August 4 - 31, 2024: Issue 633


PFAS Detected in NSW Platypus - Sydney Drinking Water and beluba river + Select Committee on PFAS established

Pioneering research discovers PFOS in NSW platypuses: Central coast's Ourimbah Creek has 2nd highest result

August 20, 2024

Pioneering research from Western Sydney University has discovered PFOS (perfluorooctane sulfonate) chemical contamination in the livers of deceased platypuses across eastern New South Wales.

The Australian-first study which was published in the Environmental Science and Pollution Research journal analysed liver samples from nine deceased platypuses which were collected from community members over a two-and-a-half-year period.

Lead researcher and PhD candidate from Western Sydney University’s School of Science, Katherine Warwick said she was shocked of the levels of PFOS, which is a type of PFAS (per-and poly-fluoroalkyl substances), which were detected.

“We had eight platypuses from the wild and the ninth, which had spent the majority of its life in captivity,” said Ms Warwick said.

“The eight from the wild had concentrations of PFOS which ranged from 4 micrograms per kilogram to 1,200 micrograms per kilogram which really showed us that PFOS in aquatic environments is far more widespread that initially believed.”

“I thought we would find PFOS in one or two platypuses in low doses, so it was shocking to find it in all the wild platypuses. This is a first-of-its-kind study, so it is exciting for me as a PhD candidate, and to have this opportunity provided to me by Western Sydney University has set me up to lead this field and really promote platypus health in a broad scale sense.”

PFAS is a group of human-made chemicals used to resist heat, water, grease and stains, which are known as ‘forever chemicals’ as they don’t break down.

With platypuses being a top order predator that provide valuable environmental insights, Ms Warwick said that further research needs to be conducted into how they are consuming the PFOS chemical and its origins.

“This has showed us that even minute traces of PFOS in the water can accumulate to incredibly high levels within platypuses. This is a synthetic chemical which should not be in the water at all so any concentration is bad, but the maximum we found is astonishingly high,” she said.

“We know PFOS is hydrophobic and doesn’t like water so what it does it stick to the sediment. Platypuses forage for macroinvertebrates or water bugs on the bottom of the rivers so we believe that when they disturb the sediment and eat the macroinvertebrates that they incidentally ingest some contaminated sediment.”

“The highest concentration of PFOS that was detected was from a platypus found in the Hunter River in Maitland, which was the only one near a recorded PFOS hotspot, so it was not a surprise given the location. There is no publicly available data for the areas where the other platypuses were found so we are calling for additional data to be released if it does exist or if it doesn’t, for governing bodies to look further into this.”

Lead researcher and PhD candidate Katherine Warwick

Ms Warwick’s research was supervised by Associate Professor Ian Wright and Dr Michelle Ryan, both from the School of Science.

“Katherine and our colleague Dr Michelle Ryan have worked extremely hard with these sensitive and cryptic creatures, and I couldn’t be more delighted for Katherine and the work she has put into this research paper,” Associate Professor Wright said.

“We don’t have much water in Australia, and it is precious, so these findings are incredibly important and a sign that we need to manage our water supplies and make sure they are good for our wildlife but also for us.”

For more information, download and read, ‘First report of accumulation of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in platypuses (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) in New South Wales, Australia’, here

First report of accumulation of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in platypuses (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) in New South Wales, Australia


The platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) is a semi-aquatic monotreme that occupies a high trophic position in the freshwater ecosystems of eastern mainland Australia and Tasmania. Platypuses are continuously exposed to anthropogenic contaminants including perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS). This study examined PFOS concentrations in the livers of deceased platypuses (eight wild; one captive) that were opportunistically collected across NSW over a two- and a half-year period. There was a large variation in PFOS concentrations, ranging from < 1 µg/kg to 1200 µg/kg. This study presents the first report of PFOS contamination in platypuses, revealing their PFOS levels are broadly similar to those found in river otters (Lutra canadensis) and lower than those in American mink (Mustela vison), both which occupy similar ecological niches in freshwater systems. This study raises concerns about the impact of PFOS on platypus health.

