State Of The Art Renewal For Hyde Park Barracks Museum

A bold, state of the art renewal for Hyde Park Barracks Museum
January 10th, 2018: Media Release
Sydney Living Museums announces a major renewal of Hyde Park Barracks Museum that will see the UNESCO World Heritage listed site transformed with a rich new, immersive visitor experience like no other in Australia.
Bringing history to life, the Hyde Park Barracks Museum renewal project centres on telling a significant part of Australia’s convict story, its impact on First Nations people and the site’s early contribution to immigration.
“The reinterpretation of such an iconic heritage site marks the site’s 200th anniversary and promises a bold, new look at the complex, challenging and inspiring stories of Sydney’s early history,” said The Hon. Don Harwin MLC, Minister for the Arts.
“The completely revitalised Hyde Park Barracks Museum experience will be an anchor for what the government is planning for the historic Macquarie Street East Precinct on the eastern fringe of the CBD, offering an even more vibrant place for locals and tourists to enjoy.”
Sydney Living Museums is working with internationally-acclaimed exhibit and media design specialists Local Projects to develop a realistic exhibition experience, featuring an engaging narrative and employing contemporary interpretative techniques, immersive installations and unconventional interactive elements.
“This $18 million renewal project reflects the best in contemporary museum design. It will bring the personal stories to life in a truly authentic, emotional way that is relevant to people’s lives today,” said Mark Goggin, Executive Director, Sydney Living Museums.
At the heart of the new visitor experience is a collection of over 4000 original objects on display, many of them artefacts from the internationally-recognised Hyde Park Barracks Archaeology Collection.
“The vision is to create a world class, experiential museum that delivers an outstanding visitor experience at one of the most iconic heritage sites in Australia.”
Hyde Park Barracks Museum will be closed to the public from 29 January and will re-open in late 2019.
The Hyde Park Barracks, 1819–2019
The Hyde Park Barracks is a striking colonial site in the historic heart of Sydney, Australia’s oldest city. Built as a symbol of authority and control, it has its own austere beauty, with warm orange bricks and tall, elegant windows beneath an imposing roof. Today, as a museum and one of 11 Australian Convict Sites on the UNESCO World Heritage list, the barracks offers visitors an extraordinary living record of early Australia, and a glimpse into the daily lives of convicts and immigrant women in the 19th century.
When the Hyde Park Barracks was built, the colony of New South Wales was 30 years old. It was a penal colony, a place for Britain to send its criminals. Sydney was also, for tens of thousands of years, the home of the Gadigal people. Like all the surrounding country, and everywhere beyond, the prominent ridgeline where the barracks now stands was etched with Aboriginal meaning, interconnected by ceremony and song.
In 1817, an ambitious governor, Lachlan Macquarie, working with a talented convict architect, Francis Greenway, issued orders to build a large, three-storey dormitory next to the convict hospital.
The Hyde Park Barracks, constructed in just two years, was as remarkable then as it is now. Most people think of a barracks as a residence for soldiers, but this place was built to house – and control – male prisoners. These men had enjoyed the run of the town: their freedom was now over. During the next 30 years, the barracks became the centre of the penal system in NSW - where new arrivals were inspected and assigned, where re-offending convicts were tried and punished and where the Principal Superintendent of Convicts controlled the lives of convicts across NSW – the site came to represent the horrors and drudgery of convict life.
In 1848, after Britain stopped sending convicts to New South Wales, the main building became temporary accommodation and a hiring office for thousands of young immigrant women seeking a new life in the colony. From the 1860s it was also a place of care and refuge in the flourishing city for older, sick and poor women. Once a place of control, fear and brutality, the barracks had become a place of hope.
An intimate collection
About 100,000 people – convicts, immigrants and asylum inmates – passed through the Hyde Park Barracks between 1819 and 1887. They left behind thousands of discarded items and personal possessions: coins, keys, sewing tools, soup bones, scraps of leather and fabric,whole garments, gaming tokens, bottles and tobacco pipes. Between 1979 and 1984, archaeologists uncovered this treasure trove of over 120,000 artefacts that had been trapped beneath the floors and below the ground for up to 160 years. Internationally renowned, this collection brings history to life in intimate ways, revealing previously unknown details of daily life in this 19th-century institution.
