whose assistance he contrived to get the deceased into his boat. The deceased at this time was quite insensible, but the body was warm, and upon a vein being opened by Mr. Green, the blood flowed pretty freely, although, as nearly two hours elapsed before the boat reached Sydney, all symptoms of life had by that time entirely vanished. The most remarkable part of the case is, that two or three vessels were passing at the time, by whom the accident, as is stated, was distinctly seen, but no one on board of either of them offered to render any assistance. There was one brig, in particular, with a pilot boat towing astern, which passed, according to the evidence, within ten yards of the spot where the accident occurred, without the crew of the pilot boat attempting to render the slightest assistance, although, if they had done so, the lives of both the unfortunate men who have thus perished would unquestionably have been preserved. Besides this brig, there was also a barque passing which had a pilot boat astern, but the same neglect was exhibited by the crew of this boat as was shown by those of the one formerly alluded to. All the parties were perfectly sober, having had only one glass of brandy and water each before setting out, and the deceased in particular, was known to be a man of the most temperate habits. Under these circumstances the verdict of the Jury was, that the deceased had come to his death by the accidental upsetting of the Breeze, and that no blame was to be attached either to the crew of that boat or of the Bright Planet ; but they added to their verdict a request that the Coroner would cause an inquiry to be instituted as to which of the pilots it was whose crew had acted with so much inhumanity, with the view of representing their conduct to the executive authorities, to this request the Coroner at once acceded, and stated, that although the crews of the vessels might not be open to punishment, however detestable the inhumanity of their behaviour might be, there was still some power of punishing the men belonging to the pilot boats, who were as much the guardians of life as of property in the harbour, and were certainly very unfit for their office if they were shown to have acted in so glaringly inhuman a manner as had appeared by the evidence in the present case. DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. (1843, September 15). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from
Pilot boat Sydney 1860s. Image No.: d1_47745r , courtesy State Library of NSW
'To the Editors of the Sydney Morning Herald. GENTLEMEN, - Having seen an article in this day's paper, stating some particulars of the accident which took place at the boat-race on Wednesday last, on which occasion Mr. George Green proved his superior skill in boat-sailing, as well as his strenuous and humane exertions to save the life of his fellow creatures, at the hazard of loss of life to himself and two of his sons (one twelve years, and the other only nine years of age), who were his whole boat's crew. When Mr Green picked up the body of the unfortunate gentleman, there was no other boat in sight, so that, while Mr. G. was getting the body on board, the boat was entirely managed by his children; therefore, if any accident had happened, Mr. G. and his boys would have been inevitably lost- and what is more, there was at the same time a heavy gale of wind and a very rough sea, and Mr. G, was for some time endeavouring to restore life, by bleeding and other means, but without effect.
This is not a solitary act of humane bravery on the part of Mr. Green: as, about eleven years since, a boat containing five persons was capsized in Darling Harbour, when Mr. Green alone went in a boat to their rescue, but not being able to get them into his boat, he immediately leaped overboard, and succeeded in saving four of the five, two of whom were a father and his daughter; the other daughter Mr. G. grasped, but her dress gave way, and she was unfortunately drowned. The late much lamented Mr. and Miss Cavendish cannot but be still in remembrance of the public ; when Mr. G. seeing Mr. C 's boat upset, left the race and picked up both him (Mr. C ) and his sister, leaving the other boats to contend for the Prize.
For these unprecedented acts of humanity, I am informed by Mr Green, that all the recompence he has received has been the basest of ingratitude-not even having been thanked for his exertions.
Fourteen other cases of drowning Mr. G. has been concerned in; from one alone he received thanks, that was from Mr. H. S. Green, of the Cricketer's Arms; nay so much to the contrary of gratitude, one of the men Mr. Green rescued from a watery grave, did, during the riots at the late Elections, with four others, give chase to Mr. G, in order to wreak their vengeance on him for being of the opposite party to themselves.
When the citizens of Sydney have read the above unvarnished facts, I hope they will unanimously come forward, and by their conduct shew that humanity and bravery shall never go unrewarded.
I am, gentlemen, Your obedient servant, AN EYEWITNESS. Sydney, September 15. Advertising. (1843, September 19). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from
As many may know, goodness is meant to be its own reward and does not necessarily attract anything other than knowing you did the right thing. The loss of this vessel from Mr. Green's 'fleet' represents a substantial backwards step for a gentleman with many mouths to feed and dreams to fulfill:
Loss of the Cutter " FRIENDSHIP"-This fine vessel, belonging to Mr. George Green, was completely wrecked on the 9th instant, near the Red Head, about five miles to the southward of Kiama; she was standing inshore at the time, when the wind came suddenly from the south-east, and a sudden puff carried away her mast. The principal part of the wreck fell in board, and before the anchors could be cleared away the vessel struck on the rocks. The master and one of the seamen reached the shore safely, but the other sailor, named Thomas Redding, was drowned. It is considered that the loss to the owner will amount to about £400. EXPORTS. (1843, October 16). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
Right George Green Snr.
C. PEAT, in making this announcement, begs to state, that in consequence of a long and protected illness, he has availed himself of the kind offer of the Proprietor to allow him a night at the above Theatre, when he most respectfully solicits the support of his friends and the public generally. Upon which occasion he has been honoured by the patronage of the two City Members of the Legislative Council,W. C. Wentworth, and W. Bland, Esqs,who have signified their intention of honouring the Theatre with their presence.
Thursday, 19th October, 1843, Will be presented (for the first time there six years), a Drama in three Acts, entitled ROCHESTER! OR KING CHARLES THE SECOND'S MERRY DAYS In which the whole strength of the Company (Male and Female) will appear.
John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester.. Mr. LazarJeremiah Thin..... Mr. Peat Muddle, Mayor of Newport, (last night but four of his engagement).... Mr. CoppinCountess of Levelaugh, (last night but four of her engagement.... Mrs. Coppin For other characters see bills of the day.
AFTER WHICH A variety of Singing and Dancing. To conclude with the favourite Farce of 'TIS SHE! or, THE MAID, WIFE, AND WIDOW.
Mr. George Gabbleton ........ Mr. Coppin Miss Sophia Reveldean, Ward of Admiral Triton ..... Mrs. CoppinMrs. George Gabbleton.the Wife Mrs. Coppin Lady Eliza Blackleigh,tbe Widow Mrs. Coppin.
Tickets and Boxes may he obtained from Mr.Wright, Victoria Hotel, Pitt-street; Mr. Hayes, Mayor Inn, Pitt-street; Mr. Aldis, Tobacco- nist, George-street; Mr. Ellard, Music Saloon, George-street; Mr. Berry, Cumberland-street;
Mr. George Green, Saracen's Head, King and Sussex streets ; and of C. Peat, at the Theatre. Advertising. (1843, October 18). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from
FIFTY-SIXTH ANNIVERSARY REGATTA, IN COMMEMORATION OF THE FOUNDATION OF THE COLONY. THE following Owners of Boats are requested to attend in Committee a meeting on Thursday, 23rd day of November instant, at Mr. George Green's, corner of King and Sussex streets, at eight o'clock in the evening, to take immediate measures for the con-duct of the ensuing Regatta, to appoint collectors, and for other business.
1st class. 2nd class. 3rd class.
Hill Green Reynolds
Wyer Dickerson Mackay
Milsom Keightley Cowley
Korf Moore Bloxome
Clint Dind
Thornton Rowlis
Advertising. (1843, November 22). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from
IN THE SUPREME COURTS - Sheriffs Office, Sydney, December 14, 1843.
Amner v. Penn.
ON MONDAY, the 18th instant, at noon, at the London Tavern, Sydney, the Sheriff will cause to be sold, at the risk of the former purchaser, Mr. George Green, all the right, title, and interest, of defendant, at the time of last sale of Lot No. 5 and Lot No. 6, Lot 5 -A Cottage at corner of Gloucester-street and Essex-street, formerly occupied by Mrs. Daley, at 9s. per week.Lot 6 -A piece of Ground in Gloucester-street, upon which are erected the stone walls of a building formerly a blacksmith's shop. Unless the purchaser completes his purchase forthwith. CORNELIUS PROUT, 8119 Under Sheriff. Advertising. (1843, December 15). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from
SPECIAL APPLICATIONS.-The following special applications are notified at the Police Office as about to be made to the Sydney Bench, viz. : For extension of night license till midnight, by A. B. Phillips, John Solomon, John Simms, H. S. Green, and George Green, respectively, all being publicans. DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. (1843, December 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
George Green began going to New Zealand in 1838 with brother in law Bates
This was an action brought by George Green, a boat-builder, resident on the North Shore, to recover damages for the loss alleged to have been sustained by him from the loss of the services of an apprentice named James Glover. Mr. FISHER appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. WINDEYER for the defence. It appeared that the defendants were the stepmother of the apprentice and her husband, and that the apprentice left the service of Green, in April, 1840, having been bound to him three years before by the female defendant. The defence was, that the said James Glover had served according to the terms of his indenture until legally discharged; and that the plaintiff had neglected to perform his part of the contract by instructing the apprentice in his trade.
The indentures of apprenticeship having been proved, witnesses were called, from whose testimony it appeared that sufficient board and lodging had been provided for Glover ; and that although Mr. Green was absent for some time at New Zealand, he left behind him a superintendent competent to instruct the apprentices.
On the other hand, Glover himself was called, and stated that during the absence of Mr. Green at New Zealand, the apprentices had not been instructed in their trade, but had been compelled to convey water and vegetables to the shipping : that they had never been sent to church ; and that they had been compelled to work on Sundays. A brother-in-law of Glover's was also called, who gave similar testimony.
His HONOR having briefly summed up; the Jury retired for about five minutes, and found for the defendant upon the third and fourth issues, (the latter of which went to the whole right of action), and for the plaintiff upon the first and second issues, with one shilling damages. Court adjourned till ten o clock this morning. JURORS FINED. (1845, February 15). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
Being a boatbuilder also meant duties which were not so pleasant but part of looking after looking out for others often came your way - partly because this is what you would, naturally, do, and partly because waters laws stated you must - this creed of looking out for others has generations of precedence and alive today in Surf Life Saving, Marine Rescue and like organisatioons:
THE WANDERER.-The body of one of the nine persons who perished by the wreck of this vessel on the night of the 8th instant, was picked up yesterday, near George's Head, by Mr. George Green, boatbuilder, and brought by him to the Water Police Office, where it was identified by Smith, who was saved, to be that of a seaman named John Lovejoy, who arrived in this colony by the Brightman, about ten months since, and afterwards shipped in the Wanderer. A report of the inquest held on the body will be found in another column. PORT PHILLIP. (1848, July 15). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from

Sydney from St. Leonards] / oil painting by Conrad Martens 1801-1878 - Date of Work 1841, Image no.62716, courtesy State Library of NSW - how it would have looked when the Greens settled here - Conrad Martens also had a home here.
The Move closer to the Harbour - Milsoms Point, Mossmans Bay and Lavender Bay - George's sons George A, Henry, Harry and Richard begin to branch out in the boatbuilding Shipwright industry
Milson's Point, North Sydney, in 1854.
(From a Photo, by the late Mr. R. Hunt, C.M.G.)
Milson's Point, North Sydney, in 1854.
Our first illustration of the Shore in early days presents a picturesque view of Milson's Point the chief approach to all northern suburbs of Sydney-as it appeared to the eye from the water frontage nearly half a century ago. The view is reproduced from a water-color picture which hangs in the drawing-room of Mr. H. T. Green, boat-builder, of Lavender Bay. This picture was enlarged from a small photograph taken in 1854 by the late Mr. Robert Hunt, C.M.G., Deputy-master of the Sydney Mint. Mr. Hunt was an amateur photographer of considerable note in those days, and excelled in an art then in its in-fancy-for Daguerre had only a few years previously discovered the first crude method of fixing impressions made by light upon a sensitive surface, and photographers had not perfected the methods now in general use.
Mr. Hunt was one of the early residents of North Shore, having taken up his abode there soon after his arrival in the colony in 1853, with the appointment of chief clerk in the bullion office of the Mint. He married, in 1860, in the old St. Leonards Church, which is the nucleus of the present St. Thomas's Church. Miss Mary Paul, only daughter of one of the earliest Shore residents. Her mother, Mrs. John Paul, is still living, and is 87 years of age. Before leaving Eng-land Mr. Hunt published a "Manual of Photography," in 1852. A copy of this work—fourth edition, 1854—was presented to the North Sydney School of Arts, and can be seen there. In 1870 Mr. Hunt was transferred to the Melbourne Mint but in 1878 he was appointed Deputy-master of the Sydney Mint, which position he held until his death on September 27, 1892. Mrs. Hunt is stillan esteemed resident of Milson's Point.
If the shades of Captain Cook and Governor Phillip were to visit Sydney Harbor, what a surprise their ghost ships would receive! Towards the close of the last century the land known as Milson's and Kirribilli Points was granted to an officer named Ryan, and the locality went under the name of "Ryan's grant" by the old colonists. Eventually a portion of this land passed into the possession of three brothers, well-known early colonists. Messrs. Robert, George, and John Campbell. Upwards of fifty years ago the Campbell Brothers leased Milson's Point to Mr. W. H. Paul, who built a house on the top of the hill. Under the lease Mr. Paul had the option of purchase for a thousand pounds, and he exercised his right. Some of the remainder of the Campbells' property was purchased by Messrs. Thomas A. Dibbs and Edward Lord. Of late years the North Shore Ferry Company purchased a portion of Mr. Paul's land, and comparatively recently the remainder was resumed for tramway and railway purposes.
In 1824 or 1825 Sir Thomas Brisbane granted Mr. James Milson, sen., fifty acres of land between Careening Cove and Lavender Bay. Mr. Milson could have had a much larger area granted to him, but the land not being suitable for cultivation, he selected a large area in the neighborhood of Hornsby with fertile soil, and some at Wollumbi. He was one of the first residents on North Shore, having built a house there in 1825.
The picture given of this spot in the fifties takes us back to a period separated from our own by a gulf of which the mere mention of the number of years which have elapsed gives no adequate measurement. Where the numerous dwellings of North Sydney now stand, the steep cliffs and sloping heights were then covered with virgin bush and dense forests-a great deterrent to early settlement
The waters of Hulk Bay—or Lavender Bay, named after Mr. George Lavender—are on one side of Milson's Point, and Careening Cove and Neutral Bay on the other. The writer is informed by Mr. J. S. Abraham that the aboriginal name of Lavender Bay was Quilby. Mr. Lavender was boss of the hulks, having charge there, pending dispatch to Swan River, West Australia. There are 101steps leading from Lavender Bay, and, by a strange coincidence, the scenery is in some respects not unlike that beyond the creek at Yokohama, from the 101 steps at the summit of which is the house known to all Japanese tourists as Fujiya, or the abode of the wistaria. Governor Macquarie gave the late Willam Blue, commonly known as "Billy Blue," a grant of about 90 acres of land, now known as Blue's Point, and extending easterly towards Milson's Point. Mr. Blue, who was a native of the West Indies, had a family. His daughter married Mr. Lavender, to whom was given that part of the grant now called Lavender Bay.
Those of our readers who know what a restless and ever-busy scene is here now, can, from a glance at our illustration, form no conception of the dreamy repose of the surroundings of Milson's Point in 1854. In the evening there used to be room for the whole population of the then North Shore to congregate at the Point, and breathe the fresh breezes off the water-that splendid sheet between Port Macquarie and Dawes Point. There lay the anchored fleet—all sailing vessels then —and small craft skimmed about the placid harbor, with its verdant dales and bush shores. The distance between Milson's Point and Dawes Point does not exceed 1300ft.Without the well-regulated steam ferry service of the North Shore Ferry Company the rapid growth and prosperity of North Sydney could not have been possible. Ferried over in an open boat, with rain and wind beating in one's face, and then to slip and slide on a rough landing stage, was a very different experience from the comfortable boat, fine waiting-rooms, covered wharves, and enclosed arcade right to the cable train and railway station.
During the first half century of the existence of the colony the North Shore woods were much subdued by gangs of convicts, who were employed felling the giants of the soil. All the early officials speak of the slopes of the Shore as covered with heavy timber, mostly gum trees of large size.
Dr. Lang mentions that in 1794 on the site of Scots' Church, Sydney, a blue gum 6ft in diameter was cut down, and in 1824 it took several days to burnout its roots. In our view of Milson's Point in1854 there appears one of the old fig trees, supposed to be a century old. It is still standing, and has seen many Governors, since Captain Phillip, come and go. Some local traditions cluster around it. Should its vegetation cease, or a gale of wind up-root it, a statue of some public man-as Cook, Banks, Phillip, Lang-might appropriately replace it. Our country's memorials are all dispersed on the southern side of the city, and why not put up one or two on the northern? Kirribilli Point also would be a prominent situation for a statue. The historic tree is a fine specimen of the Ficus australis or Port Jackson fig. The roots and earth are confined in a substantial cement casing, the height of which apparently shows that the original level of the roadway was cut down 5ft 6in through boulders and solid rock. A portion of the earth, was, however, filled in when the cement was put there. The tree shows slight signs of decay. A large piece of branch dropped away from the top about a year ago, and the roots cling to almost bare rock. Indeed, it is wonderful how this sturdy specimen has so long withstood the south-easterly gales.
Mr. H. T. Green formerly lived in a house in an acre of ground where this tree stands. This is the house shown in our picture of Milson's Point in 1854.
In 1850 his father, Mr. George Green, leased the place from Mr. Robert Campbell: and for long afterwards the street lading to the horse ferry was known as Green's-lane. A. colored plan framed and glazed, showing the ferry company's land and frontages, is exhibited on the trunk and bears the name Green's-lane. This plan and its contents are a puzzle to the many passers-by, not being within reading distance. In Mr. Green's painting there are no signs of any dwelling except his house. In the foreground of the first picture, to the right, is a low stone wall, which was the original landing-place for passengers from the steamers. This was so used for some years prior to the erection of the wharf to the left, which was a simple wooden platform built out on piles, and without any office accessories.
Milson's Point and Kirribilli in 1859. (From a Photo, by the late Mr. B. Hunt.
In earlier times Australian aborigines were numerous hereabouts. They called the Sydney camp Warrane. One of the North Sydney tribes was called Wallumatta. The Cammeray tribe were the most powerful on the Shore. The natives huts, which were invariably clustered closely together, were of wattle bent into an arch, with boughs interwoven, and occasionally covered with tea-tree bark. Some dwellings were large enough to hold a dozen blacks. A favorite camping ground was near the Point.
For many years after white settlement set in on that side of the harbor there were no Europeans buildings nearer than the Lily of St. Leonards Hotel, which still stands on the same site in Alfred street, with modern additions. The Lily of St. Leonards was the third hostelry opened on the Shore. The first hotel established was the Fig-tree, at Blue's Point-road, by Mr. Thomas Redgrave, in 1841. The second was the Union Inn, on Lane Cove-road, near the Crow's Nest, by Mr. Burns, in 1843. In 1845 Mr. J. Whitford, often called Mr. Whitfield, opened the Lily of St Leonards. After passing through the hands of two other proprietors, the hotel came into the possession of Mr. W. Dind, sen., the well-known Boniface, and at one time a theatrical manager and lessee in Sydney. Subsequently Mr. Dind built the hotel a little further up the road, on the right, for his son. The reason for the curious name of the hotel is a mystery to many at the present day. It seems, indeed, to embody a piece of the humor of the early days, for in Mr. Dind's time the painted sign of the hotel was an aboriginal woman. The notion of painting the Lily of St. Leonards was nota work of supererogation. The writer is indebted to the Hon. Geo. Thornton, M.L.C., for the information as to the name.
Milson's Point was named after Mr. James Milson, sen., one of its oldest settlers. The name is often, but erroneously, spelt Milsom, even in municipal and Government maps. Mr. Milson was one of the earliest settlers here, and a public spirited man His son, the present Mr. Jas. Milson, was one of the first to inaugurate a steam ferry between the Point and Sydney. In this he was assisted by Deputy Commissaries Miller and Walker, after whom two of the principal streets are named. By the way, there is quite a plethora of streets on the Shore named after early Governors or residents-Pitt, Campbell, Brisbane, Fitzroy, Berry, Lord, Paul, Lavender, Blue, Bent, Bloxsome, Broughton, Holtermann, and so on. In other cases the old names have been altered.
The first steam ferryboat from Milson's Point was called the Princess, and was built by Mr. G. Budevent, of Balmain. She was, in fact, a steam punt for the transit of horses and vehicles aswell as passengers, but her running was not a financial success. Later on, Captain Joseph Gerrard and Captain Thomas Gerrard ran the steamer Fairy Queen, often called the Ferry Queen, built by Mr. Chowne, of Pyrmont. In 1854 a company was formed, and a steamer imported from England in sections was put together in Sydney. It was named the Herald, and ran between Blue's and Miller's Points. The Gerrard Brothers then transferred the running of their steamboats to Milson's Point. Messrs. James Milson, jun., F. Lord, W. Tucker, C. Frith, and others formed the first steam ferry company, having the boats Kirribilli and Alexandria for passengers, and the Transit for vehicles. By keen competition the fares were reduced from one shilling each way to sixpence each way, and ultimately to three pence. In 1878 this company sold out to the present North Shore Ferry Company, and Captain Summerbell was appointed manager. The fare was then reduced to two pence, and finally, about ten years ago, to one penny each way. Thirty years back there was a steam ferry from Circular Quay to Allison's Point every quarter of an hour from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., and from the site of the present Pottinger-street (Macnamara's Wharf), Sydney, near Windmill-street, to Blue's Point, the same-each with three penny fares. At that period the total daily passenger traffic did mot exceed 150.
