June 1 - 7, 2014: Issue 165
Pittwater's Lone Rangers - 120 Years of Ku-Ring-Gai Chase and the Men of Flowers Inspired by Eccleston Du Faur

Wharf, Kuring Gai Chase (KuringGai Launch at Towler's Wharf), Image No.: a4370001, courtesy State Library of NSW.
Pittwater's Lone Rangers - 120 Years of Ku-Ring-Gai Chase and the Men of Flowers Inspired by Eccleston Du Faur
On June 20th 1894 New South Wale’s second ever large reserve, Ku-Ring-Gai Chase, was preliminarily gazetted and set aside to conserve the beautiful array of wildflowers that grow in our place. For years people had been utilising the seasonal return or bright pink boronia at the commencement of Spring, or the Christmas Bush, as we head into December, as a means to make money selling boatloads and carloads of the plants at markets in Sydney. Even staghorns were collected and sold.
Reports of whole tracts of land being denuded of what once grew there, or people ripping the plants up by their roots, causing no more to grow where they once were, or even ripping out the plants they couldn’t cart so no one else could collect them and bring down prices fill reports before change began to take place.
Long after steps were taken to place these lands in a Reserve, and further on when the Rangers League was established prior to the advent of the National Parks and Wildlife, people still stole wildflowers to sell at markets. Even today some of us still find waratahs marked by highlighter pens by those who will come in after dark and steal them to sell, illegally, for small gain at large cost.
A shift in thinking has saved some remnants. Vigilance by those who reside in these places and reporting offenders or not telling people where we find these wonderful plants, in some species cases, means there are still some of the rarer ones left and a return to profusion of others.
For any to be left to hopefully return can be attributed to a man of letters, geology, exploration, and art who recognised that in the natural world is a recurring season of gladness made perfect in the budding, blooming and ending of each flower in each verge of each season.
Eccleston Frederick Du Faur, the official witness for the Transit of Venus in 1874, a founding member and first chairman of the Geographical Society of Australia in 1883, an original member of the New South Wales Academy of Art founded in 1871, and then one of the five trustees of the National Art Gallery established in 1876 and was president (1892-1915), who spoke with Berlin professors about destroying introduced rabbits using a bacteriological agent in 1887, suggested Australia's climate was affected by Antarctica weather conditions and proposed in 1892 that an expedition be sent there to research his proposal, also found time to translate Horace's Odes, Epodes (Selected) and Carmen Saeculare in 1906 and the Quatrains by Gui du Faur, Seigneur de Pibrac, in 1907.
The Geographical Society of Australasia, Sydney branch: the Council with Captain Everill, Included in the group are H. Maiden, Sir Edward Strickland, H.C. Everill, E.F. Fu Faur, J.F. Mann and others ca. 1885 by Kerry & Jones, Image No: a4905001, courtesy State Library of NSW.
Joining the newly established Railway Department in Sydney, after returning to London for a few years, he joined the Surveyor-General's Office as a draftsman in 1863, and in 1866 transferred to the Occupation of Crown Lands Office, commencing around this time a ten year project of mapping the whole of New South Wales which would commend his election as a fellow of the Royal Society of New South Wales in 1873. Mr Du Faur would soon map the whole of what was to become Ku-Ring-Gai Chase, described by the first honourary secretary as a 'huge water park'.
A New Park. KU-RING-GAI CHASE. Some little time ago Mr. Copeland (Minister for Lands) reserved a large area of land around Cowan Creek and the Hawkesbury River — about 58 square miles — for recreation purposes. The country is of a very rugged and picturesque character, and should form a favorite resort of the tourist and holiday-maker. It will be regulated by a board of trustees in the same manner as the National Park, and already several gentlemen have signified their willingness to accept seats on the hoard. The Minister had considerable difficulty in selecting a name for the new reserve, but eventually he chose the word Ku-Ring-Gai, which appears to have been the aboriginal name of the tribe settled in this locality. The word ' Chase ' he selected because he considered it more euphonious and appropriate than the word 'Park’. A New Park. (1894, May 31). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article114084843
THE HAWKESBURY RESERVE. TO THE EDITOR OF THE HERALD. Sir,-I believe that, in common with myself every Australian will approve of the action of the Minister for Lands in adopting an aboriginal name for the above But why go half-way?? "Kuring-gai" is black enough but the word "Chase," though the meaning be applicable, is English. Why not find out the aboriginal word for "hunting-ground," and tack that on to the end of "Kuring-gai" I am A-e. WALTER H. BONE. THE HAWKESBURY RESERVE. (1894, June 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13953876
The official gazetting of the Chase occurs:
KURINGGAI CHASE. TO THE EDITOR OF THE HERALD. Sir,-When on 6th October, 1892, I first submitted officially to the Minister for Lands the proposal to "dedicate the waters of Cowan Creek, and ... adjacent to same, as a national park for North Sydney, one of the principal arguments adduced was that "steps could be taken to prevent the reckless destruction of native flowers .eg, the rock-lily, formerly so abundant, is becoming scarcer every year, and must soon become extinct it not to some extent protected."
Two flowering seasons passed away before my suggestion was adopted by the preliminary notification of Kuringgai Chase in the Government Gazette of 20th June, 1894. During that interval of over 20 months wholesale depredations had been committed, not by the tourist but for trade purposes which left the foreshores for miles denuded of the special vegetation which had made them attractive in former years- the last tree ferns had been cut down, the rocklilies almost extirpated (the cutting of their flowers did no permanent harm, but almost every accessible plant had been torn away by the roots, and hundreds of Christmas bush trees of fifty growth and upwards had been felled, merely to lop off the top branches for decoration of the butchers shops &c. in Sydney. The removal of a few cartloads or boatloads of such vegetation each year would not have done any irremediable damage, but many of the depredators made a practice of camping on the creek for a week or two before Christmas and ruthlessly destroying everything they could find in accessible places, which they did not want for themselves, in order that others might not join in their harvest and cheapen the market against them at Christmas time.
Against this state of things the trustees have hitherto been unable to act owing to certain formal matters in connection with the dedication of the Chase not having been completed , but, seeing that the anticipated destruction during this season (the third) would put back the place for years a strong effort has been made, and being courteously backed by the department the dedication of the Chase was finally secured by gazette notice of the 11th instant and, after overcoming further obstacles the publication of the bylaws was obtained in a supplement Gazette of the same date.
Right: Ku Ring Gai; Lovett's Bay Pittwater Head, Image No: a924068h, courtesy State Library of NSW, from: THE SYDNEY MAIL. THE LARGEST AND BEST ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY IN AUSTRALASIA. A JOURNAL OF NEWS, POLITICS, LITERATURE, SCIENCE, ART, MUSIC, AGRICULTURE, AND SPORT. THE PRESENT WEEK'S ISSUE OF THE SYDNEY MAIL WILL CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING AMONGST OTHER ILLUSTRATIONS: THE NEW NATIONAL PARK. VIEWS IN KURING-GAI CHASE, THE NEW NATIONAL PARK, from photos by Kerry and Co. Advertising. (1894, July 4). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13958246
Full arrangements having been made, in anticipation, linen posters of notice of bylaws, &.c , were delivered the same evening at a distant camp at Cowan Creek, where two men had been retained to post them along the foreshores of the Chase on Saturday. Similar posters were distributed on Saturday morning at the stations along the North Shore line, and accompanied by a constable and special constable I left for Pittwater the same morning on similar duties, and to establish a repressive force there, and to interview various residents who had promised to assist the trustees as far as lay in their power.
This morning (Monday) a strong body of special constables, under the authority and instructions of the trustees and the guidance or the local constable, commence a daily patrol in a steam launch from the head of Cowan Creek down to the Hawkesbury. Under such prompt and repressive measures the trustees feel confident that they will be able to put a stop to any piratical practices on the Chase during this season and that if the necessary support is afforded them by the Government, and the moral support of the general public is on their side, such practices will become impossible for the future and that both the flora and fauna of this large tract of country, abutting on the 10-mile circuit of Sydney, will be protected for future generations in Kuringgai Chase, although probably they will have utterly disappeared from most other places.
It is to be regretted that a section of our legislators, in ignorance, I presume, of the circumstances should by their recent vote have crippled the action of the trustees. On the evening after that vote I was obliged to discharge a road party at work (uncompleted) on the Chase, and other working men, who were anxiously awaiting the commencement of other works proposed to be carried out for the convenience of the public, were advised that they could not be commenced. Thus, as all administration by the trustees is performed gratuitously, the whole weight of that adverse vote falls on the working men of the Lane Cove and Hornsby districts, of whom, I am sorry to say too many able and worthy men are unemployed, while, furthermore, the proposed increase of convenience to the public, which would have largely increased our railway receipts, must stand in abeyance.
…. December 17. E. DU FAUR, trustee. KURINGGAI CHASE. (1894, December 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14000128
The above letter of report indicates that funds to support this great work were not going to be provided in any grea means by the then current government. There are indications that a strain on finances to meet proposed works, as well as unemployment, and trying to give men employment during these early years of the establishment of the Chase, also infer that the original trustees were expected, as men who had succeeded, to fund any requirements themselves.
