Architects: Fowell, McConnel and Mansfield. , Builder: A. W. Edwards.

The home, which has been designed to accommodate 100 War Veterans, is being constructed under the joint auspices of the State branch of the Returned Soldiers' League and the Legacy Club, the foundation stone being laid last Anzac Day by the, Governor, Lord Wakehurst. The main block'is of two storeys with a lower ground floor on the north side, and contains administration offices, recreation, billiard and dining rooms and a kitchen to serve 100, which will be the number the home will ultimately accommodate. The remainder of the buildings will be separate cottage blocks scattered around the attractive grounds of 11 ½ acres overlooking Narrabeen Lakes; the site was made available by the Warringah Shire Council. Two of the ultimate ten cottage blocks are being built under the initial contract, which it is understood is in the vicinity of £15,000. WAR VETERANS' HOME, NARRABEEN, SYDNEY. (1938, September 7).Construction (Sydney, NSW : 1938 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved June 21, 2018, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article222852810 

Opportunities for Business

E. Spring-Brown was the tender accepted for the additions to the War Veterans' Home at Narrabeen. The additions include two dormitory blocks, two-storey additions to the main building and the Superintendent's building. £12,000 is the estimated cost.

Opportunities for Business (1942, December 23). Construction (Sydney, NSW : 1938 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article222865248 

GUNDAGAI, famed in song and story, not to mention

. the illustrious Dog on the Tucker Box, will be

\ commemorated further by its grand efforts on behalf of

t \ the War Veterans' Home scheme. A Committee

m set up under the Wool Trade War Fund of

r I N.S.W., has nearly £300 in hand, and money in

|?Mr the bag in the shape of orders on retention moneys

Hf at the rate of 1 s a bale on the clip for the duration

W of the war. So a country convalescent residence is

P home on the sheep's back! The Wool Trade War

Fund has done exceptionally well since its inauguration

in March, 1941. Two mobile canteens have been sent to

the Lord Mayor of London, help for extensions to the

War Veterans' Home at Narrabeen has resulted in some

splendid additions, and Jack's Day Fund benefited by

nearly £400. In fact, scarcely one of the major war

funds has not partaken of the 'woollies' ' generosity.

The Tottings OF A LADY ABOUT TOWN (1942, March 29). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 25. Retrieved June 23, 2018, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article168969014


Fix this textS ' arranged a musicale at- her

\ home, Shangri-La, Wolsley Road,

( Point Piper, on May 27, at 8 p.m.

> Mrs. Hotchkiss is president of the

I Eastern Suburbs Branch Auxiliary of

5 the War Veterans' Home and pro-

\ ceeds of the concert will go to the

s Vocational Training Section of the

I home at Narrabeen.

LIFE of SYDNEY (1944, May 18). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved June 23, 2018, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article248897019


Urgency of the appeal to provide accommodation for ex-servicemen at the War Veterans' Home was shown by the increasing number of men awaiting admission, Mr. Stephen H. Stack, said today.

Mr. Stack, honorary director of the War Veterans' Appeal, said, many of . these were . neryij cases who were unable to settle down in civilian life.

"They .are. not hospital cases, but just need a few weeks' rest in surroundings such as Nar-rabeen to enable them to carry on," said' Mr. Stack. . . "The need for Narrabeen is an urgent' one ' which 'cannot wait until the end of the. war. The Miss Australia competition being sponsored by "The Sun" is to aid the War Veterans' Appeal. Miss Audrey Johnson, 21, of Ourimbah-road, Mosman, Is today's entrant.A A blonde with blue eyes, she is a second entrant nominated by the Insurance Sub-branch RSL. Her father, a limbless soldier, served through the last war, and was wounded in France. Her brother is with the 6th Division in New Guinea. Miss Johnson is 5ft. 8in., weighs 9st, 61b„ loves riding, swimming, tennis and dancing. Born in Manly, she spent her childhood in the country near Bundanoon. Keen on amateur theatricals, she also finds time to help in Service clubs. Miss Jean Garling, a fifth generation Australian, who lias been nominated by the universal Service Group, plans to call on all Garlings in NSW. to help in her campaign.

Miss Audrey Johnson, photographed by Robert Johnstone.

Miss Coralle Kelly, well-known model, has been nominated by the Australian Corps of Signals Association. Full details and entry forms rans' Appeal. 546 George-street, rans'Appeal, 546 George-street. Sydney, MA5817 or MA4305.