Notwithstanding the healthy air and the beautiful scenery of the district, early settlement was retarded through the irregularity of communication, also by holders locking up the land in the assured hope of its Increasing in value from year to year, on account of its contiguity to Sydney. In the early times land was leased on the Shore at £3 per annum per acre, and of late years many allotments have realised at the rate of £20 to £50 per acre per annum. Diaries of early colonists refer to the density of forests on North Shore. Colonel Collins, (Secretary of the colony, and many other early officials say that the land was heavily timbered down to the waiter's edge with trees of the banksia and eucalyptus. A striking instance of the dense setting of the forest around Milson's Point is instanced. On November 6, 1789, Francis Hill, a midshipman of H.M.S. Sirius, and a nephew of the celebrated Mr. Dyson (Solicitor to the Admiralty), after a visit to Governor Phillip at Sydney Cove, was rowed across the harbor, and landed at what is now Milson's Point. Mr. Hill set off to walk two miles through the dense bush and forest to join his ship, which was hove down in Careening Cove. He was never again seen, and must have either lost his way and starved, or (more probably) was murdered by the blacks, he being unarmed. Search(parties were sent out for several days, and guns were fired, but not a trace of the young middy could be found.
The north side of Sydney Harbor from Bradley's Head on the east to Bald's Head on the west was called Cammeray by the aborigines, as was also the perpetual and hereditary name of the chief of the gal-tribe or clan. The aborigines
there were called Cammeray-gal. They used to celebrate their great national rite of boora at Milson's Plaint, and hundreds of blacks came from all the country side, and from distant parts, to witness the ceremonies, (In April, 1790, half the blacks of Port Jackson were carried off by smallpox. The plague causing this great mortality must have been brought out in a ship by Europeans.
The summary havoc caused by the visitation has no-parallel in the history of the blacks. They were found lying dead or dying on every beach about the Shore. Among the most noted blacks of North Shore were King Bungaree and his wife. Her Majesty was colloquially known as Queen Gooseberry. Bungaree was the chieftain of the northern (Newcastle) natives, and performed many signal services on sea and land for the early colonial Governments. He was much patronized Governors Hunter, King, Bligh, Macquarie, and Brisbane. Under Hunter, Bungaree accompanied Captain Flinders on his survey of the north, and south coasts. Under Bligh and Macquarie, the sable monarch was useful as a tracker. He was present at the first settlement of Newcastle. In 1815 Governor Macquarie gave him land for an encampment for his tribe between Milson’s Point and George's Head. Every King's Birthday
Governor Macquarie assumed a new uniform, and his discarded red coat, with large epaulettes, and cocked hat were invariably presented to King Bungaree. Clothed in the cast-off dress of vice royalty (minus trousers and boots, which nothing could induce him to wear), he loved to parade North Shore and Sydney. At first he preferred the official society to that of the convicts, but by degrees he became addicted to European vices, and his taste for select society was vitiated. He was a splendid mimic, and could with marvelous accuracy imitate the gestures of various Governors and leading officials. 'Bungaree died on November 24, 1830, and he was buried on Garden Island, close to the tamba of Judge-Advocate Bent and Major John Ovens, who died several years before. When the island was made an Imperial naval depot the bodies were removed to St. Thomas's Church burial ground at North Sydney. Bungaree's Queen survived her husband nearly twenty years. She was buried on North Shore, and the remains were since removed to Devonshire street Cemetery, Redfern, where her epitaph is still decipherable, it is said of Queen Gooseberry that she was more droll than witty, and she was quick at hitting off the weak points of the residents. When King Bungaree and Queen Gooseberry died, the only prominent Australian black left in the neighborhood was Tommy Jones, a comic fellow, who cadged and did odd jobs for a living. He was probably the nearest approach to a Sam Weller which the aboriginal Australian race ever produced, and was by no " means devoid of intelligence. Tommy was, however, incorrigibly lazy, and although he could pollish a pair of boots on occasion, he infinitely preferred; a present of bread, fish, and tobacco, without work. He was a veritable Weary Waggles. He was buried in the grounds of the late Captain Shairp (often, but erroneously, spelt Sharp), at the junction of Alfred and M'Dougal streets, close to the site of the Gas Company, and nearly opposite the present Brisbane House.
One of our illustrations represents Milson's Point in 1859. It shows more of the Kirribilli' side of the Point, and in the distance Lavender Bay, Goat Island, and the Parramatta River. This picture is also from a photograph by Mr. Robert Hunt. The large cottage In the foreground was the residence of Mr. Riley at the time the view was taken, but is now occupied by Mrs. Cope. The old cottage of Mr. George Green, and the adjacent boat-building sheds, form a striking contrast to the present. Milson's Point, North Sydney, in 1854. (1898, January 15).Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 19. Retrieved from
Above: Milsons Point in 1855 / Kerry Photo. Sydney [original photograph attributed to Robert Hunt], Date of Work ca. 1880s (copy of 1855-1859 photoprint), "Kerry & Co. Photo, 308 Geo. St., Sydney, copyright" -- stamp at lower left. Titled and numbered "2920" along lower edge, Image No.: a089926, courtesy State Library of NSW - The Green Boatshed can be seen as the long slim building towards the point
Below" Green's boat yards, Milsons Point, Sydney Harbour - 1856; "Milson's Pt. 1856" in pencil at top left Identified as Green's yard from a photograph taken in Dec 1857 showing the wreckage of the `Dunbar' at the boatyard. Image No.: a089928 courtesy State Library of NSW
Why is the wreck of the 'Dunbar' in their yard?:
The Dunbar Anchors. ' Dick ' Green Claims Them
The news last week that two anchors and some wreckage, supposed to belong to the ill-fated Dunbar, had been located some 50yard, south of the famous gap South Head, has again revived public interest in that sea tragedy of 50 years ago so close to our doors. The daily papers teem with suggestions that Sirus-like, the anchors should be recovered and placed in some conspicuous place. However, a totally different phase of the question has since arisen. Old-time rowing champion, Mr. R. Green, the first New South Wales sculler to row on the Thames (1863) for the championship, when he met and was defeated by 'Bob' Chambers, of the Tyne, who afterwards forfeited £20 to him, now claims the two anchors is his private property, Mr. Green, 71 years of age, hale and hearty, states that in October, 1857, two months after the wreck, his late father, Mr. Mitchell, ship chandler, of Pitt street, and himself purchased the'wreck of the Dunbar' for £150.The speculation was a paying one, and Mr. Green contends that the two anchors, if they really belonged to the Dunbar, are a portion of what the trio purchased.
Before steamers supplanted the 'White Wings,' the leading Sydney butchers regularly employed 'butchers' boats, the first on board the incoming clipper being the successful competitor for the trade. Mr. Green and his brother 'Bob,' who was unfortunately drowned between the Heads, were in the employ of the late Mr. Tom Playfair, says he has often seen the anchors on' a calm day 100 yards south of "Jacob's Ladder,' and is firmly of opinion that the rocks will have to be blasted away before the anchors can be lifted to the surface. He is also inclined to think that the Dunbar did not sail into the "Gap," but struck the rocks between 'Jacob's Ladder' and the Flagship. The story of the wreck is told in a very few words. The Dunbar, a favourite trader between London and Sydney, with 120 passengers (including many leading citizens)and crew, and a valuable cargo ( £22,000), approached Sydney Heads on a dark night and a heavy S. E., gale on August 20-21,1857. The quantity of wreckage washed ashore at Watson's Bay was the first intimation that a terrible shipping disaster had occured almost at the residents' very doors. Before long South-Head was crowded with thousands of people, and though the waves and spray beat 100's of feet above the Heads, all that was left -of the Dunbar and her living freight could be seen. 11 a.m. passed by, but at length what appeared to be a human being was discovered on a shelve of rock- near the foot of "Jacob's Ladder". It was impossible to reach him seawards, but at last a young Icelander, the late Antonio Woolner, volunteered and was lowered by a rope down 'Jacob's Ladder.' The rescuer and unfortunately the solitary survivor, Mr. Johnson, was soon safely hauled up, the latter having been 30 hours on the rocks. Mr. Woolner declined to receive a collection made for him, The fortunate survivor, Mr. Johnson, was afterwards appointed to the Newcastle pilot service, and it is rather a curious coincidence that he was the coxswain of the lifeboat which rescued F. W. Hedges, the solitary survivor of the steamer Cawarra, wrecked some years afterwards on the Oyster Banks, inside Newcastle Heads, 50 lives being lost. The Dunbar sensation had not subsided, when the line ship Catherine Adamson was wrecked near the Inner North Head on October 23, 21 lives being lost. Sister ship of the Dunbar, the 'Duncan,' was lost' on La Rocas reefs, South America, on October 7. 1865.A.C. The Dunbar Anchors. (1907, June 1). The Newsletter: an Australian Paper for Australian People (Sydney, NSW : 1900 - 1918), p. 2. Retrieved from

1854 is when we have the first confirmed records of the Greens being in Pittwater too:
Also see: Careel Bay Jetty-Wharf-Boatshed and Pittwater Reserves, The Green Ways: Clareville Wharf and Taylor's Point Jetty
James Stokes sold his 25 acres to William Charles on 29 July 1835 for £10. This transaction brought Warner’s 50 acre grant under one ownership once more. William Charles sold to George Green on 2 March 1854 for £70. [LTO Book 30 No. 888] On 21 October 1870 George Green sold the land to John Collins for £70, and on the same day Collins sold it to Revd. Joseph Dalton, a trustee of Revd. Therry’s will, for £100. [LTO Book 121 Nos. 729, 730] - PROFILES OF THE PIONEERS IN MANLY, WARRINGAH AND PITTWATER by Shelagh Champion, OAM, B.A.(Lib.Sc.) and George Champion, OAM, Dip.Ed.Admin., Revised 2013
Pittwater started early to add to the shipbuilding. Many sloops and vessels were built at this beautiful spot. Mr. Stokes built several. He gave his name to Stoke Point more often called Stripe Point, south of Careel Bay. A man called Bradbury is credited with having built the first boats at Careel Bay. George Green, father of the sculler, built and launched a vessel in 1855 on the east side of Clareville,between Stokes Point and Taylor's Point. It was on the stretch of water at the head of Pittwater that Green's son—Dick trained for the championships. MILESTONES IN EARLY COLONIAL PROGRESS. (1941, February 8). The Newcastle Sun (NSW : 1918 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
Pre- 1905 Land Titles Map - Showing 'Claraville' and 'Long Beach'. Courtesy Land Titles Office Historic records of NSW.
Careel Bay Pittwater [cartographic material] : township of Brighton, 8 blocks of land with ocean frontage 1882. MAP Folder 135, LFSP 2160 by Pritchard, W., courtesy National Library of Australia.
Although the Champions research indicates George Green sold this parcel of 50 acres, his wife and children continued to possess land in the Pittwater area and Richard Green, second born son, seemed to go to Pittwater as a kind of refuge when he needed to be on the land and on the water away from Sydney 'town'. His brother Henry also owned land into the 1920's:
Primary Application - Sydney Robert Lorking and Henry Green - 36 acres at Pittwater in Shire Warringah Parish Narrabeen County Cumberland Volume 3777 Folio 60 Date range: 14/07/1919 to 17/09/1920. Item Number Or Control Symbol: PA 22062
Descriptive Note: Primary Application - Sydney Robert Lorking and Henry Green - 36 acres at Pittwater in Shire Warringah Parish Narrabeen County Cumberland Volume 3777 Folio 60
George Green Senior had began going to New Zealand from 1838. He subsequently moved there, is credited with a patent for a 'gold-dredging machine while a resident, and spent the time when he settled permanently there (around 1860) pursuing Land Claims from his first 1838 trip - huge tracts, often 'bought' for goods or a few pounds from 'Native Chiefs' that were then resumed by the government.
To His Excellency Sir George Grey ... the petition of George Green, shipbuilder, shipwright, and whaler ... now residing at Dunedin, in the Province of Otago, New Zealand. By Green, George, 1810-1872. Published Dunedin [N.Z.] : Printed by Mills, Dick and Co., [1864]
G. Green's New Zealand land claims. Bibliographic Record Display Contributor Green, George, 1810-1872. Published Dunedin [N.Z.] : Mills, Dick, and Co., printers, [1864?]
Summary Claims arising from Green's alleged purchase of Centre Island from Tuhawaiki in 1838, followed by a substantial section dealing with the relationships between Māori, Pākeha and Government in relation to land tenure and land sales, and the meaning of the Treaty.
Subject Land tenure--New Zealand. Land tenure--Law and legislation--New Zealand. Reprint [of earlier 1864 ed.] with additional material"--Bagnall. Includes letters from Nathaniel Bates, Thos. P. Taylor, James Busby, James Edward Fitzgerald, William Hobson.
Patent: 1871, Dunedin OTG NZ; Gold Dredge
He passed away without ever being successful:
Otago Witness, Dunedin, 7 September 1872, Page 10
Our readers may have noticed the announcement of the death, in the 62nd year of his age, of Mr George Green, well over here, and by repute at least, all over the colony, through his enormous land claims. Mr Green came from Sydney to New Zealand in 1838. He remained in the colony for about a year, and was chiefly at the Bluff during that time. it was on that occasion that he made his large purchases from the Maoris. These purchases were as follows:- Centre Island (off the Southland Coast), 2000 acres, for 20 pounds 10 shillings; 20,000 acres, Stewart's Island, 30 pounds 10 shillings; 20,000 acres, Kowokapito Bay, 20 pounds 10 shillings; 109 acres, Bluff Harbour, 15 pounds; 1,00,024 acres, Mistaken Bay, West Coast, 200 pounds. He had also made purchases of land at Catlin's River, and bought the Quarantine Island in Otago Harbour. After leaving New Zealand, he went to Sydney. He commenced to prosecute his claims to these lands in 1840, being one of the first to submit his titles to the Government, but he could not get a Crown Grant. He came back to New Zealand in 1858 or 1859 to prosecute his claims, which he had all along been urging. He returned to Sydney, and again came to NZ in 1860. No Crown Grant or compensation of any sort was ever given him on account of these purchases till about two years ago, when he received 5000 acres, in two blocks of 2500 acres each. Ten of Mr Green's family survive him.
DEATH. on the 30th of August, at Forth Street, Dunedin, after and long and painful illness, George Green, aged 62

Section from: 'Panorama of Taylors Point with real estate sign advertising upcoming land subdivision', Pittwater, New South Wales, Circa 1917-1920, courtesy National Library of Australia., Image No.: nla.pic-vn6149436 - Part of Enemark collection of panoramic photographs [picture] [1917-1946]
Roads have been constructed throughout the Estate, and Clareville-road has been remade to connect with the Subdivision. AUCTION SALE on Ground EIGHT-HOUR DAY THREE O'CLOCK, Monday, 3rd October, 1921. Terms 10 per cent. Deposit, balance 20 quarterly payments, interest 5 per cent. Magnificent Panoramic Views SANDY BEACH FRONTAGES. Hot and Cold Water Provided Free. Refreshments Obtainable on Ground at Reasonable Rates on Day of Sale. Motor 'Buses from Tram Terminus connect "with Launch at Newport Wharf. Launch from Brooklyn, Hawkesbury River, leaves for Estate at 10.30 a.m. on day of sale. Descriptive Plan. Booklet, and all information obtainable from W ROBJOHNS, LTD., AUCTIONEERS, 78 PITT-STREET. THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. Advertising. (1921, September 24). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from

An example of how busy Sydney Harbour was around this time:
SYDNEY HARBOUR has long been famed for its unapproachable-able natural beauties, which have afforded a welcome theme for descriptive treatment and eulogy to both the poet and the prose writer. Scenes of varied and interesting character are ever and anon to be witnessed on its waters, which cannot fail to elicit the admiration of those who can appreciate nautical spectacles. Among these, there is seldom one more full of stirring incident, and yet, withal, affecting associations, than the departure for the mother country of one of the men-of-war vessels which have completed their term here, and are ordered in the ordinary course of events to return home. The departure of H.M.S. Pearl was such an event as that described. She left our harbour on her home-ward trip after a cruise extending over three years. The officers and seamen of the Pearl had often been in this city at intervals during the period mentioned, and are consequently well known. That they were also popular was sufficiently attested by the number of persons who came to witness their departure, and take a farewell of them. There were no less than five men-of-war in Farm Cove on the 17th January, when the Pearl steamed slowly down the harbour on her voyage home. All the vessels were gaily decorated with bunting, and as the Pearl left her moorings several volleys of thoroughly British cheers greeted the departing vessel and her occupants, the bands on board the men-of-war playing appropriate music. The men on the different vessels mounted the rigging, and the scene then presented was full of life and bustle, and is one that cannot often be witnessed.The harbour was almost alive with yachts, steam launches, watermen's boats, etc., which added much to the beauty of the spectacle, the characteristic features of which have been so well portrayed by our artist. DEPARTURE OF H.M.S. PEARL FOR ENGLAND. (1877, March 3). Illustrated Sydney News and New South Wales Agriculturalist and Grazier (NSW : 1872 - 1881), p. 4. Retrieved from

A four-oared Russian Navy Gig (Gichka) of Boat Base Monterey re-enacts the landing of Captain Mervine during the annual Sloat's Landing ceremony in Monterey, California, 2013 – photo courtesy Ltkizhi - Own work
George Amaziah Green - and brother Henry Green - the eldest sons
George's son George A may sometimes be listed under his father's feats - we have tried collating the items that appear here when his father was in New Zealand - it seems safe to ascribe them to him - those that named him after his father has passed away are clearly speaking of his workings and works. He too had financial problems, despite his father's apparent successes - perhaps he too tried branching out in to many directions at once or creditors grew impatient:
FOUR-OARED GIG.-For SALE, the racing Gig Aurora, with oars, &c., complete. Apply to HENRY GREEN, boatbuilder, Milsom's Point, North Shore. Advertising. (1857, April 4). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
See: Vintage Paddles and Gigs – Nautical Memorabilia – A Celebration of this Seasons Surf Boat Carnivals
INSOLVENCY PROCEEDINGS. NEW INSOLVENTS. August 30.-George Amasiah Green, of Pyrmont, boat-builder. Liabilities, £867 19s. Od. Assets-value of real property, £30; of personal property, £188 . out-standing debts, £70 15s. J Id ;¡ total, £288 15s. lid. Deficit, £579 .Is. lOd. Mr. Wilson, official assignee. INSOLVENCY PROCEEDINGS. (1859, September 3). The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), p. 2. Retrieved from
MODEL LIFE BOAT -Mr George Green, of the North Shore, whose skill as a boatbuilder is so well known, has just completed the model of a pilot and life boat upon an entirely new principal of his own invention and design. It would be impossible in a mere newspaper notice to describe minutely the principle on which the boat is constructed, suffice it to say, that it effectually secures the safety of those on board, while it is rendered perfectly manageable, and all idea of its being upset is out of the question. We believe it is Mr Green's intention to lay the model before the Government, in the hope that they may deem it worth while to have the principle tested practically by the building of a vessel the plan proposed. The model may be seen at the London Portrait Saloon, together with the celebrated wager boat which is to be used by Richard Green in his English matches. MAILS BY THE BOMBAY. (1862, July 14). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
To the Editor of the Herald.
SIR,-"Empty vessels make the most noise," is an old, and in many cases a true saying; at any rate, it is in one I am about to point out In your publication of this morning, an individual signing himself' "A. B." makes an attempt, and a poor one indeed to run down the life-boat, or rather the model of a lifeboat made by Mr George Green, of North Shore, and his effusion makes some queer assertions.
I would now ask what has he or anyone who is ashamed to let the world know his name, to give an opinion as to the competency of either the designer or the judges of the said craft.
A B asks has Mr Green ever had the luck to be in a lifeboat in a gale and answers himself in the negative because he says if he had he would know that a lifeboat must bold hold her own as a first quality. I would now ask him which is most likely to hold her own in a gale, a boat built in the shape of an elongated egg, or a boat with high bows, which nearly all lifeboats have to give them buoyancy. For my part I think the one with the low bows is the most likely to succeed, but people like A. B may think differently.
A B strikes at the idea of anything like comfort on board a lifeboat, either for crew, or those rescued, as would seem by his objection to covering the men in. I would ask A B to read the records of lifeboat rescues, and then let him tell me if it does not appear that nearly as many lives are lost from cold and exposure when in the boat as that are drowned. Mr. Green has looked at that side of the question, and thought it worth while to take it into consideration.
If A. B. will take the trouble to call upon Mr. Green I have not the slightest doubt that Mr. G. will inform him how men are to be taken off a wreck, rockets fired; and as to the mast and sail, I am of Mr. Green's opinion that, in a boat of that description, they are a useless encumbrance. It would seem, by the conclusion of A. B.'s letter, that he has some interest in Beeching's lifeboat at the Heads; but not having seen the lifeboat in question, I am not in a position to say anything about it.
I may as well state, in conclusion, that I have not the slightest interest in Mr. George Green's success or defeat, except the wish to benefit the community at large. I met Mr. George Green at the Paragon Hotel, where I went to see his model, and there he explained the working of it.