Duck-billed platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus), Scottsdale, Tasmania. Photo: Charles J. Sharp - Own work, from Sharp Photography,


The platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) is endemic to many rivers and streams in eastern Australia. However, there are growing concerns for their conservation with reports of declining abundance and distribution, including local extirpations (Woinarski et al. 2014). The species is recognised as having a declining population and is listed as “Near Threatened’ by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) (Woinarski and Burbidge 2016). Platypuses are vulnerable to many impacts associated with human activity including hydrological changes, decline in water quality, increase in litter and discarded fishing line, illegal opera house nets (yabby traps) and water contamination (Grant and Temple-Smith 2003; Serena et al. 2016). Anthropogenic contaminants have the potential to enter waterways and disrupt aquatic ecosystems. Serena and Pettigrove (2005) found a negative correlation between heavy metal contaminants in sediment and platypus population abundance and a previous study by Munday et al. (2002) found persistent organic pollutants in platypus. One anthropogenic persistent waterway contaminant is perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) (Butt et al. 2010) a homologue of PFAS and is defined by having an eight-carbon fluorocarbon chain with a sulfonate acid functional group. PFOS does not readily biodegrade and can persist in the environment for years (Nicole 2020) and has been reported to enter aquatic food chain and potentially bioaccumulate (Kannan et al. 2002; O’Rourke et al. 2022, 2024; Well et al. 2024). To date there have been no studies that examined PFOS concentrations in platypus tissue.

Previous studies of European otters (lutra lutra) (O’Rourke et al. 2022, 2024), Northern American river otters (Lutra canadensis) and mink (Mustela vison) (Kannan et al. 2002) all of which occupy a similar ecological niche, have examined PFOS concentration in liver samples, as such this study also chose to analyse liver samples for comparison. Health concerns for aquatic wildlife from exposure to high concentrations of PFOS include increased liver weight, decreased thyroid function, decreased immunity and neurological disorders (Keller et al. 2012). There are no current detected concentrations that are considered safe for platypus health, however draft guidelines by the Australian government suggest that exposure directly from their diet should not exceed 3.1 µg/kg of wet weight (combined PFOS and PFHxS concentrations) (DCCEEW 2022).

Theoretically, platypuses may be exposed to high levels of PFOS. PFOS can bioaccumulate, and the food source of platypuses, aquatic invertebrates, have been reported to contain substantial PFOS levels (Ahrens and Bundschuh 2014). Platypuses consume up to 21% of their body mass daily, and up to 36% of body mass in lactating females, of aquatic invertebrates (Thomas et al. 2020). Additionally, it is known that aquatic environments have the greatest risk of PFOS contamination, due to surface run off and effluent discharge (Australia and New Zealand guidelines for fresh and marine water quality n.d.). Many studies have documented the accumulation of PFOS in vertebrate species, however these studies focused primarily on livestock, or marine mammals and birds (Ahrens and Bundschuh 2014; Foord et al. 2024). For example, a recent study in Australia examined little penguin (Eudyptula minor) scats, eggs and plasma and found 14 homologue of PFAS with PFOS being the most commonly detected (Well et al. 2024). This study found a positive correlation between PFOS concentration and urbanised environments (Well et al. 2024).

American mink and river otters are two of the only freshwater mammal species that have been assessed for PFOS levels, and both are regarded as sentinel species for detecting environmental contaminants in aquatic systems (Kannan et al. 2002). They also occupy a similar ecological niche to the platypus: all three live in freshwater environments and are predators at the top of the aquatic ecosystem. Toxicology studies in mink and otters have recorded very high liver PFOS concentrations (20–5140 µg/kg and 25–994 µg/kg, respectively) (Kannan et al. 2002), with investigations in mink reporting some of the highest PFOS concentrations detected in freshwater sentinel species (Ahrens and Bundschuh 2014). The biomagnification of PFOS by mink was confirmed by a controlled captive feeding study (Ahrens and Bundschuh 2014). The aim of this study was to determine if PFOS were present in the livers of platypuses and if so, at what concentration. If platypuses are consuming PFOS directly from their food source, then it would be expected that platypuses with a lower TVI (higher body fat percentage) would have a higher concentration of PFOS owing to a larger dietary intake compared with platypuses with a higher TVI (lower body fat percentage) (Macgregor et al. 2016). This was achieved by opportunistically collecting and testing samples from incidentally deceased platypuses from New South Wales (NSW).