URGENCY OF HOME FOR SERVICEMEN (1945, June 11). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article230448617 

Extras - Narrabeen Snippets From 1942 To 1946

DECLINED TO GIVE EVIDENCE Mrs. Pagett at Powder Death Probe SYDNEY, Tuesday.--Mrs. Muriel Maude Pagett, whose husband, Donald Pagett, is charged with murder, declined to give evidence at the resumed inquest today on Vera Doris Watt, 36, of Collaroy, who died after taking headache powders allegedly containing strychinne. An extract alleging that Mrs. Watt was "said to traffic in cocaine" was read to the Court from the notebook of Detective Denis Hughes, who said that although the notes in his book did not show all the evidence he had given last Friday. he had siade a mental note of the whole of an alleged conversation at Newtown police station on October 31. On that occasion Pagett had complained to him that a Mrs. Knox and a Mr. Watts had distributed cocaine to a number of people in the Ncwtown district. Witness had written in his notebook: '"Vera Doris Knox is living with a man named Dan Watts ill a hut at the back of 239 Pittwater-road. Narrabeen, has two children, and is said to traffic in cocaine." Sergeant Henry- McFarlane said that on one occasion someone who gave his name is Hudsen rang No. 1 police station and said he desired to give information about a man namedl Watts who was living with a woman in a hut at Narrabeen. The voice added. "Watts is in possession of snow. He is hiding from the police." Detective-sergeant Gordon said that apart from the telephone message. no report of Watts or Knox dealing in drugs, or reports of tny addicts at Timut or Narrabeen had been received. Detective MeNeill said that when Pagett was told Mirs. Watt had died, and that certain powders in her home had been found to contain poison, he said. "Good God: I would not do that to her. I would not hurt a hair of her head. I thought a lot of her:." McNeil added that gleanings from one of the pockets of Pagett's coat showed signs of a certain poison. The hearing was adjourned. DECLINED TO GIVE EVIDENCE (1942, January 7). Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (NSW : 1876 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article140418330 
Blay Fight's Again
Hero of ferocious fights with Bobbie Delaney, Bobbie Blay was tearing tickets for quite a
while in the buses that tooted through Narrabeen and adjacent parts.
Bob trained 20 rounds a day under a scorching galvanised iron roof, and wore out. But today he is as sound as a bell.
He married, and along came a little family, and his vegetable garden grew to be the pride of Manly.
But one day, as his bus rumbled through Dee Why, Bob leant over and whispered, "I'm
going to join the AIF."
He Is one of the troops now.
Good shooting, Bob. To-day's Sport Parade (1942, February 14). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 5 (LAST RACE ALL DETAILS). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article231766943 
By checking the bleeding from a severed artery a bus conductor saved the life of William Jones, 45, of Bar-renjoey Road, Palm Beach, on Saturday.
Jones had been injured when his car crashed into a telegraph pole at the coiner of Namons Street and Pittwater Road, Narrabeen, about 2.45 p.m.
He was hurled into a ditch and suffered severe lacerations to the face. A bus conductor who was waiting nearby to begin work applied pressure and staunched the flow of blood.
Manly District Ambulance took Jones to Manly Hospital with the bus conductor still holding the artery. Jones's condition is reported to be satisfactory. FIRST AID SAVED MAN'S LIFE (1942, March 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17790304 

SHOPPERS at Narrabeen waded to the counter to buy their foodstuffs. Water in many shops was two feet deep, but shopkeepers made it "business as usual.".
CANOE TO RESCUE, These children, with their pet dog, were taken to safety In a canoe from their home, off Pittwater-road, Manly Vale.
CHILDREN'S DELIGHT. 'No sharks threatened these youngsters in Pine-street, Manly, as they swam and paddled.
Water Pours Into Sydney Dams
Last week's heavy gale and deluge of rain, which brought sorely-needed additions to Sydney's water storage, also caused widespread damage, estimated at thousands of pounds. In a week of almost incessant and torrential downpours, thousands of acres of low-lying land around Sydney were inundated, hundreds of homes were flooded, and police and civilians used boats to rescue marooned people. Hoardings and fences were flattened, and boats and launches capsized and sunk.
THE President of the Water Board (Mr-. T. II. Upton) stated last night that several months' supply of water had poured into the city's dams, with more promised. Manly and Narrabeen districts — both low lying — suffered most by the deluge . Large areas were transformed into lakes in a few hours, the water In hundreds of homes being feet deep The whole of the Narrabecn district was threatened . until gangs of . workmen cut through the sand to the surf (o release the rapidly-rising lake waters. Wearing bathing costumes, Constables Hendrin, Masters, and Sourro, assisted by a civilian in a canoe, spent five hours rescuing marooned persons In houses near the lagoon at Manly
At one stage they swam 150 yards to rescue' a v 70-year-old Chinese market gardener, Jimmic Young. The flood caught him before he could leave his shack, and, when rescuers reached him, he was perched in the rafters, with his feet .dangling In the water. He was put into the canoe, and ..the rescuers started to swim back to higher ground, pushing the canoe before them. Young, told the rescuers that his horse was in a shed at the back of the house, so Constable Masters swam around to the back. The terrified horse was released and began to swim away, but became entangled in a barbed wire fence under the water. Masters then swam over to the horse; and. diving under the water, managed to cut it free Young was taken to a nearby house. The constables then returned
to Buckingham-street, Manly, where, since 7 am, they had rescued more than 40 men, women and children from flooded houses. A number of old men and women and some children had to be carried through four feet of water .from houses close to the golf links. They were taken to the Manly bus depot, and put in a bus, which police had commandeered for them. All buses had to be moved from the depot to higher ground-as there were six fedt of water in the parking area. More than 200 people were taken to safety in rowing boats at Narrabeen. when the flooded lake waters, cut them off from the main road. A honeymoon couple,- in Deep Creek-road, were awakened by rescuers, as the water lapped around their bed.
Gale Plays Havoc With Boats
When Mr. James' Butcher, of Deep Creek-road, Narrabeen, rowed into the front garden of one home, he found an elderly, crippled woman lying on the bed in the front room. He and several, other rescuers carried her to a boat, but clip wniiH r»nf. Ipo vo hoi hnmp
until Mr. Butcher had rescued her dog and two cats, which had been waiting on the bed with her. Youths. wading waist-higli across -streets, lanes and paddocks, carried valuable furniture and . carpets from many homes on the lake front, but in many cases the water hatl risen so fast that salvage was impossible. A resident of Narrabeen for the past 30 years said he had seen several floods in the district, but this was the worst ever. , Clad In swimming costumes, or short trousers, residents of Narrabeen stood at counters in two feet of water to do their shopping. …
At Kogarah, the galvanised iron awning of a garage was ripped from its fittings, and, falling to the street, dragged parts of the brick wall with it. At Bondi, Coogee, Maroubra. and Brighton- sand was piled inches thick on the roadway, where it had been blown. Dozens of rowing boats broke loose at Narrabeen. The majority were saved and dragged to high land, but many were either wrecked and smashed, or swept out to sea through the swirling channel.
"Breaking Of The Drought"