A national legacy
The Hyde Park Barracks shaped the lives of many thousands of people who, whether by force or by choice, journeyed across the world and found themselves in this place. Today their descendants number over a million people.
The story of the Hyde Park Barracks also reaches far beyond its walls. The barracks enabled the rapid spread of the colony, with profound effects on Aboriginal land, culture and communities far beyond Sydney. Officials at the barracks oversaw every convict in the colony, and later, every immigrant, sending thousands of people deeper and deeper into Aboriginal country. Amid violence, dispossession and loss, convicts and new immigrants were also the people most likely to work, trade and form relationships with the surviving Aboriginal people. Theirs is a complex and interwoven historical legacy, and the changes brought by the convict system and waves of 19thcentury immigration are still felt today.
A World Heritage site
In 2010, the Hyde Park Barracks, along with ten other Australian convict places, was recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Together they tell a story unique to Australia: of 166,000 convicts transported far across the seas between 1788 and 1868, who experienced an extraordinary range of systems of punishment and reform. Australia was the only colony that began as a convict camp and evolved into a relatively free and prosperous nation. The Hyde Park Barracks is central to this remarkable national story. It is an important, even treasured place, filled with significance for people across society.
Today, 200 years after the first convicts moved in, the Hyde Park Barracks is a timeless monument amid the colour and clamour of modern Sydney, the city it helped to shape and build. Drawing together key threads of convict life, Aboriginal resilience and free immigration, the story of the barracks
Learn about the history of the clock at the Hyde Park Barracks
Sydney Living Museums - Published on 28 Jan 2014
BY DR FIONA STARR SUNDAY 23 DECEMBER 2018 - Sydney Living Museums
Time is standing still for a while at Hyde Park Barracks, as we’ve allowed the turret clock to wind down for a much needed rest.
Convict clockmaker James Oatley, who built the clock in 1819, and Benjamin Lewis Vulliamy who rebuilt the mechanism in 1837, probably wouldn’t have been surprised to hear that after 200 years of ticking away, the clock needs a complete overhaul.
This highly specialised and painstaking work will take several months to complete, but we will aim to have Australia’s oldest public clock keeping time again as soon as possible in 2019.
Stay tuned for more details on the conservation work and its progress.
Extras - From the pages of the past
THE HYDE PARK BARRACKS by George Repin - February 2013
Emile Theodore Argles - March 2017
Pittwater Online News' first History Page for 2019 has a focus on Rocky Point and Elvina Bay where relatives of the man commissioned to build, install and maintain the 'Town Clock', as the clock at the Hyde Park Barracks was originally known, James Oatley, subdivided and sold blocks of land as part of the Ventnor Estate and then as the Flood-Oatley Estate - ostensibly mainly as places to build a Summer Retreat initially. Visit: Pittwater Summer Houses: Rocky Point And Elvina Bay Peninsula - A Place Of Holiday Songs and Operas In Ventnor, Fairhaven, Trincomalee And Maritana
|| Mr. James Oatley, Overseer of Town Clock, to 31st March. | £4 | 14 | 1 |
D'ARCY WENTWORTH, Treasurer. GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL ORDERS. (1819, June 12). The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), p. 2. Retrieved from
This week's announcement by the NSW State Government inspired a deeper look into the Hyde Park Barracks themselves to accompany that Elvina-Rocky Point peninsula page and where better to look then in the papers of the past to hear what was spoken then by those speaking it.
Governor Macquarie is known as 'the building governor'. A look at some of the 1816- 1817 projects commenced, alongside that of the Prisoner's Barracks, illuminates why:
On Thursday last, notwithstanding the severity of the weather, His EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR and Staff accompanied by His HONOR the LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, the JUDGE ADVO-CATE, & Capt GILL, the principal Engineer, proceeded to the South Head, where (every thing being in readiness for the occasion) His EXCEL-LENCY was pleased to lay the foundation stone of a most useful building, intended for the several purposes of a Signal and Light house, and a Guard house and Barrack for a small military detachment. The centre of this building we understand, is to be raised 65 feet above the level of the eminence on which it is placed, and will form a square pyramidal tower; on the top of which a light is to be placed for the direction of vessels approaching the coast, which, from its elevation, will be seen at an immense distance at sea, and be an object handsome to behold from the Town of Sydney. -The wings of the building are to form the Guard house and Barrack.
