NSW WASZP And Wingfoil Slalom Championships 2022: Hosted By Palm Beach Sailing Club
There’s a BIG event at Palm Beach that’s been taking on Saturday and continues Sunday November 6th. The NSW WASZP and Wingfoil Slalom Championships are launching from Sandy Point to a north estuary course. Hosted by Palm Beach Sailing Club, taking part are a great young crowd of sailors from Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club as well as sailors from further afield.
On the course was QLD WASZP State Titles winners and father and son Louis and Jervis Tilly, who placed 1st and 2nd, along with Will Troop, who secured the 4th place slot.
The Tilly men recently took part in the 2022 International WASZP Games on Lake Garda in Italy. The event was won by New Zealander Sam Street, bringing the trophy back to our part of the world.
Jervis, who was one of the organisers of the NSW States WASZP and Wingfoil Slalom Championships, and also taking part, explained he’s been sailing a WASZP for around 18 months.
‘’Louis has already exceeded me already and he’s only been on a WASZP for around six months,’’ he laughed.
Why a WASZP?
‘’They’re great fun and a good challenge, I’m really enjoying it.’’ Jervis said
Louis explained he likes sailing them as, ‘’They’re good fun, it’s great going fast. We have a Youth Fleet of WASZPs in the RAPYC, and we’re all mates, so it’s great sailing together and going places to compete as one group.’’
Will Troop agreed, ‘’ I like doing it for the fun and getting out foiling around.’’
Then, laughing, ‘’and trying to beat Louis.’’
Jervis and Louis Tilly, Will Troop
‘We’re looking forward to the December 2023 International WASZP Games at Sorrento in Melbourne.’’ Louis said
Steph Verhaeghe and Chris Clegg were also taking part, although not as juniors.
Steph explained he’s been sailing a WASZP for two years and loves it.
‘I’m an ex-pilot of the Air Force and this is just like flying – so I like that, that it’s fast.’’
Steph Verhaeghe and Chris Clegg
The Tomishima family; entrants in Junior and Master divisions
The WASZP is an Australian, single-handed, hydrofoiling sailboat that was designed by Andrew McDougall, designer of the world beating Mach 2 foiling Moth, as a one-design racer for youth and adults, and first built in 2015. Andrew McDougall today launched the WASZP, at Foiling Week on Lake Garda on Julky 1st 2015. The design was named 2017 Best One-Design in Sailing World's Boat of the Year Awards.
The design has been built by McConaghy Boats of Mona Vale, since 2016 and remains in production. 750 boats had been built by May 2019 and over 1,200 by 2022.
The concept was for a foiling platform that enables closer one-design racing, less complex rigging, is affordable to all sailors while being accessible to a wider range of ages and weights.
Those who follow SailGP would have seen them whizzing around Sydney Harbour last time the event was held here. WASZP is proud to be a partner SailGP and their quest to form a pathway for young sailors into the professional ranks. The SailGP INSPIRE program in conjunction with WASZP is used as a genuine talent identification pathway for young sailors Under 21 to gain exposure on the world stage.
SailGP returns to Sydney February 15th to 19th 2022 so you may see them if attending.
Those who have been on a WASZP state it’s closer to surfing or gliding in terms of lifestyle – but with technical skill and sheer enjoyment at its core.
Hull Length:3.35m
Width Sailing:2.25m
Top speed:24 knots+
You can find out more at: waszp.com
Taking part in the Wingfoil event was 16-year-old Will McMillan from Bilgola. Will heads to Japan on Tuesday to take part in the Pro Windsurfing World Tour. Will is an Olympics possibility for 2024 Paris Olympics, although he may be representing Thailand due to the costs involved in running an Olympics campaign – he already has strong support there in sponsorship from Thai Airways and Singha beer, which helps with the ongoing travelling expenses he’s incurring.
His brother Joe was with him, and claims responsibility for first teaching him to sail.