Suburban Roads Rivers; Parks Bathing Pools (1942, March 29). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article231767625 
Net-making Records
National Defence League camouflage net-makers have completed 100,000 khaki nets. All were made in a year.
The league is now launching a campaign for more recruits.
The Narrabeen N.D.L. Centre recently completed 3,047 nets in six months. One of the members makes from 10 to 15 nets a week in her own home, as well as supervising at the
centre on two days a week. Helpers are urgently needed at this centre, which meets in St. Faith's Church of England schoolroom. VARIED WAR-TIME ACTIVITIES (1942, July 13). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17801184 
Newport—Stone cottage, Melaleuca Street.—J. E. Yewen, Owner; J. P. Piper, 77 Myola Road,
Newport, Builder; £300 (Departmental approval to spend £100).
North Narrabeen—F. cottage, Kuru Street.—Mary Camp, Owner; G. A. Camp, Kuru Street, Builder; £250 (Departmental approval to spend £100).  BUILDINGS & WORKS APPROVED (1942, August 12). Construction (Sydney, NSW : 1938 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article222864455 

First Batch Begins September 27
Curtailments of bus services m the city area, on Sundays and in the slack hours of week days were announced by the Minister for Transport, Mr. O'sullivan, yesterday.
The Sunday alterations will begin on September 27, the starting date of the week-day changes will be announced later.
Buses will not enter the city zone in the slack hours, but in the peak hours buses will go in and out of the city to deal with the heavy traffic.
The following services will be discontinued:
The Manly Wharf to St. Leonards Station bus. In this case an additional tram service will be provided between St. Leonards Station and The Spit, and the bus route from Manly to Balgowlah will be extended to The Spit.
The Spit, for Palm Beach to Wynyard, via Narrabeen, Manly Vale, The Spit, and Sydney Harbour Bridge. On Sundays, three through journeys to the city will operate for essential workers. REDUCED BUS SERVICES (1942, September 5). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17830457 
North Narrabeen club has 50 members in the Services. There were 62 rescues last
Summer.. SPORT IN BRIEF (1942, September 24).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17811161 

Six-Hour Day will be observed on Monday in the County of Cumberland only. The holiday will be observed by all workers except those in war industries, who will be paid overtime rates for the day's work. For the first time since the inception of the holiday there will be no race meetings. No organised sports will be conducted and the usual procession has been; cancelled. No extra trains, trams, or buses will be run. 
Transport Appeal 
The Road Transport Commissioner (Mr. Neale) last night appealed to the public not to over-crowd services such as The Spit-Palm Beach.
"On The Spit-Narrabeen service, passengers will not be set down before Kenneth Road," he said. "The first stopping place for Palm Beach buses will be North Narrabeen." 
Government offices, banks, and all business places will be closed. All New South Wales mines will work. AUSTERITY 6-HOUR DAY (1942, October 3).The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article247892286 

One of the .22 women who started work today as bus conductresses signed on at 4.45 a.m. at North Sydney tram depot, and she will finish her v shift at 1 .55 p.m.
The last shift will finish at 1.34 a.m. tomorrow. The routes the women will be on are: — Lindfield, The Knoll, Pyrmont, Woolloomooloo, Musgrave Street Wharf, Cammeray, Wynyard, McMahon's Point, and Chatswood. Yesterday the women had a trial run on the buses. Miss K. Crisp, welfare officer, said that none of them had complained of sickness after their first day's work. Their only complaint was that the straps of the bags had rubbed their shoulders. 
Men Helpful 
All the conductresses commented on the help given them by ;the conductors and drivers. Mrs. K Kewin, Harvey Street, Mosman, said: "The conductors were marvellous." Mrs. G. Barford, Falcon Street, North Sydney, mother of four children: "We women are going to make a go of this. "People tell us it's a tough job, and that we won't be able to carry on, but we won't let our sex down. "If our men can take it overseas, so can we." 
Mrs. A Lenon, Burra Road, Artarmon: "Today I felt a little nervous, but tomorrow I'll be full of confidence." Mrs. E. Nash, Wellington Street, City: "I sold my first ticket to a man for whom I worked for two years. "He said he's going to keep it as a souvenir."
BUS CONDUCTOR H. ALDIS, of Manly, explains to Mrs. Roma Rich, of Naremburn, and Mrs. Phyllis McLean, of Narrabeen, how to operate, their ticket books on a trial trip to Wynyard. Twenty-two women conductors will start work today without the help of male conductors, who, they say, have been very helpful. CONDUCTRESSES BEGIN WORKING ON BUSES (1942, October 29). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article247887717 