Materials and methods

Platypus carcasses (n = 9) were collected between 2020 and 2023 from nine locations across NSW (Fig. 1). Of these, eight were from the wild and one from captivity. Liver samples were collected at the same time as necropsy was performed, which for four platypus carcasses (A, D, F and I) were performed within 24 h of death. Five of the platypuses (B, C, E, G and H) were stored in a -20 °C freezer for up to 10 months until a necropsy was performed. For each carcass, a gross necropsy and sample collection was performed at Taronga Zoo, Sydney, by a wildlife veterinarian. The following variables were recorded: Tail volume index (TVI), degree of decomposition, length (tip of bill to end of tail), weight, sex, and age (based on spur morphology) (Grant and Carrick 1978; Williams et al. 2012) (Table 1). A platypus stores approximately 50% of its total fat volume in its tail and as such is TVI is the current industry standard for assessing body condition (Macgregor et al. 2016). A TVI of 1 indicates high fat deposits in the tail and a TVI of 5 indicates emaciation. TVI is assessed by squeezing the edges of the tail together, the closer the edges are to touching each other, the lower the fat deposits in the tail.

Table 1 Summary of platypus data. TVI is defined in the methods and materials. Age refers to juveniles (< 12 months), sub-adults (13–24 months) adults (> 24 months)

Liver samples were used to test for PFOS due to previously published studies of European otters (Lutra lutra) and Northern American mink (Mustela vison) and river otters (Lutra canadensis) that also used liver (Kannan et al. 2002). Given that these species occupy a similar ecological niche, these results are comparable. The livers were wrapped in aluminium foil and stored at -20 °C prior to analysis. The samples were prepared for analysis at the Western Sydney University Hawkesbury Laboratory. Livers were freeze dried at -40 °C over two 18-h cycles using an Edwards Freeze Dryer Modulyo with a Pirani 501 vacuum gauge control. Freeze dried samples were then analysed at EnviroLab, Chatswood, Sydney, (National Association of Testing Authorities accredited) for concentrations of PFOS using solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Due to the freeze-drying process and minimum sample weight required for laboratory analysis (1 g), only a single replicate of liver could be obtained from each platypus. Duplicate samples and matrix spike recoveries were analysed at a frequency to meet or exceed NEPM requirements. The duplicate sample, relative percentage difference (RPD) and matrix spike recoveries for the batch were within the laboratory acceptance criteria.

Results and discussion

This study detected concentration of PFOS in eight of the nine individual platypus livers, ranging from 4–1200 µg/kg. The only liver that did not result in detectable PFOS concentrations came from the only captive platypus in the study (Table 1). There are no guidelines on what constitutes safe concentrations of PFOS in wildlife.

In the case with the highest recorded concentration of PFOS (1200 µg/kg, platypus G) the location of origin had no reporting of water testing for PFOS nor is there any publicly available documentation of PFOS contamination based on the NSW Government PFAS Response website (DPI&RD 2024) and NSW EPA (NSW Epa 2024). However, in the upstream catchment (up to 110 km2) of where the platypus was found, there is a wastewater treatment plant, and a regional airport. Additionally, a fire station was in the immediate vicinity of both this case and the case with the third highest concentration of PFOS (390 µg/kg, platypus B). Whilst this study did not investigate the source of PFOS contamination, research has shown increased concentrations of PFOS associated with airports, and firefighting locations including training facilities (Australian and New Zealand Guidelines fresh and marine quality n.d.; United Nations Environment Programme (2006). The only platypus in this study that had undetectable levels of PFOS was the captive platypus (I). This suggests that the provision of filtered water may reduce the likelihood of PFOS accumulation.