Mr Du Faur was indefatigable though, and although one of the reports below points out he would fund improvements out of his own pocket, he also had one eye on keeping it to benefit his fellow human beings in each stage of any work:
The Unemployed. USEFUL CHRISTMAS WORK. Among other work found for the unemployed, to enable them to earn a little money before the holidays, was the clearing of & track for horsemen and pedestrians from Berowra Railway Station across the gullies to Cowan Creek, passing through Ku-ring-gai Chase. About 400 men have performed the work under the Department of Public Works at a cost of £600, and it has been very satisfactorily done. Excursionists and others who know the country between Cowan Creek and the railway will be able to heartily appreciate the advantages of this clearing, and during the forthcoming holidays the tourist traffic there should be much increased by the additional facilities afforded for reaching this beautiful stretch of water.The Unemployed. (1895, December 24). Evening News(Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article108083953
Kuring-gai Chase. There is something pathetic to me in the idea of the Kuring-gai Chase advertisement which appears in another column. The Trustees have to organise a staff of special constables to patrol the park during the holidays to prevent the wilful destruction of trees and flowers. It shows the deep, awful barbarism of our race. The Trustees say themselves that 'The destruction of large trees and valuable plants for the sake of decorating a few shops in Sydney, etc., has been so extensive for some years past that nothing short of the steps taken by the Trustees can prevent the speedy and total extermination of the native flora which otherwise would be an attraction to the Chase for all time.' The public ought to be their own protectors for a place like Kuringai, for it is one of the loveliest spots in New South Wales, if not in Australia. The Xmas Bush, Waratahs, Rock Lillies, and Ferns flourish there exceedingly under the care of the most painstaking trustees that ever had charge, of a national trust. Those of us who know the Chase know that Mr. Du Faur is the man who is spending his life, his labour and his money on the place, but it doesn't do to mention that too loudly, so we won't say anything about it just now. He ought to be liberally supported by the Government, but the lack of funds is appalling. Thousands and thousands of pounds are spent on other parks, but for Kurin-gai, the money is doled out in a pitiful way. I spend lots of my holidays at the Chase and I'm in love with it, for I know its glory, it's beauty and its value, and that's why the parsimony in regard to it appals me. Kuring-gai Chase. (1896, December 4). The Sydney Stock and Station Journal (NSW : 1896 - 1924), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article120771328
So who was living at these places during these years; whom may have Mr. Du Faur call upon?;
A deputation of the Pittwater district progress committee on Nov. 26 waited on the Manly Council to discuss the matter of combining with Manly in the proposed local government scheme. It was decided that the recommendation of the commissioners for the union of the two districts be adopted. COUNTRY NOTES. (1894, December 1). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 16. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article71266987
This road ends at Church Point, a lovely spot commanding a view of Pittwater; the town and hotel of Newport at the head of Navigation, Broken Bay, and Barrenjoey directly in front ;Scotland Island and Towler's Bay right across the water, with the long and deep arm known as McGarr's Creek on the left. On the Towler's Bay side there are several residents who pull across the water to the wharf at Church Point and meet the steamer from Sydney or the coach from Manly, as the case may be. The dynamite powder hulk is moored in Towler's Bay, with residences on shore for the officers in charge. Mr. Robert Robinson has his residence of Raamah at the same place. Mr. Robinson informs me that he can grow to perfection such tropical fruits as bananas, guavas, ginger, mangoes, pineapples, Brazilian cherries, &c. This fact will demonstrate that there can be little or no frost in this locality. Other residents of this side of the bay are Mr. F. Chave, Woodlands, who has a very nice orchard, mostly summer fruit; Mr. E. C. Johnstone, who has a nice residence and orchard; Mr. A. Steffani is another prominent resident, while the residence of the firm of Flood and Oately occupies a lovely peninsula in the quiet waters of the bay. Mr. Geo. Brown has a residence and an orchard in the neighborhood, and there is also a small church and cemetery at Church Point. Manly to Broken Bay. (1893, November 11). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 19. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article71191632
Our western foreshore residents, prior to the initial gazetting, were shingle makers, wood cutters and farmers. Joseph Cario (sometimes spelt Carrio or Carriel) who had one of the original Land Grants of 40 acres on Portion 17 of Lovett Bay, would carry staghorns as well as timber on the Maid of Australia to Sydney town. He had sold his grant in 1886 though and the original access to Flagstaff Hill, the place that attracted so many ladies to visit the Chase?:
Sir,-The trustees have had the opportunity of paying an interesting official visit of inspection to the Chase. Accepting the well-known hospitality of the Hon R.H.D. White, they left Farm Cove in his steam yacht the White Star on Friday at 5pm. The trustees present were -The Hon H Copeland (president), Dr J C Cox, Messrs. E Du Faur, J. de V. Lamb, the Hon R. H. D White, M L C, the Hon F A Wright, M L A , and the hon secretary (Mr E J Siervern. The remaining trustees-the Hon Sir Joseph Abbott, Messrs T A Dibbs and W J Lyne-were unavoidably prevented from attending but Messrs Edmund Barton and Robert McMillan accompanied as guests.
After camping on Friday evening at the Basin, Pittwater, they proceeded to Lovett’s Bay (near Bay View), and inspected the works which have been carried out during the last year, under the Superintendence of Mr Du Faur. These consist of a substantial stone wharf, erected by consent of the owner of portion 17 and of the Lands Department, on the foreshore of portion 17, between high and low water marks, to deep water and a stone causeway, 8ft wide and 200ft long, from the wharf to the entrance of the Chase, which, owing to the shallowness of the upper part of the bay, was inaccessible without this concession from the adjoining freeholder. From the entrance to the Chase a path about 8ft wide has been cleared and formed through what was previously an impenetrable scrub to the head of the bay, where there is an abundance of fresh water crossing this, a similar path has been formed along the southern side of Lovett’s Bay to a charming nook at the back of "The Peninsula," Mr Oatley’s property. Here the water falls, except during such a dry season as the present, over cliffs about 80ft to 100ft high into a rock dell, where cabbage-tree palms and other vegetation luxuriate. These paths are about a mile in length.
Returning to the northern side of the bay, at a point about 12 chains from the end of the causeway, the party then descended by a zigzag path, which has been laid out to the summit of a hill which towers over the bay at a height of nearly 500ft, to a flagstaff, which is less than 800ft, on a base-line from the starting-point. Notwithstanding the difficulty of overcoming such a grade, and an absolutely perpendicular escarpment of over 100ft near the summit, the pathway is of gradual and comparatively easy ascent: it has been visited by many ladies, and from its summit a splendid view is obtained over Pittwater, Newport, and the ocean on one side, and the rugged features of the Chase on the other, a description of which must be left for another occasion. From the Flagstaff another path has been scrubbed for rather over a mile, to the Flat Rock; a peculiar formation, of which a graphic description has already appeared in the press. The trustees returned to the yacht by noon highly gratified with what they had seen, and expressing their astonishment at the amount of work done, and the facility of access afforded over so large a tract of country, previously inaccessible, at an expenditure including wharf and causeway of less then £200. KURING-GAI CHASE. (1896, February 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14036808
THE 'WHITE STAR' YACHT (ON THE HAWKESBURY). The "White Star" Yacht. (1896, April 25). The Cumberland Free Press (Parramatta, NSW : 1895 - 1897), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article144436316
MR. R. H. D. WHITE, M.L.C., is entertaining a company of friends on board his steam yacht White Star in the vicinity of the Hawkesbury River. The vessel left Sydney at noon yesterday, and the party now on board, several of whom drove from Manly and joined the White Star at Pittwater, include Mr. Barton, the Acting Premier, Major-General Richardson, Commandant of the New South Wales Defence Force, Colonel Roberts, CMG , Major-General Tulloch, President of the Defence Commission, and his colleagues, Mr Alderman Manning, Mayor of Sydney, Mr L Mort, Mr Meeks, and Mr Cowlishaw Mr Catchett Walker, the Principal Under-Secretary, is also of the party, which is timed to return to Sydney at dusk tomorrow. The Sydney Morning Herald. (1892, July 13). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13870873
'White Star' on Sydney Harbour, c. 1880-1893 - courtesy Tyrell Photographic Collection, Powerhouse Museum
The first park rangers home, what is left of it, may still be found at Morning Bay. Reports state the ranger or 'special constable' would walk from here to The Basin every day via a track up behind the cottage and over the hills. What was his 'range' of keeping (NB: that Mr Du Faur states in this initial report, predating the December 11th, that he had not fully inspected the Pittwater section):
Sir,-On Friday, 12th October, four of the trustees- the Hon H. Copeland, Messrs. T. A. Dibbs, E.Du Faur, and J. de V. Lamb- accompanied by the hon. secretary, Mr E. J. Sievers, left the floating jetty at 3 p.m. in the steam launch The Premier, and were joined on the following morning by Sir Joseph Abbott, who had travelled by rail to Berowra platform. The Premier steamed round to the Hawkesbury and Cowan Creek, and anchored for Friday night at the head of Coal and Candle Creek, a deep saltwater inlet from Cowan Creek, navigable for 3 1/2 miles, distance steamed 38 miles.
On Saturday they proceeded to head of Smith's Creek, another inlet navigable for two miles, where Messrs Angus and Jaques under an annual permit, occupy an acre, and have built a jetty and cottage, and keep a small steam launch; thence to Waratah Bay, at tho foot of the track down from Berowra platform, to inspect a long jetty built over the sand banks to tho edge of deep water by a waterman named Windaybank, who keeps a flotilla of about 10boats for hire. This jetty was found to be in so dangerous a state, and so insufficient for even present requirements, that it was decided to condemn it as soon as better access to deepwater can be provided. From Waratah Bay the Premier steamed three miles further up the Cowan Creek to Bobbin Rock being the head of navigation for vessels of her draught, and about nine miles above its confluence with the Hawkesbury.