Apologising for the intrusion, I am. Sir, your obedient fish, NEPTUNE. Sydney. July 29. THE LIFEBOAT OF MR. GEORGE GREEN. (1862, July 30). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
NEW WAGE BOAT-Persons who take an interest in boat-building, and more especially in aquatic contests, will be much pleased with the inspection of a wager skiff which Mr H. Green, of the North Shore, has just completed for his brother Richard, now in England. This boat is framed on an entirely new model(the design being that of Mr. G. Green), her general appearance being somewhat similar to the hull of the " Winans " steamer, as illustrated in the Illustrated London News some months ago. The measurements are - Length, 35 feet, beam 9 inches. Together with the out-riggers, which weigh 5lb, the total weight is 32lbs. The peculiarity of her build, and the elegance with which she is finished, will in all probability make her an object of interest in London, more particularly if the colonial champion should happen to gain the day. Prior to being shipped for England the skiff is on view at Milligen's Rifle Saloon, in Pitt street. SHIPS' MAILS. (1862, July 8).The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
CHARTER. - Two smart clipper SCHOONERS, 300 and 100 tons, on light draught.. T. H. GREEN, Wharf, Bathurst. street.
RICHARD GREEN.-The friends of RICHARD GREEN will meet at Taltersell’s, THIS EVENING, at half past seven sharp. The Committee will please attend with their collection.
SHIPWRIGHTS and SAWYERS. WANTED, GOOD HANDS, at G. A, GREEN'S, Milsom's Point, North Shore. Advertising. (1863, September 21). Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), p. 1. Retrieved from
CHARTER - WANTED, to Charter, a vessel, to carry from forty to fifty tons. GEORGE A GREEN, Milsom's Point, North Shore. Advertising. (1863, June 25). Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), p. 1. Retrieved from
The last Notice above is George seniors leaving Sydney for the last time for new permanent home - Otago, New Zealand.
Important to Shipwrights, Boat-builders, Timber Merchants, and the Trade generally. Unreserved Clearing-out Sale,
On the Premises lately occupied by Mr. G. Green, Shipwright and Boat-builder, Milsom's Point, North Shore, in consequence of his giving up the premises, Kauri Pine Deck-plank. Colonial Hardwood Boards Crooks and Knees Copper Nails Composition. Ship's Jolly-boat .Keel and Building Blockd Pine Spars. Timber and Building Materials.
LE. THRELKELD and CO. have received instructions to sell by auction, on the Premises lately occupied by Mr. G. Green, boat-builder, Milsom's Point, North Shore, THIS (Friday) AFTER-NOON, at 3 o'olock, 61 logs kauri pine, 2000 feet hardwood boards . '500 crooks and knees. A quantity of metal sheathing and nails. 1 ship's jolly boat. Keel and building blocks. Spars of various dimensions. Timber and ship-building materials. Terms at sale. Advertising. (1864, January 8). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from
A recurring shipwright's design for the Green sons was that of a lifeboat with both George Jnr., and Richard, who had been witness to their father's abandoning a race to save people, laying claim to an invention for such a vessel:
George Green, the well-known boatbuilder, has been to the front as the inventor of a centre-wheel life and pilot boat, a model of which is on exhibition. He asks the public to assist in defraying the cost of constructing one of 40 feet in length, which he expects can be driven over nine miles per hour by twelve men. The sum required to test the invention is comparatively small, and for such an object no difficulty 'ought to be felt in raising £500. Aquatics. (1870, July 9). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1860 - 1871), p. 2. Retrieved from
New Design for a Life or Pilot Boat.— Mr. George Green, the well-known boat-builder is the designer of a life or pilot boat, to be constructed on an entirely different principle from any of the boats at present in use. The model is a very ingenious piece of work, but at present, it appears somewhat complicated, and after being submitted to experiments there is reason to believe that it may come into practical use. The designer has adapted an oval tabular form at the midship section, with easy tapering ends, and indeed the exterior of the model is in fact similar to the steamer. THE ROYAL SOCIETY. (1870, July 15). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from
State Barge for the Governor of Fiji
Mr. George Green, the well-known boat-builder, of Balmain, has just completed to the order of Sir Arthur Gordon, Governor of Fiji, a magnificent state barge, 42 feet long and 7 feet 6 inches beam. It is the largest of the kind ever built in the colonies, and as a specimen of naval architecture, is one of great beauty. She is built of cedar, diagonally of double planks, copper fastened with brass knees and fittings throughout. Her top-sides are painted royal blue with two cold mouldings, and her bottom white. On each bow is a polished brass Garter with crown in centre, while the stern in beautifully carved and gilt. The inside of the barge from bulwarks to risings is all of French polished cedar, with gold headings. Below the risings, which are of polished cowrie, the linings are of varnished cedar and beaded. The bottom is filled with beach gratings fore and aft. and the stretchers to accommodate sixteen oarsmen, are all fitted with thumb-screws and plates to suit the pullers. The cabin aft,. 'which is covered with an awning, supported by' massive brass rods, is panneled with polished cedar and gold with folding-doors of the same material . It is also lined and cushioned with the best morocco leather and will seat eight persons. The steering gear is of brass ; a brass hand-pump is placed in the stern The oars and masts are of spruce pine and have the Royal coat-of-arms painted on the blades. The back-board and surroundings are beautifully carved with the Royal coat-of-arms and overlaid with gold, and reflect the greatest credit on Mr. A. Murray, wood-carver, Wooloomooloo, for this truly excellent carving. The barge, it is said, will cost £700, and is now really awaiting orders for shipment to its destination, and is well worthy a visit of inspection, at Mort's Dry Dock, Balmain.State Barge for the Governor of Fiji. (1876, May 19). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from
GREEN - The Friends of Mr. GEORGE AMAZIAH GREEN (Boatbuilder of North Sydney) are kindly invited to attend his Funeral which will leave our Mortuary Chapel 810-12 George street South city THIS Monday) AFTERNOON at 2 15 o clock for Church of England Cemetery, Waverley. WOOD and COMPANY Funeral Directors, Sydney Suburbs, Tel. 726 etc.
GREEN. - The Friends of Mrs MARIA LAWRENCE of Moss Vale are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of her late beloved FATHER, Mr George A. Green, which will leave our Mortuary Chapel 810-12George st S. city THIS (Monday) AFTERNOON at2.15 clock, for Church of Eng Cemetery Waverley
GREEN -The Friends of the Misses LILY, EFFIE, IVY and VERDIE LAWRENCE are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of their late beloved GRAND- FATHER, Mr George A. Green ; which will leave our Mortuary Chapel 810-12 George st S city THIS AFTERNOON at 2.15, for C of E Cemetery Waverley GREEN. -The friends of Mr and Mrs LEONARD GREEN senr. of Balmain are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of their late beloved FATHER Mr George A Green which will leave our Mortuary Chapel 810-12 George st S city THIS (MONDAY) AFTERNOON at 2.15 for C of E Cemetery Waverley.
GREEN -The friends or Mr and Mrs LEO GREEN junr of Balmain are kindly invited to attend the funeral of their late beloved GRANDFATHER, Mr George A Green which will leave our Mortuary Chapel 810-12 George st S city THIS (Monday) ATERNOON at 2.15 for C of E Cemetery Waverley
GREEN - The Friends of Mr and Mrs JAMES BREWSTER, Miss RUBY BREWSTER and Miss NEA AITKEN are kindly invited to attend the funeral of their late beloved FATHER and GRAND FATHER Mr George A Green which will leave our Mortuary Chapel 810-12 George street South, city, THIS (Monday) AFTERNOON , at 2.15 o'clock for C of E Cemetery Waverley WOOD and COMPANV
GREEN -The Friends of Mr and Mrs D. A. S. WATSON are requested to attend the Funeral of their beloved FATHER, George Amaziah Green (late of North Sydney) to leave Wood's Parlours George -street South at 2.15 THIS AFTERNOON Family Notices. (1906, June 11). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
A Tree Grew At Milson's Point
WHO remembers the tree shown in this picture? Or the busy little arcade? Mil-son's Point was a romantic spot before the Sydney Harbour Bridge trampled it underfoot, obliterating its ferry, tram, and train terminals.
The name "Milson's Point" is derived from the original resident, James Milson, who played a lustrous role in the very early days of the colony.
He arrived from England in 1804and on presenting his letters of introduction ,to Governor King was given a grant of about 350 acres of very rough country on the northern side of the harbour.
It was explained to him that although the country was wild it was freehold, whereas on the southern side land was, at that time, leasehold.
Milson immediately set about building a house almost on the extremity of the point and farmed the property, at the same time developing his business as a shipping providor.
Some 20 years later a great bush-fire broke out on the northern side of the harbour and swept through the Milson estate, destroying the house. Milson's land deeds were burnt.
Then followed legal difficulties in establishing his boundaries. Originally his grant had a frontage which extended roughly from Lavender Bay to Neutral Bay, and ran back to the vicinity of the present Military Road. He failed to re-establish his title to all this land, and had to be content with a reduced area.
'THE accompanying picture shows Milson's Point in the eighties. A cable-tram can be seen in the arcade. This service extended to the Reservoir, later known as Ridge Street, at the point where the Independent Theatre now stands. The theatre was formerly the cable tram depot.
The tram service began in 1886 and later was extended to Crow’s Nest. In 1900 the line was electrified and the cable rolling-stock transferred to the King Street line. A feature of the photograph is a fine specimen of the Ficus Australia, or Port Jackson fig, estimated at the time to be 100 years old.
H. Green, a boat-builder of Lavender Bay, formerly lived in a house on an acre of ground in which this tree stood in 1850. His father, George Green, had leased the property from Robert Campbell. An old map in the Lands Office shows that for years afterwards the street leading to the horse-ferry at the foot of the street where the horse-cart in the picture is approaching was known as Green's Lane.
The tree was blown down in a heavy gale on the night of December 31, 1900, much to the regret of those who loved it for its beauty and symbolism.
AS far back as 1863, ferrying passengers to and from North Sydney became such a paying pro-position that the first proper attempt to form a ferry company was then made. On September 1 of that year, a deed of partnership was signed by Charles Frith, William Tucker, James Milson, Thomas Lawry, and Francis Lord, in which the parties undertook to become partners in the business of a steam ferry company and in the working "of certain steam vessels, land, wharves, and premises for the carrying on of the said business.".
In terms of this partnership the business was to be carried on under the name of the Milson's Point Ferry Company, and the vessels were accordingly registered in the name of that company, of which Charles Frith was appointed treasurer. The capital of the company consisted of £5,000 contributed by the partners.
The first Kirribilli was built, followed by the Alexander (slightly larger), the Waratah, and Cammeray. These were sometimes known as the "little ones," as they were of similar build and design to the in-trepid Herald, recently mentioned on this page, but smaller and more compact. They carried about 60 passengers each. As traffic increased, the fleet was increased by the addition of the Nell, Gomea, Galatea, and Coombia.
On March 5, 1878, a memorandum of agreement was made between the Milson's Point Ferry Company and James Bremner, William Cope, David Wilson, William Henry McKenzie, junr., and James Halstead, whereby the latter, purchased the property of the company for £20,100. So was born the North Shore Steam Ferry Co. Ltd.
JAMES MILSON built Brisbane Cottage in Campbell Street, North Sydney, after the destruction of his original home and lived there until his death at the age of 88. Today he is remembered as a pioneer of the North Shore, a one-time superintendent of the Botanic Gardens, a confidential steward to Governors Macquarie and Brisbane, and the father of sailing on Sydney Harbour.
Picture: The famous tree and arcade at Milson's Point in the '80s. A Tree Grew At Milson's Point. (1950, August 12). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
NB: "80's" is 1880's.

Above from: THE ANNIVERSARY REGATTA. (1871, February 18). Illustrated Sydney News (NSW : 1853 - 1872), p. 3. Retrieved from
Eighth Race.— All-comers pulling a pair of sculls in light skiffs. Handicap. Course : same as No. 6. First prize, £10 ; second, £6. Entrance, £1 1b. Old Honesty, a feather, R. Green . . . . . . 1 Leading Star, 60 lbs., W. Hickey .. .. ..2 Maritana, a feather, T. Punch. This proved a most interesting race. Mr. Driver effected a beautiful start, and Green and Hickey made a fine race of it to Goat Island, where Punch gave up. In the pull to Fort Denison Green had the weather position and slightly leading. Off Muson's Point, Hickey let out and took first place, but Green managed to round Fort Denison first, and came home a long way ahead. Aquatics. (1872, February 3). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 143. Retrieved from
GREAT SCULLER'S MATCH ON THE PARRAMATTA RIVER. Great Sculler's Race.-Hickey v. Rush. ON Saturday afternoon the skill, endurance, and courage of two of the finest rowers in Australian waters were tested on the regular course on the Parramatta River, when R. Hickey and Rush met to decide as to which was the superior man in watermen's boats, the rich stake of £500 being also involved in the contest. Great Sculler's Race.—Hickey v. Rush. (1870, May 28).Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 24. Retrieved from
Richard Augustus Willoughby Green
Richard Augustus Willoughby Green - champion, waterman, butcher boat man, shipwright, boatbuilder and coach - who seemed to leave Sydney 'town' regularly for the peace of Pittwater after being recorded as learning to row there when still a teenager, was the most successful rower in the Green family. His wins seems to be accorded to determination and stamina as much as skill.
He was born at Greenwich, Lane Cover River, at that time the property of his father, on August 23, 1836, the third son.
Apart from being the first man to row in England against their then champion, he also invested his time in up and coming scullers/rowers.
His prowess, and getting into financial trouble a few times throughout a long and healthy life, may be attributed to early success and winning the equivalent of a lifetime's fortune while still quite young and being lauded and applauded - this early item, not transcribed in full for its long list of his wins, does give an insight into a Green Family Quality that was recognised by all who met them. The 'crowing' tone - as Richard Green was just about to embark on a London rowing race, against England's champion, although perhaps misplaced considering he was poisoned while over there and failed in his first attempt, began a series of races between Englishmen and Australians that must have benefitted the sport as much as its backers:
Now that Dick Green has again fairly and honourably defeated his ancient rival, Tom Magrath— the best man, by the way, that could be brought against him in his own waters— and now that his numerous friends publicly announce their intention of matching him against all comers, it seems only right that we should publish, for the benefit of our friends at a distance, a few particulars of his career of the present Champion of Port Jackson. Accordingly, we now proceed to chronicle his various achievements up to the period of his last and most important struggle, on the 9th inst.
We may premise that a portion of the subjoined 'Memoir' appeared in our journal some months back; its publication now, in a complete form, may serve to convince our London friends that there is no mistake about the challenge which has been forwarded to England on Green's account. Under ordinary circumstances, the fact of an Australian oarsman throwing down the gauntlet to all the world would look rather bombastic. In Green's case, however, the needful is ready to any amount, and with such a list of victories to boast of, we think him quite justified in tackling any of the lions of the old country.
Richard Augustus Willoughby Green is the third son of Mr. George Green, of the North Shore. He was born in 1830, in the township of Greenwich, parish of Willoughby, North Shore, and is consequently now twenty-three years of ago. ' What is bred in the bone will never come out of the flesh,' is an old adage, and it followed therefore, as a matter of course, that the subject of our memoir should ' take to the water' with the natural impulse of a duck, seeing that his father before him, and all his brothers, may almost be said to be amphibious. Though not very old, ' Dick Green''(the more aristocratic appellatives of ' Augustus Wiloughby' being invariably dropped by his friends) has been for some years before the public as a puller, his first essay having been made on the 30th November, 1853, when seventeen years and a half old, on which occasion he defeated his three opponents, Howard, Younger, and Murray, without difficulty. Since that maiden effort, Green has pulled at all our principal regattas, besides several private matches, and has beaten all the best men who, during the last four years, have ever wetted a pair of sculls in Port Jackson, besides winning eleven pair-oar races in company with his brother Harry. By a glance at the annexed, list of his performances it will be seen that at the commencement of his career, he won sixteen sculling matches, and been second on five occasions, thus having single-handed won about L900 in stakes since, besides two champion cups— a feat which, to the best of our belief, has never been equalled by any one of his contemporaries in any part of the world.
On the 30th November, 1853, won a prize of L7, for all amateurs, in wager boats, beating I. Howard,Younger, nnd P. Murray. On the 26th January, 1851,won 11 prizes of ...
On the 6th August last, beat Thomas Magrath in a match for L100 and the Championship, 3J miles, on the Parramatta river....
In height our hero stands about 5 feet 101/2 inches and his walking weight is not less than 12st 71b, though in a match ho would not pull, more than 12st '7Ib. As there are spots ' upon the sun,' so we are in candour obliged to admit that to his many excellent qualities as an oarsman, Dick Green does not unite that of being an elegant puller; he has a short, quick stroke, which nothing but courage, stamina, and first-rate wind could support, but which, when he starts with his usual desperate dash, gives one the impression of his being over-anxious and flurried, more especially when it is opposed to the cool, steady, but finished style of pulling of his old 'opponent, Tom Magrath. IF, however, the ' native boy' wants some of the polish of the London watermen, he has to take credit for many excellences in which some of these latter are sorely deficient.
Possessed of great strength, indomitable courage, and an unimpaired constitution, Green's backers always have the satisfaction of knowing that if he can win ho will,nnd the above long list of his proofs of prowess show that it is rarely indeed that he cannot. RICHARD GREEN, THE CHAMPION SCULLER OF PORT JACKSON. (1859, August 27). Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle(Melbourne, Vic. : 1857 - 1868), p. 3. Retrieved from
This item records some of the champions Richard Green trained, while his elder brother was building their boats. Perhaps uppermost among these was Edward Trickett, whose family eventually were adjacent to the Greens in George street at Greenwich. The Green's boats were moored with the boats used by the Tricketts in their quarrying business. When Ned Trickett was in his early teens, RichardGreen had already made a name for himself in professional sculling both in Australia and in the UK.
Gordon Trickett in his book Ned Trickett Champion Sculler of the World concludes that:
"It was probably Dick Green, more than anyone else, who encouraged these three Trickett boys in their competitive rowing, and helped them develop their skills that would stand by them over the years to come. Ned's expertise and strength were clearly evident quite early to Dick Green who quietly and thoroughly coached him through the grind of skilful rowing."
This record from then lists other scullers Richard Augustus Willoughby trained and also why, when losing a hundred pounds, ahuge sum for then, creditors would cause problems:
Michael Bush was born in the county Tyrone, Ireland, and will be 30 years old next January. His height is six feet, usual weight 16 stone ; he pulls, when trained, a little under 18 stone. Has been, before this event, trained by A. M'Guire for about sixteen days, but being in work sometime previous his time of training may be termed about seven or eight weeks. He pulled a boat built by Biffin, of London ; her length is 31 feet, beam 12 inches, weight 38lbs. After several local matches on the Lower Clarence,the place he first took to boats ef any description, he won the championship ef the Clarence in 1869, beating Conlon. After this race he made up his mind to meet some of the Metropolitan crocks, and made his first appearance on the Sydney waters in 1870 at the Anniversary Regatta, where with Conlon he won the double boat race, open to all comers, beating Connel and Lyons. On the same day, a match was made for the two Clarence men to meet the brothers Trickett in a double scull race for£60, 'which Rush and Conlon won, defeating the promising brothers rather easily. Rush was then backed to pull William Hickey, the then champion, in watermen's boats, his backers taking from the Hickey party £200 to £150.Rush was defeated, after leading Hickey over half the distance. The night after that race, Bush again challenged Hickey to row a similar race, but the contest was refused. R. Hickey, however, took up the glove ; and Rush entered into training under Green, and after some preparation beat his man without much trouble. That match was for £509;He next challenged William Hickey for the championship in outriggers for £200 a side ; but, not being quite at home in the crank boats, suffered a defeat, but made amends fourteen days after by beating the victor in light skiff* over the same (Parramatta River) course; this race was for £200. Again he met Hickey, in February, 1873, in wager beats, and won the championship and £200. On the day of the race Bush's condition was good as might be wished for— better than ever before presented in his matches ; at least so thought many good judges.
Edward Trickett was born at Woolwich, Parramatta River; his present age is 23, height 6 feet 3£ inches, usual weight 12 stone 10 lbs., pulling weight 12 stone; has been seven weeks in training under his brother, J. Trickett. His boat was built by George Green ; her length is 32 feet, weight 34 lbs. Trickett commenced sculling early in his life by pulling in the dingy race for youths under 14, at an anniversary regatta in Sydney; then again in a race for youths under 16— in both, being far under age, he was beaten. Next regatta, the pair-oared race for youths under 18 fell to his chance; and then a handicap race in light skiffs, round Goat Island, he having beaten, in that event, Smith, M'Neale, Manning, and Bullivant. Next he won, with his brother, the double-scull race for boats under 21ft at Anniversary Regatta; subsequently the Tricketts were defeated by Bush and Conlon in a double scull match. Edward then pulled Conlon in light skiffs over the Parramatta River course,the latter man won ; Trickett, it may be noted, was not 20 years old at the time. At the next Balmain Regatta the Tricketts won the double scull nee; but the next year, through the swamping of their boat, lost a similar race to M'Cleer and Lyons. Six yean ago Edward Trickett had his match with E. M'Cleer in light skiffs, and beat him. At the last Balmain Regatta he won the all amateurs race in Mint skiffs, and his last wins were from Pearce, in watermen's boats, two races; in the last one Pearoe had choiosof boaU, but Trickett proved far too good for him. Trickett on the day was as fit as man could be, and very confident.
Silas C. Laycock was born in Sydney, is now twenty-seven years ; usual weight, 13 st 10 lbs.; has been training three weeks under Richard Green, who was engaged by him in Sydney. Pulled the race about 13 stone 9.His height is 6 feet 2 inches. The boat was built by George Green ; she is 32 feet long ; beam, 12£ inches ;weight, 38 lbs. Laycock has never performed off the Clarence, where he has resided over twelve years. Once he met Bush in waterman's boats, and was beaten ; but he beat Bush's brother the same day in the same class of boats. Laycock has been most attentive to his training, and has worked as hard as man could to approach fitness.
