November 11 - 17, 2018: Issue 383
Warriewood And Other Creek Melodies
John's 'Pittwater Pathways' is about celebrating the positives, the beautiful places here. His skills with film are put to other uses when needed, but it is capturing and sharing that beauty he has a passion for. One such glory runs below, and epitomises why this gentleman puts his time, money and energy into providing the community with a voice.
Below this are a few other photos taken when having a stroll with former Pittwater Mayor David James, one of that determined band of residents who ensured we have a Warriewood wetland. These were taken the week Mr. James' OAM was announced and, rather than go one about that, he thought a 'distraction' in sharing one of his pet projects would suffice better than a 'bunch of words'.
His 'A Short History of community involvement in favour of environmental issues/campaigns in and around Narrabeen Lagoon - 1974 to present' includes insights into the saving of these creeks and their cleaner passage to the lagoon. That account forms part of a History page Eeling In Warriewood's Creeks, as the elder generation of Pittwater clearly recalls being able to catch eels and yabbies in this old valley - and there may be some still lingering, away from the now nosier thoroughfares.
This week a chance for an exhale and a small celebration of why we all love to dawdle along Pittwater Pathways and hear those Warriewood and other creek Melodies.
Mullet Creek Weed Control
'Duckholes' And Lovett Bay Waterfall

From Narrabeen Lagoon up Mullet Creek
Mullet Creek runs through all three reserves, the Warriewood-Ingleside Escarpment, adjoining Irrawong Reserve and Warriewood Wetlands before flowing into Narrabeen Lagoon.

Above: South to Narrabeen Lagoon. Below: North view from bridge.

Irrawong Creek
The creek flows through Irrawong Reserve at Garden Street Warriewood, an area of 4.5 hectares, which links the Ingelside to Warriewood Escarpment with the Warriewood Wetlands.

Grey Fantail - Rhipidura fuliginosa

Yellow-faced honeyeater - Lichenostomus chrysops

Stopped - gazing at a very tall tree 'What a beauty...that one has been here for a while now...'
Brush Turkey - foraging - Alectura latham

Irrawong Waterfall
The waterfall in flood on 2/2/13. Photo by Marita Macrae.

Warriewood Wetlands
The Warriewood Wetlands are 26 hectares in size, making this wetland the largest remaining sand plain wetland in the northern Sydney area. It has living Swamp Sclerophyll Forest, Freshwater Wetlands and Swamp Oak Floodplain Forest, all listed as endangered ecological communities in NSW.

David pointing out Swamp Mahogany - Eucalyptus robusta - root system below

Eastern Australian Whipbird - Psophodes olivaceus

White-cheeked Honeyeater - Phylidonyris niger

Dusky Moorhen - Gallinula tenebrosa

Chestnut teal - Anas castanea

Another family-friendly green space!