The results of this study show a negative relationship between liver PFOS concentration and body condition, as assessed by the Tail Volume Index (TVI) (Fig. 2). This study found that platypuses with the lowest TVI, and thus best body condition (D and G), had the highest concentrations of PFOS (Table 1). This observed negative relationship could be a result of platypuses in better body condition consuming a higher daily biomass, and therefore being exposed to a higher concentration of PFOS through their food source. This study found no relationship between PFOS concentration and age, sex, total body weight, and/or total body length.

A limitation of this study is that it was not possible to replicate or control external factors. Deceased platypuses were collected opportunistically from across NSW and therefore factors including location, water quality, age, sex, and degree of decomposition could not be controlled. Due to the nature of this sampling method, it was also not possible to have a control or reference sample, although given the widespread nature of PFOS it is unlikely that there is a wild platypus population that is completely unaffected by the synthetic chemical.

The results of this study show that platypuses are accumulating PFOS in very high concentrations, at comparable levels to those previously recorded in river otters, but less than what was previously recorded in mink (Kannan et al. 2002). Given the small sample size of this study, only observed concentrations of PFOS were reported on, further research should include statistical analysis to determine if a correlation between TVI and PFOS concentration could be determined and if so, what this means. Future studies should explore health impacts associated with exposure to PFOS and the direct and indirect bioaccumulation pathways.

Ethical approval

This project operated under Western Sydney University Biosecurity and Radiation approval (B14275), New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service Scientific permit (SL102542), and Taronga Conservation Society opportunistic sampling request agreement (R22D343).

Warwick, K.G., Wright, I.A., Whinfield, J. et al. First report of accumulation of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in platypuses (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) in New South Wales, Australia. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2024).

Urgent investigation needed into Sydney’s drinking water: PFAS Detected

August 20, 2024

Greens MP and water spokesperson Cate Faehrmann says the NSW Government must urgently carry out a full independent investigation into Sydney’s drinking water after more revelations that cancer-linked forever chemicals have been detected in Sydney’s drinking water catchment.

New studies have also found alarming levels of PFAS in the bodies of platypuses in NSW, in areas where there is no known PFAS hotspot nearby.

In December 2023, the World Health Organisation concluded that forever chemicals are carcinogenic. As a result, the United States introduced maximum levels of four parts per trillion (4ppt), but noted that there is no level of exposure without a risk of adverse health effects.

”The Government needs to come out today and assure Sydneysiders that their drinking water is safe, and if it isn’t, what steps it will take to urgently restore a safe water supply?  These latest revelations also show that Sydney Water and the EPA aren’t being straight with the public and therefore a full independent investigation is needed,” said Cate Faehrmann.

“The levels of PFAs permitted under Australia’s drinking water guidelines are at 560ppt - 140 times the maximum level allowed in the US. It’s reckless in the extreme for the government to continue to allow forever chemicals deemed carcinogenic by the World Health Organisation to be present in our drinking water.

“I wrote to the Health and Water Ministers back in June seeking urgent independent testing make the results public - they rejected that request. However, in the meantime, Sydney Water has started carrying out monthly monitoring of ‘potentially impacted areas’, all the while failing to adequately inform then public.

“Sydney Water claims that all the samples it tested were below the Australian drinking water guidelines - but that doesn’t mean the water is safe to drink. There are no safe levels of exposure to PFAS. The World Health Organisation has tied forever chemicals to cancer, interference with hormones and the immune system, and developmental effects in children.

On its website, Sydney Water claims that the Australian guidelines for safe levels of PFAS in drinking water are “underpinned by available scientific knowledge”. That’s just not true.

“The Federal Government must urgently bring forward its review of Australia’s drinking water guidelines, which have not been updated since 2022.

“The Environment Minister must explain how the Environment Protection Authority has known about widespread PFAS contamination in NSW for years yet failed to do anything about it. This is another example of its complete failure to do its job - to protect the environment and the people of NSW,” Cate Faehrmann said.

Warragamba Dam. Photo: Jonathan Pope 

Community input guides Cadia mine licence review

August 22, 2024

New water and air monitoring programs could be included in conditions on Cadia gold mine’s operations following the NSW Environment Protection Authority’s (EPA) recent public consultation and review of its environment protection licence.