Huge blocks of excellent stone are prepared for this edifice, and afford the strongest assurance that it will prove a permanent security for all vessels that may approach the coast.
To this building, which opens the prospect of a monument for future ages to contemplate with pride, His EXCELLENCY gave the name of "Macquarie Tower" and when considered with a view to the commercial interests and foreign intercourse of this Colony, it cannot fail of proving a most valuable and important acquisition. Sydney. (1816, July 13). The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), p. 2. Retrieved from
We beg leave to repeat our description in last Week's Paper, of the Signal and Light house at South Head of which His EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR lay the first stone last Thursday se'nnight, by introducing the following, with which we are favored by the Architect: -
The centre of the handsome building is to be raised 65 feet above the level of the eminence on which it is placed, and will form a square base or pedestal with a circular tower, crowned with a frize, on which will be carved the four winds in alto relievo, distributing their different good and evil qualities, from their drapery, as they appear to fly round the tower, above which there will be a cornice and lanthern, with a revolving light, the whole forming an appropriate capital to the tower; on the inside is intended to be a geometrical stone staircase leading up to the lanthern, & two basso relievos will be on the pedestal. The wings of the building are to form the guard house and barrack. Sydney. (1816, July 20). The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), p. 2. Retrieved from
The original Macquarie Lighthouse, before 1882. Image No.: a679001h, from Album of photographic views of Sydney, ca. 1879-1884 / Tronier Artist Photographer, courtesy Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales
On Wednesday last in the forenoon HIS EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR proceeded to the laying of the foundation of a fort intended to be erected upon Bennelong's Point, which from its position will command a most extensive range. On this occasion HIS EXCELLENCY was accompanied by His Honor the LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, and attended by his entire Staff. A number of other Officers, and Ladies, were also present at the Ceremony. Sydney. (1817, December 20 - Saturday). The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), p. 2. Retrieved from
A date was set for the prisoner's to move in and this was preceded by:
1st May, 1819.
IN the early Period of the Establishment of a British Colony in New South Wales, for the Reception of Convicts, the Difficulty of providing sufficient Buildings for their Accommodation, either as they regarded their own comfort on the one Hand, or the Security of their persons and Services on the other, rendered it expedient to devise a temporary System, which would in some Degree provide for the Wants of those Persons and relieve Government from the embarrassment necessarily arising out of the Circumstance of having many Persons to provide with Lodgings, whilst there was an utter Impossibility of either erecting or procuring such Accommodations.
These Considerations led to the Arrangement of allowing Convicts to employ a Portion of each Day for their own Benefit, in order to enable them, by honest Industry, to provide the Means of paying for their hired Lodgings, the Washing and Mending of their Clothes, and other necessary Expences attendant on their Situation.
But however expedient this Indulgence might have been under such Circumstances at that Time, the rapid Increase of the Population has rendered it in some Degree the Source of many Evils, which it is equally the humane and political Duty of this Government to guard against, and totally avoid.
With this View, therefore, and for the more comfortable Accommodation of the Male Convicts in the immediate Employment of Government at Sydney, His EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR has lately caused to be erected in Hyde Park, a spacious well-aired BARRACK, capable of receiving and comfortably accommodating Six Hundred Men, secured all round by a lofty Stone Wall, comprehending also within it Lodgings for the Deputy Superintendant, Watch Houses, Cells, Prison, Kitchens, Pantries, Bakeries, Eating or Messing Rooms, with all the other Necessaries, including Washing-House and Yard, suitable to the rendering the Situation of those Persons for whom it is designed at once comfortable and comparatively happy.