Will McMillan
Windfoiling is the new super-fast Sailing event where Windsurfing boards fly out of the water at speeds of more than 30 knots.
Will is amongst the best riders in Australia when the wind is up although he has a background in other classes and even skateboarding.
He has been Windfoiling for a few years nearly full-time here in Australia and sailing (racing) in many classes of boats and boards since he was 6, including Optimists, Bytes, Lasers, WASZPs, Moths, Ok dinghies and Finns.
‘’Windsurfing on the Bic, then RSX and now the Windfoil is my passion and future.’’ Will explained
‘’I have won Australian titles and been the top junior in several classes in Australia and competed at world championships in the past – the last one being the Bic Techno Plus Worlds in 2019 in Portugal when I was 13.
Will is a scholarship holder with the NSW Institute of Sport and a member of the Australian Sailing Futures Program (which is the sports local governing body).
On Day 3 at the iQFOiL European Championships on Lake Garda in Italy earlier this year, Australian Sailing Futures program (ASF) athletes Natasha Bryant and Will McMillan made it into their respective Gold fleets for the Final Series.
The Professional Windsurfers Association (PWA) is officially recognised by World Sailing (WS). The PWA World Tour has been promoting several types of windsurfing, including slalom, freestyle, wave, indoor, super x, and more recently, foiling. The PWA World Tour runs a men's and women's circuit with between eight and 12 stages in some of the world's best windsurfing spots.
The 2022 Fly! ANA Yokosuka, Miura, Windsurf World Cup, Japan, takes place November 11th to 15th off Tsukuihama Beach, Yokosuka City.
Tash Bryant also clearly has a passion for foiling and has inspired Sienna Brown and Eva Attwood, both 17, to get involved. The girls said they’re both very new to the sport but they’re liking the challenge, although ‘it’s a steep learning curve’.
Eva actually started sailing at the Albury-Wodonga Yacht Club before her family moved to Sydney and she got involved at the RPAYC. Sienna commenced her sailing through the RPAYC, which both girls state has an outstanding sailing program for young adults.
Photo L to R: Darcy Robbins, Eva Attwood, Tash Bryant and Sienna Brown.
Wing foiling or wing surfing is a wind propelled water sport that developed from kitesurfing, windsurfing and surfing. The sailor, standing on a board, holds directly onto a wing. It generates both upward force and sideways propulsion and thus moves the board across the water. The recent development of foilboards, which plane very early on a hydrofoil fin and thereby lift off the water producing low friction, represent the ideal complementary hydrodynamic platform for wings. This young sport is already incredibly popular.
MC38 Australian Championship 2022

Nine MC38s are vying for the class Australian Championship this weekend and a trophy trifecta is dangling in front of the defending champion, Shaun Lane and Quentin Stewart’s Lazy Dog.
The national title will mark the end of another season of high-end one design racing with top results shared between Lazy Dog, Marcus Blackmore’s Hooligan, Steven Proud’s Swish, Indy Beck’s InfoTrack and Leslie Green’s Ginger.
The competition really took it to the Middle Harbour Yacht Club team of Lazy Dog across this year’s lead up regattas, staged between Pittwater and Sydney Harbour, and they are plotting to spoil Lane and Stewart’s championship three-peat.
Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron is regatta host for the premiere three-day series, November 4-6. Twelve races are scheduled on Sydney Harbour starting daily at midday, weather permitting.
Making their class debut at the national title is Katie Spithill and her all-female MC38 team on Leap.
The A-grade talent on Leap includes Spithill on helm, round-the-world and offshore yachtie Stacey Jackson and SailGP’s Nina Curtis, another round-the-world campaigner. Olympic sailor Mara Stransky plus Juliet Costanzo and Jemma Hodgson, fresh from their clinical win at last weekend’s Australian Women’s Match Racing Championship on Sydney Harbour, jumped at the chance to be part of the first-ever all-female MC38 team.