A wharf -laborer whose decomposed body was found floating in Sydney Harbor in October was stated in the Coroner's Court yesterday to have fallen into the water while drunk. This was revealed at the inquest on Joseph, McDonagh, of Womerah Avenue, Darlinghurst, whose body was recovered from the Harbor' six days after he disappeared. Mr. F. S. Howes, stevedore, of Warraba Road, Narrabeen, said that on October 18 McDonagh was one of a gang of laborers working on a wharf where there were 600 barrels of wine and spirits. "He was drunk, and no good, for work," said Howes. "Some of the kegs on the wharf had been tampered with. "I missed him about 11 pm. There were about 160 men working on the wharf at the time.” Mr. Oram, City Coroner, found that McDonagh died from accidental drowning due to falling from the wharf when drunk. DRINKS RESULT IN DROWNING (1942, November 14). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article247904354 

Police believe that Roy Hudson, 10, of Bayview Road, Mona Vale, was drowned yesterday in Deep Creek, Narrabeen.
He, his 12-year-old brother, and two other boys, aged 12 and 13, rowed to Deep Creek about 12.30 p.m. for a picnic.
The three elder boys left him swimming while they prepared lunch. An hour later they found Roy's clothes on the bank, but could not find - him, and received no answer to their calls.
After searching all the rest of the afternoon they went to Mona Vale, where they told Constable Williams what had happened. Police dragged Deep Creek, and questioned campers, without finding any trace of the missing boy. Watch For Shark (1942, December 28).The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article247906111 

Two missing boys were found drowned at Narrabeen yesterday. --They were: Roy Hudson, 10, of Bay-view Road, Mona Vale; and Reginald Murray, 9, of Alexander Street, Manly. On Sunday Hudson went rowing on
Deep Creek, Narrabeen, with a party of boys. The others became alarmed when he did not return to lunch after a swim. They searched for him without success. Yesterday, Constable A. Fitzgerald, of Mona Vale police, recovered the body from a hole under a rock, nearly 20 feet below the creek surface. Murray's body was recovered from another Narrabeen swimming pool. He had been swimming with a companion yesterday, when he disappeared, police were told. TWO MISSING BOYS FOUND DROWNED AT LAKE (1942, December 29). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article247905137 
Did Not See Drowning Boy
Although there was a large number of people bathing nearby at the time, Roy Mervyn Hudson (11), of Bayveiw-road, Mona Vale, was drowned in Deep Creek, Narrabeen, on December 27 without any of the other bathers knowing he was in difficulties. This was revealed at the inquest at the Coroner's Court today, when the Coroner (Mr, Oram) recorded a verdict of accidental drowning. Did Not See Drowning Boy (1943, January 8). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 3 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article231751198 

James Wiltshire. 18, of Kuru-street, North Narrabeen. who was killed on Thursday -night when his bicycle and a bus collided in Pittwater-road. was an
apprentice fitter on "The Sun" staff. He joined the company in January, 1941, and was a popular and efficient employee. The funeral left St. Mary's Church, Manly, at 10 am today, lor Manly cemetery. 'SUN' MAN KILLED IN ROAD SMASH (1943, May 15). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 3 (FOOT BALL LAST RACE). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article231731539 

No increase will be made In the ' normal bas services on the Narrabeen- I Palm Beach route next Sunday, the I Commissioner for Road Transport. Mr. C. N. Neale, warned holiday makers last night. Since summer began he said, large crowds have been going to the seaside for week-ends, and practically every-one expected to return home between 5 p.m, and 7 p m. on Sunday.
"There will not be enough buses to carry them at these hours," Mr. Neale said. "Holiday or pleasure traffic must be, curtailed so that the utmost economy be exercised in the use of bus spare parts and tyres"
Beginning next Sunday there will be a, queue system of loading buses at the Palm Beach terminus. NO EXTRA PALM BEACH BUSES (1943, January 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17834053 

This begins a number of horse incidents associated with Narrabeen during WWII - most suprising;ly is the amount of accidents that occur on Deep Creek Road:

Cruelty Charges Adjourned
SUMMONSES issued by Inspector William Robert Price, of the R.S.P.C.A., charging two Narrabeen residents with ill-treatment of horses, were again adjourned at Manly Court last week. Charges set down are : That on May 22, Bessie Johnson, of Devitt Street, Narrabeen, was the owner of a bay ; mare, which was ridden on Ocean street, Narrabeen, while not being fit for use; that on May 26, at Narrabeen, she was owner of a horse driven by Francis Vaughan, while it was not fit for use; that between May 22 and 24 she failed to provide a cream pony; and a black pony with sufficient protection in inclement weather; and that at Narrabeen Francis Patrick Vaughan, 436 Pittwater Road, Narrabeen, drove a horse not fit for use. The charges were originally set down for hearing on June 15, but were adjourned by consent to June 29. On that day a further adjournment was granted to July 13. Because of the congested lists at Manly last Tuesday a further application for adjournment to July 26 by Mr. Yeldham was granted by Mr. Sheridan. S.M. Cruelty Charges Adjourned (1943, July 18). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 20. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article168982722 

