June 13 - 19, 2021: Issue 498
100 Years of Girl Guides in Manly + some current local units

Girl Guides NSW officially turned 100 in 2020.
Manly Girl Guides was officially presented with its colours on June 17th, 1922 and even though a Manly GG troop had been taking part in exercises and events prior to that, this means this coming Friday June 17th 2022 is the 100th anniversary of this local organisation. On November 15th 1924 the first clubhouse in the state of NSW was opened at Manly too - so a few great celebrations coming up.
From Girl Guides and Boy Scouts stemmed the pre-Nippers learning how to save lives in the water, how to use a compass, how to find water in the bush, how to administer First Aid, how to erect a tent, build a campfire on which you could cook a meal, and even how to cook that meal itself – but mostly what you learned, and stays with you, apart from these already named skill sets that ‘set you up for life’ in resilience and the physical, emotional and mindful benefits each represents, is caring about others and doing for others.
While the world has changed over the course of that century, the need to support young girls and boys in helping them realise their potential has not. Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT are empowering the women of the future; for they will not only impact their families, communities, and country—they will change the world.
The formation of Girl Guides and Scouts in Australia goes back to the Boer War, to which Australia sent a contingent, and an incessant and growing perceived threat from Germany off the shores of Australia during this conflict, that would occur again during The Great War (WWI) and then again during World War II.
In Tasmania Girl Peace Scouts, corresponding with the organisation of the same name in New Zealand, were formed as early as 1909-10, while in New South Wales it was the Australian League of Girl Aids, recognised in affiliation with the Boy Scouts Association, was formed. In Victoria, the Florence Nightingale Girl Aids were established in 1909, and recognised as Baden-Powell Girl Guides in 1911. Guiding in Western Australia began in 1915 at a public meeting in Perth Town Hall under the sponsorship of the Women's Service Guild.
Some of these groups were later disbanded with the outbreak of World War I in 1914, but many reformed and were then officially registered as branches of the British association and as Girl Guide companies in New South Wales.
Eventually each state became organised, setting up a headquarters, forming a state executive and appointing a state commissioner. Tasmania was first in 1911 followed by South Australia in 1913, Western Australia in 1915, Queensland in 1919, New South Wales in 1920 and Victoria in 1921.
In New South Wales, initially, the Boys were Boy Scouts and the girls were named Girl Scouts:
Developing Australian Patriotism.
ABOUT 2000 metropolitan boy Scouts were reviewed in Centennial Park on Saturday afternoon. They were inspected by Brigadier-General Gordon, C.B., and by Admiral Poore. The stand at the base was draped with Union Jacks. To the right stood H.M.S. Challenger's band. Fifty yards or so in front were the State Military Band, the Newtown Model Highland Pipe Band, and the Scouts' Bugle Band; and immediately behind them were grouped the district flags. Behind these again lay the long line of the Scouts, khaki and blue, with the white-jerseyed Mosman boys about the centre. All round the enclosure were scattered onlookers, gathered about the saluting base into a crowd.
The girl Scouts were there, too, about 60 of them in blue skirts and khaki blouses, but they took no part in the review. In the march past the Scouts' Band led, the Newtown patrol followed with the league flag, and all the other districts. The district flags remained grouped in the centre of the ground, but each patrol carried its patrol leader's flag, with the patrol badge. There was a whole zooful of these totems; crows, kangaroos, wallabies, peewhits, bears, wolves, and hounds; all worked in black on little triangular white pennants. The boys looked well and healthy, but the size-contrasts were extraordinary. Here you would see amongst a pack of middle-sized youngsters some tiny little chap of 8 or 9, and once there was a big lump of a boy walking in step beside an enthusiastic infant of, say, 7. There were a couple of ambulance stretchers carried, and the rear was brought up by the bicycle patrol. The second march past was in column of fours, in districts. The boys passed closer this time to the stand, and every now and then there was a cry of recognition and a burst of clapping as the most important of patrols went by saluting the base. Then came the advance with flags, the flags leading, and the Scout Band just behind; the pipers played for this.
A complicated gridiron movement followed, the flags were marched up opposite the base for the salute, and the spectators stood up for the National Anthem. Both Admiral Poore and Brigadier-General Gordon expressed the pleasure the review had given them, and complimented the growth of the movement and the efficiency of the boys, Brigadier-General Gordon expressed his intention of cabling, with the permission of the Minister for Science, to lieutenant-General Baden-Powell the impression the inspection had made upon him. He was satisfied the Scouts' training would help them to become capable defenders of their country. In a recent issue we described the remarkable growth of the movement, which was started in Sydney by Mr. Packer, a pressman. Developing Australian Patriotism. (1909, July 28). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 27. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article164338527
Soon after the Australian League of Girl Aids first formed in NSW as a precursor to Girl Guides, clearly owed its modelling to its times and those who placed themselves in charge of it. That saying, 'little girls should be seen and not heard' which stemmed from the Victorian 'Children should be seen and not heard' was about ensuring those of the female gender were raised expecting not to speak, and should they speak, not to expect to be heard. The sentiment and practice, still being dismantled, was in some ways to look after 'the gentle sex' in a gentlemanly manner but fell down everywhere women needed to be the nurses, the mothers, the widowed wage earners, the keepers of purse strings for households. In a world where girls becoming women needed to know how to survive, and not just survive, but thrive, keeping them 'in their place' just did not work.
One expressed sentiment reflected the attitude adhered to by the organisers and some of those they were speaking to:
From 'Thoughtful':— 'I trust that no mother will allow her daughter to become a Girl Scout. However well intended the movement may be, it has in it many unpleasant possibilities. And the less said about the costume the better. GIRL SCOUTS. (1909, November 18). The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article57874384
Nevertheless, as seen in the July 1909 March past above, and through other snippets from newspapers, 'Girl Scouts' was a term used, including at some of the earliest Australian Girl's Troops camps, which also describes what they were doing:
The 1st Adelaide troop of girl scouts in were in camp during the holidays at the seaside. On the Sunday they had a cooking lesson, and some very nice cakes and pastry (which would have done credit to any first-class cook) were turned out. Scout-mistress Edison gave them some useful demonstrations in first aid work, and also gave them a lesson in swimming. They also engaged in signalling, tracking, stalking, trailing, lighting of bushfires, and washing.
The Rose Park 1st troop took a trip to the National Park, Belair, where they spent Sunday and Monday. They held a service in the Park on the Sunday morning, which was largely, attended by outsiders, who seemed much interested in the girls. After lunch they wanted around the park and studied natural history. On the Monday they had several scout games. This is a really fine troop without a scout mistress. Should any lady care about fulfilling the duties the girls will be very thankful.
The State Scout Commissioner has completed arrangements with the St. John Ambulance Society, which will enable all girl scouts registered with the Council of the South Australian division to take a course of lectures in first aid, ambulance, bandaging, &c, for a nominal fee. After securing the certificate the girls, if they choose, may go on with the nursing course, the fee for which is also reduced so as just to cover the expenses.
As classes are being formed all girl scouts desirous of taking this course should at once send in their names to Mr. J. R. Coory, State Scout Commissioner, Waymouth-street. Adelaide. The movement promises to be a success. Troops are being formed in Parkside, North Adelaide. Prospect, Alberton, Unley, Mitcham, and various other places. Any lady desirous of joining should communicate with the State Scout Commissioner. GIRL SCOUTS. (1909, November 20). The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article5201764
Tasmania, also early adoptees of Girl Scouts:
In her march of progress woman has invaded another sphere which the stronger sex might have deemed peculiarly its own. Steps are being taken to form an organisation of "Girl Scouts" on the same lines as the existing organisation of "Boy Scouts." The girls will learn tracking, nature-craft, signalling, and camp cooking in the same way as their brothers. They will be organised in patrols under "scout mistresses." A smart and workmanlike uniform has been adopted for the girl scouts on the following lines:--Soft scarlet biret hat; navy blue blouse, with two military patch pockets, and coloured scarf; navy blue pleated skirt. Belts, haversacks, staves, and mess tins will be of the ordinary '"boy scout" pattern. GIRL SCOUTS. (1909, October 2). Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 - 1954), p. 3 (DAILY). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article50387168
The Australian League of Girl Aides was formed in NSW as there was a perception, pushed by the then Editor of the Sunday Times, that it was inappropriate for girls to do what boys were allowed to do - he stated 'there would be no ‘Girl Scouts here’ but:
There will be no girl scouts. This in answer to many Inquiries. A conference is being arranged between representative bodies to frame a constitution for an organisation of girls who (while they will not scout) will be taught to be useful to their country. First aid, Camp-cooking and camp-hospital work without proper equipment, necessitating the improvising of the various necessaries. Miniature rifle-shooting. Signalling. Life-saving (in the water and otherwise), Physical drill.
Work of this kind, largely carried out in the open, would develop capable women. They would prove of value In the home, and also in the field, as aids to the military forces when the time comes — as all are feeling it will — where we shall have to engage in a struggle to hold this country. Thousands of girls experience a strong desire to be of some use to Australia, and that desire should be fostered rather than 'crushed. 'But It must be fostered in a reasonable way.' That is realised by those who are now considering the details of the proposed organisation. It will be understood that what has been set out above are merely tentative suggestions. They will be useful in prompting others. One difficult question is; - What shall this organisation be called?
Readers could render some service in suggesting titles. Here are some already thought of:
The Girls' Brigade.
Girls' League of Defenders.
Our Girls' League.
The League of Girl Aids.
Letters containing suggestions in this connection are invited. GIRL SCOUTS. (1909, June 27). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126586781
Thomas Richard Roydhouse, born in Wales, was editor of Sydney’s Sunday Times during this period – he had, during the Boer War, caused a subscription to be raised through the paper to send a wonderful horse to Baden-Powell in 1901. In the end, two Australian horses, Orara and Black Prince, were presented to General Baden-Powell and entrusted to the care of J. G. Rowley from Sydney to Cape Town.
A short Obituary for Mr. Roydhouse explains he was a founder of Boy Scouts in Australia and so was listened to in NSW and his dictates for girls, and their place or lot in life, were followed.
The Mayor of Adelaide has received the following letter from the secretary of the Baden-Powell committee, in Sydney:-"July 14. Sir-A meeting of the Baden-Powell Presentation Fund 'Committee will be held in the Mayor's Parlor, Town Hall, on Friday. July 20, at 4 p.m. Business-To receive and consider recommendations of the sub-committees and to arrange for transport and general. I have to report, for the information of the committee, that Messrs. Birt & Co., of the Federal Line of steamers running to Cape Town, have made an offer to convey two chargers for Baden Powell free of cost. I am, &c., Thomas R. Roydhouse, Secretary. THE BADEN-POWELL PRESENTATION. (1900, July 18). The Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922), p. 2 (ONE O'CLOCK EDITION). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article208928113
BLACK PRINCE. ORARA. These two chargers were presented to Lord Baden-Powell (formerly Sir Robert Baden-Powell) after the relief of Mafeking. Baden-Powell (1931, March 18). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article159790908
Mr. Thomas Richard Roydhouse, a veteran Sydney journalist, who was associated with many public movements, died at his home at Strathfield on Thursday night, aged 80 years. After having served on newspapers in various parts of New Zealand, Mr. Roydhouse, who was born in Wales, served on the Melbourne "Herald." Later he came to Sydney and was a special writer for the "Daily Telegraph." In collaboration with Mr. H. J. Taperell, Mr. Roydhouse wrote the first book devoted to the New South Wales Labor Party. He wrote other books, including "The Land and the People." and "The Colored Conquest."
In October, 1893, he "was appointed to control the "Sunday Times" group of papers and remained in that position for 20 years. For a number of years he wrote "Sydney Day by Day" for the Melbourne "Argus."
Mr. Roydhouse inaugurated the Boy Scout movement in Australia. He also established the Dreadnought Fund, and the New South Wales Girl Aids, which later became the Girl Guides. He was a foundation member, and vice-president of the New South Wales Institute of Journalists. He is survived by three sons and three daughters. The funeral took place privately at Rookwood Crematorium. Mr. Roydhouse was an "extensive property owner at Woolgoolga. OBITUARY (1943, June 4). Macleay Argus (Kempsey, NSW : 1885 - 1907; 1909 - 1910; 1912 - 1913; 1915 - 1916; 1918 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article234407698
Even far from Sydney:
The scout movement has proved itself so popular that girls, recognising the fact that it is a form of recreation brimful with interest, are making a very determined move to be enrolled as scouts in a girls' patrol. A sub-committee of the Committee of Control is now considering the question of a corps for girls, though obviously they may not be termed scouts, as they could not perform legitimate scout work. The Woman's Branch of the British Empire League are taking a very active interest in the girl phase of the question. Mean-while patriotic Australian lasses are consumed with impatience to learn the result of the confab. GIRL SCOUTS. (1909, June 26). Clarence and Richmond Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1889 - 1915), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article61543869
The first local Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts companies commenced around the same time, with boy scouts being part of those who searched for the tragically lost Bessie Gibson in October 1910 around Manly and Brookvale. The Girl Guide Movement was spreading rapidly too. When Baden-Powell visited Australia in 1912 as part of his World Tour, he was met by Guides in four states, including New South Wales where ‘Girl Aids’ with a motto of ‘Be Ready’ instead of the Girl Guides and Boys Scouts ‘Be Prepared’, although this was very close to what Baden-Powell himself first wrote.
The message persisted through the Sunday Times was:
Girl Aid's duty is to be useful and to help others. And she has to do her duty before anything else, even though she gives up her own pleasure or comfort to do it. When in difficulty to know which of two things to do, she must ask herself, 'Which is my duty ?' that is, 'Which is best for other people ?' and do that one. She must Be Ready at any time to save life, or to help injured persons. And she must do a good turn to somebody every day. AUSTRALIAN LEAGUE (1912, May 26). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 26. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126056182
The idea of fitting the girls of Australia to take their part in the defence of their country has taken concrete form in the formation of the Australian League of Girl Aides. Although no official recognition was recorded, recently a number of bodies of what were wrongly termed 'girl scouts' were formed in Sydney, and the committee controlling the league of Boy Scouts were compelled to take some steps to enable these young Australians to do something practical for their country. It was recognised that there could be no such thing aa 'girl scout' for scouting, as learned by boys does not altogether, lend itself to adoption by members of the opposite sex.
Eventually a sub-committee of the British Empire League, comprising Mrs. Hugh Dixson, president, Dr. Grace Boelke, treasurer, and Mrs. W. H. Butter, secretary, met a sub-committee of the controlling body of the League of Boy Scouts, consisting of Dr. Lane Mullins and Mr. T. R. Roydhouse, and dealt with the matter. It was decided that those present should form a committee, with power to add to their number, to control the movement, which is to be organised under the name of the Australian League of Girl Aids.
The age limits for members will be from 12 to 18, and the following course of instruction will be undertaken:
(1) First aid.
(2) Camp cooking and camp-hospital work without proper equipment, necessitating the improvising of the various necessaries.
(3) Miniature rifle-shooting.
(4) Signalling.
(5) Life-saving, in the water and otherwise
(6) Field exercises, including games.
(7) Personal hygiene.
It was decided that the uniform shall consist of the khaki Baden-Powell hat, blue blouse and skirt, tan belt and pouch, striped scarf for neck, tan shoes and stockings. The city and country will be divided into districts, and members of the League in each district will be combined into companies of 20 under a company leader. When there are not sufficient to form a full company, a half-company may be formed.
Each company or half-company will take the name of a flower. The companies will adopt colors of their own; and will wear them in the form of a neck scarf. Details of the organisation are being worked out now and the complete »programme will be announced shortly.
The joint hon. secretaries are Dr. Grace. Boelke and Mrs. Ayre.
Girls intending to join, and ladies who are competent and willing to act as instructors, are requested to communicate at once with the Hon. Sec., ? Australian league of Girl Aids, Box 444, G.P.O., Sydney.
THE UNIFORM. Baden-Powell hat, blue blouse with turn-down collar, blue skirt, tan belt and pouch, tan shoes and stockings, striped scarf. AUSTRALIAN LEAGUE OF GIRL AIDS. (1909, July 4). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 9 (The Sunday Times MAGAZING SECTION). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126577118
Mr. Roydhouse also decreed that his 'Girl Aides' could be the only official ones and outlined the rues and attributes and attitude expected:
The Australian League of Girl Aids (N.S. Wales section) recognises no organisations of girls not on its register. So far about 40 companies are formed or are forming. There are a captain and two lieutenants to each company, and four group leaders. The uniform — blue blouse, blue skirt, and tan belts and hat— is very effective.— R. AUSTRALIAN LEAGUE OF GIRL AIDS. (1909, August 8). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 22. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126594147
AUSTRALIAN GIRL AIDS. their rules and regulations.
The faithful Boswell saliently remarked in his Life of Johnson, "Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, ,or. we know where we can find information about it." It Is-sought by the latest' girls' society to teach both kinds.- '.
About a month ago the Australian League of Girl Aids was founded, it has now over 500 recruits in the different suburbs, and the first field day is fixed for three weeks hence. The president of the league is Mrs. Hugh Dixson; the committee of management, Mrs. Rutter, Dr. Lane Mullins, Messrs. T. R. .Roydhouse and Packer; with Dr. Grace Boelke and Mrs. Eyres as joint hon, secretaries. It is claimed that ultimately the league will prove of 'value' to the country should necessity arise, and in course of conversation yesterday Mrs. Eyres stated, that General Gordon was taking in Interest in the scheme; and had offered to assist In its development. The age of members ranges from 12 to 18, "while blushing officers may acknowledge 20 summers; the average age, is 14 or 15.'
The motto of the league is "Be Ready," and the list of obligations. incurred by membership is a. rather lengthy one. Whether the Girl Aid will prove an inestimable benefit, or otherwise, it is quite certain that If she can carry out all that is expected of her she wilt be pleasantly removed from the generality of her species. She is, impliedly, by membership, bound to be ready at all times to do the right thing and do it properly, ready that is to say physically and mentally.
With this readiness she must be 'womanly and leave manly things to the men’. Perhaps one manly virtue may be sought after, for if a Girl Aid says, "On my honor, it is so," then that means it is so. And further more when her company leader says, "I trust you on your honor to do this," the Aid is bound to carry out the order to the best of her ability. She must be useful and help others, do her duty before anything else, be ready at any time to save life or to help injured persons, do a good turn to somebody every day. This 'is a. tolerably large order, but the official list does not end here. The Girl Aid is required to be a friend to all, and a sister to every other Girl Aid, no matter to what social class the other may belong. Thus, if she meets another Girl Aid, even though the latter be a stranger, she must speak to her and help her in any way that she can. Snobbery must not be Indulged in, courtesy must ever be conspicuous, kindness to animals is insisted upon, and the orders of officers or instructors must be obeyed without question- and with cheerful ness /and readiness. Hardships must not be complained of, and no Girl Aid must whine at another when put out. It will readily be understood at this stage that the Girl Aid is intended to set an example to her more self-centred sisters, which it Is hoped will Inspire the latter.;
A recruit must take the oath of allegiance, and by doing so she promises to make herself proficient In the following things, directly the committee of control, through her officer, calls upon her to do so: — 1. First aid; ' 2. Camp cooking and camp hospital work without proper equipment, necessitating the improvising of the various necessities. 8. Miniature rifle shooting. 4. Signalling. . 5.'Llfe-saving'(In the water and otherwise). . 6. Field exercise/ Including games. - 7. Personal hygiene.
In the event of a member of a company or half-company being found guilty of conduct detrimental to the interests of the league, the members of the company or half-company have power to pass a resolution removing the offender from the rolls. Such resolution must be carried, by not loss than a two-thirds majority of the company or half-company, meeting under the presidency of the captain. The captain acts as representative of 'the committee of 'council in the administration and maintenance of good order; and when It is found necessary to -dis miss a girl the captain will at once report the matter to the secretary of the committee or control.
Even though' their aims are lofty, their ablutions laudable, and their code of rules strict, Girl Aids, like every other girl who is not an Aid, take some Interest in costume; they would not be girls if they did not. The uniform of the league is described thus: Navy blue serge, pleated skirt, navy blue blouse, a! tan felt hat not unlike' In shape that known to fame as the B.P., tan leather belt -and pouch, tan , haver sack, -and tan shoes; and stockings. This sounds very attractive.
"Each of the different companies adopts some native flower as its badge, and a tie of their distinguishing color completes-the outfit. Officers have different badges as sign of their rank. Captains will wear across each shoulder a band of gold braid half an inch wide and two 'inches long. Lieutenants, will! wear, silver, and group (leaders red braid of the same dimensions, on each shoulder. (Each group leader; will - also carry, a staff .fit t. long, on which will be carried a small triangular flag, 9in. at' the base and 15in. long. On it will be worked or painted the initial of the district; the badge of the- company, and the. number of the group as, for instance, Z , (Rose) 2, which would indicate Leichhardt Roses, second group.
Mrs. Eyres added that the different branches of the league will meet together on Saturday afternoons, and that in addition to the officers a member of -the management committee will always be present at the parades. Those weekly, outings will not be picnics, neither will they be conducted with Spartan sternness; but any unseemly levity is to be discouraged, and the giggling Aid will be treated with scorn. It is the Intention of this particular organisation" to keep themselves apart; the Girl Aids will drill, march, and have their officials being quite apart from Boy Scouts, Boy Aids, and, in fact, any detachment of the species puer whatsoever. "BE READY." (1909, August 21). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article238320236
Australian League of Girl Aids
The Australian League of Girl Aids was organised to afford the girls an opportunity of preparing to be of real use to their country in time of stress. Even should that time never come, the training received by the Girl Aids will. benefit them mentally and physically, and consequently be of value to the whole community. Girls should be careful to carry themselves well; walking with heads erect, shoulders squared, and chest expanded. Health has much to' do with the proper carriage of the body. Erect carriage means regular circulation of the blood. There cannot be the best of health if the body Is bent, and organs forced out of place, and circulation made irregular. If Girl Aids learn how to walk well they will have achieved much.
Most of those who wore at 'Abergeldie' on Saturday last shaped satisfactorily, but some did not do themselves credit— or their companions. Care should be taken by officers to see that the Aids are wearing the uniform correctly. Hats on the back of the head must not be allowed. Nothing slovenly, nothing tomboyish, everything neat and in order.
One girl can make a whole company look indifferently drilled or uniformed. In the interests of herself, the company, and the whole movement, she must not be allowed to.
Officers should drill their Aids at every opportunity In accordance with the drill appearing in last issued. This will make them smart,' and give them' a good bearing.
Photograph taken at 'Abergeldie,' Summer Hill, on 21st inst., of some of the principal officers (captains and lieutenants) of the Australian League of Girl Aids (N.S.W. Section), with the President of the League (Mrs. Hugh Dixson) in the centre. Australian League of Girl Aids (1909, August 29). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 24. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126593393
Mrs Hugh Dixson was Emma Elizabeth (1844-1922), daughter of William Edward Shaw who married Sir Hugh Dixson (1841-1926), son of Hugh Dixson, tobacco manufacturer, and his wife Helen, née Craig. Hugh was educated at W. T. Cape's Elfred House Private School then worked for Phillip McMahon, a timber-merchant. In 1856 he entered his father's firm and, with his brother Robert, became a partner in 1864. They married at Raymond Terrace on July 3rd, 1866. He was knighted in 1921.