“It’s a great group and we are excited for the opportunity Christian has given us in lending his boat,” said Spithill. “We are happy with the light forecast. From a physical point of view it’s better for us as we’ll race marginally underweight and as a new team pulled together from other classes on a new boat we’ll be making it up on the fly.”
MC38 2022 Championship Katie Spithill and Crew. Photo: Lisa Ratcliff
MC38 Australian president Christian Beck says the 2022 MC38 Australian Championship is shaping up as a battle royale between Lazy Dog, winner of the last two Australian titles, and this season’s top performers, who equally have multiple MC38 seasons under their belts.
“Amazingly, there were five different pointscore winners across six acts leading up to this weekend’s nationals so it’s wide open in terms of the favourite,” says Beck.
“The final result will be well-earned and it will be great to connect with everyone socially before the class takes a break over summer and some owners and many of the crew turn to offshore events.”
A second female skipper in Rachel Beck leads the Law Connect team.
The final three races of the 2022 MC38 Australian Championship are due to start from midday on Sunday November 6 and will be livestreamed on the Facebook page: www.facebook.com/MC38Class
Full report by Lisa Ratcliff HERE
NSW Government 'Fast-Tracks' Destruction Of Endangered Wildlife, Habitat For Local Species And Community Consultation On Massive New Developments - Lizard Rock Proposal For 450 Dwellings Lodged With NSW Department Of Planning
The proposal has been submitted with supporting studies. The NSW Department of Planning states that these studies respond to key issues raised by the local community during public exhibition of the Northern Beaches Aboriginal Land Development Delivery Plan (DDP).
These documents are available at: https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/ppr/under-assessment/lizard-rock-morgan-road-belrose
The Planning Proposal seeks to:
- transfer the Site from Warringah Local Environmental Plan 2000 to Warringah Local Environmental Plan 2011 and implement standard instrument zones
- amend the applicable local planning controls to accommodate up to 450 new residential dwellings
- secure additional permitted uses within the zone for residential land uses such as dual occupancies and seniors housing, as well as community facilities
- introduce maximum building heights (8.5 metres)
- introduce a range of small, medium to large residential lot sizes
- a cultural community centre and neighbourhood services to be located within the proposed B1 zone, including potential neighbourhood shops or supermarkets, food and drink premises, medical centre, offices premises and/or childcare facilities to be located within close proximity to new residents and the cultural site, offering high amenity for locals and visitors
The subject property is approximately 71 hectares in size. The proposal states it will retain 6.9 hectares of native vegetation.
The Planning Proposal proposes to rezone areas to C2 Environmental Conservation in approximately 19.8 hectares in size across the south and east of the property. The C2 zone, formerly the E2 zone, is generally intended to protect land that has high conservation value. A number of land uses considered to be inappropriate for this zone have been mandated as prohibited uses.
The project would exceed the NSW Biodiversity Offset Scheme on both the map and area thresholds. The Preliminary Biodiversity Development Assessment Report made available has listed some of the endangered species on the site but has not listed those who live adjacent know are present.
The BDAR acknowledges it is a preliminary document prepared for the purpose of a Planning Proposal.
The document states that ''The subject land does not contain any threatened ecological communities listed under either the NSW BC Act or Commonwealth EPBC Act.''
One threatened plant species, Tetratheca glandulosa, has been recorded at several locations within the subject land. However the BDAR finds that some uncertainty remains with regard to the presence of several other threatened plants species, one of which, Cryptostylis hunteriana, has been assumed present until additional field surveys can be conducted.
The BDAR also states that a large number of threatened fauna species are predicted to occur or have been recorded within the subject land. Two species credit species are known to be present - the Red-crowned Toadlet Pseudophryne australis, and the Eastern Pygmy-possum Cercartetus nanus.
Numerous other locally threatened species of wildlife are within the site.
''It has been assumed for this assessment that the draft Structure Plan would directly impact all native vegetation present within the subject land (the development footprint).'' the BDAR states.
The NSW Department of Planning states that the MLALC undertook early scoping with key agencies, including Transport for NSW, Sydney Water, Telstra, the Environment and Heritage Group and Schools Infrastructure NSW.