William Hickey is a native of Newcastle, now in his 31st year. His weight before training was 13 stone ; present weight about 11 st. 11 lbs. He has been under the oars of Steve Foster the past three weeks, and has done some very heavy work. His boat is an old one, built by Donnelly 6 years ago ; her weight is fully 40 lbs. His new boat intended for the match proved a failure. Hickey's performances date back over twelve years. His first matches were in waterman's skiffs. Of them may be particularised those with Booker, of Sydney, for £20 -won. Yeend, of Sydney, for £20— won. Donnelly, of Sydney, for £12— won. Then with his brother, at Raymond Terrace, he won a pair-oar race from Mitchell and Chapman. At Newcastle, afterwards, they beat the brothers Hard and Pilly and Hard in pair-oared matches. Hickey then took to light skiffs, and about ten years ago beat J. M'Cleer in those boats, the match being for £ 100.Be then, at the Anniversary Regatta, in light skiffs, beat' M'Cleer, Donnelly, Robert Green, and Connors. He then met Richard Green in watermen's boats, taking £100 to £70. The match was pulled on the Parramatta River, and Hickey proved victorious. Another match was then made for £100 with Green, and Hickey again won. Hickey then essayed a trial in wager boats with White, of London, for £100, over the champion course. This he won. Then he challenged Richard Green, and won from him the championship of the colony and £100. He afterwards won at regattas prizes for watermen's boats and light skiffs. After this Hickey was beaten by R. Green in two matches in outriggers— one for one mile, the other for two, but in a championship match about one year after, he beat Green and won £200. He then staked £120 to £100 against Green, and again won; in another match he received forfeit from Green. Hickey then laid Rush £200 to £150 for a race in watermen's boats, and beat the Clarence man, but not very easily. Rush then challenged him in outriggers, and Hickey again landed the money— £400. Rush again came at him in light skiffs, and won the match, which was for £100. At next Anniversary Regatta Hickey beat Bush in wager boats and light skiffs. The last match Hickey pulled was against Rush, on the Parramatta River, when the latter man proved victorious. Hickey seemed to have had too long a spell, and was not as pink as he might have been.
Richard Green was born at Greenwich, North Shore of Sydney Harbour ; is now in his thirty-eighth year; usual weight, 12 st. 10 lbs. ; training weight, 12 st. 4 lbs. ;pulled in a boat built by his brother, George Green— her length is 32 feet, weight 31 lbs. ; trained for this match with Laycock ; has been in work five weeks — rather too short a time for preparation, still he was fairly fit on the day.His performances date back to the year 1851, when he broke the ice by pulling the brothers Campbell, having for a mate his brother Harry ; the Greens suffered then not a disgraceful defeat, and Richard attracted the attention of many boating men. From 1851 to 1873 he rowed in about 213 contests, in all classes of boats. Of them the most memorable was the great English race with Robert Chambers, pulled on the Thames in 1863, when Green was beaten after a race that might have resulted differently if he was in health.
The same year, Chambers forfeited to him in a match in which Green hoped to reverse the verdict. So well were the Anglo-Australians satisfied with their champion's conduct that they, with others, subscribed liberally, and presented Green with a tea and coffee service of silver and an address. Same year, at the Thames National Regatta, in the race which was considered for the championship of the world, Green beat all entered— Kelly and five others. On the same day, with Kelly, won a pair oar race open to the world, beating five pairs.
Hickey's performances will furnish the rest of Green's career, or at least the part of it from his return to the colony to the present time. Green pulled in about twenty-five private matches, and, through all, his career is considered to have been a most honourable one. Thomas Malone is a native of Ireland, now in his thirty*third year. Has been on the Clarence about seventeen years. He entered into training about three weeks ago, having procured a boat from Mr. Rush, but unfortunately a strong puff of wind having caught it one day when being removed from the water serious damage was incurred, and for eight days Malone had to cease work, so it may be said that he was not prepared. Malone stands 6 feet, weighs 12 st.7 lbs. His usual weight is about 13 st. 7 lbs. He never before pulled in outriggers ; his only trials were in heavy 'boats on the lower Clarence, where he tried for some regatta prizes. Stephen Newby is a native of Lincolnshire, now thirty five years old ; height, 5 feet 8 1/2 inches ; weight, 10 st. Has been on the Richmond River the last eleven years. Pulled in several regatta races there. Built his boat on the Richmond — not at all a bad attempt for a first trial ; she weighed about 70 lbs. Borne of the Sydney men presented him with a pair of sculls, made on a new principle by George Green. Aquatics. (1874, October 17). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 496. Retrieved from
Richard Augustus Willoughby Green, of Riley street, Sydney, boat-builder. Liabilities, £424 Os.9d., of which £185 is available for unsecured creditors. Mr. Humphery, official assignee. INSOLVENCY. (1865, September 2). Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), p. 554. Retrieved from
There are more than a few records of Richard A W Green's successes - a few from these:
Richard A. W. Green, Born at Sydney, 1836, was one of our best scullers for many years. Although only of medium, height he scaled 12st. when in condition. He was remarkable from the first for his great speed for the first mile, and many of his best races were won by his ability to make the pace so fast at the lead. He had a most remarkable career, and although he was beaten repeatedly by Hickey he managed to secure a long list or wins. He was constantly rowing from 1851 to 1873, and during this time he competed 210 less than 213 times in every class of boat. The one performance that stands out more prominently than others is his memorable race with R. Chambers on the Thames, in 1863, when he was beaten ; but this race is said to have been a foregone conclusion, as Green was not In good health, and while racing he broke down completely. He had the satisfaction of heating Kelley and five others at the great regatta held on the Thames in that year, the race being open to all the world; and, with Kelley, won the champion pair oars from five other crews. The Australians were so satisfied with their man that they presented him with a service of plate and an address, and he is spoken of as a very honourable man. Some of his most prominent races were with T. M'Grath, Dewardt, Candlish, 'White, and Hickey. He was continually rowing these and other men, also engaging in double scull races, four-oar events, whaler races, &c-, and formed one of all the crews that at that time made rowing so popular. Dick Green's name can never pass out of mind when one looks back to the days that were making Australia's fame as the new home of rowing. Green beat J. Candlish, an English sculler, in 1858, this being the first race rowed on the present champion course.Richard A. W. Green. (1886, December 4). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 1154. Retrieved from
One in his own words:
By the death of Richard Augustus Wiloughby (Dick) Green at his home "Warren" Greenwich-road, Greenwich yesterday, only the memory is left of one of the greatest oarsmen the world has seen. He rowed an incredible number of races 326 of which but 50 were won - and was ready to row in any type of boat. Mr. Green, who was 85 at the time of his death. In 1906 rowed in a race between former champions. Another competitor was Bill Beach, then 54 years old. In an interview some years ago the champion gave the following account of his career:-"I rowed my first race when I was 17 years of age. We always raced our races on the harbour in my early days. Until Dewardt came out from England in 18??.We did not go in for match rowing. McGrath was the first man to get an outrigger out here, but Jas. Edwards was the first man to bring one out from England.
A Cumbersome Outrigger.
I was matched with McGrath and we built on outrigger 35 ft long ..... with wood and she was three times the weight of Mc Grath's boat. It took ... men to put it in the water. Needless to say I lost the race and a £20 wager. In the second race with McGrath, though in a new boat, I beat
The Candlish, the Englishman came out and I bough McGrath's outrigger for £50 to row him in. He wanted to row on smooth water and we chose the Parramatta course and pulled on it for the first race. I won, the time being 22 min 35 sec. Dewardt came out and I beat him in equal boats, when I was only 21, for £50 a side.
An Adventurous Journey
Then I set sail in the ship Damascus for England, shipping as carpenter's mate and with only £10 in my pocket to row for the championship of England. I got to London, but was stranded there for 12 months before the £200arrived from Australia to row Chambers.' We met and he defeated me after I had led him most of the way. The weather nearly killed me in England, like it did most of our scullers. Chambers would never meet me again, although the late Mr. George Thornton offer, to back me.
'Then I rowed in the great international regatta on the Thames and beat everyone including Harry Kelly who I consider was the greatest sculler I ever saw him race. Trickett claims to have brought the championship to Australia, but I am convinced I did so by winning this international race 12 years before and because Chambers would not race me again.. I never though much of Sadler, the man Trickett beat. I came home in the Great Britain and went into the butcher boats at the Heads, rowing for Playfairs against the two Hickeys and others, who were employed by T. Rice. I drew £5 a week, and was almost kept as well. It was through the arguements arising during my time in the three-pair butcher boats and the whalers that Bill Hickey and I were matched and rowed several races Hickey winning most of them. I rowed him a mile race, though, and beat him. I covered the mile in 5 min25 sec. Most of these races were for£100 or £200 aside.
Various Races.
At pair-oar rowing Jas. Punch and M'Grath proved superior to my late brother Harry and myself.
A memorable race we rowed was that between the four Englishmen, Candlish, Day, White and Dewardt in one boat and Punch, McGrath, my brother and myself in another boat and the Woodley brothers in the third. We vanquished the Englishmen after a great race. I think it was the first time professionals rowed in four-oared boats in Australia. I was stroke, two of the great whaleboat crew consisting of J. Punch, T. Cronin, T. McGrath, Harry Green and myself with W. F. Dind as coxswain and we won a lot of money.'
I won the championship cup at the Anniversary Regatta three years in succession that being the biggest race of the year those times and I also won a 50 guinea cup at North Shore Regatta two years running. I retired about 1873. R. A. W. GREEN. GREAT OARSMAN DEAD. (1921, September 7). Evening News(Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from
As can be seen from this item - everyone won the first four-oared race in Australia (!!?):
In this issue I publish the portrait of the famous old- time sculler, Richard Augustus Willoughby Green, more generally known as 'Dick' Green. He was born at Greenwich, Lane Cover River, at that time the property of his father, on August 23, 1836, which would make his age nearly 71 at the time he competed in the Veterans' Handicap during the early part of this year. He began his rowing career at the age of 17, and at the time he came out many good scullers such as Punch, McGrath, and the Mulhalls were about. He won his first race at the Anniversary Regatta, 1854 — a race for youths. A year later, he rowed George Mulhall in heavy boats and was beaten. At the Regatta held to celebrate the opening of the first Pyrmont Bridge Green won the sculling race. At the Anniversary Regatta, 1856 ,he won the race for scullers, £100 prize, and the championship cup. On April 22,1S58, he beat the famous English sculler, J. Dewardt, in outriggers for £400 stakes, the course being from Longnose Point, round Clark Island, and back, a journey which took just over three-quarters of an hour, to negotiate. Two months later he beat Tom McGrath for £400 stakes. Green rowed in numerous races at this part of his career, and was very successful. On January 19, 1858, he rowed and beat J. Candlish, ex-champion of Eng-land, for £400, the course being from Sheppard’s Point to The Brothers' Rocks, on the Parramatta River, and this was the first race held over what is now known as the Parramatta championship course. Green rowed a boat built by, Messenger, grandfather of the Charley Messenger, rowing at the present time. At that period pair-oar rowing was almost more popular than sculling, and Dick and his brother Harry won numerous races. In the year '59 Green continued his successful career, one of his best races being against Tom McGrath, the recognised champion. His form in this race so pleased his supporters that, at a meeting held on August 16, 1859, it was decided that Green should challenge for the championship of England and £1000 aside. He, however, did not go to England until four years later.
A famous race was rowed on December 3, 1859, at Sydney, when Candlish, White, Day, and Dewardt, representing England, beat Punch, McGrath, and H. and R. Green in a four-oared race, which is the first mention I have of four-oared races in racing boats. These four Englishmen were celebrated rowers at home, and our men owe a very great deal of their knowledge of sculling to points gained from them. Strange enough, all four of them died very suddenly; In fact, I think all four were accidentally killed. Green beat White in light skiffs on the Parramatta in 1860 — only one of many races won that year. The number of races that he must have rowed about this time will be apparent, as' he claims during his rowing career to have won 210 races. The Green brothers during' this period met Punch and McGrath in pair-oar races several times, with honors about equal. On May 16, 1861; the first Intercolonial race on record was rowed. The Hobart oarsmen, had a very fine whaleboat crew, which had beaten men-o'-war crews and all-comers. They offered a £100 prize, and Sydney sent over J. Punch, S. Cronan, T. McGrath, H. Green, and R. Green, with W. F. Dind as cox. They won easily. Richard Green is now the only survivor of the five that made the trip.
In 1863 Green, being the recognised champion of Australia, having beaten practically everybody, was sent to England by his friend's, where he rowed the late Robert Chambers on June 16. 1863. The climate, however, did not agree with him at all, and he was beaten easily. Two months later, with Chambers as his partner, he won the champion pair-oar race, and he also won the champion sculls at the Thames National Regatta. The late Honorable George Thornton, who was then in England, offered to back Green for £500 for a return match against Chambers, but the latter refused to meet him. Green returned to Sydney to find a new champion in the person of W. Hickey, and after rowing several races against him, it was clearly demonstrated that Hickey was the stronger sculler of the two.
On June 20, 1866, he lost the championship finally to Hickey, the race being on the Parramatta River, stakes'£400. At this time a run of exceedingly good scullers were brought to light, including Ned Trickett, M. Rush, and B. Laycock. Green at this time was rowing at various regattas, being very often successful, and in August, '67, he again tried Hickey, but was once more defeated. This did not prevent him from making one more attempt, when he was again beaten and during the subsequent portion of his career he- had more often than not to give way to younger men. In 1870 Rush came to the front, and, of course, Green must of necessity try him, but he had no chance. On October 7, 1874, a race was held at Grafton for a prize of £200, which brought out Rush,
Trickett, Laycock, Hickey, and Green, who finished in the order named. This was Laycock's first race, Hickey's last, and practically Green's last, with the exception of the veteran races, in which he has recently rowed. He finally retired in 1876.
Green was a fixed-seat rower of very excellent style, and a particularly clever man in a boat. Those who saw him row in the veteran races, particularly that of 1906, noticed that, although an old man of 70 years of age, his style compared very favorably with that of any competitor.
His testimonial benefit which is now before the public, deserves all support. A purse of sovereigns is to be presented to the veteran next Wednesday evening at a smoke concert to be held at Bateman's Hotel, George-street. It is to be hoped supporters of rowing will assemble in force and do honor to the veteran. Subscriptions will be received and gratefully acknowledged by Mr. R. Coombes at the 'Referee' office.THE DICK GREEN TESTIMONIAL. (1907, May 29). Referee(Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 9. Retrieved from
Who the papers of that time record as the winner - perhaps there was a rematch, which would account for R A W Green's memory of a win - later records (below) state there were at least three in these first 'four-oared races:
The adjourned portion of the Balmain regatta came off on Saturday. The crack race of the day was a four-oared gig race, for 20. Three boats started; but the real contest was between the English pullers -Candlish, Day, Mc Gregor and White, and the crack Port Jackson men-Dick Green, H. Green, T. Mc Grath and J. Punch, and the result was that the pale blue of Australia had again to be lowered before the representatives of the Thames watermen, who came in first by about twenty-five lengths. SYDNEY. (1859, December 7 - Wednesday). The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (NSW : 1848 - 1859), p. 2. Retrieved from
What this first four-oared race does underline is that old rivals were all 'native boys' together when it counted!
The death took place yesterday, at Greenwich, at the age of 85 years, of Mr. Richard(Dick) A. W. Green, the first champion sculler of Australia to proceed to England 59 years ago. A son of the late Mr. Geo. Green, Richard Augustus Willoughby Green was born at Greenwich in August, 1836. He rowed in no fewer than 326 races, and won 275 of them.
He was pitted against England's champion, Robert Chambers, but during the race he was taken suddenly ill in his boat. He was in-formed in a letter afterwards that he had been poisoned - he believed a servant girl was responsible. So incensed was he over the affair that he asked one of the newspapers to publish the letter which he had received, but it declined to do so - apparently feeling that discretion was the better part of enthusiasm, even in the cause of a brilliant overseas oars-man.
The race was on the Thames, and Mr. Green had raced his opponent for nearly two miles out of the journey of three miles, when he was suddenly stricken down. He was struck dumb and was unable to call out to his coach, although suffering from terrible pains in his groins. Realising that he had been under a cloud, the Australian wanted the English-man again to race him for the world's championship, but the latter declined.
Mr. Green was champion here for a score or more of years, and he rowed in almost every kind of boat possible. He was about 17 years of age when he won his first race a £7 prize for amateurs in outriggers and was a familiar figure for many years in the regatta events. On one occasion he rowed in five races on one day, and won the whole lot of them. DOYEN OF AUSTRALIAN OARSMEN. (1921, September 7). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
In re Richard A. W. Green. Bankrupt was examined at some considerable length. He said he had been working a leasehold at Pittwater, which he had the option of purchasing for £1500 within three years. This was his third insolvency. The first was about twenty years ago. Twelve months ago he gave a bill of sale over furniture and a stock of boats at Pittwater, to a Mr. Bailey. He did not receive any consideration therefor at the time. Mr. Bailey appointed bankrupt's father-in-law to take possession. Mrs. Green was a creditor for £271. She was his mother. In 1884 he entered into an agreement to sell some land he had bought from his mother for £8000. A dispute arose and was settled in Equity by him taking a one fifth share in the re-sale of the kind, in addition to the £8000. Two payments of £600 each were made, but Mr. Bailey got the money. At the conclusion of the examination His Honor drew attention to the unnecessary length to which it had been carried, and that the costs should be reserved, and not allowed without an express order. In Bankruptcy. (1889, February 14). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 3. Retrieved from
Richard and his brother in law:
Re John Joseph Ryan. The bankrupt attended, and did not desire to amend his statement. Eleven creditors had proved, but none were purchasing within three years for £1600. He had been insolvent three times; the first time was in 1866. A year ago he gave a bill of sale for £100 over his furniture, live stock, and boats at Pittwater to a Mr. Bailey, for which at the time he did not receive any consideration. He did not know whether the bill of sale was registered. His father-in-law, John Johnson, was appointed by Mr. Bailey to take possession. The Mrs. Green inserted as a creditor was his mother. The debt due to her £277 : it was advanced by Mr. Bailey as trustee.
Re Richard A. W. Green.-The bankrupt attended, and verified his statement of affairs. Mr. E. A. Smith (for the official assignee, Mr. A. Morris) examined the bankrupt as to his transactions. The bankrupt said he was not in any business at the time of his sequestration. He was working on leasehold property at Pittwater, which he had the option of purchasing. In 1884 he agreed to sell to four gentlemen for £8000 a plot of land he had purchased from his mother. A dispute arose over the agreement, which was settled in equity two years afterwards by a new agreement, under which he was to receive, in addition to the £8000, a fifth share of the resale of the land. When the agreement was signed a deposit of £600 was made. A second payment of £600 was made soon after the equity suit was over. Mr. Bailey drew the money; he never saw it. The balance of the £8000 he understood had been paid; Mr. Bailey never told him so. If Mr. Bailey had received the balance of the purchase money he had not in any way accounted for it to him(the bankrupt). After further questioning, the bankrupt was declared to have passed his examination subject to any other examination which might be required.
His Honor made a special order that the costs of the "prolix examination" should be reserved, and not allowed upon taxation without express order. LAW REPORT. SUPREME COURT—WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13. (1889, February 14). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
Innovative - like all in his family:
I am 'asked to say who originated the fin in the boats used by scullers. The enquirer states that he read with great interest what I recently had to say as to the origin of the sliding seat, and that he felt he would like to know something about the fin. Well, I must confess to not knowing exactly who originated or invented the fin, but it was only a short while ago that in the course of a most interesting, to me, chat with those veteran rowing enthusiasts Messrs. John Blackman and Harry Floyd, that this subject cropped up. Mr Floyd then told me that during a visit to England some years ago, he called upon no other than the late Harry Kelley, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, who it will be remembered, passed away at the ripe age of 82 years at the end of 1914. During the interview the old champion told Mr. Floyd that the first time he ever saw a fin on a racing boat was in 1863, when our own R. A. W. Green (Australia's famous veteran Dick Green)used one in his race against Robt. Chambers
in the contest on the Thames on June 16. I believe Mr. Floyd mentioned this race, but if not, it may have been in the race for the Putny Sculls in 1863, which event was won by Green. In the very early days of the best boat, a rudder was used, with wires running along to the stretcher and the sculler using his feet to manipulate his steering, just as one sees done in the coxswain-less pairs and fours of to-day. The fin then was, in my opinion, nearer, if not actually in, the centre of the boat, and was used, I take it, to keep the craft steady and prevent, as far as possible, rolling; although, admittedly, all the authorities I have consulted state that the fin was never in the centre of the boat, and was never intended to in anyway counteract rolling. But rudders have long since been dispensed with, and the fin is more aft, and performs the duty of assisting in the steering of the boat. George Towns and Harry Pearce, sen.
In order to fortify myself with additional evidence, I rang up Mr. George Towns, the ex-champion of the world and noted builder of boats, and asked his views. Mr. Towns stated that, to the best of his knowledge, the inventor of the fin was Mr. John Clasper. I then paid a visit to Mr. Harry Pearce, sen., at Double Bay, and had the good fortune to catch the veteran sculler and Mr. Harry Floyd together. I again asked if at any time either of them had ever seen a movable fin worked on the principle of a centre-board in an open sailing boat, but they had not. Now, personally, and trusting solely to memory, I saw a boat rigged the way I describe — it may have been just an experiment, but I cannot get it out of my mind that I saw a boat with a fin under the seat, and which could be pulled up into a case or let down at will. Mr. Pearce said : 'To the best of my belief, the fin has always been located aft,' and the idea in its adoption was to prevent in a measure the boat running up into the wind.’ Next I called on Mr. Harry Messenger, brother of the late Charles Messenger, whose boat-shed is alongside that of Mr. Pearce. He talked interestingly of the fin and its uses, but could not locate the originator' of the idea. I next tried to get in touch with Mr. Peter Kemp, the well-known boatbuilder and ex-champion of the world, but he was away at Woy Woy.