As faithful Baptists the couple founded many trust funds for the Church, including £10,000 for aged and infirm ministers. He was president of the Baptist Union of New South Wales in 1895-96, the Baptist Home Mission Society until 1926 and of the Young Men's Christian Association in 1900-02 and in 1909, and a director of Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. Lady Dixson was a life governor of the Queen Victoria Homes for Consumptives, the Women's Hospital, Crown Street, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and of the Infants' Home, Ashfield, a life vice-president of the British Empire League in Australia, the National Council of Women of New South Wales, and the Victoria League; president of the women's auxiliary of the Sydney City Mission and the Veterans' Home of New South Wales and vice-president of the New South Wales Home for Incurables, Ryde (to which they gave £20,000), and the Fresh Air League; she also founded the Sydney Medical Mission. Among Dixson's many benefactions were £5000 each to the Dreadnought Fund, the Chamber of Commerce War Food fund and the Y.M.C.A.'s building fund; and £7500 to the University of Sydney to buy a collection of minerals from the Barrier district; he and his wife were as charitable privately as publicly.
Emma's approach to philanthropy was not progressive. She publicly disagreed with prominent feminists such as Rose Scott who criticised women's dependence on men. 'Love', she stated, meant that there were instances in which 'women cheerfully accepted burdens and dependence on that account' (Sydney Morning Herald, 26 June 1901). Her husband credited her with being the driving force in the couple's philanthropic activities 'ever present at his side to remind him as to his course of action in these matters' (Sydney Morning Herald, 22 July 1907).
Lady Emma Elizabeth Dixson in court dress, ca. 1901-1910 / photographer C. Vandyke, Item: a4447074, courtesy State Library of NSW.
Lady Dixson died in Sydney on April 12th 1922 and Sir Hugh at Colombo on 11 May 1926; they were survived by two of their six sons and by four daughters; one son Lieutenant Thomas Storie Dixson, Coldstream Guards, was killed on active service in France in World War I. Sir Hugh left his estate, valued for probate at £143,194, to his children and grandchildren.
Sir Hugh Dixson's eldest surviving son Sir William (1870-1952), businessman and collector of Australiana, was born on April 18th 1870 in Sydney. He qualified as an engineer in Scotland in 1889-96. On his return to Sydney he worked for several years for Norman Selfe, brother of Maybanke Selfe-Wolstenholme-Anderson. He was a director of Dixson & Sons Ltd in 1899-1903, the British-Australasian Tobacco Co. Ltd in 1903-08, the City Bank of Sydney (1909-17) and of the Dixson Trust Ltd 1909-52 and Timbrol Ltd until 1952. William began collecting rare books and manuscripts for use in his 'own historical researches' but when he learned that the income from David Scott Mitchell's bequest to the Public Library of New South Wales could not be spent on pictures, he 'decided to give special attention to them'.
William Dixson first offered his pictures to the State in 1919 and again in 1924, adding that he would bequeath the remainder of his pictures and collections of Australiana, including manuscripts, books, coins and stamps, to the library on similar conditions to Mitchell's bequest: the Dixson Gallery was opened in October 1929. He later gave to the library other pictures, including a number by artists who accompanied Captain James Cook, its great bronze entrance doors, three stained-glass windows in the main reading room, and £15,000, the income of which is used to buy historical pictures.
Like his parents, he aided hospitals and institutions and was treasurer and president of the Queen Victoria Homes. He was knighted in 1939. Although 'reserved and retiring', he was a 'very kindly gentleman', with neatly brushed hair and a trim beard and moustache. He was a member of Killara Golf Club, and was an excellent photographer.
Sir William, a bachelor, died in hospital at Chatswood on 17 August 1952 and was cremated with Anglican rites. His estate was valued for probate at £429,132; in addition to his promised bequests, he left all his shares in the British Tobacco Co. (Australia) Ltd (about £114,000) to the trustee of the Public Library to set up the William Dixson Foundation to benefit students by reproducing, with 'no editing whatsoever', manuscripts relating to Australasia and the Pacific, reprinting rare books and translating manuscripts into English. The Dixson Library, housing his great collections, was opened in 1959. [2.]
Lieutenant Thomas Storie Dixson, of the Coldstream Guards, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dixson, of Abergeldie, Sunny Hill, has been killed in action in France. Lieutenant Dixson, whose home was at Red-leaf, Rose Bay, was 30 years of age. He was educated at All Saints' College, Bathurst, and subsequently was a student ait St. Andrew's College, where he graduated as Bachelor of Arts. He gained his "blue" as an oarsman in the University Rowing Club, and afterwards coached his college crew. He studied accountancy in the office of Messrs. Kent, Brierley, and Sully; and was also in the office of the Dixson Trust, Limited. He was married several years ago to Miss Ruby Turland, daughter of Mr. J. H. Turland, of North Sydney. About two and a half years ago Mr. Dixson, accompanied by his wife and two children, went to England for a health trip. He was there at the outbreak of the war and enlisted, subsequently getting a commission in the Coldstream Guards. Among the officers and men of his regiment Lieutenant Dixson was very popular, as he was among his many friends in Sydney. His brothers are Messrs. W. Dixson and R. C. Dixson, of the Dixson Trust; and his sisters are Mrs. Ronald K--and Mrs. H. C. Eaton, both of whom are in England, Mrs. Chester Wells, who is living in the United States, and Mrs. C. R. Thor…. The late Mr. Dixson's wife and children are at present In London. KILLED IN ACTION. (1916, December 15). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15688770
Many old friends of the Eaton family in Wagga and the surrounding district will read with interest the account of the marriage in London of Hugh Seymour Eaton, only son of the late Horace Eaton, a grandson of the late Mr. Henry Eaton and of Sir Hugh Dixson, of Abergeldie, Summer Hill, Sydney. When Mrs. Eaton was in Sydney visiting relatives she was accompanied by her son; who possessed a very charming personality and made friends wherever he – went. The pretty bride of the wedding, which was solemnised by the Rev. Prebendary Gough of the Holy Trinity Church, Brompton, London, was also -Australian-born and both parents claimed Sydney as their birthplace. Mrs. H. Eaton was Miss Colleen Harley Hickson, only daughter of the late Mr. Harley Hickson (a brother of Mesdames G. and J. O. Fairfax), her mother being a Miss Flood, a member the Suttor family, Bathurst. The bride, who looked very dainty in her bridal robes of white, and silver tissue and rare old lace, was given away by her step-grandfather, Colonel Philip Whiston, and was attended by Miss Isabel Maclagan (another Australian) daughter of Major-General and Mrs. Maclagan, and granddaughter of the late Major General French. It is like a glimpse of Sydney twenty years ago; to meet so many of one's girlhood friends; remarked one of the guests at the reception, held at the Hans Crescent Hotel by Colonel, and Mrs. Percy Owen (aunt of the bride). Many handsome presents, as well as cables, were received from Australian friends at home and abroad by the young couple, who spent their honeymoon in Scotland. SOCIAL GOSSIP. (1924, December 27). Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article143338936
Harley Hixson was a son of Captain Francis Hixson, who set up the original Barrenjoey Lighthouse lights. A relative of his still lives in Pittwater.
Australian League of Girl Aids
The Australian League of Girl Aids was organised to afford the girls an opportunity of preparing to be of real use to their country in time of stress. Even should that time never come, the training received by the Girl Aids will benefit them mentally and physically, and consequently be of value to the whole community.
Australian League of Girl Aids (1909, September 5). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 24. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126592844
SYDNEY, Monday-The Australian League of Girl Aids made their first public parade in Centennial Park on Saturday, and won cordial approval. Their uniform drew forth commendation for its quiet effectiveness, also the general bearing of the Aids and the complete control of the thirty companies present. LEAGUE OF GIRL AIDS. (1909, November 9). Clarence and Richmond Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1889 - 1915), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article61504035
However, the term ‘Girls Scouts’ still crept in reporting some of their activities:
Captains Juanita Young, and Jessie Rowohl, of the Balmain and Rozelle divisions of the Australian League of Girl Scouts forwarded a letter to Balmain Council last night asking for the use of the club room at Ellington Park Baths, in which to hold meetings and to practise resuscitation, drill, &c. "The objects of the League,"
The letter added, "are to prepare girls to be of practical use to their country In time of need, and to develop them physically, thus improving the physique of the race. '
As this is a national movement, we beg you will help It along by granting us the use of this room, as we have no funds to pay for the' hire of a hall." Council decided to accede to the request. GIRL SCOUTS. (1909, September 22). The Star (Sydney, NSW : 1909 - 1910), p. 1 (EXTRA SPECIAL). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article230478932
Amy Hampton, 'Allowah,' Fleet-st., Carlton.
Jessie Rowohl, 1 Vernon-st., Balmain East.
Mary Farrell, 110 Foveaux-st., Surry Hills.
Maud Powell, 'Cotta-Walla,' Brighton-st, Petersham.
Elsie Cotton, 60 Enmore-road, Newtown.
F. Howarth, 'Elsinore,' Darley-road, Randwick.
May Fitzhugh, 132 Forbes-st., Darlinghurst.
Pearl Helton, 'Otara,' Edggeliff-road, Woollahra.
Ruby Relton, 'Clayton,' 62 Berry-street North Sydney.
Kathleen Doyle, 'Albretta,' Observatory Hill', City.
Nancy Self, 'Calliope,' 2 Kegworth-street. Leichhardt.
Francis Brodie, 77 Stanley-street, Darlinghurst,
Elsie Tydeman, 119 Glebe-street, Glebe.
Florrie Fawcett, 70 Pyrmont-street. Pyrmont.
Capt. Payens, 48 Elizabeth-st., City.
Capt. Winney. 24 Pine-st., City.
Acting-Capt. F. Vale. Henwick-st., Drummoyne
LIEUTENANTS. Thelma Simpson, Vernon-st., Balmain.
Elsie Farrcll, 110 Foveaux-street., Surry Hills.
M. McCrory. 144 Reservoir-st.. Surry Hills.
Florence Austin, 285 Cleveland-st.
Florence Bates, 10 Reserve-st., Neutral Bay
W. Roser, Darlinghurst.
C. Davies, Darlinghurst.
Mabel Harper, 9 Burton-st., Camperdown.
Myra Macpherson, 'Alton,' May-street, Eastwood.
L. Relton, 'Clayton,' 62 Berry-street, North Sydney.
Dina Worth, 14 Riley-street, North Sydney
Esther Ellis, 24S Crown-street, Darlinghurst
Ethel Wright, 130 Maude Terrace, Kent-street' City.
Mary Donaghey, Experiment-street, Pyrmont.
Clara Kenny, John-street, Pyrmont.
Joan Thomson, 106 Buckingham-st., City
Elsie Connor, 69 George-st., Erskineville
— . Macpherson. Burwood.
Girls wishing to join the League should apply to one of these officers. OFFICERS OF THE LEAGUE (1910, July 24). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 24. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article123814661
The Rowohl family were who brought Girl Aids/Scouts to Manly and would be behind the introduction of Girl Guides as well.
Amy Hampson, 'Allowah,' Fleet-fit., Carlton.
Jessie Rowohl, 'Sterning,' Carlton-street, Manly. OFFICERS OF THE LEAGUE (1911, July 23). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 26. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article120688267
Most of the remainders of the Girl Peace Scouts joined the Girl Guides in the 1920s. The final 'Girl Peace Scouts' troop, in Lindisfarne Tasmania, ceased operating in 1935 and later became First Lindisfarne Girl Guides, where Mrs. Helen Guesdon was the Leader during the 1970's, ‘giving back’ after her earlier years as a Sea Ranger and attending the 1957 Anniversary of the Founder's Camp in the U.K., and prior to that, a Girl Guide herself.
As Lieut.-General Sir Robert Baden-Powell has evinced such a lively interest in the Girl Guide movement at Home, it was natural that he should want to see the sister movement in Australia at work. An opportunity was afforded him at the Boy Scout field day at Wardell-road, where the Girl Aids mustered in force. In the open they, went through the different items which their course of instruction provides. Camp cooking, first aid, and land life-saving drill met with the distinguished soldier's approving eye. The camp cooking was put to a practical use on the ground, for -the General was supplied with afternoon tea. upon the excellence of which he complimented the girls. Porridge, chops, cutlets, potatoes, and rice were all cooked and exhibited. Both the cooking and the first aid work included, the use of improvised utensils and instruments, and at the conclusion of the display the Chief Scout said :— 'The work of these girls is simply wonderful. Their improvised work is the best I have ever seen. What you have shown me proves that your work is on the right lines, and calculated to make successful the big movement which yours will some day be.' INSPECTED BY GENERAL BADEN-POWELL (1912, May 26). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 26. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126056179
On Tuesday evening the girls were the guests of his Excellency the Admiral and Lady King-Hall at Admiralty House. The Admiral, Lady King-Hall, and General Baden-Powell 'inspected the girls.' The General presented the medals and certificates won by the girls during the year.' These included ones for life-saving in the water (Royal Life-saving Society), first aid (St. John Ambulance Association), signalling (Girl Aid League standard), and a camp-cooking prize. After the presentation the girls asked Sir Robert to accept a flag for the Girl Guides of England, and to convey it to their president, Miss Agnes Baden-Powell.
The General, in accepting the gift on behalf of his sister, said : — 'I assure you, Girl Aids .of Australia, that I am glad to have had the opportunity of seeing you at' your work. The flag which I have just accepted from you will form a tie cementing the girls of Australia and those of the Mother Country. 'I hope your League will continue to grow in strength. For its efficiency I have no fear. What I have seen of your work convinces me that you are on the right lines.'
Refreshments were partaken of in the billiard room. The National Anthem was sung, and three cheers given 'for the Admiral and Lady King-Hall. 'General Baden-Powell, and the President, Mrs. Hugh Dixson.
The members of the Board of Control present were : Miss Gould, Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Bassett, Mrs. Monk, Miss Phillips, Miss Roberts. Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. St. George, and the honorary secretary. ENTERTAINED BY THE ADMIRAL. (1912, May 26). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 26. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126056189
Baden-Powell's visit to Australia also inspired fresh work in Sea Scouts:
When the Chief Scout conferred with the local Council of Control last week he made reference to the vast field for work that lay in the direction of sea scouting. In the New South Wales section sea scouting has not been quite neglected, and there have been always a couple of troops whose main object was to qualify in every branch of seacraft.
It is now intended to further develop the idea, and steps have been already taken towards starting at once on a fresh basis. D.S.M. Layton will devote most of his time to the work, and S.S.M.-' Aubrey will begin classes to-morrow' night at the Royal Naval House. The sea scout movement has made great progress in England in the last year or so; in fact, to such an extent, that ^'hat is practically a separate department has been developed. The Chief Sea Scout is Admiral Lord Charles Beresford, and Lieutenant Hordern, R.N., was' recently co-opted on to the Scout Council to help in this branch of the movement. Captain Daintree, R.N.; of the English Board of Trade, has also been giving assistance in connection with the coastguard work which the scouts are now taking up. Scoutmasters who wish their troops to be registered as Sea Scouts have to obtain the consent of their commissioner, and satisfy him that the requisite training will be provided.
All Sea Scouts in a division wear the same dress. At the discretion of the Commissioner this may consist either of the ordinary uniform and hat, or of the same type of uniform in blue serge with a sailor's cap, the ribbon of which will bear' the words 'Sea Scouts.' Waterproofs or oilskins; and sou’-westers may be worn with either uniform if the scoutmaster orders it.
The one-time badges for 'Coastguard,' 'Sea-man,' and 'Swimmer and Lifesaver' have been abolished, and the following substituted:—Boatman: A badge with crossed oars. Awarded for thoroughly understanding the management of a boat.
Swimmer: A badge depicting a boy diving into the water. Awarded for proficiency in swimming, including swimming in clothes,
Rescuer: A lifebelt. Awarded for knowledge, of life-saving, the Schafer method of resuscitation, and being able to work a rocket apparatus. Watchman:; A lighthouse. Awarded for having an intimate knowledge of the coast round the local headquarters.
A Pilot: A wheel. Awarded for being able to pilot ships, and understanding many other matters connected with the management of a ship. ... Sea fisherman : A fish. Awarded for having a practical knowledge of trawls, nets, lines, and sea fishing generally.
There are also the following ranks: — Waterman: A. sea scout who has gained the badges for 'Boatman' and 'Swimmer.' He is entitled to wear an eight-plait or other fancy knife lanyard, which he must make himself. Coastwarden: A 'Waterman' who has Obtained badges for . 'Signaller' and 'Rescuer.' He is entitled.to wear an anchor on his cap ribbon. King's Sea Scout: A first-class scout and a 'Coastwarden,' who has in addition a badge either as 'Watchman' or 'Pilot' or 'Sea Fisherman.' He wears as a badge a naval crown.
Steps will be taken by local headquarters to carry out the details of this new scheme, and with all Sydney's special facilities in the way of work on the water a strong sea scouting arm should soon be the result. SEA SCOUTS. (1912, May 26). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 26. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126056181
On Monday evening next, in the Town Hall, the second and positively the last, lecture by Lieutenant-General Sir R. S. S. Baden-Powell will take place on the subject "Scouting in War and Peace." The lecture will be illustrated with pictures taken from camp life during the Boer War an in the peaceful camps of the boy scouts. BADEN-POWELL. (1912, May 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 18. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15351463
The Australian League of Girl Aids was merged with the Junior Red Cross in 1914 and consequently dropped the first part of their name:
New Junior Red Cross Society
A large meeting was held at Cranbrook on Wednesday afternoon, when accounts of the work of the Girl Aids and Junior Red Cross Society were delivered by Mrs. Andrew Harper, Professor Ronald MacIntyre, and Miss M. Windeyer. These speakers outlined the aim and work of the League of Girl Aids, Which was first formed in 1909. In that year Mr. Roydhouse called a meeting of the few then interested in the subject. These included Mrs. Hugh Dixson, Dr. Grace Boelke, and Mrs. Eyres — the last named of whom has been an earnest worker in the movement ever since. There are now about '80 members, who are divided into five or six companies. The girls may join the league from the age of 14. They learn first aid, camp cooking with improvised utensils, and signalling. At the. end of the first year, if they pass In the examination, they receive the St. John Ambulance first aid certificate. The second year examination passes them through home nursing, and the third and final year examination entitles them to compete for bronze, silver, and gold medals. Every Saturday afternoon the different companies retreat to some quiet spot of the harbor and districts, and go through their drill and manoeuvres. Every Tuesday evening the members of the league meet at the Patriotic Club. Some time ago an agitation was started in Sydney to form a Red Cross League, such as those that exist in England and other countries. Great enthusiasm has been shown on all sides in connection with this project, and in consequence there now exist numbers of Red Cross societies to which a number of Sydney's women and girls belong.
Speaking at Government House on Wednesday Mrs. Harper referred to the fact, that this band of girl aids had been kept together and encouraged by a few devoted workers, and offered up a plea for unity in the work. As a first step towards this end she suggested that all those' concerned in Red Cross work should form one great association, so that if ever, in these unhappy times, Australia needed assistance she would find it ready organised and controlled for her. Up till now the society had borne the title of Australian League of Girl Aids and Junior Red Cross Society, and it was proposed to drop the first half of this name and adopt definitely that of the Junior Red Cross Society. Dr. Lane Mullins considerably encouraged the adoption of this proposal by reminding those present that in war time only one association — the Red Cross Association — could be allowed, and that this must be brought under naval and military direction. A committee list was at once started, and all those who have not yet joined and would like to do so or help the Junior Red Cross Society when founded are invited to send in their names to Mrs. Wilfrid Docker, Nyrambla, Darlinghurst-road. Captain Payens who is photographed in her uniform, is the daughter of a retired army sergeant. GIRL AIDS. (1914, August 9). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article229852255
In 1914 Eleanor Mackinnon founded Junior Red Cross groups in schools throughout New South Wales as a way for children to demonstrate their patriotism. The Junior Red Cross (whose members were known as “Juniors”) was extremely popular and schools such as Glencoe Public School, Tia Public School, Parramatta and Sydney Girls High Schools quickly established groups. It was the Junior Red Cross that drove the knitted sock campaign, which in 1915 alone, amassed over 54,000 pairs of socks. (9) In September 1918 the NSW Minister for Education, Augustus James, assented to the Junior Red Cross being included as a ‘service activity’ within public schools. It is estimated that by August 1919 there were over 12000 Juniors in NSW.
Frequent visitor to Pittwater Ella McFadyen began on the Junior Red Cross paper founded by Eleanor Mackinnon in Bridge Street, Sydney and was spread through the schools. Her work with and for the Junior Red Cross would go on for fifty years and many a Junior Red Cross member would appear in the Cinderella pages for decades. Later she would be the 'camp mother' for Red Cross camps for children and marvelled, 'Funny thing isn't it, an Old Maid mothering camps, but apparently I was one of their best camp mothers.'
In 1918 the Junior Red Cross was formally established throughout Australia, built on earlier efforts in NSW. The Girl Aids had lapsed.
In 1920 Dame Margaret Davidson, wife of the Governor of NSW, called a special meeting of prominent women in Sydney, to try to interest them in starting the Guide Movement in this State.
IN response to a letter from Lady Baden Powell, chief guide, Dame Margaret Davidson has consented to take the position of State commissioner for New South Wales.
Dame Margaret Davidson has appointed the following ladies to the executive committee and portfolios as follows:-State hon. secretary, Miss Elisabeth Crace; assistant State hon. secretary, Miss Veronica Mort; State hon. treasurer, Miss Trouton; finance, Mrs. Kelso King; equipment, Miss H. Merivale; officers training, Mrs. Christopher Bennett; kindred associations, Mrs. Alfred Leo. ; .
There are four companies already formed in the state, and applications have come In from various parts desiring to Join. In with the movement. GIRL GUIDES. (1920, October 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28088699
A preliminary meeting to discuss the possibility of forming a branch of the Girl Guides was held at Government House some time ago, and at a second meeting, held there on October 28, Dame Margaret Davidson stated that she had been invited to become commissioner for New South Wales, and that it had been decided to form a provisional committee to assist her. Captains of companies already formed, and all those Interested In the movement, are invited to communicate with Miss Crace, State secretary, Government House, Sydney.