Above: Kuring-gai Chase: in Refuge Bay, SS Premier in foreground, Date:1/1925, Image No.: d1_15585, courtesy State Library of NSW. Below: Steam Ferry Premier, circa 1920. Image No.: hood298211h, courtesy State Library of NSW.
The trustees then landed in boats it Duffy's wharf about half a mile further up the creek, whom four men had been employed for a week in scrubbing, clearing away fallen timber, and removing overhanging trees, and repairing the old Duffy's-road, which had fallen into disuse for many years .This road will open up the section of the chase known as central section, and leads up to the marked boundary of the chase at a point about 6OOft above tidal level
It will also afford means of bringing timber down to the creek and carting material required for fencing, &c., instead of bringing it some 15 miles by road from the railway.
After visiting other points, the Premier brought up for the night at the head of Smith's Creek. On Sunday the trustees steamed round to the head of Pittwater landed at the head of Lovetts Bay, visited Coasters Retreat and the Basin returned to Cowan Creek, visited the head of Jerusalem Bay, and landed there by appointment to meet some residents from Cowan Siding, and made Refuge Bay for their evening camp. On Monday they again visited Waratah Bay, thence proceeded to the Hawkesbury Bridge, then re-entered Pittwater, landing at Church Point at 1 p m , having steamed in all 126miles, and returned to Sydney by coach to Manly.
In view of its special physical characteristics and for easier administration, Kuring-gai Chase has been divided info nine sections, each of which is inaccessible by land from any other, while they all abut on the main waterway. These sections virtually form separate public parks available to and from distinct centres of population, present and future, as well as to the general public, by railway. Those stations have for the present been named Colah section.
1. Bobbin section About 2300 Acres Turramurra station
2. Wahroonga section 500 Acres Wahroonga station
3. Colah section 2400 Acres Hornsby and Colah stations
4. Jersey section 375 Acres Gordon and Pymble stations
5. Berowra Section 4000 Acres Berowra platform
6. Central section 4000 Acres Pittwater road
7. Taber – section 4500 Acres Pittwater road
8. Hawkesbury section 3300 Acres Cowan platform
9. Pittwater section 10000 Acres (by water only at present)
Of those the first four and No 6 have been fully inspected on foot and horseback by myself. Berowra, No 5, is well known to the public by the track from the platform to Waratah Bay Nos 7, 8 and 9 have as yet only been visited from the water. With the very limited means at their disposal the trustees have already authorised the following improvements towards opening up the chase to the public &.c -
1 The scrubbing, dealing, and repairing of an old road way from Duffy's wharf, a little above Bobbin Rock, to the high lands of Central section (N0 6)
This roadway, on which considerable expenditure must have been made some 20 or 25 years since, had as above stated become almost impassable even on foot. A party of four men was put on it for a fortnight and it now affords easy access (in about a mile) to the marked back boundary of the section, from which tracks exist along the main ridges, passing Trig stations, White, Cowan, Roach, Long, and Arthur, from which numerous spurs descend to various points in Cowan and Smith's Creeks, which will doubtless be fully exploited before long by walking tourists. At the same time this road will be available for transit of timber from the highlands when required for jetties, buildings, &c. in fact, it is at one of the few points where it is possible to bring wheel traffic to the foreshore.
2 The construction of a footpath, 6ft wide, along the southern foreshore of Waratah Bay, to afford easy access to deep water-9ft to 14 ft- at low and high tides-and a jetty for boats and steam launches. This work is, as already stated, of immediate necessity, as the existing (private) jetty, 200 yards long, over the flats, was condemned by the trustees as altogether dangerous for women and children, and liable to collapse at any time. Another party of four men have commenced this work, and probably within two or three weeks the objectionable structure will have been removed.
3. The construction of a similar footpath along the northern foreshore of Lovett Bay, Pitt Water, from the south west corner at Pn. 17 to the head of the bay, with picnic paths into a very beautiful brush abounding with tree ferns, cabbage-tree palms, &.c. This work, however, cannot be commenced until the trustees are in a position to protect the spots proposed to be opened up in the public interest from the spoliation and vandalism which has denuded so much of the Chase of its native flora
4. It has been, further, decided to define the land limits of the Chase by scrubbing and clearing dangerous timber along such portions of the marked back boundaries of sections 1, 2, 3 and 6 as must eventually be fenced, in order that the necessary notices may be exhibited at the public entrances to these sections.
It may be interesting to point out the extent to which the Chase is already visited when opportunities offer, bearing in mind that their is no accommodation whatever afforded to the public, except Windeybank's boats no place whom food can be purchased and that the present rough and steep descents from Berowra and elsewhere, averaging 650 ft in less than a mile, mean, at least on the return journey, the exercise or a considerable amount or strength and activity, while they are very unsuitable for women and children. Yet on the recent Eight-hour day the ordinary afternoon trains were quite insufficient for the traffic, leaving about 65 persons on the Berowra platform until a special train could be ordered by telegram to relieve them. On Saturday the 13th, the trustees saw two steam launches, with a large sailing boat and five or six other boats in tow, crowded with children from Gordon and St Ives Public schools and the surrounding neighbourhood who had to travel four to seven miles before 7am to rendezvous at the head of Cowan Creek, in Jersey section thence steaming about 11 miles to the Hawkesbury bridge, and returning home in the evening. On the same day the s. s. Namoi brought a number of visitors to Shark Rock Point at the entrance to Jerusalem Bay, and besides various fishing parties in Windeybank's boats, they found a large party of gentlemen who, with their wives and children (some 30 in all), had established a comfortable camp in the large caves at Peach Tree Point, between Waratah Bay and Smith's Creek, two of whom have since informed me that they had spent there a pleasant fortnight or more
In view of the above there can be little doubt that when the trustees are able to supply better means of access, by easier grades, and boatmen and others to cater for public requirements, Ku-ring-gai Chase will become a favoured resort and a valuable feeder to the revenue of the Great Northern and Milson Point railways I am, &c. E. DU FAUR, Trustee. October, 1894. KURING-GAI CHASE-OFFICIAL INSPECTION. (1894, November 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13975442
Further reports and official visits of the first few years:
Kuring-gai Chase. (By the Hon. Secretary.) No. 1.
Not a few of my acquaintances recently have accosted me with the query, 'What the mischief is the meaning of Kuring-gai Chase Trust, under which your name seems frequently to appear? Not that many of my querists get hold of the correct pronunciation of. this euphonious aboriginal name. To those unacquainted with the dialect of our predecessors, I might suggest that the first vowel is long, as also is the last. The 'Kuring-gai' were the coastal tribe of blacks occupying the country between the Hawkesbury and Broken Bay, and therefore the hunting grounds and apparently camping place of some of these native gentry was, after them, aptly named Kuring-gai Chase. For years past those whose vocations have necessitated the study of the archives of the Lands Department will have noticed a huge blank space on the map of the northern end of the county of Cumberland, extending along the Hawkesbury and its tributary, Cowan Creek, from Church Point, Pittwater, round to the Hawkesbury Bridge; and, though the land was long open to selection, only a few of the scattered beaches proved tempting enough to induce the settler to mark out his 40 acres. The reason to those acquainted with the country is obvious. Not any 40 contiguous acres would feed a goat, or at any rate fatten one. By a fortuitous circumstance a gentleman, whose philanthropic exertions helped to open up the Blue Mountains to the tourist, struck, in the Hon. Hy. Copeland (the then Minister for Lands), a kindred spirit, and between these gentlemen the idea was evolved of conferring upon the metropolis a boon, for which our grandchildren will probably immortalise them. By the dedication of this tract of country 53,000 acres in area, as a national park to the northern suburbs, an opportunity is afforded of preserving for many years to come the many distinctive classes of native flora so fast disappearing. The writer, though still a comparative youngster, can remember when Christmas bush, tree ferns, and stag-horns could be gathered on a Sunday morning's ramble; while as a schoolboy the collection of a satchelful of five corners and geebungs formed the customary Saturday morning's amusement. Alas! those innocent delights seem to have gone for ever, and their places have been changed for an investment of fid or Is to a silver double. O temporal O mores! Barren, rugged, and precipitous though the great proportion of this reserve is, still its rocky fastnesses have proved a nursery for many of the numerous orchid family, for the graceful tree fern and the stately cabbage-tree palm. The ruthless gathering of the most attractive of our active evergreens for decorative purposes at festive seasons, combined with the insane, craze for packing together like sardines in a box huge hunches of flowers at native flower shows, the great majority of which have been pulled up by the roots, has decimated entirely the bairionia, the heath, the Christmas bush, Christmas bell, waratah, and other well-known indigenous flora. With a view to the protection of at any rate the surviving members of our vast dying vegetable family, Kuring-gai Chase has been dedicated to trustees, who have framed regulations intended, not to interfere with full enjoyment of the beauties of the reserve, or the study of its many objects of botanical and aboriginal interest, but to prevent the removal of specimens and destruction of kitchen middens, native carvings, etc., of which there are not a few.…
The Chase was dedicated to September of 1894; and vested in the following trustees: Hon. Hy.Copland (president), Sir. Joseph Abbott, J. de V. Lamb, T. A. Dibbs, F. A. Wright, Dr. J. C. Cox, W. J. Lyne, Hon. R. H D. White, E. du Faur; the last named having recently been appointed managing trustee. Since this date a sum of £600 in all has been received from the Government, and in my next article I shall endeavor to give my readers a short account of the manner of its' expenditure, the methods adopted and objects in view, as well as a few suggestions as to reaching the most interesting portions of this huge water park. Kuring-gai Chase. (1896, July 17). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article111034334
A mention of the fee paid to the Pittwater 'special constable':
Kuring-gai Chase Trust. - No. II. (By the Hon. Secretary.) In my last article I promised a short resume of the trustees' object and aims, and a statement of the methods followed in the expenditure to date. For the information of those who may not have read my introductory remarks, I will repeat that the Chase was dedicated in the latter end of 1894, and a sum of £200 was credited on account in the Bank of New South Wales wherewith to commence operations. The greater portion of our 53,000 acres being a "terra incognita" to the majority of the trustees, an early opportunity was taken of inspecting as much as was possible in a two days' tour, and a general plan of campaign was decided upon.