Notable December Happenings
The month of December has been a notable one in the way of happenings in the rowing world, and below will be found a list which may afford interesting reading. I may add that that ever keen enthusiast, Mr. John Blackman, has rendered most valuable assistance in the compilation of same : —December 1, 1868.— Harry Kelley beat J. H. Sadler (Eng.). December 1, 1888— First Australasian four-oar race rowed on Parramatta River; result — Victoria 1, New Zealand 2, New South Wales 3, Tasmania (Tamar Club) 4.The late George Upward stroked the Victorian crew — his last race.
December 3, 1859— James Candlish,. H. White, F. Dewardt and T, Day (recent arrivals from ivier. England) defeated R. A. W. Green, H. Green, J. Punch and T. McGrath in fours at Sydney.
December 3, 1909— Alf. D. Felton won the Foxton (N.Z.) sculling handicap. Result: A. D. Felton (N.S.W.), £150 and cup, 1; Syd. Kemp' (N.S.W.), £50, 2; Frank Hagney (N.S.W.), £30,
December 4, 1880— Wallace Ross beat Edward Trickett, Putney to Mortlake, £400 stakes; time,23min 43sec.
December 5 (to December 11), 1888— Bris-bane Aquatic Carnival, with £800 prize money. Result: H. E. Searle (N.S.W. (£500), 1; Peter Kemp (N.S.W.) (£200), 2; Neil Matterson(N.S.W.) (£100), 3. It was on December 7that Searle and Matterson were disqualified for fouling Beach. However, Beach declined to row any more because the disqualification was only for the heat.
December 5, 1902 — GeorgeTowns returned to Sydney bringing with him the world's championship. He was welcomed by the Lord Mayor (Sir Thomas Hughes).
December 7, 1880— James Punch died.
December 8, 1883 — William Beach beat Edward Trickett in the final of the James Hunt prize. Time for full course on Parramatta,20min 58sec.
December 10, 1889 — Henry Ernest Searle died at Williamstown (Vic.) at 9 a.m. of typhoid fever.
December 10, 1891 — The Searle Memorial monument unveiled on the Parramatta.
December 10, 1892 — First race in short sculling boats. It was at Maclean Regatta, and Tom Croese won from scratch.
December 11, 1897 — Chas. Chapman (N.Z.),who had learnt his sculling in Sydney, won amateur champion sculls of V.R.A., on Yarra.
December 12, 1885 — Chris. Nielsen beat Charlie Matterson, £100 aside, in light skiffs, over the Parramatta course, in the record time of22min 35sec.
December 13, 1893 — Charles Stephenson beat Chas. Dutch.
December 14, 1855 — Dan Healy won Champion Sculls at Balmain Regatta.
December 1-5, 1866 — R. A. W. Green beat W. Hickey over the Parramatta championship course.
December 15, 1890 — John McLean beat Peter Kemp for the championship of the world and £200 aside, Parramatta River. There was a foul near the mile point. Time, 22min 13sec.
December 15, 1908 — Dick Arnst beat Wm. Webb for championship of the world and £500 aside, Wanganui River. Time, 19min 52sec.December 16, 1861 — Great whaleboat race at Hobart, £100 in prizes. R. A. W. Green (str.),H. Green, T. McGrath, J. Punch, and S. Cronin (N.S.W.) won easily.
December 16,1865— R. A. W. Green (N.S.W.) beat H. White(England) over the championship course. Time, 24min 50sccDecember 17, 1870— Michael Rush beat W. Hickey in light skiffs. December 17, 1891 —Alexander Finlayson died. He was a very fine amateur oarsman, and a member of our Interstate eight-oar crew of \1879.
December 17,1891 — Sam Jordan, well-known amateur, drowned in Nepean River, near Penrith.
December 18, 1885 — W. Beach beat Neil Matterson, for championship of the world and £200 aside, Parramatta River.
December 18,1867 — Tom Sullivan, sculler, born at Auckland.
December 19, 1894 — Thos. Croese, a fine sculler from the Newcastle district, died at Coolgardie from typhoid fever.
December 20, 1860— R. A. W. Green (N.S.W.)beat H. White (England) in light skiffs over championship course.
December 21, 1889 — In second race between Australian University Eights, Adelaide beat Melbourne at Adelaide.
December 22 — George J. Perkins, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, beat D. Libau (better known as a cyclist and walker), £100 in stakes, Parramatta River.
December 23, 1871 Second inter-'Varsity fours — Sydney v. Melbourne. Won by the Melbourne crew.
December 24, 1880 — Woolloomooloo Bay light skiff race of £25, promoted by the late John Deeble. Won by William Beach from P. Ward, J. McClerken, Peter Jackson (afterwards champion boxer), and others. This was Beach's first race in Sydney.
December 26, 1856— James Punch won race for youths (under 18 years) in outriggers.
December 26, 1855 — George Mulhall won race for youths (under 18 years). December 28, 1858 —James Punch and T. McGrath beat R. A. W. Green and H. Green, in pair-oar skiffs.
December 26, 1906 — William Webb (N.Z.), beat James Stanbury (N.S.W.), at Wanganui, for championship of N. Zealand.
December 26, 1910—Harry Pearce (N.S.W.) beat William Webb(N.Z.), £400 in stakes at Wanganui (N.Z.).
December 30, 1870 — First Inter-Varsity four-oared race, rowed on the Yarra and won by Melbourne. . The crews were : Melbourne — T. C. Hope, J. Grice, T. Collen, and D. W. Wilkie; Sydney — A. Yeomans, R. Teece, Edmund Barton and E. A. Iceton ROWING. (1917, December 12). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 16. Retrieved from
Our Rowing Record. III.— 1856— 1858. By Charon.
The period embraced in the above years was a most interesting one in our rowing annals. Boat-racing received an impetus which it has sustained with undiminished energy up to the present time. In the last article, it wilt be remembered that the first outrigger race was recorded, and it maybe mentioned that the first English boat of the kind was brought here by James Edwards, now the well-known boat-builder of Melbourne, and I have it on good authority that Richard Green paid £10 for the moulds of her. Our local builders were not slow in producing specimens of their craft that before long held their own with those of the English builders. For a time outriggers racing was the paiw and as a result we witness the first challenge issued by this colony against the pick of the old country's oarsmen. To James Candlish must be given the credit of first appreciating and drawing attention to the splendid course on the Parramatta River, Green and Candlish being the first scullers to row a match on that now historic course. Poor old Candlish was killed only a year ago on the Clarence, really regretted by all who knew him. The whaleboat -races of this lime created the greatest interest and excitement, and party feeling ran high among the friends and members of the rival crews. In one case a sailing craft ran down a competing crew, when a general fight ensued, which was quelled only by the approach of the police. And at the Anniversary Regatta of 1860 White's crew of eight rowers wore put out of the race by a boat deliberately running them down. Training was little thought of in those days, and even the practice rows were limited; and an old oarsman assures me that it was no unusual thing for a crew to devour a quantity of fruit, and in one cflBe some dw-enc of green peaches before starting I have heard on several occasions an amusing- anecdote though I am not prepared to vouch for its truth of the way in which oarsmen then dieted themselves. At one of the more important regattas a whaleboat race in which there were several boats entered, and which was looked forward to with considerable interest was to take place. Just prior to the start one of the crews indulged in a most hearty manner on watermelons. The race was rowed, and after a desperate struggle the watermelon crew proved to be the victors. They were thoroughly exhausted at the finish, which was alongside the Flagship. As a reaction set in, they all became dreadfully ill. And the consternation of the spectators was something extra ordinary when it appeared that each particular member of the crew had bunt a blood-vessel. No regatta was complete unless it had a couple of dingy races, and it was no unusual thing to have over a dozen entries for each event. That they did good work is proved by the fact that the winners in nearly every case turned out afterwards first class oarsmen. On 4th. July, '59, in the race between Green and M'Grath, we have the first record of a match in which it was stipulated that the winner was able to claim the championship of the colony.1856: January 7, races for bona fide gentlemen amateurs similar to English practice strongly advocated. January 21, Richard Green, between 19 and 20 years of age, v. T. M'Grath, £200 ; Two Island course. The start was made at Fort Macquarie ,' M'Grath led from the start, and sustained his lead throughout ; Green rowed a plucky stern chase, and pressed his opponent very hard. After a most exciting and interesting race, M'Grath won by three lengths. January 26, Anniversary Regatta champion race, in outriggers, won by B. Green ; his opponent, T. M'Grath, breaking bis scull shortly after starting. Both boats were built by Messenger, of the Thames. January 30, race in watermen's skiffs, for prize cup valued at £100 (to be won three times), with 25 guineas added, under auspices of Anniversary Regatta Committee of 1855; won by Richard Green, his opponents being Henry Green and George Clayton, M'Grath entered, but did not start ; very hollow race, R. Green winning easily. April 22, Richard Green v. J. Dewardt, in outriggers, £400 ; Balmain, round Clarke Island, and back; betting, 6 to 4 on Dewardt; two umpires, Mr. G. Thornton referee ; Dewardt led at the start, but Green, who rowed by far in better form, overhauled his opponent in the first quarter of a mile, and at Clark Island led by five lengths in 24 minutes ; for the remainder of the distance Green had the race well in hand, and won by several lengths in 45 minutes. May 24 : North Shore regatta ; racing not up to usual form ;*12-feet dingy race, for youths under 15 years, won by J. Donnelly ; 'amusing to observe the youngsters, mere children, pulling with a perseverance which in alter years will make them no mean competitors.' The boats built by the brothers Green said to eclipse all others in speed. June 5 : J. Solomon and G. Whitfield beat J. Walton and William Clark in double sculling race in skiffs. June 24 : Richard Green against T. M'Grath, £400, in outriggers; Balmain, round Clark Island, and back, about 5£ miles ; betting even ; said to be most exciting boat-race ever seen in Australia ; until near the finish, scarcely a length separated the boats ; Green led slightly at the start, but was unable to get more than a length's advantage ; after rounding Clark Island, and for some distance, rowed on equal terms with his opponent; Green, however, commenced to draw away, though very slowly, and again obtained a lead of a length, which he increased to two lengths by the time he passed the winning post; time, 44 minutes.
June 28, licensed watermen's race for prize skiff, presented by Hon. Robert Campbell; 10 starters: J. Phelps winner, J. Roylance second. July 26, all comers in watermen's skiffs, Anniversary Regatta Committee of 1855, Champion Cup, with £10 10s. added : Second contest. Again won by Richard Green, who defeated Henry Green, the only other competitor. November 30, Balmain Regatta. All comers in outriggers' race, won by T. M'Grath, who led from the start; Richard Green, his only opponent, gave up after going a mile. December 26, 'Woolloomooloo Bay Regatta. All comers' race in outriggers, won by T. M'Grath after an exciting struggle with Richard Green, who towards the finish fell astern, and only obtained third place. Usual races for youths in 12-feet dingies well and numerously contested.1857: January 26, Anniversary Regatta. All comers in outriggers finely contested. M'Grath, who was rowing neck-and-neck with Richard Green, was fouled by a sailing craft ; but, notwithstanding, he regained his position, and finally won. The skiff presented for competition to the licensed watermen on this occasion was the joint gift of Messrs. T. Taylor and G. V. Brooke. In the race in heavy skiffs, Richard Green in turn defeated M'Grath. February 1, third and final race for £100 challenge cup, under auspices of Anniversary Regatta Committee or 1855, all comers in watermen's skiffs ; only three entries, Richard and Henry Green and G. Clayton ;the latter gave up shortly after the start, and the brothers Green rowed leisurely over the course, Richard winning,and thus obtaining final possession of the cup. April 27,J. Punch v. J. Healey, in dingies, £37, Punch laying £22to £15 ; Fort Macquarie round Goat Island and back ; good race for half -a-mile, when Punch led and won in 26 minutes 20 seconds. Healey's friends, not being satisfied, asked that the competitors might change boats and race later in the day for £15 a side ; this was done, and Punch again won. May 25, North Shore Regatta. December 26, Woolloomooloo Bay Regatta, in the all corners' race in outriggers, as two of the competitors— J. Candlish and H. Green— did not put in an appearance owing to the stormy state of the weather, the committee declined to start the remaining competitors, R. Green and T. M'Grath. Windsor Regatta, December 28,R. Eales beat W. Plunkett in skiffs at Windsor, £10a side.1858: January 1, Regatta at Hunter's Hill. January 19, James Candlish, a late arrival from Newcastle on Tyne, England, v. Richard Green, in outriggers, £400;course from Shepherd's Point to the Brothers' Rocks, Parramatta River, Candlish receiving £10 for expenses ; Green led from the start, and leading by a length in 100 yards won as he liked in 23 minutes 35 seconds. Candlish rowed a boat built by Morgan, of Melbourne, and Green one built by Messenger, of England. This was the first match rowed on the Parramatta River course, Candlish being the first to recognise its splendid advantages for boat-racing. January 26, Anniversary Regatta, J. Punch and S. Cronin defeated Henry and Richard Green in pair-oar race, after a splendid contest. Whaleboat Race, won by the brothers Green. March 8, J. Punch v. T. Mulhall, in skiffs, £100, two island course ; Punch led from the start, increasing his lead at pleasure, and won by 20 lengths, in 35 minutes. March 17, Pyrmont ^Regatta, five starters for the Licensed Watermen's Race, which was won by J. Phelps after a great struggle with G. Nash ; Whaleboat Race, won by G. Mulhall’s crew. April 15, Kissing Point Regatta. May 24,North Shore Regatta, Licensed Watermen's Race, for prize skiff, presented by Hon. Robert Campbell, won by C. Woods, J. M'Nall second, 12 starters. November 30, Balmain Regatta. December 26, Woolloomooloo Bay Regatta, All comers race, in outriggers, won easily by J. Punch ; Waterman's Skiff Race, won by Richard Green, after a good race with M'Grath. In Pair-oar Race Punch and M'Grath defeated the brothers Green. Two races for youths under 16 in dingies, won by J. Connors. Our Rowing Record. (1883, September 8). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser(NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 462. Retrieved from
At Monday's regatta thoughts at the luncheon speeches turned to Australia's first sculling champion, Mr. "Dick" Green, who was described by one of the speakers as "the doyen of Australian rowing men." Mr. Green was not present, and he knew nothing of the honour that was accorded his name until a "Herald" representative told him all about it yesterday. It gladdened his heart probably as nothing else could have done.
Mr. Green, whose prowess as an oarsman in the early days captured the hearts of sporting Australia, is, chronologically, an old man-he is 84 years of age-but time has dealt tenderly with him, and there is still something of life's elasticity about him. He tells you, although not in the same words, that it is not the alchemist's wondrous elixir of life that he can thank for his old age. He attributes his prolonged and healthy life to his training and well-ordered life when he figured in the sporting world, and to the fact that he has taken care of himself. He never smokes. He never had a taste for smoking, and looks upon the habit as a mistake. He tells you, with pride, that there is not a man living who takes less medicine than he does.
A son of the late. Mr. Geo. Green, Richard Augustus Willoughby Green was born at Greenwich, where he is now living with a married daughter (Mrs. F. A. Chapman), on August 23, 1836. He rowed in no fewer than 326 races, and won 275 of them. The trophies now in his possession speak of his many triumphs. He was Australia's first sculling champion to go to England. He was pitted against England's champion at that time (Robert Chambers) and even to this day he speaks with bitterness of the fact that, during the memorable race, he was taken suddenly ill in his boat. He was informed in a letter afterwards that he had been poisoned-he believed a servant girl was responsible. So incensed was he over the affair that he asked one of the newspapers to publish the letter which he had received, but it declined to do so-apparently feeling that discretion was the better part of enthusiasm, even in the cause of a brilliant overseas oarsman.
The race was on the Thames, and Mr. Green had raced his opponent for nearly two miles out of the journey of three miles, when he was suddenly stricken down. He was struck dumb and was unable to call out to his coach, although suffering from terrible pains in his groins. Realising that he had been under a cloud, the Australian wanted the Englishman again to race him for the world championship, but the latter declined, according to Mr. Green. "I waited," he says, "for England's national regatta, and asked the committee to make a race for all-comers for the championship of England. They did so, and I won; I beat eight of them in this race."
Time has effaced from Mr. Green's memory a lot of things, but he can still give you a graphic account of how he met Robert Chambers and how, when he was Australia's hope, he was suddenly taken ill In his boat. And that was 58 years ago.
Mr. Green was champion here for a score or more of years, and he rowed in almost every kind of boat possible. He was about 17 years of age when he won his first race a £7 prize for amateurs in outriggers-and was a familiar figure for many years In the regatta events. On one occasion he rowed in five races on one day, and won the whole lot of them.
Mr Green does not read the newspapers now, and was unaware of Barry's proposed visit to Australia to race Felton on a course where he had scored so many of his brilliant triumphs-the Parramatta. Mrs. Chapman showed the reporter an old photograph of Mr. Green with a model life-boat in his hands. Mr. Green did not recognise himself, but he remembered the little model, which was brought out on to the table.
Mr. Green did not have the means of prosecuting his work in connection with the model, that of a lifeboat, but he claims for it the precious virtue of being quite unsinkable. He designed it when in the boat building trade. Mrs. Green died six years ago. OLD-TIME MEMORIES. (1920, January 29). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
And yes, these wonderful people and what's in their 'bone and blood' are still among us - many had numerous children and among these the passion for boats and racing persisted:
Richard Augustus Willoughby Green's Contemporaries - during his Retirement to the North Shore 'Gardening' and to Pittwater:
(See Portrait Group on Page 1170.)
A brief glance at the rowing history of New South Wales shows in a remarkable manner how the colony has advanced from being the mere home of the blackfellow to the proud position of the Greater Britain of the South. As was the colony, so in the early days were the sports in which the pioneer colonists indulged; and those were exceedingly primitive. Skill was a secondary consideration.
It was mere physical power which was then required. The ordinary ship's boat was the only means of testing the capabilities of aspirants to rowing fame for a decade or so after the first free settlers landed on the shores of Port Jackson. As the settlement progressed, rowing matters assumed quite a different aspect. The first race on record was rowed on May 16, 1818,between Captain Piper, naval officer, and three captains of merchant vessels, viz., Capt. Lawrie, of the Batavia; Capt. Johnston, of the Guilford and Capt. Bell, of the Minerva; over a course from Bradley's Head to Sydney Cove. The event was won by the naval officer.
It was not however till 1855 that any sculling contests to be classed as championship races, were rowed. In that year Thomas M'Grath and George Mulhall made their debut. M'Grath, who was a native of Sydney, defeated Mulhall. De ward, of Gravesend, came out in the same year and defeated M'Grath in 30 min 12sec, on a course round Shark Island.
In '56, Richard Green is first noticed in a match with M'Grath for £200, in, which he was beaten. Green subsequently beat Deward and M'Grath in matches in which the stakes were £400. The first challenge cup (valued at 100 guineas) was rowed for in '57, and was won by Green, James Punch and J. Candlish in 1857, and W. Hickey in, '65, were the next prominent scullers; and this brings us down to M. Bush's big match with Hickey in watermen's skiffs for £350 on the Parramatta River on March 20, . 1870. August 22, 1874, saw 'Ned' Trickett's first victory of note in a match with Pierce, for £50, in watermen's boats. From this period Australia took rank second only to England for first-class scullers; and Ned Trickett, by his defeat of J. H. Sadler on the Thames on June 27, 1875, became the first Australian born champion of the world.
Trickett retained the championship till November, 1880, when it was wrested from him on the Thames by Edward Hanlan. The Canadian retained the much-prized honour till August 16,1884, when William Beach lowered his colours on the Parramatta River. The recent sculling contests on the Thames have proved that, if Beach should retire from the sculling world, he will have a fitting successor in Neil Matterson so that the championship of the world is likely to find a home in his favored sunny land of ours for some years at any rate.'The careers of the subjects of our illustrations are described below:
GREEN.-Richard A. W.Green is a native of this colony, he having been born in Sydney on August 23, 1836. His first race proved a win. That was the scullers' race for youths under 17 years of age, on January, 15, 1853. In 1854 he won the amateur scullers' race at the Anniversary Regatta, and with Henry Green he won the pair-oared race. Won all comers sculling race at Woolloomooloo in December, beating H. Green, In 1855 he rowed second to Green and beat McGrath, With H. Green he won the all comers' race at the Darling Harbour Regatta. Won the all comers' race at the North Shore Regatta and was beaten by M'Grath in the all-comers' race (owing to a foul) at the Balmain Regatta. In 1856 he was beaten by T.M'Grath for £200 and the championship of Australia. Rowed second to Green in all comers' sculling race, and all comers' skiff race at Anniversary Regatta, beating T. Mulhall. Won first heat in Challenge Cup and £125, beating H. Green ; beat, Deward for £400 and championship; won all comers' sculling race and skiff race at North Shore, Regatta, and with H. Green won the pair-oared race; beat T. M'Grath for ; championship and £400 ; was beaten by M'Grath and Green at Woolloomooloo Regatta ; beat M 'Grath in skiff race. In 1857 he was beaten at Anniversary Regatta by T. M'Grath,in all comers' race, and rowed second with H. Green in the pair-oared race against Punch and Cronin; won final heat for £125 challenge cup ; at North Shore Regatta won all comers scullers' race, skiff race, and pair-oar race, with H. Green ; at Balmain Regatta he had his boat smashed in the all comers scullers race ; won skiff race, beating White. In 1858, he beat J. Candlish for £400 and the championship of Australia; was beaten by T. M'Grath. and J. Punch in a pair-oared race at Woolloomooloo Regatta. In 1859 was beaten at Anniversary Regatta by M'Gratb ; beat T. M'Grath for championship and £400; rowed third to M'Grath and H. Green in all comers' scullers race at North Shore Regatta; with J. Punch at Manly Beach he won all comers pair-oared race ; won all comers' race at Cremorne. During 1860 he beat H. White in a skiff race for £200. In 1861, with H. White, he was beaten by M'Grath and Punch ; and with H. Green he beat those two scullers and was in turn beaten by them; won all-comers' race at Hobart Town, beating M'Grath, Turnbull, and A. Maguire. In 1802 won all comers race at Anniversary Regatta, beating H. Green, beat T. M'Grath in a skiff race for £200. In 1863 he visited England, and was beaten by R. Chambers on the Thames in a match for £400 and the championship of the world. He won the all comers' sculling race at the Thames Regatta, and on the same day, with H. Kelly, he won the all comers' pair-oared race. He received forfeit from R. Chambers for the championship of the world, and then he returned to Sydney. In 1864 he won the all comers' race at the Anniversary Regatta. In 1865 he was beaten by W. Hickey for £400 in watermen's skiffs. In 1866 he was beaten by W. Hickey for £400 and the championship. Beat Hickey twice (one-mile and two mile races). In 1867 was again beaten by Hickey for £400 and the championship. Green had a, good lead, but ran on a rock at the mile point and knocked the fore end off his boat. Green, in addition, rowed in four whaleboat races, winning two first and two second prizes. He also rowed three four-oared races, winning one first and two second prizes. Green was for many years engaged in gardening pursuits in the North Shore district, but lately he removed to Pittwater.