On Saturday last the members' of the Manly Voluntary Aid Detachment met at Ponyara, Fairlight-street, Manly, which had been placed at their disposal by Mrs. H. B. Brewer, for the purpose of making a presentation of a set of xylonite brushes, mirror, and powder box to Mrs. W. Henderson, the commandant of the detachment, which is going into recess after six years of' very interesting but strenuous work. When making the presentation, Mrs. Lander, the quartermaster, in a eulogistic speech, referred to the untiring efforts of the commandant In furthering her desire that the Manly detachment should be Second to none In discharging satisfactorily the many duties it was called upon to fulfil. The commandant, in replying, expressed her gratitude, and tendered her sincere thanks to the members for their splendid response to the many demands made upon their time in all emergencies. To have accomplished what they had was something they might look back upon with pardonable pride. A musical programme was given during the afternoon. WOMEN'S COLUMN.. NEAR AND FAR. (1920, November 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16873334
There wasn't much done during that first official year, it wasn’t until 1921 that someone with passion took on the work, Nella Levy and things began to change. Nella Levy, nicknamed "The Lev" was a pioneer of Girl Guiding in Australia. She was the first Division Commissioner in New South Wales. She had "a firm belief in the principles of Guiding, was young, keen, a dynamic personality, had a great sense of humour and fun, but was also a disciplinarian".
Born in Newtown, Sydney in 1898, Nella Levy became a Girl Scout in 1908 while a boarder at Lingholt School, near Maidenhead in England, and also attended the Crystal Palace Rally in September 1909, which led to the foundation of the Girl Guides. During World War I she was a Patrol Leader of the Night-Hawks (later Heather Patrol) in her school Company.
In 1920, she read a newspaper report concerning a meeting of prominent women in Sydney who had decided that Guiding was not needed in New South Wales as girls already had sufficient opportunities to be outdoors. She wrote to the newspaper contradicting this opinion, and subsequently was invited to tea at Government House by Dame Margaret Davidson, wife of the Governor of New South Wales.
Dame Margaret Davidson presided at a drawing-room meeting held yesterday afternoon at Government House to further the establishment of the Girl Guides' movement In New South Wales. There was a numerous attendance, including members of the teaching staff of several large girls' schools and many schoolgirls. Dame Margaret Davidson said that it was more than two years since the formation of the Guides had been suggested to her In a letter from England. War activities had fully occupied the young people at that time, and the idea was allowed to lapse, as it was preferable that the girls should continue their good work for the soldiers. The Girl Guide movement was full of Interest and was sure to become popular here, being a sister organisation to the Boy Scouts. The meeting had been called to bring together school girls to train as officers, who would later take, upon themselves the management and command of the Guides. Dame Margaret emphasised the point that there should be no class distinctions, but that all should work together In a spirit of comradeship, and that the training received by the Guides should foster the good citizenship by which all should serve and work together for their fellow citizens. She laid stress on the value of adequate training for everyone; in the future all would find work to do in every sphere of lift.
Miss Preston Stanley spoke of the new era in women's development, which had opened with the tine services rendered by women during' the war which had, however, often been hampered by want of training. Service for others was the pivotal point of the Girl Guides, and covered many branches of women's duties. The training comprises homecraft, physical development, woodcraft, and discipline. Their motto was. "Be prepared." The Junior branch of the Guides, known as the "Brownies," Included girls from 7 to 11 years of age.; the seniors from 11 to 16. Miss Nella Levy, as a captain of the Guides, gave a lucid and interesting account of one of their meetings, describing their drill, first aid, camp fire drill, "tenderfoot" studies, and. tracking which included nature study and observation. The Indoor duties, including sewing, nursing, infant welfare, electricians' work, and carpentry, were also described. THE GIRL GUIDES. (1921, June 11). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article239751141
Dame Davidson told her "Queen Mary would like to see Girl Guides in New South Wales, and I want you to start it." Nella Levy took the challenge and travelled widely, recruiting volunteers, forming Companies and enrolling Guides.
A small room was found in the city and this was the first Headquarters and shop. There was only one paid member of staff, and a voluntary helper came in from time to time. In September 1921, 23 young women made their Promise at Government House and Dame Margaret (Lady Davidson) was appointed first State Commissioner.
One of the earliest club’s here is stated to be the first official one invested in NSW and in the state, at Mosman, although there were companies elsewhere prior to this, while the Manly Girl Guides Company, formed in 1921 but not made official until the presentation of its colours in 1922, is credited with having the first official clubhouse for girls in this state.
As some companies were alluded to in 1920, the distinction of an investiture ceremony seems to be what sets 1920 and 1921 apart. In 1921:
Sydney is to have the long-mooted Girl Guides, after all. The movement was inaugurated some months ago at Government House by Dame Margaret Davidson, D.B.E., but the committee, knowing that there was a good deal of preliminary work to get through, decided to have the scheme systematically arranged before any further public steps were taken; Miss E. C. Crace has been appointed the State hon. secretary, and she will afford all information at her office, 161 Castlereagh-street, city. Social Gossip (1921, January 23). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article221438501
Miss E. C. Crace is acting as State hon. secretary of the Girl Guides, and will be pleased to give any information at her office, 161 Castlereagh-street. NEAR AND FAR. (1921, January 24). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16885082
MISS L. DONALDSON AND MISS N. LEVY In their uniforms as captains of the Girl Guides.
THIS movement is being taken up quite enthusiastically by many girls. Indeed the number who wish to form patrols is now so great that there is a scarcity of captains — or guiders — to lead them. Training classes for officers are already in existence. Any girl over the age of 18, who wishes to join a class is asked to communicate with Miss E. Crace (the secretary) at the Girl Guides office, 161 Castlereagh-street, Sydney.
The work has already been outlined in the 'Mail,'' so that the girls have a good idea of what is expected of them should they be willing, to join up. Miss Donaldson, who was the captain of the Church of England Girls Grammar School Company, gave the Guides much assistance before her return to England, her overseas experience being invaluable.
There are two companies in Hay — the first company captained by Miss A. Varcoe, and the second by Miss G. M. Deanshaw. Reports show how much real good the Guides are doing in every direction, and it is hoped that before long the movement will spread rapidly throughout New South Wales.
The uniform is of navy blue drill, with leather belt and pale blue tie, and a plain straw navy blue hat. It is workmanlike and not unduly masculine. Dame Margaret Davidson is very interested in the Guides, and the visit last year of Mrs. Livingstone Learmonth, County Commissioner for Dorset, gave a good deal of stimulus to the movement generally. — (Photos: Falk-Monte Luke.)
A GIRL GUIDES' LIEUTENANT (MISS C. FALL) AND A PATROL. THE GIRL GUIDES MOVEMENT (1921, September 21). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 22. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article162033785
Dame Margaret Davidson presided at a meeting of the Girl Guides at Government House on Wednesday morning. The latest branch of the Girl Guides' movement to be formed is the Waverley-Bondi. TEA-TABLE GOSSIP (1921, October 2). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 6 (MAGAZINE SECTION). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article123238647
Miss L. Donaldson and Miss N. Levy, who are here seen in their uniforms, are two of the captains in the Girl Guides. The movement to establish Girl Guides in this State is making steady progress. Twenty-six girls are now being trained as captains, and as soon as sufficient officers are available additional companies will be formed. GIRL GUIDES. (1921, October 10). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15975255
Nancie-bel (Eastwood) says: 'I see that Gum-blossom wishes to correspond with any Girl Guides in the League. I would very much like to hear from her. Being in the Guides myself, I am interested in other Guides. So, could t correspond with her, please, President ? Last Saturday the Scouts and Cubs had a parade at Cheltenham and the Epping Guides went. We were quite excited when we saw the 1st Bondi troop of Girl Guides there. In the afternoon different troops gave displays in signalling, ju-jitsu, tug-of-war, physical culture, etc. The Cubs were very smart, and one pack especially (I don't know whether it was the Summer Hill or Dulwich Hill) had a splendid sixer. - At night there was a camp fire and open c:r concert. We had a real good day. Some. of the Scouts were camping there for the week-end. My brother has told us of the adventures in camp: and it almost makes me wish that I was a boy.' Dear Nancie-bel, — Gumblossom's address will' be sent. I have not heard lately from Scout.— PRESIDENT. A GIRL GUIDE. (1921, October 30). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 7 (SUPPLEMENT TO THE SUNDAY TIMES). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article123237530
Mosman was next - a Branch that still has connections with our area:
Lady Cullen, Divisional Commander
'It is with a great deal of pride that I have invested the First Mosman Troop of Girl Guides,' said Lady Cullen yesterday afternoon, after the impressive and picturesque ceremony of investiture on the lawns of her home at Tregoyd, Mosman.
‘Ours is the first division invested in N.S.W. The Girl Guides have proved most useful in England, and I hope they will be not less useful here. One of the duties of the guides is to combat the great deal of suspicion which exists among people, not only between classes, but between one another. There are now; many agitators in our midst who wish' .to break up the Empire. They sow dissension so carefully that we have to watch out or we will find ourselves voicing their propaganda. They are making mischief by running down England. We must remember that England is the mother country, and without her we cease to exist. Such propaganda reminds one of the story of the body, and limbs quarrelling because the head is on top.''
After the investiture Mrs. Dedden (Mayoress) presented a Union Jack to the color-bearer, Miss Jean Bell. The division consists of six companies — The Patrol, Owl, Whipbird. Wood Pigeon, Kookaburra, Swallow and Robin. The Brownies, also attached, are the very young members, from eight to eleven years old. After the ceremony the Guides and the visitors were entertained at tea. GIRL GUIDES (1921, November 27). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article123244092
Princess Mary gratefully acknowledged the congratulations of the Girl Guides, which were cabled through Dame Margaret Davidson, Chief Commissioner of the Girl Guides of N.S.W. Princess Mary is the president of the Girl Guides Movement. Dame Margaret Davidson presided at a most enthusiastic meeting of women at the Town Hall on Wednesday, when the subject of raising funds for a wedding- gift to the Princess was discussed; The gathering was most representative. It was decided, that no subscription should be more than one shilling, so that all should participate. The Mayors of all the Shires and country towns will be approached to allow the movement to be widespread. TEA-TABLE GOSSIP (1921, December 18). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 25. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article123246222
As stated above, a Manly connection was established when one of the ladies who was part of that original Girl Aids founding membership, in Jessie Rowohl, moved to Manly. Other family members already lived there Jessie Rowohl, of that first Australian League Girls Aids, and her daughter Willa Rowohl – who was actually a ‘Miss’ still when the article below ran and, being born in 1907, was only 15 years of age – so it may actually have been her mother who was involved as well, although Patrol Leaders could undertake that duty from an early age – the Rowohl family lived at 'Sterning,' 5 Carlton Street Manly, moving there sometime before 1908, with one of Jessies’ final listings as a member of the Australian League of Girl Aids shown at that address.
One other interesting point, shown through family records, is these two families, the Rowohls and Levys, had just one daughter, Willa.
There was an enthusiastic meeting of the Bondi and Manly Girl Guides yesterday afternoon, when the ceremony of enrolment of new Guides and the presentation of the flag took place. The girls marched to the Coronation Hall, looking healthy and handsome in their simple uniforms of navy blue. Mrs. Alfred Lee, district commissioner for Bondi, made an impressive little speech upon the value of the movement, and presented the colors to the kneeling officers, who made a pretty picture in their dark uniforms beside the gay flag. Several new members were enrolled by Miss Levy, divisional commissioner for New South Wales. The Manly Guides gave an interesting display of games and signalling, and the Bondi members did some delightful physical culture. The small audience thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon. THE GIRL GUIDES (1922, June 6). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article245740667
The first Manly Girl Guide company was presented with its colours on June 17th 1922 by Mrs Heaton, the then Mayoress, who was President of the Company.
The first company of the Manly Girl Guides was presented with colors by Mrs. Heaton, the Mayoress, yesterday at the Presbyterian Hall, Manly. Mrs. Heaton was modest about her activities as president of the Girl Guide Company, but she said her whole energies were centred in its development. She was quite satisfied with the result, a remark which was freely applauded. Lady Cullen had promised to preside, but owing to indisposition was unable to do so. Among those present were Mrs. Heaton, Mrs. Heussler, Mrs. Curlewis, Mrs. Jamieson Williams, and Mrs. Willa Rowohl, patrol leader and secretary of the company. An interesting feature was the Initiation of several girls into the corps. GIRL GUIDES (1922, June 18). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article128205181
REPRESENTATIVES OF MANLY, MOSMAN, AND BONDI, AT THE PRESENTATION OF COLORS BY MRS. F. W. HEATON (MAYORESS OF MANLY), ON SATURDAY. METROPOLITAN GIRL GUIDES (1922, June 19). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article245734974
Brownies, initially called Rosebuds, were introduced in Australia in the early 1920s. Ranger Guides – Guides over 16 – were introduced in the mid-1920s in most States. A State Rally for New South Wales Guiding was held at the Sydney Showground in December 1922. A press article tells of the ‘bright eager faces of girl guides … that new “thing” for girls’.
Two years later, the inaugural meeting of the General Council, the State’s Guiding Board, was held.
This item is interesting as her mother Jessie is stated by family members to be among the first teachers of domestic science (then simply known as cookery) in NSW:
An exhibition of work by the Manly Girl Guides was opened at the Art Exhibition Hall, Gilbert Park, Manly, yesterday afternoon by Miss Levy, State Commissioner. Many gifts from friends and parents were displayed, in conjunction with the work of the girls. Some good exhibits were made in needlework, knitting, embroidery, fancy work, art work and cookery. Many competitions, were held during the day, and the prize wares were on display. Results were announced of the previous Saturday's competition, as follow: — Best scones, Patrol-leader Willa Rowohl 1, Guides Ena Mackenzie and Dorothy Corie 2; best handmade d'oyley. Patrol-leader Rose Newman, Guide Dagmar Turner 1, Patrol-leader Dilys Williams and Guide Kathleen Birkenhead 2. The following elections for the year wore announced: Hon. secretary, Patrol-leader Marjorie Russell; Hon. treasurer, Patrol-second Joyce Piper. MANLY GIRL GUIDES (1924, March 16). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224566978
GIRL GUIDES COUNCIL.— The newly-formed council of the Girl Guides met for the first time after formation, yesterday afternoon at the Women's Club, when Lady Cullen presided. The constitution was discussed, and will be completed at a meeting to be held next Wednesday, at 4 p.m.. at the Women's Club. Those present were: Mrs. Ellison Rich, Miss Willams, Mrs. Lang Campbell, Mr. H. V. Jacques, Mr. C. G. Shannon, Lady Hughes, Mrs. Austin Anderson, Miss Dorothea Mackellar, Miss Thornett, Miss Fairfax, Miss Poole, Mrs. MacCallum, Col. Bjelke Petersen, Mrs. Hamilton Markell, Mrs. Sargood, Mrs. Kelso King, Miss Olive Kelso King, Miss Hellicar, Miss Levy. Miss Taylor, Miss Compton Legge, Miss Murray, and Mrs. Mather. SOCIAL GOSSIP FROM EVERYWHERE (1924, November 13). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article245479549
Albert Duke of York (later King George VI) and the Duchess of York (Queen Elizabeth) visited Sydney in 1927 and met the Girl Guides;
Off to Inspect the Girl Guides
A Fine Snapshot of the Duchess
Two hundred Girl Guides paraded in Government House grounds and made an effective show, being spick-and-span in their blue uniforms'. They were in charge of Miss Elsie Smith (head of training), Miss Kelso King (hon. State secretary), Mrs. Godden (head of Rangers), Miss Houison and Miss -Bases (head of Brownies and camping). Every metropolitan company was represented in the group, and Guides were also drawn from Albury, Moree, Cootamundra, Armidale, Lithgow, Blackheath, Katoomba, Wollongong, Goulburn, Maitland, and Tamworth.
Our picture shows the Duchess with Colonel Maguire, Deputy Director of Medical Services, and Miss Elsie Smith, who was in charge of the Guides. Her Royal Highness congratulated Miss Smith upon the splendid appearance of the girls, remarking that they looked extremely well. The parade also included Boy Scouts, Navy League Sea Cadets, V.A.Ds., and war nurses. The nurses numbered about 150, and were in charge of Matron Kelleit. All wore service decorations. Off to Inspect the Girl Guides (1927, March 30). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 17. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article169144608
The Duchess walking with chief of the Girl Guides. 1927. Item; hood_06633, courtesy State Library of NSW
Children with socialite donors and Girl Guides at the "Sunshine Holiday Home" (A George Fitzpatrick Venture) Item: hood_03109 from the collections of the State Library of New South Wales.
Girl Guides playing games with children, Dalwood Home, 1929. Item; hood_05544 from the collections of the State Library of New South Wales.
In 1930 Nella married:
Losing a Daughter.
Nella Levy, captain of the Girl Guides, is distinguished for her tact and for her skill in housekeeping. When she marries Mr. George Merivale, she will be sorely missed by her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Levy. She is their only child. Mrs. Levy was Vena Davis, the beautiful daughter of the late Rabbi Davis. Miss Levy has always encouraged the circulation of money. Much better than piling it up, she says. She makes her father spend. SYDNEY’S SOCIAL SIDE. (1930, September 12). Leader (Orange, NSW : 1899 - 1945), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article255150084
Nella Levy Arrived at All Saints Church
Just as the sun peeped over the tree tops at 11,30 yesterday Nella Levy arrived at All Saints', Woollahra, for her wedding with Mr. George Merivale.
THE dainty and petite bride is the only daughter of the late Dr. A. L. Levy and Mrs. Levy, of Wyuna Road, Point Piper, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. G. Merivale and of the late, Mrs. Merivale, of Darling Point. Owing to the recent death of the bride's father, only immediate relatives off the bridegroom— Dr.' and Mrs Shepherd, Misses Shepherd, and Miss Rose Merivale— were present.
The bride wore a simple frock of soft white satin, made ankle length, with one of the newest capes, which fell to the waist, and a smart' white hat. She carried a ' tiny posy of white flowers. Miss Anne Jamieson, in green and yellow floral chiffon, and a hat of green, Baku, was the bridesmaid, while Mr. Oscar Davis gave his niece away. The bridegroom was supported by his nephew, Anthony Shepherd. Canon Langley officiated, and at the conclusion of the ceremony he gave a short address to the newly-weds. JUST AS SUN PEEPED OUT (1930, October 16). Daily Pictorial (Sydney, NSW : 1930 - 1931), p. 18. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article247196277
Her and husband Georges’ daughter Grace would one day be a Patrol Leader of the first Manly Girl Guides formed.
As can be seen above, Mrs. Sargood was part of this Girl Guides formation in New South Wales and here there is another local connection and overlap between the Girl Aids, Junior Red Cross and Girl Guides. Wealthy businessman Frederick Sargood allowed the Red Cross to use his beachfront holiday home at Collaroy as a convalescent home from soldiers from 1915 to 1918, then he donated it to the Citizen’s War Chest Fund, the superintendent of which, Mrs Lilian Antill, a widow, became Sargood’s wife the following year. The War Chest planned to sell the house and its contents, valued at about £4000, but in February 1919 placed it at the disposal of the Red Cross for the use of army nurses. The Red Cross Nurses’ Home was opened on February 26, 1919, when four army nurses took up residence there. In 1921 the War Chest donated Sargood’s former holiday home to the Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children, which opened as a convalescent home in July that year. The executive of the War Chest gave £6000 to help in the upkeep of the children’s hospital and also presented to the hospital a cheque for a similar amount to endow five cots in perpetuity to be known as the “Citizens’ War Chest cots for the children of soldiers and sailors.”
Despite being opened in mid-1921, the official opening of the children’s convalescent home was delayed until the verandah had been extended and other improvements undertaken. The official opening took place on June 24, 1922, in the presence of the Governor, Sir Walter Davidson, who was received by a guard of honour comprising the Manly and Narrabeen Boy Scouts, Manly Girl Guides and members of Collaroy SLSC. Members of the North Steyne Marine Band and Manly Band were also in attendance. At the time, the convalescent could accommodate 30 children. In the year it was opened, more land was purchased in front of the convalescent home to prevent it being built upon by its previous owner and in 1925 Frederick Sargood donated £2300 for the purchase of an adjacent block of land in Brissenden Ave, on which was built a new home for nurses and to extend the kitchen and maids’ quarters.
The Convalescent Home at Collaroy in connection with the Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children was opened by the Governor (Sir Walter Davidson) on Saturday afternoon.
His Excellency, who was accompanied by Dame Margaret Davidson, was received by a guard of honour, composed of the Boy Scouts of the Manly and Narrabeen troops, and by the Manly Girl Guides.
Sir Walter Davidson, in declaring the home open, congratulated the board of management on its progressive spirit in securing such an auxiliary to the institution in such beautiful surroundings, and in making available 30 cots for convalescent children from the hospital.
Dr. Clubbe, the president of the hospital, stated that the hospital had been hoping for a home of that description for the past 15 years. The home was the gift of Mr. F. G. Sargood, through the War Chest Fund. He further stated that with that gift that fund had given £5000 towards the endowment of the home. Some residents of Collaroy had stated that it was a shame that a home of that description should be established at a seaside resort, as there was a danger of the spread of diphtheria. Dr. Clubbe stated emphatically that he could deny the allegation, as the latest sewerage system had been supplied to the home under the supervision of the Health Department. There was no danger whatever in that direction, and Dr. Purdy had endorsed his statement.
Dr. Clubbe added that all cases taken there wore of a non-infectious type, and that the home was ably managed by a matron and a certificated staff, assisted by voluntary workers. The work of the hospital in saving child life was eulogised by Mr. C. W. Oakes, Minister for Health. CONVALESCENT HOME. (1922, June 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16009642
A second Manly company of Girl Guides was in existence by the Spring of 1923. Patrols were named after birds, such as seagulls. The District Commissioner was Mrs Jessie Rowohl. The growth of the movement in Manly also led to areas being designated for them to do their activities in which were still basic 'women of the future' skills, although Morse Code being taught to girls and young women was a boon here as would later be proved during WWII when women had to fulfil these roles and even teach young men Morse Code:
On Saturday afternoon Lady Cullen (In the absence of Dame Margaret Davidson) opened a playground at Manly given by the Manly Council to the Girl Guides. Lady Cullen informed the guests that the Girl Guides learned domestic science, cooking, washing, dressing, looking after babies, and attending the sick and injured, but also what was most important, they learnt to laugh and play. The bigger girls gave an exhibition of first aid. GIRL GUIDES. (1923, March 5). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16063677
Rose of the Desert writes : 'On Saturday, September 8, a number of girl guides were enrolled. We were the second Manly company. We were enrolled by our district commissioner, Mrs. Rowohl. It took place in the Manly Girl Guides' playground. 'We arrived at the playground looking extra spic and span. Some of us were armed with Morse flags, bandages, and sand-shoes. After we were in our Patrols, we formed a horseshoe. Our leaders stood a few paces in front of us .
The members of the Seagull Patrol were enrolled first. The leader stepped into the centre of the horseshoe, and called two-members of her patrol to her. The three marched up to where the ( Commissioner was standing. Giving the full salute the patrol leader stepped back. The guides to be enrolled then repeated the guide promise, whilst they and the whole company, gave the half salute. The commissioner then pinned the tenderfoot brooch on our ties. Giving the full salute we turned to the company. The enrolled guide saluted the company, who, returned the salute.