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED AND DIRECTED, That as the said Barrack is now in such a State of Forwardness as to render it capable of receiving forthwith all those Convicts (whether Mechanics or Labourers) who are in the immediate Service of Government at Sydney, it will be opened accordingly for their Reception on Friday the Fourth of June next, on which Day they will be admitted, under their respective Overseers, and furnished with their Rations, ready dressed, at the usual hours of striking off from Work.
As all the Expences of Washing, Repair of Clothes, and others incident to living dispersedly in Lodgings through the Town, will, by Means of the present Establishment, be provided for by the Crown, and many Comforts enjoyed which could not be obtained in their present Mode of Life ; the Services of the Convicts (with the Exception hereinafter specified) will in future be required in the Afternoons as well as in the Mornings, in like Manner as antecedent to the Indulgence having been extended in Lieu of Lodgings or Lodging Money, or as if such Permission never had been granted.
His EXCELLENCY in making this Provision for the Health, Comfort, and Protection of the Government Gangs, has also given Consideration to the Circum-stances of good Conduct which have marked some Individuals, who, being married Men, may wish to be permitted to reside as heretofore in the Town ; and as others may hereafter shew themselves worthy of Indulgence, they may look forward with Confidence to their being permitted in due Time, under similar Circumstances, to partake also of the same Indulgence.
When suitable Buildings shall be constructed at the Out Stations of Parramatta, Windsor, and Liver-pool, and at the two principal Settlements in Van Die-men's Land, the Convicts in the Service of Government, at those Places, will be brought under the same Regulations as those now about to be adopted at Sydney.
In Order to the Convicts who shall hereafter inhabit the Barrack now prepared for them here, being treated and dealt with in every Respect according to Justice and Humanity, the following Rules and Regulations for the Conduct and Management of the Barrack in Hyde Park, are established by His EXCELLENCY'S Com-mand ; and all Persons concerned are hereby ordered and directed, at their Peril, to pay the most implicit Obedience thereto; viz.
1st. That the Deputy Superintendent of Convicts shall constantly reside in the Barracks, with a sufficient Number of Men to assist him in managing and conducting the interior Duties thereof, and in keeping the Barracks and Offices and Barrack Square constantly clean and in good Order.
2d. That the Deputy Superintendent shall be held responsible for the Regularity and orderly Conduct of the Convicts lodged in the Barracks, in Respect to their Messing, regular Attendance at Meals, Dress, and Cleanliness. He is to consider himself under the immediate Command and control of the Principal Superintendent of Convicts, and to report to him every Morning, at Nine o'Clock, all Occurrences and Irregularities that may have taken Place in the Barracks during the preceding Twenty-four Hours; or oftener, if there should be Occasion to do so.
3d. That the Whole of the Artificers and Labourers are to work exclusively for Government from Sun-rise till Sun-set; allowing an Hour and a Half for Break-fast, and the same for Dinner. The Breakfast Hour is to be Eight o'Clock in the Morning; and the Dinner Hour to be One o'Clock in the Afternoon ; but these Hours may be varied according to Seasons and Circumstances.—The Men are to be mustered and delivered over by the Deputy Superintendent to their respective Overseers at the Time appointed in the Morning ; which will be notified by the Ringing of a Bell to be erected for that Purpose in the Barrack Square; the same is to be repeated at the Expiration of the Time allowed for Dinner and Breakfast respectively. They are to be conducted by their respective Overseers, as soon as the Work of the Day is over, back to the Barracks, and regularly delivered over to the Deputy Superintendent; each Overseer reporting to him all Absentees, whose Names are to be by him entered in a Book to be kept for that Purpose, and shewn on the following Morning to the Principal Superintendent, who is to make a Report thereof to the Chief Engineer.