PUNCH - James Punch was born at Brisbane Water in 1840. He made his first appearance in rowing contests in 1856 (when only 16 years of age) at the Balmain Regatta, and beat R. Green and J. Healey in the Skiff Race. In December of the same year, at the Woolloomooloo Bay. Regatta, he beat R. Green and Healey in the outrigger race. The record of this oarsman is unparalleled in the history of the colony.He took part in every regatta from I856 to 1863,and he had the most unvarying good fortune.
He was associated with M'Grath in many pair-oars races ; the couple generally winning. His record shows him to have been the finest oarsman of his time. It was nothing unusual for him to pull two or three races in one day.
The first big race in which he appeared in a pair-oared with M'Grath was on the Parramatta River, for £100. on May 21, 1861, against R. Green and H. White. The latter were beaten ; but they reversed their defeat in the following August. The third contest between the parties for similar stakes resulted in a win for Punch and M'G'ath. At the Hobart Town Regatta, in March '62, M'Grath, with R. Green, H. Green, and Cronin won the whaleboat race for £100, beating four other crews. On the River Yarra in November of the same year he beat Ben Oxlade, of London, in an outrigger race, for £100 aside. Coming back to Sydney, he and M'Grath were beaten in the pair-oared race in watermen's boats at the Balmain Regatta, in November. With McGrath, he won the double sculling race at the Wolloomooloo Bay Regatta, in December, 1862. His last race was at the Anniversary Regatta, 1863, when he was beaten in water men's boats by M'Grath, Dummett, and Phelps. On February 20,1870, he took Ned Trickett to England to row Sadler for the Championship of the World, and on his return on November 9, 1876 with the victorious Parramatta River native, he was accorded a grand ovation. After a brief illness James Punch, to the sorrow of his family, and the general regret of the community, passed away during the year 1881, shortly after the defeat of Ned Trickett. In a little work entitled, “The Life and Times of Jem Punch," published -by, Mr. Richmond Thatcher, the author thus refers to the sad event;
"Almost before anyone outside the family knew that he was ill, the news went forth ''Jem Punch is dead." Freedom did, not shriek, as it is reported to have done,when Kosciusko fell. The world did not hold its breath for a time; but there arose one general expression of sorrow at the loss of such a man. He was known to, and liked by all; for, though prominent, he had incurred no man's resentment, nor made an enemy of a soul whose enmity was deserved or worthy of notice. Yet he died prematurely, and at a time when he had amassed sufficient to allow of his enjoying the fruits of his well-earned competence. Death did not come with friendly care, for he was capable of enjoying life for another twenty years. After his retirement from rowing contests in 1858, the late Mr. Punch started business with, his old comrade, M'Grath, in the City Wine Vaults in George-street, and he subsequently set up on his own account in Punch's Hotel, at the corner of King and Pitt streets (now the Federal Bank).
M'GRATH. - Thomas M'Grath, one of our earliest scullers, was a native of Sydney. His first appearance in an important sculling contest was in 1855 against George Mulhall, whom he beat. In February of the same year he was beaten by Deward on a course round Shark Island. He was next matched against R. Green for £200. He won this event by a boat's length in January, 1856. Green, however, turned the tables in June following, when he beat M'Grath by a boat's length in a race for £100. M'Grath again tackled Deward in watermen's skiffs over a harbour course for £100, and this time was successful. In May 1861, M'Grath first appeared in company with Jem Punch in a race for £100 on the Parramatta River against Green and White. M'Grath and his comrade won in 25 min. The brothers Green beat M' Grath and Punch for £100 on the Parramatta in July, 1861.
M'Grath was beaten by R. Green in heavy boats for £25 in September of that year. In January, 1862, he beat Nickel, of Williamstown, for £100. In a four miles outrigger race on the River Yarra, for £200 he beat T. Ralph, of Melbourne, in 29min 45sec. Shortly after this M'Grath took over the City Wine Vaults, but he did not long enjoy his well-earned rest, as his death occurred a couple of years later.
HICKEY.-William Hickey was born in Newcastle, N.S.W., in 1844. On June 24, 1865, he rowed R. Green for £170- in watermen's boats on the Parramatta River. Green was defeated. Three months later he again defeated Green, in watermen's boats, the stakes being £200. On December 16, of the same year, he beat H. White for £200 in wager boats on the Parramatta River; time 24 min 50 secs. In January, 1866, he beat R. Green on the Parramatta River for the championship of Australia. Green, however, beat the champion in a mile race on the Parramatta for £200. In October of the same year and in December following Green was again victorious in a two miles course also on the Parramatta for a similar sum.
Hickey met and beat Michael Bush for £350 in watermen's skiffs for on the Parramatta on March 20, 1870; but in May following Rush avenged his defeat and won £500. This race was also in watermen's skiffs. In November of that year the two men rowed for the championship of Australia and £200, on the Parramatta. Hickey won in 25min 30sec. In December Rush again tried conclusions with Hickey in light skiffs for £100, and won.
On October 7,1874, Hickey started in the race in outriggers for the championship of the Australian colonies and £200, on the Clarence Eiver. The starters were Michael Bush, Edward Trickett, E. C. Laycock, W. Hickey, R. A. W. Green, and S. Newby. Rush won in 19min 42sec ; Trickett being second, and Laycock third. The course was 3 1/2 miles and 100 yards. Hickey held the championship of Australia for ten years. The photograph from which our picture of Hickey was engraved was taken by Mr. King, of George street, about a couple of years ago. The sculler has altered somewhat since, and has assumed more the appearance which, he presented in his sculling contests. The full beard constitutes the difference.
RUSH,-Michael Rush was born in tho county of Tyrone, Ireland, in 1844, and in 1859 settled on the Clarence River, where he has since successfully conducted a store. ln 1868 he won the Grafton champion race against Conlon and another. In 1869, in Sydney, he and Conlon beat Lyons and O'Connell, and Edward and George Trickett in pair-oared races. In March, 1869, he was defeated by William Hickey. He then beat Richard Hickey, and was himself beaten by W. Hickey, whom, however, he subsequently defeated in light skiffs on December 17, 1870. In 1874, at Grafton; he won the championship of the Australian colonies from Edward Trickett, E. G. Laycock, W. Hickey, R. Green, J. Malone, and S. Newby. In 1875 he was beaten by E. Laycock, his boat having been swamped.
He challenged Ned Trickett on his return from England; but was beaten on June 30, 1877, for the championship of the world and £400. He pulled several races with varying success till March 17,1881, when he met H. Pearce for £200, in an outrigger race over a four miles-course on the Clarence River, and led that sculler from the start to the finish. Stirring times for Rush followed. He again rowed Pearce. The match took place in September on the Parramatta, for £100; Rush won by a bare length. In this month he beat Laycock, and a week later was in turn defeated by Laycock ; the match having been for £100 aside.
Rush has since pulled several races, and at the end of 1881 he beat Power for £400 and the championship of New South Wales. He then beat Laycock for £400 and the championship of Australia. In 1832 he won F. Punch's trophy. He has not taken any active part in rowing lately, and devotes himself principally to his business at Rocky mouth.
TRICKETT.-Edward Trickett was born near the Parramatta River in 1850. He was known as a sculler as early as 1864, and he won his first match in 1863. In 1869 he was defeated by W. Hickey; and also, with his brother, by Rush and Coulon, in a pair-oared race. In 1869 the brothers won the pair-oared race at the Balmain Regatta, but were defeated the following year by M'Clear and Lyons, owing to their boat having been swamped.
On August 22,1874, Trickett beat Pierce for £50, and on September 14, 1874, at the Clarence River champion out-rigger Race, he came in second to Rush. At the Balmain Regatta he defeated Laycock and Mulhall for the championship, and in 1875 he beat Laycock in a private match for £200: again, at the Balmain Regatta, he defeated Laycock and Green, At the Anniversary Regatta he again defeated Green. In 1876 he went to England with the late Mr. James Punch, and on June 27 of that year he defeated Joseph Sadler, champion of England, for the championship of the world. On his return to Sydney on November 9, in company with his patron, he met with a most enthusiastic reception. He did-not have much rest, as on his arrival Rush challenged him for the championship. Trickett won without any difficulty. At the Anniversary Regatta in January, 1879, Laycock beat him for the champion belt. Triokett subsequently beat Laycock, aud then rested on his oars till August, 1879, when he received a challenge from the Toronto Rowing Club to row E. Hanlan for a sum to be not less than £2000. This match was not made, Trickett's supporters objecting on principle to the proposed high stakes. However, as Trickett was anxious to meet Hanlan, Mr. F. Wentworth and Mr. Hill made a match for him with Hanlan for £200 a side and the championship. The race was rowed on the Thames on November 12, 1880.
The weather was cold and raw enough to freeze the Parramatta River man. To mend matters rain began to fall, and speedily drenched the large concourse of spectators. The particulars of the race will still be recollected by our readers. Trickett forced the pace, and at half a mile Hanlan was, a clear length ahead. During the last two miles Hanlan was considered to have been playing with the Australian ; although in the light of recent events this has since been questioned. The time was very slow, viz., 26min 12sec, or 1 min 37 sec slower than during the race in which Sadler transferred the championship to Trickett.
Trickett has been blamed for pulling during such horrible weather, but what could he do? The match was made, and he had lost the counsel of his former patron, Mr. James Punch, who was ill in Sydney. However, Trickett's defeat has been a lesson to Australians to pull in England only during the summer months. Hanlan attempted to detain Beach till the winter months; but Beach had too much sense to risk tho honor of the colony in such, a manner. Trickett subsequently defeated Wallace Ross, but the race was ordered to be pulled over again, owing to a foul. On the row off Ross won. Trickett visited Canada, and was engaged in a series of contests. He soon afterward returned to Sydney, and retired from the sculling world. He is at present one of the best known hotel keepers in Rockhampton
Trickett's portrait is from a photograph specially taken a few weeks ago for the TOWN AND COUNTRY JOURNAL by Mr. J. Hanson Lundager, the well-known photographer of Rockhampton.
LAYCOCK.-Elias C. Laycook is a native of Sydney. He was born in 1845. He made his first appearance in an out-rigger race at Grafton in October, 1874, for a prize of £200 given at the public regatta. Rush came in first, Trickett second, Laycock third, Hickey fourth, Green fifth, and Newby, sixth. In November 1874, he competed at the Balmain Regatta for a prize of £30, and rowed second to E. Trickett; with Lynch third and Mulhall fourth. On May, 24, at the Grafton Regatta, Laycock won a prize of £50: beating Rush and Solomon, In September, 1874, he pulled against Triclcett for a £200 wager on the Parramatta River.
Trickett won easily. On November 9,1875, at the Balmain Regatta Trickett beat Laycock for a prize of £25. His next event was a light skiff contest for £50 a side on the Parramatta River, which resulted in a foul at the mile point, and the stakes were drawn. At Anniversary Regatta, 1877, in a race for a prize of £12, he was again defeated by Trickett. On November 9,1877, at the Balmain Regatta, for a prize of £20, Laycock defeated Green. On July 13,1876 in heavy boats on the Parramatta River for a prize of £30, Laycook defeated Green. On September 10, 1878, on the Parramatta River, for stake of £100 a side Laycock, defeated Messenger, of Melbourne ; time, 25min 30sec. On January 26, 1879, at the Anniversary Regatta, Laycock defeated E. Trickett for the champion belt. On April 12, on the Parramatta course, in a match for £100 aside, Laycock defeated Rush by a bare half-length ; time, 22min 23sec.
Laycock's late performances on the Thames are as follow :-
On October 5, l881, he defeated Blackman over the Thames course for £100 aside. On November 3 he beat Hosmer over the Thames course for £200 a side. On November 3 he defeated Riley over the Thames course for £200 a side. On November 12 Laycock was matched to row, Hawdon for £200 a side over the Thames course, but the latter forfeited. He also won tho Hop Bitters prize of £500, defeating in the final heat Ross, Hosmer, and Smith.
On the defeat of Trikett by Hanlan for the championship of the world, and before the water had fairly dripped off Hanlan's oar, he challenged Hanlan, and a match, was, made for £500, the SPORTSMAN Challenge Cup, and the championship of England. Hanlan, however, defeated Laycock easily by several lengths in 25min 41sec. in September, 1881, he won the Walker Whisky Trophy on the champion course, Parramatta River, H. Pearce being second and J. J. Power third ; time, 23min 6 sec Laycock's performances since that period have not been particularly brilliant.
BEACH.-William Beach, who holds the undisputed title of champion sculler of the world, was born on September 6, 1850, in England, and he is consequently now 36 years, of age; When he was 4 years of age his parents left for Australia, and settled in Dapto, in the Illawarra district. Beach served his apprenticeship to the black-smithing trade; and it is due to his labor in that calling that he has such great muscular power. Beach made his debut as an Oarsman in December, 1880, when he won Mr. Deeble's prize of £12 in a handicap skiff race, over a course from Woolloomooloo Bay, round Fort Denison, and back. In January 1881, he rowed second to H. Pearce in the Pyrmont Regatta. At the Anniversary Regatta in the same month he rowed second to D. McDonald, in the following month Beach and M'Donald met in the championship course, Parramatta River for £50 aside.
Beach won easily. In March following, he beat George Solomon, on the championship course in a £100 match. In May, he met Charles Reynolds, for £100, over the same course. A foul occurred and they had to row over again.
On the second occasion Reynolds led by two lengths, when his boat capsized, and Beach finished as he liked. Beach's first appearance in an outrigger, was during the contests for the Punch Trophy on the Parramatta, when he finished second to Michael Rush. The prizes were £200 first, £80 second, and £50 third. Each, it will be seen, was gradually coming to the front as a sculler.
The race was a grand one. Rush won by two lengths, and a length and a half made up the difference between the others. T. Clifford came forward about this time, and he and Beach were matched on the Parramatta for £200 a side.
The race was rowed in December, 1882, and proved a gift to the coming champion. In January, 1883 at the Anniversary Regatta, he met Messenger. The course was very rough, and Beach was winning easily, when his boat swamped barely 800 yards from the flagship. At the Grafton Regatta, in March following, he had extremely bad luck, and was beaten by D. McDonald and George Perkins (now ex-champion of England). In a handicap race in the same month with Solomon, over the Woolloomooloo Bay course, the champion won easily. A series of matches with Ned Trickett, the ex-champion of the world, arose out of the contest for the Hunt Trophy on the Parramatta. In this contest Beach beat Trickett.
The coming champion next met Trickett on April 2, and in a match for £100 a side when he made the fastest time, on record, over the Parramatta River championship course, viz., 20min 11 1/2 sec, and finished one length ahead of Trickett,. On the 12th of the same month he again lowered Trickett's colours in a £200 match. Hanlan shortly afterward, arrived in the colony, and on August 16,1884, a red letter day in the sculling annuals of New South Wales, the two met on the championship course for £1000 and the championship of the world, Hanlan it may be recollected led by three lengths at the mile point, and at this juncture, betting was 10 to 1 on Hanlan with little or no response. Beach gradually lessened the gap, and at last headed the Canadian and won by eight lengths. T. Clifford was then considerably fancied, and he wag pitted against the now champion in a £200 match on March 17, 1885. But Tom had no-show. On March 27,1885, Beach and Hanlan again met on the Parramatta for £1000 and the world's championship. Beach easily succeeded in establishing his undisputed right and title to this. Neil Matterson had a try to wrest the newly won honors from the champion but failed by fifteen lengths. Beach arrived in England on May 17 last, prepared to meet all comers, in the International Sculling Sweepstakes on the last days of August, he easily beat G. W.Leo and George Bubear, and on September 1, he rowed the final with John Teemer, the American oarsman and bagged the first prize £1200. On September 25 he outpaced the Canadian sculler, Jacob Gaudaur, in a match for £1000 and the championship of the world, after, one of the grandest sculling contests on record. His last match on the Thames was on the following Saturday, with the American sculler, Wallace Ross. The prize also in this instance was £1000 and the championship ; but the American did not have the slightest show, Beach going away with the lead after the first few strokes. The champion was feted and almost idolised by the Londoners during his sojourn in the world's metropolis, and his departure in the E.M.S. Lusitania for Australia was the occasion of a send off which must have been peculiarly gratifying to Beach and his friends.
MATTERSON.-The record of the plucky Clarence River sculler Neil Matterson is one to be proud of. His principal performances are :-Won the All Comers Skiff Race on the Nepean on May 22,1881. The same day he beat R. Edwards; the well-known Melbourne boat builder and puller. He again defeated Edwards in a race for £200 in August of the same year on the Parramatta. In October he defeated Peter Kemp on the Nepean, and in the following year he beat Messenger on the Parramatta for a £400 stake. At Albert Park, Melbourne, he met and defeated Edwards. Beach lowered the Clarence sculler's colors toward the end of last year in a £400 match. Neil then visited England, and in May last was beaten by the English champion Perkins. He subsequently beat Dave Godwin, and then arranged a second match with Perkins for the Championship of England, the SPORTSMAN Challenge Cup, and £600.
Matterson secured a most decisive victory, and he took a position in the sculling world which was inferior only to that of Beach. On August 30, in the first of the international sculling sweepstakes contests, Matterson defeated the American veteran sculler Wallace Ross, but on the following day he was beaten by Teemer, after one of the most exciting contests ever witnessed on the Thames.
Not having recovered from his exertions on that occasion, he had to give way to Lee, a sculler whom Matterson, if in proper fettle, could beat hands down. The illustration of Matterson is from a photo by Murell and Co., photographers of George Street. AUSTRALIAN CHAMPION SCULLERS. (1886, December 4). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 39. Retrieved from

Above: 'Champions of Australia : Francis Punch [cox], Thomas McGrath, James Punch'/ drawn by J. R. Roberts, lithographed by De Gruchy & Leigh circa 1864 - Image No.: a5575001, courtesy Sytate Library of NSW.
Some Green Races - Boats and Triumphs
THE RACE BETWEEN BLUE BELL and Mr. Hogan's whale boat MID-LOTHIAN came off on the Nepean River. The terms of the match were simply to sail a distance of five miles for £20 a-side ; the skiff to be pulled with two oars, and allowed a coxswain. But a small party of Sydneyites had thought it worth the risk of attending, since despite the amazing(local) speed of the so-called whale boat (a coal barge would be a more appropriate title), few judges of the oar could for one moment conjure up the expectation of a struggle on the silvery element with an opponent so beautifully moulded, end so thoroughly a racing boat as was the elegant skiff imported overland from the harbour of Port Jackson. Little or no betting could be got on, so that to the stakes alone could the respectability depend, and those, indeed, were wholly insufficient to meet their current expenses. On the morning of the 13th the weather, which had been oppressively sultry during the preceding day, became even more severe-the density of the atmosphere rendering respiration harried, and setting the excretory vessels of the skin vigorously to work. Large drops of sweat trickled from the hardy cheeks of veteran mountaineers, suffering the sneerings of the well-fed and plethoric were pitiable in the extreme. To the overpowering element the crew of the Midlothian have in some measure attributed their defeat, as one of their crew was so completely knocked up as to be obliged to resign. The large boat was manned by Mr. Hall and three other young men from Emu Plains, whilst in the skiff were to be seen George Green, jun., and a youth in the employ of Mr. Raymond, one of Green's younger's sons holding the ribbons. Exactly at three o'clock the word was given, and away shot the Belle from which moment till the knocking off of Hall's crew abreast of the Regentville factory she rapidly continued to increase her distance.
Both sides of the river were thickly studded with anxious spectators, who were forced to fly to their various residences by a most terrific storm which came on as the-victors passed the winning-post. Not to be out-done by the thirsty souls of the neighbourhood, the Sydney people beat a hasty retreat to the sporting hosteleries in the township, over whose respective boards preside Messrs. Perry and Anderson, where, after copiously wetting the inside lining, an evening of unclouded hilarity terminated the programme of the day.