Copies of the proposal and the supporting studies have been provided to Northern Beaches Council for comment.
The NSW Planning Department will then prepare a report for independent review by the North District Strategic Planning Panel (the panel) in December 2022. This report will include any comments received from Northern Beaches Council.
The panel will review the proposal and make a recommendation to the Minister for Planning and Homes Anthony Roberts (or delegate) on whether the proposal should be submitted for Gateway determination.
If the proposal proceeds, it will be publicly exhibited for a minimum of 28 days in 2023 giving the community and other stakeholders the opportunity to provide feedback.
The local council is not the only one that has had its powers to oversee major local developments taken over by the NSW Department of Planning.
On Wednesday November 2nd 2022 reappointed Minister for Planning Anthony Roberts announced the NSW Government will be responsible for assessing three planning proposals that could unlock around 19,000 new homes, and secure the protection and implementation of important koala corridors, in Appin, Gilead and North Appin.
Mr Roberts said while planning proposals are normally lodged with councils in the first instance, the State will assess these proposals.
“The Department of Planning and Environment will undertake the assessment of these proposals, which are all located in the Greater Macarthur Growth Area, so councils don’t need to. However, it will be required to work closely with councils and other agencies to resolve any potential issues,” he said.
The three proposals which are expected to be lodged shortly are:
- A 1,284-hectare site to support around 12,900 new homes, including affordable housing, and help secure new important koala corridors (Walker Corporation).
- A 300-hectare site for up to 3,000 new homes and help secure and implement a koala corridor along Ousedale Creek (Ingham’s Property Group).
- An 876-hectare site for up to 3,300 new homes, a school, public open space and environmental conservation land, and land dedicated for several koala corridors, that all implement the advice of the NSW Chief Scientist (Lendlease).
However, Wollondilly Mayor Matt Gould has slammed the NSW Government’s latest plan to fast-track development in Appin and leapfrog Council to assess planning proposals.
''Housing Minister Anthony Roberts announced today he will be fast-tracking the destruction of 2,460ha in Appin, taking on assessment of three large housing proposals for a total of 19,000 dwellings within Wollondilly.''
Mayor Gould said, “We are bitterly disappointed at the NSW Government’s rushed announcement and that once again we are seeing them rubber stamp massive residential developments in an area that completely lacks the most basic infrastructure to support it, and without any meaningful commitment to roads, public transport, schools, hospitals or other essential services.”
“The State Government has clearly learnt nothing from the mistakes it has made at Wilton. The Government’s own plans show there is no strategy for infrastructure or jobs,” he said.
This ranks alongside the recently announced by the NSW Department of Planning plan for razing 1500 hectares of the 6400 hectares of the critically endangered Cumberland Plain Woodland, again home to koalas, to facilitate 73,000 new homes in Western Sydney.
The Urban Taskforce, a developers lobby group with a Walkers Corporation member as part of its Executive Committee, released a statement on the same day supporting the state government overruling local councils, community and the wildlife which lives in these places.
“This decision is a full 180-degree backflip from the former Minister’s policy to remove the State Government from the assessment process for major housing project proposals. The decision to have the State Government Department of Planning take the lead in the assessment process is entirely sensible.'' Urban Taskforce CEO, Tom Forrest said
“Urban Taskforce has been calling for State led assessment of major projects for years.
“These large projects often cross Council borders. Their impact is felt far beyond Council boundaries. Councils are ill-equipped to deal with the multitude of regulatory authorities and agencies that have a say on these types of development projects. This is the role of the State Government and kudos to Premier Dominic Perrottet and Planning and Homes Minister Anthony Roberts for taking action which will make a real difference to housing supply numbers.’’
Urban Taskforce were also the body that called for the Ditching of the NSW Design & Place Planning Reforms earlier this year which would have applied restrictions to building homes in flood and bushfire zones.
Spring In Pittwater

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