Patricia Walters, 18, trainee nurse, of Smith -street, Manly, had her skull fractured today when the horse she was riding along Deep Creek-road, Narrabeen, stumbled and fell. Two Killed In Accidents (1943, July 31).The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article231739171 

Miss A Webb, 18, of Victoria Road West Rvde, broke her left leg when she stumbled and fell over a tree stump near Deep Creek Road, Narrabeen. A member of a riding party rode for four miles to telephone for Manly Ambulance which took Miss Webb to Manly Hospital. HOLIDAY TOLL OF ACCIDENTS (1943, October 5). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17865346 

T o w n  P l a n n i n g  A s s o c i a t i o n  of  N e w S o u t h  W a l e s
153 ELIZABETH STREET, SYDNEY. {Any opinions that may be expressed in this Report are purely those of the Association and do not necessarily coincide with those of this Journal}.
Next Meeting. Thursday, 11th February is the date for the first Council and General meetings of the Association in the new year, and these meetings will be held in the Library of the Education Department's building, Loftus and Bridge Streets, Sydney (1st. floor)— Council meeting, 4.15 p.m. General meeting, 4.30 p.m.
Reminder. Members are reminded that council now meets a quarter of an hour later than formerly. General Business. (1) Minutes. (2) Correspondence. (3) Election of Committees. (4) Planning of Darwin. (5) Approach to Manly Wharf. (6) New Road to Narrabeen. (7) Contours and grading of main roads. (8) Danger spots at Manly. (9) General. Replanning Melbourne. Town Planning Association of New South Wales (1943, February 3). Construction (Sydney, NSW : 1938 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article222865458 

Wallaroo Attacks Women
SYDNEY — Collaroy police are on the warpath for a fully-grown wallaroo which attacked two women, one of whom was wheeling a baby in a pram. The wallaroo is one of a number from the hills near Narrabeen Lakes, which often wander into the main street and have been fed by residents. About 5 pm recently, Mrs. Parker of Collaroy Street, was wheeling a baby along the footpath when the wallaroo bounded across the road and jumped at her, but struck- the pram. Mrs. Parker and the baby suffered shock. The baby's shawl and bonnet were ripped off by the wallaroo's claws-The same evening, Mrs. Davis, of Alexander Street, was walking along Collaroy Street, on her way to the pictures, when the Wallaroo sprang at her, knocking her down. She ran into a nearby house and a man chased the wallaroo away. A number of children, who have ventured too close to the wallaroo and teased it, have been chased. Believing that someone may be badly injured, and . that the animal should be destroyed, police are watching for the next visit. Wallaroo Attacks Women (1943, June 30).The Evening Advocate (Innisfail, Qld. : 1941 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article212237864 

A koala, which has both legs and its left paw fractured, is being nursed 24 hours a day at Hallstrom's refrigerator factory, Willoughby.
The governing director of the firm (Mr. Edward J. L. Hallstrom), the factory nurse (Sister E. Harris), and members of the staff take turns at caring for it. The bear is kept in an annexe to Mr. Hallstrom's office, strapped to a specially built stand. Both legs are encased in plaster. Mr. Hallstrom and Sister Harris bring it a saucerful of milk and brandy six times a day. The curator of Taronga Park Zoo (Mr. Patten) brings special koala gum leaves from the Zoo. Mr. Hallstrom is a member of the Taronga Park Trust.
In another corner of his office is an incubator in which he is hatching three ostrich and two cassowary eggs laid by birds at the Zoo. The koala, nicknamed Taronga, was injured by youths near the home of Mrs. E. M. McKay, Ocean Beach Road, Palm Beach, a month ago. They knocked it from a tree by throwing an empty beer bottle at it. It fell in the grounds of Mrs. McKay's home. Mrs. McKav and Barry Laird (11) and Colleen Laird (12), children of Constable Laird of Narrabeen police, cared for it until it was handed to Mr. Hallstrom, The bear has gained four pounds in the past three weeks. It is expected to be fully recovered in a fortnight. FACTORY STAFF NURSING INJURED KOALA (1943, November 28). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article247800279 

Housewives Storm Meat Shops
This Queue of children outside .Lidcombe Town Hall today, lined up expecting a free distribution of glut vegetables. There had been similar handouts earlier in the week.
Mrs. L. Smith, of Denison-road, Dulwich Hill, said she had been up twice and waited In the crowd, but had to return home to feed her young baby. "My husband is home on four days' leave, and I don't know what I can give him if I can’t buy meat," she said.
A mad food scramble by thousands of campers started at Narrabeen today. Crowds mobbed every bus to Manly, which has its own problem with food supplies drying up in many directions.
Scarf's butchery at Narrabeen reported that meat supplies ran out at midday, with a long queue four deep still unsatisfied. Housewives Storm Meat Shops (1943, December 31). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 3 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article231614774 