In order to make the proportion of expenditure understandable, it should be explained that nature has divided the Chase into eight distinct portions, no single portion being accessible by land directly from any other portion, i.e., the park consists of a series of ridges divided by ravines of a terribly rough nature, such as only an experienced bushman or mountaineer could cross. These several portions are approached by land from various centres of population, and commencing at the Hawkesbury Bridge, are respectively named Berowra, in area 4000 acres; Cowan, in area 500 acres ; Colah, in area 2600 acres ; Wahroongah, in area 500 acres; Bobbin, in area 3000 acres; Central Jersey, in area 500 acres; Pittwater. Berowra section is approached from Berowra Station, from which a steep, though well-made track, has been constructed by the Works Department to Windybank's well known boating establishment on Cowan Creek. Colah section adjoins, and is approached from Colah or Hornsby Stations. The route from the latter is by a good coach drive along the Peat's Ferry-road, crossing the Great Northern Railway Line at a level crossing about one-third of a mile south of Colah Station, thence north-easterly along a formed road about four miles in length to the Gilrigong or Cowan Creek. The easiest walking station is Colah, returning southerly along the railway line to the crossing above described, and thence to the water along the road recently formed, four and a half miles in all to the water's edge.
Wahroongah section abuts upon what is known as Wahroongah, and is approached along an at present indifferent track in a northerly direction from the railway station, passing the junction of Lover's Jump and Spring Creeks at a point distant about two and one-sixth miles from the railway station, and a road is now being cleared along the bank of the latter creek to Cowan ; total distance, about five miles. Bobbin section is approached from Pymble or Turramurra Stations. From the former the Lane Cove-road is followed to the convent, thence along the Bobbin End-road, the last two miles a capital driving road, the last three miles presently being a bush track requiring same patching up. From Turramurra Station the Eastern-road is followed for three-quarters of a mile, where Biffin's-road turns off to the east, and junctions the Bobbin End-road a little this side of King's Orchard.
Jersey section : Accessible from Gordon and neighboring stations; shortest distance to boundary of Chase from Gordon Station, viz., Stony Creek road, about 4½ miles.
Central section : Situated between Pittwater section and West Head, but practically only approachable by water at the present time.
Pittwater section, though approachable by a 14-mile drive from Pymble along the Pittwater road past Tumble Down Dick, is really only accessible from Manly via Narrabeen and Church Point ; and it is upon this section that the greatest expenditure has been incurred, as, through the agency of Mr. Dugald Thomson, M.L.A., a sum of £150 was obtained for expenditure in the portion of the park included in the Warringah electorate. As previously explained, the trustees having so large an area under control, it is a matter of extreme difficulty to so scatter expenditure that no portion of the reserve shall be thought to be neglected, and in this respect the principal difficulties are presented. Many little improvements suggest themselves at first blush which mature consideration proves would only mean the frittering away of small sums, which, unless backed up by further grants, must eventually prove useless; for instance, no good can come of clearing a camping ground if no road approach is made to such camp ; and perhaps the dual expenditure is impossible. Then, too, with the limited funds at our disposal, the opening up of paths to our fern gullies only cleans that the work of spoilation is rendered more easy, and we are loath to do this, until we can increase our patrolling force. The present emolument paid to special constables is but £20 per annum, one of whom keeps an eye upon Pittwater section, and another Cowan, while our "honorary specials" have no defined location, as their visitations are irregular. It will be readily conceded that to prevent a total disregard of our bylaws, with this small outlay we have, what the Yankees describe, "a tall order" in hand ; but we hope to attain most, not by precept, but rather by the example of the right thinking portion of our visitors.
The following concise reports set out the nature of work done, lengths of roads and pathways constructed, and localities attempted to be improved: —Berowra: Cutting pathways along shore, about 660ft, from Windybank's, to deep water, to supersede his dangerous jetty, and building substantial stone wharf fronting deep water, about 9ft. Also scrubbing and clearing old roadway from Duffy's Wharf up to high ground at entrance to Chase from Pittwater-road.
Bobbin: Clearing line at entrance to Chase, and scrubbing road to Bobbin Hill, about 200 chains, 33ft wide, and heavy rock cutting at Bobbin Hill, down towards water, net yet completed.
Pittwater: Forming stone causeway, 8ft wide, along foreshore, from entrance of chase to deepwater, Lovett's Bay, 135 yards, and building substantial stone wharf at same. Scrubbing and forming pathway along foreshore from causeway to head of Lovett's Bay, on north side, and continuing same on south side to boundary of Flood and Oatley's Estate, Ventnor. Scrubbing and forming zigzag pathway from above foreshore, north side, up to flagstaff, 500ft high; ditto, paths to Flat Rocks; and many minor surveys and connections ditto ditto causeway, 6 chains 15 links; to head of Lovett's Bay, 45 chains 70 links; to Ventnor, 41 chains; Zigzag to Flagstaff, 40 chains; to Flat Rock, 37 chains 30 links; to or Flat Rock, 10 chains 15 links. . Total, 180 chains 30 links — 2 miles 20 chains.
Colah section: Clearing and partly forming road one chain wide through Myles M'Rae's freehold, portion 4, South Colah, to entrance of Chase,28 chains, providing one heavy culvert and two light ones. Clearing and scrubbing line of road, partly 33ft, partly ; 20ft wide, from boundary of Chase to broad arrow Q22 at 600ft above water, and continuing same down to within 200ft of the water (available for wheel traffic), thence forming a zigzag path down to the waters of Foley's Bay. Through M'Rae's land 28 chains to broad arrow 188 chains, road down 41 chains zigzag path 30chains; in all 3 miles, 47 chains, as surveyed. Bobbin section: Clearing and forming zigzag path down the face of Bobbin Head from former bad work in this section to deep water at Bobbin Rock, a similar path along the rocky foreshore from Bobbin Rock to point at entrance to Gilrigon Creek; totalling all through the Chase fully 10 miles of roads and paths and connections.
In conclusion, I may be excused to quoting a passage from some notes-of a globe-trotting friend, whose enthusiasm for the park is perhaps only exceeded by his admirable power of description, of the walk up the zigzag at Lovett's Bay, Pittwater, from the stone wharf to the summit of the hill. On the straggling, winding path we saw the grass-trees, that had been turned to black cinders, sending out strong, green, new-born leaves to be kissed by the shameless sun and the pitiless rain. We saw the beautiful fringed violets, lovely as ever painter gazed upon. Up the winding slope, resting under the vast peppermint-tree, over 40ft in diameter, near by the giant tree-ferns and blackened tall woods, blackbuts, wild cherries, and tall Christmas bushes, we wend our way. The parroquets scream at our intrusion, the jumping ants resent our sticks, and the laughing-jackasses fill the air with weird music, and it is wonderful to think of being in Sydney's great park, which future generations will frequent.
Right: Cabbage Palm, Kuring Gai Chase, circa 1900-11910, Image No.: a116501, courtesy State Library of NSW.
Near the summit of the hill we come on a great cavern, or rather an archway, in the Hawkesbury sandstone. It is a wonderful spot indeed, for the architect or the builder has glorified the archway with the most weird and fantastic carving. It was carved by the wind. When the wild storms of wintry days swept over the Chase they took up grains of sand and tiny stones and flung the mat the bold peak till they wore a passage through it. The metallic oxides in the sandstone were obstinate, and stood firm, while the silicious particles beside them gave way, and so we get marvellous results in carving. This work, was painfully slow, but old Dame Nature is lavish in the use of time. It is nothing to her.