Games then commenced. A display of marching came first. Every guide took part in the marching. The corkscrew then came. The four patrols competed. After the corkscrew was over, we went to an adjoining field. There we played despatch running. It is a splendid game, and, second to tracking, it is my favorite game. 'Then each patrol gave a display of bandaging. We had the brownies for our patients. We bandaged for the head, elbow, and hand. Each guide had to provide herself with two triangular bandages. 'A Morse signalling display finished the evening. We had a stall, and a great many different articles were sold. The money made is for our badge fund.' Dear Rose of the Desert : I am glad to see how interested you are in your guide work.— PRESIDENT. OUR GUIDE ENROLMENT. (1923, September 16). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 3 (SUPPLEMENT TO THE SUNDAY TIMES). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article120534992
The first Guide Hall in New South Wales, according to Manly Council records, was built on a site in Ivanhoe Park donated by the Council and used timber from the building of the old Ivanhoe Park Hotel (which had later been used as Manly’s Courthouse). This was little more than a shed, and Guides would spill onto the stairs and into the park because of the lack of space. The hall was opened by Lady De Chair, wife of the Governor of NSW.
The newspapers reported:
The Manly Council has decided to assist the local Girl Guides In erecting a hall and club room. At a meeting of the council last evening a site in Ivanhoe Park was approved for the erection of the building, which is estimated to cost £425. The council also decided to make the Girl Guides a grant of £60 towards the cost of the building. MANLY GIRL GUIDES. (1924, May 1). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16139194
The new clubhouse for the Manly Girl Guides was opened on Saturday afternoon by Lady de Chair. The building is situated in Ivanhoe Park, near the bowling green and cricket oval, and was built largely of timber from the old courthouse at Manly.
Lady de Chair, who was welcomed by the Mayor (Alderman A. C. Samuels) and Mrs. Samuels, said that she realised the Importance and value of the Girl Guide movement. The clubhouse was the first of Its kind In New South Wales. She hoped that the members of the Manly Girl Guides would derive much benefit from the clubhouse, and they should feel grateful to the municipality for assisting the movement.
The Mayor (Alderman Samuels) handed over the keys of the clubhouse to Mrs. F. W. Heaton, president of the local branch of the Girl Guides, and said that the cost of the building had been contributed to liberally by the council, which had also granted the area in Ivanhoe Park on which to erect the club-house. The building, he added, would continue in the possession of the Girl Guides so long as the local branch existed. A vote of thanks to Lady de Chair was moved by Mrs. W. Creswell-Howle (divisional commissioner), and seconded by Mrs. Jamieson Williams. GIRL GUIDES. (1924, November 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16166324
OPENED BY LADY DE CHAIR IN IVANHOE PARK ON SATURDAY. GIRL GUIDES' CLUBHOUSE AT MANLY. (1924, November 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16166447
At Dee Why and Collaroy the Salvation Army established a camp for their 'Lifesaving Guides and Boy Scouts' with tents and sheds that could house 200 visitors. Although this scheme alternated children from areas in western rural NSW or children from inner Sydney city streets whose parents could not afford a two weeks holiday by the sea for their children, there was a lot of focus from the early 1910's on on supporting their own brigades and troops of 'lifesavers'.
Two hundred of these girls camped at Collaroy over the holiday season. (1924, January 30). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 32. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article166152424
Fairfax Corporation. (1931). Lady Olave Baden-Powell at Blaxland Galleries with other women, New South Wales, 21 March 1931 Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-160382648
Fairfax Corporation. (1931). Lord and Lady Baden-Powell on the deck of the ship Marama with a man and woman, Sydney, New South Wales, March 1931 Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-159973133
A footpath to the Manly Girl Guide Hall hall was constructed in 1930.
Lady Isaacs opened a new clubhouse for the Manly Girl Guides Association in Ivanhoe Park on November 23rd,1935. Welcomed by Mayor Cross and Mr. Archdale Parkhill, then then Member for Warringah, the newspapers of then reported this event, mentioning a 'new freedom' for women during this Depression decade:
A GUARD of honor formed by Guides and Brownies was inspected by Lady Isaacs yesterday afternoon at Ivanhoe Park when she opened the new club house of the Manly Girl Guides. Lady Isaacs said It was always a great pleasure for her to take part In any of the Girl Guide activities, and that she was delighted to hear how hard the Manly Girl Guides had worked to make a house of dreams become a club house In reality.
Her Excellency said that the movement was one of the finest of modern days, and now that women have achieved a freedom never known before, the Girl Guide group is helping to solve the problem of what is to be done with that freedom.
After congratulating the Manly Girl Guides on their achievement and wishing them progress from success to success, her Excellency turned the key In the door and declared the Club House open. A bouquet of roses, carnations and delphiniums was presented to Lady Isaacs by Mrs. Gross, the Mayoress of Manly.
Lady Isaacs was welcomed by Mrs. A. Kemp, president of the Manly Girl Guides Association, and speeches of welcome were made by the Mayor of Manly, Mr. J. H. Cross, the Minister for Defence, Mr. Archdale Parkhill, and Mrs. Creswell Howle, the Divisional Commissioner, who also thanked everyone who had assisted In the building of the Club House. The walls of the rooms were decorated with handicrafts of the Girl Guides which added further interest for the many visitors who made a tour of Inspection. Stalls under brightly colored umbrellas were arranged around the lawns, and during the afternoon a sword dance and display of folk dances were given by the Girl Guides. LADY ISAACS at MANLY (1935, November 24). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 34. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article230188520
For Girl Guides,
"The modern girl enjoys so much freedom, and all the best that is in that freedom is expressed by the Girl Guide," said Lady Isaacs on Saturday afternoon, when she opened the new clubhouse of the Manly Girl Guides' Association, at Ivanhoe Park, Manly.
Lady Isaacs added that she always took a great Interest In the girl guide movement and was glad to see that It was doing so well in Canberra. She also congratulated the Manly association on acquiring the new clubhouse and admired the smart happy appearance of the Guides and Brownies who formed a guard of honour on her arrival Her Excellency was accompanied by Miss Sylvia Purves.
The actual opening ceremony was performed when Lady Isaacs unlocked the front door Into the clubhouse but, from an official enclosure on the verandah facing the park she was welcomed by the Mayor of Manly (Alderman J H Cross). His brief speech of thanks was seconded by the Minister for Defence (Mr Archdale Parkhill) who said that the entire Commonwealth remembered with pride and pleasure the gnciousness with which Lady Isaacs had always performed her important official duties. Mrs A A Kemp (president of the Manly Girl Guides) and Mrs Creswell Howle (district commissioner) also spoke. The Mayoress of Manly (Mrs J H Cross) presented Lady Isaacs with a basket of flowers Other members of the official party were Mrs Archdale Parkhill, Miss Olive King, the Rev A C Stevenson and Mr A A Kemp.
After the opening ceremony Lady Isaacs made an inspection of the clubhouse where afternoon tea was served on trestle tables bright with pink roses. The clubhouse consists of a large community-room hung with nature study pictures and health posters, a brownies' room, in which was set out an exhibition of needlework and other hand crafts; and a rangers' room, and kitchen.
LADY ISAACS AT MANLY. Her Excellency, Lady Isaacs, receiving a basket of flowers from Mrs. J. H. Cross (Mayoress of Manly) at the opening of the Girl Guides' new clubhouse at Ivanhoe Park on Saturday afternoon. The Mayor is in the centre of the group.
At the conclusion of Lady Isaacs' inspection, an exhibition of folk-dancing was given by the guides on the lawn outside the club-house. Here several stalls, decorated with the colours of the Manly guides, dark blue, pale blue, and white, were arranged under striped umbrellas. Stallholders were Mes-dames J. H. Cross, Dixon Marshall, W. J. Ritchie. Miss P. Dumbrell, Miss Isobel Connolly, Mrs. K. I. Duross, and the Neutral Bay rangers, under Miss E. McCaghern. The Manly Municipal Band provided music during the afternoon. FOR WOMEN (1935, November 25). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17218075
Nan Bosler AM shared some insights into her association with Manly Girl Guides and Cubs in Ivanhoe Park for her Profile:
''Towards the end of that year (1943) I discovered Girl Guides and that too was a major factor in my life. I was to be a member of that organisation for more than 50 years and that included being a Brownie Guider, the District Commissioner for 3 different districts, a Division Commissioner and Assistant Region Commissioner. I was a member of several headquarters committees and a Commissioner Trainer. ''
''The Girl Guide Company I belonged to would meet at the Guide Hall in Ivanhoe Park, Manly each Saturday. My brother was a cub and his pack also met in the park on the same afternoon. I used to wait for his pack meeting to finish and we would then go home to Seaforth together. While waiting for him I noticed another group of boys in cub uniform racing around the park. Eventually I realised that they were without a leader but somehow their parents didn’t know that their cub experience was not as it should be. To shorten the story I began my life as a volunteer by taking on that group of boys. I did a Cub Instructors badge at Guides to help me.
Above: 1949 Cub instructor - Nan is 14 here and at the back on left - brother Ron is 3rd from left - front row - sitting
''When I turned 16 I advanced from guides to the Sea Ranger Crew, SRS Sirius. How I wish I had known then that I had an ancestor who actually sailed in the original Sirius of the first fleet! I’m sure my Skipper would have been very impressed. I continued with the cubs, 4th Manly (Salvation Army) to be exact, until eventually an adult leader was found for them.
Above: 1952 with Bill
''I then asked the Scout District Commissioner if there was another cub pack that I could help with. He told me that 2nd Manly needed an assistant. I went off to meet Akela, the cubmaster, his name was Bill Bosler. My cub name was Baloo, and Akela was very quick to make sure that I realised that “This is strictly business Baloo!” Absolutely was my response, however … three years later we married with a guard of honour of cubs and scouts!''
Nan in 1974 with Christine - Girl Guides
Esteemed guides from Manly are Merle Deer AM (Guide representative to the National Council of Women), Gladys Eastick MBE (for Guide service in Australia, Papua New Guinea and Europe) and Mrs WC (Barbara) Wentworth (State Commissioner, Board for Far West Children's Homes and Outward Bound).
Manly women Dr. Grace Boelke and Dr. Willa Rowohl seem to have disappeared from the records, despite their and their family's contributions to this great movement for young Australian girls and women.
At narrabeen - Mona Vale
Interstate and Overseas Representatives
THERE will be a gathering of more than 128 Rangers at the rangers ‘moot’ organised by the Girl Guides Association of New South Wales which will open to day at Quest Haven School Mona Vale with the Commissioner for Rangers in New South Wales Miss I H Meek in charge.
The greater number of girls present will be from Sydney and country groups in the Association but the interstate representation is regarded as very satisfactory. Arriving on the Melbourne express today will 32 rangers from South Australia, 28 from Victoria and 7 from Tasmania. Three rangers are expected from Queensland one of them from the central area. The Awatea will bring five New Zealanders to Sydney on Friday and there are two Western Australian rangers on their way by motor car
There is special interest in the arrival from India of a Scottish girl who will represent the Indian association and Is due in Sydney on January 3. The Netherlands association will be represented by the wife of the Consul for the Netherlands in Sydney Mrs van der Mendele-Plate who has been asked by the headquarters In the Netherlands to represent them at the conference.
To Visit Conference
DITINGUISHED visitors to the conference will Include Lord Hampton, Chief Commissioner of the Boy Scouts, who has promised to be present on December 31and Lady Julius, the recently elected Chief Commissioner in New South Wales will also attend during the conference, which will continue until January 9.
The programme has been designed to provide to as much variety as possible and as well as the business sessions, it includes many pleasant excursions to holiday resorts such as Palm Beach, visits to manufacturing centres, including Port Kembla, swimming and hiking, ‘stunt’ entertainments, and a wise provision of free time.
The main day will be Guide Day at the Boy Scouts Jamboree on January 7 when Lady Wakehurst, as president of the Girl Guides Association will be present to see the march past and the display which has been planned to emphasise the training of Girl Guides for citizenship from the international aspect. CONFERENCE FOR RANGERS. (1938, December 29). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17551230
A report on the 'moot':
GIRL GUIDES International Ranger Moot AT MONA VALE
Rangers from Holland, India, New Zealand, and every Australian State met at Quest Haven School, Mona Vale, for the first International Ranger Moot that has ever been held.
The school is ideally situated near Mona Vale Beach and Rock Pool, where the Rangers spent many happy hours swimming, for which the weather was most suitable. The school itself is interesting. Quest Haven comprises four houses, 'Seatoller,' 'Peace How,' 'Brandle How' and 'Manesty.' The old bell, which was rung to rally the Rangers was originally the ship's bell of the City of Hankow. The Rangers visited Taronga Park, and launch trips were enjoyed on the Parramatta River, where the girls saw the old Government House, and the Hawkesbury, on the way to Palm Beach. They also visited the Boy Scouts' Jamboree at Bradfield.
Last Wednesday the hundred and thirty odd Rangers were driven down the South Coast to Port Kembla, where they visited the Electrolitic Refining and Smelting Co. and the Metal Manufactures, Ltd. These, the Rangers found most interesting, and after a swim in the beautiful Olympic Pool, and a talk by a local resident on the history of Port Kembla, they returned to Mona Vale, stopping at the top of Bulli Pass to see the lights of the South Coast spread out below like a magic carpet.
The Rangers were given some interesting talks at the Moot. Dr. Rossell, the former Flying Doctor in the Northern Territory spoke to them about his work there. Also the Rangers enjoyed a talk on 'Personal Arts and Crafts,' which they found a useful guide to correct hairdressing and facial make-up, and a talk on 'Air Raid Precautions,' a subject which is particularly interesting at present.
Rangering is perhaps the least known branch of the girl guide movement, but it is by no means the least interesting. The International Moot is not the first ambitious undertaking of the New South Wales Rangers, as a party of seven rangers, in charge of Miss I. H. Meek, Commissioner for Rangers, toured Europe in 1937. Slides made from photographs which were taken on this trip were shown to the rangers at the Moot, while Miss Meek told them about their experiences in Europe in a most interesting address. A notable feature of the ranger Moot was the hospitality with which the N.S.W. Metropolitan rangers entertained the overseas, interstate and country visitors, all of whom enjoyed themselves immensely during the twelve brief days of the Moot. The Moot has brought together rangers from other states and other countries and is truly international. GIRL GUIDES (1939, January 11). The Maitland Daily Mercury (NSW : 1894 - 1939), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126387237
'Boy scout camp Bradfield' 11 January 1939 / photographs by Newby - the Moot at Quest Haven School, courtesy Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, Item: SLNSW_FL15648867 - is actually the Moot Girls at Quest Haven school (La Corniche) Mona Vale
Our area, being a place where people holidayed from the mid 1850’s on, also attracted its fair share of Boy Scouts and Girl Guides holidaying here as well – with the Jubilee and the Jubilee Girl Guides Camp being held at the Narrabeen Fitness Centre in late Spring 1951. A few notes from the newspapers and journals of then include:
Teenagers learn leadership in Girl Guide Jubilee Camp
Eighty-one teen age Girl Guides from metropolitan and country areas are at tending their first conference on patrol leadership and training in first class guiding at the Jubilee Patrol Leaders' Conference at Thornleigh this week. The conference is not the usual canvas camp for guides with accompanying activities, but a training centre for the more responsible work of guiding. These patrol leaders, aged 12 to 15 years, have been specially chosen for their ability and know ledge of leadership, one of the objectives of the Girl Guide movement. Discussion on work of patrol leaders is one of their main occupations during the conference. Commissioner for Guides for NSW, Miss Barbara Stevens, is in charge of the confer ence, the fifth she has attended.
"Patrol leaders have six guides under their control and at this con ference they discuss how to manage and train the girls," Miss Stevens said.
ALL training in first class Guiding including mapping, compass work, hiking, first-aid, home nursing, cooking and knowledge of the guide movement is given during the 10-day camp. As it is a Jubilee conference the girls work in three groups named after Australian explorers, Bass, Went-worth and Kennedy, and, on their own in itiative they have re-enacted these explorations at the evening camp fire. They spent yesterday's Jubilee holiday on an all-day hike in the bush where they cooked dinner. Another all-day outing was a tour of the city when the city girls took the country visitors sight-seeing. They all attended the Jubilee Badge Display at Mark Foy's this week and other Jubilee Guide functions held during the. camp.
VISITORS to the conference have been Mrs. B. V. Stacy, State Commissioner, who spent the first weekend with them, and Mrs. C. A. Osborne, Divisional Commissioner for Randwick, who spoke to them on the world conference held at Oxford. Guiders, including several schoolteachers on holiday, are helping with the administration of the camp. Jean Clyde, captain of Gosford Company; Olive Ferrier, of Wyong, and Frances Rickards, of Lis-more, are all teachers. Among the patrol leaders are two Lone Guiders — Girl Guides who learn their craft by correspondence as there are not enough in the area to form a company. They are Alice McFaul, of Bega, and Margaret Clark, of Wyrallah.
"This camp provides a wonderful opportunity for them to meet other Guides," said Miss Stevens. "The enthusiasm of all the patrol leaders at this conference has made it one of the most successful at this date." Well-known contralto Pamela Marks, a Ranger captain with the Double Bay company, spent one day with the Guides to take them in unaccompanied camp fire singing. Miss Marks, who plans to leave for England early next year, sang in the last season of the National Opera company in Sydney. She was one of a number of Guiders and Rangers who visited the camp during the week. Despite the cold weather this week the girls are warmly housed in one wing of the camp in long dormitories. Each girl has her own camp stretcher and most have brought their own sleeping bags.
Fifteen-year-old JUDY BENSON, of Mosman, signals to fellow patrol leaders on the opposite hill.
Life-line throwing takes practice to become perfect. LORNA BRYAN, of Goulburn, SANDRA SMITH, of Wollongong, LYNETTE DAVISON, of Manly (on left) and LYNETTE MOBBS, of Parramatta, NOELEEN JAMES, of Belfield, and LOIS FOSTER, of Mona Vale, give a demonstration.
Country Guides FAY SMITH, of Grenfell, JILL HARVEY, of Wagga, and MARY DUCKWORTH, of Woy Woy, practice making a campfire.
Bush stretcher made by themselves, is demonstrated by JUNE FRENCH, of Gordon, and MARY BROADLEY, of Springwood, Patient is JENNIFER BARBER, of Yass. (Teenagers learn leadership in Girl Guide Jubilee Camp) (1951, May 10). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 29 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article230764992
International Girl Guides Camp at Narrabeen
About 500 local and overseas girls drawn from 3,000,000 girl guides from some of 32 countries throughout the world will attend the Jubilee International Girl Guides Camp at Narrabeen, N.S.W., from August 27 to September 5. The camp is the first of its kind to be held in Australia.
To care for their finances, postal requirements, to arrange tours and advise them generally, the official Bank of the Girl Guides' Association, the Bank of New South Wales, will establish a Branch for the duration of the Camp.
Girls will attend from all States of Australia, New Zealand, America, Pakistan, Ceylon, The Philippines, New Guinea, North Borneo, Indonesia, Malaya, as well as probably several other countries. Many New Australians, formerly guides in Europe, will be among the Australian contingent.
The Chief Commandant, Miss Eleanor Manning, will control this small canvas town of differing nationalities through eight groups', with a commandant chosen for each State.
The huge job of feeding the Camp will be organised by the Chief Quarter-master, Mrs. W. H. Relton of N.S.W.
Aborigine guides from, Croker Island will rub shoulders with girls from Papua in grass skirts with badges in their hair. International Girl Guides Camp At Narrabeen (1951, August 17). The Land (Sydney, NSW : 1911 - 1954), p. 23. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article112491164
Jubilee Camp for Guides at Narrabeen
BETTY BEST, staff reporter
Pictures on this page by staff photographer John Jones.
CEYLONESE GUIDES outside their mess tent at the Jubilee International Girl Guide Camp at Narrabeen examine cooking equipment lent by the Army. They are (from left) Ranger Memuna Anverally, 18, District Commissioner Janet Vairakiam, 30, and Manouri de Silva, 15. Shy Papuan girls enjoy their first big rally
The Jubilee International Girl Guide Camp, first of its kind to be held in Australia, is now in full swing on the shores of Narrabeen Lake, near Sydney. There in a few acres of coastal bush-land, 500 guides and rangers chosen from 3,000,000 guides in 32 countries are having an exciting 10 days under canvas.
MOST of them are meeting for the first time, many are having their first glimpse of Australia and some their first trip away from home. Three Papuan girls are among the visitors.
Only a few months ago I had watched Girl Guides in Port Moresby as they sang their way through the palm-fringed streets in an all-native Jubilee Procession.
At Narrabeen I was to see three of them in brand-new uniforms taking their place in an international gathering bigger than they had imagined. They were having lunch at the end of a long trestle table in a marquee with about 30 other guides from all the States of Australia. Dressed in white blouses, navy-blue skirts, and lemon-yellow ties, they were helping one another to lettuce and tomatoes with aplomb.
I did not realise how shy they were feeling until I spoke a few words of welcome in Motu, their own language. All three gave self-effacing giggles, folded their hands in their laps, and said nothing. A minute later, however, they were taking typical native joy in being photographed with the other girls, and they also managed a few quiet sentences in remarkably good English. They had each come to Australia to be one of the gang. I didn't hear them speak a word of Motu except among them-selves.
MESS TENT LINE-UP. In this group, Australian guides from Western Australia, Queensland, and N.S.W. lunch with the three Papuan guides, who shared the regular camp menu. Visitors and Australians alike are enjoying their ten days under canvas.
VISITING GUIDES surround N.S.W. Secretary Lillian Mitchell, who welcomes Mrs. Raja Suriya and Ganjali de Silva, 17, of Ceylon. Valerie Packer, N.S.W., Pat Pegus, 13. Tas., Pat Bailey, 15, WA., Judith Stone, 15, Vic., and Sea Ranger Margaret Jenner, SA. All campers later enjoyed a camp-fire sing-song.
QUEENSLAND RANGERS Erica McNamara, 17, of Ipswich, and Fay Herman, 16, of Rockhampton, settle into their two-person tent. The rangers are responsible for orderly duties such as tent erecting, hospital duty, and administration.
GRASS SKIRTS and flower garlands bring color to Australian bushland as Papuan Girl Guides Vagi Varo, 16, Rafea Hitolo, 14, and Keke Reva, 13, rehearse a native dance for Camp Commandant Eleanor Manning.
When they changed their uniforms for multi-colored grass skirts and flower garlands made of Australian bush flow-ers, their tuneful young voices in a native dancing song were fascinating. Commissioner for Guides in Papua and New Guinea Mrs. A. V. G. Price is with the girls.
In spite of the unaccustomed cold, they were up early after their first night under canvas, getting wood and water, making cooking fires and preparing breakfast with the others. Like all the other visiting guides, the Papuan group works with different patrols.
Guides from other countries include six from Ceylon, two from America, one from New Zealand, and two Chinese from Rabaul. As well there are hundreds from all the Australian States.
