January 17 - 23, 2016: Issue 247
The Pacific Club's 2016 Carnival in Rio Fundraiser for Palm Beach SLSC

L to R: Edwina, Holly, Bridget, Tori and Holly - greeting Guests to Rio - Carnival Fundraiser for Palm Beach SLSC at the Pacific Club Saturday, January 16th, 2016 - A J Guesdon photo
Keeping the 'Fun' in Fundraiser has always proved to be a winning formula for the Ladies Committee and then the Pacific Club Ladies when that was established as a place for women supporters of Palm Beach SLSC.
2016 marks the 79th year of these events and activities run through and around the Pacific Club.
Within a month of officially opening on November 28th, 1937, one sentence appeared in a Newcastle newspaper indicating what has become one of the established Summer:

The new Pacific Club at Palm Beach will hold its first dance on Boxing Night. SYDNEY JOTTINGS. (1937, December 22). Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (NSW : 1876 - 1954) , p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article134990625
Prior to this an annual Winter Ball in the city attracted 500 or more as a fundraiser. The emphasis at all these functions was on giving 110% into the planning and decorations and hosting - and each, reported in detail in social columns from the table decorations to the fashions worn or themes being celebrated, unsurprisingly, was a huge success that furthered future fundraising events. These dances of many themes in the 'ballroom' of the Pacific Club, as named in some reports, raised significant sums from the outset, supporting the Palm Beach SLSC Life Savers with everything from equipment purchase and maintenance to lifesavers wages, or furniture inside a clubhouse or any of the thousands of other works that need to be done so life savers may do their work.
The Pacific Club Palm Beach ladies even held a fundraiser to support the existence of the building where so many future fundraisers would be held:
Pacific Club Dance.
A model of Barrenjoey Lighthouse made of white sweet peas and yellow cellophane was an outstanding table decoration at the Pacific Club dance, held at the Wentworth Hotel last night. The Pacific Club is a recently formed women's club at Palm Beach, and the dance was held to raise funds for furnishing the clubhouse, which is nearing completion.
Mrs. Dalrymple Hay (president) wore a trained gown of black lace with full, net sleeves, and included among her guests Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stevens, Mrs. Stevens in a black velvet gown trimmed with a window-bow effect of white gardenias to match those in her hair. Mrs. George Cohen, Misses Claire Spruson, Barbara Dare, and Kath McCathie.
Before coming on to the dance Mr. Keightley Russell asked several of his friends to call at his flat for an "egg nog." The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fowler, Mrs. Kathleen Dalrymple Hay, Mrs. George Cohen. Misses Kathleen McCathie, Claire Spruson, Messrs. Peter Lister, Barton Honey, Stuart Ward, and Neville Goodall.
An attractive gown of diagonally self-striped satin In leaf green was worn by Mrs. John Ralston, and she added a matching coat which the stripes ran vertically. Mrs. DanCarroll covered her clinging gown of mulberry crepe with a swing coat of heavily quilted grey satin, and Mrs. Wilson Flake wore a draped gown of deep cyclamen roamaine, slashed down the front of the skirt to reveal a flare of parma violet.
Rhinestones studded the moulded gown of white satin worn by Mrs. Laurie Foster with a white ermine cape. Miss Vea Capper also added a white ermine jacket to her flared frock of starched white pique. Quilting round the hemline distinguished the gown of salmon pink satin favoured by Miss Phyllis Hipsley, and Miss Sheila Tonkin wore a gown of black organza and placed brightly coloured ranuncull in her coiffure.
LIGHTHOUSE IN SWEET PEAS. (1937, September 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17419426
The report of the official opening describes welcoming decorations again, the facilities now available for the women

