Pittwater Camera Club's 2016 Images of Year

The Winners for 2016: From L-R John Taylor, David Naar, Mike West, Richard Bryan, Ray Chappelow, Mike Fisher, Peter Bliss, Bob Hunting, David Hipsley, Sandra Smith, Robyn Aldridge, Patricia Roe.
Pittwater Camera Club's Images of the Year for 2016
A wonderful array of images and great lectures occurred this year as part of the Pittwater Camera Club's 50th year - some of the winning images run below to showcase what members have done this year.
Results from Images of the Year Competition - December 5 2016
Projected Image of the Year - Girl With Shawl - by Sandra Smith
Colour Print of the Year - Graham - by Peter Bliss
Colour Print of the Year - Close Call - by Peter Bliss
March 2016 - Australian Landscape - Winner - Print - Flinders Ranges - David Hipsley
April 4, 2016 - Creative - Shirley Fealy Award - Winner - Print - Media Blend - Richard Bryan
Pittwater Challenge - April 4 - Camera Movement - Winner chosen by Members: Moving Walkway - David Naar
Reg Angus Perpetual trophy May 2nd, 2016 - Winner - Godwit in Flight - John Taylor
Awards - November - Open: Archbishop of Athens - Ray Chappelow
You can see all of the great work and fun had by members by visiting our website's Galleries pages.
Our aim is for members to share their enthusiasm and love of photography via competitions, lectures, presentations and social activities. We are a friendly, contemporary and progressive club.
Regular competitions are aimed at improving photographic skills. Lectures are given by visiting photographers and professionals in the industry. Examples this year have been a Macro evening and a Light Paintings evening - wonderful! Encouragement is provided in the appreciation of the art of photography
Membership is open to everyone who enjoys photography. We conduct photographic outings on a regular basis.
Pittwater Camera Club welcomes visitors to any of our meeting nights. The Pittwater Camera Club meets on alternate Mondays at: PITTWATER RSL
82 Mona Vale Road, Mona Vale NSW
Monday January 30, 2017
Evaluation Presentation - by - Mike Smyth
First meeting back for us will be a presentation on 'evaluations explained' and welcome back evening. We are hoping to give members a more hands on experience in 2017. We are proposing that members bring in 2 images they are having problems with, be it in the processing or some other area - this is what we are calling evaluations (this will be later in the year and is not what we are doing on our first night back). Small groups of about 6 members will then sit around and try to come up with solutions to improve the images. We have found that members sometimes do not really know how to fix images that are somehow wrong and we hope that this 'almost' one on one process may help members take their images to greater heights.
We are planning many different experiences for our members next year and we have opened up the number of competitions we will be having during the year which will offer members greater opportunities to show off their work.
Our meetings commence at 7.15 pm for a 7.30 pm start
To find out more, please visit our Website: www.pittwatercameraclub.org
Thanks to the following for generously supporting us in our 50th year :-
Better Photography – Epson Australia – Photo Enlargements – Brent Pearson - Paxtons - Peter Elfes Photography - Peak Design - C-41 Digital - Lindsay & Edmonds Handmade Chocolates.