4th. That a sufficient Number of Men, suitably qualified for that Purpose, shall be appointed Bakers and Cooks ; and the Invalids are to be kept in to clean the Barracks, and to do such other Work as may be required of them. It being intended that the Clothes and Linens of the Prisoners, living in the Barracks, shall be washed at the Expence of Government, a sufficient Number of properly qualified Men are also to be appointed for that Purpose ; to whom the dirty Clothes and Linens are to he delivered by the Over-seers of Gangs twice in each Week, namely, on Mondays and Fridays; the Overseer keeping a List of the Men's Names, and of the Number of Pieces of, Clothes or Linens given in by each Man to be washed; taking Care to receive back, after being properly washed, exactly the same Pieces he delivered to the Washermen. The Linens belonging to each Man are to be marked with the Initials of his Name.
5th. That the Whole of the Prisoners shall regularly put on clean Shirts, and be shaved twice in each Week; namely, on Sundays and Thursdays ; putting on clean White Trousers (in Case they have them) on Sundays, and appearing in their best Clothes well brushed, their Hands and Faces washed, and their Shoes cleaned.
6th. That every Man shall be allowed at the Rate of one Pound and a Half of Meat and one Pound and a Half of Flour per Day, as his Ration, after going into the Barracks.—The Flour is to be baked into Bread, and served out daily, one Day old. Half a Pound of the Meat for each Man is to be cooked for his Breakfast, and the remaining Pound for his Dinner ; each Man receiving his due Proportion of Broth, with such Vegetables as can be conveniently procured at a moderate Rate.—The Provisions to be drawn from the Commissariat Store at such Times as may be deemed most convenient and suitable for the benefit of the Establishment, but only on certain fixed Days in the Week, so as not to interfere with other Duties.—The Victualling List is to be made out weekly, agreeably to a Form to be furnished, with the exact Number of Men messing in Barracks, signed by the Deputy Superintendent, to be then examined by the Principal Superintendent, and afterwards countersigned by the Chief Engineer, previous to the Provisions being drawn from the Store.—The Men in Barracks to be formed into separate Messes, each Mess to consist of six Men.—The Deputy Superintendent is personally to inspect the Provisions, previous to and after being cooked, in Order to see that they are clean, wholesome, and properly cooked ; that they consist of the full Quantity and Quality allowed, and are distributed in the proper and prescribed Proportions to the different Messes; for which Purpose he is to be furnished with the necessary Number of Mess Kits and Messing Utensils.—The Whole of the Meat, Flour, Bread, and Vegetables, drawn and received for the Prisoners, are to be reserved for and applied to their sole Use and Benefit; and no Remains thereof are, on any Account whatsoever, to be kept or reserved as Perquisites for either the Cooks, Bakers, or Deputy Superintendent.
The Chief Engineer and Principal Superintendent are frequently to visit the Barracks, and the Prisoners when at their Meals, to see that every justice is done to them ; that their Diet is good and wholesome. They are also strictly to enforce these Rules and Regulations in every Respect.
7th. That every Man on his Ingress to or Egress from the Barracks shall be searched, in Order to pre-vent them from purloining any of the Government Property belonging to the Establishment, or robbing their fellow Prisoners ; for which Purpose Gatesmen or Watchmen will be appointed: And as it is intended to have a certain Numbers of Taylors and Shoe-makers allowed within the Barracks, for making and mending the Clothes and Shoes of the Prisoners, there seldom can be any Excuse for their carrying Bundles, Parcels, or Boxes out of the Barracks.
8th. That no Prisoner, on any Pretence whatever, without the special Permission of the Chief Engineer, or the Principal Superintendant, in Writing, shall be permitted to quit the Barracks after having been duly delivered over there, excepting the Messengers ap-pointed for the Purpose of going on Errands ; and they are to be particularly and strictly searched, in Order to prevent improper Proceedings on their Parts.
9th. That no Spirituous Liquors, Wine, Ale, ot Porter, shall, on any Pretence whatever be suffered to be brought into the Barracks, excepting for the domestic Use of the Deputy Superintendent ; and even for him, only by a Permit or Pass, signed by the Chief Engineer, specifying the Quantity and Quality of such Spirits, Wine, Ale, or Porter.
10th. That all Invalids and Light Workers, now on the Store and residing in Sydney, shall be immediately ordered into the Barracks.