Just above the archway is the flagstaff, the point we have been climbing for, the point the pathway has been made to reach. The view from the summit is lovely in the extreme. Away in the distance over Flood's Peninsular was the blue sheen of Pittwater, and along the shores the little white nests in which human workers nestle o' nights. Beyond all, over a brief neck of bold, sandy looking land, is the great Pacific Ocean, restless, mysterious, awful! To our right and left are hills and valleys, trees, bush, gorges, and glory. For miles and miles in every direction spread, one of the most beautiful sights in New South Wales— a people's park, old, older than history, yet new and almost untrodden. Never a more perfect picture has been seen in all this wide world than is to be seen from Flagstaff Hill, Kuring-gai Chase, Pittwater, on a clear fine day. Well might a recent lady visitor, who may be described as much travelled, have observed, on her first visit to the hilltop. "Como is nowhere!" Kuring-gai Chase Trust. (1896, August 6). Evening News(Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article111041737
Just while mentioning 'ventor', 'ventnor' or ventuor' (Ventnor is a seaside resort and civil parish established in the Victorian era on the south coast of the Isle of Wight, England. The sheltered location on the cliff of the Island's south coast means the area experiences a microclimate with more sunny days than much of the British Isles, and fewer frosts. This has allowed many species of subtropical plant to be successfully planted and maintained.. from Wikipedia; also see link above for history of.). :
A Shark at Pittwater. Mr. E. B. M'Kenny, of Ventuor, Pittwater, near Manly, writes to us as follows: I write to give you particulars of the capture of a monster shark at Pittwater on Saturday morning. The brute had been haunting the wharves and foreshores of Ventuor for some time past, and had broken several lines which had been set for him, but on Saturday morning he was safely hooked by Mr. Geo. Gates off the Ventuor Wharf. The monster pulled the boat all about the bay, and it was .a merry time for over half an hour, several boats joining in the chase. Eventually the boats made fast to one another, and the shark was pulled on to the flats and killed. He proved to belong to the grey nurse species, and measured lift in length. A Shark at Pittwater. (1896, March 9). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article109915565
Ventnor Waterworks. MANY-PITTWATER RAILWAY WANTED. At the invitation of Messrs. Willans, Flood, and Oatley, a large party of gentlemen visited Pittwater on Friday last, for the purpose of witnessing the opening of a waterworks at that place, to be known as the Ventnor Waterworks. The party represented the political, commercial, and other interests of the colony, and was conveyed in five coaches from Manly to Charity Point. The works consist of a dam at a waterfall about a mile to the east of the residence of Mr. Willans, and the construction of mains run throughout the Ventnor Estate, which it is intended to supply. The waterfall in question has never been known to fail in any season. Ample and elaborate provision had been made for the entertainment of the guests, who were shown over the estate, which is beautifully situated, and from which many beautifully views are obtained. Amongst those who accepted the invitation were Mr. F. Adams, of the A.J.S. Bank, Mr. W. P. Woolcott, Dr. Hanson, Mr. Barnett, Mr. Cresswell, Mr. Kirkpatrick, Mr. M'Mahon, Mr. J. H. Gillies, Mr. Orr (Union Bank), Mr. A. G. Milson, Mr. Whittingdale Johnson, P.M., Mr. A. Macintosh, and Messrs. J. E. Street, Waddell, J. F. Burns, J. F. Cullen, and Jas. Inglis, M.L.A. Mr. Burns, at the request of the hosts, turned on the main, in the presence of the invited guests and a large number of local people, amidst great cheering. The volume of water was remarkable, rising some 30ft in height. Many of the guests were astounded at the beauty of the district and the amount of settlement, and when informed that at the present time two lines of coaches were running successfully, the majority of them remarked how greatly the district would be improved by the construction of a tram or railway. The Sydney portion of the company returned to Manly by moonlight, highly delighted with the enjoyable day which had been afforded them. Ventnor Waterworks. (1890, August 8). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article113331605
PITTWATER. Various Blocks, Ventovor Estate, fronting Pittwater-road and Lovett Bay. Mortgagee's sale. Advertising. (1893, March 10). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28266567

Another Lone Ranger for the Pittwater and Hawkesbury Bushland was John Duncan Tipper (1886-1970), a conservationist and electrical engineer, born on 4 August 1886 at West Maitland, New South Wales, the eldest child of Edwin Tipper, an English-born printer and later a journalist, and his native-born second wife Elizabeth, née McInnes. On retirement, Edwin established apiaries at Willow Tree. He and his sister Elizabeth spent much of their childhood studying birds and animals in the Liverpool Ranges. He developed an appreciation of indigenous culture through his contact with Aborigines near the Barrington River.
Schooled at West Maitland, Tipper joined the electrical tramways branch of the New South Wales Government Railways and Tramways on 13 December 1910 and worked as a tracerbut through study became an assistant-engineer from 1929 until he retired as engineer (third class) in October 1952. He was an associate-member of the Institution of Engineers, Australia. Tipper also belonged to the Wild Life Preservation Society of Australia. In 1928 he became founding president of the Rangers' League of New South Wales, a volunteer group dedicated to preserving natural bushland and preventing bushfires. In 1932 he helped to found the Australian Bushland Conservation Association, but his preservation ideals were constantly frustrated by continuing damage to Sydney's national parks. His desire for a region protected from fires and illegal trafficking in native flowers led him in 1933 to obtain a lease of some 2000 acres (809 ha) around Muogamarra Ridge (overlooking the Hawkesbury River) from the Department of Lands. The reserve was established in 1934 and opened to the public in the following year. Called the Muogamarra Sanctuary, its name came from the Awabakal Aboriginal dialect and meant 'preserve for the future'. Tipper worked tirelessly to protect the native flora: he set up a volunteer bush fire brigade and, eventually, an environmental study centre and museum. Public access was limited during the six-week wildflower blooming season from mid-August to the end of September. In 1953 Tipper surrendered his lease. Supported by the State government, Muogamarra Sanctuary was administered by trustees from 1954, with Tipper their president and resident curator. In 1967 the newly established National Parks and Wildlife Service assumed control of Muogamarra
- Referenced from: Richard Gowers, 'Tipper, John Duncan (1886–1970)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/tipper-john-duncan-11867/text21247
THE RANGERS' LEAGUE. (To the Editor). Sir, — The Rangers' League, which was established for the purpose of giving practical service in its work covering the protection, and preservation of our unique and wonderful Australian Flora and Fauna and the other natural and special features of our country, has already made surprising progress.
Being the first organisation of its kind, the work of the League has been mainly pioneering. Much field work has been accomplished; valuable assistance has been rendered by the Government, and also by public and private organisations; this has helped in large measure to bring about the success which has been achieved. The team work of the members, the general increasing interest, and the - praise and sympathy received from many sources, are very encouraging... ' The League, is under the control of a Council representative of its manifold, activities, such as zoology, botany, etc!, while the more immediate supervision is entrusted to an executive. The service rendered by the members is given in a purely honorary capacity, and each member is expected to contribute assistance in some form; this service is supplemented, as far as possible, with available funds. Several acts, of great interest to Rangers, are in course of amendment by Parliament, and it is pleasing to note that suggestions by the League for the amendment of the Birds and Animals Protection Act have been accepted and included. The continued success of the League depends upon the individual and united effort of each of us. It is the duty of all Australians to do their utmost to protect and preserve our native birds, animals, plants and flowers, which are becoming more rare and even extinct. In our own interest and in that of our children, these must be regarded as an everlasting heritage to be handed down to future generations: As a means to that end, the League is commended to you for your generous support. The secretary will be pleased, to receive inquiries from individual Rangers and all others who are interested. — Yours, etc., J. D, TIPPER, President. THE RANGERS' LEAGUE. (1930, June 21). Molong Express and Western District Advertiser (NSW : 1887 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article139979951
BROKEN BAY BUSHLAND. Rangers League's Work. A field day organised by the Rangers' League over country to the south of Broken Bay revealed yesterday that there had been a number of offences against the laws for the protection of native flowers and animals. Native flowers which had been pulled up by the roots, said the president of the league, Mr. J. D. Tipper, Included an early variety of native rose. The country thereabout had been almost denuded of wild life. Organised hunting parties, which fired at anything they saw, were responsible, and a wallaby was now a rarity. About twenty names were taken of parties with protected wild flowers in their possession, with a view to prosecution. During the afternoon, added Mr. Tipper, one of the tyres of a car belonging to a ranger was slashed with a knife. BROKEN BAY BUSHLAND. (1931, August 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16797764
PICKING WILD FLOWERS. Warning by Minister. The Minister for Works and Local Government, Mr. Spooner, has issued a warning to the public not to disregard the provisions of the Wild Flowers and Native Plants Protection Act during the approaching wild flower season. Picking protected wild flowers, which Includes any interference with the plants, prohibited on all Crown land, State forests, public parks, and public reserves throughout New South Wales." Under the law, it is presumed that all persons, who are found with protected plants in their possession have obtained them illegally unless they can furnish proof to the contrary.