AMERICA ARRIVES. Mariner Girl Scout Alice Lee, 18, of Boston, USA., carries her pack through the camp gates, her royal-blue uniform attracting an interested glance from Patrol Leader Edward Fryett, 17, of the 2nd Narrabeen Senior Scouts, holding the Guide International flag on guard duty. Jubilee Camp for Guides at Narrabeen (1951, September 5). The Australian Women's Weekly (1933 - 1982), p. 27. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article55456497
(By "Guide Link")
"Guide Week" is in full swing in Tasmania and companies in the district have had a wide and varied programme, chief of which was a combined gathering of all companies, including Brownie Packs, at a ceremonial hoisting of the Wprld Flag at the Devonport Guide Hall on Thursday morning. There was a record attendance of 80 members. The aim of Guide Week is to promote interest among young women who would be willing to assist train guides and brownies. More leaders are urgently required to cope with the ever-increasing number of recruits to Guiding. A church parade yesterday was a feature of the activities.
At the last monthly meeting of the local association payment was passed for a generous donation to guides who had earlier travelled to Narrabeen to the International Camp. Many of the guides have written interesting letters describing their trip away. Extracts from them give some details of their activities.
Mary Branagan (1st Sheffield) tells of the trip from Pardoe, via Wynyard, to Melbourne. She says- "It was the first air trip for most of us, and we enjoyed a very good view of the coastline en route to Wynyard, where we were met by more guides and had our photos taken once more. Arriving in Melbourne, we were taken to the Botanical Gardens, the conservatory and Capt. Cook's Cottage. From there we went to the station and caught the Spirit of Progress and went non-stop to Albury, where we changed trains. We tried to sleep in the express, but it was only fitful. Had breakfast at Moss Vale. Arrived in Sydney at 11 a.m. Had lunch, caught ferry, then on by bus to Narrabeen and from there by private car to camp, where we were divided into groups and patrols, given tea, and then settled into bed to write letters home."
Marlene Marlene Muntihg (4th.. St. John's).. carried on, and describes the Colors Ceremony next morning- "Five flags flew gaily in the sunshine they were the flags of Australia, Ceylon, American, World Guide and the Union Jack. Tent inspections and rest hour over, we had a free time and mingled with all guides from other groups, exchanged badges, autographs and took snaps. Opening Day on Wednesday meant we were all very busy getting spick and span. We marched to the parade ground where the Administrator, Sir John Northcote, officially opened the camp; and Mrs. Fairbairn spoke to us."
Winsome Stone (4th St. John's), continues the story, and describes the camp fire on Wednesday night at which three Papuan Guides did traditional dances in their grass skirts and wearing garlands of flowers around their necks. Guides from Ceylon did a national dance in their sarces.
Sally Henry (4th St. John's) describes excursions to Kurrajong Heights and to Cataract Dam, also the camp hospital and its facilities and a trip to Manly at the invitation of a Manly Guide Company.
Jill Day (4th St. John's) gives her impressions of rowing on the Narrabeen lagoon, a huge camp fire for the whole camp, and "a wonderful fashion parade" put on by Guides from Ceylon. She says the Church Service on Sunday morning at St. Andrew's Cathedral was most impressive.
Shirley Irwin (2nd Devonport) wrote on a trip to Taronga Park Zoo describing in great detail, the beautifully laid out lawns and paths and natural surroundings, and the animals. She also gives a wealth of detail, and her full account should go into company records.
Anne Clarkson (5th Devonport) gives the final notes to a particularly happy and greatly enjoyed camp. She says: "We arose, dressed and had prayers and began packing. Then shortly after 10 o'clock began striking the tents and dressed ready to leave on our journey home."
Thank you Guides for your notes. Local Association will meet on Thursday at 3 p.m. GIRL GUIDE NOTES (1951, October 8). Advocate (Burnie, Tas. : 1890 - 1954), p. 6 (DAILY). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article91775682
At the Warringah Shire Council meeting held on October 6th 1959 is is recorded that the council is supporting teh establishgment of a Mona Vale Girl Guides Troop, to be established on the old Black Swamp Reserve, by then named Kitchener Park:
ORDERS OF THE DAY. CONSIDERATION OF PLAN PREPARED BY-THE SHIRE ENGINEER, OUTLINING. SUGGESTED SITES ON KITCHENER PARK, MONA VALE, FOR USE AS-A GIRL GUIDES HALL SITE FOR 'THE PITTWATER GIRL GUIDES. This was in pursuance of a resolution by Council on 4/8/59, when the Council agreed to the revocation from Kitchener Park, and its re- proclamation for Guides Hall purposes (subject to the Minister for Lands-consenting) of a 'small site in the 'vicinity-of the land used for the Mona Vale Bowling Club, on the understanding that Council first agrees upon the selected site. 4: Resolved, - That the Council agree to a-small area of the reserve on Barrenjoey Road between the Community Centre hall and the Mackellar County Council's Substation- being located for the erection of a Girl Guides hall, the precise site to be left in the hands of the Shire Engineer for determination after -Consultation with a representative of the Pittwater Girl Guides; the whole matter to be then referred to the Minister, for Lands for approval and for the' taking of any: action he may deem necessary for the legalising. Of the' use of such land For Girl Guide purposes.
This hall ended up getting built towards the Golf Avenue end of Kitchener Park in what was called Beeby Park.
Soon after the Girl Guides were established the Warringah Council Meeting held May 27th, 1963 records: Boy Scouts Assn. Pittwater district, 1st Mona Vale Group - 16.5.63 asking Council to make application to the Lands Department for land next to the Girl Guides Hall, Mona Vale, to be released for the 1st : Mona Vale Scouts Group.
Mona Vale Girl Guides hall as it is today
Avalon Girl Guides Hall
Warringah Shire Council records show that at Meeting held on April 28th 1965 the Dunbar Park - Pittwater Division Girl Guides are requesting a loan of £4,500 repayable over 10 years at a minimum rate of interest, to permit completion of the Girl Guides Hall. The Council Resolved, That the cost of making this building secure by provision of doors and windows etc. be ascertained, and this Council undertakes to vote a maximum sum of £350 towards this work.
The community raised the rest and erected the building.
The Avalon Girl Guide Hall was officially opened on October 21st, 1967. The following was told by Doreen Cherry OAM to A J Guesdon and also includes items from notes collated by her daughter Wendy.
Photo by John Stone - the original courtesy same photographer - the Guide Hall, nearing completion, can be seen in background to right
Patron Cora Adock’s husband, Councillor Noel Adcock, managed to obtain the land. It was low lying and swampy and without access but Mr. Adcock arranged fill and drainage and soon had constructed an access road.
The Avalon Guides had been in recess because of a lack of leaders but Doreen Cherry managed to persuade three friends, Shirley Riley, Betty Gaddes, and Sylvia Harrison to train with her as guiders. Because of the huge waiting list two companies were formed.
The Brownies were thriving under their Brown Owl, Miss Miriam Myles, who was helped by Beryl Redman.
Commissioners were Gloria Ogden and Brenda Kable. Connie Adams was the very enthusiastic Local Association President.
The desire to have their own hall created plenty of enthusiasm and so a public meeting was called. The Avalon Lions Club was very supportive and organised lots of fundraising events and activities.
Simultaneously the local netball group was trying to get an indoor netball court as part of the new Community Centre that was being built.
Fortunately, through lots of hard work and with their new goal in mind, the Avalon Girl Guides were able to secure a bank loan for $6,500.00.
Ken McLean was the Architect and Doreen’s husband John Cherry became the Clerk of Works. He was in charge of the large crowd of volunteers who worked alongside local Builder, Stan Barry. There were times when only John and Stan turned up for the weekend work builds but this soon changed. A roster of parents was established and even Father Boland from the nearby Catholic Church rolled up his sleeves and worked alongside everyone else.
This was an ‘all in’ community venture with people from all trades, professions, ages and religions working together with one objective – a community youth hall for use by local youth organisations.
Doreen said during one talk; ‘’ A cousin of ours came and did the brickwork for the chimney; we designed an outside veranda; we had to make people think to of the future, of future uses.
The people that helped a lot were the family of Alice Robertson, a fishermen family with seven children at Careel Bay, great folk, they were very helpful; so we had wonderful families like those; you could always rely on Alice to do things, even with all those children. We ended up having two companies that I (Doreen) put together, instead of one.
The wonderful community spirt which prevailed throughout the build broke down some years later when vandals broke into the hall and stole the photographs and log book which charted the stages and progression of the build – unfortunately still not recovered for the community’s records.
Mrs. Barbara Wentworth, wife of the then local MP of Parliament Bill Wentworth, who was the State Commissioner of Girl Guides and Patron of the Avalon-Palm Beach Girl Guides opened the hall amid damp conditions. Rain didn’t dampen the girls spirits though – they enjoyed the fun of a fair inside the hall that October 21st.
Inside the Avalon Girl Guides hall - Doreen is the lady in the red blouse - image from a Cherry family slide.
At the 30 Year Anniversary Celebrations Doreen inducted The John Cherry Memorial Shield Annual Citizenship Award named to honour John's work, and presented annually to a worthy Guide or Brownie ended in 1999.
When the Guide Hall was built it was always anticipated that it would be available for the community to use and these rentals helped pay off the debt incurred by the build – in fact, through these rentals the debt was paid off within two years.
On May 9th 2012 Pittwater Council announced it has decided to demolish the former Avalon Guide Hall at Dunbar Park, as work on the upgrade to the former Avalon Scout Hall nears completion.
The Council made the decision this week to demolish the former guide hall, following a lengthy search for alternative uses for the building. The two buildings were formerly used by the girl guides and the other by the scouts, but these uses ceased several years ago.
Acting General Manager Chris Hunt said the Plan of Management for Dunbar Park had identified a need for the Scout Hall to be used as a multi-use community facility if refurbished. “However the Guide Hall was more problematic to retain,” he said. “In this context and after almost two years of exploring options, with no feasible and funded alternate use of the former Guide Hall found, the Council has resolved to remove the building from Dunbar Park”.
Mr Hunt said one of the options examined in detail for the Guides Hall was its potential use as a ‘men’s shed’. “However the cost of refurbishment, in the order of $350,000, would be prohibitive and tend to limit its use to a single group.”
Mr Hunt said the former Scout Hall had been identified as a more suitable building for a broad range of community activities. The building is currently being refurbished with work expected to be complete by the end of June. He said the refurbished building would be an additional community facility for the highly popular Avalon Recreation Centre with a particular focus on youth activities and performing arts.
And then it was gone -;
second week of June 2012 - A Guesdon photos
Units were formed at Mona Vale and Elanora Heights during the 1960's and are still going strong. A Unit was also formed at Bilgola Plateau during the 1970's/1980's and met at the school.
In 1962 the Manly Council approved a £50,000 redevelopment at the oval, including another new Girl Guides and kindergarten building in Ivanhoe Park.
The Guides left Ivanhoe Park when Manly District Girl Guides closed on July 1st 2002. The new unit was instituted as the Harbord /Freshwater Girl Guides that now meets in Freshwater - happy 100th Anniversary to all of you; you are the inheritors of learning great skills that will set you up for life in many other areas - as well as meeting and making new friends!
There is also still a Mosman Girl Guides unit - happy 101th anniversary to all of you!
Pittwater Online News hopes some cake appears at your next meetings, along with at least 10 to 100 candles!
If you would like to learn more about the skills that will make you self sufficient and able to help others, local units which include units/patrols from the young to the young adult include:
Local Groups
Mona Vale Girl Guides
Mona Vale - Beeby Park, Mona Vale
Girl Guides for ages 7-18.
We are a leadership organisation for girls and young women. We run “units" for girls during school terms (and school holiday camps). The program is girl-led and ranges from camping and outdoor adventure, to learning to work in teams, social skills, fun with the arts, global citizenship and more! We are a not-for-profit community-minded organisation and accept girls from all cultures, backgrounds and spiritual beliefs.
We also offer volunteer leadership opportunities for women aged 18-100! At: https://www.facebook.com/monavalegirlguides/
1st Bayview Sea Scouts
Bayview Park, Pittwater Rd, Bayview
Venturer Scouts: (Young men and women 14 to 17 years inclusive). Meet on Wednesdays, 7:00 - 9:00pm. or 9.30 some nights.
Scouts: (Boys and girls 11 to 14 years inclusive). Meet on Thursdays, 6.30 - 8.30pm.
Cub Scouts: Boys and girls 8 to 11 years inclusive). Starboard Pack Meet on Mondays, 6:00 - 7:30pm or Port Pack Meet on Tuesdays, 6:20 - 8:00pm
More at: https://www.bayviewseascouts.com/
Elanora Girl Guides
Elanora Heights
Meets on Thursdays - Find our more at: https://www.elanoragirlguides.com
Frenchs Forest District Girl Guides
Address: 12 Grattan Cres, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086
Phone: (02) 9451 0730
Killarney Heights Girl Guides
12 Tralee Ave, Killarney Heights
Killarney Forestville Junior Guides is where girls aged 7-10 years enjoy a variety of activities throughout the year including games, crafts, camping and community service. Guides helps girls develop confidence and resilience while they make friends and have adventures. Hall available for hire.
More at: https://www.facebook.com/KillarneyForestvilleGirlGuides/
Girl Guides Freshwater Harbord
Meets on Thursdays - Phone: (02) 8396 5200
Mosman Girl Guides
21 Upper Spit Rd, Mosman
Phone: (02) 8396 5200
More at: https://mosmangirlguides.com.au/
Girl Guides in your community are calling for more volunteers to play a vital role in the organisation by sharing their experiences and wisdom with the Girl Guide community and shape the leaders of tomorrow.
State Commissioner, Sarah Neill said at the beginning of 2020 - 100 Years of Girl Guides in NSW, that volunteering is not only about helping others, studies have shown volunteering helps increase your health, happiness and sense of fulfilment.
“From our own research we know that our volunteers are making lifelong friends, gaining personal fulfilment, develop a sense of belonging and learn new skills.
“When considering becoming a volunteer, we encourage people to choose a position that reflects one of their passions and/or experience; to add greater value to the team, the girls and gain personal satisfaction,” said Mrs Neill.
Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT, offer a range of flexible volunteering positions available to suit different schedules and needs.
One of the beneficiaries of the legacy of Girl Guides is former NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian, who said of her experience: “My time as a…Girl Guide taught me so much about teamwork, about good values, and always putting others ahead of yourself. And I know they’re values that will maintain Girl Guides for many years to come”.
To find out more about volunteering and investing your time in future women and better communities go to Girl Guides NSW at: www.girlguides-nswactnt.org.au
references, extras and Notes
- Trove - National Library of Australia
- B. Cook, 'Dixson, Sir Hugh (1841–1926)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, https://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/dixson-sir-hugh-5983/text10211, published first in hardcopy 1981
- Manly Library Local Studies Unit
- Boy Scouts - The Pre-Nippers Life Savers: Some Notes On Local Troops From 1909
The funeral at South Head Cemetery yesterday of Miss Mary Ethel Trouton was an impressive tribute, in the large and representative character of the cortege, to her wide and active range of sympathies, especially in relation to women's movements, and to her benevolence and devoted labours in a spirit of public service.
A wealth of floral tributes expressed in beautiful form the esteem in which the late Miss Trouton was held. One, from Dame Margaret Davidson, as Chief Commissioner of the Girl Guides in New South Wales, was inscribed: "A token of affection for a worker in all good things; she was at heart a true Girl Guide."
There were also very many sympathetic tributes, not only from the movements and institutions with which Miss Trouton had been associated, but also from private citizens, as well as from the relatives and close friends.
The chief mourners were Mr. C. S. C. Trouton, Mr. F. T. Trouton, and Mr. E. Card Trouton (brothers), and Mr. H. B. Gritton (brother-in-law). Canon Langley officiated at the graveside.
The Girl Guides, of whom Miss Trouton was the hon. treasurer in this State, and whose association she had so largely helped since its inception, was largely represented.
Dame Margaret Davidson, as Chief Commissioner, was accompanied by field and district commissioners and captains of the Girl Guides, those present, as representatives of the movement, including Lady Cullen, Lady David, Mrs. Mather, Mrs. Glanfield, and Mrs. Howell, and Misses Nella Levy, Housan, and W. Drury.
Among the companies of Girl Guides represented at the graveside by their officers were: 1st Ryde, 1st and 2nd North Sydney, 1st Bondi, 1st Mortdale, 1st Manly, 1st Hornsby, 2nd Bankstown, 1st St. Gabriel's, 1st Neutral Bay, 1st Waterloo, 1st Strathfield, 2nd Burwood, Rangers Company, 1st Croydon, 1st Darlinghurst, and 1st Darling Point.
The Bush Book Club, of which Miss Trouton was one of the most active workers, was also largely represented. Other bodies with which she had been associated, and which were represented, included the Girls' Friendly Society, Voluntary Aide, and the Red Cross. LATE MISS M. E. TROUTON. (1923, May 10). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved November 11, 2020, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16072315
Dr Grace Boelke
Dr Grace Boelke (nee Robinson) died in Manly. Grace Fairley Boelke (4 July 1870 – 17 February 1948) was an Australian medical doctor and one of the first female graduates in medicine from the University of Sydney. Boelke was born Grace Fairley Robinson in South Kingston, (a former suburb of Sydney now included in Stanmore, New South Wales). Her parents were Thomas Charles Robinson, a clerk, and Eliza Agnes Butler. She was educated at St Vincent's College, Potts Point and later attended the University of Sydney where she graduated in 1893 with a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery double degree. She won accolades from the university for her work in surgery and midwifery, and was one of the first two female medical graduates from the university, alongside Iza Coghlan.
After graduating from university, Boelke's application for a position at the Sydney Hospital for Sick Children was declined because she was a woman, but she was successful in acquiring a position as resident medical officer at the Sydney Benevolent Asylum – a position she held from 1894 until 1909. In May 1894 she married her fellow medical graduate, German-born Paul Wilhelm Rudolph Boelke.
In 1909 she was hired by the New South Wales Department of Public Instruction as an assistant instructing medical officer, but she was forced to resign in 1915 after the anti-German British Medical Association questioned her suitability for the role.
Grace founded the Professional Women's Association in 1912 with the aim of uniting professional women to campaign for improvement of women's social standing. She was a convenor of the National Council of Women of New South Wales' health committee during 1913–26, a vice president of Sydney's Town Planning Association, and a founding member of New South Wales branch of the League of Nations Union in 1921. She was employed by Berlei, an Australian lingerie manufacturer, from 1923 to 1926 as a medical director, a role that involved overseeing the welfare of the company's female workers and ensuring the "correct anatomical lines of their garments".
Paul Boelke died in 1923 - the couple never had any children. Grace Boelke spent her later life travelling overseas for research into women and children's health, and moved to the suburb of Leura in the Blue Mountains. She later moved to Manly, New South Wales where she passed away on February 17th 1948, leaving the bulk of her estate to the British Royal Society of Medicine for the funding of medical research.
Grace Fairley Robinson – graduation gown – from collection of NSW State Archives, date April 12th 1893, Digital ID: 9873_a025_a025000049.
On Monday night last death removed one who was once closely identified with the affairs of this district, in the person of Dr. Paul Boelke. Deceased arrived in this State as a child, and in due course entered on the study of medicine at Sydney University, where he graduated as a Bachelor of Medicine and Master of Surgery in 1893. He followed his profession in Port Macquarie for a number of years, where he was highly esteemed and respected for his skill and considerate treatment of patients, and is held in kindly remembrance here by many who received benefit at his hands. He afterwards removed to Sydney, and became prominent in medical circles there, especially in connection with the treatment of tuberculosis. Dr. Boelke died at Manly. He leaves a widow (Dr. Grace Boelke), a clever and amiable lady, who has taken a very active part in educational work from a scientific and hygienic standpoint. DR. PAUL W. R. BOELKE. (1923, September 29). The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW : 1882 - 1950), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article106062963
appeared in July 14th, 1926 edition of Construction
BOELKE, Dr. Grace Fairley -February 17, at Manly, widow of the late Dr. Paul Boelke and sister of Whitby Robinson of Double Bay. Privately cremated. Family Notices (1948, February 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18061785
RE will (and 2 codicils) of GRACE FAIRLEY BOELKE, formerly of Leura, but late of Manly, in the State of New South Wales, widow, deceased.—Probate granted by Supreme Court of New South Wales on 28th July, 1948,—^Pursuant to the Wills, Probate and Administration Act, 1898-1940 (Testator's Family Maintenance and Guardianship of Infants Act, 1916-1938, and Trustee Act, 1925-1940), Permanent Trustee Company of New South Wales Limited and Edward William Bailey Sherlock, the executors of the will (and 2 codicils), of the said Grace Fairley Boelke, who died on 17th February, 1948, hereby give notice that creditors and others having any claim against or to the estate of the said deceased are required to send particulars of their claims to the said executors at 23-25 O'Connell-street, Sydney, on or before the 20th October, 1948, at the expiration of which time the said executors will . distribute the assets of the said deceased to the persons ( entitled, having regard only to the claims of which they then have notice.—Dated 9th August, 1948. E. W. B. SHERLOCK, Proctor for Permanent Trustee Company of New South Wales Limited, N. L. Shaw, Manager. 2235—£1 RE will (and 2 codicils) of GRACE FAIRLEY BOELKE, (1948, August 13). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 2094. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224781587
Rowohl Family Notes
Brighton College. Manly.
At the annual prize distribution in connection with the Brighton College. Manly, there was a large ' gathering of parents and friends of the pupils. Mrs. Richard Arthur made the presentations, with the principal (Miss Fry. M.A.) in. attendance. Miss Fry also addressed the gathering. Following is a list of the prize-winners: — Dux. Elsie Meacham. Form AI.: French, Latin, mathematics, Elsie Meacham. Form AH.: I Head, Dora Glasson. Form U: Head. Joyce Wessbcrg: -. I French, Margaret Tonks: French mathematics. Joyce Wessberg. Form OI.: Head, Winnie Parker and Isabel Tonkin, acq.; Latin, arithmetic. Isabel Tonks: French. Winnie -Parker. Form CH.: Head. Rosalind Rowohl: arithmetic, Rosalind Rowohl. Marjorie Montgomerie: French. Moira Ferris. Form DI Head Rose Wilson; second Marie Fletcher; arithmetic. Rose Wilson: reading. Avice Harvey; writing, Eileen Tavlor: class marks. Helen Stevens. Form DIL: Head. Edith Dunn: second. Amy Nield. Transition -form: General work. Norman Nelson:, arithmetic, Jack Lcmcrs; reading. Nora Mack; conduct, . Ena Coleman. Special prizes: Needlework, elocution. music, Elsie Mcacham; theory of music. Dora Glasson: painting, Dorothy Oakes. Each member 'Of the kindergarten also received a small book. BRIGHTON. COLLEGE. MANLY. (1908, December 17). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article238185609
Birth ROWOHL ROSALIND 13837/1897 Parents: FERDINAND G A MARY E registered at MANLY – so is actually a sister of George
In the Supreme Court of New South Wales.
In the will of Mary Elizabeth Rowohl, late of Manly, near Sydney, in the State of New South Wales, wife of Ferdinand George Rowohl, of Manly aforesaid, bank manager, deceased.