WE crossed the Harbor Bridge and went on through Manly, Narrabeen, Pittwater to Church
Point. On the river, which is part of the Hawkesbury, were all kinds of launches, but they were  tied up when we passed. ln the middle of the river was a lovely island, called Scotland
Island, and on it were some holiday homes.
I saw wattle and all kinds of bush flowers. The hills gave back the echoes as I called out.
On top of one hill a big square rock stood out all on its own.
We had lunch on a log table under a big rock, and came home after a very happy outing.
 (Blue Certificate to Olive Faulda, 11 Reina-street, North Bondi.) RAMBLER'S NOTEBOOK (1943, September 19). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 7 (Supplement To The Sunday Sun). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article231617587 
BUSHFIRES are sweeping the Narrabeen district on a five-mile front between North Narrabeen and Palm Beach. Seven houses have been burnt to the ground and more than 80 are threatened by the racing flames.
YESTERDAY the advent of a strong westerly wind whipped into flame smouldering ashes which had been scattered throughout the district for several days past. More than 400 fire-fighters, including firemen, police, soldiers and airmen were fighting to check the flames at a late hour last night. Buildings including the Elanara Country Golf Clubhouse and the residence of Colonel Playfair were threatened. At one stage, flames entirely surrounded the Elanora Clubhouse and members and other fire-fighters fought for nearly an hour to save It. Five of the houses destroyed were in Powderworks Rd., near the lagoon, and the other two in Marine Pde., North Narrabeen. Three of the occupants of one house narrowly escaped the flames. A car in the garage of one of the homes was completely destroyed when the flames reached the petrol tank, causing it to explode. Driving to summon assistance for the fire-fighters at the Elanora Club House, a man found fires blazing east of the road, and the flames closed a matter of yards behind the car. Fire-fighters managed to save a number of houses threatened in Twin Rd., Ryde, but a large area of bush was burnt out. BUSHFIRES RAGE AT NARRABEEN (1944, December 24). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 18. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article168764187 
11 Homes lost in northern bushfires
Bushfires yesterday destroyed at least nine houses near Narrabeen and two in the Gosford district. Homes destroyed in the Narrabeen fires were valued at more than £20,000. Two hundred soldiers, policemen, and hundreds of holiday-makers saved more than 50 homes. Women in swimming costumes and shorts helped in the fire-fighting. Several elderly people whose homes were in the path of the fire collapsed from excitement and exhaustion. During the day most homes affected ... were on the Green Hills Estate, near Narrabeen. Powderworks Road and Kobado Road were lined with furniture, and household effects, moved by residents who feared their homes might catch fire. After nightfall the sky was lit up by fires for miles around. Large areas were without electric light because power-line poles had burned down. 
Second Outbreak 
Early in the evening after firefighters had almost got the outbreak under control, the fire broke out afresh with a slight change of wind. It raced along the north end of Green Hills from Elanora, about four miles away. In half an hour firemen, soldiers, Boy Scouts, and holidaymakers made a 500-yard firebreak. But the wind blew sparks over the break, and fresh fires were started. Fire fighters then burned a break around the property owned by Mr. T. Scully, and with wet hessian, fire hoses, and tree limbs fought off the flames. Late last night the fire, driven' by a strong wind, was burning on a three mile front over Elanora Heights. It swept to within a few yards of the Elanora Golf Club house. Police believe three homes were destroyed at Deep Creek. Fire brigades had a total of 80 calls yesterday to other suburban grass and bush fires. Most serious were at Ryde, Terry Hills, French's Forest, and Cronulla. 11 homes lost in northern bushfires (1944, December 24). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article248074882 
Private Dawn Midglev, 20, of Commonwealth Parade, Manly fell from a horse she was riding in Deep Creek Road, Narrabeen, yesterday, and suffered a fractured skull.
Manly Ambulance took her to the district hospital. OLD MAN KILLED (1944, April 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17876027 

Lance-Corporal J. Laseron, 24, stationed at a military camp, received head injuries when his horse shied off Deep Creek Road, Narrabeen, and threw him. RECORD CALLS FOR AMBULANCE (1944, August 28). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article247874243 

Kathleen Parkinson, 22, of Albert-street, Narrabeen, suffered spinal injuries when she was thrown from a horse in Devitt-street, Narrabeen:- William ; McMurray, 18, of
Kentwell-road, North Manly, suffered abrasions and a sprained ankle and shock when he was thrown from a horse in Kentwell-road. North. Manly.
While swimming in Narrabeen Lakes, John Graham, 14, of Glenmore-road, Paddington, was struck by a stone and suffered a severe wound to the forehead. 7 injured in accidents (1944, October 29).The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article229267472 
Three people were injured in accidents with horses.
When a horse threw Kathleen Parkinson, 22, of Albert Street, Narrabeen, in Devitt Street, Narrabeen, it frightened another horse, which threw Valerie Denirigton, 11, also of Albert Street. The younger girl escaped with injuries to the right arm, but Miss Parkinson suffered spinal injuries and was admitted to Manly Hospital… MANLY AMBULANCE HAS BUSIEST DAY (1944, October 29). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article248070394 