The statutory five-yearly review, which received over 90 submissions, is the next step in the EPA’s ongoing work with the local community to address concerns about emissions from the mine, the EPA has stated.    

NSW EPA Executive Director Operations Jason Gordon thanked the community for their input and said work will begin immediately on addressing key concerns raised through the consultation. 

“After reviewing the submissions, we have identified the need for an in-depth analysis of data collected by the mine’s surface and groundwater monitoring network, and we are engaging an independent consultant to begin this work,” Mr Gordon said.

“Air quality monitoring also continues to be a key issue for the community, and we have several real-time monitoring sites in the vicinity of the mine.

“We are now considering a revision of current air emission limits for vent shafts and looking at the adequacy of air quality monitoring requirements on the licence. This includes reviewing the current network and the frequency of monitoring and ensuring monitoring data is readily available to the community.”

The EPA has also finalised its comprehensive analysis of lead isotopes in tank sediment and soils around the mine as well as surface water and air quality studies in the Cadia Valley. These reports are available at Cadia gold mine (

“In addition to these studies, we have also commenced preliminary surface water sampling following community concerns about water quality and foam in the Belubula River,” Mr Gordon said.

"While the foam samples showed elevated levels of PFOS, these results are not representative of water quality as foam will accumulate contaminants and often show much higher levels than the surrounding water.

Our water sampling showed PFOS levels above ecological water quality guidelines at two locations on the Belubula River. We are now doing further investigations to see if we can find the source of the PFOS and will provide ongoing updates as new data becomes available.”

The low levels of PFOS detected in water is not considered to pose a risk to human health. 

Finding PFAS in the environment does not mean there is a human health risk. It is important to assess if there are exposure pathways through which people might ingest PFAS, such as drinking contaminated groundwater or consuming food products watered with contaminated groundwater.

Reports for surface water sampling on 30 May and 4 July are available on the EPA’s website at Cadia gold mine (

A summary of key feedback received during the licence review consultation is also available at Cadia mine licence review | NSW Environment Protection Authority

River with 1800 times safe level of PFAS needs urgent testing

August 14, 2024
Greens MP and water and mining spokesperson Cate Faehrmann says the Government must urgently carry out testing of the Belubula River, make the results public and act to clean up the source, after extensive PFAS contamination has been discovered in the Belubula River near the Cadia Gold Mine.

The discovery was made by local farmers near Orange concerned about large banks of foam in local waterways. Samples taken showed the foam contained PFAS levels at more than 1800 times the safe limit for a drinking source. Although the NSW Environment Protection Agency has attended the site, they have failed to disclose any results of testing to landholders. 

The Belubula is a major waterway flowing directly into the Lachlan River system - the fourth largest river in Australia and a significant source of urban and stock water supply and irrigation. 

The contamination, which also includes significant levels of heavy metals and diesel, borders Newmont’s Cadia gold mine.

“This is an environmental disaster so why is the government silent on it?

”There are no safe levels of exposure to PFAS. The World Health Organisation has tied the forever chemicals to cancer, interference with hormones and the immune system, and developmental effects in children,” Cate Faehrmann said. 

“These farmers just want to know that nothing is contaminating their products and that the river is safe for their operations. It is the Government’s responsibility to keep our waterways safe. It should not be up to local farmers to carry out testing and raise the alarm.

“This is just another in a long line of issues that appear to stem from the Cadia gold mine. From extensive dust pollution to groundwater contamination, Cadia is an environmental disaster.

 “These chemicals are pervasive. They are called forever chemicals because they are nearly indestructible. They persist in the environment for thousands of years and accumulate in living things. From river systems, they make their way into wildlife and humans living around them.
“This discovery shows that we need stronger action from the Government and the Environment Protection Agency to properly regulate the mining industry,” said Cate Faehrmann. 