THOSE PROTECTED. Under the Act, protection is given to boronia, waratah, flannel flower, Christmas bush, criostemon. Christmas bells, bottlebrush, stag horn, elk horn, tree fern, maiden hairfern, and most native orchids, and many other wild plants which are in danger of early extinction owing to vandals who, In the past, have been at liberty to destroy all the attractive native flowers accessible to them. Offenders are liable to fines of up to £20.During the last two seasons, nearly 200 persons were convicted In the metropolitan district alone. Besides the police, about 700 honorary rangers, appointed by the Minister, are operating to patrol the bush and exercise the powers of members of the police force in apprehending and prosecuting suspected offenders. Weekend "drives" have been instituted by the Rangers' League, in conjunction with the police, against motorists leaving the vicinity of Ku-ring-gai Chase and National Park. Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park. PICKING WILD FLOWERS. (1938, September 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17515440
And another:
For many years past the Wild Life Preservation Society of Australia and the Australian Forest League have been urging the establishment of a nature park in the metropolitan area of Sydney, of an entirely different order to any of the existing reserves or parks This would be an area of land entirely devoted not only to the preservation, but to the de-liberate cultivation of a number of the glorious wild flowers for which the Sydney sand-stone district has become so justly famous, in Australia, and throughout the world Though the need for this has been quite apparent to many wild-bush lovers for a long time, it has recently become most urgent, owing to the rapid spread of settlement in nearly every portion of the sandstone country and the widespread bush depredations of trippers, wildflower dealers, and the devastation caused by bushfires
The sort of wild flower garden that Is visualised by me would not be at all a costly affair either to produce or to maintain In fact, once it was established, and reticulated with rough bush paths-merely for the purpose of keeping visitors to definite tracks and so that the wild flowers would lie undisturbed-one resident caretaker, possessed of the right knowledge, with the help of one junior assistant, could successfully maintain a considerable area carpeted with, say, native rose and other boronias, flannel flower, Christmas bells, etc, intermingled with protecting clumps of Christmas bush, waratahs, red bottle-brush, wattles, and Banksias The possibilities of such a wild garden can hardly be exaggerated It could not only be one of the great sights of Sydney, but would be the talk of every oversea traveller, from all parts of the world
The Sydney sandstone country, while sounding promising from the agriculturist's stand-point, is possessed of the greatest collection of natural wild bush flowers to be found in any area of similar size in the world-I mean to say, the greatest aggregation of prominent flowering species But, to gaze at many of the hillsides to-day one would hardly think this could have been so While it is quite hopeless for us to expect to restore this pristine beauty over any large area, there Is nothing whatever in a practical way to prevent our establishing the sort of nature park that I have suggested, where, in addition to the massing of a few notable kinds of great charm and beauty, we might readily have a representation, at least of a hundred others
Such an area as one has in mind can be found to-day in, say, the French's Forest area, Davidson Park a part of Kuring-gai Chase, and perhaps Lindfield Park. There are other places, also, which will suggest themselves to some of our nature lovers and bushwalkers I would strongly emphasise the point however, that it will not be sufficient for any public body or local authority to merely set aside an area for the purpose with a view to "leaving nature to herself," as it is often foolishly put. To leave nature to herself In any of our bush districts now, means constant depredation and bushfire The work must be organised from the beginning, and there must be a resident caretaker The total cost need not be more than about £600 per annum, as all the necessary advisory work, I can guarantee, will be supplied in an honorary capacity by expert men and women
This projected wild flower garden would be intensely popular-especially during the main flowering months of spring and early summer. Probably additional protective work would be necessary during that season but I am confident that we can arrange for such at the peak periods of public interest, without extra cost to the community I hope earnestly that our people will take up this Important matter-of such moment to ourselves and to posterity-without further delay While we dally the magic carpet of the bush is dissolving before our very eyes. WILD FLOWER GARDEN. (1932, April 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16853648
The Ku-Ring-Gai Chase Wildflower Garden was established in 1967, the same year the National Parks and Wildlife Service was created. As described above, it has Walking Tracks, Picnic Areas and Wildflower Displays - area - 123 hectares - entrance at 420 Mona Vale Road, St Ives.
One last protest from another kind of trailblazer that may make us all begin planting more Native Species:
VANDALS WARNED Action To Protect :. Wild Flowers. Sir,-The trustees of the Ku-ring-gai Chase-are very much concerned at the destruction and despoliation of native flora. The destruction of wild flowers by unthinking pickers and commercial-minded thieves is appalling, despite all our efforts. The flannel flower, once, so common, is now almost a thing of the past. In areas where a very few years ago millions of Christmas Bells made the bush a thing a beauty, scarcely one is now to be found, and the same applies to many other flora. The position is so serious that lately the trustees have enlisted the aid of the police, who have already been of great assistance to our rangers; Even at the outset of the season there have been 40 prosecutions and more than 60 others are pending. Everything is protected in this sanctuary. It is an offence to pick any kind of tree, shrub, or plant even picking gum tips is illegal. Penalties imposed by the Courts have ranged from the imposition of a fine to a gaol sentence of six months' hard labour. As apparently the imposition of heavy fines has not deterred offenders, in fact there have been more prosecutions in the past three months than in any preceding year-the trustees feel that unless this crime decreases, they will have no alternative but to proceed under a charge on which the offender may be sent to gaol. COLIN C. BURNSIDE, - President, Ku-ring-gai Chase Trust. Letters. (1949, August 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article27583345
Christmas Bell (Blandfordia noblis)courtesy of Marita Macrae, from Somewhere in Pittwater.

View from Flagstaff Hill, Kuring Gai Chase, Image No.: a116508h, courtesy State Library of NSW.

Cowan Creek, Kuring Gai Chase, circa 1900, Image No: 116499h, courtesy State Library of NSW.
You can see some of the 1894 images taken by Kerry in last Summer's History page: Pittwater's Parallel Esturay - The Cowan 'Creek'
The Third Annual Exhibition of Works of Colonial Art will be open THIS DAY, at Clark's Assembly Rooms, Elisabeth-street North, from 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission to non-members-One Shilling. Members admitted Free on producing their tickets, which will also entitle them to introduce two friends. E. DU FAUR, Hon. Sec. Rialto-terrace, 8th April, 1874.
NEW SOUTH WALES ACADEMY OF ART. EXHIBITION. Persons desirous of purchasing any Paintings, at the prices named in the catalogue, are requested to leave a memorandum to that effect, addressed to the Honorary Secretary, with the doorkeeper. E. DU FAUR, Hon. Sec .Rialto-terrace.
OIL PAINTINGS.SOCIETY'S SILVER MEDAL (TO ARTIST). No. 5. " Dandenong Ranges," a morning's glimpse from the Upper Yarra track. J. W. Curtis, artist, Victoria.
SOCIETY'S SILVER MEDAL (TO AMATEUR). No. 8. .' Bream Creek, Adventure Bay, Brune Island, Tasmania." W. C. Piguenit, amateur, Tasmania,
SOCIETY'S EXTRA SILVER MEDAL. No. 44. " The Dessert." Mrs. Alfred Williams, artist, Tasmania
SOCIETY'S CERTIFICATE OF MERIT. No. 2. " Stranded." W. Andrews, amateur, N. S. W. N.B.-A silver medal would have been awarded to this exhibit, except for the sameness of the subject with those exhibited in the last two years by this artist. No. 3. " Showers and Steam." Thomas Wright, artist,. Victoria. No. 4. " Myrtle Tree Gully." Isaac Whitehead, artist, Victoria. No. 7. " Track on the Mitta Mitta River." Eugene Von. Guerard, artist, Victoria. No. 11. "Checkmate." Miss Livingstone, artist, Victoria.
WATER-COLOURS. SOCIETY'S SILVER MEDAL (TO ARTIST). No. 58. " Castle Hill, Cragieburn, Canterbury, N. Z. J. C. Hoyte, artist, New Zealand.
SOCIETY'S SILVER MEDAL (TO AMATEUR). No. 59. " On tho Dart," near Blackmore, South Plain, Woods. Charles E. Hern, amateur, N. S. W.
SOCIETY'S CERTIFICATE OF MERIT. No. 61. " View in Middle Harbour." Miss R. Martens, amateur, N. S. W. No. 64. "The Basin'" Refuge Bay, Pittwater G. P. Slade amateur N.S.W. and No. 65. "On the Mulgoa Creek," Fernhill With general commendation of other works by same artist-Nos. 62.72, 82. Nos. 63. " Gully at Narrabeen Lagoon." 83. " Creek on Lane Cove River." 88. "The Oak Tree Avenue," Parramatta. With general commendation of other works by same artists-Nos. 60, 69,73, 92, 93. Nos. 77. "Flowers and Fruit…
"We do not see any exhibits sufficiently meritorious in High Art to justify the award of Gold Medals." (Signed) JAMES BARNET, J. S. MITCHELL, J. L. MONTEFIORE, } Judges Clark's Assembly Rooms, 7th April, 1874. Advertising. (1874, April 8). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13334459
At a meeting of tho Council of this Society held on Tuesday afternoon, it was resolved that the FIRST CONVERSAZIONE OF THE SEASON be held on or about the first of October-…Members are invited to loan especially "Miniatures," ' Bronzes." and other articles of " Vertu.". Admission by MEMBERS' TICKETS only, which will entitle each subscriber to bring TWO FRIENDS. The attention of supporters of the Society who have not yet paid their subscriptions for the current year is invited to the above restriction. E. DU FAUR, Hon. Sec. Rialto-terrace, 8th September, 1874.
NEW SOUTH WALES ACADEMY OF ARTS - NOTICE TO ART STUDENTS. The Council of the New South Wales Academy of Arts having us vet been able to make arrangements for any suitable room in which access to models could be …to Art Students, the proposal set forth in their lu ti annual report to "award bronze medals and certificates at the close of the year, as an encouragement to Art Students, for the best DRAWINGS FROM THE ANTIQUE in crayon, pencil, or charcoal," must be deferred for the present. Art Students are invited to compete for such medals or, certificates for DRAWINGS IN WATER-COLOUR FROM NATURE. Exhibits to be restricted in BIBO to13 inches by .. inches, or less (exclusive of mount). One exhibit only to be sent in by each competitor. All exhibits to be neatly framed. E. DU FAUR, Hon. Sec. Rialto.terrace, 8th September, 1874. Advertising. (1874, September 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13347116
Is hereby given that the Partnership lately existing between the undersigned, JOHN BLOYD DONKIN and ECCLESTON DU FAUR (trading under the style of Donkin and Du Faur, at Exchange-buildings, Pitt-street, Sydney), as Land Agents, &C., has been determined by collision of time. The business will In future be carried on by the undersigned ECCLESTON DU FAUR, at the above address, and all assets will be collected and received, and debts paid by him. Dated this twenty-third day of February, A.D. 1880. JOHN B. DONKIN. ECCLESTON DU FAUR'. Witness to the signature of John Bloyd Donkin-HKSBT DONKIX. Witness to the signature of Eccleston Du Faur-GEO. SVDXET LEWIS. Advertising. (1886, February 26). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13612543
A New Steam Yacht. THE WHITE STAR.