John Kessell, 18, of Botanic Road, Mosman, and Wallace Stalker, 14, of Gibson Street, Mosman, found a Mills bomb while paddling in Deep Creek, Narrabeen, yesterday.
They took the bomb to Constable Neal at Narrabeen station, who will hand it over to the military authorities to-day.
A few months ago a police officer visited Mosman school, lectured students on the identification of explosives, and told them that if they should find any at any time they should take them to the nearest police station. BOYS FIND BOMB IN CREEK (1944, May 8). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17906730 
Mills bomb is the popular name for a series of prominent British hand grenades. They were the first modern fragmentation grenades used by the British Army and saw widespread use in World War I.
Sixty children and 10 adults were badly shaken yesterday when a military truck collided with the double-decker bus in which they were travelling.
The children were pupils of Manly public school, returning to their homes in the Narrabeen district. Narrabeen police arrested a soldier. The bus was leaving a stop in Pitt-water Road, Collaroy, when the collision occurred.
Five or six children standing on> the rear platform jumped when they saw a collision was inevitable. They were not injured. The front of the truck smashed in the back of the bus and crushed school-bags stacked there. . Passengers were jolted, but none required medical treatment. 60 SCHOOLCHILDREN IN BUS-TRUCK COLLISION (1944, May 26). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article248891526 

Lockheed Electra After it had made a forced landing on Narrabeen Beach recently. Skilful piloting brought the plane in safely and no casualties occurred.  No title (1944, December 7). The Central Queensland Herald (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1930 - 1956), p. 20. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article76158176 
A HALF- GROWN £ koala, rescued during the recent bushfires, is a pet in a Narrabeen home. Seventeen year old Pauline Johnson, of Devitt-street, Narrabeen, found "Teddy" lying unconscious on the road while she was riding about three weeks ago.
She took him home on her saddle and next day he regained consciousness. But until a week ago he was blind in one eye. Mrs. Betty Johnson said her daughters, Pauline, and 12-year-old Patty, had searched the neighborhood before they found the kind of gum-leaves that Teddy liked. For his breakfast he always had an apple with his leaves. She said he spent his time in a gumtree near the house, but if a storm came up he always ran inside for shelter. Mrs. Johnson said a number of koalas died in the bushfires near Palm Beach. Teddy must have been running across the road to get away from the flames when he was struck by a car, she added. The koala is great friends with the Johnsons' pet dogs, and always shares his bowl of milk with Ace, the puppy. (See picture above.) Rescued Koala now family pet (1944, December 10). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article229268654 
The marriage of Miss Ann Playfair, only daughter of Brigadier and Mrs. T. A. J. Playfair, of Narrabeen, to Lieutenant Colin Capp, A.I.F.. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Capp, of
Quirindi, took place at St. Mark's Church, Darling Point, yesterday afternoon. The reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neils Storaker, 69 Kambala Road, Bellevue Hill. HOUSING PROBLEMS (1944, March 1).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17872346 

Tram and Lorry Hit-Four Hurt
Four persons were injured when a heavily laden lorry and an Abbotsford-bound tram crashed into each other at Five Dock today.
Those injured are: Vivian Daniels, 44, tram-driver, Spring-street, Balmain, fractured left leg. Mrs. Lydia Jones, Lagoon-street, Narrabeen, abrasions and shock. Dora Jones, 4, same address, abrasions and shock,. Mr. McTague, 32, Rockford-street, Erskineville, lorry-driver, lacerations to the right arm. Daniels was admitted to Balmain District Hospital, and Mrs. Jones and daughter were detained for observation after treatment. McTague, who was driving the lorry, was treated by Central District Ambulance officers. Trapped In Cabin The accident occurred shortly after 1 pm at the corner of Wolseley-road and Ramsay-street, The driving compartment of the tram was wrecked, and glass showered passengers in the first two compartments. Many were fortunate to escape injury. Daniels, who was driving the tram, was caught in the twisted gear of his cabin, and passengers assisted tramway men to extricate him.
Smash. Crashed in driver's cabin of a tram which collided with a lorry at Five Dock today. The driver Avas taken to hospital. Tram and Lorry Hit-- Four Hurt (1945, January 18). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 2 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article231711109 