Headwaters and springs of Belubula River in Central West NSW protected: '30 Potential Options for Tailings Dams'

Announcement by: The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, Minister for the Environment and Water

August 16 2024

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act (ATSIHP Act) allows the Federal Environment Minister to make a declaration protecting a significant Aboriginal heritage area where it is under threat of injury or desecration. It has been used by previous Ministers both Labor and Liberal.

I have decided to make a partial declaration under section 10 of the ATSIHP Act to protect a significant Aboriginal heritage site near Blayney, in central west New South Wales, from being destroyed to build a tailings dam for a gold mine.

The Wiradjuri/Wiradyuri people, who traditionally lived around the Bathurst area, have significant spiritual and cultural connections to the headwaters of the Belubula River.

The headwaters are of particular significance to Wiradjuri/Wiradyuri people and are linked to ongoing cultural practices of the area. They have featured in many traditions practiced for generations including by Aboriginal people transitioning from youth to young adulthood. Some of these traditions have been disclosed to me privately and must remain confidential due to their cultural sensitivity. If this site were to be desecrated, it would be an threat to the continuance of Wiradjuri/Wiradyuri culture.

Because I accept that the headwaters of the Belubula River are of particular significance to the Wiradjuri/Wiradyuri people in accordance with their tradition, I have decided to protect them.

Crucially, my decision is not to stop the mine. The company has indicated to me that it has assessed around four sites and 30 potential options for the tailings dam.

Protecting cultural heritage and development are not mutually exclusive. We can have both.

The protection of this significant Aboriginal site takes effect immediately.


What exactly are ‘forever chemicals’ – and can we move beyond them?

August 23, 2024

by Bangle Wu, PhD candidate, Australian National University and Ehsan Nabavi, Senior Lecturer in Technology and Society, Responsible Innovation Lab, Australian National University

The Australian parliament will conduct a national inquiry into the dangers of “forever chemicals”.

The move comes after a string of revelations about the potential dangers of the substances, including news this week that Sydney Water has detected the chemicals in the city’s drinking water sources. Independent senator Lidia Thorpe, who led the push for a parliamentary inquiry, described these chemicals as the “asbestos of the 21st century — far more prevalent and far less understood.”

Forever chemicals, technically known as per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), have been linked to cancer. This makes their widespread presence in our water particularly alarming.

But what types of chemicals are actually considered “forever chemicals”? And how should we deal with the escalating threat they pose?

An expansive group

The term “forever chemicals” refers to an expansive group of chemical compounds with an evolving definition. They are used in a range of everyday products, such as makeup, cookware and clothing, for their water, oil and stain-resistant properties.

In 2011, American chemist Robert Buck and his colleagues defined more than 200 substances in the PFAS group.

In 2018, a group led by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) updated the definition, adding roughly 5,000 chemical substances.

In 2021, scientists published a yet another new definition, which broadened the PFAS universe to include millions of chemicals.

However, the phrase “forever chemicals” is often used to refer to different group of substances in different contexts.

In January 2023, a proposal to ban the whole class of PFAS from five European countries included more than 10,000 chemicals.

However, Sydney Water’s recent report mainly covers three well-known types of “forever chemicals”.

Therefore, using “forever chemicals” – or PFAS – omits many complexities.

Current analytical methods can only detect around 50 types of PFAS – a tiny proportion of the whole PFAS universe.

Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) are the most well-known.

There are devils we know – and devils we don’t know.

Local contamination versus background contamination

To understand the risks of PFAS in drinking water, it’s important to differentiate between background contamination and local contamination.

Local contamination includes legacy contamination from aqueous firefighting foam and industrial manufacturing pollution. It is often mainly confined to local areas and often has higher concentrations of contaminants.

Background contamination is related to exposure to everyday products containing PFAS, such as cookware, carpets, masks and makeup. The general public’s exposure to background PFAS contamination differs from the risks of heavily contaminated communities.

For example, the mean concentration of PFOS in the blood of Australian firefighters during 2018-2019 was 27 nanograms per millilitre. This is because of the presence of PFOS in firefighting foam.

These are relatively high figures compared to the concentration of PFOA in Sydney’s water: 0.1 nanograms per litre.