PURSUANT to the "Wills, Probate and Administration Act of 1898" : Notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any debts, claims, or demands upon or affecting the estate of Mary Elizabeth Rowohl, the abovenamed deceased, who died at Manly, near Sydney, in the State of New South Wales, on the 19th day of May, 1915, and probate of whose will was granted by the Supreme Court of New South Wales, in its Probate Jurisdiction, on the 13th day of July, 1915, to George Watson, the executor in the said will named are hereby required to send particulars of their claims to the said George Watson, at the office of his proctors, Messieurs Robson and Cowlishaw, of City Bank Chambers, 164 Pitt-street, Sydney aforesaid, on or before the 25th day of September, 1915r at the expiration of which time the said George Watson will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the debts and claims of which he shall then have had notice; and the said George Watson will not be liable, to any person of whose claim he shall not have had notice at the time of such distribution, for the assets or any part thereof so distributed.—Dated this 4th day of August, a.d. 1915.
ROBSON AND COWLISHAW, Proctors for the Executor, City Bank Chambers, 164 Pitt-street, Sydney. PROBATE JURISDICTION. (1915, August 11). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 4832. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article229422152
In the Supreme Court of New South Wales.
In the will of Ferdinand Frederick John Rowohl, late of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Esquire, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given, that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof, application will be made to this Honorable Court, in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, that probate of the last trill and testament of the abovenamed Ferdinand Frederick John Kowohl, deceased, who departed this life on the fourteenth day of November instant, may be granted to James Anthony Curtis, of Circular Quay, Sydney, timber merchant, and George Brown, of 272, Kent-street, Sydney, foreman, the executors in the said will named.—Dated the 28th day of November, A.D. X883.
JOHN DAWSON & SON, Proctors for the Applicants, 80, Pitt-street, Sydney. ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION. (1883, November 30). New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), p. 6560. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article223974664
On the 15th instant, at 125, King-street, by the Rev. John Fullerton, Ferdinand, eldest son of the late Ferdinand Rowohl, Esq., of Hamburg, to Minnie, only daughter of the late George Read, Esq., Royal Engineer Department, Spanish Town, Jamaica, and Mrs. Capps, of Sydney. Family Notices (1863, August 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28621968 mother’s name was Frances
On the 18th instant, at Apsley Cottage, Crown-street, Surry Hills, Mrs. Ferdinand Rowohl, of a daughter. Family Notices (1864, September 24). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13102324
On the 3rd instant, at Apsley Cottage, Cooper-street, Strawberry Hill, Mrs. FERDINAND ROWOHL, of a son. Family Notices (1872, July 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13260318
ROWOHL—Oct. 10, Surrey Hills, Mrs. F. Rowohl, son. Family Notices (1877, October 19). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13401714
ROWOHL.- November 14, at Orchard Lodge, Hereford-street, Glebe Point, Ferdinand Frederick John Rowohl, aged 49 years. Family Notices (1883, November 16). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13547958 - his mother’s name was Rose A
ROWOHL. - November 10, 1915, at her residence, Athelstane, Jamieson-street, Sydney, Jemima Jane, widow of the late Ferdinand F. J. Rowohl, aged 76 years. At rest. Family Notices (1915, November 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15624160
On the 28th instant, at her residence, Alexandra House, Woolloomooloo-street, ADELAIDE BERTHA EMILY, the beloved wife of JAMES SACKKVILLE GRANT, Surgeon Dentist, and youngest daughter of the late FERDINAND ROWOHL, of Hamburg, aged 20. Family Notices (1867, July 29). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13157610
ROWOHL.—November 10, Michael T. E. Rowohl, of Point Piper Road, Woollahra, youngest son of the late F. Rowohl, of Hamburg, leaving an affectionate family to mourn his loss, age 32 years. Family Notices (1876, November 15). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13383427
COHEN-ROWOHL. - September 8, at Fairlie, Rockwell-street, Potts Point, by the Rev. R. S. Paterson, Edward, only son of the late William Cohen, of Tamworth, to Fannie, eldest daughter of the late Ferdinand Rowohl, of Glebe Point. Family Notices (1887, September 10). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13646851
MACDONALD—ROWOHL.—July 26, at St. John's, Darlinghurst, by the Rev. A. W. Pain, Norman Hugh, son of Hugh Macdonald, Esq., Duntulm, Glen Innes, to Adelaide, daughter of the late Ferdinand Rowohl, Esq., of Sydney. Family Notices (1894, August 8). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13963151
Frances Emma Amelia Cohen (formerly Rowohl), of 23 York-street, Sydney, sought a dissolution of her marriage with Edward William Cohen, dentist, on the ground of desertion. Petitioner stated that she was married to the respondent at Potts' Point on September 8, 1887. according to the rites of the Presbyterian Church.
At first they lived with her mother at' Potts' Point, until the birth of her first child, when they went into lodgings in Victoria street. In 1890. they went to Wilcannia, where the respondent carried on business until January, 1896, when he became bankrupt. They returned to her mother's place in March, 1896, and in May of that year the respondent accepted a position at Newcastle. While at Newcastle she could not get any clothes, and when she became very ill he suggested that she should come to Sydney and stay at her mother’s place. She went back to Newcastle in October, 1896, and a little later the respondent said he intended making alterations in his business, and advised her to return to her mother's place, promising at the same time to send her what money he could. She came back to her mother, and for a little while he corresponded with her, and sent a little money. His letters then ceased, and in January, 1897, she obtained a maintenance order against him. She got a further order against him in April of that year for the maintenance of her baby, and in August, 1897, she obtained another order against him for 30s a week, which money was paid up to September the same year. In October, 1897, warrants were issued for his arrest for non-payment of the maintenance money. She had received nothing from the respondent since September, 1897, nor had she seen him. His Honour made a decree nisi, returnable in three months. COHEN v. COHEN. (1902, September 11). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article112773709
This poor man actually went bankrupt twice – in 1889 and 1896. His birth: COHEN EDWARD 13890/1863 WILLIAM SARAH TAMWORTH
Children of the union
Frances died soon after the divorce was granted.
COWEN.- April 3, at her late residence Athelstane, 9 Jamieson-street, city, Frances, eldest daughter of the late Ferdinand Rowohl, of Glebe Point. Family Notices (1908, April 4). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14924532
Although it looks as though they looked after other family members of the Cohen family as well:
COHEN-The funeral of the late CLARE COHEN, of Athelstane 9 Jamieson street, will leave St Philip's Hill Church THIS (Tuesday) Morning it 810 for the Waverley Cemetery Service at St Phillips at 6 o clock. Family Notices (1905, August 29). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14741797
MACDONALD.— July 25, at a private hospital, Darlinghurst, Adelaide Bertha Emily, beloved wife of Norman Hugh Macdonald, 17 Harrow Mansions, Darlinghurst, formerly of Warialda.
Before the Judge in Bankruptcy (Mr. Justice Street) yesterday, Mr. Macdonald (of Messrs. Howling, Taylor, and Macdonald) appeared for| George Michael Rowohl, who at the time was in the custody of the Sheriff, under a writ of attachment, and moved for his temporary dis-charge.
Mr. Macdonald explained that Rowohl had been bankrupt four or five years, and In April, 1912, he applied for a certificate. The Judge In Bankruptcy made an order directing him to pay £3 peri month out of his salary for the liquidation of his debts, and he complied with the order for two years. In 1914 applicant got Into arrears to the amount of £10 12s, and his official assignee thereupon applied to Mr. Justice Harvey for n writ of attachment for repayment of the amount due under the order.
His Honor granted the application, but directed the writ to lie in the office as long as Rowohl paid £2 2s, 6d per fortnight, until he had cleared off the arrears, when the writ would be discharged. The applicant, however, again got into arrears with his payments, and on the application of the- official assignee the writ 'was Issued. On Sunday Howohl made application to enlist in the military expeditionary force of New South Wales, and was accepted and sworn-in. He subsequently obtained a week's leave for the purpose of winding-np his affairs, prior to going Into camp, but was afterwards arrested, under the writ of attachment. He now asked for his discharge from custody-temporarily at any rate-so that he might straighten up his affairs. The official assignee and his solicitors had been applied to, but they said they could do nothing, as the matter was out of their hands. Mr. Macdonnld contended that soldiers on active service were not liable to arrest under certain amounts, and the applicant came within that rule.
His Honor said he could not deal with the matter on an ex parte application, and he adjourned the ease to enable the official assignee to be present.
Subsequently, Mr. A. W. M'Carthy, of Messrs. M'Carthy and Maxwell, appeared for the official assignee, and stated that the amount of the arrears was £10 12s 6d.
Mr. Macdonald said the applicant stated that had been examined by the medical officer of the military forces, and had been sworn In.
His Honor said If that were so, It appeared to him a question of whether the provisions of the Imperial Army Act applied. It the applicant came under those provisions, then he thought the Court had no power to take him out of the King's service. He was not prepared to accept the evidence at present, without some more definite information with respect to the alleged enrolment.
Mr. Macdonald said the applicant was in the Public Service, and had obtained six months' leave of absence on full pay. He was prepared to assign the whole of his payments for the purpose of liquidating the monthly order.
His Honor allowed the matter to stand over for definite evidence as to whether the applicant had in fact been accepted for military service. If he had been accepted he would, In his opinion, be entitled to his release.
This evidence was forthcoming, and his Honor made an order for the applicant's dis-charge from custody. CIVIL SERVANT'S CASE. (1915, April 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15591358
Dr. Willa Rowohl
the Dr Laura Forster Memorial (endowed by Mrs Kater In memory of her sister) to W Rowohl - WOMEN'S COLLEGE. SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED (1929, May 10). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16549802
Dr. Willa Rowohl. SOME OF THE SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS IN RECENT FINAL MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS HELD AT SYDNEY UNIVERSITY. (1930, September 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16670215
Two More Women Doctors. Willa Rowohl, who has passed her final medical examination, is one of Manly's most popular girls. She attended Manly Public School before going to the University, and her career has always been followed with Interest by the "village." SYDNEY LOCAL SIDE (1930, September 19). Leader (Orange, NSW : 1899 - 1945), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article255151670
The Engagement is announced of Willa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Rowohl, of Manly, to Dr. Selwyn Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Nelson, of Rockdale. Family Notices (1933, April 5). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28029011
Dr. Willa Rowohl, of Manly, whose marriage with Dr. Selwyn Nelson, of Blayney, will take place on Saturday, was the guest at several functions in her honor during the past week. Mrs. S. Flower and Mrs. J. S. Chester, of Manly, were hostesses at a shower tea at Romano's, at which she was presented with a basket of Radiance roses as well as numerous other gifts.
She was also entertained by fellow ex-students at Sydney High School, where she was presented with a posy of pink carnations and some charming silk and knitted trousseau sets. Other presentations made to the bride-elect were leather travelling-cases from the house staff and X-ray staff at R.P.A. Hospital. Dr. Rowohl has been in charge or the latter department for the past two years; a massive silver entree dish was the gift of fellow graduates at Sydney University. The LIFE OF SYDNEY (1933, May 12). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article246241111
NSW BDM's provides:
Parent’s marriage: 5846/1906 ROWOHL GEORGE M BAILEY JESSIE SYDNEY
ROWOHL—BAILEY.—June 27, at St. Philip's, Church Hill, by the Ven. Archdeacon Langley, George Michael, younger son of the late Ferdinand Rowohl, of Glebe Point, Sydney, to Jessie, only daughter of Neil Bailey, of Mount Dromedary, Tilba Tilba, N.S.W. Family Notices (1906, June 30). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14782745
The long life of an early doctor - Wilhelmina (Willa) Frances Loveday Nelson, Doctor, 1907 - 2002
Willa Nelson was born at her aunt Rose Rowohl's boarding house in Jamison Street, Sydney, on June 21, the shortest day of 1907.
Her mother, Jessie, was one of the first teachers of domestic science (then simply known as cookery) in NSW. Her father, George, the son of a German migrant, was employed by the recently established Australian post office.
Like so many Australians, George and his brother-in-law Roy enlisted in the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. George served as a nurse in Egypt, England and France and did not return until 1919.
Meanwhile, Willa had gained a place at Fort Street Girls High School where she was a popular and outstanding student. Like her future husband Selwyn, she gained an exhibition (a university scholarship) and went on to study medicine at Sydney University. As a student she lived in Women's College and remained a supporter of the college throughout her life. During her time there a diabetic student died, in spite of the college's medical students who tried to persuade her conservative doctor to treat her with the new-fangled drug insulin.
In the 1920s female medical students were no longer considered unusual, although there was a slight sensation when Willa turned up to classes with her hair in a fashionable Louise Brooks bob, a photograph of which was slipped into the series of medical slides, to universal acclamation. After graduating in 1930 she was a junior resident and then a senior resident at Prince Alfred Hospital. In May 1933 she married Selwyn Nelson, a fellow doctor, and they practised first in Blayney and then in general practice in Randwick.
Their first child David, who was to become a doctor and medical scientist, was born in 1935. Their second, Michael, a lecturer in German at Sydney University, was born in 1937.
In 1939 Willa and Selwyn passed the examinations of the newly established Australian College of Physicians (she became a Fellow in 1969). Willa served as an honorary physician at Rachel Forster Hospital from 1935 to 1969, and as an honorary assistant physician at Royal South Sydney Hospital from 1947 to 1955. During the war Selwyn served as a medical officer in the army and Willa ran their general practice in Randwick.
Shortly before the end of the war they set up a practice as physicians at 233 Macquarie Street. In the next three decades the practice thrived, particularly when Selwyn specialised in rheumatology and rehabilitation. During Willa's career more and more women became doctors. She was always interested in women in medicine and was president of the Medical Women's Society of NSW from 1968-1970.
Both Willa and her husband were closely involved with the St John Ambulance Association and Willa was eventually honoured by the award of Dame of St John. They attended many international conferences on rheumatism and rehabilitation and by the end of their careers had visited every continent.
After retirement, until Selwyn's death in 1996, they continued to travel, around Australia as well as taking cruises, including trips to Alaska and the Caribbean.
Willa spent pleasant years in the retirement village of Lindfield Gardens but after a fall last August she had to move to Fernleigh Nursing Home, in which she enjoyed excellent care until her death.
She is survived by her son Michael and grandchildren Vicki, Timothy and Edward.
By her son Michael Nelson – appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald, July 10, 2002. https://www.smh.com.au/national/the-long-life-of-an-early-woman-doctor-20020710-gdfft0.html
George Laidley Merivale
The death occurred on Monday, last week, at her residence, Annery, Darling Point, of Mrs. G. M. Merivale, after a short Illness. Mrs. Merivale was 74 years or age, and was the eldest daughter of Mr. W. G. Laidley, having been born at Hillside. Edgecliff-road. For many years she had taken a keen Interest In charitable movements, and was one of the founders of the Women's Hospital, Crown-street. She is survived by her husband, one son (Mr. George Merivale), and three daughters (Mrs. Cyril Shepherd, widow of the late Dr. Cyril Shepherd, Mrs. Bayne Jardine, and Miss Rose Merivale). Her elder son, Mr. J. Merivale, served with the A.I.F. in the war, and was killed on Gallipoli. OBITUARY. (1930, September 30). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16718364
MERIVALE, John Laidley. Serv no. b 1887 – Sydney NSW (10859) d 6 August 1915. Parents: MERIVALE, George Montague d 1931 - Woollahra NSW (8938).
Sudden Death Yesterday.
Mr. George Montague Merivale, who was a former partner in the firm of Gibbs, Bright, and Co., died suddenly at his home, Annery, Darling Point, yesterday. He was 76 years of age.
Born in England, Mr. Merivale was educated at Hallbury School and Oxford University, where he won his double blue for rowing and running. He Intended to take up law as a career, and came to Sydney as a young man, representing the Gibbs, of London, his cousins, in the amalgamation of Anthony Gibbs and Son and Bright and Co., and the formation of the new firm, Gibbs, Bright, and Co. He became acquainted with the Laidley family of Sydney, and after revisiting England for about a year, returned and married Miss Emily Joan Laidley. He was called to the Bar In Sydney, but preferred a business career. Consequently Mr. Merivale took a position on the staff of Gibbs, Bright, and Co. He was associated with the firm for 43 years, and was a partner for a number of years, retiring in December, 1924.
Mr. Merivale's intimate connection with shipping, as a partner of Gibbs, Bright, and Co., was of much value to Mort's Dock and Engineering Co., Ltd., of which he was a director. He joined the board In October, 1907, when the seat became vacant by the death of Mr. Laidley Mort. For a number of years he was a director of the Fresh Food and Ice Co., Ltd., and of Lysaght Bros, and Co., Ltd. Important directorships held by Mr. Merivale at the time of his death Included the Sydney Royal Exchange Co., the Newcastle-Wallsend Coal Company, and the Commercial Building and Investment Co., Ltd. For two years he held the office of president of the Sydney Chamber of Commerce. He was a member of the Union Club.
Mrs. Merivale died in August last year. One son and four daughters survive, Mr, George Laidley Merivale, a director of Laidley and Co., Mrs. Shepherd, widow of Dr. O. Shepherd, of Sydney, Mrs. Bain-Jardine, who resides in Scotland, and Miss Rose Merivale, of Darling Point. The eldest son, Mr. John Laidley Merivale, was killed at Gallipoli.
A service will be held in St. Mark's Church, Darling Point, at 10.45 a.m. to-day, after which the funeral will leave for the Crematorium, Rookwood. MR. G. M. MERIVALE. (1931, June 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16784365
The funeral of Mr. G. M. Merivale, who died suddenly at his home at Darling Point on Monday, took place from St. Mark's Church, Darling Point, yesterday. It was attended by representatives of many of the organisations with which Mr Merivale had been associated and by many business men.
The service at the church was conducted by the Rev Canon Howard Lea assisted by the Rev F T Perkins headmaster of Cranbrook School and the Rev T F Naughton The Archbishop of Sydney (Archbishop Wright) delivered the address At the crematorium at Rookwood a service was conducted by Canon Howard Lea
Archbishop Wright said Mr Merivale had always been ready to do the friendly thing and to speak a friendly work with a grace and culture all his own He had won high respect in the business life of the city and had been called to many positions of trust He never shrank from taking an active part in public services
The chief mourners were Mr G L Merivale (son) and Mrs G L Merivale Mrs C Shepherd and Miss Rose Merivale (daughters) Miss Rosemary Shepherd (niece), and Mr B Shepherd (nephew).
Others present Included Sir Edgeworth David, Sir Alexander Gordon, Sir Alfred Meeks, Sir George Mason Allard, Judge Backhouse, Bishop D Arcy Irvine, Mr T R Bavin (leader of the State Opposition) Sir Kelso King (chairman), Messrs J M. Maughan (Chief Commissioner) R F Bennett (secretary), HAN Puddlcombe, W A Windeyer, H MacAllister and R R Gelling representing the Boy Scouts Association Commander R G Hart, Commander F W Hixson, Commander S W Spain, Captain S G Green and Mr C J Henty representing the Sydney Sailors Home the Harbour Master (Captain Stringer) representing the Harbour Trust Commissioners, the Town Clerk (Mr Hendy) the Metropolitan Medical Officer (Dr J S Purdy) Messrs OSE Lees A J Harris and E A Scott representing the Sydney Indus trial Blind Institution Messrs R V Hodgson A E Wallis and C Hodglns, representing the Royal Automobile Club, Mr William Tomalln (secretary of the Union Club) Mr B Millin (secretary of the Royal Exchange) Mr E W Street representing the Chief Justice (Sir Phillp Street), Mr C R Walsh (Diocesan Registrar) Mr Albert Littlejohn (Church of England Committee for Homes and Hostels for Children) Messrs G A Parkes and J N Bell (Sydney Chamber of Commerce), Mr P V Mcculloch (Walter and Eliza Hall Trustees) Mr Stewart Osborne (Church of England Homes) C Burke representing Mr Justice Street, Messrs D L Dowdell and W C Andrew (Orient Line) T H silk (Morts Dock and Engineering Company), H De .' Scroggie, F N Yarwood, C J Henty, E Ellison and F Wells (Newcastle Wallsend Coal Company) A Bright, C B Reed and C R Cornwell (Gibbs Bright and Company) G H Lelblus, A Sims and J R Borton (Commercial Building and Investment Company Ltd I C M McDonald and C F Mallett (Northern Colleries Association) R J Nosworthy (Burns, Philp and Co Ltd ) T A J Playfair and J G Chidgey (NSW Fresh Food and Ice Co Ltd ), R Champ and T Henderson (Lysaght Bros and Co Ltd) J C Mccallum (Australian Fertilisers Pty Ltd ) L E Lloyd (Bank of Australasia) David A Storey, J T Lingen, K C, Dr F Antill Pockley, Dr F Wilkinson, Dr C Read, Dr T w Lipscomb, Lieut Colonel W R Bertram, Colonel R L R Rabett, Messrs Herbert Allen, Royce Shannon, A W Allen, R Allen, Ernest Lamb KC, James Kidd, P A Rabett, L A Minnett E W Knox E. R Knox Consett Stephen R J N Franki O W Rothe A R Grant R H Topper F L Williams, J D Fell Alex Jobson S Jamieson M de Chateaubourg, B Burdekin, N Cowper, H Greenway, J L Mort, Mr and Mrs C E Weigall, Mr and Mrs S E Laidley, Messrs H P Owen, J C McOann, R N May, J R. N Brunton, J W Drury, B F Parker, J F Lipscomb, H L Cross, J Campbell, H C Munro, a H Wyld, A E Hanks, H S P Storey, C Trebeck, F Bligh, R H Goddard, D Solomon, WDM Taylor, E T Gould, C R Barry, V V Nathan, P H Goldfinch, E. A Milford and H H Wilkinson. MR. G. M. MERIVALE. (1931, June 10). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16784762
The boy scout has evidently come to stay, and has already become a national feature in the life of most corners of the British Empire, and we take it that on the ground of popularising an open-air life and of encouraging alertness and the exercise of individual intelligence, there can at the present day be very few opponents to the scheme. Such a unanimous point of view, however, is by no means the case with regard to the girl scouts who are now being enlisted under Sir R. Baden-Powell's scheme. There is no doubt that in the abstract it is an excellent thing to train our women in all that may tend to turn their special capabilities to the best advantage in time of war, and un-questionably, in these days of athletic womanhood, their services could be extended far beyond that of the army nurse pure and simple.
