January 1 - 31, 2025: Issue 638
Bus Timetable changes: Be ready for back to school - Reminder on articulated buses
Bus passengers are being urged to check for route changes and plan their trips with the first school term of the year beginning soon.
Services across Sydney have had changes to their routes and timetables in a shake-up designed to improve frequency and reliability, as well as provide passengers with better connections to the broader transport network, Transport for NSW states
Transport for NSW Coordinator-General Howard Collins said passengers should look out for tweaks to both their routes and timetables as the summer holidays draw to a close and families prepare for the new school year.
“We don’t want students being late to their first day back so we’re reminding students and mums, dads and carers, please check your routes as they may have changed,” Mr Collins said.
“Just before and over the holiday period, there were a number of bus timetable changes designed to make Greater Sydney more connected.
“A number of services across the Northern Beaches and lower North Shore have had their timetables tweaked to improve on-time running and reflect changing traffic patterns, while minor timetable changes will also be made to services in the Eastern Suburbs to improve capacity and on-time running, largely around the Randwick area.''
Mr Collins said that the changes to the bus network would ultimately deliver a better-connected transport system for the whole city.
“I want to thank everyone for their patience as we continue to invest in, better integrate transport options and manage disruption,” Mr Collins said.
“We encourage passengers to always check the Trip Planner at transportnsw.info/trip before they travel and get the latest information on network changes.”
Students and their families should also note that dedicated school bus routes will return to full operation on January 31, in line with the Department of Education’s school calendar for 2025.
Please check Trip Planner if your school returns before 31 January for available services.
Reminder on articulated buses
In September 2024 Transport for NSW (Transport) withdrew 83 articulated buses from service after cracking was identified on some buses.
Transport continues to work with bus operators to limit impacts on passengers, including prioritising school services, timetable adjustments, routes most affected and maximising allocation of high-capacity fleet to services of greatest need.
Commuters on some routes may see more crowding or queuing, and it may take a bit longer to get to your destination where articulated buses have been replaced with standard buses.
On these routes please allow extra travel time and visit Trip Planner at transportnsw.info to plan your trip:
Northern Beaches
100, 114, 144, 166, 167, 178, 179, 180, 194, 199, 246, 270, 271, 280, 160X, 165X, 168X, 170X, 172X, 173X, 174X, 176X, 177X, 180X, 194X, B1
Lower North Shore and Lane Cove
115, 119, 120, 206, 207, 209, 288, 292

Changes to Public transport Timetables
On 19 January 2025, Transport for NSW (Transport) introduced changes to some bus services across the northern beaches.
These changes include timetable and minor route changes to support demand, and to improve reliability and connections to Sydney Metro services.
What’s changing?
- Improved all-night services, including new all-night services on 144 between Manly and Chatswood (replacing route 144N) and extension of existing all-night services on route 199 to and from Palm Beach.
- Timetable adjustments to improve reliability.
- Changed route 114 for westbound services via Pacific Highway to improve connection to Sydney Metro at Crows Nest Station.
- Improved frequencies on routes B1, 100 and 230.
- Timetable changes to 111, 228, 229 and 246.
- All-night services on 199 now extended to and from Palm Beach.
- Timetable changes to 155, 191 and 192 to better reflect demand and availability of On Demand Transport services (Keoride).
- Timetable changes to 177, 177X, 179, 180 and 180X to better reflect demand.
Minor changes will be made to some dedicated school services to improve reliability. Most dedicated school services will however remain the same.
Changes to regular bus services that students catch to and from school may also impact a small number of students.
Transport and our bus operators are working closely with schools that may be impacted by these changes, to ensure students and their communities are aware of the changes, and how they need to adjust their journeys.
Transport for NSW encourages students to plan before they travel at the start of Term 1, 2025.
Affected routes
B1, 100, 111, 114, 142, 144, 144N, 145, 150X, 154X, 155, 160X, 162, 165X, 166, 168X, 170X, 171X, 172X, 173X, 174X, 176X, 177, 177X, 178, 179, 180, 180X, 181X, 182, 185, 190X, 191, 192, 199, 201, 228, 229, 230, 238, 243, 246, 249, 263, 280