11th. That a regular Inventory of all Government Property in the Barracks, and within the Barrack Wall, of whatsoever Sort or Kind, shall be taken, and entered in a Book, to be kept for that Purpose by the Deputy Superintendent, on his taking Charge of the Barracks; and he is also to enter therein all Articles of Stores, Clothing, Bedding, Cooking and Messing Utensils, &c. &c. which maybe delivered to him for the Use of the Barracks, or the Prisoners quartered in them.—The Deputy Superintendent will be allowed a Clerk, to enable him to keep his Accounts and make up all his Returns and Reports correctly, and such Person is to be denominated "the Barrack Clerk."
All the Rooms in the Barracks are to be numbered, and an Inventory of the Articles belonging to and in each Room, is to he made up and pasted on a Board ; and a List of the Names of all the Men sleeping in each Room is also to be made out and pasted on another Board ; both which Boards are to be hung up in some conspicuous Part of the Room.—An Overseer of Watchman is to be appointed for each Room, whose principal Duty will be to muster the Men belonging to his Room Half an Hour previous to the Time ap-pointed for their going to Bed, and report all Absentees immediately to the Deputy Superintendent.
12th. That all the Prisoners quartered in the Bar-racks are to be returned into them by their respective Overseers by Sun-set, and regularly delivered over to the Deputy Superintendent.—They are to be allowed to walk about and amuse themselves in the Barrack Yard until Half-past 8 o'Clock (which is to be announced by the Ringing of the Bell), when they are to retire immediately to their respective Rooms for the Remainder of the Night—A sufficient Quantity of Oil will be allowed for each Room for Light, which however is to be immediately extinguished by the Wardsmen on the Men's going to Bed ; allowing them a Quarter of an Hour for doing so after the Bell has ceased ringing.
13th. That the Prisoners shall be allowed the Whole of Saturday of each Week to Work for their own Benefit exclusively. They are, however, to return to their Barracks punctually at Sunset ; and any one exceeding his Time of Liberty, or disobeying this Order, will be deprived for the Fuuire of the Indulgence of working for himself on Saturday.
14th. That the Whole of the Prisoners shall appear as clean and as well dressed as possible on Sundays, and be marched from their Barracks (being previously mustered there by the Deputy Superintendent), under their respective Overseers), to the Church Parade, to join the other Prisoners; where the Whole; will be mustered and inspected by the Chief Engineer and Principal Superintendent, and occasionally by His EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR in Person, previously to their attending Divine Worship in the Parish Church. On the Conclusion of Divine Service, they are to be marched back in the same regular Manner, under their respective Overseers, to the Barracks to Dinner, and to be afterwards allowed Liberty out of Barracks till Sun-set, when they are required to return punctually.—Any Man guilty of a Disobedience of this Order, or who is proved to have profaned the Sabbath, by Drunkenness, or any other immoral Conduct, will be deprived in future of the Indulgence of going out of Barracks after Dinner on Sundays.
15th. That no Householder in Sydney shall take any Prisoner, in the immediate Service of Government, as a Lodger or Inmate into his House, without previously obtaining the Sanction, in Writing, of the Principal Superintendent, and countersigned by the Chief Engineer, under a Penalty of Five Pounds Sterling, on being convicted thereof before a Bench of Magistrates.
This Regulation is established in order to prevent the Frauds and Impositions so frequently practised by Convict Servants running away from their Masters in the Country, and stating that they are in the immediate Service of Government at Sydney.—All Prisoners therefore who are indulged with the Privilege of sleeping out of Barracks, will be furnished with written Certificates to that Effect.
16th. That all married Men of good Character, and such other Men as have been in the immediate Service of Government for four Years, and who have never been convicted of any Crime since their Arrival in the Colony, shall be indulged with the Privilege of sleeping and messing out of Barracks, in private Lodgings of their own in the Town of Sydney, if they prefer doing so ; taking Care, however, to furnish the Principal Superintendent with the Number of the House, and the Name of the Street they live in—But this Indulgence will be only continued during good Conduct ; the first Offence against the Laws, or Neglect of Work, subjecting them to be deprived of this Indulgence, whether married or unmarried, and to be called in to sleep and mess in Barracks.