MISS NANCYE CLARK (left), MRS. JOHN RALSTON, MISS NEA ARNOTT and MR. ERIC LUSCOMBE NEWMAN, at the party to celebrate the official opening of the Pacific Club, Palm Beach, yesterday afternoon.
MISS ENID RIDDLE (second from right), who was hostess to MR. WALK.hu ITAYLOR (left), MISS RUTH CLIFF, MISS LOIS WALKER TAYLOR, and MISS ANNETTE POWER, of Melbourne, at a week-end house party at Palm Beach. FOR WOMEN. (1937, November 29). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17420791
ENGAGEMENT Announced at Party.
Additional excitement was imparted to the cocktail party which marked the official opening of the Pacific Club,Palm Beach, yesterday afternoon by the announcement of the engagement of Miss Marie Holmes, of Rose Bay, to Mr. Ronald Ramsay, of Gundare, Coolah.
Miss Holmes is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Holmes, and her fiancé is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Ramsay, of Elizabeth Bay. Her ring is a solitaire diamond in a laised setting of smaller diamonds in platinum, and yesterday she wore a blue and white figured linen frock with a camelhair sports coat.
Members of the Pacific Club, of which Mrs. John Ralston is president, were hostesses to many of their friends at the party in the new club-house. The lower floor of the club is fitted with curtained cubicles and tiled shower rooms, and the top floor is one large room with huge sliding glass windows looking right across the beach to the surf. It is furnished with wicker chairs and small tables, and yesterday's hostesses decorated the room with big bowls of blue hydrangeas and pink shaded gladioli.
The paved patio at the back, on to which the room opens with glass doors, accommodated the overflow of guests.
Mrs. Ralston wore backless pyjamas of natural shantung, fastening with green and red buttons right down each side. Mrs. Dan Carroll wore a matching jacket with her pyjama suit of pale blue linen printed with a red object design, and Mrs. K. Dalrymple Hay wore slacks and shirt of navy silk spotted in red.
An attractive beach coat of red and white flowered linen was the choice of Mrs. Alan Copeland, who spent the week-end at her new Palm Beach home, which she and her husband designed themselves. Miss Bickie Bowker wore an unusual pair of navy and white figured linen slacks with a white towelling jumper, and Miss Sheila Curtis also chose figured slacks, of red and white Hawaiian cloth, with a sun-top of the same material.
Grey slacks were a. popular choice, and were worn by Mrs. Ralph Huntley with a dusty pink
knitted jumper, by Miss Joan Ritchie with a short-sleeved navy pullover, by Miss Vea Capper with, a matching jacket, and Miss Joyce Ruskin Rowe with a white toweling jumper.
Navy slacks and a cool white shirt was the choice of Miss Hermione Llewellyn, and Mrs. Ted Fowler wore an emerald green shirt with her navy shorts, and colour scheme repeated In Miss Phyllis Hipsley's costume.
Trimly tailored pyjamas of pale blue linen were worn by Miss Betty Munro with a Paisley cravat, and Miss June Munro covered her Hawaiian costume with a short flared coat of blue and white patterned cloth to match, and added a quaint crownless hat of plaited raffia with a fringed brim in front. Miss Clare Spruson wore a striped blouse with her suit of navy knoppe linen, and Miss Beverly Roberts matched her blue and orange stripe linen shorts with a tiny bolero. Family Notices. (1937, November 29). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17420784
Two examples, one of an early theme and entertainments - another of the annual Winter Ball:
The ballroom of the Pacific Club, Palm Beach, was decorated with fresh saplings, and illuminated by coloured lights, for the gypsy dance held there on Saturday night. The weather behaved beautifully, and only one small shower of rain worried the guests
Mrs Dale Bourn (Naomi Waters), who wore a lovely creole costume, with a very long train, gave an exhibition of the rhumba
Among those who wore gypsy costumes were the members of the house committee, and two brave men who came in costume were Messrs Keightley Russell and Lyn Armitage. The Misses Joyce Lucas Betty Culpan and Claire Spruson were responsible for the deviations, while the supper was prepared by Mrs. Kitty Hay and Mrs. F E Waters. DANCE AT PALM BEACH. (1939, March 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17592211
MISSES MOYA BARNES, BUNTY BROADWAY, JOYCE LOTHERINGTON, ROBIN EAKIN, and SHIRLEY ARNOTT photographed at the cocktail party held yesterday at the Carl Thomas Club to help defray the expenses of the Palm Beach Ball to be held in the Paddington Town Hall on June 23. TO AID FUNDS FOR PALM BEACH BALL. (1939, June 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17615669
Fundraisers have also been organised in a timely manner to support other more than worthy causes. This little item also speaks of lunches at the Pacific Club - something which raised funds from the first days of opening days, and of the Boxing Day and New Year's Eve parties - established traditions by then, and includes a fudge recipe although post war WWII rationing on sugar may indicate this lady was giving up most of her sugar rations for a while!
Working for Two Appeals
At Palm Beach Pacific Club
MRS. R. A. MCWILLIAM painting bottles which will be the bases for lamps to be sold at the Horticultural Christmas Gift Sale which will be opened by Lady Jordan on December 12 at No. 2 Wharf, Circular Quay, for the Merchant Navy War Memorial Appeal. The Duchess of Gloucester will donate plants for the sale which will continue on December 13 and 14.

MISS ROSEMARY PARKER preparing American chocolate fudge which will be sold at the "Fashion Forecast For Forty-six" to be staged at the Trocadero on December 5, for the Y.W.C.A. Miss Parser's recipe requires 3cups sugar, I cup mill, 8tablespoons cocoa, 3 dessertspoons butter, 1 dessertspoon vanilla, 1 cup chopped walnuts and almonds. Mix sugar, cocoa and mill well, cook until it forms a hard ball when tried in cold water, re-move from fire, add butter and vanilla let cool for about 10 min., then beat till creamy. Add nuts and pour into a greased dish.
Miss Mary Anne Derry, daughter of the Consul for the United States, and Mrs. Derry is making a supply of divinity fudge.
Left: MISS MARY FIRE-BRACE at Palm Beach wearing an outsized Berber native woman's hat which her god-mother, Miss D. Bray brought from Morocco before the war. With her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Firebrace, Miss Firebrace is living at Palm Reach for a few months.

MRS. LAURIE INGRAM lunching at the Pacific Club, Palm Beach, with MISS SHEILA GORDON. Mrs. Ingram will spend Christmas at Palm Beach.
Right: MR. and MRS.LIN ARMYTAGE at the Pacific Club at Palm Beach discuss plans for the parties to be held on Boxing Night and New Year's Eve at the Club. Working for Two Appeals At Palm Beach Pacific Club. (1945, November 28). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17961271
These few examples show there's quite a history associated with Pacific Club fundraisers and wonderful groups of succeeding generations of women who were and are smart, beautiful and active decades before Women's Lib and the Sisterhood, who kept to the ethos of making the world beautiful and better, to create something magical, wonderful and memorable to support the saving of lives on Palm Beach - a timely reminder we will be running a Pacific Club History page later this year for the beginning of 80th celebrations.
2016 is the 79th Summer of fundraisers being kept fun at the Pacific Club, so we'll stick to now and celebrate this season's ladies and gentlemen.
Pittwater Online News 'PBSLSC Carnival Rio Fundraiser' photo album for guests of the Pacific Club to help themselves to for their Family Albums HERE

Pacific Club Organising Committee for Carnival Fundraiser for Palm Beach SLSC - A J Guesdon photo