A bolting horse, which fell and injured its rider at Deep Creek Road, Narrabeen, yesterday, was so badly injured that police had to shoot it. The rider. Kirk Mossop, 22, of Condamine Street, Manly, was treated at Manly Hospital for head and back injuries and a gashed lip. RIDER INJURED WHEN BOLTING HORSE FALLS (1945, August 13). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article247630612 
Two Women Thrown From Car
Mrs. Mary Ryan, licensee of the Royal Hotel, Narrabeen, and her sister. Miss Catherine McGrath, were injured today when they were thrown from a car which skidded in the rain and struck an electricity pole in Pitt-water-road, Manly. The car was badly damaged and electric light wires were brought down. Manly Ambulance took both women to Manly Hospital, where they were treated for abrasions and shock, and later allowed to leave. Two Women Thrown From Car (1945, April 25). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 7 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article231716846 
A seven-year-old girl who had both legs broken yesterday when she was knocked down by a car, did not; cry until she saw that her doll was dirty.
The girl is Beryl Southwell, of Pittwater Road, Narrabeen. She was running across the road to buy an ice cream at a shop opposite when, she was struck. She was dragged along underneath the car until the driver stopped it. Manly Ambulance men found that she had suffered fractures of both legs and cuts to the head, face, body, and legs. Beryl showed, great courage while her injuries were being treated. Ambulance men saw that she was clutching a small rag doll. When they tried to move the doll Beryl noticed that it had dirt on it. She said: "She's dirty, and has been hurt," and began to cry. Beryl was admitted to Manly Hospital. GIRL WITH BROKEN LEGS CRIED OVER DIRTY DOLL (1945, May 13). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article248013675 
Though badly injured in an accident—both her legs were broken—a seven-year-old girl showed concern only for her rag doll. She insisted on taking it to bed with her at Manly Hospital. The girl, Beryl Southwell, was hit by a car in Pittwater Road. Narrabeen, when she ran across the road to a shop to spend a penny. In addition to fractures of both legs, she suffered lacerations to the scalp and body and severe shock. LITTLE GIRL HIT BY CAR (1945, May 16).Singleton Argus (NSW : 1880 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article82065457 
Man Nearly Choked In Car Smash
A young man was nearly choked to death last night when the wreckage of a truck fell across his neck. He is Douglas Smith, 22, carrier, of Clark Street, Narrabeen. Smith and his father, Stanley Smith, 52, were travelling in the truck when it skidded and crashed over an embankment in Barrenjoey Road, Mona Vale. The truck somersaulted twice. The near side front wheel came to rest across Douglas Smith's throat, stopping his breathing. Nearby residents lifted the wreckage and eased the tyre off Smith's neck. He was black in the face through lack of air. Police said Smith was under the truck for a minute. He would have died if the crash had occurred in a deserted part of the road. Father and son were admitted to Manly District Hospital in a serious condition. Manly Ambulance attended. Man Nearly Choked In Car Smash (1945, April 18). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article248006617 
Housewife's Dream Of A Perfect Peace
By a "Sun" Woman Writer.
TO have a man about the house ... a block of land and bricks to build on it ... to pick her own baker and milkman ... to be able to put a pound of butter (or six) in a cake if. that's the way she Wants it — these are the things Sydney housewives are asking .from the peace years. 
And not only asking for them, but demanding them. In a cross-section survey taken by "The Sun" of women- in the city and suburbs, it was found the biggest and most pressing demand was for a free and independent home life. This covered a multitude of smaller demands — a home that wasn't a flat, sleep-out or shared rooms- . . queueless and un-rationed buying . . . more food, better clothes . . . the right to pick and choose tradesmen . a car to take the family for a ride, . . Several women said they asked for no more than their men back again. Old ladies stumbling along shopping centres with vegetables trailing from baskets and suitcases gasped prayers for the days when deliveries would be back again. ? One woman said: "Heavens, I'm not going to even think about what I want for another five years!" …

Mrs. L. Howarth, of Deep Creek-road, Narrabeen, had her ideas well thought out, said without a moment's hesitation, "A home, a little car, and a good position for my husband when he comes out of the Army," She added, "and to be able to dress my two girls the way I want them to look." She Longs For Freedom (1945, August 22). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 4 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article230449270 

Colonel Kaida Tatsuichi, commander of the Japanese 4th Tank Regiment on Timor, signing the document of surrender on board H.M..A.S. Moresby, off Koepang (Timor), on Tuesday. Brigadier L. G. H. Dyke, C.B.E., D.S.O., commander of the Australian Timor forces, signed on behalf of the Allies. The R.A.A.F. officer shown in this picture is Pilot-Officer E. M. Weatherstone, of Canberra, who acted as official interpreter. — Australian Official Photo EXCITEMENT HIGH AS SICK A.I.F. MEN HEAD FOR HOME F (1945, September 15). The Newcastle Sun (NSW : 1918 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article156731593 

Heavy seas smashing over Collaroy beach last night badly damaged several cottages on the sea front, and the occupants had to move out all their possessions. Roaring over the beach the waves were in some instances breaking over the floors of the houses, tearing doors from their hinges and swirling around household furniture. The rear portions of two cottages, undermined by the surf, col-lapsed. The heavy surf in the afternoon warned residents of the danger, and as the tide came in after nightfall men and women stripped their homes of furniture and belongings, and piled them on the road in the soaking rain. While volunteers, working by the light of hurricane lamps, were helping Mrs. J. Cookson to move out her furniture; there was a rending crash and the flooring of the two back rooms collapsed into the waves. Five minutes later, three big waves followed on, another in close succession, and a weatherboard cottage owned by Mr. R. Macgregor seemed to break in half and fell into the sea with a series of loud crashes. Scores of residents gathered to assist the Narrabeen and Collaroy police in evacuating the threatened homes, and late last night big crowds watched helplessly as the waves, whipped by a strong wind, battered their foundations. HOUSES BATTERED AT COLLAROY (1945, June 13). Goulburn Evening Post (NSW : 1940 - 1954), p. 3 (Daily and Evening). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article103217356