The Belle was subsequently raffled for £11,and won by Mr. Green, of the North Shore. Mr. Halls whale-boat having beat Currie, the waterman, pulling a pair of paddles, sometime back on the Nepean River. Jack Brennan, ofthe Queen's Wharf, is desirous of trying his skill against the whale-boat in a match of four miles, for £20 a side. The money is ready at Mr. Dind's, Sydney, or at Mr. John Perry's, Rose Inn, Penrith. AQUATIC. (1847, December 18). Bell’s Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (NSW : 1845 - 1860), p. 2. Retrieved from
In honor or Her Majesty's Birthday, the first Pyrmont Regatta came off on Wednesday, under the most favourable circumstances, and we have no doubt that the attempts to establish a second annual Regatta will prove sucessful. The first match for gigs to be rowed by amateurs only, prize five guineas, was won by, ,Mr. Green's Red Rover. The second match was for sailing skiffs not exceeding seventeen, feet on the keel: first prize, six guineas; second prize,' two, guineas. The former was won by Callaghan's Sprig 'of Shillelah, and the latter by Burns' Welcome. The third match was for any boat pulling two; oars, to be rowed by amateurs. Prize £4 4 s. and a pair of silver challenge sculls, presented by the Committee— to be retained, by the winners' until the next Pyrmont Anniversary Regatta, when they must again pull for them; if defeated, transfer them to the most fortunate competitor, and if successful, finally retain them. Won by Green's Old Dungaree. 'The fourth match' was for all boats under five tons N. M: First prize, Eight Guineas; second prize, Two Guineas. Muro's Susan came in first and Cracknell's Madge Wildfire second. The fifth match was not contested there being only two entrances. The sixth match was- for sailing skiffs not exceeding twenty feet on the keel. First prize, seven guineas, second prize, two -guineas.: The former was won by Cook's Jane and the latter by Curry's Lady of the Lake. The seventh match was for sailing dingies under twelve feet six inches on the keel ; first prize, four guineas, second prize, one guinea. The former was won by Kerr's Alice, and the second by Macaulley's Phantom. The eighth match was the Gig and Dingy Race, Gig not under twenty feet on, the keel. Race to be decided in twenty minutes. Two man in the dingy to be caught by the bowmam in the gig. First Race - Dingy, Tom Thumb, Gig, Billy Blue.—Prize £2 2s. Second Race Dingy, Spy; Gig , Dolphin. Prize £2 2s. These races were as usual highly amusing, and the dingy in each case it was the winner. REGATTA AT PYRMONT. (1848, May 26). The Australian(Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848), p. 3. Retrieved from
Champion Course, Parramatta River.
(See illustration on page 868.)
Thanks to the prowess of the New South "Wales scullers, the Parramatta course is celebrated all over the world ; and is justly entitled to be called the champion course, from the number of races not only for the championship of the colony, but of the world, which have been contested over this run of water. The Parramatta is not as much a river as an arm of Sydney Harbor; and it is justly famous for the charming; views afforded by its bays and reaches. The course is from Charity Point, on the left bank of the river, past Ryde and Gladesville on that side, and the municipalities of Concord, Ashfield, and Five Dock, out the right side, to The Brothers, a point jutting out into the river just below Gladesville.
The first great race recorded over this course was between Richard A. W. Green and T. M'Grath for £200 and the championship of New South Wales, which was won in 1850 by the first named in 26½ minutes. After beating Candlish, of Newcastle-on Tyne, and all comers over this course, Dick Green had the temerity to go to England, but found his match there.
The example he set has, however, been followed with complete success by others; and at the present time a race for the championship of the world is to be rowed over the Parramatta course.
Among those who have won distinction on the Parramatta are the late James Punch ; George Mulhall, a Sydney native and the first sculling champion of Australia ; William Hickey, who held the championship of Australia against all comers for ten years; Elias C. Laycock, who was so well spoken of when he followed the example of Green, and went to England to show the Britishes what Australian could do; Michael Rush, the Clarence River sculler ; and Edward Trickett, who, after beating all comers on the Parramatta course, visited the old country, and beat J. H. Sadler over the champion course from Putney to Mortlake, on the Thames, in 1875, and for the first time brought back the championship of the world.
From this time the Parramatta River has come more prominently before the world as a champion course than even the Thames. In 1885 a regular carnival was held on the Parramatta, when the ex-champion of the world, William Beach, met and conquered the redoubtable Edward Hanlan for the first time. Since then the championship of the world has not gone from Australia; and, although an attempt has been made to chance the champion course from the Parramatta to the Nepean River, it does not appear to have been very successful, notwithstanding that there is a sufficient length of straight river admirably adapted for the purpose on the Nepean.
William Beach has proved his superiority as a sculler over both courses; and to-day (Saturday) a struggle will take place between Peter Kemp (the champion of the world) and Henry Searle (a rising New South Wales oarsman) for the championship of the world over the old course on the Parramatta River, which is becoming historical. Champion Course, Parramatta River. (1888, October 27).Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 39. Retrieved from
Vice-President and Umpire: Captain Rountree.
COMMITTEE: Messrs. F. W. Clarke, Messrs. H. S. Ross, John Cooper, L. Samuel, William Dean, J. N. Shuttleworth, George Ewen, Joseph Simmonds, George Green, Geo. Tomlins, jun.,G. A. Lloyd, George Thornton, Treasurer W.T. Woolcott.
FIRST MATCH.-To start at 10 o'clock A.M. precisely, for all licensed watermen who have never won a public prize, in watermen's boats, pulled, by a pair of sculls. First Prize, £10 10s. ; Second Prize, £3 3s. Entrance, 10s. 6d. To start from the Flag Ship, proceed round the Flag Boat moored in Lavender Ray, then round ' H. M. S. Torch in Farm Cove, and back to the Flagship.
SECOND MATCH.-To start at half-past 10 A.M. For amateur skiffs, pulling a pair of sculls. First Prize, £10 10s. ; Second Prize, £2 2s.Entrance, 10s. 6d,Same course as first match.
THIRD MATCH.-To start at a quarter to ll. ; For bona fide ship's four-oared gigs, pulled by any crew. First Prize, £20 ; Second Prize, £5.Entrance, £1. Same course as first match.
FOURTH MATCH.-To start at 11 o'clock. For sailing boats not exceeding 13 feet in the keel. First Prize, £13 15s. ; Second Prize, £5 5d. Entrance, £1 1s. To start from a mooring in the Cove, round theFlag-boat in Lavender Bay ; then round Pinchgut Island, back round the Flag-ship ; then round Shark Island, and back to the Flag-ship.
FIFTH MATCH.-To start at a quarter past 11 The Champion Race. For all boats pulling a pair of sculls; First Prize, £21 ; Second Prize, £5 5s. Entrance, £1 1s. Same course as No. 1.
SIXTH MATCH.-To start at half-past 11. For all ship's boats under canvas. First Prize, £15 15s. ; Second Prize, £5 5s. Entrance, £1 ls. To start from the moorings in the Cove, round the Flag-boat in Lavender Bay, then round Shark Island, and back to the Flagship.
SEVENTH MATCH.-To start at 12 o'clock. For all yachts, time for tonnage, one minute per ton. First Prize, £75; Second Prize, £21.Entrance, £3 3s. To start from their moorings in the Cove round the Flag-boat in Lavender Bay ; then round the Sow and Pigs and Floating-light ; back round the New Orleans, in Darling Harbour ; then round Shark Island and back to the Flag-ship.
EIGHTH MATCH.-To start at hall-past 12. For all bona fide dingys not exceeding 12 feet on the keel, pulled by youths aged 18 years and under, with a pair of sculls. First Prize, £5. Second prize, a sweepstakes of 2s. 6d. each.
NINTH MATCH.-TO start at 1 o'clock. For all coasters, no time for tonnage. First Prize, £40, and a sweepstake of £2 2s . Second ditto £10. Entrance, £2 2s. To start from their moorings in Lavender Bay, round the New Orleans, in Darling Harbour, then round the Sow and Pigs and Floating Light, back again round Pinchgut ; then round Shark Island, and back to the flag ship.
TENTH MATCH.-To start at 2 o'clock. For whaleboats pulled by any crew, and without gear. First Prize, £30; Second Prize, £10. Entrance, £2 2s. To start from the Flag Ship round H.M.S. Torch, in Farm Cove, thence round the Flag Boat in Lavender Bay; then round Pinchgut Island, and back to the Flag Ship.
ELEVENTH MATCH.-To start at half-past 2o'clock. For amateur skill's, pulling a pair of oars. First Prize, £15 15s. ; Second Prize, £5 5s.
Entrance, £1 1s.The same course as No. 1.
TWELFTH MATCH.-To start at 3 o'clock. For ballast, wood, and fruit boats. Time for tonnage, 1 ½ minutes per ton. First Prize, £20; Second Prize, £5. Entrance, 10s. 6d. To start from their moorings in the Cove, round the New Orleans, in Darling Harbour, thence round Shark Island ; back again round the Flag Boat, in Lavender Bay, then round Pinchgut and back to the Flag Ship.
THIRTEENTH MATCH.-To start at half-past 3 o'clock. For all persons pulling a pair of oars in licensed watermen's boats. First Prize, £15 15s.; Second Prize, £5 8s. Entrance, 10s. 6d.Same course as No. 1.
FOURTEENTH MATCH.-To start at 4 o'clock.For all lisensed watermen's boats, pulled by a pair of sculls, and without a steersman. First Prize, £20 ; Second Prize, £5. Entrance, £1 ls. Same course as No. 1. This Race will not be started until No. 13 has been pulled.
FIFTEENTH MATCH.-To start at half-past 4o'clock. Gig and dingy race. Prize, £5. To be started stern to stern, each boat to give way four strokes a-head ; then the man in the dingy is to be caught by the bowman of the gig within fifteen minutes; the dingy is to be kept out in the clear way as much us possible, and under the direction of the starters.
N.B.-The crew of each, boat to be dressed alike. All the coasters will be required to be at their moorings in Lavender Bay by 11 o'clock a.m. on the day of the races. Entrances for all the matches to be made at the Custom House Hotel, on Saturday, the 21st instant, between the hours of 7 and 9 p.m. The various matches will be started by Mr. George Thornton, who has been appointed by the Committee for that purpose. All watermen's boats must have been licensed for three months previous to the Regatta, and have been plying for hire during that period. In the event of the weather proving unfavourable for the Regatta on the day appointed, it will be postponed until the following day ; intimation of which will be given by hoisting the red ensign at the north yard arm, Fort Phillip, from 9 to 10 a.m.
By order of the Committee, J. C. WHITE, Honorary Secretary. Custom House Hotel, 7th January, 1854.
All racing boats shall round the various flagboats and other stated marks, keeping the same on the port side. All yachts and sailing boats may carry any and what sail they please, and will not be allowed to use oars, or throw any ballast overboard after starting. Water ballast to be fresh.
Boats on the port tack to bear up for boats on the starboard tack. Boats running free, to keep away for boats on a wind. Any boat willfully fouling another to be considered distanced. Each boat in the various matches to wear a distinguishing flag (a foot square), to be named on entering, and which must be kept flying during the race, and the crew of each boat to be dressed alike.
Cutters and schooners to have their peaks lowered. Guntar rigged vessels to have their gunter lowered ; and all vessels to have their head sail down before starting. A distinguishing flag will be hoisted at the peak of the starting vessel, to do note which match is about to commence, viz : 1st race ., No. 1 .. Marryata Code. And so on.
The gun for starting will be fired precisely at the hour stated, when the distinguishing flag will be immediately hauled down. Disputes occurring in any of the matches must be made known to the umpire immediately after the race. The decision of the umpire in all matters shall be final. In drawing for stations, No, 1 will take choice of station, and the rest in rotation. All boats coming in to pass between the flag ship and Fort Macquarie. There shall be three entrances in each match, and to start, or no race. Entrances to be made between the hours of 7and 9 p.m., on Saturday, the 21st January instant, at the Custom House Hotel ; and stations will be drawn for immediately afterwards. The names of the parties pulling in the amateur races to be submitted to the Committee at the time of entering. Boats' tonnage to be calculated by the new measurement, under the 5th and 6th William IV., cap. 56 ; and all boats shall, if required, produce a certificate of their tonnage, under the hand of the proper officer. No boat will be allowed to make fast alongside the flag vessel. No person will be admitted on board the flagship without a ticket signed by a member of the Committee, and countersigned by the Honorary Secretary. The various pulling matches will be started by Mr. Thornton, by signal of a flag. By order of the Committee. J. C. WHITE, Honorary Secretary. Advertising. (1854, January 16). Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), p. 2. Retrieved from
The annual regatta, in commemoration of the foundation of the colony by Governor Phillip in 1788, came off yesterday, under the most favouring auspices ; the liberality of the public, and the well-judged preparations of the committee, together with a good list of entries, and, above all, propitious weather, having tended to bring off the event with complete satisfaction to all concerned. Compared with the regattas of former years, the national celebration of yesterday exhibited many marked improvements, not only in reference to the sports of the day, and for the convenience of visitors, but, (what is, perhaps, of more consequence),in the prowess displayed by different competitors,(the great majority of whom, it should , be remembered, are natives of the colony), and also in the build or construction of the various boats or vessels which took part in the different matches. In fact, there can be little doubt that an impetus will be given by the result of the principal events of yesterday, to the future operations of our colonial yacht and boat-builders, while, at the same time, we shall have had awakened- amongst our colonial youth that spirit of rivalry and competition which cannot fail,eventually, to prove of the utmost benefit to the colony, destined, as it evidently is, one day to become the most important commercial dependency of the British Crown. Apart from those considerations, the facilities afforded in our magnificent harbour for carrying out aquatic contests, have long since placed the regatta foremost in the catalogue of colonial festivities, and the national inclination of our youth in favour of maritime pursuits being so general, such sports become at once of interest to the whole community, as well as a source of improvement and instruction to those who will, perhaps, in future years, form the great body of our mercantile marine.
As usual, business was almost entirely suspended for the day and everybody being bent upon holiday-making, either on shore or afloat,the city wore a most deserted appearance towards mid-day. The harbour from early morn was a scene of life and animation-everything that would float was brought into requisition by marine excursionists, while at the same time, every spot onshore whence a view of the sports could be obtained, was crowded with spectators. Fort Macquarie, Dawes' Point, Lady Macquarie's Chair, and the Intervening localities were densely thronged, the strains of music tending materially to the enjoyment of the pleasure-seekers. Several steamers filled with passengers and gaily dressed out in bunting, plied about the harbour during the day, each being provided with a band of music, and all the other auxiliaries conducive to enjoyment. The flag-staff at Fort Phillip was gaily decked out with colours, as were also Her Majesty's ships, and most of the vessels in harbour. In fact, taken from any point, the scene was most enlivening, and has certainly never been equaled upon any former occasion. It was characteristic at once of our prosperity, and rapidly augmenting population.
At twelve o'clock, a salute was fired from Fort Macquarie in honour of the day. This was responded to by deafening cheers from the assembled thousands on the point, whose enthusiasm appeared to be a little awakened by the loud booming of the cannon.
On board the flag-ship, the arrangements were all that could be desired ; Captain Rowntreee, as Umpire, and Mr. Thornton, as Starter, gave satisfaction to all the competitors, thereby proving that they possessed a considerable amount of patience and forbearance. The firing of time signal guns was confided to a boats' crew from her Majesty steamer Acheron; this was a wise provision of the Committee, and one that should, if possible, be adopted on all similar occasions in the future ; inexperienced persons being so liable to because accidents in handling gunpowder.
At four o'clock, his Excellency the Governor General, accompanied by Sir Charles FitzRoy paid a visit to the flag-ship from the frigate Calliope, on board which their Excellencies had been passing the earlier part of the afternoon.
Sir William was received with a salute of nineteen guns, the military band striking up the National Anthem as his Excellency reached the deck. Toasts and compliments followed, and in replying to the toast of his health, Sir William intimated his willingness on all occasions to afford his countenance and support to the Anniversary Regatta, in common with all other of our national celebrations; Mr. Thompson having proposed the health of Sir Charles Fits Roy, his Excellency observed this was the ninth regatta it had been his happiness to witness, and in taking leave of them now, they might, rest assured that wherever his lot should be cast in future, he would always retain not only a lively interest in the general welfare of the country, but would over be pleased to hear of success attending their future aquatic meetings. On leaving the vessel, their Excellencies were warmly cheered by the people on Battery-point and those afloat, through whom the pinnace passed,
The following is the result of the different races of the day,
To start At 1O o'clock. For amateur skiffs, pulling a pair of sculls, First prize, £12 12s. second prize, £3 3s. Entrance, 10s. 6d. Course:-From the flag-ship, proceed round the flag-boat moored in Lavender Bay, then round the flag-boat moored in Farm Cove, opposite the Botanic Gardens, and back to the flag-ship.
Boat. Name. Colour.
Emu . George Green ... Pink and Blue
Butterfly . W. Howard. Black
Kangaroo. Robert Green ... Blue and red.
At the firing of the gun the three went off well together, the Greens being, if anything, slightly in advance of the third boat; after rounding the flag-boat in Lavender Bay, the pace proved too severe for W. Howard, who threw up about mid-way. From this point to the finish, all interest in the race ceased, as the issue lay exclusively between the two brothers. The race eventually terminated in favour of the Emu, pulled by George Green, the Kangaroo coming up second, one minute astern. Time, 23½ minutes.
To start at half-past 10 o’clock. For sailing boats of 13 feet keel and under. First prize,£21; second prize, £7 7s. Entrance, £1 1s. Course: From flag-ship proceed round Shark Island, back round flag-boat moored in Darling Harbour, thence round Pinchgut Island, and returning to the flagship.
Will Watch...... W. Turner.... Black and red. Annie R. . W. Summerbell.. St. Andrew's cross. Little Mike.... J. M'Donnell ... . Maltese cross, Dolphln. .J. Pashley. St. George's cross, Sea Belle W. Langford ... Red. Tom Bowling W. King ....Tricolor. Lady Denison. W. King . Yellow, Blue Moon.
This race excited much interest, and betting to some extent took place upon the result; the Annie R. and the Sea Belle being the principal favourites. The Will Watch led, followed close by the Annie S., with the Sea Belle third. The Dolphin, from some cause or other, was necessitated to drop astern, and being compelled to make an extra stretch was thereby placed at a great disadvantage. Having got well away in windward of her competitors, the Will Watch(excellently handled) soon improved upon her position, and on passing the flag-vessel, after leaving Darling Harbour, she showed five minutes in advance of the Sea Belle; the Annie. S. at this time occupying third place 4 ½ minutes astern. The Will Watch finally reached the flag-ship nine minutes a-head of the Sea Belle, which boat in turn defeated the Annie S. by four minutes. The Dolphin came up full of water about a quarter of an hour subsequently; and the Lady Denison, it transpired, had been swamped in the vicinity of Shark Island. The winning boat completed the distance in two hours and six minutes, and was deservedly cheered at the conclusion.
To start at a quarter to 11 o'clock. for licensed Watermen who have never won a prize exceeding £5 5s. First prize, £12 12s.; second prize,£3 3s. Entrance, 10s. 6d. Same coarse as first match.
Shamrock. ... J. Courtenay ... Green. Jane .... James Perry...... Light blue.Terror .... John King- . Dark blue. Will If I can . E. Montgomery.. Pink & light blue Lily . James Ireland... Blue and white. Star . Andrew McGuire .........White.
Five boats went for this race, the start for which was effected at eleven minutes before eleven a.m. The whole got away well together, but ere many yards had been attained the Jane and the Terror got foul of each other, thereby placing themselves at a slight disadvantage. Off Dawes'Point, again, a steamer having ran directly into the course, threw several of the competitors abroad, much to their own and the Committee's dissatisfaction. Returning past the flag-ship from Lavender Bay, the Shamrock and the Star were nose and nose, both pullers straining every nerve.Near the Government Bathing House, M'Guire,then nearly a length a-head, accidentally fouled a small buoy, and being thrown book from his thwart lost a couple of lengths. This mishap proved fatal to his chance of success, and his proponent reached the goal a winner by several lengths. The remaining boats were not placed.Time, 22 minutes.
FOURTH MATCH. To start at ll o'clock. " The Challenge Cup." For all Yachts. First prize, the Challenge Cup,value 250 guineas, with a purse of 100 sovereigns;second prize, £25. Entrance, £10 10s. Course :from the moorings in Lavender Bay, rounding avessel moored in Darling Harbour, from thence round a boat moored at Big Manly, returning round the flag-boat off Lavender Bay, then round-ing the flag-ship and Sow and Pigs, and back tothe flag-ship, keeping all points on the Starboard side.
Enchantress. John Cuthbert... Blue and white diagonal Eclipse ...W. Thompson ...Dark blue, white bordered Frolic ..... Henry Gardner.. Red bugle with name. Ivanhoe .... Hector Martin... .Blue and white cross. Presto.... R. Harnett ... Blue and white cross.
Enchantress. 12 82-94 tons Eclipse . 15 60-94 Frollic . 8 60-94 Ivanhoe. 9 37-94 Presto. 9 34-94 Conditions :-To be competed for by all bona fide yachts, the winner retaining possession of the cup until the 20th of next month, (or on such other day within that time as the Committee may appoint), when it shall be again run for by the same boats, and so on from month to month until one of the competitors shall be declared to be the winner thereof twice. The purse to remain the property of the first winner. No alteration allowed in the hull of any boat competing for the prize between the time of first starting and the final decision of the Umpire, except the repair of actual damage
The following time allowed for tonnage. For yachts of their own class, i.e. , for fixed keelboats, and for centre board boats, one minute per ton. Centre board yachts To be allowed half a minute per ton, by fixed keel boats, of larger tonnage. To allow one minute only, to fixed keel boats of equal tonnage. To allow two minutes per ton to boats of lesser ditto. The tonnage of the boats determined by builders' measurement.