(See illustration on page 33.)
The White Star is a composite sea-going yaoht, built by Mr. W. Dunn, of North Shore, to tho order of Mr. B. H. D. White, M.L.C., of Sydney from plans and designs by Mr. E. W. Cracknell, naval architect of Sydney, under whose supervision the whole of the Work has been carried out. Tho yacht has been built exclusively in Sydney, with the exception of the engines ; and all who have seen her say that sho is a handsome specimen of the shipbuilding industry of New South Wales. Her model is exceedingly graceful and buoyant-looking. According to Thames measurement, the White Star is 125 tons, rigged as a fore and aft schooner, and takes the highest class at Lloyds. The engines, which wore made in England, aro on tho compound principle ; the cylinders being 12in and 22in by 18in stroke. At her trial trip they developed a speed of Hf knots an hour, and worked splendidly. To show the steaming Qualities of tho boat at sea, sho mado several trips to Port Stephens ; the quickest time being 7h 35min.The journey from Newcastle to Sydney was done in 5h 28min, which gives a speed of over 11 knots at sea. Undoubtedly, the feature in tho White Star is the saloon, which is forward, and is approached from tho main dock by a spacious companion. It is beautifully framed and panelled in walnut, bird's eye, maple, white holly, American rosewood, ash, and compressed leather, and, like tho State rooms and ladies' cabin, is tastefully upholstered by Messrs. Larmer and Company, of Victoria House, Sydney, The table in the saloon provides dining accommodation for 21; and there is comfortable sleeping accommodation for that number, exclusive of the crew.
There are two state rooms, 6ft 6in by 6ft, on either side of the companion, in which two berths can be fitted up. The bathroom is forward of the saloon, and can be used as a sleeping cabin when required. The ladies' cabin is situated in the forward part of the deckhouse; and, like the saloon, is luxuriantly fitted up, and possesses every convenience for ladies. Aft of the engine-room there are two cabins, one of which is provided with every convenience for the crew. The deck fittings are of teak; and the decking is of carefully Selected kauri in long lengths. The yacht is supplied with two brass guns, one of which has provision for firing a line, which may be of service in cases of distress. The White Star is also provided with towing appliances. Her owner is very proud of her, and finds her exceedingly convenient in trips between Sydney and his home at Port Stephens. The White Star is on the register of the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron. A New Steam Yacht. (1889, October 26). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 32. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article71125037
McCARTHY. - March 16, 1899, at her residence. Numantia, Towler's Bay, Pittwater, the wife of C. J. M'Carthy, of a son. Family Notices. (1899, April 8). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14208450
Sir,-Your leader in to-day's issue (16th)on the above subject will have been perused by hundreds of your readers with more than a passing interest; but many of them will, I think, feel with me that is scarcely goes far enough-that it confines itself "to the condition of things now existing," and does not extend to the consideration of the possibilities, or rather certainties, of the near, even the very near, future.
As one who built the first of the modern residences in these northern suburbs- "Pibrac," at Turramurra, then Eastern-road when Waitara, Wahroonga, Warrawee, Killara, Roseville, Artarmon, Wolstonecraft, and Bay-road did not exist, when, besides the cottages of the scattered orchardists, Finley's Blytheswood, on Lane Cove-road, was then unoccupied, Mrs. and H. Cornwall, and C. B. Bradford, at Pymble, Dr. Pockley, near Gordon, two near Lindfield might be called the only residents north of the very few at Chatswood and St. Leonards, who daily frequented Sydney, I may be allowed to recall experiences bearing on the development of this great residential district, and on the question at issue, and I venture to think of undoubted interest.
Purchasing uncleared and very heavily timbered bush land, at end of 1888, my then partner and myself commenced clearing, and shortly afterwards rented Blytheswood for six months. In July, 1889, being obliged to vacate it, I rented Macintosh's cottage, Bannock-burn, at Pymble, and resided there while building Pibrac, until September, 1890. We drove daily to Milson's Point, Mr. Gerard from January to June, 1889, and myself from July to January, 1890, when the railway was first opened from Hornsby, but only to St. Leonards. Messrs. H. Cornwall und Wm. Reid, of A.J.S. Bank (who had followed us to near St. Ives), and Dr. Pockley also drove, and Mr. Bradford rode. One or two others had followed us to Turramurra, and when, as stated, the railway opened to St. Leonards, in January, 1890, there were six of us who chartered a sort of vehicle for one trip daily to and from that terminus and Milson's Point, for which we paid each £14 8s per annum, besides our railway fare of £11 14s, and this continued for three years and four months, until May, 1893, when the railway opened to the Point. A small omnibus served the rest of the population, few being daily travellers. Our wives and daughters had to fit in somewhere, or else drive the whole way; their visits to Sydney, therefore, were not frequent. This was the state of things up to the middle of 1893-only 14 years ago.
Image: Circular Quay on holiday, Sydney, ca. 1895 [picture] 1894 or 1895. Tile a1 of Unnumbered Page of Album of the Boileau family's voyage from England to Australia in 1894-1895. nla.pic-an3366506-s88-a1, Courtesy National Library of Australia.
The bank troubles of that period stopped the development of the district for years. Few of the many who yearned for its climatic and other advantages could dispose of their household properties elsewhere. The real progress of the settlement can scarcely be dated back for 10 years-and what has it been during the last five years? Let the Railway Commissioners supply a record of the number of passengers (only the season ticket-holders, reckoned at fully one trip to and fro per diem), separate from ordinary fares, for the four months, January to April, 1902, and the same for a similar period this year. The North Shore Ferry Company will perhaps kindly furnish you a similar return-and then you, Sir, and the public and our administrators will understand the true state of the question.
Will any business man doubt that the next quinquennial increase in traffic will be higher than that of the last-and then where shall we be? An impasse! an absolute deadlock! and it is this which the authorities have to face, and which should be forced on their notice by the public and their all-powerful coadjutor the press; and what Administration will venture to ignore the position, and continue a mere temporising with "the condition of things now existing?"
A further duplication of the railway, which is now taxed to its extreme limits-even to those of danger (when eight American cars are run on our down grades of 1 in 50, and sharp curves, when the limit given in earlier years by experts was six)-and a direct North Shore bridge, are unmistakeably the only solution, except an absolute prohibition to the traffic increasing more than 25 per cent, or so on that of to-day. If commenced next month, the bridge and duplication can be completed In less than five years. At the present rate of progress, compared with that which I have watched, and endeavoured to explain, the "impasse" must come before then, and then we shall have, as I have seen so frequently during 50 years of quiet observation in New South Wales, measures of expediency, works up to date-but only present date-blame laid on "our predecessors." I am, etc. E. DU FAUR.
P.S.-As a property-owner-not of much importance I own-but when does a pioneer ever reap any benefit of his work?- I say specially tax on various scales all landowners from Milson’s Point to Hornsby, during five years, to the extent of 1-3rd of the cost of "the bridge." I cannot imagine that there are 5 per cent, of bona fide owners (not for mere speculation) of homes for their children, but what would accept such a position joy-fully, rather than the future which now stares them in the face-if they have troubled to think that it is their business, and not only that of "the Government." TRAFFIC CONGESTION ON THE QUAY. (1907, May 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14859098
So numerous and diversified are the pleasure resorts which on every side of the metropolis allure those in quest of relaxation that it is not possible to place them in their order of merit. They are all comparatively close to the great centre of population, easy and cheap of access , they are all beautiful, and in their wonderful combination of sea and river and mountain range they above all are natural, with a nature that has not been defaced. Their distinctive character is perhaps that they cover areas which invite no settlement, the soil for the most part is hungry and unsuitable for any culture; the timber is stunted and gnarled. One of the finest of these areas and one with the greatest of possibilities is undeniably Kuring-gai Chase. On the precincts of the metropolis its 33,000 rugged acres embrace all the gems of a National Park. Cut up by Cowan Creek, Pittwater, and other estuaries from Broken Bay, it has a water frontage of something over 60 miles, while through its rolling tract there are numberless little streams, some tidal, others fresh, which nurture fern and palm in sheltered gullies, and break with miniature falls the reigning silence. Boating, fishing, driving, and walking are at the choice of the visitor, while over the whole area the scenery though not on a scale of grandeur, charms with its quiet but varied beauty. For years its offerings to the public were neglected on account of its inaccessibility, but now, thanks to the trust, which holds from the Government the power of control, that bar has been removed, and little remains to check the popularity of this truely magnificent reserve.
But although the trustees have sought to open up to the people the attractions of the Chase they have set a higher mission. From the inception of their office they have, ably led by the managing trustee, Mr. E. Du Faur, aimed above all at the fullest preservation of natural flora and at the establishment of an area over which marsupials and other Australian fauna might roam and breed in safety. Such a task is met with the greatest difficulty , but when it is considered with what ruthless strides both these characteristics of Australian nature are being destroyed, the merit of the endeavour must be everywhere acknowledged. And if the management succeeds in preserving for future generations the great area lying practically on the borders of the city's 10-mile boundary, with its original wealth of waratah, Christmas bush, ferns, rock lilies, and so many other of our distinctive native botanic specimens, while at the same time establishing an animal reserve its success will be pre-eminent. To accomplish this end the trustees, while anxious to cater for the public, lay no hands on the natural features of Kuring-gai Chase. Its network of waterways make such a course possible, and practically all that nature providing this garden of pleasure left undone was its connection with the city. A few miles of road was the missing link, and when this is adequately provided there will be nothing in the way of the area, while proving a resort to thousands, remaining in the fullest possession of all the beauties it embraced when the blacks roamed over its acres.