To be accurate, this new corps is described as "girl guides," and among other things they are to be taught to trace the wounded, to send messages, to tie up wounds temporarily, to make stretchers, to cook, and to nurse. There is no doubt that were England to be invaded women would play an immensely important part in such a war, and even more so would this be the case in the event of the invasion of any outlying parts of the Empire. Thus the training now suggested should in itself be a good and important thing. The only difficulty, and this is a great one, is the finding of the best means of putting it into effect satisfactorily. As at present organised the administration of the various companies of the girl guides is to be carried on locally by committees of ladies and each company is to be divided up into patrols of eight girls under a scout mistress or "captain." This officer must be over 21 years of age, and the rank and file are to be from 12 to 16 years old. The uniform is to be a navy blue skirt, jersey, and tam-o'-shanter, and no fancy costumes are to be allowed. The chief objection raised by the critics of this scheme is that, while it may be a good thing to let our boys loose all over the country more or less on their own account, this same policy does not necessarily apply as satisfactorily to the girls. This movement, however, is in its infancy at the present, and as the girl scouts seem to be every bit as keen as the boys, it is probable that a satisfactory solution will come of it in one form or another. GIRL SCOUTS. (1910, January 26). Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 - 1954), p. 7 (DAILY). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article50403896
President, Sir Francis Vane; Commonwealth patron, H E the Governor General (Lord Dudley) Australian president, D McDonald, chief commissioner for Australia, J. R. Coory; head office and council chamber, 44, Cowra Chambers, Grenfell street, secretary. N. H. Morphett, 81 Waymouth street, press department, employment advice, and intelligence office, headquarters, 7 Payneham-road. East Adelaide
In reply to several correspondents we publish the following details relative to uniforms:
All BBS wear the same uniform, to ensure uniformity in appearance when on parade. The following is a list of the official equipment made to scaled samples, which are at headquarters -
Hat-Khaki felt, flat wide brim, with band round crown, and adjustable chin strap.
Shirt-Khaki drill, two military pockets, shoulder straps, and brass buttons.
Knickers-navy blue, two side pockets
Haversack-khaki, with adjustable strap. Belt-Brown leather.
Stockings-Black. folded below the knee
Ties- 1 ½ inches wide, worn in a sailor's knot under the collar of shirt, the color to be the same as the patrol color.
Neckerchief-Navy Blue. 30-in square, for use ii cold weather, or at order of S M
Staff-stout ash.
The following accessories are useful, viz. -Knives, whistles, lanyards, axes, money, pouches, axe pouches, coat straps, knife sheaths, swagger canes, and water bottles.
The correct articles are supplied through headquarters only.
Employment, Advice, and Intelligence Office
The BBS organisation must keep up with the times, and we realise that unless B boys' organisations can cope with every side of a boy's life it will meet with much that is akin to failure The objects of our new department, which by the way, will be conducted personally and by post at headquarters, are as follows –
1 To find suitable employment for boys requiring situations, to assist employers in obtaining satisfactory boys, to help boys to improve their present positions, to assist country boys to find town situations, and vice versa.
2. To advise boys on all matters relating to or of interest to themselves A staff of experts will assist in answering enquiries. Any and every subject will be dealt with. Our advisory staff consists of leading business and professional gentle men, first-class athletes, artisans, kc, kc
3. To assist parents and guardians in dealing with wayward and difficult boys. The office is at the service of all boys, whether scouts or not. No charge is made. Enquiries by post must enclose stamp for reply. Personal enquiries may be made any evening from 7 to 9.
The company commander or scoutmaster shall represent his company on the local committee, and be responsible for the scout training and discipline within his company. He will see that the educational side of the movement be understood by the parents and friends of the boys, and that the scouts themselves realise that they form part of a chivalry, the principles of which are self improvement, both mental and physical responsibility in their duties as citizens outside their own personal interests.
The best scoutmaster is he who brings what is best and noblest out of his young comrades, and this may be done in many ways, perhaps the best of which is through inducing the same of collective and individual responsibility, and that honorable and adventurous knight-errantry which compels the scout to seek his excitement in finding useful work to perform. The S.M. will be responsible for all contributions from the scouts, and for the supply of uniforms, and he will, within his command in all matters specially affecting the company, act as far as possible with the advice and assistance of a court of honor, composed of the non commissioned officers
This class is making splendid progress under the able instruction of Professor Hill, and there was a good attendance on Friday night, when the instructor explained and illustrated attack and defence in jiu jitsu to a number of lads and young men who were present as spectators The boys of the headquarters company earned out the vinous grips and throws exceedingly well, and onlookers were much surprised to learn that, so efficient, they had only received three lessons. The class will make its first public appearance in a jiu jitsu display at the Central Hall next month, where it has been specially engaged. There are still vacancies for a few boys from 13 to 16 years of age, but boys wishing to learn this useful art should apply early, as the class membership must necessarily be limited. Scouts from other companies wishing to learn jiu jitsu under Professor Hill should send in early application through their scoutmasters
This is our special recruiting month. The blooming; of the wattle reminds us that summer will soon be here, and with it will come the days that seem specially ordered for the work of the boy scouts. Inter-company competitions in dispatching, running, stalking, scouting etc, will be on the programme while boating, exploring, camping hut and bridge building will also be practiced. Swimming will be practised and taught, also life-saving, and in all probability aquatic sports will be held. Let us then increase our membership now that the essential rudiments of scout craft may be learnt before we take the field
Here are particulars -
1 What You Have to Do- Form a patrol of not less than eight boys who must ial be over 10 years of age. Send to headquarters for registration forms and register your patrol as B B S comrades.
2. What We Will Do for You – When you have sent in jour registration form vou will be gazetted sergeant of your patrol and will have the right to choose your own corporal. Should you enrol two patrols before the competition closes on August 31 a handsome book will be sent to you from headquarters in recognition of your services. Upon being gazetted sergeant you will have the right to sign the letters Sgt B B S , - Co’ after jour name, as T Brown Sgt BBS 14th Co.
The majority of lads hare a good sense of direction which can with a little practice, be much developed, and will be found most useful in all stages of life, In order to develop this sense a map should be used, and instead of asking your way, study the map, well observing the places you are leaving on your right and left, and noticing as you go along landmarks, such as churches, inns, farm buildings, &c.
Look back frequently, and observe how your re-turn Journey will appear. If you will be returning by night when it will be dark, try to commit to memory the landmarks which will show themselves against the sky. Church spires, factory, chimneys, and high buildings can usually be seen even on fairly dark nights.
Carry with you a pocket compass, and practice using it in connection with your map. On departing on a travel it is advisable to depart from some landmark from which you can correct your bearings later on. When your first landmark is out of sight, choose another, studying the relation of direction it bears towards the first one.
No one who has had any insight into our B.B.S. work will deny for a moment that it deserves the sympathy and support of the public. It is a movement capable of doing more real good. At present the boys' headquarters is sadly handicapped for funds. Improvements are needed which must be carried out at once, but 'cannot be unless more assistance is obtained. The boys' subscriptions are only 1/ per month, or 3/ per quarter for each boy, and outside of this our sole income consists of sundry donations. More indoor games are sadly needed, as are books and maga-zines, one or two more tables, crockery for the coffee stall, tents, and camping outfits, and a host of other really necessary thing*. We appeal to our friends to help us. A few pounds only will be sufficient to supply the equipment needed, and make the required alterations.
We are pleased to hear that another company in Adelaide has decided to march under B.B.S. colors. Our special recruiting month has begun well. From news to hand we learn that this company has two full patrols, and is forming a third. It has secured a good hall for meeting, and is conducted by an efficient and enthusiastic scoutmaster.
The deputy-commissioner received this week an interesting and encouraging letter from Sergeant S. W. Tamblyn, of Company IT, Hamley Bridge, he reports that the company is getting splendidly to work, and that two more comrades were enrolled at their last meeting. Boys from the surrounding district might find it profitable to visit Sergeant Tamblyn's company, and then extend the B.B.S.
Country correspondents should see that reports for publication reach headquarters not later than Saturday of each week. The official press correspondent will be pleased to receive B.B.S news from all ever Australia.
We are again compelled to warn the public against encouraging any person collecting on behalf of the British Boy Scouts. No one is authorised to do so.
Sunday evening services are held regularly at headquarters, which are attended by young and old. It is with much regret that we learn that Scoutmaster Chaplain Rev. E. J. Drummond has been absent for the past two Sundays on account of the serious illness of his children. Both he and Mrs. Drummond have been much missed. Services have been conducted by the workers during the chaplain's absence.
"W-N.," Truro.-L Cannot get our manual until more arrive from London. 2. You are not old enough for Imperial Scout Corps. Why not join B.B.S. You could form a patrol yourself. BRITISH BOY SCOUTS. (1910, August 10). The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), p. 17. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article5220695
June 1920 visit of the Prince of Wales to Sydney – Girl Guides at Government House
Through lines of veterans of long-ago wars the Prince's carriage passed into the grounds 0f Government House. Just beyond the entrance, drawn-up on the lawn and standing to attention in well-drilled companies, were over 2000 women in the uniform of the army nursing sisters and the V.A.D. division of the Red Cross. The great splash of white on the sunlit green, the troop of Lancers drawn up across the front of the Vice-Regal residence, on the eastern side of the garden a guard of Boy Scouts, Dame Margaret Davidson and her two daughters waiting the arrival of his High ness, and a short rank of khaki-clad soldiers wearing the proudest of all military decorations made a striking picture. It was set in an almost ideal framing.
The wide, deep block, representative of the part played by the women of the mother State in the great war, was fronted by the nursing sisters in their uniforms of grey. In front stood Principal Matron Kellett (R.R.C., O.B.E., Star, King's and Allies' medals). Be-hind the ranks of nursing sisters were the lines of army masseuses, and with them several nurses in the uniform of Queen Alexandra's Imperial Nursing Reserve. Then in turn were ranked Mr. Hanbury Davies and Mrs. Mackinnon, directors of the V.A.D. division of the Red Cross, Dr. Storrie Dixon (commissioner for the New South Wales district). Colonel Morgan Martin, C.M.G., Mr. Bowles R. Rainsford, Mrs. Aubrey Withers, and Mr. T. H. Henderson, of St. John Ambulance Association Overseas. Next stood in broad array a dozen white-clad companies, each unit wearing the badge of the Red Cross V.A. Division, stretching almost down to the boundary fence, against which the public were packed, densely crowded.
Cheers in gathering volume gave warning. The advance guard came into view. A whistle sounded. The parade came abruptly to attention, all looking straight ahead to-wards the entrance of the old house. But in a moment a subdued cry of "The Prince, the Prince!" ran along the waiting ranks, and there were very few who could restrain the impulse to turn eyes left. Thus it was under the direct gaze of nearly 4000 feminine eyes that the Prince moved for the next half-hour, and before a battery of assiduous photographers, too. It probably unnerved his Highness a little, this unique gathering of the other sex. There was more than a hint of nervousness as he looked round over a scene in which the few men about seemed mere intruders. There was a gravity and deference, too, in his salute as the carriage moved along the driveway, and of bashfulness in his bearing as he left the carriage to shake hands with Dame Margaret and her two little girls in blue. But this vanished in a moment as his Highness stepped over the grass towards a brave little rank of men on whose breasts he saw the ribbon of the V.C. With these very typical Diggers he was on good terms at once, obvious pleasure shining in his eyes as he shook them warm-ly by the hand and talked of stirring, never-to-be-forgotten days in which they served their King and country so well. The brave little rank was composed of Major Wark, V.C., D.S.O., Captain P. V. Storkey, V.C, Lieut. Maxwell, V.C., M.M, and bar, Lieut. Borella, V.C., Lieut Hamilton, V.C., Sergt. W. B. Brown, V.C., D.C.M., Sergt. Howell, V.C., Cpl. J. Hall, V.C., Cpl. Kenny, V.C., Pte. Curry, V.C., and Pte. Cartwright, V.C.
Expressing a desire to inspect the nurses' guard of honour, his Highness, accompanied by Matron Kellett, moved through the lines of those in grey, and on through those in blue.
Then Mrs. Mackinnon and Mr. Hanbury Davies were presented, and accompanied his Highness on his inspection of the 1600. V.A.Ds., all of whom stood rigidly straight, as he passed each company. Thence his Highness moved over towards the Boy Scouts, spoke for a few minutes to the officers in command, and then inspected the smart-looking lads paraded in three lines before him. The punctillio of the occasion having been discharged his Highness sauntered to-wards Colonel Eames, who was In charge of the parade, conversed in pleasant vein with him for a time, and then rejoining Lady Davidson and his Excellency, proceeded into the home of New South Wales Governors, where his father had been a guest before him. Not till then did the nurses stir from attention. When a few minutes later the parade broke up there was a scurry of grey and white-clad figures towards the house to see his Highness with less formality than before. The wait for this privilege was a brief one. The Prince, with the Admiral always close beside him, came out to chat to four bemedalled veterans, with girls and photographers clustering around him, and having made the old men very happy by the cordiality of his greeting and farewell, went off with saluting cheers of many hundreds of "Aids" into a veritable tornado of cheers from eager Boy Scouts.
The whole parade at Government House was in charge of Colonel Eames, C.B., with whom were Lieutenant-Colonel Roth, C.M.G., D.S.O. (in charge of the V.A.Ds.), Lieutenant-Colonel Walsh, D.S.O. (in charge of the nurses), Captain Ward, assisted by Division Superintendent Keato (St. John's Ambulance Association), and Ambulance-officer Holmes, assisted in the V.A.D. division.
Nearly all the nursing sisters had ribbons on their uniforms-many wore much coveted decorations and medals for galant and de-voted service. Among them were Matron Gould (R.R.C., South Africa, King's and Al-lies Medals), Matron Cooper, formerly of Randwick Military Hospital, now of Rathmore Red Cross Home (R.R.C. and King's Medal); Matron Creal, Sydney Hospital, formerly in charge at the 14th A.G.H., Egypt (R.R.C. and King's Medal); Matron Pocock (R.R.C and South Africa,) Matron Tait (R.R.C), and Mat-ron Molloy (R.R.C). The only two Military Medallists in New South Wales, Sisters Cawood and Corkhill, were on parade, and in the front rank, wearing the ribbon of the R.R.C., were Sisters Marshal, Morrice, Eld-ridge, Twynham, de Mestre, Pidgeon, Messrs, Dickson, Richmond, Hedderman, MacIntosh, Baxter, Donaldson, M. Jones, Major-West, and Draper (Greek Order of Merit). The Greek medallists present were Sisters Riordan, Wray, Dwyer, McGrath, Davey, K. B. Campbell, and G.E. Paton. One of the oldest nurses-Sister Frater showed the ribbons of service in South Africa and the recent war.
The parade strength of the V.A.Ds. was made up as follows:-No. 1 company (Miss Higman): Headquarters, 20; Randwick, 24; Stanmore, 32; Summer Hill, 15; Parramatta, 38. No. 2 company (Miss Piper): Cronulla, 40; Kensington, 18; Record, 14; Nowra, 10; Bronte, 25; Paddington, 20. No, 3 company I (Mrs. Sinclair): Petersham, 46; Cremorne, 25: Goulburn, 12; Strathfield, 25; North Sydney B, 20. No. 4 company (Miss Ellis): Wilson's Point, 30: Bexley, 24; Burwood B, 23; Five Dock, 22; Moss Vale, 24; Moree, 2. No. 5 company (Mrs. Irvine): Turramurra, 16: Double Bay, 18: Camden, 13; Hubbe, 12; Central, 30; Bathurst, 20; Dalmeny, i'4; Berry, 12. No. 6 company (Mrs. Henderson): Russell Lea, 34; Junior Red Cross, 16; Burwood A, 15; Manly, 32; Epping, 20. No. 7 company (Miss Playfair): George's Heights, 35; Bondi, 20: North Sydney A, 20; Enfield, 18; Lane Cove, 30, No. 8 company (Miss Evans): Mosman, 40; North Sydney E, 14; North Ashfield, 20; Penrith, 25; Dulwich Hill, 25 No. 0 company (Miss Fisher): Neutral Bay, 30; Bowral, 11; Darling-hurst, 15; Annandale, 15: Lewisham, 20; Killara, 21; Ashfield, 10. No. 10 company (Mrs. lisies): Drummoyne, 30; Roseville, 18; Botany, 20; Newcastle A, 30; "Kitchen," 32. No. 11 company (Miss Wells): Public Service. 30; Marrickville, 28; Gordon, 21; Wollongong, 22; Orange, 4; St. Vincent's, 11. No. 12 company, St. John (Miss Moriarty): Headquarters, 20; Newtown, 24; Leichhardt, 24; North Sydney, 10; Lithgow, 10; St. George, 14; Western Suburbs, 20. The Junior Red Cross from headquarters and North Sydney auxiliary were under Mrs. Mackinnon. A contingent of Girl Guides, in blue costumes and with ribbon bedecked shoulders, also paraded.
During Inspection of the parade his High-ness expressed to the officers his appreciation of the honour done to him by the nurses and V.A.Ds., and said he desired they should be given his congratulations upon their muster, and thanked for having assembled in such large numbers.
The veterans presented to his Highness Just as he was leaving Government House were Sergt.-major Withers (2nd Somerset Regiment),'Private J. Butcher (1st Ontario Rifles), Seaman Karby, R.N., and Private J. Antill (79th Highlanders). NURSES AND V.A.D'S. REVIEW BY PRINCE. (1920, June 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15894541
Last Saturday afternoon scores of little brown-clad figures came many rallies to the general enrolment of New South Wales Brownies,, which took place at Culwulla-chambers, Castlerongh-street, Sydney.
Brownies are Junior Girl Guides. aged 6 to 10 years. Their other title Is "Helpful Fairies In the Home," and their motto Is, "Lend, a Hand!" Surrounded by many local members of their world-wide sisterhood, over 60 little recruits were enrolled by the Brownie Chief, or Chief Brown Owl (Miss Gertrude Turnley). Each recruit took the Brownie promise: "I promise to do my best to be loyal to God and the King, to obey the law of the Brownie Pack, and to help other people dally, especially those at home." The Brownie law is: "A Brownie gives In to the older folk. A Brownie does not give In to herself."
After taking the promise, each recruit received the tiny brown enamel "Brownie" badge, and a Brownie handshake from the Chief Brown Owl, and a welcoming Brownie salute from the other Brownies. This enrolment Is believed to be the largest com-bined enrolment of Brownies which has yet taken place In this country, though several Individual pack enrolments have numbered 20 to 30 members.
The organising commissioner of Now South Wales Girl Guides (Miss Nella Levy) was pre-sent, with Captain M. Bnyes, and described her recent visit to the Brownies of Yass and Goulburn, when she went there to enrol Girl Guides. '
In addition to the Investiture ceremony, the great roomful of Brownies sang the National Anthem, standing at the full salute, and also Joined In various singing games, and then had refreshments.
The following Brownie packs, with their respective Brown Owls or other loaders, were represented:-1st Bondi (Miss K. Hector), 1st Chatswood (Mrs. M. Cooke), 1st Drummoyne (Miss, Bardsley), iBt Dulwich Hill (MIBS D. Best), 2nd Dulwich Hill (Miss G. Moir), 1st Glebe (Miss K. Ackland), 1st Hornsby (Misa D. Rood), 1st Kogarah (Miss J. Taylor), 1st Leichhardt, 1st Longueville (Miss H. Marston), 1st Manly (Miss Jeffreys), 1st Moore Park (Miss/N, Hunt), 1st Warren (Miss D. Thorn-hill), 1st Waterloo (Miss K. Hocter). Packs from several other districts were unable to be present.
So many other children are anxious to be-come enrolled that the need for leaders is very urgent. Pull details concerning alms, training, etc., In connection with this useful and patriotic work can be obtained at the G.G. headquarters, room 32, tim floor, Commonwealth Bank-chambers, Pitt-street, Sydney. THE GIRL GUIDES. (1923, June 14). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16073764
On Thursday afternoon, at the Katoomba Town Hall, Lady David publiclv enrolled the Girl Guides in the First Katoomba and First Hazelbrook Corps. During the afternoon the Guides gave an exhibition of folk dancing and other interesting demonstrations of their work. The Mayoress of Katoomba (Mrs. Walter Rumble) presided and also entertained the Guides and ladies present at afternoon tea. The function was highly successful, a strong local association being inaugurated. Society and The Home (1923, December 1). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 15. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article245996605
Regulations Relaxed
It was announced by the Transport Board yesterday that permits would be issued in respect of the conveyance on goods motor vehicles of surf boats and other gear and a maximum of 25 competing members of surf clubs attending carnivals within the boundaries of districts as follows :—
Metropolitan : Avalon, Bondi, Brighton, Bronte, Collaroy, Curl Curl South, Cronulla, Clovelly, Coogee, Deewhy, Freshwater, Manly, Mona Vale-Alumni , Maroubra,Newport, North Curl Curl, North Narrabeen, North Steyne, North Bondi, North Cronulla, Palm Bench, Queenscliff, South Narrabeen, Tamarama, Whale Beach.
Illawarra: Austinmer, Bellambi, Bulli, Coalcliff, Coledale, Corrimal, Helensburgh-Stanwell Park, Port Kembla, Kiama, North Wollongong, Scar-borough-Wombarra, Thirroul, Woonona, Wollongong
Far South Coast: Bermagui, Merimbula, Pambula, Tathra.
Newcastle District: Catherine Hill Bay, Cook's Hill, Dudley, Whitebridge, Merewether, Newcastle, Nobby's, Redhead, Swansea, Swansea Caves, Stockton.
Mid North Coast: Blackhead, Hastings District, Kempsey-Crescent Head, Nambucca Heads, Nam- bucca District, Port Macquarie, South-West Rocks, Taree Old Bar, Wauchope.
North Coast Branch: Ballina, Byron Bay, Coff's Harbour, Coff's Jetty, Evans Head, Yamba, Mooball, Fingal Head.
If inter-district transport is desired application in respect of any specific journey must be made direct to the board for consideration.
With regard to Boy Scout organisations, the transport of Scouts within the metropolitan and Newcastle areas is discouraged by the board on account of the facilities by rail, tram and passenger carrying vehicles being ample but in country districts where rail facilities are not provided, or reasonable rail services are not available, the board authorises the travel of Boy Scouts and Girl Guides by goods motor vehicles which are licensed under the Act subject to the issue of a permit, obtainable by the licensee from the nearest district registry at a cost of 1/ for each trip desired. TRANSPORT ACT. (1932, February 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16839228
The Sunday Times was founded by W. H. Leighton Bailey. It was first published on 15 November 1885 by Charles Mark Curtiss, and ceased with no. 2389 on 1 June 1930.
The Sunday Times was controlled by the Evans family for over 30 years, until 1916 when the Sunday Times Newspaper Company, as well as the company's premises, were sold to Hugh D. McIntosh. In 1927, McIntosh sold his holdings in the Sunday Times Newspaper Company to Beckett's Newspapers, with J. H. C. Sleeman as Managing Director. The Sunday Times ceased publication in 1930, with staff informed on June 8th. The Sunday Times Newspaper Company also published The Referee from 1887, and later the Arrow.
The Nella Levy Chapel was an outdoor chapel at Tara, a Girl Guide camp in Silverdale, New South Wales. It was built in 1972. Unfortunately, the property was sold for development by Girl Guides NSW/ACT in 2009-10.
In 2004, Guides Australia described its mission as: 'Helping girls and young women grow into confident, self-respecting, responsible community member.' All Australian Guides, youth and adults, make the same Promise, use the same Laws, and wear the same badge. (The words on the badge say Guides Australia).
Guide Promise
I promise that I will do my best,
to do my duty to God,
to serve the Queen and my Country,
to help other people and to keep the Guide Law.