PFAS chemicals are so mobile they can show up in drinking water even without a clear source of contamination, such as an industrial spill or the use of firefighting foam. Unlike localised pollution, they spread widely, complicating our fight against them.

Risks related to environmental health are always controversial and tricky to address.

As for PFAS, on the one hand, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has listed PFOA as carcinogenic and PFOS as possibly carcinogenic.

On the other hand, the long-term health impacts of background exposures remain uncertain.

Many other substances in the PFAS universe are still not fully understood.

A looming threat

The ubiquitous existence of forever chemicals as background contamination may not immediately kill us. But it’s a looming threat to our future.

As their name suggests, these substances are notorious for their inability to break down and degrade. This means they can accumulate in our bodies and in the environment, and don’t disappear.

This was spotlighted this week by a study which discovered high levels of PFOS in the livers of deceased platypus throughout eastern New South Wales.

The warning of Rachel Carson, the late American marine biologist and writer, in Silent Spring still remains powerful 60 years later: the chemicals we use in attempts to control nature are pushing its fragile limits beyond what it can handle.

Beyond “forever chemicals”

From July 2025, the federal government plans to effectively ban the use, manufacture, import and export of some of the most prominent PFAS chemicals.

This is a good step towards tackling the PFAS issue and could lead to more investigations and potential government action. The challenge of these forever chemicals already being in our environment, including in our drinking water, still remains.

And even if we all started simply buying bottled water, we still risk being exposed to PFAS.

For one, bottled water may still contain PFAS. Secondly, even if we avoided PFAS in our drinking water, we’re still exposed to it through popular everyday items such as non-stick pans and waterproof jackets.

We need to expand our focus from just the presence of PFAS in our drinking water to how these chemicals have woven themselves into our daily lives.

With countless products designed to resist water and stains, it’s time to ask: do we truly need these chemicals to stay dry, keep our cosmetics water-resistant or make our cookware non-stick?

It’s time to think more responsibly about the choices we make that affect us in small and big ways – and innovate beyond PFAS. There are alternatives to these dangerous chemicals – alternatives that are technically feasible and offer a pathway to a more sustainable society.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Select Committee on PFAS (per and polyfluoroalkyl substances) opens for submissions

The Senate Select Committee on PFAS (per and polyfluoroalkyl substances) was appointed by resolution of the Senate on 22 August 2024.

The committee is due to report on or before 5 August 2025.

Terms of Reference

1. That a select committee, to be known as the Select Committee on PFAS (per and polyfluoroalkyl substances), be established to inquire into the extent, regulation and management of PFAS, with particular reference to:

a. the extent of data collection on PFAS contamination of water, soil and other natural resources;

b. sources of exposure to PFAS, including through environmental contamination, food systems and consumer goods;

c. the health, environmental, social, cultural and economic impacts of PFAS;

d. challenges around conducting and coordinating health and exposure research into PFAS, including the adequacy of funding arrangements and the influence of the chemicals industry over the evolving body of scientific evidence on the health effects of PFAS, including in respect to First Nations communities;

e. the effectiveness of current and proposed federal and state and territory regulatory frameworks, including the adequacy of health based guidance values, public sector resourcing and coordination amongst relevant agencies in preventing, controlling and managing the risks of PFAS to human health and the environment;

f. the role, liability and responsibility of government agencies and industry in the production, distribution, contamination and remediation of PFAS, including obligations under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants and other relevant principles and international conventions;

g. international best practices for the environmentally sound management and safe disposal of PFAS;

h. the adequacy and effectiveness of government engagement with and support for communities disproportionately affected by PFAS contamination, including fair and appropriate compensation schemes;

i. the effectiveness of remediation works on specific sites and international best practices for remediation and management of contaminated sites;

j. international best practices for environmental and health risk assessments, reduction and management of PFAS contamination and exposure;

k. areas for reform, including legislative, regulatory, public health and other policy measures to prevent, control and manage the risks of PFAS to human health and the environment, including the phasing out of these harmful substances; and

l. any other related matters.

The committee invites individuals and organisations to send in their opinions and proposals in writing (submissions).

How to make a submission