It was in 1892 that Mr. Du Faur officially brought under the notice of Mr. Copeland, then Minster for Lands, the claims of the waters of Cowan Creek and adjacent lands to dedication as a national park for North Sydney. Two years later the Minister adopted the suggestion, and the area, embracing nearly 50 square miles, was placed under the control of trustees, with Mr. Copeland as president and Mr. Du Faur as manager. The trustees then began the work, which has ever since been in progress, of facilitating access to parts of the domain which lay within reasonable distance of the city. There are many points from which the waterway of the Chase can be reached by land, chief of which are Berowra, Turramurra, Hornsby, Colah, and Wahroonga. At present the best of these is the Turramurra approach leading to Bobbin Head, at the junction of Gibberagong Creek and Cowan Creek, and it is to this that most attention has been paid by the trustees. Driving from Turramurra railway station the Chase is entered after proceeding for nearly four miles. Thence the trustees have cleared a couple of miles of good road along the ridge that terminates in Bobbin Head.
On Saturday morning a number of officials from the Newcastle and Hunter River Steamship Company proceeded to the locality with a view to inspecting sites on the upper reaches of Cowan Creek suitable for mooring pleasure steamers and offering facilities to excursionists. The party, which included Mr. F. J. Thomas, general manager, Mr. WN. Cuthbertson, traffic superintendent, Captain Walker, and Mr. B. Webster, the company's foreman shipwright, were conducted by Mr. Du Faur, and accompanied by a "Herald" representative.
From the top of Bobbin Head the first peep is obtained of Cowan Creek as it gleams in the sunlight some 600ft almost directly beneath. Where the descent begins the distance from the top to the water's edge is but 41 chains, and glancing down one would say unhesitatingly that it was foolhardiness to attempt it in a vehicle. However, down we went, and for a good part of the way at a trot. The passage is truly a triumph in zigzag road making, and Mr. Du Faur, who was his own engineer, contractor, and overseer, carrying on the work from time to time as funds permitted, maybe justly proud of it. Throughout the grade is easy and regular, although naturally progress is slow as the journey lengthens out into a mile and a half. A good brake is the one essential, and in allaying our apprehension on that score the managing trustees had a graphic story to tell of a motor car which attempted the descent.
The road is a succession of cuttings and stone formations, and at the base a causeway has been constructed by rolling down boulders into the creek and building up with stone blasted from the face of the cliff. One then sees the aim of the trustees in endeavouring to make a round road trip from Turramurra to Hornsby or vice versa, most of which would be through the Chase, and allow, in a day's excursion, of spending a few hours on the reaches of Cowan or tributary creeks. Already a causeway has been thrown over a great part of Foley's Bay, at the entrance to Gibberagong Creek, while on the opposite side is a continuation of the road as it winds up from the water round Gibberagong Point and along the south side of Apple Tree Bay that section of the work, which is now being carried on by a number of the unemployed, joins the Hornsby-road at Colah. The distance from Turramurra to Hornsby is about 15 miles, and the trustees anticipate that when the road is completed there will be sufficient inducement to get a regular service of conveyance established.
Embarking on an oil launch, which forms part of the limited property of the trust, the party proceeded down Cowan Creek for about a mile and a half to a point on the western shore, where Mr. Thomas and his officers inspected a landing site. After returning to lunch on the trustees' houseboat, Kuring-gai, in Kuriug-gai Bay, the party again took to the launch, and ran down for several miles, when there was excellent opportunity of viewing the beauties of the Chase. The application of the word creek to the expanse of Cowan's waters is anything but happy, and it is but necessary to state that a vessel of 600 tons has been up to Foley's Bay to indicate its dimensions. Streaming down its winding course one seems always landlocked in charming little bays, from which the rough sandstone timber-covered ranges rise precipitous to a height of some 500ft or 600ft. As the launch puffs on the mass of timber ahead slowly unfolds and reveals another scintillating pool resembling in the main the one we have left, yet possessing a distinctive, charm of natural arrangement and of light and shade quite its own. Here and there tributaries go out, and one gets a peep of the rolling ranges of the Chase which though of little altitude are wrapped in a half of mountain blue. Wildflowers, not yet in full display, glance through the sterner growth, and here and there a profusion of wild clematis graces an unpretentious treetop. We went on past Smith's Creek and Coal and Candle Creek, the former navigable to steamers of considerable draught for two miles, and the latter for a mile further, then past Jerusalem Bay, equally navigable for a mile or so, to the Newcastle and Hunter River Company's jetty at Shark Point. On the return trip the party touched at "Windybank's" in Waratah Bay, which is reached via Berowra and where, as at Bobbin Head, numbers of rowing boats are available to the excursionist. The remarkable feature of Cowan Creek and the other waters of the Chase is the depth of water existing right up to the banks. And despite the abrupt rise from the edge there are many flat rocks and other spots where picnic parties can effect an easy landing.
Kuring-gai Chase has been fortunate in falling under the management of such an energetic and able managing trustee as Mr. E. Du Faur, who is perhaps better known in his connection with the National Art Gallery. Mr. Faur resides on the borders of the Chase at Turramuna, and for the past seven years he has devoted the greater part of his time to facilitating access to the great reserve and in furthering the object for which it was established. A commendable feature in connection with the work has been the determination to make the very most of the limited funds available. With a subsidy of only £1000 and a small income from a few cottages on the Chase at Pittwater the trustees have to do all maintenance work on the roads and paths, run and keep in order an oil launch at Cowan and another at Pittwater, the houseboat, and a low pulling boats. Out of that, too, come the wages for a launch engineer at Cowan and at Pittwater, with a substitute man at each place who fills in time on the roads and paths, and a man engaged in similar work at Colah. It is urged that such an allowance is already insufficient, and that if the Government carries out a proposal to reduce it nothing will re-main but the closing up of at least one of the central establishments. With a grant of £1000 for Cowan and £500 for Pittwater each place could be well maintained, and with careful management there might be a slight balance with which to keep moving the system of facilitating approach. Various little schemes, such as the construction of dams and the conservation of fresh water, which it carried in pipes to Bobbin Head and other points, have been effected without the aid of skilled labour, and there are many indications that economy is closely observed.
Another work which is being pushed forward is that of forming walking paths which skirt the edge of the different watercourses. Their cost of making is comparatively slight, and they enable the excursionist to wander over miles of otherwise inaccessible virgin tracts, and to enjoy delightful gems of scenery. Already several of these paths have been completed, but many more are needed. It is pointed out that a small expenditure in this direction would connect Coal and Candle Creek on the Cowan side with McCarr's Creek at Pittwater, or Refuge Bay with the Basin, and thus make these points within easy walking distance.
The work of protecting the flora is one of difficulty, and could be much assisted by the judicious construction of a little fencing so as to mark the points of egress from the Chase. In their endeavours to establish a native animal reserve the trustees meet with equal trouble, and point out that by the erection of a line of fencing from Duffy's wharf to the head of Smith's Creek some five or six thousand acres could be made absolutely secure for that purpose. Generally speaking it appears that a small expenditure would place Kuring-gai Chase in a fairway to accomplish all the aims for which it was intended. IN KURING-GAI CHASE. (1902, September 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14506310
Department of Fisheries, Sydney, 17th November, 1905.
IT is hereby notified for general information that the undermentioned person has applied to LEASE FOR OYSTER CULTURE the portion of land set opposite his name. Tracings showing the position of the portion may be inspected at this department daily (excepting Saturdays), between 11 and 3 o'clock, and on Saturdays between 11 and 12 o'clock. Any person may, by memorial to the Board of Fisheries, within thirty days from the date of this Notice, and on grounds to be stated in such memorial, pray that the lease of the portion may not be granted.
J. A. BRODIE, Secretary.
John Henry Richardson, 200 yards, parish Broken Bay on the southern bank and near the head of Lovett Bay, Pittwater. Advertising. (1905, November 25). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14734427
Department of Fisheries, Sydney, 15th August, 1906.
IT is hereby notified for general information that the undermentioned persons have applied to LEASE for OYSTER CULTURE the portions of land set opposite their respective names. Tracings, showing the positions of the several portions enumerated may he inspected at this Department dally (excepting Saturdays), between 11 and 3 o'clock, and on Saturdays between 11 and 12 o'clock. Any person may, by memorial to the Board of Fisheries within thirty days from the date of this notice, and on grounds to be stated In such memorial, pray that the leases of the portions may not be granted:
J. A. BRODIE, Secretary.
BROKEN BAY. THOMAS TEMPLEMAN.-300 yards-Parish Broken Bay.-At the eastern end of Little Pittwater Hauling Ground, and extending easterly. THOMAS TEMPLEMAN.-300 yards-Parish Broken Bay.-At the Western End of Little Pittwater Hauling Ground, and extending westerly.
PITTWATER. JAMES CLARK.-500 yards-Parish Broken Bay –On the northern side of Lovett Bay, Pittwater, extending westerly from a point adjacent to the stone wall and wharf near the south-western corner of Joseph Carlos' portion No. 17 of 40 acres. Advertising. (1906, August 25). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28156562

Freshwater head of Lovetts Bay, Kuring Gai Chase, Image No 116505h, ca. 1900-1910, courtesy State Library of NSW.
Pittwater's Lone Rangers - 120 Years of Ku-Ring-Gai Chase and the Men of Flowers Inspired by Eccleston Du Faur - threads collected and collated by A J Guesdon, 2014.