17th. All such Prisoners of the Crown, whether Artificers or Labourers, as have worked in the immediate Service of Government, for the Space of three Years previous to going into Barracks, and have not been convicted of any Crime or Misdemeanor during that Time in the Colony, and who shall continue to conduct themselves honestly, soberly, and diligently, at their respective Avocations, for the Space of twelve Months after going into Barracks, will be considered entitled to, and will actually receive, Tickets of Leave at the Expiration of that Time, to enable them to employ themselves for their own Benefit exclusively ; it being intended at the Expiration of each succeeding Year that those Men who have worked faithfully and diligently for the Crown, and behaved well in all other Respects for the Space of four Years, shall have a similar Indulgence extended to them.—This Regula-tion is established with the View, and in the earnest Hope, that it will stimulate and incite the Prisoners to sober, industrious, honest, and religious Habits, so as to merit such Reward for good Conduct.
18th. That the Superintendents and Overseers of Gangs shall attend with their Men, who are allowed to sleep and mess out of Barracks, every Saturday Morning at the King's Store to draw their Messes ; and the Superintendents and Overseers will be held responsible for the Correctness of the Number they draw Provisions for, in Order to prevent the Frauds frequently practised by some Men by drawing their Messes in two Places.
19th. That all Prisoners at present indulged with Tickets of Leave, shall, on their committing any Of-fence, or being convicted of any Delinquency, forfeit them, and be called back to Government Labour, and into Barracks.
20th. It being intended to enclose a large Portion of Ground in Hyde Park for a Garden, for the Purpose of affording a sufficient Quantity of Vegetables for the Use of the Prisoners quartered in the Barracks, IT IS HEREBY DIRECTED, that such Men as abuse the Liberty given to them on Saturdays and Sundays, and who do not return to their Quarters within the prescribed Hours, shall, as a Punishment, after such Offence, be worked in the Barrack Garden for the Whole of the two succeeding Saturdays.
21st. That the Deputy Superintendent shall have the Power of close confining in the Barrack Prison, for the Night, any Convict who shall be insolent, riotous, or disorderly therein ; reporting the same on the following Morning to the Principal Superintendent.
22d. That no Dogs, Pigs, or Goats, shall, on any Account, be allowed to come into the Barracks.
23d. That the Chief Engineer, accompanied by the Principal Superintendant, shall inspect the Bar-racks, Barrack Stores, furniture, Bedding, and all the Messing and Cooking Utensils, on the first Monday of each succeeding Month ; commencing the said Monthly Inspection on the first Monday of July next. They are also required to examine and inspect, minutely, the Books and Accounts of the Deputy Superintendent, in Respect to all his Receipts and Disbursements of Stores and Provisions drawn or issued by him on Account of the Barrack or the Prisoners quartered therein ; making a written Report to His EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR of all Deficiencies of Stores, Furniture, or Bedding, as well as of any Neglect of Duty on the Part of the Deputy Superintendent, or his Assistants.
24th. That a printed Copy of these Rules and Regulations shall be pasted on a Board, and hung up in some conspicuous Part of each Room in the Barracks, for the Observation and Guidance of the Prisoners quartered therein.
By His Excellency's Command,
J. T. CAMPBELL, Secretary.
GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL ORDERS. (1819, May 1). The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), p. 1. Retrieved from
Friday, 4th June, 1819.
IN Honor of this auspicious Day, and also in consideration of its being the Day on which the other Prisoners of the Crown commence Messing and re-siding in the New Barracks erected for their Accommodation in Hyde Park; His EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR has been pleased, at the particular Request of MAJOR DRUITT, the Chief Engineer, to remit the Sentences of those Prisoners now composing the Gaol Gang, as to Working in that Gang, and to permit them to join their former respective Gangs.
By Command of His Excellency
The Governor,
J. T. CAMPBELL, Secretary. GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL ORDERS. (1819, June 5). The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), p. 1. Retrieved from

Sydney from Hyde Park - Date of Work: 1829, Printed beneath image "Drawn and engraved by J: Carmichael. Sydney." Image No.: a3706005, courtesy State Library of NSW