The Guide Laws
A Guide is loyal and can be trusted
A Guide is helpful
A Guide is polite and considerate
A Guide is friendly and a sister to all Guides
A Guide is kind to animals and respects all living things
A Guide is obedient
A Guides has courage and is cheerful in all difficulties
A Guide makes good use of her time
A Guide takes care of her own possessions and those of other people
A Guide is self-controlled in all she thinks says and does
Girl Guides Australia is the peak organisation for girls and young women in Australia. Girl Guides Australia’s mission is to empower girls and young women to become confident, self-respecting, responsible community members.
We provide girls with opportunities to grow, learn and have fun in relevant and meaningful ways. We provide a foundation for girls and young women to be the best that they can be and harness their individual potential to make a difference. We foster personal character based on our values of respect and collaboration to engender leadership qualities.
Girl Guides Australia is building on a 100 year tradition of helping develop a brighter and better world… Guiding is about friendship, fun and adventure.
We instill in our members a desire to take action on issues they care about and contribute to the communities around them as a key part of their personal growth.
To find out more information about Girl Guides Australia please visit our website www.girlguides.org.au
As our core capability and the activity that all policies and systems must support, the Girl Guide Method is defined as by the World Association of Girl Guide and Girl Scouts as (Verhoeven, 2014)
- Learning in small groups to support each other, negotiate, make democratic decisions, assert our needs, solve problems together, take the lead
- At the pace and through a pathway that is determined by the girl to respect individuals, make our own choices, learn in the best way for us, value our achievements, collaborate not compete, be confident
- Learning by doing to take on challenges, learn through experience, take risks, make mistakes, get involved, pay attention
- Connecting with others to value others, appreciate diversity, listen, connect, make a difference, develop empathy, communicate
- Connecting with the world to be active citizens, get our hands dirty, enjoy the outdoors, get involved in our community, speak out for change, pay attention to the wider world
Learning is experiential and connected to others with a goal of making the world a better place.
In 1914 Rosebuds were established for girls aged 8–10, this name was later changed to Brownies. Two years later in 1916 the first Senior Guide groups were formed, in 1920 these groups became Rangers. 1943 saw the establishment of the Trefoil Guild for members over 21 (now 18) who wished to remain a part of the movement but couldn't remain active with a unit. The section for the youngest members of the association, Rainbows, was introduced in 1987 for girls aged 5–7 (4–7 in Ulster).
In 1936 the then Girl Guides Association was one of the founding members of The National Council for Voluntary Youth Services (NCVYS), which was created with the aim of promoting and supporting youth development work across England. Girl-guiding has remained a member of NCVYS ever since.
In 1964, a "Working Party" was established to review and update the whole programme of the association; their 195-page report was published in 1966 under the title Tomorrow's Guide. These recommendations were implemented in 1968 and included new uniforms, badges and awards across all the sections of the association. Land, Sea and Air Rangers were merged into a single Ranger Guide Service Section.
The Girl Guides Australia logo is compromised of three parts. The first two parts are the trefoil and the wording. These parts are essential. The third part, the State identity, is optional and is included beneath the GIRL GUIDES AUSTRALIA wording.
The trefoil also included the seven-pointed star which represents the Commonwealth Star on the Australian flag. The seven points of the Commonwealth Star represent the six States plus the Territories. It must always be used with the trefoil.
Guide Blue and Guide Yellow remain the brand colours.
Director of Wrens inspects girl sea rangers in London - 4-October-1942. Mrs Laughton Matthews, Director of the Women's Royal Naval Service inspected detachments of the Girl Sea Rangers, drawn from the London area, in Kensington Gardens, London.
Information about the 2020 dynamic Girl Guide Movement runs below – let’s dip into the past in your immediate surrounds.
Things that are shared amongst all Guide Units are:
- The Guide Promise – Girls become Guides by making their Promise. Each country has its own Promise, but historically all have the same three parts: duty to God or to your beliefs, duty to your country and keeping the Guide Law. Though there was historically a religious aspect, many countries are moving towards more non-denominational promises.
- The Good Turn – Each Guide tries to do a kind thing for someone else, without payment and without being asked, every day.
- The World Badge – This can be worn on uniform or ordinary clothes. The three leaves of the trefoil stand for the threefold Promise. The vein in the centre is a compass needle, pointing the way and the two stars stand for the Promise and the Law. The colours stand for the golden sun shining over all the children of the world, from a blue sky. This badge is a guiding symbol that can be recognized all over the world.
- The World Flag – This is in the same colours as the World Badge and can be carried or flown by any member of the movement. It is often used as the Unit Flag. The three yellow blocks represent the threefold Promise and the white corner represents the commitment to peace of all WAGGGs' members.
- The Guide Sign – The three fingers stand for the three parts of the Promise. The Guide sign is used when making or renewing the Promise and can be used when meeting other Guides. It may also be used when receiving a badge or at the end of meetings.
- The Motto – "Be Prepared" – This means that Guides are ready to cope with anything that might come their way.
- The left handshake – This is the way members of the Movement greet each other. The left hand is the one nearest the heart, so symbolizing friendship. Additionally, warriors held their shield in the left hand, so putting down your shield means that you are vulnerable, making it a display of both bravery and trust.
- Thinking Day – On February 22 each year, Guides think of their Guide sisters all around the world. The date was chosen at a World Conference because it was the birthday of both the Founder and the World Chief Guide.
- The World Chief Guide – Olave, Lady Baden-Powell is the only person ever to have been World Chief Guide. She was the wife of the Founder, Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell, and lived from 1889 to 1977.
Girls 5-17 years and women from 18 years join Guides in their local community and become members of their State organisation. Each organisation offers girls the opportunity to enjoy Guiding through the Australian Guide Program.
The Australian Adult Leadership Program provides the framework to equip all Leaders with the skills relevant to their role in Guiding. The Australian Guide Program and the Australian Adult Leadership Program are reviewed regularly to ensure Guiding remains relevant to Australia’s women of tomorrow.
At Guides you are able to:
- experience exciting challenges with friends
- have lots of fun
- join a Guide Unit of similar aged girls
- meet for 1-2 hours in a local hall most weeks during term time
- have a different experience every week
Guides get to:
- develop life skills, confidence to think and act for themselves, respect for the environment and a sense of community
- try a wide range of activities appropriate to their age, abilities and interests
- discover, decide, plan, do and evaluate their program with the guidance of a trained adult volunteer Leader
- choose to challenge and extend themselves
- earn a wide variety of badges and develop a great sense of achievemen
Guides aged 14 years or older have the opportunity to earn their Queen’s Guide Award and participate in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme.
The best part is you get to choose with your friends what you can do, whether you choose to do:
- an outdoor adventure like canoeing, archery, abseiling, skiing, hiking, camping, cooking damper over a fire or just sitting around a campfire singing, chatting and sharing a joke or two.
- or indoor activities, the range is up to your imagination, working as a team planning your next adventures, being creative, exploring another culture and faith, earning your next badge and achieving your goals.
You may have heard people talk about being a Brownie, Girl Guide or Ranger and joining the Girl Guide Association. Since 1996 all members have been referred to as Guides. The younger girls (formerly Gumnut Guides aged 5-6 years and Brownie Guides aged 7- 11 years) love being known as Guides and having the opportunities to choose the name of their Unit. In some areas girls have decided to keep the name Brownie or Gumnut or Ranger as a tradition in their Unit name while others have chosen names such as the Dolphin Guides, Bilby Guides, Junior or Senior Guides. Unit names will usually contain the name of the area as well.
Olave Program 18 to 30yrs
The Olave Program is for members of Guiding in Australia aged 18-30, and focuses on the three aspects of community, adventure and self-development. Olaves take opportunities to:
- Make a positive difference in their communities through volunteering, service and advocacy;
- Challenge themselves through new experiences especially in the outdoors and internationally; and
- Develop skills and knowledge to enable them to grow as individuals.
The Olave Program is underpinned by the Guide Promise and Law and the innovations and traditions of Australian Guiding. Olaves seek to challenge themselves under the areas of the Olave Program Framework and can choose to complete awards under the Olave Awards Structure
Olaves take opportunities to make a positive difference in their communities through volunteering, service and advocacy.
This could involve:
- Taking action to improve your community
- Developing an understanding of global issues and sharing your knowledge with others
- Volunteering at events and activities
- Connecting with a range of diverse groups within your community
- Developing and implementing a project of your own or with likeminded people
- Supporting Guiding at a local, state, national and international level
- Speaking out on issues you are passionate about
- Working in partnerships with other organisations to implement positive change
Olaves take opportunities to challenge themselves through new experiences especially in the outdoors and internationally.
This could involve:
- Stepping out of your comfort zone and developing self-confidence
- Experiencing Guiding on an international level through overseas trips and experiences
- Exploring natural and urban environments
- Making global connections through the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) or other international organisations
- Expanding your horizons by taking part in a range of different activities
- Attending camps and events at a local, state, national and international level
- Developing skills in planning, risk management and problem solving and sharing this expertise with others
- Participating in opportunities and programs offered by WAGGGS
Olaves take opportunities to develop skills and knowledge to enable them to grow as individuals.
This could involve:
- Developing practical skills to assist all areas of life
- Volunteering for leadership or management positions and/or working to develop the relevant skills
- Developing and expanding supportive social networks
- Setting goals and achieving them through Olave Program Awards or personal projects
- Upskilling in the areas of project management, event management and governance within Guiding
- Actively participating in a Peer Group to enhance your development and the development of others
- Exploring new interests, skills and opportunities, including gaining external qualifications
- Undertaking learning and development opportunities through Guiding on a variety of topics
Olaves have many opportunities to represent Guiding and young women locally, nationally and internationally.
Baden-Powell on "Be Prepared" - the original
Baden-Powell provides several descriptions of how and for what situations a Scout must be prepared elsewhere in Scouting for Boys. In his explanation of the third point of the Scout Law, Baden-Powell says:A Scout's Duty is to be Useful and to Help Others.
And he is to do his duty before anything else, even though he gives up his own pleasure, or comfort, or safety to do it. When in difficulty to know which of two things to do, he must ask himself, "Which is my duty?" that is, "Which is best for other people?"—and do that one. He must Be Prepared at an time to save life, or to help injured persons. And he must do a good turn to somebody every day.
— Lieut. Gen. Baden Powell C.B., Scouting for Boys (1908), "Camp Fire Yarn.—No. 4. Scout Law." (Part I, p. 49)
In the opening chapter of Scouting for Boys, Baden-Powell says:
Every boy ought to learn how to shoot and to obey orders, else he is no more good when war breaks out than an old woman, and merely gets killed like a squealing rabbit, being unable to defend himself.
— Lieut. Gen. Baden Powell C.B., Scouting for Boys (1908), "Camp Fire Yarn.—No. 1. Mafeking Boy Scouts." (Part I, Chapter I, pp. 9–10)
Baden-Powell discuses more skills required of Scouts in Chapter IV of Scouting for Boys, which addresses camp life, and he lists:
- Tying knots
- Making a bivouac shelter for the night, or a hut for longer-term camping
- Using an axe or bill-hook to fell small trees and branches
- Mending and even making clothes and boots
- Cooking meat and vegetables, and making bread without regular cooking utensils
- Driving sheep, cattle and horses
- Killing and butchering cattle
- Milking cows or goats
- Being able to find one's way by night and by day
- Being able to read a barometer, and signs of the weather
- Judging distance from an inch up to a mile or more
- Knowing the points of a compass
- Smell well in order to find his enemy by night
- Hear well
- Have good eyesight to notice things rapidly and at distance
Chapter VIII of Scouting for Boys discussed saving life. On this topic, Baden-Powell says that a scout should be prepared by:
- Learning beforehand what to do in the event of likely accidents
- Being prepared to do what is required the moment that an accident does occur
- Knowing how to deal with a mad dog, and being prepared to take the necessary action
- Knowing how to react to a person's suicide attempt
The first handbook for Girl Guides, How Girls Can Help to Build Up the Empire by Agnes and Robert Baden-Powell, similarly explains: The motto of the Girl Guides is "Be Prepared". Why is this? It is because, like the other Guides, you have to be prepared at any moment to face difficulties and even dangers by knowing what to do and how to do it.
Girl Guides - Background
The Girl Guides Association was constituted and created in Great Britain by Royal Charter dated 14 December 1922. 1.2 The Girl Guides Association (New South Wales) was formed in accordance with the principles of the Girl Guides Association and with the laws of the State of New South Wales and is an independent body within a framework of Girl Guides Australia Incorporated. 1.3 The Girl Guides Association (New South Wales) has adopted the badge of Girl Guides Australia based on a trefoil. Page 3 of 25 Constitution Girl Guides Association (New South Wales) – 18 May 2019 1.4 The Executive Committee of the Girl Guides Association (New South Wales) is a body corporate under the name of The Girl Guides Association of New South Wales as provided by the Girl Guides Association (New South Wales) Incorporation Act 1951. 1.5 The head office of the Girl Guides Association (New South Wales) is located in the place determined by the Board from time to time.
Feeling overwhelmed when facing, as a young adult, taking your place in the world is a normal part of growing up, we’ve all been there and becoming an adult doesn’t stop that from happening occasionally, however there are some great ‘grounding skills’ many of us learnt while still young that are still referred to by us oldies. All these expectations and incessant slick polished ‘ideals’ that are presented may not suit the aspirations of many – we don’t all want to be spending all our time and hard-earned money pursuing a ‘look at me’ lifestyle. For many of us such pursuits are fake – we’d rather be getting messy and salty in the sea, or hiking up a mountain, just for the view and the air. We’d rather be able, when a problem, whether physical, emotional or mindful presents itself, to be able to do something about that.
For a generation that is having so many ‘alternatives’ thrown at it, just remembering it was ok to play mud pies when a toddler and learn how to tie knots when a 10 year old, or know how to use a compass, run up a sail, find water in an apparently waterless landscape, actually equips you with skills that combine the physical, emotional and mindful in one and if you can do those things – find your way out of being lost using a compass – you can do anything else life brings up too, even if you have to take a deep breath and exhale before bravely going forward.
There are numerous organisations that can equip you with skills that you later find out have contributed to you standing steady and standing tall – this is just one of them. What’s great about these is you’re actually having fun while doing so and there are a range of options to get involved to suit your tastes. Mum was a Sea Ranger and later Guider, who went on a World Tour in 1956 as part of being involved, a tur she earned and paid for herself – and still talks about this - yours truly was a Girl Guide who can still make bread from flour and water and knows which way is true north via stars or sun. Most importantly – despite decades of challenges – I’m still here, and I can still sense all in the bush around us on sunlit days spent camping – still taste that billy made damper, still see and hear those tinkling bush creeks.
Many of the skills still being shared are those you will find in local surf clubs nowadays, as well as still being maintained in the few local Girl Guide, Boy Scouts and Sea Scouts companies we still have. They too have a range of training you can undertake to empower yourself, although using a compass or how to build a shelter when in the bush isn’t necessarily among those listed unless you join one of the Youth groups clubs have – Avalon Beach SLSC having a great program in this regard. Still, Life-saving formed part of what was taught from 1909 to young men and women through this movement and persists in what is taught today.
In 2010 Girl Guides Australia was celebrating ‘100 years of changing lives’. One hundred years of enabling girls and young women to grow into confident, self respecting, responsible community members - young women who are empowered to become the community leaders of tomorrow, who care about the environment and the people of their local and global communities, and are willing to go that extra mile to serve these communities. Girl Guides Australia is a volunteer led organisation, with volunteers operating at all levels, from the Chief Commissioner at the head of the organisation to the Leaders and Guide supporters at the local level.
In recognition of Guiding’s positive contribution to Australian society, in September 2009 the then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Minister for the Status for Women, Tanya Plibersek, announced that 2010 will be the Australian Year of the Girl Guide, in association with the organisation’s centenary.
In Australia the movement began under various names in different States, for example the Australian League of Girl Aids in New South Wales, the Peace Scouts in Tasmania and the Red Cross Girl Aids in Victoria. Guiding developed independently in each State over the next few years until its official start in 1911.
Scouting started in Australia with some informal troops in Western Australia and Victoria in 1907. Scouting was established in Australia in 1908, the year the first Boy Scout training handbook Scouting for Boys was published in England. CHUMS Scout Patrols started forming in Australia in 1908 due to the circulation of CHUMS publication there. R.C. Packer and the Sunday Times in 1908 supported the formation of the League of Boy Scouts. St. Enoch's Presbyterian Church, Mount Morgan, Queensland formed its unit on 23 November 1908.
The Boy's Brigade launched their Scout program in 1909. Troops under the British Boy Scouts (BBS) program began Australian operations in 1909. Other Scouting organizations formed in 1909 were: Imperial Boy Scouts (IBS), Church Scout Patrols program of the Anglican Church Lads' Brigade, Australian League of Boy Scouts Queensland, Girl Peace Scouts (Australia) and YMCA Scouts.
In 1910 the CHUMS Scout Patrols merged with the BBS. Also in July 1910, the Australian League of Boy Scouts Queensland affiliated to the United Kingdom's Boy Scouts Association and changes names to League of Baden-Powell Boy Scouts, Queensland Section. St. Enoch's affiliated their company with the Boy's Brigade Scouts in 1910. The IBS Victoria Section requested in September 1911 that the Minister of Defence allow IBS troops to undergo military cadet training under the military supervision, but were denied as being a voluntary association.
The Australian Boy Scouts founded in 1910 had merged with the Imperial Boy Scouts to become Australian Imperial Boy Scouts (A.I.B.S.) by 1912. In 1912, the Gippsland Boy Scout Association was formed and affiliated with the A.I.B.S. The Church Scout Patrols ceased activities by 1912 while the League of Boy Scouts had stopped operating around 1914. Some of the Girl Peace Scouts joined the Voluntary Aid Detachments during World War I.
Baden-Powell visited Australia in 1912 and in later years (1927, 1931 and 1934) to encourage the extension of his Boy Scouts Association.
Two central themes have been present from the earliest days of the movement: domestic skills and "a kind of practical feminism which embodies physical fitness, survival skills, camping, citizenship training, and career preparation". These two themes have been emphasizsd differently at different times and by different groups, but have remained central to Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting.
Lieutenant-General Robert Baden-Powell was a British soldier during the Second Anglo-Boer War in South Africa (1899–1902). He was the commander during the Siege of Mafeking, and noted during the siege how young boys made themselves useful by carrying messages for the soldiers. When he came home, he decided to put his Scouting ideas into practice to see if they would work for young boys, and took 21 boys camping on Brownsea Island, near Poole in Dorset. The camp was a success, and subsequently Baden-Powell wrote the book Scouting for Boys. The book covered topics such as tracking, signalling, and cooking, and it outlined a Scout method for an "instruction in good citizenship". Soon boys began to organise themselves into Patrols and Troops and calling themselves "Boy Scouts". Girls bought the book as well and formed themselves into Patrols of Girl Scouts, while some girls and boys formed mixed Patrols.
In those days, for girls to camp and hike was not common, as shown by this excerpt from The Boy Scouts Headquarters Gazette of 1909: "If a girl is not allowed to run, or even hurry, to swim, ride a bike, or raise her arms above her head, how can she become a Scout?"
Lord Robert Baden-Powell
The founder of Scouting, Lord Robert Baden-Powell was born in 1857 in England. He lived a busy and adventurous life, and as a boy spent much of his spare time in open-air pursuits, hunting in the woods, and joining his brothers in expeditions by land and in their boats. Thus he developed his powers of observation and resourcefulness and acquired many useful skills.
He won a scholarship which gave him entry into the British Army, where he was sent to India and served for many years. He tried out his ideas of training soldiers in “Scouting”, teaching them how to develop experience in stalking and fending for themselves and to be observant of all signs that would give them an advantage as soldiers. He set down his ideas in the book Aids to Scouting, which was used as a textbook for many years.
As a soldier, Baden-Powell rose to public prominence during the war against the Boers in Africa at the end of the 1800s. Most noteworthy was his leadership of the defending force in the siege of the South African town of Mafeking. Baden-Powell returned to England as a national hero in 1899 having successfully defended the town against the Boers.
Sir William Smith, leader of the Boys Brigade, encouraged him to set down his views on how he would apply “scouting” to the training of boys.
Baden-Powell conducted an experimental camp in 1907 on Brownsea Island off the Dorset coast, where, with some twenty boys and suitable adult leaders, he taught the boys what he meant by Scouting. They lived in tents, cooked their own food, and learned many valuable skills through games. The camp was a great success. Baden-Powell wrote of his experiences in a book he called “Scouting for Boys.” Published in January 1908 in fortnightly parts, it sold readily to the youth in England, who started to carry out “scouting” as they read the book.
Although the year 1908 marks the official beginning of the Scout Movement, Scouting really commenced with the Brownsea Island Camp in August 1907. Following this camp and the publication of the parts of the book, young boys in the community formed themselves into patrols of six to eight, and then looked around for adult leaders who could help them. Soon there were thousands of Scouts all over the country, and Baden-Powell had to set up an office to look after the new movement that had begun.
By 1908 Scouting had also spread to Australia, New Zealand and India. Other countries followed shortly after. Chile, in 1909, was the first country outside the then British Empire to start, followed closely by France, with the Scandinavian countries and the United States in 1910. In 1937, two-and-a-half-million Scouts from nearly fifty countries were affiliated with the International Bureau. The Bureau was set up to safeguard Scouting, and to prevent control drifting into the hands of the purely religious, political or military bodies.
In 1909 there was a Boy Scout rally at Crystal Palace in London. Among the thousands of Boy Scouts at the rally were several hundred Girl Scouts, including a group of girls from Peckham Rye who had no tickets. They asked Baden-Powell to let them join in. Following negative publicity in "The Spectator" magazine Baden-Powell decided that a separate single-sex organisation would be best. Baden-Powell asked his sister, Agnes Baden-Powell, to form a separate Girl Guides organisation. In 1910 The Girl Guides were officially formed in the United Kingdom. The first Guide Company to be registered was 1st Pinkneys Green Guides (Miss Baden-Powell's Own), who still exist in Pinkneys Green, Maidenhead, Berkshire. Many, though by no means all, Girl Guide and Girl Scout groups across the globe trace their roots to this point.
Baden-Powell chose the name "Guides" from a regiment in the British Indian Army, the Corps of Guides, which served on the Northwest Frontier and was noted for its skills in tracking and survival. In some countries, the girls preferred to remain or call themselves "Girl Scouts".
In Australia a sentiment was echoed locally as this few sentences shows from the state where women were first given the right to vote – although ‘thoughtless’,. This was the prevailing sentiment of the time, that ‘little girls should be seen and not heard’ and although the bulk of Australian women had been doing it for themselves in isolated places for a long time by then, women and girls being openly acknowledged as capable of being strong, independent, self reliant beings was not a popular idea in a country still ruled in the main by white Anglo Saxons and where women had only been give the right to vote just a few years earlier with Federation and would still not be able to enjoy the right to practice at law or many other skilled occupations which they had gained degrees for, for another decade. ( Visit - The NSW Women's Legal Status Bill 1918: How The 'Petticoat Interference In Government' Came Of Age - A 100 Years Celebration Of Women Alike Our Own Maybanke Selfe-Wolstenholme-Anderson)