The cup or vase contended for in this race measures twenty-eight inches in height, is of silver and was designed and executed by-Messrs. Hunt and Roskell, of London. It is altogether a very characteristic composition, and a splendid specimen of manufacturing skill. Surmounting the cover is a group representing the Genius of Wisdom seated upon a capstan, instructing a youthful sailor in theart of navigation ; the boy, holding in an elevated position the mariner's compass. (These figures, by the way, are not inappropriate as emblems of our proposed nautical school.) The handles of the cup are formed of sea horses, exquisitely finished, and represented as rising from amidst the spray of the ocean. Upon a panel in the body is a relieve of a Yacht Race, to which some objection might certainly be taken ; the positions of boats running free, and against a wind, having been sadly misunderstood by the draughtsman. With this exception the cup,as a work of art, may be pronounced faultless. The body is tastefully decorated, and supported with aquatic plants,such as tho lotus, Ben-rush, &o., rising from rocks,over which the waves are represented as rolling ;and around the base are figures of a Triton and Naiad. The Cup is mounted on an ebony-coloured pedestal, seven inches in height, and decorated with silver panels, upon one of which the following inscription is engraved --"In commemoration of the Foundation of the Colony of New South Wales.This Cup, of the value of two hundred guineas, is presented by the Committee of the Anniversary Regatta for 1855, to, the winner of the Race for first-class Yachts ; having been purchased out of the surplus funds of the Regatta for 1854.". At 12h. 23m, 55s. the yachts left their moorings in the following order¡--The Presto first, followed respectively by the Ivanhoe, the Enchantress (a now colonial built boat), the Frolic,and the Eclipse, After rounding the vessel in Darling Harbour, the Frolic passed the Flag-ship with a good load and well to windward, followed by the Presto and Eclipse; the Ivanhoe and Enchantress bringing up the rear. Abreast of Mossman's Bay, the Frolic (generally looked upon as the winner) met with a sad mishap, which totally disabled her from pursuing the contest any farther;Under a press of sail, a strong pull from the N. E.carried her lower mast clean away, about 7 feet from the deck, and the crew were, of course, necessitated to give up. Returning from Big Manly,, to the surprise of a great many, the Ivanhoe(handled in a masterly style) passed the flag-ship in three minutes in advance of the Eclipse, which vessel had lost her topmast, and carried away her lee-bulwarks. We may also remark that the Eclipse appeared otherwise crippled, and did not seem on the whole, to be managed in that first-rate style for which on previous occasions, she has been so remarkable. At this time it was ascertained that the Presto, which had previously been ahead,had capsized near Pinchgut: no lives were lost, the crew having been picked up by some of the numerous boats in the vicinity. Throughout to the finish, the race lay between the Ivanhoe and Eclipse, the Enchantress having retired from the struggle. We may state that this latter boat, being quite now, had to contend with many disadvantages in consequence ; some alteration in her rig, moreover, appears advisable. Probably when in proper trim on a future occasion, she will prove herself worthy the architect who has designed and built her. At the termination of the race, the two competitors came up in the following order of time; Hours Minutes Seconds Ivanhoe .. 4 18 38 Eclipse...... 4 31 1 The winning boat was steered by her owner,Mr, Hector Martin, to whose ability- the result must mainly be ascribed.
To start at half-past ll o'clock. "The Champion Race." All boats pulling a pair of sculls.First prize, 30 gunieas second prize, £5 5s The Entrance, £2 2s, Course; From the flag-ship, round a boat moored in Lavender Bay, then around a boat moored in Farm Cove, (then round Pinchgut Island, mid hack to the flag-ship.
Emu ...... Henry and blue. Butttterfly .... Isaac Howard ...... Black. Phoenician.... George Mulhall ... Light blue. Kangaroo ...... Richard Green...... Blue and red. Danger . Thomas McGrath........Green.
This was the second great event, of the meeting,and a large amount of bets were dependent on the issue, M'Grath being generally regarded as the best man, on account of his previous performances. The whole of the entered boats started, George Mulhall having selected a waterman's skiff in lieu, of the usual wager boat in which he has pulled on former occasions,On the gun being fired H. Green and M'Grath led off at top speed, Mulhall, R. Green, and Howard keeping well together. Leaving Lavender Bay,the Emu had cut out a decided lead, the Kangaroo holding second place, with Howard third, and McGrath fourth, the aspect of the race now caused the layers of odds to look excessively blue as to the result. The Emu appearing at every stroke to increase the distance between herself and her competitors, George Mulhall finding his boat too heavy to compote with those of his opponents drew off, and the race terminated by H. Green beating his brother half-a-length after a smart struggle, McGrath, after a tough pull with Howard for the third place, coming in about one hundred yards astern of the the second boat.Time 45 minutes. A protest has been lodged by McGrath, who complains of having been wilfully fouled by the Greens, it is only fair to say that McGrath was evidently suffering.
SIXTH MATCH To start at 12 o'clock. For bona fide Ships Boats under canvas. First prize, £15 15s; second prize, £5 5s. ; entrance,' £1 1s. 'Course : From flag-ship, rounding a flag-boat in Lavender Bay, thence round Shark Island, and back to the flag-ship.
Rose. Thomas Petit... ... Red. David Mc-Ivor.... William Cochran... Red, black ball. Ada . Thomas German ... White, red cross,
Only two of the entered boats came to their moorings, and consequently the race did not take place. The Ada's boat having accidentally fouled,one of the water police pinnaces, while running towards the starling point, one of the police, by order of an inspector, collared the steersman, and in a very rough manner threw him into the police boat, where, without making any apparent resistance, he was placed in handcuffs. Subsequently,by order of Mr. North, W. P. M., the offender was liberated on promising to appear to-day and answer any charge that may be preferred against him. We only mention this circumstance, believing that such petty displays on the part of over-busy officials, on festive occasions like the present, do much towards creating a feeling of ill-will between the humbler classes and the conservators of the peace.
To start at half-past 12 o'clock. Tor all bonafide dingles not exceeding 12 feet keel, pulled by youths 15 years of age and under. First prize,£7 7s. Second prize, £2 2s. Entrance 5s. Course-From the flag-ship, proceeding round the red buoy off Dawes' Point, thence round the flag-boat in Lavender Bay and back to the flag-ship.
Canary... Henry Gardener...... Check. Hit or Miss .... Charles Grimes .... Pink. Zenobia ... Charles Ellis..... Green. Tom Thumb... James Green ........ Pink and Blue. Dauntless..... Joseph Moss..... Light blue. The Traveller's Bride....Patrick Brandon...Black. Rose ... Thomas Steele.....Blue, white ball. Will Watch ... Alexander M'Neil ... Blue. Annie ..... George Paul..... Pink and white. Young Australian...Robert Younger....Blue and white. Elizabeth ..... George Newton ..... Dark blue. Sea Belle ....... Joseph Donnolly..... White. Yellow Tail..... Thomas Petit ....light blue. Fly ....... Sydney Knight...... Stripes. Spider ..... William Boyd.... Blue and red. Will If I Can.... George Melville.... White and red ball. Blossom ..... WiIkin... Blue and white ball. Grasshopper... S. Healey. Green and white.
Fifteen of the tiny barges started in this match,which was throughout a most amusing and well contested one. Thomas Steel, in the Rose, came in first, Gardener, in the Canary, second, and Donnelly, (the favourite) in the Sea Belle, third.On account of Donnelly's exertions, and in consideration of his having fouled, the committee decided on giving him a third prize. Gardener has lodged protest, to the effect that Steele 'is not a boy, being over sixteen years of age." ;
EIGHTH MATCH To start at 1 o'clock. For all ballast, wood, and fruit boats.- First prize, £25. Second prize, £7 7s. Entrance, £1 1s. Course: From flag-boat In Lavender Bay, proceeding round the flag-boat in Darling Harbour, thence round the light-ship and Sow and Pigs, and back to the flag-ship. .
Village Maid .... George Bennett.... Red. Reindeer.... John Blue.... Blue Peter. Who could have Thought It.... William Heston... Red and white ball. Lord of the Isles.... John Lord.... Blue and white cross. Maria ..... James Coleman.... White. Dauntless..... J. Blaxland.... Blue.
This was a capital race from the start to the finish, and was won by the Village Maid, beating the Dauntless by a couple of lengths. The Maria came up third some time afterwards, followed by the Reindeer. One of the crew fell overboard from this latter vessel, on passing the flag-ship, but clinging to a rope, he was safely hauled on board by his mates. Time, 2 hours 12 minutes.
NINTH MATCH. To start at 2 o'clock. For all persons pulling a pair of oars in Licensed Watermen's boats. First prize, £20 ; second prize, £5 5a. ; entrance, £1 1s. Same course as fifth match.
Phoenician ...... James Rice ...... Light blue. Jane ..... James Perry...... Pink. Volunteer...... G. Henry Green Pink and blue. Terror.... James Richards.. Dark blue. Traveller .....Patrick Murray White.
Only three started, viz., the Terror, the Volunteer, and Jane. From the start, the Terror had it all her own way ; the Greens evidently suffering from the effects of their previous exertions. The Terror came in a winner 14 minutes before the Volunteer ; the Jane being about as far astern of the second boat, Time, 20 minutes.
TENTH MATCH. To start at half-past 2 o'clock, the Amateur Skiffs pulling a pair of oars. First prize, £20; Second prize, £5 5s. Entrance, £1 1s. Same course as first match.
Kangaroo.......Robert and Jas Green.... Pink and blue. Waratah.....W. Harkness and James Pinkerton ....Pink. Native Rose...Henry Younger and Henry Younger... Blue and White. Maggy Lauder......Daniel Healy and Thomas Healy... white
This was a very pretty race, and resulted in favour of the Maggy Lauder ; the Native Rose second and the Kangaroo third. This latter boat forfeited her chance in consequence of an accident, which resulted in the lose of her rudder.Time, 28 minutes.
ELEVENTH MATCH. To start at 3 o'clock. For all ships' boats pulling four oars by any crew. First prize, £25 second prize. £7 7s. Entrance, £1 1s. Same course as fifth match.
Woolloomooloo... G. H. R. and R. Green... Pink and blue. Telegraph.... 4 Woodley.... Blue, light. Native Rose.... Charles Younger. Blue and white. Marchioness of Londonderry...John Bewick... Red. Swan....W. Brown ..... White.
Four started, and after a spirited contest, the Telegraph came in first, one minute a-head of the Swan, the Native being about 8 lengths astern. The winning boat was pulled by the four Woodleys in excellent style, the chances at one time appearing three to one against them, the fact of having husbanded their strength being mistaken as an evidence of their being "done up." Time, 31 minutes.
To start at half past 3 o'clock. For Licensed Watermen's boats pulling a pair of sculls, and without, steersmen. First prize, £25. Second prize, £5 5s. Entrance, £2 2s. Same course as first match.
Phoenician ...George Mulhall....light blue. Star... R. Green.... Blue, red and green. Black Joke . T. McGrath
McGrath not appearing at the scratch, this race of course, could not, come off; there being only the three entries. In order, however, that the other two men should not be baulked, the committee on board the flag-ship subscribed as a prize of fifteen guineas as a special; prize for contention. The prize was regarded as a sure thing for Mulhall, and he would, doubtless, have come off victorious, but for having been run, into by a schooner called the Planet, when he was a considerable distance ahead. The casualty, gave Green an advantage, and, notwithstanding his exhausted state, he managed to reach the flag-ship a winner by several lengths. Mulhall has lodged a protest against the prize being given up under the circumstances.
(which concluded the sports of the day) was a dingy chase for a prize of £5, and turned out a rather tame affair. Dingy was captured within five minutes from the time of starting.
During the day, several capsizes took place, owing to incompetent, management ; but only in one instance, so far as we could learn,, were there any accidents attended with any disastrous consequences. A boat, in which a family had been pleasuring, swamped near the Battery Point in the afternoon. Two men, named Edward Sadler and William Sparkes, succeeded, however, in rescuing all the party; with the exception of a child, aged ten years, who is missing, and supposed to have been drowned. It is to be hoped, however, the little fellow was picked up by some other, of the many boats about and conveyed on shore during the confusion which ensued. SIXTY-EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY REGATTA. (1855, January 27).Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), p. 1 Supplement: Supplement to The Empire.. Retrieved from
References and further
Macleod, Prudence (2012). "Greenwich". Dictionary of Sydney. Dictionary of Sydney Trust. Retrieved from
Vintage Paddles and Gigs – Nautical Memorabilia – A Celebration of this Seasons Surf Boat Carnivals
George Mulhall First Champion of Australia in Rowing - First Light-Keeper at Barranjuey Headland
Careel Bay Jetty-Wharf-Boatshed
Pittwater Reserves, The Green Ways: Clareville Wharf and Taylor's Point Jetty
'Panorama of Taylors Point' - 2, Pittwater, New South Wales circa 1917-1921, courtesy National Library of Australia, Image No.: nla.pic-vn6149430 - Part of Enemark collection of panoramic photographs [picture] [1917-1946] . Below: Sections from above panorama
Early Pittwater Paddlers, Oarsmen, Rowers and Scullers - The Green Family - threads collected and collated by A J Guesdon, 2015.
Previous History Pages:
Marie Byles Lucy Gullett Kookoomgiligai Frank Hurley Archpriest JJ Therry Sir Patrick Gordon Taylor Bowen Bungaree W. Bradley 1788 Journal Midholme Loggan Rock Cabin La Corniche La Corniche II Lion Island Bungan Beach Botham Beach Scarred Trees Castles in the Sand Dame Nellie Melba lunches at Bilgola Spring, 1914 First to Fly in Australia at North Narrabeen Mona Vale Golf Club's Annual Balls Governor Phillip camps on Resolute Beach Ruth Bedford Jean Curlewis Mollie Horseman Charlotte Boutin May Moore Neville W Cayley Leon Houreux Frederick Wymark Sir Adrian Curlewis Bilgola Heron Cove Mullet Creek Shark Point Woodley's Cottage A Tent at The Basin Collin's Retreat-Bay View House-Scott's Hotel Bilgola Cottage and House The First Pittwater Regatta Women Cricketers Picnic Filmed In Pittwater Governor Phillip's Barrenjoey Cairn Waradiel Season The Church at Church Point Governor Phillip's Exploration of Broken Bay, 2 â 9 March 1788 Petroglyths: Aboriginal Rock Art on the Northern Beaches Avalon Headland Landmarks Steamers Part I Pittwater Aquatic Club Part I Woody Point Yacht Club Royal Motor Yacht Club Part I Dorothea Mackellar Elaine Haxton Neva Carr Glynn Margaret Mulvey Jean Mary Daly Walter Oswald Watt Wilfrid Kingsford Smith John William Cherry George Scotty Allan McCarrs Creek Narrabeen Creek Careel Creek Currawong Beach Creek Bushrangers at Pittwater Smuggling at Broken Bay An Illicit Still at McCarr's Creek The Murder of David Foley Mona Vale Outrages Avalon Camping Ground Bayview Koala Sanctuary Ingleside Powder Works Palm Beach Golf Course Avalon Sailing Club Mona Vale Surf Life Saving Club Palm Beach SLSC Part I - The Sheds Warriewood SLSC Whale Beach SLSC Flagstaff Hill Mount Loftus Pill Hill Sheep Station Hill S.S. Florrie S.S. Phoenix and General Gordon Paddlewheeler MV Reliance The Elvina Florida House Careel House Ocean House and Billabong Melrose-The Green Frog The Small Yacht Cruising Club of Pittwater Canoe and I Go With The Mosquito Fleet - 1896 Pittwater Regattas Part I - Dates and Flagships to 1950 Shark Incidents In Pittwater The Kalori Church Point Wharf Bayview Wharf Newport Wharf Palm Beach Jetty - Gow's Wharf Max Watt Sir Francis Anderson Mark Foy John Roche Albert Verrills Broken Bay Customs Station At Barrenjoey Broken Bay Water Police Broken Bay Marine Rescue - Volunteer Coastal Patrol Pittwater Fire-Boats Prospector Powder Hulk at Towler's Bay Naval Visits to Pittwater 1788-1952 Pittwater's Torpedo Wharf and Range Naval Sea Cadets in Pittwater S.S. Charlotte Fenwick S.S. Erringhi P.S. Namoi S.Y. Ena I, II and III Barrenjoey Headland - The Lessees Barrenjoey Lighthouse - The Construction Barrenjoey Broken Bay Shipwrecks Up To 1900 Barrenjoey Light Keepers Douglas Adrian Ross Newport SLSC 1909 - 1938 Part I Overview North Narrabeen SLSC - The Formative Years Bilgola SLSC - the First 10 years North Palm Beach SLSC A History of Pittwater Parts 1 and 4 Pittwater Regattas - 1907 and 1908 Pittwater Regattas - 1921 - The Year that Opened and Closed with a Regatta on Pittwater Pittwater Regatta Banishes Depression - 1933 The 1937 Pittwater Regatta - A Fashionable Affair Careel Bay Jetty-Wharf-Boatshed Gow-Gonsalves Boatshed -Snapperman Beach Camping at Narrabeen - A Trickle then a Flood Pittwater's Parallel Estuary - The Cowan 'Creek' RMYC Broken Bay Boathouse and Boatshed Barrenjoey Boat House The Bona - Classic Wooden Racing Yacht Mona Vale Hospital Golden Jubilee - A Few Insights on 50 Years as a Community Hospital Far West Children's Health Scheme - the Formation Years The First Scotland Island Cup, Trophy and Race and the Gentleman who loved Elvina Bay Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay NSW - Cruiser Division History - A History of the oldest division in the Royal Motor Yacht Club Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay Early Motor Boats and Yachts, their Builders and Ocean Races to Broken Bay, the Hawkesbury and Pittwater The Mail Route to Pittwater and Beyond The Wild Coachmen of Pittwater - A Long and Sometimes Bumpy Ride on Tracks Instead of Roads The Fearless Men of Palm Beach SLSC's Surf Boats First Crews - A Tale of Viking Ships, Butcher Boats and Robert Gow's Tom Thumb 'Canoe' Furlough House Narrabeen - Restful Sea Breezes For Children and Their Mothers From Telegraphs to Telephones - For All Ships at Sea and Those On Land Mona Vale Training Grounds - From Lancers on Horses to Lasses on Transport Courses Fred Verrills; Builder of Bridges and Roads within Australia during WWII, Builder of Palm Beach Afterwards Communications with Pittwater Ferries To Pittwater A History of Pittwater - Part 4: West Head Fortress Pittwater's Lone Rangers - 120 Years of Ku-Ring-Gai Chase and the Men of Flowers Inspired by Eccleston Du Faur Early Pittwater Launches and Ferries Runs Avalon Beach SLSC - The First Clubhouse Avalon Beach SLSC The Second and Third Clubhouses From Beneath the Floorboards at Hyde Park Barracks Bungaree Was Flamboyant Andrew Thompson - 'Long Harry' Albert Thomas Black John Collins of Avalon Narrabeen Prawning Times - A Seasonal Tide of Returnings Oystering in the Pittwater Estuary - Oyster Kings and Pearl Kings and When Not to Harvest Oysters Yabbying In Warriewood Creeks Eeling in Warriewood's Creeks (Includes A Short History of community involvement in favour of environmental issues/campaigns in and around Narrabeen Lagoon - 1974 to present by David James OAM) Eunice Minnie Stelzer - Pittwater Matriarchs Maria Louisa Therry - Pittwater Matriarchs Katherine Mary Roche - Pittwater Matriarchs Sarah A. Biddy Lewis and Martha Catherine Bens Pittwater Matriarchs Pittwater's New Cycle Track of 1901 Manly to Newport The Rock Lily Hotel Barrenjoey House The Pasadena Jonah's St Michael's Arch The First Royal Visitor to Australia: the Incident at Clontarf March 12th, 1868 Pittwater: Lovely Arm of the Hawkesbury By NOEL GRIFFITHS - includes RMYC Wharf and Clareville Wharf of 1938 + An Insight into Public Relations in Australia George Mulhall First Champion of Australia in Rowing - First Light-Keeper at Barranjuey Headland Captain Francis Hixson - Superintendent of Pilots, Lights, and Harbours and Father of the Naval Brigade The Marquise of Scotland Island The First Boat Builders of Pittwater I: the Short Life and Long Voyages of Scotland Island Schooner the Geordy Boat Builders of Pittwater II: from cargo schooners and coasters to sailing skiffs and motorised launches The Currawong: Classic Yacht The Riddles of The Spit and Bayview/Church Point: sailors, boat makers, road pavers and winning rowers VP Day Commemorative Service 2015 – at Avalon Beach RSL Cenotaph: 70th Anniversary Captain T. Watson and his Captain Cook Statues: A Tribute to Kindness Pittwater Reserves: The Green Ways; Hordern or Wiltshire Parks to McKay Reserve – From Beach to Estuary Pittwater Reserves, The Green Ways: Clareville Wharf and Taylor's Point Jetty Pittwater Reserves: The Green Ways Bilgola Beach - The Cabbage Tree Gardens and Camping Grounds - Includes Bilgola - The Story Of A Politician, A Pilot and An Epicure by Tony Dawson and Anne Spencer Pittwater Reserves - The Green Ways: Mona Vale's Village Greens a Map of the Historic Crown Lands Ethos Realised in The Village, Kitchener and Beeby Parks Pittwater Reserves: The Green Ways; Bungan Beach and Bungan Head Reserves: A Headland Garden